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The law created the Presidential Assistant on Community Development (PACD) task to coordinate and

integrate the activities of all government department engaged in community development *

1 point

a. EO57

b. EO 62

c. EO 165

d. EO 156

Note: EO no 156,s.1956 On January 6, 1956, President Ramon Magsaysay created the Presidential
Assistant on Community Development (PACD) to implement the Philippine Community Development
Program that will coordinate and integrate on a national scale the efforts of various governmental and
civic agencies to improve the living conditions

2. The following is the university extension functions, except: *

1 point

a. Improve the productivity

b. Improve the profitability

c. improve the equity

d. Serve the interest of change agent

3. Which of the following is highly controlled by the central government? *

1 point

a. Educational institutional approach

b. Participatory agricultural approach

c. General extension approach

d. Farming systems development approach

4. Which approach entails lower cost on the part of the government? *

1 point

a. Participatory agricultural extension approach

b. General extension approach

c. Farming system development

d. Project approach

5. To be able to get positive response from the extension clientele, the extension worker must suit their
program to their social, cultural, financial, and intellectual levels. The guiding principle in extension work
is referred to as *

1 point

a. Extension begins where the people are and with what they have.

b. Extension works with and trough people

c. People learn to do by doing

d. The spirit of self-help is essential for democratic living

6. This youth organization was started in 1947 by the agricultural extension division of the Bureau of
Plant Industry *

1 point

a. 4-H Club

b. Kabataang Barangay

c. Anak Bukid

d. Sanguniang Kabataan

7. The choice of appropriate extension methods/ techniques to use is primarily dependent upon the *

1 point

a. Nature of the technology

b. Resources required

c. Objective(s) of the activity

d. Competence of the change agent

8. A message sent to the source, intentionally or unintentionally by the receiver, message or channel is
called *

1 point

a. Intervention
b. Feedback

c. Technology

d. Response

9. It teaches very important skills on putting oneself in other fellow’s shoes in order to understand how
one reacts in a particular situation, and enables one to see and appreciate his point of view. *

1 point

a. music

b. role play

c. folk song

d. poster

10. Extension of agriculture information is strictly restricted that it must be: *

1 point

a. shared

b. searched

c. stored

d. forgotten

11. An extension worker is a rolled-into-one being such as the following except: *

1 point

a. teacher

b. insulter

c. adviser

d. planner

12. The presence of roads linking agriculture and fisheries production sites, coastal landing points post-
harvest facilities to the market and arterial roads and highway is termed *

1 point

a. Headworks
b. Farm to Market Roads

c. Access roads

d. Road network

13. He is considered as the Father of University Extension *

1 point

a. Moulton

b. James Stuart

c. Daniel W. Bell

d. Maria Y. Orosa

14. Founder of the “Home Extension Service” in the Philippines. *

1 point

a. Moulton

b. James Stuart

c. Daniel W. Bell

d. Maria Y. Orosa

15. In 1949, the Philippine government requested the US Government to send an Economic Survey
mission to the Philippines to look over the post war situation with the end in view of making suggestions
for improvement. Who was the chief of the said survey? *

1 point

a. Moulton

b. James Stuart

c. Daniel W. Bell

d. Maria Y. Orosa

16. Who was the president of the Philippines when Republic Act 7160 was created? *

1 point

a. Magsaysay
b. Ramos

c. Aquino

d. Estrada

17. In 1972, the Bureau of Farm Management of the Department of Agrarian Reform was abolished and
transferred its extension function to the Bureau of Agricultural Extension by Virtue of this Law *

1 point

a. EO no. 967

b. PD no. 970

c. RA 3844

d. RA 680

18. An approach which is commonly found in Government Ministry/ Department i.e Ministry /
Department of Agriculture, implemented through a unit of the department by assigning field staff all
over the country *

1 point

a. General extension approach

b. Commodity specialized approach

c. Training and visit approach

d. Cost sharing approach

19. A new variety of rice, say RCX has been readily adopted by the farmers because of its good eating
quality and high yield *

1 point

a. Complexity

b. Relative advantage

c. Observability

d. Diversity

20. As a community organizer, which of the following knowledge / skills a change agent needs the least?
1 point

a. Technical knowledge on rice

b. Eliciting community participation

c. Value formation and community commitment

d. Community-based resource management

21. When a change agent tries to put himself in the situation/ reality of the farmer, he is exercising the
principle of *

1 point

a. Sympathy

b. Empathy

c. Mimicry

d. Homogeneity

22. A condition in which two individuals are similar in some attributes like sex, age, culture etc *

1 point

a. Heterophily

b. Homily

c. Monotony

d. Homophily

23. In extension, the first and foremost of a change agent is that of a *

1 point

a. Planner

b. Teacher

c. Linker

d. Organizer

24. Institutional/ Venn diagram is best used to illustrate *

1 point
a. Popularity of individuals

b. Location of households in the barangay

c. Work linkages among different agencies

d. None of the above

25. Possible consequence/outcome of the communication process is called: *

1 point

a. source

b. receiver

c. message

d. effects

26. The degree similarity between two communications is technically known as: *

1 point

a. conformity

b. uniformity

c. heterophily

d. homophily

27. The state of an individual or a system in which excessive communication inputs can no longer be
processed thus reading to breakdown is called: *

1 point

a. information overload

b. technological gap

c. disinformation overloads

d. technical error

28. The agent’s success and his effort in contracting his clients are related: *

1 point

a. positively
b. never at all

c. negatively

d. neutrally

29. Agents contact with his clients and higher social status among clients are related; *

1 point

a. positively

b. never at all

c. negatively

d. neutrally

30. The agents success and his empathy with clients are related: *

1 point

a. positively

b. never at all

c. negatively

d. neutrally

31. Agents contact with his clients and their cosmopoliteness are related: *

1 point

a. positively

b. never at all

c. negatively

d. neutrally

32. Agent’s contact and clients higher educational status are related: *

1 point

a. positively

b. never at all
c. negatively

d. neutrally

33. Agents contact and clients greater participation are related. *

1 point

a. positively

b. never at all

c. negatively

d. neutrally

34. Agent’s success and programs compatibility to clients needs are related: *

1 point

a. positively

b. never at all

c. negatively

d. neutrally

35. Process through which an individual pass from the first knowledge it until he confirms its use is
called *

1 point

a. planning

b. evaluation

c. implementation

d. innovation-decision

36. This is essentially a process of purposeful and creative interaction between the villagers and the
outside facilitators, the main aim of is enhancing the local capacity to analyze on-going processes and to
develop relevant and feasible technological innovations suited to the local CONDITION. *

1 point

a. Participatory technology

b. farmer field school

c. transfer of technology approach

d. training and visit approach

37. In this approach, farmers are involved in the whole process of decision making, from data collection
and analysis, identification of problems, constraints and opportunities, preparation of improvement
plans to implementation, monitoring and evaluation. *

1 point

a. participatory technology and development

b. Participatory extension approach

c. farming system approach

d. farmer field school

38. This refers to the experimental learning approach where the farmer’s field is the primary resource in
carrying out extension training on integrated pest management throughout the entire growing season of
the crop. *

1 point

a. training and visit approach

b. farming system approach

c. farmer field school

d. participatory extension approach

39. Adoption of an innovation means to use it. *

1 point

a. fully

b. impartially

c. legally

d. partially

40. On June 30, 1984, the ministry of agriculture was renamed ministry of agriculture and food (MAF) by
virtue of *

1 point
a. EO 967

b. PD 970

c. RA 3844

d. RA 680

41. Programs and projects in extension are based on existing_____ affecting a great number of people. *

1 point

a. Local/political leaders

b. Problems and needs

c. Climate

d. Religion

42. All programs/projects must contribute to the development of ____ and foremost *

1 point

a. Technology first

b. Resources first

c. People first

d. Environment first

43. The World Bank Mission appraised the National Extension Project (NEP) of the Philippines in 1978
after which the project was granted with a loan amounting to $35 million. What is the main extension
method followed by NEP? *

1 point

a. symposium method

b. focus group discussion

c. training and visit method

d. mass media method

44. What is the name of our present Department of Agriculture during the Marcos Leadership? *

1 point
a. Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF)

b. Ministry of Agriculture (MA)

c. Department of Agriculture and Natural resources

d. Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce

45. On June 30, 1984, the ministry of agriculture was renamed ministry of agriculture and food (MAF) by
virtue of *

1 point

a. EO 967

b. PD 970

c. RA 3844

d. RA 680

46. The Masagana 99 was program of President *

1 point

a. Joseph Ejercito Estrada

b. Ferdinand Marcos

c. Corazon C. Aquino

d. Ramon Magsaysay

47. The extension agent can provide rural people with useful and practical knowledge only when he
(Extension Agent) understands rural people’s *

1 point

a. Conditions

b. Needs

c. Resources

d. Task environment

48. An approach with the assumption that farmers have much wisdom about food production from their
land and that their knowledge can be improved if through learning from outside sources *

1 point
a. Cost sharing approach

b. Project approach

c. Participatory agricultural extension

d. Farming system development approach

49. SMART is used as guide in writing project objectives. What does “M” stand for? *

1 point

a. Memorable

b. Measurable

c. Manageable

d. All of the above

50. An extension approach with the assumption that extension field personnel are poorly trained, not up
to date and supervision is inadequate *

1 point

a. General extension approach

b. Commodity specialized approach

c. Training and visit approach

d. Project approach

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