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3: Reader response


Eudora Welty was born in 1909 in Jackson, Mississippi. She was a daughter of
Christian Webb Welty and Chestina Andrews Welty. She attended Davis Elementary
School when Miss Lorena Duling was principal and graduated from Jackson’s Central High
School in 1925. One of her masterpiece, “A Worn Path” is considered as her most
prominent and frequently studied short story. It was first published in The Atlantic
Monthly in February 1940. Jeanette Winterson once said, “however it is debased or
misinterpreted, love is a redemptive feature. To focus on one individual so that their
desires become superior to yours is a very cleansing experience”, thus, A Worn Path
describes a tough journey endured by an old, helpless Negro woman named Phoenix
Jackson in the jungle spurred by her unconditional love towards her grandson. Thus,
she is able to exhibit amazing determination along her journey.

1.3.1: Characters

Characters are the person depicted in a narrative or drama. Thus there are
several characters that make up A Worn Path, such as Phoenix Jackson, Hunter,
Attendant and Nurse. They are very important to make the storyline more vibrant and
interesting. Thus, the characters to be analysed in the story is Phoenix Jackson and the
Hunter. Firstly, Phoenix Jackson the, protagonist in the story. In overall, she possesses
an excellent internal quality of humankind as she depicted perseverance throughout the
arduous journey despite her unfavourable circumstances. Phoenix is an old, haggard
and powerless woman that really determined and persevered in order to obtain the
medicine for her most treasured grandson. She has to brave a series of sufferings and
challenges throughout the journey. First of all, her long skirt was caught by a bush of
thorns and only after trembling for quite a while, she manages to free from the bushes,
(line 41 and 42). Then, she has to across a creek (line 45) in which the only way to
access the opposite side is by walking on a log. By closing her eyes, she mounts on the
log (line 47) and paces carefully until she manages to reach the other side. Afterwards,
she must to go through a barbed-wire fence by creeping and crawling (line 58 and 59). I
think it is not an easy task for an ageing woman who has poor eyesight and decreasing
body agility like her. However with great determination and perseverance for the sake of
her grandson she manages to endure all the difficulties.

Moreover, Phoenix Jackson is a loving grandmother. She is willing to sacrifice

herself to obtain the medicine for her grandson. She bears the humiliation and insult by
the others. For example; the white hunter shows his disrespect by asking her to go back
home as he thinks that old woman is not able to make a long journey (line 129 and
130). Then, he also reveals biased attitudes toward an African American woman like her
as he assumes that the sole reason for her to take such a long trail is to see Santa
Claus (line 134 and 135). Despite the direct humiliation she received, she keeps
pursuing her journey just to get the medicine for her ill grandson who permanently
injured himself due to swallowing the lye. Moreover, she sacrifices the money she ‘steal’
from the white hunter and a nickel she receives from the attendant to buy a Christmas
present for her grandson.

Furthermore, Phoenix Jackson is a polite woman. For example, when she

reaches the town and she realizes that her shoes are unlaces then she asks for help
from the passers-by to tie the shoes for her as she cannot bend. A woman obliges her
to tie the shoelaces and afterwards she thanks the woman (line 183). Before that,
during the encounter with the hunter, he shows disrespect and rude manner towards
Phoenix, however Phoenix still address him as ‘mister’ to show her courtesy(line 133).
Then, Phoenix Jackson also exhibits herself as a person who possesses pride and
dignity. For example, she wants herself to be neat and clean before entering a building
(line 179 and 180). So, she asks a passer-by to help her tie her shoelaces (line 177).

Besides, Phoenix Jackson is very old and almost reaching her senility. For
instances, during her trail, she keeps talking aimlessly. She speaks to wild animals such
as foxes, owls, beetles and jack rabbits to get out of her way (line 19 and 20). Then,
when she rests under a tree, she imagines a boy is bringing a piece of marble cake to
her (line 54 and 55). However, she comes to her conscience when she realizes that she
grasps nothing but the air. Then, she in a dried cornfields, she assumes that she
encounters a ghost (line 79) but then she knows there is no ghost except a scarecrow.
Then, in the clinic, the attendant tries to ask her purpose for coming there but no avail.
Then, she sat and finally utters that “It was my memory had left me. There I sat and
forgot why I made my long trip”. It clearly shows that she perseveres her senility as well
along the trip.

Then, there is another character that plays significant role in the story. He is the
white hunter. The hunter encounters Phoenix after she falls into a ditch. Then, he
assists her to get up from the ditch (line 120). However, he subsequently reveals his
true colours as his attitude shows rudeness and a sense of racism. Firstly, he said that
Phoenix will not bear the long journey and advises her to go home (line 132). That
shows that he is looking down of Phoenix. Then, he assumes that the only reason the
Negro woman to endure the whole journey is to see Santa Claus (line 134 and 135).
This depicts he practises biased attitude toward black people. Then, he insults Phoenix
when he tells Phoenix that he will give her a dime if he has any (line 162), but unaware
that she already picked the scattered pennies that accidently fell from his pocket.

In overall, I think the character that I like the most is Phoenix Jackson. This is
because she reminds me to my old grandmother who is only a simple and strong
woman who possesses a remarkable sacrificing nature. Phoenix has a strong sense of
responsibility and commitment towards her family. She is willingly to travel alone in the
woods despite her unfavourable circumstances such as her senility just to obtain a
medicine for her ill grandson. For example, she speaks to the thorny bushes to give her
privileges by allowing the folk (her) to pass (line 38 and 39). Fortunately, the path she
takes is really familiar to her as she has uses it frequently. Then, she is old and weak.
This is when the path she takes run up a hill. She says “seems like there is chains about
my feet, time I get this far. That shows that she is already tired and weary, but she
keeps go through the journey. She is also prepared to sacrifice the pennies to get a
Christmas present to her grandson with hope that the days of her grandson will be
brighten up (line 256, 257 and 258). Therefore, her simplicity, strength and sacrificing
nature really reminds me to my old grandmother who used to look after me when I was
small, giving me unconditional loves and always protect me when I am in difficulties.
Besides, I like Phoenix Jackson the most because she is brave, courageous and
calm person. During the encounter with the hunter, she is willing to use her wits to
‘steal’ the pennies (line 149, 150 and 151) that are accidently scattered by the hunter
even though she feels guilty to do so. This is evidenced by her words “God watching me
all the time. I come to steal”. She also chooses the right time when the hunter is away.
All of sudden, the hunter points his rifle (line 155) with intent to scare and tease her but
she manages to remain calm and steady showing that she has done nothing wrong.
Later, the hunter exclaims “Well granny, he said, “you must be a hundred years old and
scared of nothing”. Truly, I really admire her brave but calm reaction.

1.3.2: Theme

Theme is the central topics, main idea, messages or concepts that the writer
tends to point out in a story. Therefore, in my opinion the main theme of the short story,
a worn path by Eudora Welty is the love of a grandmother towards her grandson. Then,
she depicts her love by her will to sacrifice everything in enduring a long, adventurous
journey even though her will is barricaded by her unfavourable circumstances. The
theme is portrayed in numerous events in the story. For example, she needs to go
through a barbed-wire fence where she has to creep and crawl, spreading her knees
and stretching her fingers like a baby trying to climb the steps (line 58). This demands
physical agility and strength in which naturally a hard and rare condition of a normal old
woman to have. Then, she is strong enough to swallow all the humiliation from the
attendant. The statement made by the attendant “A charity case, I suppose”, shows a
status and age discrimination. Then, the old Phoenix remains silent in the conversation
until a nurse comes in and explains who she is. Therefore, it shows that she has gone
through a tough situation which requires an outstanding emotional perseverance. Then,
the attendant offers her a few pennies from her purse. Phoenix replies “five pennies is a
nickel”. Later she says “I going to the store and buy my child a little windmill they sells,”
showing that she is going to sacrifice the pennies for her adored grandson.
1.3.3: Setting

Moreover, the setting is the location and the time frame the story takes place.
There are several settings that provide a lot of information that enable me to visualize
the story better. Besides, the setting also helps the development of characters in the
story and to reveal the themes. Thus in the short story, A Worn Path, the first setting is
in December (line 1). The author introduces the story in a bright, frozen December
morning. Phoenix Jackson faces hardship in the beginning of the journey in which she
must overcome the coldness due to winter in December.

Then, the story takes place in the woods. This is because the author describes
the place by “Now and then there was a quivering in the thicket. Old Phoenix said, “Out
of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons and wild animals!” Those
wild animals only live in the woods. Then, the story sets in a field of dead corn (line 72).
Here, the main character, Phoenix Jackson, encounters with a scarecrow in which she
assumes it as a ghost as she is senile and has poor eyesight.

Other than that, the story also takes place in the town of Natchez (line 168). She
asks a favour from a lady to tie her shoelaces (line 177) as she wants to look neat and
clean before entering the building. The lady obliges and she thanks her (line 183)
showing that she is polite. The other setting is in the doctor’s office. Here she meets
attendant who initially humiliate her by saying “A charity case”, and in return she speaks
nothing when the attendant asks her the further details.

1.3.4: Issue

Furthermore, there are several issues in the short story that is highlighted by the
author. Firstly, the issue of racism and age discrimination. The White hunter represents
prejudice toward black people. He treats Phoenix Jackson unfairly by insulting her in his
words. For example; He gave another laugh, filling the whole landscape “I know you old
coloured people! Wouldn’t miss to see Santa Claus”. He also assumes that the old
people like her will not stand the long journey (line 129 and 130). This issue stresses on
the age and racial disparity among the Americans around the period of World War II.

Then, the concern the author raises in this short story is the endurance of an
elderly woman to bear the hardship along the journey that she is familiar with. The trail
is long and challenging. However, her endurance and spirit overwhelms her
weaknesses as she is motivated by the willpower to obtain medicine for her grandson.
How can an old woman get the spirit to brave all the challenges in the woods as her
condition is unfavourable too? She is old, haggard, and live in poverty with her only
grandson. She sacrifices her feelings, money and physical pain to acquire a medicine
for her ill grandson. For example, she must overcome her fright and fear as she
encounters a scarecrow (line 84) that initially she assumes as a dancing ghost (line 79).
Then, she must brave the horrendous trail for an elderly woman like her. For instance,
when crossing a creek there is no other way than using a log (line 47). She is fears and
feels that the trail is challenging. This is evidenced by “now comes the trial”, when she
sees a log is laid across the creek. Then, she shut her eyes showing that she is fears.
For example, in the story “putting her right leg out, she mounted the log and shut her
eyes”. Lastly, she manages to go through all the difficulties despite her old age, as she
reaches the city of Natchez in one piece then getting a bottle of medicine for her


In the nutshell, life is a journey. Sometimes, we feel exhilarate, excited and

happy but there is also the dark side. Usually, a motivation drives us in reaching our
goal that transforms us into a highly spirited and strong person in which unleash the
great qualities within ourselves. Therefore, we must never surrender when facing
hardship in life despite the weaknesses that barricade us to do so. Live a happy life and
never blame others for our lacks and weaknesses but instead carry on our hard work to
gain success in the future.

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