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“¢ 6 > They Were Raised on ‘Kane For many prominent film makers, ‘‘Citizen Kane” has been, and remains, an inspiration. Here are comments from several direefors. William Friedkin (“The French Connection,” “The Exorcist”) It’s a quarry for other film mak- ers, though they usually start out trying to imitate the surface: the dramatic angles, the shock cuts. Until I first saw “‘Kane,’’ I had al- ways thought of films just as en- tertainment. ‘‘Kane” made me want to be a film maker. Associated Press Paul Schrader (“The Comfort of Strangers,” “Patty Hearst’) “Kane” is the alpha and the ome- ga of film making, a film that all film makers can agree upon. Even those who weren't first attracted to the possibilities of cinema by “Kane” were instructed by it. It makes you aware of possibilities. It makes you courageous. ‘The New York Times | Errol Morris (“The Thin Blue Line,” “Gates of Heaven”’) Over and beyond the theme of self-delusion and fantasy, there’s an obsessive concern with sur- faces. It’s not just interested in telling us a story, but in telling us about stories. It’s this self-reflex- iveness that I feel has to do with what I do. ‘The New York Times Alan Rudolph (“Mortal Thoughts,” “Love at Large”) THE NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1991 ’ The first time I saw it, I was in ju- nior high. I had an assignment to write about current events, and my father told me to see “Kane,” even though it was 13 or 14 years old. You know the cliché about ‘something washing oer you. Well, I couldn’t wash it off. Island Alive Releasing Henry Jagio: (‘Eating,”” PME baci) I came out of the theater thinking, my God, this is what I have to do. And at the same time I felt like, my God, how am I ever going to live up to that? MAITLAND McDONAGH ‘Samuel Goldwyn,

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