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Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. The Problem Opportunity
2.1 The Solution

3. The Company Background

3.1 Experience and Achievements

4. Why Blockchain

4.1 The Atriark Token

4.2 The Blockchain Algorithm Used

5. The Atriark Ecosystem

5.1 Platform Pillars

5.2 Trading Platform
5.3 Cross Boarder Money Transfer
5.4 The Gaming Zone
5.5 P2P Lending Platform

6. Key Components

7. Industry Analysis –Digital Asset Trading

7.1 Global Standing

7.2 Asian Market
7.3 The Middle East Market
7.4 Competition
8. Product Roadmap

9. Token Economics

9.1 Token Launch Summary

9.2 Token Distribution
9.3 Distribution of Funds

10. The Atriark Team

11. Appendix

12. Disclaimer

12.1 Legal and Government Compliance

12.2 Atriark Tokens are Not Securities
12.3 No Guarantees of Value
12.4 Regulatory Uncertainty
12.5 ATRK Tokens are not an Investment
12.6 Risks of Using New Technologies

Cryptocurrency no longer is an alien word that causes the eyebrows to rise. People are

now familiar with it and have understood that it is here to stay. This growing signs of the

legitimacy of cryptocurrency have pushed markets towards new heights. This has

created a need for bitcoin and other digital currencies to increase their exposure in the

market. On the other hand, consumers also demand to shorten turnaround time between

converting cryptocurrency-based transactions back into fiat paper, which increased the

legitimacy of this digital asset.

Dynamics above have induced the need for cryptocurrency trading platforms in the

space. Despite there being many such platforms, none of them seem to have a fully

functional ecosystem built around them. Also, none of the platforms are customized to

the Asian, or the lucrative Middle East markets. The Atriark Digital Asset Community

(ATRK) intends to bridge this gap to provide an entire ecosystem to these markets for

the benefit of the community. The platform will consist of the following features.

 ATRK Trading Exchange - The core function of ATRK which allows the trading of

over 20 cryptocurrencies on the platform.

 Digital Asset Exchange - Blockchain powered cross-border money transfers and

currency exchange. Atriark is licensed for crypto to fiat conversation.

 ATRK Gaming Zone - A competitive gaming zone for the professional and leisure

seeking gamers to participate in.

 ATRK Peer to Peer Lending Platform - Blockchain based lending platform where

lenders can choose borrowers/projects of different rating classes and invest in

them for a return.

ATRK is developed by the finest professionals who are experienced in Blockchain,

Cyber Security, finance, stock, forex, banking, and most importantly the future insight of

the digital asset market. They are in the market for over 25 years or more and are

systematically increasing their experience and expertise in digital asset world.

This whitepaper demonstrates how ATRK intend to disrupt and revolutionize the Asian

and Middle East cryptocurrency market while impacting the lives of everyone who comes

across it positively.

A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses

cryptography to secure its transactions, verifies the transfer of assets, and to control the

creation of additional units. Electronic money and central banking systems use

centralized control as opposed to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency. This

decentralized control works through an open source software known as the blockchain.

A [public] blockchain is a continuously growing public ledger of records that is an

independent, decentralized, verifiable, shared by a community, and a permanent

database coexisting in multiple locations. A blockchain is secure by nature, and these

records cannot be altered by any means after they are created.

The world of cryptocurrency and Blockchains has influenced the entire globe to opt for a

more trusted and reliable cashless economy. The use of cryptocurrencies allows for the

transition of power back to consumers, allowing them to determine their value. This

eliminates the need of a central bank. These technologies are revolutionizing the

thought process of start-ups, Businesses, Investors, entrepreneurs, and investors

influencing many of them away from fiat to digital currency.

The cryptocurrency market despite being volatile has grown since conception and

currently has a combined market cap of approximately USD 122 billion . With the

increase in popularity / the crypto craze, there also has been a significant increase in

demand to trade cryptocurrencies against fiat paper.

Although there are many cryptocurrency trading platforms available, none of them

provide a flawless service to their clients who are constantly looking for better

alternatives. Liquidity issues, regulatory problems, and technological flaws remain a

major concern to date. It is observed that there is no dedicated platform for the Asian

and Middle East markets which is delaying the adoption in these geographies.

Also, most of the trading platforms do not show/have avenues where the cryptocurrency

can be appropriately utilized. Methods that this cryptocurrency can be invested for a

return, or used in leisure activities are missing which has delayed adoption and

dampened enthusiasm.


Atriark Digital Asset Community (ATRK/The platform) intends to solve this problem by

establishing a state of the art cryptocurrency trading platform, with additional features

that make it a complete ecosystem. The platform is available to everyone but

customized to the Asian and the Gulf market.

ATRK delivers upholding the following values

Team Approach

The Team Approach of ATRK treats its users as part of the team. It offers benefits and

returns, above and beyond any other exchange currently available, in hopes of building

mutually beneficial investment opportunities for the entire ATRK community.

Honest Delivery

ATRK pledges that all of its activities are 100% transparent. The management team

does not keep any inner workings behind closed doors. ATRK believes that there are

plenty of growth opportunities for everyone and wants to make sure that all of its users

are given every opportunity to succeed. It promises to provide an honest approach to

current market conditions which in turn helps users maximize their investments profits.
Active Management

The ATRK management team takes a hands-on approach to run the day to day

operations and assures complete involvement, visibility and reach. ATRK has ample

liquidity to ensure that the trades occur at fair spreads and has security features that

outclass the counterparts.


Atriark was founded in 2015 by private investors and group of top professional, originally

from the UK and the US. They were responsible for designing and placing unique solar

power stations and data centers, to power their initial Bitcoin mining ventures which

yielded substantial profits. As Atriark mining farm and its user base grew, new mining

farms were built, and cloud mining concepts were offered, which are profitable to date.

Atriark is run by the proficient personnel comprising of brilliant programmers and

engineers. The strength of the team is the foundation of the company. The growth of

digital currencies has connected Atriark to the globe and put it on the map. Today ATRK

has put the entire combined effort to the development, establishment, and acceptance of

its new venture which is discussed in the paper.


The platform is developed by the finest professionals who hold expertise in Blockchain,

Cyber Security, finance, stock, forex, banking along with the future insight of the digital

asset market. They are in the market for over 25 years and are systematically increasing

their experience and expertise in Digital Asset world.

Over the last 9 years, Atriark has grown and accumulated a loyal user base, making it a

fast growing community which deals with cloud mining, blockchain development, stock

trading, banking services and much more. The Atriark community has marked its global

presence and is currently operating in London, Hungry, Singapore, USA, Russia, and

Hong Kong.

Why would an account/wallet owner trust a single authority to hold and control their data

and finances? Normally trust comes with reputation and reputation comes with a huge

additional transaction cost. Can we look for a trustless alternative which is low cost?

The answer is Blockchains “DECENTRALISATION”. There is no centralized server

where information is stored. Instead, information is everywhere on every participating

processors/nodes. The accuracy of data is decided by the common condenses of these


The decentralized data storage binds security into its very structure of the blockchain.

What’s more, the technology is publicly verifiable, which is enabled by integrity and

transparency. Integrity: every user can be sure that the data they are retrieving is

uncorrupted and unaltered since the moment is recorded Transparency: every user can

verify how the blockchain has been appended over time. These features of blockchain

are ideal for Atriark– that is a platform opens to anyone without discrimination what so

ever. Data needs to be free, as in freedom and as in beer. Blockchain provides trust,

redundancy, safety and privacy protection for the platform to exist. Infrastructure is

supported by all the node operators.

The technology is ideal for a platform that offers trading of cryptocurrency as its primary

service. The blockchain is also far superior in accommodating the other services in the

ecosystem flawlessly due to its capability to transmit data smoothly without interference.

The Atriark token is the official digital asset of the platform. The token serves as the

primary value transfer medium for users in the community. Atriark is a Proof of Stake

token based on the Ethereum token ERC20. It is backed by the Ethereum blockchain to

provide for lower transaction costs and benefits from the rise in prices on both ETH and

BTC. Contributors can purchase ATRK tokens at the time of ICO, and later enjoy special

privileges at the launch of the Atriark Exchange. The benefits offered are 1:1 for early

adopters who participate in our private sale or ICO through product offerings in the

ATRK ecosystem.

Atriark tokens are mined using a Proof of Stake (POS) algorithm. Proof of Stake (POS)

is a category of consensus algorithms for the blockchain that depends on the economic

stake/holding in the platform for the specified time period. The POS-based public

Blockchains allow a set of validators to take turns in proposing and voting on the next

block, and the weight of each validator’s vote depends on the size of their holding of the

ATRK token.

Ultimately the holding of the ATRK token decides the benefit when it comes to mining.

The holders benefit also via capital gains when the popularity of the platform increases

and the demand for the ATRK token grows.



ATRK will have a fully functional ecosystem and an entire community built around it.

ATRK bestows the token holder with avenues to invest and grow it, or use it on an

activity that they enjoy, making it a self-full filling cycle.


The trading platform is one of the most user-friendly and provides the trader with charts

and graphs that enable him/her to make informed decisions. ATRK will have adequate

liquidity to facilitate all transactions swiftly and will have the smallest bid-ask spreads

making it the best choice for a trader. Support functions are customized to the Asian and

the Middle East markets making the platform attractive to the target group.
The Signal Trading Feature

The ATRK signal trading option allows the user to select a professional trader of his/her

choice and mirror transactions. The new user can sharpen their trading skills using this

technique. These trades are monitored by the system and alerts are issued whenever

there is an inconstancy. Signals are auto-traded. The user's input is limited to the

amount they would like to invest, and the amount of commission they are willing to

share. (The default percentage is 18%).

To control volatility and to ensure fair copy-trading, a bot is implemented to guarantee a

fair price of entry for all followers. In the event of a huge buy-in, the system then

prioritizes the queue based on who owns the higher amount of ATRK tokens to fill the

order – thus rewarding early investors and stakeholders with added trading benefits.

Atriark facilitates swift and secure money transfers within the geographies it operates.

The transactions are compliant with the regulations of the country and the platform.

Atriark has stringent Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC)

checking procedures in place.


Atriark token can be used to participate in challenges, tournaments and online games

that are available to its users, to bet against friends or compete against the world in

global “Play & Win” challenges.

Decentralized Tournaments

Decentralized tournaments can be set up and run by users who have ATRK

tokens/cryptocurrency/fiat. Tournaments can be a large event in league or leader

system. The idea is that every participant has to pay some admission fee to join, while


ATRK provides brokerage between lenders and borrowers, functioning as a P2P lending

platform facilitating financial disintermediation. The lenders on the platform are able to

invest in borrowers who have a credit rating assigned by the platform.

The ratings depend on factors such as the users' previous trading history, repayment

record, risk appetite, and token holding. The platform ensures that willful defaulters are

identified and eliminated from the system – ensuring a reliable investment space and

building a trustworthy community.


Asset Description Application

Atriark Blockchain development team creates a

trusted virtual machine enabled by Intel® Software
Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) technology, which
Smart contracts facilitate
allows confidential smart contracts and blockchain
Atriark each end every activity of
services to run securely. The unique approach to
blockchain all critical functions (
leveraging this technology is designed to help
technology trading, fund transfer,
enterprises efficiently deploy blockchain solutions
gaming, and p2p lending)
with unprecedented privacy and security. This helps
to handle live volumes across a variety of asset

ATRK Trade The ATRK trade engine is designed for maximum The trade engine is the
Engine efficiency. The technology ensures per second- heart of the platform that
Strategy order level is increased facilitates all transactions

Atriark data center hosts critical data and contains This enables ATA to
our core assets, including customer information, prevent, detect and
intellectual property, and other business-critical respond to advanced
Cyber Security data. And with emerging trends such as order log, malware and other cyber-
System Trades log, matching engine, wallet keys, through attacks targeting the data
(BYOD) platform. Our cyber security team monitor center that routinely
24/7 all data center continue to be the target of bypass conventional
advanced malware and other cyber-attacks. signature-reliant defenses.
Atriark Blockchain development team creates some The hard wallet is
self-managed AI software's to encrypt the all instrumental in securing all
wallets transactions and keys through multi secure cryptocurrencies on the
Secure crypto code level which helps our exchange to create all platform. It is also
wallets the synchronizing through code match engine important to facilitate the
which works through RAIDS Match Decryption trades and other payments
technology, this technology also helps to prevent within the platform and
DDOS attacks to HTTPS server parameters. outside


Bitcoin was the first decentralized cryptocurrency, which was conceptualized in 2009.

Since then, numerous other cryptocurrencies have been created. These are referred to

as ALTcoin’s, shortened for alternative coin.

Growing signs of the legitimacy of cryptocurrency have pushed the valuations higher.

Japan has accepted Bitcoin as legal tender when the currency complied with the AML

laws of the country. Bitcoin is also accepted by a number of high-profile retailers and

service providers. The more bitcoin and other digital currencies can increase their

exposure and shorten the turnaround time between converting cryptocurrency-based

transactions back into fiat paper via trading platforms, the more businesses, consumers,

and investors view them as legitimate.

The cryptocurrency market cap has passed USD 122 billion and is being traded regularly

in the recent past. Trading continues to increase with the number of market participants

increasing, and alternative uses such as fund transfer capabilities and financial

intermediation increasing.

Cryptocurrency trading volumes have been high in the region of USD 35 billion during

January 2019 and is forecasted to increase by 50% over the 2018 volumes . The trading

volumes and regularity indicates how lucrative the market is.


It is well known that Asians are dominant in the crypto market. The Asian crypto market

is the biggest contributor to the overall market. It’s been the core for many crypto

activities and continues to top global charts.

Despite the loss of China, the market still remains strong and counts to 72% of all crypto

trading volume around the globe, climbing from 58.1% last year, whiles the trading

volumes of the U.S at the same time fell to 12.7% from 30.2%.


The Middle Eastern market despite being lucrative is unharnessed to date. This is mainly

due to regulations standing in the way of crypto adoption. ATRK is compliant with these

regulations by obtaining the Sharia certification which allows access to this lucrative

market. ATRK conceptualized a separate range os Sharia-compliant product and service

offerings. This is a big advancement for the ATRK network given that these regions are

endpoints of popular foreign worker remittance corridors and users of other products

offered via the platform.


MtGox - The most famous exchange MTGox Tokyo-based exchange, web

domain registered in 2007. It was established by Jed McCaleb in July 2010 and sold to

Mark Karpelès on March 6, 2011. The exchange was built for trading crypto and playing

cards. At its peak, Gox handled approximately 70% of all bitcoin transactions.
In June 2011 a hack took the site offline for several days. The company suspended

trading, closed its website, and filed for bankruptcy protection while 850,000 bitcoins

evaporated from customers, valued at more than US$450 million at the time. This is due

to an employee’s PC being compromised by a hacker. However, the company eventually

made good on their obligations, earning a reputation as honest players in the bitcoin

community. ATRK has taken this as a case study when implementing it’s to notch cyber

security system.

Bithumb is a South Korean based exchange that is one of the largest player based on

trade volume. Bithumb offers exchange, wallet and additional services like remittances

and gift vouchers. The year of establishment was 2013.


Binance was founded in September 2017. In March 2018 the company had established

an office in Taiwan. As of January 2018, it was largest crypto-exchange with a BNB

market capitalization of $1.3 billion. In March 2018. The company opened an office in

Malta after regulations tightened in Japan and China. Binance currently has over 10

million users worldwide and has a good social media presence which makes them a

formidable player in the Asian space.

Well established completion in the space indicates that the business model is profitable.

This testifies that there is a demand-supply gap in converting fiat to cash. The analysis

also indicates that there are instances where hacking has taken place – which ATA
leaves no room for, as it is based on blockchain architecture. Blockchain by design is


“ATRIARK is superior to completion as it is a fully functional ecosystem with all

complimenting features (fund transfer, P2P borrowing, and gaming), and an entire

community around it. There are no other platforms in the space that can match what

ATRK offers."

• Launching of the ATRK wallet and the MVP platform for exchange
February • ATRK Launches pre ICO

• ATRK launches ICO

March 2019
• Listing of 20 coins including top Registration of 10 for trading in the Asian markets

• Next generation ICO projects using the ATRIARK group, to be launched on ATRIARK
ICO launch program
May 2019 • Enabling direct fiat $USD to cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency to fiat

• Development of Atriarks own blockchain (Atriarkchain) - all tokens will be swapped

Jun - 2019
to the unique Atriark coin at this point

• Establishing Signal providers that opt in for tracking and observation of their
July 2019
trading patterns and performance for Signal Interface

• Finalising all the fetures of the platform including games and P2P Lending and
Dec 2019
borrowing features with top of the class interface

• Launch of ATRIARK Personal Secure Exchange Wallet on IOS & Android App
Jan 2019

• Obtaining Sharia compliance and expnading outreach to key Middle East

March 2019


Private sales begin by February 2019 and will be open for 15 working days @ price

$0.15 cents per token and a total reserved token is 10 Million. Public Sale shall start in

March 2019 and starts at a price $0.30 cents and total token reserved for sale is 40

Million. Early investors get a profit share of 25% of the profit earned by the platform in

ATRK tokens. ATRK has reserved a maximum supply of 12.5 Million Tokens for this

purpose. If profits fall within the price of estimated profits then balance tokens are

transferred to mining reserves. 125 Million Tokens are reserved for POS mining for coin

holders and mining statistics are as follows:

Description No of Tokens

Total supply 180,000,000

Premine 72,500,000

Premine 107,500,000

Block Reward 50

Block Time 2

24hr Staking 36,000

Staking 14,400

ATRK total supply of tokens shall not exceed 180,000,000. During the private sale 10

Million tokens to be sold at $0.50 cents (with a 25% bonus token offer for those who buy

in), and then another 40 million tokens to be sold for $ 1.00. To protect the value of the

token, all undistributed tokens are kept in untraded reserve. Investors also get a share of

the profits not more than maximum 25% of the total made by Atriark platform paid in

Atriark tokens to the holders' post 1 year of operation. This profit is an additional

incentive and paid only in the first year and thereafter no profits are paid to investors

thereafter. This reinvestment of profits will ensure that the platform is developed steadily

without external dependence – resulting in capital gains for coin holders.

In addition to exchange transactions, ATRK also offers OTC brokering to clients. This

enables to provide white-glove bespoke care to high volume traders seeking direct

deals from a trusted institution, whilst protecting mass customers from the pricing

volatility, where significant purchases can trigger. The breakdown of token offerings is

given below.

Nature of Offering Amount of Tokens

Private Sale 10,000,000
Bonus Tokens 2,500,000
Public sale 40,000,000
Profit Reserves 10,000,000
Management Reserves 10,000,000
Mining Reserves 107,500,000
Total Token Supply 180,000,000







Usage of funds from the sale of tokens is as follows:

PR and Marketing: 25%

The funds allocated for PR and marketing is used to bring awareness to ATA brand of
products. This includes social media marketing; email marketing, video, and animated
production, digital advertising, print advertising, and ongoing design. ATA sponsors local
events and works with communities.

Infrastructure and Community Development: 25%

The funds for infrastructure and community development are to develop the necessary

technology for all participants of the ATA Community. In addition, ATA will have sales

teams and community advocates in markets that the platform is actively being used.

Operational Expense (Rent, payroll, additional feature development etc.): 25%

The funds allocated for operational expense covers any physical technology needs like

computers and hardware as well as rent, utilities, and office supplies. In addition, ATA

executive team is paid from these funds.

Platform Liquidity: 10%

Adequate liquidity to facilitate the trading is important to ensure that all users of ATA

enjoy a flawless service. Liquidity is maintained to ensure the best bid-ask spreads

within the platform.

Educational Programs: 7%

ATA is committed to educating the communities in which it wants to be impactful in. This

means hosting events, sponsoring meatus, and building resources that educate

communities on the benefits of participating in decentralized networks.

Legal Fees: 5%

Investment Return on Early Investors: 3%

Destribution of Funds
PR and Marketing

5% 3%
Infrastructure and Community Development
7% 25%
Operational Expense (Rent, payroll, additional
10% feature development etc.):
Platform Liquidity

Educational Programs

25% 25%
Legal Fees

Investment Return on Early Investors


Team we have a solid team led by Daniel, with both traditional wall street finance and

cryptocurrency experience. We have a track record of successful startups under our belt.

Daniel Traksbetrygier

CEO – Founder

Daniel has been in the industry for over 25 years,

working as a specialist in analyzing, advising and

deciding on financial and wealth management

strategies. He has been operating his private firm

involving family wealth - investing them in productive /

profitable avenues. His passion is been in funding

startups that are in the emerging tech sector, through which he has cultivated a realm of

successful businesses and built a strong reputation for himself. Daniel also holds a stake

in key insurance companies, and is an expert in hedging risks. He has an academic

background in Electronics Engineering, Business Administration (MBA).

Sana Baeur

Co- Founder / Head of Marketing

Sana Baeur, a highly qualified marketing professional, who

have enjoyed a successful career working in financial

derivatives and trading technology. She has over 15 years

of experience in B2B/B2C marketing and retention. She

possesses exceptional business acumen in both strategic

and tactical marketing. She has in-depth knowledge of financial products,

comprehensive experience of the full client life cycle and is committed to enhancing and

developing her existing skills in a dynamic environment.

Natalic Serebrinic

CTO Co-Founder

Natalie is a persistent entrepreneur, social marketer and

designer. Enthusiast of blockchain, Altcoin and disruptive

technologies. With strong experience in the Latin markets

where she has been dealing in luxury real estate, Right

now, she is focused on blockchain, token economics,

cryptocurrency and how they are changing the world as we know it.
Farshad Mofidi

Operations Director

Farshad is a co-founder and the Operations Director of

Atria Developments Limited. He has many years of

management and technology consulting experience, has

led 20+ digital asset systems projects, and provided

comprehensive consulting for strategy, operations, and risk

control and system development. Prior to Atria Developments, Farshad worked at VP IT

Consultant at Cargill PLC. He provided many Top 500 companies for strategic and IT

consulting, and led a number of IOT, big data, ERP information integration systems


Matahari Chilikova

Sales, Marketing, Admin & Community Leadership

Matahari has been working as a telegram community

manager for many successful ICO projects and has

achieved their ICO targets, to help with marketing, media,

PR and strategy. She comes from a strong sales

background in the hospitality sector but her interests in

blockchain makes her expert in combining her past experience for delivering the right

strategies for Atriark community growth and expansion.

Hendra Bizz

Affiliated Marketing Online YouTube IG FB WA Broadcaster

Hendra is digital marketing veteran with more than 10 years

of experience in online marketing, SEO and web analytics.

Dynamic professional with strong focus on creative, results-

driven strategies, attention to detail and excellent

professionalism. Specialize in out-of-the-box creative

marketing strategies, traffic conversion and extensive knowledge in the digital media to

help firms achieve top search and social media rankings including Facebook, Twitter,

and other platforms. Also seasoned investors with special knack in FX and crypto

trading and as a senior FX have helped many Forex and binary trading companies to

stand out from the competition. Worked with &

Andrea Mofidi

VP – Client Services
Andrea is a co-founder and the VP Client Services of Atria

Developments Limited. Andrea has over 10 years of

experience in online client services, user experience and

trading. She drives the innovations in the exchange

systems built by Atriark, and pushes the product far ahead

of the competition in this ultra-competitive space.


Projected annual movement of ATRK token supply


2019 125,000,000
2020 138,140,000 1

2021 144,710,000 2

2022 151,280,000 3

2023 157,850,000 4

2024 164,420,000 4

2025 167,048,000 5

2026 169,676,000 5

2027 172,304,000 5

2028 174,932,000 10

2029 177,560,000 12

2030 180,188,000 13

2031 181,502,000 14

2032 182,816,000 15

2033 184,130,000 16

2034 185,444,000 18

2035 186,758,000 20

2036 188,072,000 25

2037 189,386,000 26

2038 190,700,000 27

2039 192,014,000 28

2040 193,328,000 30
Funds Usage

 35% of the funds will be used to build the Atriark platform and perform upgrades

to the system, which includes team recruiting, training, and the development


 50% will be used for Atriark branding and marketing, including continuous

promotion and education of Atriark and blockchain innovations in industry

mediums. A sufficient budget for various advertisement activities, to help Binance

become popular among investors, and to attract active users to the platform.

 15% will be kept in reserve to cope with any emergency or unexpected situation

that might come up.



ATRK shall continue to invest in proper legal and compliance expertise to ensure the

intelligence and technologies meet current regulatory rules and regulations of an Initial

Coin Offering at the ICO-stage.

As set forth by the designated legal advisors, and based on the Howe Test, ATRK

tokens are not deemed securities and do not need to be registered as such. ATRK is in

stride with current legislative regulation and operations of ICO, digital tokens, and

cryptocurrencies, with a safeguard guarantee provided to registered users and


ATRK is in stride with current legislative regulation and operations of ICO, digital tokens,

and cryptocurrencies, with a safeguard guarantee provided to registered users and

contributors. This document is for information purposes only and is not an offer or a call

to sell stocks or securities of Atria Developments Limited., or that of any other related or

associated companies.


User acknowledges, understands, and agrees that Atriark tokens are not securities and

are not registered with any government entity as a security, and shall not be considered

as such. User acknowledges, understands, and agrees that ownership of tokens does

not grant the user the right to receive profits, income, or other payments or returns

produced from the acquisition, holding, management or disposal of, the exercise of, the
redemption of, or the expiry of, any right, interest, title or benefit in the ATRK ICO or

ATRK Community Platform or any other ATRK property, whole or in part. ATRK does not

represent an ownership interest in Atriark. or any other entity.


There is no guarantee that ATRK tokens will be tradable on any exchange. There is no

guarantee of the value of ATRK tokens or whether that value will change over time.

Unforeseen events, events in which the developers have no control, or force majeure

circumstances may cause the value of ATRK to be extremely volatile.

Users who purchase or earn ATRK tokens hereby acknowledge and represent that they

are not acquiring such ATRK tokens with an expectation of profit or income. Users who

purchase or earn ATRK tokens further acknowledge and represent that there may be no

exchange or merchant that accept ATRK tokens in exchange for goods, services, cash,

or other cryptocurrencies.

As future values and acquisitions of cryptocurrencies and alternative coins cannot be

guaranteed, it is recommended that each participant consider all risks as described in

these papers and those associated with participation in the ATRK Community. Risks

associated with Ethereum ATRK tokens are issued on the Ethereum blockchain.

Therefore, any failure or malfunctioning of the Ethereum protocol may lead to the trading

network of fragmented ATRK tokens.


Blockchain technologies are subject to supervision and control by various regulatory

bodies. ATRK may fall under one or more request or action on their part, including but

not limited to restrictions imposed on the use or possession of digital tokens such as

ATRK tokens, possibly limiting the functionality or repurchase of ATRK tokens in the



ATRK tokens are not legally binding investments. In the case of unforeseen

circumstances, the objectives stated in this document may be changed. Despite the fact

that ATRK intends to reach all goals described in this document, all persons and parties

involved in the purchase of ATRK tokens do so at their own risk. Quantum computers

Technical innovations, like the development of quantum computers, may pose a threat

to cryptocurrencies, including ATRK tokens.


ATRK tokens are a new and relatively untested technology. In addition to the risks

mentioned in this document, there are also additional unforeseen risks associated with

this product. These risks may manifest themselves in various forms of risk in addition to

those specified herein.

Atriark Development Ltd.

Unit 4 Vista Place Coy Pond Business Park,

Ingworth Road, Poole, United Kingdom, BH12 1JU

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