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1. What is Farm all about?

The Farm is all about a camp/hideaway for Central Intelligence

Agency wherein they conduct training process for their Recruited
trainees. Its program includes courses that involves making
improvised listening devices, weapon usage, self-defense and How to
not get caught. They were also trained how to detonate bomb and
shadow someone. The instructor also conduct actual tests to bring
recruits to their limits and how determined they are to protect their
identity and the organization. The instructor also discussed about the
NOC “Non-official Cover” whom will take the most risky tasks because
it is defined as an operative of the organization without official ties to
any government office.

2. Enumerate Coverstory.

In “The Recruit”, the story started when the James Clayton, an

intelligent computer programmer and a barista, turned down an offer
from Dell Computers because he got an offer and recruited by a Senior
instructor named William Burke. At first Clayton declined Burke’s
offer but when the instructor brought about Clayton’s father he
already caught Clayton’s attention and made him decide to be
recruited and joined the training. Clayton wants to know more about
his late father who happens maybe a CIA agent. During their training
Clayton had a love interest with his co-trainee, Layla. His affection
towards Layla made him vulnerable and later led him to get kicked
out at the Farm.

Burke approached Clayton for the second time to work for him again
but Clayton turned down the offer. But Burke made him believe that
Clayton was chose to be the NOC and is assigned to expose Layla.
Burke said that Layla was a double-agent and is after with the
organization’s information. But the truth is Burke was the real double
agent and got paid to leak important information from the office.

At the end of the story, Burked got caught with his own words and
actions. He realized that all the things he said like “Nothing is what it
seems” and “Trust no one” is really essential to their work.

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