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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial




Abelong Windel
Barretto, Greatchen
Escozar, Allaine
Gubotia, Liezel
Maloloyon, Erica Mae
Ouano, Leslie
Rea, Kristelle
Tagle, Alyssa
Zarsaga,Luisito Jr.

College of Administration, Business, Hospitality and

Southern Luzon State University

For SLSU use only

GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial

February 2020

For SLSU use only

GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial


Patent law is an exclusive area where it discovery and inventions of several
gives the inventors the right to a specific devices that makes mechanical calculator
invention which they can sell or benefited and machine to have a designed that its
it. Also, it is part of an intellectual part and component is produced to
property of a person or inventor. precise specification. Those technology
Traditional patents protect any tangible during this period are greatly improved
scientific inventions such as car engines, through the invention of tools design to
heating coils or zipper but as time goes. use for precise measurement of objects
However, as overtime have been uses to also known as Vernier scale and
protect a broader variety of invention micrometer, that has a more and used in
such as coding algorithms, business a telescope to measure angular distances
practices, or genetically modified between
organisms. stars and
In general, a patent can be granted if an relative sizes
invention is: of celestial
●not a natural object or process; object.
Other than measuring the length the
●useful; and
improvement in the field of measuring
● not obvious.

types of
the heat, the invention of:
inventions that qualify for patent
Pyrometer- a type of thermometer used
protection. They are: to measure high temperatures. Invented
by Josiah Wedgwood to measure the
Process – Also called a method, is an temperature in kiln, which compared the
advanced approach of doing stuff. color of clay fired at known temperature.
Machine – A machine is a particular
Hygrometer- is a tool used to measure
object. It produces a function or creates a the humidity, or moisture in the
result. atmosphere. Useful in weather
Manufacture – An item or tangible predictions, growing of plant, incubators
object. and preservation of instrument such as
Composition of matter – The guitars and pianos. The first version of it
combination of two or more chemical was invented by Leonardo Di Vinci in
compounds. A composition may be the 1480 but the modern hygrometer was
result of chemically combined substances invented by Horace Benedict de Saussure
or a mixture. uing a human hair to determine relative
16th century was a time of unprecedented
change that saw the very beginning of the Barometer- is a meteorological tool used
modern era of science that leads to the in measure atmospheric pressure.

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
Invented either by Gasparo Berti in the European Middle Ages. It replaced the
1640s or Evangelista Torricelli in 1643. earlier method of hand spinning, in which
The invention of it, has been used in the individual fibers were drawn out of a
weather forecasting dating back to late mass of wool held on a stick, or distaff,
1800s. twisted together to form a continuous
Important axillary methods of strand, and wound on a second stick, or
transmitting motion. spindle. The
first stage in
These are the mechanism that are most
efficient to harvest human energy, it Saxony Spinning Wheel
proliferates the effort of human to
increase the productivity. mechanizing
Crank Handles- is an arm attached at a the process was
right angle to a rotating shaft by which to mount the
reciprocating motion is imparted to or spindle
received from the shaft. It is used to horizontally in
convert circular motion into reciprocating bearings so that it could be rotated by a
motion, or vice versa. cord encircling a large, hand-driven
wheel. The distaff, carrying the mass of
Foot treadle- Chinese pedal operated
saw The treadwheel had another fiber, was held in the left hand, and the
advantage over the hand crank: it wheel slowly turned with the right.
replaced the use of the arm muscles by Holding the fiber at an angle to the
the use of the much stronger leg muscles, spindle produced the necessary twist.
and it allowed the use of two limbs
instead of one. The same effort could thus The Saxon, or Saxony, wheel, introduced
be sustained over a longer time - or a in Europe at the beginning of the 16th
higher force could be exerted over the century, incorporated a bobbin on which
same time. To a lesser extent, the same the yarn was wound continuously; the
advantage was valid for the capstan, distaff on which the raw fiber was held
where the legs did a large part of the became a stationary vertical rod, and the
work. wheel was actuated by a foot treadle, thus
This advent in technology has a huge freeing both of the operator’s hands.
contribution to the sustainability and
The improvement of the loom in 18th-
growth of the factories that exist in the
first industrial revolution, and before the century Great Britain created a yarn
discovery and invention electric motors shortage and a demand for mechanical
in late 19th century. spinning. The result was a series of
inventions that converted the spinning
Spinning wheel, early machine for turning wheel into a powered, mechanized
fibre into thread or yarn, which was then component of the Industrial Revolution.
woven into cloth on a loom. The spinning
wheel was probably invented in India,
though its origins are obscure. It reached
Europe via the Middle East in the

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
system for pumping water from mines.
But despite the early success of Savery's
system, it was soon discovered that his
engine was only capable of drawing water
from shallow depths, a problem that
needed to be overcome if steam engines
were to function in deep mines.
Steam Power
Thomas Newcomen, developed a better
Early in the first century A.D., a Greek way to pump
inventor named Hero of Alexandria water from
designed the world's first aeolipile, or mines. His
primitive steam turbine. Heron's aeolipile system used
consisted of a hollow sphere, mounted on a redesigned
a pair of tubes. Heated from below by fire, steam engine
the tubes transported steam to the that
sphere, where it was released through eliminated
another series of tubes projecting from the need for accumulated steam pressure
the sphere's equator. This movement of — a flaw in Savery's system that led to
steam through the device caused the many an unfortunate explosion.
sphere to revolve, demonstrating the Newcomen's "atmospheric" engine — so
potential for using steam as a means of named because the level of steam
propulsion. pressure it used neared atmospheric
pressure — was the first commercially
In 1698, Thomas Savery, an engineer and
successful machine that used steam to
inventor, patented a machine that could
operate a water pump.
effectively draw water from flooded
mines using steam pressure. Savery used At 1765, James Watt, a Scottish
principles set forth by Denis Papin, a instrument maker employed by Glasgow
French-born British physicist who University, began repairing a small model
invented the pressure cooker. Papin's of a Newcomen engine. Watt was
ideas surrounding a cylinder and perplexed by the large amount of steam
pistonsteam engine had not previously consumed by Newcomen's machine and
been used to build a working engine, but realized that to remedy this inefficiency,
by 1705, Savery he would have to do away with the
had turned constant cooling and reheating of the
Papin's ideas into steam cylinder.
a useful

Using two steam

boilers, Savery
devised a nearly

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
To do this, Watt developed a separate position and stay on. As noted during the
condenser, which allowed the steam 15th and 16th centuries, they were of the
cylinder to be maintained at a constant riveted type which was normally hand-
temperature and dramatically improved held. These spectacles evolved into the
the functionality of Newcomen's engine. type with a more comfortable arched
bridge known as bow specs. Following
this, the ultra-rare slit-bridge spectacles
Evolution of appeared with slits to give some added
Spectacles elasticity to the nose bridge. Then one
piece wire (usually copper) frames with
The 15th century round lenses, better known as Nuremberg
marks a crucial style nose spectacles, came into fashion,
time in the being mass-produced throughout the
development of spectacles. By the time of 17th century and until the early 19th
Johann Gutenberg’s invention of the century. Compounding the problem of
printing press around 1450, glasses were stability, the first
already used by artisans as well as monks spectacles did not
and other religious scholars. But once have side arms.
books became available to everyone, the This critical
demand and subsequent popularity of problem went
spectacles rose exponentially. By the unsolved for
early 16th century, spectacle peddlers about 440 years
who were selling glasses became a until finally
common sight on the streets and London optician
throughout the countryside of Western Edward Scarlett (1677-1743) was
Europe. People would rummage through credited with perfecting temple
baskets filled with German-made single- spectacles – those having short, stiff side
wire metal and also leather-framed pieces that pressed against the temples
spectacles in an effort to improve their above the ears. This innovation facilitated
vision. The purchaser would try on the easy putting on and taking off of the
several pair until finally selecting the one glasses and didn’t interfere with a
of his/her preference. Around person’s long hair or wig. It hasn’t been
Nuremberg, Germany, an industry slowly proven that Scarlett truly was the
developed as mass production led to inventor.
lower costs and diminished quality. At
this time, discs were cut from plane
window glass material. For lenses to help Birth of the Light Microscope
presbyopia, a concave mold was used to
grind the front convex surface. For About 1590,
negative lenses to help myopia, a cannon two Dutch
ball was used to reshape the posterior spectacle
surface of the flat window glass. From the makers,
beginning, spectacles failed to remain in Zaccharias

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
Janssen and his son Hans, while several thousand years, came to an end in
experimenting with several lenses in a 1656 when Christian Huygens in Holland
tube, discovered that nearby objects applied the principles of physics inherent
appeared greatly enlarged. That was the in a pendulum to a clock. The main
forerunner of the compound microscope principle useful to the accuracy of time
and of the telescope. In 1609, Galileo, keeping is that the length of time it takes
father of modern physics and astronomy, for a pendulum to go through an arc is
heard of these early experiments, worked only variable by the length of the
out the principles of lenses, and made a pendulum. The weight of the bob at the
much better instrument with a focusing end of the pendulum makes no difference,
device. nor does the distance of the arc: only the
length of the shaft matters to how long it
takes for a pendulum to swing through an
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) arc. With this knowledge and some rather
complex mathematical computations,
The father of microscopy, Anton van Huygens was able to fashion a pendulum
Leeuwenhoek of Holland, started as an which went through an arc once a second,
apprentice in a dry goods store where giving unprecedented accuracy to the
magnifying glasses were used to count the measurement of time.
threads in cloth. He taught himself new
methods for grinding and polishing tiny Thermometers
lenses of great curvature which gave Thermometers measure temperature, by
magnifications up to 270 diameters, the using materials that change in some way
finest known at that time. These led to the when they are heated or cooled. In a
building of his microscopes and the mercury or alcohol thermometer, the
biological discoveries for which he is liquid expands as it is heated and
famous. He was the first to see and contracts when it is cooled, so the length
describe bacteria, yeast plants, the of the liquid column is longer or shorter
teeming life in a drop of water, and the depending on the temperature.
circulation of blood corpuscles in
capillaries. During a long life, he used his Before there was the thermometer, there
lenses to make pioneer studies on an was the earlier and closely related
extraordinary variety of things, both thermoscope, best described as a
living and non-living and reported his thermometer without a scale. A
findings in over a hundred letters to the thermoscope only showed the differences
Royal Society of England and the French in temperatures, for example, it could
Academy. show something was getting hotter.
However, the thermoscope did not
Pendulum Clock measure all the data that a thermometer
The search for more could, for example, an exact temperature
accuracy in timekeeping, in degrees.
which had gone on for Early History

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
Several inventors invented a version of Attached to each bubble is a little metal
the thermoscope at the same time. In tag that indicates a temperature. A
1593, Galileo Galilei invented a number and degree symbol are engraved
rudimentary water thermoscope, which in the tag. These metal tags are actually
for the first time, allowed temperature calibrated counterweights. The weight of
variations to be measured. Today, each tag is slightly different from the
Galileo's invention is called the Galileo others. Since the bubbles are all hand-
Thermometer, even though by definition blown glass, they aren't exactly the same
it was really a thermoscope. It was a size and shape. The bubbles are
container filled with bulbs of varying calibrated by adding a certain amount of
mass, each with a temperature marking, fluid to them so that they have the exact
the buoyancy of water changes with same density. So, after the weighted tags
temperature, some of the bulbs sink while are attached to the bubbles, each differs
others float, the lowest bulb indicated very slightly in density (the ratio of mass
what temperature it was. to volume) from the other bubbles, and
the density of all of them is very close to
In 1612, the Italian inventor Santorio the density of the surrounding water.
Santorio became the first inventor to put
a numerical scale on his thermoscope. It If you have read this question, then you
was perhaps the first crude clinical know that an object immersed in a fluid
thermometer, as it was designed to be experiences two major forces: the
placed in a patient's mouth for downward pull of gravity and the upward
temperature taking. push of buoyancy. It is the downward
force of gravity that makes this
In 1654, the first enclosed liquid-in-a- thermometer work.
glass thermometer was invented by the
Grand Duke of Tuscany, Ferdinand II. The The basic idea is that as the temperature
Duke used alcohol as his liquid. However, of the air outside the thermometer
it was still inaccurate and used no changes, so does the temperature of the
standardized scale. water surrounding the bubbles. As the
temperature of the water changes, it
Based on a thermoscope invented by either expands or contracts, thereby
Galileo Galilei in the early 1600s, the changing its density. So, at any given
thermometer on your co-worker's desk is density, some of the bubbles will float and
called a Galileo thermometer. A simple, others will sink. The bubble that sinks the
fairly accurate thermometer, today it is most indicates the approximate current
mostly used as decoration. The Galileo temperature.
thermometer consists of a sealed glass
tube that is filled with water and several
floating bubbles. The bubbles are glass
spheres filled with a colored liquid Consider this
mixture. This liquid mixture may contain example:
alcohol, or it might simply be water with
food coloring.

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
Let's say there are five bubbles in the possible, and thus gifted men of the
thermometer: Renaissance sought to develop skills in all
areas of knowledge, in physical
A blue bubble that represents 60 degrees development, in social accomplishments,
and in the arts. Some examples of this
A yellow bubble that represents 65 men’s are Leonardo DaVinci and Michael
degrees Angelo.

A green bubble that represents 70 Leonardo da Vinci made important

degrees contributions from his conviction that art
A purple bubble that represents 75 and science
degrees should work
A red bubble that represents 80 degrees together, not be
placed in separate
The blue bubble (60 degrees) is the
heaviest (densest) bubble, and each compartments. To
bubble thereafter is slightly lighter, with his mind, science
the red bubble being the lightest. Now,
could teach creative people how to
let's say the temperature in the room is
70 degrees. Since the surrounding air is produce better art, and artistic creativity
70 degrees, we know the water inside the could enhance scientific study. Therefore,
thermometer is also about 70 degrees. he did not study just one or the other of
The blue and yellow bubbles (60 and 65
these fields alone, but both. For example,
degrees, respectively) are calibrated so
that they have higher densities than the he studied human physiology
water at this temperature, so they sink.
The purple and red bubbles each have a both as a scientific endeavor and to
density that is lower than the improve his drawing and painting. Not
surrounding water, so they float at the
only did his studies, which included
very top of the thermometer. Since the
green bubble is calibrated to represent 70 dissections, improve his art, after he died,
degrees, the same temperature as the the detailed drawings he made advanced
water, it sinks slightly so that it is floating
scientific knowledge of the human body
just below the purple and red bubbles --
thereby indicating the room's and contributes a lot of invented
temperature! technology in our modern world. Most

is an ideal that developed in Renaissance importantly, his curiosity-driven

Italy from one of its most-accomplished explorations,
representatives, Leon Battista Alberti, https://www.architecturaldige
and ability to
who stated that “a man can do all things if

he will.” This led to the notion that men michelangelo-spent-final- connect art and
should try to embrace all knowledge and science, helped
develop their own capacities as fully as

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
him innovate in his work. Da Vinci creating Adam that depicts the human
made an astoundingly diverse array of brain in cross section. Michelangelo,
discoveries, arguably the most famous painter and
including sculptor in history, had a lesser-known
conceptualizing alter ego: Michelangelo is also the
the helicopter and architect of the St. Peter’s Basilica in
solar power and Vatican City, his works also contributed a
advancing lot in the field of science, He’s not only an
knowledge about artist but also a secret scientist and
technology. Also, architecture engineer in his early times.
Da Vinci's far-reaching scientific studies
Industrial revolution
had an impact on the art world through
his painting. He experimented with At one time, humans, fueled by the
animals and plants they ate and the wood
perspective and mastered the art of the
they burned, or aided by their
"vanishing point," a technique which gave domesticated animals, provided most of
his paintings a tremendous sense of depth the energy in use. Windmills and
waterwheels captured some extra energy,
or three-dimensionality. Many future
but there was little in reserve. All life
artists, engineers and scientist used operated within the fairly immediate flow
studied and used his techniques. In the of energy from the Sun to Earth.
field of engineering was invented with the Everything changed during the Industrial
idea of Da vinci’s “vanishing point” and Revolution, which began around 1750.
Drawing perspective. Because of his People found an extra source of energy
with an incredible capacity for work. That
invention and art techniques that can be source was fossil fuels — coal, oil, and
used in science works, our modern world natural gas, though coal led the way —
become formed underground from the remains of
plants and animals from much earlier
Another Renaissance man is geologic times. When these fuels were
burned, they released energy, originally
Michelangelo, he exemplified the ideal
from the Sun, that had been stored for
through his accomplishments hundreds of millions of years.
in sculpture, painting, architecture,
Coal was formed when huge trees from
and poetry. He is also a secret scientist the Carboniferous period (345– 280
because in Back 1990, He made the million years ago) fell and were covered
with water, so that oxygen and bacteria
Sistine chapel ceiling art intitled God
could not decay them. Instead, the

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
pressure of the weight of materials above in Turkey, where one was used to turn the
them compressed them into dark, spit that roasts a lamb over a fire.) Its first
carbonic, ignitable rock. application was to more quickly and
efficiently pump water out of coal mines,
Most of the Earth’s oil and gas formed to better allow for extraction of the
over a hundred million years ago from natural resource, but Watt’s engine
tiny animal skeletons and plant matter worked well enough to be put to other
that fell to the bottom of seas or were uses; he became a wealthy man. After his
buried in sediment. This organic matter patent ran out in 1800, others improved
was compacted by the weight of water upon his engine. By 1900 engines burned
and soil. Coal, oil, and gas, despite their 10 times more efficiently than they had a
relative abundance, are not evenly hundred years before.
distributed on Earth; some places have
much more than others, due to At the outset of the 19th century, British
geographic factors and the diverse colonies in North America were
ecosystems that existed long ago. producing lots of cotton, using machines
to spin the cotton thread on spindles and
Early Steam Engines to weave it into cloth on looms. When
The story of the Industrial Revolution they attached a steam engine to these
begins on the small island of Great machines, they could easily outproduce
Britain. By the early 18th century, people India, up until then the world’s leading
there had used up most of their trees for producer of cotton cloth. One steam
building houses and ships and for cooking engine could power many spindles and
and heating. In their search for something looms. This meant that people had to
else to burn, they turned to the hunks of leave their homes and work together in
black stone (coal) that they found near factories.
the surface of the earth. Soon they were Early in the 19th century the British also
digging deeper to mine it. Their coal invented steam locomotives and
mines filled with water that needed to be steamships, which revolutionized travel.
removed; horses pulling up bucketfuls In 1851 they held the first world’s fair, at
proved slow going. which they exhibited telegraphs, sewing
Earth; some places have much more than machines, revolvers, reaping machines,
others, due to geographic factors and the and steam hammers to demonstrate they
diverse ecosystems that existed long ago. that were the world’s leading
manufacturer of machinery. By this time
To the rescue came James Watt (1736– the characteristics of industrial society —
1819), a Scottish instrument-maker who smoke rising from factories, bigger cities
in 1776 designed an engine in which and denser populations, railroads —
burning coal produced steam, which could be seen in many places in Britain.
drove a piston assisted by a partial
vacuum. (There had been earlier steam Why Britain?
engines in Britain, and also in China and

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
Britain wasn’t the only place that had United States. During that time, the two
deposits of coal. So why didn’t the major European powers; Britain and
Industrial Revolution begin in China, or France were at war with each other since
somewhere else that boasted this natural 1803. Americans had tried hard to remain
resource? Did it start in isolation in neutral in this conflict and keep up
Britain, or were there global forces at communication and trade with both
work that shaped it? Was it geography or countries. However, being in between
cultural institutions that mattered most? give rise to many challenges faced by US,
Historians have vigorously debated these which definitely led President Thomas
questions, amassing as much evidence as Jefferson and the Congress to pass the
possible for their answers. Embargo Act of 1807. Some of these
events that caused the passing of the said
Possible reasons why industrialization act are as follows:
began in Britain include:
a). In 1806, France
1. Shortage of wood and the abundance of
convenient coal deposits • passed a law prohibiting trade
between neutral parties, like U.S. as well
2. Commercial-minded aristocracy; as with Britain.
limited monarchy
• American merchant ships had been
3. System of free enterprise; limited seized by the French warships.
government involvement
b). In 1807, Britain retaliated
4. Government support for commercial
projects, for a strong navy to protect ships • Also prohibits trade between
neutral parties and France
5. Cheap cotton produced by slaves in
North America • began seizing American ships.

6. High literacy rates • attempted to control trade

7. Rule of law; protection of assets • demanded that all American vessels

had to check in at British ports before
Possible reasons why industrialization they could trade with any other nation
did not begin in China include:
• satisfied their need for sailors at
Location of China’s coal, which was in the America's expense.
north, while economic activity was
centered in the south c) Tensions increased between the
United States and Great Britain as the
Rapid growth of population British provided weapons to American
Indians resisting U.S. expansion into their
Great Britain was sending and selling
many of their products to the people of d) the Chesapeake-Leopard affair.

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
• The American ship Chesapeake 1807 led to increasing economic pressure
had just left Norfolk, Virginia, when it was from the American public to go to war
stopped by the British warship Leopard. with Britain. The “war hawk” (those
demanding for war) faction exerted great
• The Leopard's commander, influence over the House of
Salusbury Pryce Humphreys, demanded Representatives and helped to pass a
that the British be allowed to search the declaration of war against Britain in June
Chesapeake for three deserters rumored 1812, beginning the War of 1812 or the
to be on board. "Second war of American Independence."
• The Chesapeake's commander,
James Barron, refused.
The Embargo Act of 1807 and the war of
• Leopard fired on the Chesapeake. 1812 led to some disadvantages on
shipping and trading, while on one hand,
poster positive effect on manufacturing.
With this concurrences, Jefferson chose
what he thought was the best of his DISADVANTAGES
limited options and responded to the 1.All vessels under United States
crisis through economic means. He jurisdiction found themselves prohibited
initiated a sweeping ban on trade, known from making foreign voyages. Trade ships
as the Embargo Act of 1807. The purpose sat rotting at the wharves.
of this act were:
2. Some sought to evade the unpopular
• to prohibited American ships from act, smuggling British goods from Canada
leaving their ports until Britain and using coastal vessels.
France agreed to stop seizing them at sea.
3. Economic aspect:
• intended to punish Britain and
France for interfering with American • Gross National Product in 1807:
trade decrease by 8%

• help the United States by • Exports: declined by 75%

demonstrating to Britain and France their
dependence on American goods • Imports: declined by 50%

• to convince them to respect • exports: from $108 million (before the

American neutrality and stop impressing embargo) to just over $22 million (after a
American seamen. year)

However, the Embargo Act did exactly ADVANTAGES

the opposite and caused far more damage 1. U.S. left no option but to produce their
to America’s economy than to Britain’s. goods to sustain their needs.
US economy was devastated and suffered.
The failure of Jefferson’s Embargo Act of 2. Old factories were reused

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
3. New manufactories and buildings were inventions help people in their living
built. status to the society and the economy of
the country wherein it helps to the
4. Using technology smuggled from Great advancement in agriculture, industry,
Britain, Connecticut’s many streams and shipping and trading and to the expansion
rivers provided a good source of of economy. The inventions made real the
waterpower dreams of the people that seems like
and textile impossible.
mills began
operating as Steamboat
Found on Google from
early as the
Robert Fulton Robert Fulton
Found on Google from
5. Other
Robert Fulton was born a farm in little
Britain, pennyslavnia on November
industries also prospered under the
14,1765. His parents are Robert Fulton
embargo. These included:
Sr. and Mary Smith Fulton. He is an
• paper mills American Inventor and engineer who is
best known for his role in developing the
• gun factories first commercially successful steamboat.
February 24, 1815 he became an
• blast furnaces
American engineer. Fulton is also credited
• forges with inventing the Nautilus, one of the
world’s first practical submarines. Fulton
• tanneries remained single until age 43 when in
1808, he married Harriet Livingston, the
• distilleries.
niece of his steamboat business partner,
3. By 1810, Connecticut produced nearly Robert R. Livingston. The couple had a
$6 million worth of manufactured goods son and three daughters together. Before
each year, a substantial sum in that Fulton became an inventor he was an
period. artist but his paintings did not impress
the people. In 1794, Fulton abandoned his
4. The state, which had previously been career as an artist and started to discover
primarily agricultural, was on its way to a new thing until he made successful the
becoming a center of industry and steamboat. His steamboat was (20.1 m)
innovation long, 8 feet (2.4m) beam, and made to
travel 3-4 miles per hour. Fulton awarded
During the Industrial Revolution
as Hall of Fame for great Americans
there are some inventions discovered and
(1900) the National Inventors Hall of
those are steamboat by Robert Fulton in
Fame (2006). He was died on February
1793, cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1794,
24, 1815.
reaper by Cyrus McCormick in 1831, and
steel plow by John Deere in 1837. Those

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
Robert Fulton’s Steamboat cotton gin but most important for
developing the concept of mass
Steamboat production of interchangeable parts. He
Year Invented August 1807
received an award and honor of being
Used It is used in rivers
“Hall of Fame for Great Americans” on
in the 19th century,
and particularly 1900. Whitney’s father was a respected
on the Mississipi farmer who served as a justice of the
River and its peace. In May 1798 Whitney entered Yale
principal College, where he learned many of the
tributaries in the new concepts and experiments in science
United States.
and the applied arts, as technology was
How it changes They became
then called. When Eli Whitney heard the
the lives of the more and more
people? popular which complaints of Georgia planters where
meant, in the tobacco prices were low, and rice and
older times there indigo prices weren’t much better. He saw
were paddles and that a machine to clean the green-seed
sailing boats. cotton could make its inventor rich. He set
Why was the Because of the to work and construed a crude model
invention of the efficiency of a
which is the cotton gin. Cotton gin had
steamboat so steamboat was
important? much better than four parts. (1) a hopper to feed the cotton
a simple paddle into the gin; (2) a revolving cylinder
boat. It also saved studded with hundreds of short wire
time on things and hooks, closely set in ordered lines to
traveled faster, match fine grooves cut in (3) a stationary
farther, and could breastwork that strained out the seed
carry more loads.
while the fibre flowed through; and (4) a
clearer, which was a cylinder set with
Eli Whitney bristles, turning in the opposite direction,
that brushed the cotton from the hooks
Eli Whitney was born on December 8, and let it fly off by its own centrifugal
1765, in Westborough, Massachusetts. His force. After perfecting his machine
parents are Eli Whitney secured a patent (1794), and he
Whitney and and Miller went into business
Elizabeth Fay. manufacturing. Planters do not have the
His spouse is ability to buy this machine. Then, when
Hanrietta congress refused to renew the patent,
Eli Whitney Edwards Whitney concluded that “an invention can
Found on Google from
they have 4 be so valuable as to be worthless to the
kids inventor”. After he invented the milling
Elizabeth Fay, Frances, Susan, and Eli machine he never patented it like the
Whitney Jr. He is an American inventor, cotton gin which turn to be useless. He
mechanical engineer, and manufacturer, was died on January 8, 1825 in New
best remembered as the inventor of the Haven, Connecticut.

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Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin McCormick was born
on Virginia farm in
1809. He was known
as the Father of
Modern Agriculture.
Cyrus McCormick
His parents are Robert
Found on Google from
McCormick and Mary Ann Hall. His
Spouse is Nancy Fowler and have 2 Cyrus
McCormick CottonJr.Gin and Harold Fowler
Found on Google from
McCormick. His interest in machines
stemmed from watching his father’s early
attempts to design a horse-drawn
Cotton gin mechanical reaper. After over 20 years of
Year Invented October 28, 1793 his father trying to perfect the reaper,
Used It is used to pull
Cyrus took over the project, and by 1831,
cotton fibers from
the cotton seed. It was demonstrating his improved horse-
caused the drawn reaper in nearby towns. After
revolution in the numerous tests, the reaper was
production of harvesting about an acre an hour;
cotton in the whereas before, it would have taken an
southern United entire day to harvest anywhere between
States, and had an
an acre to three acres. The machine was
enormous impact
on the institution loud and cumbersome, but it made a
of slavery in this farmer’s job much easier. McCormick was
country. able to secure a patent on the device in
How it changes Helps to less labor 1834. By 1860, more than 100,000
the lives of the intensive cash reapers were in use on Western Farms.
people? crop and He was died on May 13, 1884 in Chicago
immensely to the
rise of cotton
Cyrus McCormick’s Reaper
production in the
Deep South.
Why was the Because it
invention of the dramatically
cotton gin so reduced the
important? amount of time it
took to separate
cotton seeds from
cotton fiber.

Cyrus McCormick Found on Google from

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John Deere’s Steel Plow
Date Invented 1831
John Deere Used It was used by the
farmers to harvest
Replaced the
manual cutting of
crop with scythes
and sickles
Deere was born in Rutland, How it changes Helps farmer to
Vermont, on February 7, 1804, the third
John Deere
the lives of the harvest the wheat
son of William Rinold Deere and Sarah
Found on Google from people? quicker and
Yates Deere. In 1805, the family moved to allowed them to
sell things faster
Middlebury, Vermont, where William
and in a larger
engaged in merchant tailoring. In 1837, bulk.
John Deere, was a typical blacksmith Why was the Helps the farmer
turning out hayforks, horeshoes, and invention of the to harvest their
other essentials for life the prairie. Then reaper so wheat quicker
one day, a broken steel sawmill blade important? with less labor
gave him an opportunity. He knew well force.
the back-breaking difficulty of farmers
near his home in Grand Detour, Illinois.
While plowing, they often interrupted
their work to scrape the sticky prairie soil
from their cast-iron plows. He envisioned
that soil sliding easily off of a highly
polished steel John Deere
moldboard. With steel
Found onin
Googlethe area, Deere acquired a
broken steel saw blade, and from it
crafted a new type of moldboard plow.
Over the next decades, Deere built strong Steel Plow
supply and distribution channels, and Year Invented 1837
Used Used for farming
continually improved his product based
to break up tough
on suggestions from customers. Today, soil without soil
more than 175 years after John Deere getting stuck to it.
created his steel plow, the company How it changes Helps the farmer
provides advanced products and services the lives of the to crack the heavy
for those whose work is linked to the people the soil easily so
land, including a few very modern that they can plant
effectively and
variations on John Deere’s original plow.
harvest seeds
He died on May 17, 1886 in Moline more.

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
Why was the It allowed farmers A dream gave Elias Howe the inspiration
invention of the to cultivate crops for his invention of the sewing machine.
Steel Plow so more efficiently He dreamt that cannibals surrounded him
important? because the and prepared to cook him as they waved
smooth texture of
spears. When he awoke, he remembered
the steel blade
would not allow the spears, which had holes in the shaft
the soil of the and moved up and down.
great plains to
stick as the cast He invented the machine in 1845 and got
iron plow did. a patent for it from New Hartford,
Connecticut in September 10, 1846. His
innovation was the lock stitch, which uses
In Conclusion, the 4 inventions in the one needle with a thread that goes up and
Industrial Revolution that have been down, picking up a thread from a bobbin
discussed gave us knowledge about the or shuttle on the other side of the fabric.
people behind those inventions which
greatly help the society, particularly, the Trivia
farmers for their livelihood. Also, the 21 st
century learners can get inspiration to The first American sewing machine
innovate those inventions or create a new stitched 250 stitches a minute .
one that will satisfy the needs of our There were two other inventors Isaac
society. Lastly, those inventions brought Singer ,and Allen Wilson .Elias fought a
technological development that will legal battle against them to be sure he
expand, improve and contribute to the was recognized as the inventor .
advancement in the field of agriculture,
industry, shipping and trading on the long
Karl Drais, the Bicycle and Typewriter

He was born Karl Freidrich

July 9, 1819, Christian
in Spencer, Ludwig
Mass., at a Freiherr Drais
time when von
nearly Sauerbronn
everyone (29 April 1785
sewed by hand. Women made clothing, - 10 December 1851), was born in
shirts, sheets and towels, Karlesruh, Baden, to a family of
and men knew how to influential civil servants with minor
repair a shirt. royal connections. His mother was
Baroness von Kaltenthal, his father
served as a judge, and his godfather
CANNIBAL DREAM was the Grand Duke of Baden Karl

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
Freidrich. He was a German forest official and inventor who developed an electric
and significant inventor in the telegraph (1832–35). In 1838 he and his
Biedermeier period. friend Alfred Vail developed the Morse

Drais was a prolific inventor, who

invented the Laufmaschine (“running
machine”), also later called the
Velocipede, Draisine (English) or
draisienne (French), also nicknamed Rise and Decline of the Telegraph
“the hobby horse” or “dandy horse”. System
This was his most popular and widely
Developed in the 1830s and 1840s by
recognized invention. It incorporated the
Samuel Morse (1791-1872) and other
two-wheeler principle that is basic to the
inventors, the telegraph revolutionized
bicycle and motorcycle and was the
long-distance communication. It worked
beginning of mechanized personal
by transmitting electrical signals over a
wire laid between stations. In addition to
helping invent the telegraph, Samuel
Morse developed a code (bearing his
name) that assigned a set of dots and
dashes to each letter of the English
alphabet and allowed for the simple
transmission of complex messages across
telegraph lines. In 1844, Morse sent his
first telegraph message, from
Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, Maryland;
by 1866, a telegraph line had been laid
across the Atlantic Ocean from the U.S. to
Europe. Although the telegraph had fallen
Samuel F.B. Morse, in full Samuel Finley out of widespread use by the start of the
Breese Morse, 21st century, replaced by the telephone,
fax machine and Internet, it laid the
(born April 27, 1791, Charlestown, groundwork for the communications
Massachusetts, U.S. —died April 2, 1872, revolution that led to those later
New York, New York ), American painter innovations.

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In 1843, Morse and Vail received funding deaf, influencing Alexander’s later career
from the U.S. Congress to set up and test choice as teacher of the deaf. He had two
their telegraph system between brothers, Melville James Bell and Edward
Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Charles Bell, both of whom died from
Maryland. On May 24, 1844, Morse sent tuberculosis.
Vail the historic first message: “What
hath God wrought!” The telegraph During his youth, Bell was strongly
system subsequently spread across influenced by his family and his environs.
America and the world, aided by further Bell’s hometown of Edinburgh, Scotland,
innovations. Among these improvements was known as the “Athens of the North”
was the invention of good insulation for for its rich culture of arts and science. His
telegraph wires. The man behind this grandfather and father were experts on
innovation was Ezra Cornell (1807-74), the mechanics of voice and elocution. And
one of the founders of the university in Bell's mother, Eliza, became an
New York that bears his name. Another accomplished pianist despite being deaf,
improvement, by the famed inventor inspiring him to undertake big challenges.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) in Eliza home-schooled her son and instilled
1874, was the Quadruplex system, which an infinite curiosity of the world around
allowed for four messages to be him. He received one year of formal
transmitted simultaneously using the education in a private school and two
same wire. years at Edinburgh’s acclaimed Royal
High School. At age 11 he entered the
Royal High School at Edinburgh, but he
did not enjoy the compulsory curriculum,
Through Industrial Revolution, it has and he left school at age 15 without
inspired many other great inventions graduating.
during the rest of the 19th century. It
includes telephone that is invented by In 1865, the family moved to London.
Alexander Graham Bell in 1877 and the Alexander passed the entrance
lightbulb invented by Thomas Edison in examinations for University College
1878. London in June 1868 and matriculated
there in the autumn. However, he did not
Who was Alexander Graham Bell? complete his studies, because in 1870 the
Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish- Bell family moved again, this time
born American inventor and scientist. Bell immigrating to Canada after the deaths of
was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Bell’s younger brother Edward in 1867
Scotland. He is the second son of and older brother Melville in 1870, both
Alexander Melville Bell and Eliza Grace of tuberculosis. The family settled in
Symonds Bell, he was named for his Brantford, Ontario, but in April 1871
paternal grandfather. The middle name Alexander moved to Boston, where he
“Graham” was added when he was 10 taught at the Boston School for Deaf
years old. His mother was almost deaf, Mutes. He also taught at the Clarke School
and his father taught elocution to the for the Deaf in Northampton,

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Massachusetts, and at the American Bell’s diversion frustrated his
School for the Deaf in Hartford, benefactors, and Thomas Watson, a
Connecticut. skilled electrician, was hired to refocus
Bell on the harmonic telegraph. But
One of Bell’s students was Mabel Watson soon became enamoured with
Hubbard, daughter of Gardiner Greene Bell’s idea of voice transmission and the
Hubbard, a founder of the Clarke School. two created a great partnership with Bell
Mabel had become deaf at age five as a being the idea man and Watson having
result of a near-fatal bout of scarlet fever. the expertise to bring Bell’s ideas to
Bell began working with her in 1873, reality. Through 1874 and 1875, Bell and
when she was 15 years old. Despite a 10- Watson laboured on both the harmonic
year age difference, they fell in love and telegraph and a voice transmitting device.
were married on July 11, 1877. They had Though at first frustrated by the
four children, Elsie (1878–1964), Marian diversion, Bell’s investors soon saw the
(1880–1962), and two sons who died in value of voice transmission and filed a
infancy. patent on the idea.

How did Alexander’s telephone invention

How did Alexander Graham Bell invented works?
the telephone? For now the concept was protected, but
While pursuing his teaching profession, the device still had to be developed. In
Bell also began researching methods to 1876, Bell and Watson were finally
transmit several telegraph messages successful. Legend has it that Bell
simultaneously over a single wire, knocked over a container of transmitting
wherein it is the major focus of telegraph fluid and shouted, “Mr. Watson, come
innovation at the time and one that here – I want to see you.” The more likely
ultimately led to Bell’s invention of the explanation was Bell heard a noise over
telephone. Before then, Bell in 1871 the wire and called to Watson. In any
started working on a device known as the case, Watson heard Bell’s voice through
multiple or harmonic telegraph (a the wire and thus, he received the first
telegraph transmission of several telephone call.
messages set to different frequencies) The first telephone had two parts: a
upon moving to Boston. He found transmitter and a receiver. The
financial backing through local investors transmitter comprised three parts—a
Thomas Sanders and Gardiner Hubbard. drumlike device (a cylinder with a
Between 1873 and 1874, Bell spent long covered end), a needle, and a battery. The
days and nights trying to perfect the covered end of the drumlike device was
harmonic telegraph. But during his attached to the needle. The needle was
experiments, he became interested in connected by wire to the battery, and the
another idea, transmitting the human battery was connected by wire to a
voice over wires. receiver. When Bell spoke into the open
end of the drumlike device, his voice

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made the paper and needle vibrate. The Improvements were made on the device
vibrations were then converted into an including the addition of a microphone,
electric current which traveled along the invented by Thomas Edison, which
wire to the receiver. eliminated the need to shout into the
telephone to be heard.
With this success, Bell began to promote
the telephone in a series of public By all accounts, Bell was not a sharp
demonstrations. At the 1876 Centennial businessman and by 1880 began to turn
Exhibition in Philadelphia, Bell business matters over to Hubbard and
demonstrated the telephone to the others so he could pursue a wide range of
Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro, who inventions and intellectual pursuits. In
exclaimed, “My God, it talks!” Other 1880, Bell established the Volta
demonstrations followed, each at a Laboratory in Washington, D.C., an
greater distance than the last. experimental facility devoted to scientific
discovery. Later in his life, Bell became
The Bell Telephone Company was fascinated with flight and began exploring
organized on July 9, 1877. In January the possibilities for flying machines and
1915, Bell was invited to make the first devices, starting with the tetrahedral kite
transcontinental phone call. From New in 1890s. In 1907, Bell formed the Aerial
York, he spoke with his former associate Experiment Association with Glenn
Watson in San Francisco. Curtiss and several other associates. The
However, there are some issues that Bell group developed several flying machines,
faced regarding his invention in including the Silver Dart. The Silver Dart
telephone which he faced. was the first powered aircraft flown in
Canada. Bell later worked on hydrofoils
After their 1877 wedding, Alexander and and set a world speed record for this type
Mable travelled to Europe demonstrating of boat.
the telephone. Upon their return to the
United States, Bell was summoned to Throughout his life, Bell sought to foster
Washington D.C. to defend his telephone the advance of scientific knowledge. He
patent from lawsuits. supported the journal Science, which later
became the official publication of the
Others claimed they had invented the American Association for the
telephone or had conceived of the idea Advancement of Science. He was one of
before Bell. Over the next 18 years, the the founders of the National Geographic
Bell Company faced over 550 court Society in 1888 and succeeded his father-
challenges, including several that went to in-law, Gardiner Hubbard, as president of
the Supreme Court, but none were the society between 1898 and 1903. In
successful. Even during the patent battles, that year his son-in-law, Gilbert H.
the company grew. Between 1877 and Grosvenor, became editor in chief of the
1886, over 150,000 people in the United National Geographic Magazine. Bell died
States owned telephones. at his Nova Scotia estate, where he was

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Who was Thomas Edison? the automatic telegraph, duplex
telegraph, and message printer. It was
Thomas Edison, who was born on about this time that Thomas dedicated his
February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio is an life to being a full-time inventor.
American inventor who, singly or jointly,
held a world record 1,093 patents. In Thomas Edison moved to New York and
addition, he created the world’s first set up a small laboratory in Newark, New
industrial research laboratory. Jersey. He continued his work on the
telegraph and his ideas also gave birth to
Edison was the seventh and last child and the universal stock ticker. In 1875, Edison
the fourth surviving of Samuel Edison, Jr., wanted to build a new laboratory in
and Nancy Elliot Edison. At an early age Menlo Park, New Jersey. His father
he developed hearing problems, which Samuel supervised the construction of the
have been variously attributed but were new laboratory; it opened in 1876.
most likely due to a familial tendency to
mastoiditis. Whatever the cause, Edison’s How did Thomas Edison created the
deafness strongly influenced his lightbulb?
behaviour and career, providing the
motivation for many of his inventions. In the period from 1878 to 1880 Edison
and his associates worked on at least
In 1859, the Grand Trunk Railroad was three thousand different theories to
extended to Port Huron, Michigan. develop an efficient incandescent lamp.
Thomas got a job as a newsboy for the Incandescent lamps make light by using
day-long trip to Detroit and back. Since electricity to heat a thin strip of material
there was a five-hour layover in Detroit, (called a filament) until it gets hot enough
Edison asked for permission to move his to glow. Many inventors had tried to
laboratory to the baggage car of the train perfect incandescent lamps to "sub-
so he could continue his experiments divide" electric light or make it smaller
there. This worked for a little while, until and weaker than it was in the existing arc
the train lurched forward and spilled lamps, which were too bright to be used
some chemicals, setting the laboratory on for small spaces such as the rooms of a
fire. While working for the railroad, house.
Thomas saved the life of a station official's
child who had fallen onto the tracks of an Edison's lamp would consist of a filament
oncoming train. As a way of thanking him housed in a glass vacuum bulb. He had his
for saving his child's life, the father taught own glass blowing shed where the fragile
Thomas how to use the telegraph. bulbs were carefully crafted for his
experiments. Edison was trying to come
Thomas became so good at using the up with a high resistance system that
telegraph that he got a job working as a would require far less electrical power
telegrapher sending signals between the than was used for the arc lamps. This
United States and Canada. He began could eventually mean small electric
experimenting with ways to improve the lights suitable for home use.
telegraph, which led to his invention of

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By January 1879, at his laboratory in experiments," he wrote. "I was never
Menlo Park, New Jersey, Edison had built myself discouraged, or inclined to be
his first high resistance, incandescent hopeless of success. I cannot say the same
electric light. It worked by passing for all my associates."
electricity through a thin platinum
filament in the glass vacuum bulb, which "Genius is one percent inspiration and
delayed the filament from melting. Still, ninety-nine percent perspiration."
the lamp only burned for a few short How did the light bulb works?
hours. In order to improve the bulb,
Edison needed all the persistence he had Edison decided to try a carbonized cotton
learned years before in his basement thread filament. When voltage was
laboratory. He tested thousands and applied to the completed bulb, it began to
thousands of other materials to use for radiate a soft orange glow. Just about
the filament. He even thought about using fifteen hours later, the filament finally
tungsten, which is the metal used for light burned out. Further experimentation
bulb filaments now, but he couldn't work produced filaments that could burn
with it given the tools available at that longer and longer with each test. Patent
time. number 223,898 was given to Edison's
electric lamp.
One day, Edison was sitting in his
laboratory absent-mindedly rolling a The Edison lamp from our Attic is dated
piece of compressed carbon between his January 27, 1880. It is a product of the
fingers. He began carbonizing materials to continued improvements Edison made to
be used for the filament. He tested the the 1879 bulb. Even though it is over a
carbonized filaments of every plant hundred years old, this bulb looks very
imaginable, including bay wood, much like the light bulbs lighting your
boxwood, hickory, cedar, flax, and house right now. The base, or socket, on
bamboo. He even contacted biologists this 19th century lamp is similar to the
who sent him plant fibres from places in ones still used today. It was one of the
the tropics. Edison acknowledged that the most important features of Edison's lamp
work was tedious and very demanding, and electrical system. In the early 1880s,
especially on his workers helping with the Edison planned and supervised the
experiments. He always recognized the construction of the first commercial,
importance of hard work and central electric power station in New
determination. York City. In 1884, Edison began
construction of a new laboratory in West
He recalled, "Before I got through, I tested Orange, New Jersey, where he lived and
no fewer than 6,000 vegetable growths, worked for the rest of his life. The West
and ransacked the world for the most Orange facility is now part of the Edison
suitable filament material." National Historic Site, run by the National
"The electric light has caused me the Park Service.
greatest amount of study and has
required the most elaborate

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GEC 08-Science, Technology and Society Technology and Industrial
The electric light, one of the everyday "We are striking it big in the electric light,
conveniences that most affects our lives, better than my vivid imagination first
was not “invented” in the traditional conceived. Where this thing is going to
sense in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison, stop Lord only knows."
although he could be said to have created
the first commercially practical Sources:
incandescent light. He was neither the Industrialization had many positive
first nor the only person trying to invent effects on society. The creation of power
an incandescent light bulb. In fact, some machines and factories provided many
historians claim there were over 20 new job opportunities. The new
inventors of incandescent lamps prior to machinery increased production speed of
Edison’s version. However, Edison is good and gave people the ability to
often credited with the invention because transport raw materials. Industrialization
his version was able to outstrip the also lead to urbanization. The Western
earlier versions because of a combination World went from rural and agricultural to
of three factors: an effective incandescent urban industrial. The newly invented
material, a higher vacuum than others steam engine provided cheap movement
were able to achieve and a high resistance of goods through waterways. Canals were
that made power distribution from a built so resources could be transported
centralized source economically viable. with ease. The railroads gave
Before he died in 1931, Edison manufacturers a cheap way to transport
patented 1,093 of his inventions. The their products. Fresh food could also be
wonders of his mind include the delivered to distant towns. The railways,
microphone, telephone receiver, airplanes also gave people opportunities
universal stock ticker, phonograph, to travel. Telephones and cellphones
kinetoscope (used to view moving enables long-distance communication.
pictures), storage battery, electric pen, Better and higher food standards,
and mimeograph. Edison improved many medical, industrial and technological
other existing devices as well. From a advances. Overall, industrialization raised
discovery made by one of his associates, the standards of living since new
he patented the Edison effect (now called materials and products were available for
thermionic diode), which is the basis for public use. All of these innovations we
all electron tubes. Edison will forever be take delight these days is the product of
remembered for his contributions to the the continuous struggles of the great
incandescent light bulb. Even though he people and inventors of the Industrial
didn't dream up the first light bulb ever Revolution.
crafted, and technology continues to In conclusion, Industrial Revolution
change every day, Edison's work with brought scientific innovations and
light bulbs was a spark of brilliance on the technological advancements that
timeline of invention. At the very contribute to the great developments in
beginning of his experiments with the terms of agriculture, industry, trading and
incandescent lamp in 1879, he said economic growth.

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Unknown.(2020, February 20).Invention

of lightbulb. Retrieved from
ei=NRRSXreME4ja0gT_- o3wBA&q=thomas+edison+light+bulb&o
designing-st-peters-basilica- q=thomas+edison+&gs_l=psy- ab.1.4.0i67l5j0l5.204726.204726..207518

saint-peters-basilica/ ...0.0..0.200.485.0j2j1......0....1..gws-

Unknown.(2020, February 20).Invention

of telephone. Retrieved from

Unknown.(2020, February 20).Life of

Alexander Graham Bell. Retrieved from

Unknown.(2020, February 20).Life of

Thomas Edison. Retrieved from

Unknown.(2020, February 20).Invention

of lightbulb. Retrieved from

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