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Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156

Tobacco smoke: Unraveling a controversial subject$, $$

Anja Thielena,1, Hubert Klusb, Lutz Müllerc,
Tabak und Rauchen GmbH, Neustädtische Kirchstraße 8, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Oriongasse 9, 3100 St. Pölten-Wagram, Austria
Stralsunder Straße 1, 01109 Dresden, Germany

recibido en 4 Diciembre 2007; aceptado en 30 Enero 2008

Dedicated to Dr. Richard R. Baker

Cigarettes are a modern and industrial form of tobacco use and obviously involve more than just tobacco. A multitude
of physical processes and chemical reactions occur inside the burning zone of a cigarette. Cigarette smoke is an aerosol of
liquid droplets (the particulate phase) suspended within a mixture of gases and semi-volatile compounds. Two kinds of
smoke with different composition and properties are produced during smoking: mainstream smoke inhaled by the smoker
and sidestream smoke, which is released into the environment between puffs from the lit end of the cigarette.
Several techniques and modifications have altered the design of the cigarette during the last 50 years and changed
smoke composition, with the effect of lower tar and nicotine smoke yields. An enormous amount of research has been
done since the 1950s on smoke composition. With regard to the numerous toxic or carcinogenic constituents identified
in tobacco smoke, there is a strong focus in the industry and with the authorities on the over 40 compounds, called
‘‘Hoffmann analytes’’.
The yields of tar and nicotine in mainstream smoke of a cigarette brand as printed on the pack are measured with
smoking machines under highly standardized conditions. Yields must comply with regulatory limits set in a number of
countries. Smoking by machine is different from the smoking behavior of humans. There is a growing movement to
develop more ‘‘realistic’’ methods to estimate smoke yields. But it is unclear whether alternative smoking regimens are
more representative of human smoking behavior and provide better predictions of human exposure.
Tobacco smoke has strong biological and toxicological effects in vitro and in vivo. There is an obvious need for
developing a unified and validated testing approach particularly for the assessment of additives and the evaluation of
new potentially reduced exposure products (PREPs).
This paper gives a comprehensive overview of cigarette design, the composition and toxicity testing of smoke, and
the way machines and people smoke – with links to the more detailed literature.
r 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cigarette design; Cigarette smoke constituents; Hoffmann analytes; Machine smoking; Smoking behavior; Toxicity testing

Presented at the congress on alternative test methods in inhalation toxicology, Berlin, Germany, 7–9 May 2007.
Dr. Richard R. Baker was originally invited to be the speaker on tobacco smoke. He worked on his talk until his unexpected death at Easter
2007. Using the material he had prepared, friends of his finished the presentation and one of them (L.M.) gave it at the conference. This paper is
dedicated to an excellent scientist and a very good friend.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 351 890 2922; mobile: +49 151 152 15203.
E-mail address: (L. Müller).
Present address: Karl-Stieler-Straße 12a, 12167 Berlin, Germany.

0940-2993/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
142 A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156

Introduction Table 1. General characteristics of the three important

tobacco types after curing
In 1492, Christopher Columbus returned to Europe Virginia/Bright Burley Oriental
from what was to be called America with the first
tobacco leaves and seeds ever seen in the Old World. Leaves Large, orange Large, brown Small, orange
Initially, European doctors recommended tobacco as a Nicotine Middle to high High Low
cure for toothache, worms and other ailments. Queen Sugar High None High
Catherine de Medici used tobacco to treat her migraines Curing Flue-curing Air-curing Sun-curing
after the French ambassador in Portugal, Jean Nicot,
had acquired tobacco seeds in Lisbon and introduced
the tobacco plant to France in 1561. In his honor, the
Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus named the tobacco color and overall quality of a specific tobacco type.
plant genus Nicotiana in 1753. During curing, many chemical and physical changes
In the 18th century, snuff and pipe smoking were the take place in the tobacco leaf. For instance, starch is
most popular forms of tobacco use. The 19th century converted into sugar, the green color vanishes and the
became the age of the cigar. Cigarettes were largely tobacco changes its color from light yellow to orange
unknown in the English-speaking world before the and brown as tree leaves do in fall.
Crimean War when British soldiers began emulating The Virginia tobacco type is named after the US state
their Ottoman Turkish comrades, who had the habit of where it was first grown. The large leaves generally
rolling tobacco in newsprint paper. The invention of contain a relatively high amount of nicotine. The flue-
machines for the manufacturing of cigarettes in the curing process is fast (5–7 days) and conserves the
1850s opened the way for mass production and the natural high amount of sugar. Flue-curing is the process
development of the modern forms of cigarettes in when heat is introduced into a barn with the leaves –
the 20th century. indirectly by means of a pipe system or, in former times,
Cigarette consumption has since been rising steadily directly as exhaust gases of an external furnace. Because
to reach a worldwide consumption of nearly 5.6  1012 of its yellow/orange color after flue-curing, Virginia is
cigarettes in 2000 (American Cancer Society, 2006). also called Bright tobacco.
Tobacco use has always been a controversial issue with Growing Burley tobacco requires heavier soils and
its increasing popularity on the one side and the growing more fertilizer than Virginia. After being air-cured in
evidence of health risks on the other. An enormous unheated, ventilated barns to dry naturally for a period
amount of research has since been done on this subject of about 7 weeks, the tobacco turns brown with virtually
and there are still open questions, which call for no sugar left, giving its smoke a harsh taste.
additional research. Today, the regulation of tobacco Oriental is a tobacco type with rather small leaves.
products and their use, and the need for tobacco Oriental is densely planted and grown in the hot summer
products with reduced risk are in the focus of the of the Balkans, Greece, Turkey and the Middle East.
activities of authorities and the industry. These growing conditions help create its intensely
What follows is a comprehensive overview of the aromatic flavor and a high sugar content, which are
design of cigarettes, the composition of smoke, approa- subsequently enhanced by sun-curing. Sun-cured tobac-
ches to toxicological testing and the way standardized co leaf is strung out on racks and exposed to the sun.
analytical machines and real people smoke. A number of Another type of air-cured tobacco is Maryland
references are included for further reading. tobacco, which is typically used in small amounts in
cigarettes manufactured in the United States.
The primary component of a cigarette, of course, is
tobacco but today’s cigarettes involve much more than
The modern cigarette just tobacco (Fig. 1). Cigarettes are a modern and
industrial form of tobacco use with a rather complex
Commercially manufactured cigarettes consist of a design providing the consumer with a product of high
tobacco blend, paper and usually, but not always, a and consistent quality.
filter. For the better appreciation of what follows, it is
Mainly three types of tobacco are used for the useful to keep two definitions in mind. ‘‘Ingredient
manufacturing of cigarettes worldwide: Virginia, Burley means any substance or any component except for
and Oriental (Table 1). The distinct tobacco types, and tobacco y used in the manufacture or preparation of a
the methods how the leaves are cured after harvest, lead tobacco product y, including paper, filter, inks and
to characteristic flavor profiles and composition of adhesives’’ (The European Parliament and the Council
smoke of the finished product. Curing of leaves is the of the European Union. Directive 2001/37/EC). Addi-
carefully controlled process used to develop the texture, tives are generally understood to be substances added to
A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156 143

Permeable Paper Tobacco Air Vents Filter

Air Air
Smoke and
with air

Fig. 1. The modern cigarette.

the basic components, such as tobacco, paper, filter or ‘‘top flavors’’ are applied to the cut tobacco mixture
materials, inks and adhesives, to impart specific at ambient temperature to improve the consistency in
desirable properties on them and control the perfor- flavor and pack aroma. Top flavors are usually highly
mance of the cigarette while being smoked. volatile and, therefore, these aroma substances and
Finely cut tobacco alone has the tendency to dry up, ethereal oils are added in an alcohol base, which
break and drop out of the open end of the cigarette. If evaporates after the flavor is applied. In the end, the
cigarettes are packed with higher water content to amount of flavors is about 0.1% of the weight of the
prevent such drying losses, they may not burn well and cigarette tobacco.
are at risk of mold infection. To overcome these Although casings and flavorings in some types of
problems humectants, such as glycerol, sorbitol or cigarettes include sugars, cocoa and fruit extracts, the
propylene glycol, are added to the tobacco for the taste of the tobacco smoke is not comparable to the
control of moisture levels. Primarily used in reconstitu- flavor these additives give to foods.
ted tobacco, preservatives like potassium sorbate, Cigarettes made from highly aromatic Virginia
benzoic acid or sodium benzoate prevent product tobaccos only are preferred in some parts of the world,
degradation. Other additives in reconstituted tobacco like in the UK, Canada, India or other countries of the
act as binders or fillers (like calcium carbonate). former British Commonwealth. In parts of southern
Combustion modifiers like potassium acetate make the Europe, there is also a market for Oriental cigarettes.
cigarette burn evenly and ensure that it stays lit between Virginia or Oriental cigarettes are generally manufactu-
puffs. red without the addition of any flavorings.
In many countries around the world, American blend Special cigarette paper is used to enclose the tobacco.
cigarettes have grown popular. They are made from a Besides cellulose fibers of different origins it contains
mixture of Virginia, Burley – in the United States, with inorganic substances like sodium citrate and calcium
small additions of Maryland – and Oriental leaf carbonate that modify the porosity of the paper and the
tobacco. Typical for the taste of this kind of cigarettes smoldering rate, but also make the cigarette burn evenly
are the presence of Burley tobacco in the blend and the and control the stability of the ash cone. The porosity of
flavoring of the tobacco. Some Burley tobaccos in the paper (its ability to admit air) influences the taste of
particular need the addition of sugars and a special the cigarette and the delivery of smoke. The more air
processing step, which is called ‘‘toasting’’ (well-contro- passes through the paper, the more the smoke moving
lled heating with the addition of reducing sugars and through the cigarette is diluted, resulting in a lower yield
other substances like citric acid) to reduce the levels of product.
ammonia and amines for ameliorating the harsh taste of Seam adhesives – made from starch or polyvinyl
this tobacco type. acetate – are used to glue the cigarette paper in place
After these processing steps, the blend is furnished around the tobacco, and a small amount of dye print ink
with flavorings such as cocoa, licorice, fruit extracts and may serve to add a distinctive brand mark on the
various sugars together with the already mentioned cigarette paper, near the filter tip.
humectants, which are known collectively as ‘‘casings’’. The filter is a white plug made mainly from cellulose
The casing is usually applied at an early stage of acetate in the form of fine spun fibers, which retain
cigarette making to the pre-cut tobacco and improves particles in the smoke to reduce the delivery of tar and
the smoke characteristics and the processability of the nicotine. The performance of the filter is fine tuned by
tobacco. Casing materials are mostly water soluble with selecting a suitable thickness and stretching the tow to
less volatility. They are applied on the tobacco at a the right crimp. These filter variations can affect the
temperature of 70 1C and in a humid atmosphere. The efficiency of filtration, and thus the taste and smoke
level of addition typically is about 1–5% of the total yields. Charcoal is sometimes included in the standard
weight of the cigarette tobacco. At a later stage of cellulose acetate filters as its adsorption properties can
production, perfume-like flavors, known as ‘‘toppings’’ reduce some of the gas components in smoke. Because
144 A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156

charcoal is mainly elemental carbon, these are some- Table 2. Differences between cigarette mainstream and
times called carbon filters. Making small perforations in sidestream smoke
the filter is the basis of the so-called filter ventilation. It
Characteristic Mainstream smoke Sidestream
dilutes the smoke with air and has some influence on the
burning temperature during puffing. This leads to less
and slightly changed smoke being produced in each puff Temperature at origin 850–950 1C 500–650 1C
and, consequently, to a reduction of a cigarette’s yield Mean particle size 0.35–0.4 mm 0.15–0.25 mm
and sensory strength. Filter ventilation is particularly Particle concentration 109–1010 cm3 105 cm3
important for reducing smoke gases that are not trapped Proportion of burned 30–40% 50–60%
in the filter. A hardening agent (triacetin, the acetic acid tobacco
ester of glycerol) helps the cellulose acetate filter to keep Nicotine 499% in particulate 495% in gas
phase phase
its shape in the pack and while the cigarette is being
smoked. In addition, triacetin has a specific selectivity Modified from Richter and Scherer (2004).
for some smoke compounds and can reduce, for
example, phenols and volatile N-nitrosamines. Plug
wrap is a special paper wrapper put around the filter changed and it is adsorbed onto surfaces. Radicals can
to hold it together during manufacture. The filter and react and smoke cytotoxicity decreases.
tobacco rod are held together by the tipping paper, often Many types of chemical reactions and physical
with an imitation cork pattern printed on it. This paper processes occur in a burning cigarette. There are two
may also have holes in it to admit air in low tar main regions inside a burning cigarette: a combustion
cigarettes. Filter adhesive is used to glue the tipping zone and a pyrolysis/distillation/pyrosynthesis zone
paper to the filter and the tobacco rod. The papers used (Fig. 2). Inside the combustion zone, oxygen reacts with
for tipping the cigarette form the mouthpiece and carbonized tobacco producing carbon dioxide, carbon
surround the filter (for further reading: Davis and monoxide and hydrogen. Temperatures up to 950 1C are
Nielsen, 1999; Hoffmann et al., 2001). generated when the cigarette is puffed. Immediately
downstream of the combustion zone is the cooler
pyrolysis/distillation/pyrosythesis zone, where the bulk
of the more than 4700 chemicals in smoke are generated.
The burning cigarette and the composition of The super-saturated vapor rapidly cools within a few
mainstream smoke milliseconds in the tobacco rod and condenses into the
aerosol particles that make up the smoke (for further
When a cigarette is smoked, combustion takes place details, see Baker, 1999).
in two ways: during a puff, air is drawn into the cigarette Cigarette smoke is an aerosol of liquid droplets (called
and mainstream smoke is formed and inhaled by the the particulate phase) suspended in a mixture of gases
smoker while between the puffs the cigarette smolders and semi-volatile compounds (Ingebrethsen, 1986). The
and sidestream smoke is released into the environment generally accepted definition is that the particulate phase
from the lit end of the cigarette. In general, the (colloquially called condensate) is retained by a specially
substances present in mainstream smoke are also present designed glass fiber filter (Cambridge filter) at room
in sidestream smoke. The relative yield per cigarette in temperature, whereas the gaseous phase passes through
both kinds of smoke and the mainstream/sidestream the filter. ‘‘Tar’’ is analytically defined as the raw water-
ratios for the different smoke constituents are dependent and nicotine-free smoke condensate. A number of
on cigarette construction and on the smoke component compounds, such as the polycyclic aromatic hydro-
in question. Whereas mainstream smoke of American carbons, tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), phyto-
blend, Virginia and Oriental cigarettes is slightly acidic, sterols and the metals, are found practically in the
sidestream smoke is slightly alkaline due to the higher particulate phase only. Some compounds, e.g. phenol
content of ammonia. Fresh sidestream smoke particles and the cresols (phenolics), are partitioned between
are smaller than mainstream smoke particles, and the particulate and gaseous phases and are termed
sidestream smoke is generated at lower temperatures semi-volatiles (Table 3). They can be retained by the
(Table 2). Cambridge filter, but are easily vaporized (Guerin et al.,
The mixture between sidestream and exhaled mains- 1987).
tream smoke in the environment after dilution and aging The gaseous phase consists mainly of the air
is called environmental tobacco smoke or ETS. Aging constituents, nitrogen and oxygen. Several combustion
may go on for minutes or hours. While aging, the products, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and
composition of the gaseous and particulate phases is nitric oxide, are in the gaseous phase exclusively. Also
changing. For example, the distribution of nicotine found there are compounds like 1,3-butadiene, formal-
between the gaseous and the particulate phases is dehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene and hydrogen
A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156 145

Sidestream Smoke

Light Gases Air by

by Diffusion Ventilation

A B and Filtration Filtration

A: Combustion Zone
B: Zone of Distillation, Mainstream Smoke
Pyrolysis and Pyrosynthesis

Fig. 2. The burning cigarette.

Table 3. Presence of mainstream smoke components in vapor the 1950s with the objective of identifying the compo-
phase nents responsible for these adverse effects. This is
reflected by the enormous number of publications in
Compound In vapor phase (%)
this field. By the early 1980s, more than 4700 tobacco
Acetaldehyde 98 smoke components had been identified (Table 4). The
Acrolein 93 high number explains the complexity of tobacco smoke,
Benzene 78 but most of the thousands of substances found in smoke
Formaldehyde 68 are present only in trace amounts (Rodgman and Green,
HCN 50 2003).
Acetone 34 Various carcinogens have been found in tobacco
Nicotine o2 smoke, such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
Modified from Baker (1999). (PAHs) (Wynder and Hoffmann, 1959) and the TSNAs
(Klus and Kuhn, 1974; Hoffmann et al., 1979).
As many as 549 individual PAHs were identified in
cyanide; these are important because of their known toxic tobacco smoke, and 12 of these compounds are
or carcinogenic properties. This is especially relevant classified by the International Agency for Research on
because the traditional substrate for assessing the toxic Cancer (IARC) as carcinogens. PAHs are overwhel-
effects of cigarette smoke has been smoke condensate. mingly found in the particulate phase, and the levels of
Only later were methods developed for collecting the the different PAHs in tobacco smoke decrease as the
gaseous phase by bubbling it through water or buffer – number of C atoms increases (Rodgman and Perfetti,
approaches with a risk of artifact formation. 2006).
The size of particles in fresh mainstream smoke ranges Nitrosamines can be divided into those nitrosamines
from 0.1 to o1 mm in diameter and may reach the deep which are not unique to tobacco and the so-called
lung. By weight, only 4.5% of whole smoke is particu- TSNAs. Nitrosamines, such as dimethyl nitrosamines
late phase material (Fig. 3). When water is subtracted and nitrosoamino acids, are found in many foods and
from particulate matter weight, the dry particulate beer, technical materials and the environment. Some are
matter accounts for only 3.8% of the weight of whole also present in the vapor and semi-volatile phases of
smoke. On the other hand, the gaseous phase including tobacco smoke. Some of them are classified by IARC as
air represents 95.5% of whole smoke. Only 7% of the possible human carcinogens. TSNAs are found only
vapor phase (total gaseous phase without air consti- in tobacco and in the particulate phase of tobacco
tuents) is tobacco-derived organic smoke compounds, smoke. They are formed by N-nitrosation of tobacco
equivalent to 1.5% of the whole smoke (Dube and alkaloids during tobacco curing. Two of the four
Green, 1982; Green and Rodgman, 1996). TSNAs (NNN and NNK) are classified by IARC as
Because of its effects on health, tobacco smoke has possible human carcinogens (IARC, 2004). The carci-
been studied analytically with very high intensity since nogenic PAHs as well as certain TSNAs are examples of
146 A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156

Particulate Whole Vapor Organics

Phase Smoke Phase
Unidentified 4 Particulate Organics
Pigments 4 7
15 Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous 10 Vapor H2O
22 18 8 Nitriles
Alkanes 5
Terpenoid HC 5
Phenols 3,5
Esters 3,5 CO Aldehydes
Other Alkaloids 3,5 18 27 and Ketones
Nicotine 6

Alkohols and 15,5

Humectants N2
Aldehydes and 11
CO2 50 Hydrocarbons
Carboxyl Acids 13

Water 16 Other
13 gases

Fig. 3. Whole cigarette smoke composition. 85 mm filter cigarette: 68 mm tobacco rod, 17 mm cellulose acetate filter; cased
commercial blend (Green and Rodgman, 1996).

Table 4. Number of compounds identified in major chemical (Gahring and Rogers, 2005). Nicotine is a naturally
classes occurring alkaloid formed in the roots of the solana-
ceous plant family. In very low amounts, it is also found
Class No.
in potatoes and tomatoes. Probably because of its
Amides, imides, lactams 237 insecticidal effect the plant stores nicotine in the leaves.
Carboxylic acids 227 The solubility of nicotine in water and organic solvents
Lactones 150 and its rate of absorption through the skin or biological
Esters 474 membranes is a pH-dependent process. During smo-
Aldehydes 108 king, nicotine is distilled from the burning tobacco and
Ketones 521 is present mainly in the particulate phase of mainstream
Alcohols 379 smoke. The principal route of nicotine absorption after
Phenols 282
inhalation is through the alveoli of the lung where
Amines 196
absorption occurs regardless of the so-called ‘‘original
N-Heterocycles 921
Hydrocarbons 705 pH’’ of the smoke due to the dominating effect of the
Nitriles 106 physiological pH of 7.5 in the lung (reviewed by Slade,
Anhydrides 11 1993; Rodgman, 2000; Dixon et al., 2000). The smoker
Carbohydrates 42 metabolizes the main part of nicotine (about 80%) to
Ethers 311 cotinine rather quickly (half-life 2–3 h). Cotinine is
Inorganics 50 stable for some time (half-life 18 h) before it is
Total 4720 eliminated in the form of metabolites in the urine
(reviewed in Tricker, 2006).
Dube and Green (1982).

smoke constituents of concern and are potent lung

carcinogens for humans (Hoffmann et al., 1996). The ‘‘Hoffmann analytes’’
Nicotine is the most important pharmacologically
active compound in tobacco smoke due to its interaction A great deal of scientific work was and is being done
with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. These receptors to identify the constituents of the complex mixture,
are ligand-gated ion channels and widely distributed tobacco smoke, and to determine their biological
in the brain but also in other non-neuronal tissues activity. Numerous carcinogens in tobacco smoke have
A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156 147

been identified and quantified, and their biological (reductions) of Hoffmann analyte smoke levels and the
activity and relevance for cancer studied. IARC has data from toxicological in vitro testing are often not
classified the complex mixture of cigarette smoke as a convincing (Carmines, 2002; Roeper et al., 2004).
known human (group 1) carcinogen (IARC, 1986). The Hoffmann list of substances clearly represents only
In addition, IARC classified 63 of the chemical a small subset of the over 4700 constituents in cigarette
constituents reported in cigarette mainstream smoke as smoke. There are other toxic or carcinogenic compounds
carcinogens (IARC, 2004). Among them, 11 are known in tobacco smoke which are not on the Hoffmann list,
human carcinogens (group 1). The IARC list of such as furfural, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide,
carcinogens in cigarette smoke is based on one by radioactive elements and radicals. Nevertheless, the list
Hoffmann et al. (2001) where 69 tobacco smoke provides a starting point for identifying and regulating
carcinogens were listed. constituents that should be reduced in, or eliminated
Dietrich Hoffmann, a biochemist, published many from, smoke. This is the reason why Hoffmann analytes
analytical papers on cigarette smoke. He is a leading were selected or proposed for regulatory reporting
authority on tobacco carcinogenesis and one of the most (Canada, 2000; Borgerding et al., 2000; Government of
important contributors to scientific progress in this field. British Columbia, 2007; Burns et al., 2008).
Since the mid-1980s, he and his co-workers at the
American Health Foundation in New York State have
The changing cigarette
published several lists with varying numbers of biologi-
cally or toxicologically active substances in mainstream
Since the early 1950s, epidemiological studies have
smoke (e.g. Hoffmann, 1993; Hoffmann and Hoffmann,
reported an association of cigarette smoking with cancer
1998; Hoffmann et al., 1997, 2001). In recognition of
of the lung (Doll and Hill, 1950; Wynder and Graham,
Dietrich Hoffmann’s work these compounds generally
1950). Both studies revealed a dose–response relationship
are referred to as ‘‘Hoffmann analytes’’. The list of
between the type and number of cigarettes smoked and
analytes compiled of over 40 compounds and 2 other
the risk for developing lung cancer. Dermal tumor assays
parameters is shown in Table 5. Only three of these
and animal inhalation studies supported the dose–respon-
constituents (tar, nicotine, CO) are produced in mi-
se relationship between the amount of inhaled cigarette
lligram-per-cigarette quantities. Twenty-five of the
smoke or tar and the induction of tumors (Wynder et al.,
Hoffmann analytes (including 1,3-butadiene, formal-
1953; Wynder and Mann, 1957; Dontenwill et al., 1973).
dehyde, acetaldehyde and benzene) are produced in
Based on these findings, it was expected that the reduction
microgram-per-cigarette quantities and the remainder in
of cigarette smoke yields of tar and nicotine would be of
nanogram-per-cigarette quantities.
significant benefit for the smoker.
Currently, there is a strong focus on Hoffmann analytes
The introduction of several technological changes and
both in the industry and by the authorities (Borgerding
design modifications during the last 30–40 years resulted
et al., 2000; Gregg et al., 2004). Several scientists and
in considerably lower smoke yields of cigarettes (both
public health authorities believe that the reduction of
tar and nicotine) with concomitant changes in taste
Hoffmann analytes in cigarette smoke would be an
(Fig. 4). The introduction of filter cigarettes in the 1950s
effective step in the development of a less hazardous
was an important step in this direction. The selective
cigarette. At the moment, a major discussion is going on
reduction of phenols in cigarette smoke with cellulose
regarding the measurement of and imposition of ceilings
acetate filters was considered as important for the
on these over 40 compounds (Purkis and Bailey, 2003).
consumer by many scientists. The use of reconstituted
Hoffmann analytes can be considered as representative
tobacco (e.g., a paper-like material made from tobacco
of the compounds in smoke that are responsible for smoke
particles and binding additives) and of expanded
toxicity. Though limited in number, they may be seen as
tobacco (tobacco that has been puffed-up and expan-
indicator substances although the validity of this assump-
ded, and takes up much more volume per weight than
tion is not always clear, as in the case of benzo(a)pyrene for
ordinary tobacco) in cigarette blends contributed further
the whole group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
to moving towards lower tar and nicotine yields.
Certain Hoffmann analytes may also reflect the levels, and
Furthermore, porous paper and filter ventilation lead
any changes, of those smoke constituents, which are
to higher dilution of smoke with the result of low tar
actually not measured but have similar structures or
cigarettes (reviewed by Hoffmann et al., 2001).
similar precursors or similar mechanisms of formation.
However, there is little information on single
Hoffmann analytes and their individual contribu-
tion to the in vitro or in vivo toxicological effects of Machine-smoking and human smoking behavior
whole tobacco smoke. In addition, the focus on single
compounds may obscure interactions in biological Because tar as a whole is believed to be the major
systems. It was found that correlations between changes carcinogen and nicotine the addictive agent in tobacco
148 A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156

Table 5. The ‘‘Hoffmann analytes’’ currently required or proposed in regulatory reporting schemes

No. Chemical group Smoke constituent Canada Massachusetts Level

1 Ammonia X X mg/cig
2 Hydrogen cyanide X X mg/cig
3 Nitric oxide X X mg/cig
4 Aromatic amines 2-aminonaphthalene X X ng/cig
5 1-aminonaphthalene X X ng/cig
6 4-aminobiphenyl X X ng/cig
7 3-aminobiphenyl X X ng/cig
8 PAH Benzo[a]pyrene X X ng/cig
9 Volatile carbonyls Formaldehyde X X mg/cig
10 Acetaldehyde X X mg/cig
11 Acetone X X mg/cig
12 Acrolein X X mg/cig
13 Propionaldehyde X X mg/cig
14 Crotonaldehyde X X mg/cig
15 Methyl ethyl ketone X X mg/cig
16 Butyraldehyde X X mg/cig
17 Trace metals Mercury X X ng/cig
18 Nickel X ng/cig
19 Lead X X ng/cig
20 Cadmium X X ng/cig
21 Chromium X ng/cig
22 Arsenic X ng/cig
23 Selenium X ng/cig
24 Tobacco-specific nitrosamines N-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) X X ng/cig
25 4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) X X ng/cig
26 N-nitrosoanatabine (NAT) X X ng/cig
27 N-nitrosoanabasine (NAB) X X ng/cig
28 Phenols Hydroquinone X X mg/cig
29 Resorcinol X X mg/cig
30 Catechol X X mg/cig
31 Phenol X X mg/cig
32 m- + p-Cresol X X mg/cig
33 o-Cresol X X mg/cig
34 Semi-volatiles Pyridine X X mg/cig
35 Quinoline X X mg/cig
36 1,3-Butadiene X X mg/cig
37 Isoprene X X mg/cig
38 Acrylonitrile X X mg/cig
39 Benzene X X mg/cig
40 Toluene X X mg/cig
41 Styrene X X mg/cig
42 Nicotine X X mg/cig
43 Tar X X mg/cig
44 Carbon monoxide X X mg/cig
45 pH X n/a
46 Filter efficiency X n/a

smoke, measurements of tar and nicotine were chosen as The yields of tar and nicotine in mainstream smoke of
characteristic analytical parameters for each marketed a given cigarette brand, when printed on the pack, are
brand. Carbon monoxide (CO) has recently been added measured by smoking the cigarette in a smoking
as a major smoke constituent of concern. machine under standardized conditions. The first
A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156 149

40 5
Reconstituted Tobacco 4
Porous Paper

average nicotine mg/cig

average "tar" mg/cig

25 Expanded Tobacco

20 2.5

15 Filter Ventilation
Charcoal Filter 1

0 0
1954 1960 1966 1972 1978 1984 1990 1996
"tar" nicotine

Fig. 4. The changing cigarette. US sales weighted average Federal Trade Commission tar and nicotine yields and selected product
innovations (Davis and Nielsen, 1999).

smoking machine standard was specified by the Federal Smoking by a machine is different from the smoking
Trade Commission (FTC), a federal government agency behavior of humans. Smokers are able to vary their
in the USA, in 1966. Soon, other standard methods were smoke intake over a broad range by adjusting the
developed, for example the CORESTA (Cooperation following parameters to their personal needs: selection
Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco; of brand, number of cigarettes smoked, number of puffs Recommended Method in 1969 and per cigarette, puff frequency, puff volume, duration of
the DIN method in Germany in 1978. They were similar puff and depth and duration of inhalation.
in many aspects to the FTC method but differed with Fig. 5 shows the considerable inter-individual varia-
respect to butt length and smoke collection (reviewed by tion in nicotine uptake among smokers, as published by
Baker, 2002). Jarvis et al. (2001). Some people are simply lighter
The differences between the existing standards and smokers and desire lower levels of nicotine, whereas
methods were harmonized by agreeing on a new set of others who smoke the same brand have higher nicotine
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) needs and either smoke a larger number of cigarettes or
Standard Methods in 1991, after a considerable amount smoke cigarettes more intensely. The nicotine taken up
of interlaboratory comparisons of the methods under by smokers does not correlate with the machine-
development had been undertaken under the leadership smoking yields (Borgerding and Klus, 2005). Not only
of CORESTA. These ISO methods are not really the uptake of nicotine, but also the uptake of other
different from the FTC methods in use today and define smoke constituents is not well correlated with machine-
the procedures for sampling, conditioning, smoking and smoking data (Scherer et al., 2007). This is caused by the
the tolerances of the measured numbers. The results adjustment of individual smoking behavior to different
obtained are the basis for comparing smoke yields of types of cigarettes, called compensation (Scherer, 1999).
different cigarettes. The parameters of the ISO/FTC The purpose of the smoking machine standards is to
regimen for the machine-smoking of cigarettes are determine the tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide
taking one puff per minute with a 35 ml volume over content of cigarette smoke when the cigarettes are
2 s and smoking to a defined butt length. The ISO/FTC smoked under precisely defined conditions, and hence to
testing regimens are mandatory in many countries. ISO allow a comparison of the yields from different
smoke yields also serve as a regulatory limit in a number cigarettes. These are technical data important for
of countries and regions, including the European Union, quality control by the manufacturer. The yields are
where brands that generate yields above 10 mg tar, 1 mg not predictive of which yields humans obtain when
nicotine or 10 mg carbon monoxide (CO) per cigarette smoking, nor were they ever expected to be that, since
are now prohibited. no two smokers smoke exactly the same way nor does
150 A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156




Saliva cotinine (ng/ml)






0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Nicotine yield (mg)

Fig. 5. Population-based estimates of nicotine uptake versus ISO nicotine yields. Scatter plot relating cigarette nicotine yields and
saliva cotinine concentrations in 2031 smokers participating in the 1998 Health Survey of England. Cotinine ¼ 173.5+138.7
(nicotine yield); r ¼ 0.19; r2 ¼ 0.034 (Jarvis et al., 2001).

Table 6. Different machine-based smoking regimens

Condition Puff volume (ml) Puff duration (s) Puff interval (s) Ventilation blocking (%)

ISO/FTC 35 2 60 0
Massachusetts 45 2 30 50
Canadian ‘‘Intense’’ 55 2 30 100

a smoker smoke cigarettes the same way on every criticized (Hammond et al., 2006, 2007) and it is unclear
occasion. whether alternative smoking regimens, including the
Nevertheless, there is a growing movement to develop Canadian Intense method, are in fact more representa-
new machine-smoking regimens that are more intensive tive of human smoking behavior and provide better
for a more ‘‘realistic’’ determination of smoke yields. In predictors of human exposure.
the late 1990s, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Daily average tar intake by smokers is generally
and the Canadian Federal Government implemented overestimated by the more intense smoking regimens,
machine-smoking conditions that are more intensive like ‘‘Massachusetts’’ and ‘‘Canadian Intense’’. The
than the ISO/FTC method (Table 6). The Framework overestimation increases with the nominal tar yield of a
Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) developed by cigarette. Yields obtained with whichever standardized
the World Health Organization (WHO) includes provi- machine-smoking regimen do not reflect actual exposure
sions for testing and regulating cigarette emissions under of a smoker. Much rather they allow ranking and
Article 9.13. comparison of different brands (Borgerding and Klus,
Consequently, ISO convened a working group (ISO 2005).
TC 126 Working Group 9) to develop recommendations Measurements on the retention of cigarette smoke
for ‘‘ya robust and practical smoking regime that as far constituents in the human respiratory tract have been
as possible is representative of smokers’ behavior’’. undertaken for more than 100 years. The techniques
Meanwhile, the World Health Organization’s Study used have evolved over the years, and there is a certain
Group on Tobacco Product Regulations (WHO Tob- amount of data, which was reviewed by Baker and
Reg) has developed its own set of recommendations, Dixon (2006). The bulk of studies indicate that, on
which are under consideration by the ISO Working average, 60–80% of the particulate matter is retained in
Group 9 as well. However, all these methods are the lungs after inhalation. Whereas nicotine and nitric
A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156 151

oxides are retained in the order of 90–100%, the

retention of carbon monoxide is at the level of
55–65%. The retention of aldehydes is approximately
These retention levels are dependent on the physico-
chemical properties of the smoke constituents like Epidemiology
volatility or water solubility, and on the respiratory
patterns of smoking, such as hold time in the lungs,
inhalation and exhalation volumes and the depth of Human (Clinical) Studies
inhalation. Drawing parallels with the size and behavior
of other aerosols, only about 20% of fresh mainstream
Animal Toxicity Studies
smoke entering the respiratory tract would be expected
to be retained. The observed retentions of 60–80% are
due to the rapid growth of the smoke aerosol particles In Vitro Toxicity Studies
through water absorption in the humid environment of
the lung.
Chemical Composition

The need for toxicological testing using Fig. 6. Different approaches to assess the toxic effects of
cigarette smoke as the test agent chemicals or pollutants.

Cigarette smoke is a thoroughly analyzed and

documented complex mixture with a considerable problems (Borgerding and Klus, 2005). This must
amount of research already done in the field of toxicity definitely be considered when evaluating the toxicity of
testing. As the tobacco industry is increasingly subjected smoke. Mainstream smoke is inhaled fresh and un-aged
to national and international regulations with consumer by the smoker, whereas inhaled sidestream smoke is
protection in mind, there is a need to develop a unified aged and diluted. The sampling conditions and facilities
approach for toxicity testing of tobacco products. for collecting particulate matter are different for the
Sensible and useful regulations should be based on testing of mainstream smoke, sidestream smoke and
scientific data. One rationale for regulation is based on ETS (environmental tobacco smoke). Ideally, cigarette
the results of toxicological testing. mainstream smoke should be tested as it is generated
There are different approaches that can be used to and inhaled by the smoker. Historically, there is a wide
assess the toxic effects of cigarette smoke. These include: range of conditions for the use of mainstream smoke as
knowledge of the chemical composition, in vitro studies, a test agent. Convincing work, however, requires
animal studies, human clinical studies and epidemiolo- mainstream smoke generated by a smoking machine
gical studies. The different approaches have their according to standards like ISO.
strengths and limitations and can be depicted as a Based on data obtained by chemical analysis, there
pyramid (Fig. 6). have been several attempts to apply toxicological risk
assessment methods to cigarette smoke and to establish
Chemical studies hazard ranking for its chemical constituents (Fowles and
Dybing, 2003; Rodgman and Green, 2003; Levasseur
Knowledge of the chemical composition of cigarette et al., 2004). For this purpose, available potency factors
smoke is an indispensable requirement for assessing from acute or chronic exposure studies – however, with
smoke toxicity and the basis for characterizing some of single substances in ambient air – were used for
the most toxic of over 4700 constituents of the mixture. components in cigarette smoke. There is some, but
Today, the determination of the Hoffmann analytes is limited, value in using these data for the assessment of a
practically indispensable and standard in most industry complex mixture, such as tobacco smoke, under the
laboratories. special exposure conditions of human smoking. These
Special care must be taken in the preparation of approaches caution against calculating the toxicity of
samples for testing. When fresh, un-aged cigarette cigarette smoke and the risk for the smoker by simple
smoke is formed it is an extremely complex, dynamic addition or subtraction of toxic potencies, cancer
and reactive system due to its chemical and physical potency factors or risk factors of the individual
properties. While collecting and analyzing the smoke, components. As a rule, of course, a reduced number
the material changes, and the complex nature of and lower concentrations of carcinogens in tobacco
cigarette smoke gives rise to sampling and analysis smoke are considered to be beneficial.
152 A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156

Pyrolysis of single substances is an approach that provide information on the causative agent. Compared
provides some insight into what may happen inside a to chemical analysis they are rather unspecific. One
burning cigarette. Presently, there are no standards for major limitation of in vitro studies is that cells are
the pyrolysis of additives. As studies are generally done removed from their normal environment (neighboring
without adding any other materials, possible interac- cells and their signals, tissues and blood vessels). The
tions cannot be observed. As expected, the data origin of the cells (permanent or primary cells, species
available in the literature demonstrate convincingly that and tissue) and their metabolic competence must also be
the outcome of pyrolysis studies with single substances is considered.
strongly determined by the chosen experimental condi- For many compounds, good chemical and toxicolo-
tions like temperature gradients, highest temperature gical data are already available. For example, most
used, atmosphere and reaction time. For instance, in the tobacco additives that are in use are ‘‘generally
pyrolysis of pure menthol it is observed that various recognized as safe’’ (GRAS) for use in foods and/or
pyrolysis products like benzo(a)pyrene, phenols and listed on the GRAS list of the Flavor and Extract
others are formed depending on the temperature of Manufacturers Association (FEMA). However, this
pyrolysis (Schmeltz and Schlotzhauer, 1968). But in the does not necessarily mean that the use of these
realistic situation of smoking, volatile tobacco additives, substances is safe in tobacco products because the
in particular top flavors, are transferred to a high degree testing of single substances in unburned form is not a
unchanged into the smoke (Baker and Bishop, 2004). particularly realistic condition for tobacco ingredients,
Data show that practically all of the menthol added to which may be burned during smoking. In addition,
cigarette tobacco (98.9%) is transferred unchanged into with this approach no interactions can be observed
mainstream smoke during smoking (Jenkins et al., with other compounds of tobacco or with tobacco
1970). smoke.
The most realistic approach is the burning of One driving motive for the development and use of
additives in the presence of the tobacco matrix. Such more specific in vitro toxicity tests is the regulation of
data were published for single additives and for diff- ingredients. The use of additives in tobacco products has
erent mixtures of additives (Rodgman, 2002; Rustemeier been the subject of intensive debate (Bates et al., 1999;
et al., 2002; Baker et al., 2004b, c). Müller and Röper, 2000; Deutsches Krebsforschungs-
zentrum, 2005). For many years, governments in
countries such as the UK, Germany, Belgium, Switzer-
In vitro toxicity testing land and France had legislation or voluntary agreements
listing the ingredients that can be used in tobacco
The use of in vitro toxicity tests with cigarette smoke is products as well as those that are prohibited. In 2001,
gaining increased attention. There are several approa- the European Parliament adopted Directive 2001/37/EC
ches described in the literature. To date, none of these concerning the harmonization of the regulations of
testing methods are validated for cigarette smoke or tobacco products in the Member States of the European
other complex inhalable mixtures. Union. Inter alia, the Directive requires the disclosure of
In vitro toxicity testing methods that are sensitive, ingredients in tobacco products and their toxicological
reproducible and show dose–effect relationships are data.
ideally suited for the screening of many pollutants, not The national implementation of the Directive in
only cigarette smoke, because they are relatively Germany was the reason for the development of a
inexpensive and rapid to perform compared to in vivo guidance document by a working group of DIN, the
studies. However, it is difficult to expose cells in a way German Institute for Standardization (Deutsches Insti-
that mimics in vivo exposure. Toxicological investigation tut für Normung), which published a report (DIN
of tobacco smoke should be carried out under condi- Technical Report 133 – Toxicological Evaluation of
tions resembling the in vivo situation of smoking as far Additives for Tobacco Products – A Guide, 2004). The
as possible. Clear ideas are required to address the following set of in vitro assays for tobacco smoke is
problems of exposure, dosimetry, the determination of recommended by DIN: bacterial mutagenicity tests,
appropriate and relevant effects, and the extrapolation cytotoxicity tests (for example, neutral red uptake) and
of data, especially for in vitro studies. genotoxicity tests (for example, micronucleus test), both
For reasons of economizing the approach, a number the latter with mammalian cells. At the moment, it is
of screening tests for biochemical reactivity (SH index, unclear how meaningful the three basic tests really are.
radical index, oxidative potential) may be performed However, they are well-established methods and availa-
before starting an in vitro testing program. ble for the timely regulation of tobacco products. Health
Toxicologically relevant changes in the composition Canada has established these three basic tests as a
of smoke that are not detected by chemical analysis may requirement for the tobacco industry in Canada in
be seen in biological assays. These do not necessarily December 2004. A working group of CORESTA has
A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156 153

recommended the same basic test battery for toxicity tanone (NNK). NNK is classified by IARC as a possible
testing of tobacco products. human carcinogen. NNK in pure form is mutagenic in
The DIN working group recommended that additive vitro (Ames test), is carcinogenic in rodents and
testing should be as practice-oriented as possible. produces lung tumors in A/J mice after a single i.p.
Accordingly, the testing of additives should be carried injection. But the minimum amount of NNK required
out in a tobacco matrix and their toxicological effects for A/J mouse tumors (extrapolated to man) is in the
assessed in burned form. This gives the possibility to smoke of 11 million cigarettes ( ¼ 37 packs/day for 40
evaluate interactions with the matrix and other com- years ¼ 2 packs/day for 739 years). Experimental data
pounds. show that the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of NNK
Many publications about the effects of additives show are inhibited by nicotine (abundant in smoke) and other
minor changes in the composition of mainstream smoke unidentified smoke components as well as cotinine.
due to the addition of additives. However, these changes Therefore, it is not surprising that, after reducing the
are not reflected in the biological response in different in NNK level in tobacco, the smoke condensate is not less
vitro and in vivo test systems (single additives: Stavanja mutagenic (Ames test) and carcinogenic (skin painting)
et al., 2003, 2006; Carmines and Gaworski, 2005; than smoke (condensate) with usual NNK levels (Brown
Carmines et al., 2005; mixture of additives: Carmines, et al., 2003).
2002; Baker et al., 2004a). As tobacco itself exhibits high
biological activity the generally small amount of
Human studies
additives in tobacco products cannot be expected to
change the overall toxicity of tobacco smoke to a
Human (clinical) studies represent a logical comple-
significant degree.
ment to epidemiological studies. The controlled expo-
A comprehensive review of the literature on additives
sure to the pollutant of interest establishes causality and
up to 2002 was published by Paschke et al. (2002).
minimizes confounders.
There are specific biomarkers for the exposure to
tobacco smoke like cotinine (the main metabolite of
Animal studies
nicotine) in body fluids and NNAL/NNAL-glucuronide
(a metabolite of the tobacco-specific nitrosamine, NNK)
Animal studies are an important tool for assessing
in urine. For the internal dose of the gaseous phase of
health effects of chemicals in humans. They have all the
tobacco smoke, CO in the exhalate can be used
advantages of human clinical studies in terms of
(reviewed in Benowitz, 1999; Scherer, 2005). Different
assessing causality, biological plausibility and underl-
susceptibility factors, which include age, gender, ethni-
ying mechanisms but are subjected to fewer formalities
city, health status and genetic factors, may modify
and are less expensive to perform, even if highly
biomarker responses. Biomonitoring data allow a
standardized and controlled studies are required. Two
precise understanding of an individual’s uptake of
different approaches are important for tobacco smoke:
specific smoke components.
dermal skin-painting studies have demonstrated the
carcinogenicity of tobacco smoke condensate (Wynder
et al., 1953; Smith et al., 2006). The various inhalation Epidemiological studies
exposure techniques have their strengths and weaknes-
ses, particularly problems of high-to-low dose extrapo- The first epidemiological studies which showed the
lation following inhalation exposures. All rodents are relationship of tobacco smoke and lung cancer were
nose-breathers. Therefore, inhalation of cigarette smoke conducted more than 60 years ago (Schairer and
differs between rodents and human smokers. Most Schöniger, 2001). They were followed by the important
carcinogenicity studies with cigarette smoke in mice, studies published in 1950 (Doll and Hill, 1950; Wynder
rats, hamsters, dogs and monkeys yield no apparent and Graham, 1950). In 1964, the Surgeon General’s
positive results (Coggins, 2001, 2007). Tobacco smoke Report on Smoking and Health (the so-called Terry
inhalation studies with A/J mice suggest that tobacco Report) reviewed and summarized, for the first time, the
smoke is a comparatively weak mouse lung carcinogen relationship between smoking and health with several
(Witschi, 2005). updates on specific topics (US Department of Health,
An example, published by Brown et al., for the 1964).
difficulties to correlate the known levels of a constituent Epidemiological studies investigate people in natural
in smoke with the data obtained in in vitro and in vivo settings and measure real world exposure scenarios. End
studies and to evaluate the toxicity and risk of a points measured in epidemiological studies are highly
substance, which under the real conditions of tobacco relevant and include mortality and various types of
use is part of a complex mixture, is the tobacco-specific morbidity. In addition, potentially susceptible popula-
nitrosamine, 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-bu- tions or acute and chronic effects can be studied.
154 A. Thielen et al. / Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 60 (2008) 141–156

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