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~o o~xycycline .
,~ n..:· JH
: •tinJ. and &hen _.,_ __,Jnen • Ned'C. Meuwisse 0
:1,-ailable chlorine) solucion. f'rdcnbly by "' ins H. Undcrbetg \VJM. Arn JnH JAT, ~lllltf!JJ
"iih copious water.' 7 · ed articles may be 7. osp Pharni 1o.,t.f Ii.~
Destruction '!'~"oru~n and ofconuamlnal . 26. Tomlinson E. Malspeis L J Pha • ·eo:◄1%,
dl"ec:ted'1 by 1ncinct1U011 al~- nd d·-1 are giYC11 in the 27. lrosinqud AG. C.nccr01emot: ~-19&2;7l(ln..
~nc111I .1uidclines on lwldlin,• •~P ulic,as; 95. · ·, ,..""-ciot •r.1111,s
ch1ptct,p1dtled CftotOll!C Onap: Harlddnt _rec:a · . do 21. Ennis Cf. MeniU RJ tJ.JI' ON
,-111tncEA •~MA•· Vbi~-"
'' · . 1 _..._.. for ddcdiQI ""
•f~.. -Van ~ J.
orubicin concaminatf~ .f}' .,~ • .~}id ~i06? ·-U: Caste&· 29. G.~nfi¥ !;A fltt&eri Am J Hosp Pha1111 1
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f HospPliium '1913;40-.Zl-4~ Ullilann \Vt~
-: . JI. ri...wa GS~ You· R. Munar M(leueri A ';"RJ. ~ I


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1980'.32.'i6o-2. . . .
6. Janssen-Mlll Oommelin OJA. s,onn G. Hulshoff'A. lnr J Qoxycydine monohydracc
.. ~~~ i98S:23:.l-:I I. . (4S,<CaR..SS.5aR.6S.12aS)+Dimethylamino--l.4.-4a.,SJa.6 II l2a .
7. Gµpta PK. Lain FC. H~g CT. Drug Dev Ind Phann octahydro.;3.5.I0.12.12a-pen1ahydroxy-6-methyt.l 11~~· ·
1988:14(12): 1657-71. naphlhaccne--2-carboxamide: 6-d«'xy•SP-bydro ;yt~
8. Wood MJ. irwin WJ. Scou OK. J Oin Phann Thee monohydratc
1990:IS:291-300: . . C!?HNN!O., H2O = 462.S
9. AF. Habib MJ. J t'areater ~ Technol
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11. Wood·. ~. IJiNin WJ. Scott Di(. J Oin Pfulnn. Tbcr
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-1. Bca~i.110:JA. Andcrson· RW. KertofK. Smirh RG. Loo Doxycydine·Caldum (BANM. rlNNM)
TL,Atn:Hiosp,P.haon 1981:38:1914-18. .
S. ff~~ ef.lfM~-t -~ncH)O ;Oamin • " W--'....:...·TM Doxycydiile Fosf:_atex (BAN. USAN)
A!ltJ'...o-..p: "'· ~ ..•979. ;, • . , ':"· · ~ " • tC~H!-aN!O,h (HPOJ)1 NaPO,,.. 167l2
A~~- Skobba
~-Kq-:.i <:;~j~~"°·v.
.~~' :"·· --.,. . ·,,. u~s.:~'f".''7.
7 v-.....::..·.-...:··s··lolktMC
·wcckbf(Sd)'i~~r~ '·--·~
I. W'allia,nsosf't,V i~ -?K_,:,. ; ·
-.. . D
an Aslen P. Phann
• .• . .
~~cycU~ HydJ'4)Cbloride
·0o . .
Jty..")dine Hydatc (rlNNM)
· C:?Hl'NiO. HCI. 4CiH;OH, J·H20-= .Sl2.9 · ., __
1981:44:SOS::Saot•-''t•:·. "' -~&ef.1- Am J Hosp ~ . C-AS--564-2$-0 (doJt~rie. anhydrous): 17085-2'-I (...,..,.,
H belt . . dine. monohydrate): 8)~jl-87.3 (doiycydine fos(11ex); 24390-

·8ekers0.-i8csj~, rJr:: ;- - .. ·
.~-. Teclinof · f~j (dox~ine hydrodiloride)
- . . · ··

WJM ..PJiarin·w~bi ~ ' -~'~fiP~~giri M• .lfnderbcrg . flannacopoeial~•~ . ..-Ii

I. ~ers 8cijne11 ?• J_RJi/8~~,~~ t·20J.,.12.', .': _: •·.'" ~--,
Otag_m M~ 8,ult .~ale)
·BP(doxycycline hydrocti!~): l)SP (doxycycline. dox,..,...•11C
A rt al. '"' J .Pfi:.r-~itccutlts:-,1nnl ·?'it,~
• er~-,-··~
... :,,• Ml..
ls~n T. 7Y • .....P.,-Jo
Esc··,K s t.{ ~-.' ~- .. ; . · . . · . . · ·
. . . ·
t-(. Bod,;,, N;_-ln1·J.' Pharma~ ~ i~ .-~'~'; F[!dn1csdo1lir . ' ~rations ·· .
Oorr-RT 4
J 'lV. the, 1979:6:4 , 45 ~ j~..,.s
7 9.:.99: . . . CIJin~ndial · . d ycr·
~hen Mff:·Johnsion-r:.:irly A. H~ a.~ ·-'. . . ~ltycyctincCapsulcs BP_-C.,psulescontaining.incach, o:...-v-
C1tron ML Jaffe N rl ut. C'.mcc,~ R,.,A. McKenzie M. .:!irie hvdroc:hl<"iridc ..,,Ui\-:aknt 10 50mg and 100mg ordo ,.,
re;u Cf' 1985·69·11'~7 · • -,.
· · · -r- • .-:ine :ire usually avail:ihle.
Oo11ycydint 8SI
....dine capsules USP. I •
OO~ ne Hyclate Capsules USP. · So1a111ty1,'
()OJ ~ ,Hydate ~layed-rdcue Ca~ulca USP.
D.uiqdlnt Is '¥Cf)' siighdy soluble In Vtatet; sparing soluble In
l)OJJ "~'H)'111a~'f~blcts USP. • . ethuol: ~l1 y insoluble In ~lorofonn and In ly ether. rreety
~..,!;tine Hydate ror I n ~ USP. solld,le ._ dilute adds and albU h~roxldes.
~~n e.ri rQ( aiS~ USP . ' Do .~ 1,ydrochlorltk is soluble f in 3 ot waler and
~...:. ;i~dl doli(cJral Susp en• USP. , I la 4 of
. methanol; sparingly soluble in ethanol; pnc<.icaUy iosolubleJn
t)Ol!"loox,qdlneff)'date USP. _
Suitable for parentcnl IISe. chlonironn aod 1n ether. It dissolves In aqueous solucioal
51crile •. . of
1'.kali hydroxides and carbonates. .
:..:...;;.J/a/ .
i\'~f ~p~ ),Cops,dn. d.-yq dine 100 mg (u hydn,. (Jm ff~H ond salts
~~~ ·: . '
1 he plt-lOlubi1ity profiie.1 ror doxycycline monobydrat.c. ia
. :,( I"~) . Capa s. doxycydine (as hydrochloride) eous llydroc:bloric acid at 25• without added salt. ra,cW a peak
vi! ,r,iid ICIO•lft&. . • of 50aic/mL al .rHl.1 6. A 6S% inc:rc:aie ·-
'ity ~
S0_ ~-~!0 9~). D~l bk lo61tu. do~ lioe IOOmg .~ i a 1~ ~him iliualc compmd to thatsolubl
~ -a ~ aR also available rrom APS. Ashbourne
(l)elll~). l:l•~ Kerf oot. Lapp (Doxylar).
.==r~°fe#=~~ in !I~- ~
to 1huwi ucno-
Nonon. 'lf11 Sib
coalJlaerS aac1 storace The U$1'_specifies that ror Doxycyclirie Capsules USP and
~ Hyda te Tabie ts USP nor les1 tflan 85%
s,Jid si1111: . .- . ..:.. _ BP _._ · . labeled 111\0Unt or CuH J4NA is dissolved in 60 minuteo1's and
~ifl !: 14~rod",lonu,;; ...ould be stored'in &Q ainight in 90 ial~ n:spcctJvelj. · D,molution medium: 90Chn
-tai~; j,ii,teicled' from light. .If it is inlellded ror U1C iia the l. or
Wlta; Apparatlli l at .75 rpm.
COIi _~ of a·pmnt eral dosage form. tbe container
~eriit. ump er~t . and sealed so as to exdllde should FUiTHa ~n 6N . i>issolutioa rates or doxyc:yciDe
micro- bae ad ~ r i d e ..iu (solubility in diflaa lt ·mccfia
orgaitisalS- . ud
~ii lc USP should dl'ect ct chloride ions) .-Bop rdus JD. Blackwood RK.
be P ~ in tight. light-resistant J
COI i~· . Phana Sci-l979;68(9):1183-4. ·
. • '
l)oiyqdine flydaie USP. should be pn:scr.ed in tight QOntain-
~ pcdtcded from' lighL · STABIUl'Y ·
DoSQ.ft/arms Soludoas
... • . -. .
All Doxycydine USP and Doxycydine Hyclate USP 9rc,ar The degradation of doxyeydine in aqueous solution follow
a- first ~ kinctk:s and b subject to general acid-b
tions should be preserved in tight. light--rcsistant contai ase c:ataly-
ners. sis.2 lt 1ias been shown to·bc most stable in strongly acid
ooxycycline Hyclate for Injection USP should be prc:sen<ed•
ino li<'n; rtcl!I at pH 1.1 i was 29S days.
coa_:aincis ror sterile solids and protected irom iighL .
Nordox capsules should be stored ir. a cool. dry place. protcc Elfecs or relath e bumldlty
from light. All Vibramycin preparations should be stoml below
zs•. alud pun capsules containing "'1xyeydine hyd,ochloridc
alone ud io ·formulation with magnesium stearate. lactose
botil. ..-e kept ror up'° 78 wccb at-10%. 60%, and 8So/a
. or
tive ilalil.l(iitiesir. ~t09 "S prolCCled from daylight.' The
sence of magnesium stearatc or kctose increased doxycydine
Do:cm'Clitrt is a )Cllow, crystalline powder. degradation at all tc,,ds of relative humidity.
Dox.rcrrlint h)'drod,Jorid,r is a yellow, crystalline. hnroscopic tions ~tain ing both lubric ant -4 diluent. From~fonnula-
the 1o,ss of cloxycy
powder with an ethanolic odour and a biller taste. dine at .CO-A.. 60%. and 85% relatwe h!.!midity ~,,l& ¾ by -.
18 ·
· \llecb, 9.77% by 68 weeks. and.9.&4% by lO weeks
Melllac point . respcc:dvdy.
Elect or frtaJa&
Do.T)'c,i'C/uw hJV:rodll«itk is repor t~ to melt about ~ ~
with Dox,cydine hydrochloride for'~t11jcctioa (Phm' ) ~
-2CI" l'or.up to 8 -wee~ followmg _reconstit11tion in sterile wateratst•
pH foriajcictiollS'(doxycydi"S _IOmg/ml.: kept in q~ f~~fo
in glucos,e S% (doqc ycbae I m~ml.: kei!:' in ft'.sn
The pH of I I¾ w/y aqUCOUli suspcnsiOff of da."Cr,.mittt lies sealed with butyl t~ ,-.ials
between S.O and 6.5. stoppers). No sighlfical'it dcc!>liipoiiiiod wis
· de\cclCd by either ultraviolet spccoophotoinetryOf by m
The pH of• I¾ w/v aqueous solution or do.'Q·,.rrliM h;rrlrodlar-- logical ~
ick 2.0 .n:t 3.0. . .~ t'-~•m
~S(lr ema\ U; ;there wen: no moatiipcr-
,n danty or c:olcur oC: •he solutioM_alld no
significanfdlanges in pK. · . . . · .·
Dbsocia1ion constac:ts
~K, 3.S, 7.7, 9.S (20")
fUll~Elt !~~ltMAT10N. Qu~nli\_ative estimati9~ and sq,arat1on .
o(doxycyc:line. HP,~ ns (Cla\ed. P¥i1C ts-Sct h PW, _S
t• . . .
value or 3.09 :t: 0.09 was determined s1,cctropholocnctn• A. Oni.
~y Ind Phar!Jl 19~6:l1(10):1469,-'1S.
· · - '. . ·
;~.~i•for the protonation of doi ycydinc (ionic strcn~
h ~I at
' 10 form the monoprotonatcd species.
· t()(ffidcnt ' .

During simulated infusion there were no losses or doxyc

log p (octanol/pH 7.5). -0.2 . (Pfu.erl in sodiu111 ct:,loride_0.9•t• solution due to sorpti

851 Eriome1rinc . .

1 inyl chloride t,upro:t

f:'~r ccJlu~.r.°drJ?;;~,::i:;
h lcne or Sihasuc tJb•
irs. In addition. n_o
c-JflSUI~ ;and t;abletl-Kdlcr M, Bczlcr Ii I
Apoth Ztg lffl:121:IS6S-71. 8iocquiv111cnce GeoniriJ. I).._.
dox~-yc:linc pn:paratlon-Lodc. H, Ocpper or •re °111.;~
!'Orpuon OC(Ul't\.'u
4:ycyclinc in :all-plll))~tc
unr_.,;flffl and ·polyethylene plun~rs . V. Ar1.ncimi1telforschllftg 1919-.39(11):1 l6l-~•;11 N. Seti~
syrinP,.(poln>.~PY~nt ·· . bioavailability of doxytydinc [bioequivalc • llldies OQ~
Kees F. Dehner IL Ditlrida W. laa1eh W Gnce o(' llbletsh
FO~MU~TION: m.anJ. Anneiff!iltelrondwa1 1990;40: 1039-4;~fi
(bioavailabiUty) studies cl doaycycline prepa' :~Iii-ta~
ExdplelCS • tablcts/capsu~Bllrbens KO. Bcrndt P. H, 100111&
Excipie\\lS ~~t ha'---~~ used;,n ~ .
•. tations of doxycydinc
stock .CM,- Milxandt T ~ J (Qcnnan). Dt9e11 fiil1t11,
I99Ct. lJO: 1364-7. ·
c>ot1i Ztc
i~-~1;/ ·,,. ... ,.ii \J~• ~ /ur'lck:il\di~~rniine (Ellll: lac·
c~~-~ -1•r.l:t:~
• ,~#, ;:i i,~., ....
:,~ ..J ; .. .
.,:.t~~~' ::~· \<,-:u•~,·: ~L.-......a
,r:1nam:'st ,c
.....,lliftr.7.... pol........-
t ~ :~ •-• , ~l'L -~~-.:;J",~'fda, '·•~ -~t~pb: pcmdone: '!ui• REFERENCES
m1~ s,!r1~~ I~ !" , • ~~le: sucn,sc: ta.le: 11ta•
noli~j\;I •. J Ei~~ i,"w, : ' ~il ''Gte'ttfbt ·' · I. BoprdllS JB. Blac:kwood RK. J Phann ~..., 1979:£11,, ·
niuincf~(E l11)':.,jen ,ro_., . . -· •• • . k:
Da rrli .,.,,,,,.,.,c-:
lactote: magnesium 11car;atc: SI1ica. la • 94. ' .. . . .X."I '""'.:1:111-
Ta~:s,Z_n,-d• "-'~ colloidal silica: Cf0$CllffllCI~
lose sodium 1ype · A: ~hylcell ~ hydroxypropylc:ellu~.
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s1c:aratc: -.-.l...t;...1f-".!L :· ~·· ·. ·· '· Hine cellulose; povidq~
,.- • u.lUllil:. -t Petrick RJ. Woollebcn JE. Vargas TA. Am J Hosp Pha
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cate:.butj1't ~ ~:kyd ~tes: calcium chloride: car- 6. Kowalulc EA. Robcns MS. Polack AE. Am J Hosr Pltinn
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hydroxide; sodium metabisulphite: ~tol. 1989:43(2):80-3. . .
Do.Tjtjd/itf monol,.rtfiotr. 'cinnellose.sodium: Blue I: methyl
S. Williams DI\. O'Reilly WJ. Boehm G. Story MJ. Bioplwm
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~ ftavour; ~ 28: sainediioone emulsion: sucrose.
9. Antal EJ. Jaffe JM. Poust RI, Colaizzi JL J Phann Sci
Do.'fJ'C'J-dillt'. l i ~ ~ ~'~pni11m mngnesium silicate; cal- 197S;64{12):201S-18. .
cium ~ dih~te; c#'rninc (EllO): .glycerol; methyl and
p ~ h y d ~ J ~ concentrated hy:lrochloric acid: :,ovi-
done; prop~ glycol;saccharia sodium; sodium metabisul-
phite; sorbitol solution (70%). Ergometrine (BAN. rlNN) Ox.r1odc
~ce roma ~~ - Ergonovinc:: ergobasinc
<;:rys1a11~.~ n-of d,t~~ ~loride duriag lyophilisa- 9.10-Didchydro-N-((S)-2-bydroxy-l-methylethyl}-6-methylcr•
11_on ofanaq~,se>l:u~,~ crt,aPOOd by die addition or gly- ~oline-8~-carboxamidc: N-{(S>-2-hyd roxy-1-methylethyl)-o-
?rte: o.o~ orQ,07(~l c:f~)..uc l 0.1 (mole fradion) glycir.c lyscrgamide . ·
~nduccd •~% 'rid
'9S~:c::i)$talliliittof'doJtyqdine hydrochlor- C1,HllNlO! = 32S.4
ide. ~vdy.' ·No Q)ilallinity - . rq,onec1 doxycydinc in
=-~n~~--·.·· · •. .
hydrochl!)rille lyol?bi~J ~ ~ ~ of cxcipicnl.$.

chlorid{T'" :..I~ . ··;,•-~ fQna~ti ofl ol"doxycydine hydro-

•;i:.: -~1.'.:.'(_. 991
&JNil-JoN(' "' ~.., ..,.. , -·fa\11dine'.Au
,.. ; . ··r . st...;.•:-)
~-- - -
~. com
· pa_ . .

. l:iers. l}~ .-,J,.,._ ~Jf~!~~li ~ ;IIJ.24· hcalt~y YC>!un-

m'~ _{;fflib~ =~"':,

cb~:,~~Y.~~~;~~~ i.y.sro-
Doxy 11;.:osv,~ · ' " ', .·~·" '"..·•.~"~ ~
co-wo~~~:·~ ~- •·· ·.·--~ l ~,,ounct by ~ntal and
co~led with a···.·.
vailabil!Cf siudift
JI'. '. ~ -~-- r~.50~ disSuluti:,n Ergometrine Maleate {BANM. rlNNM >
·, ~~i!i'-',o•~uea~"'•ri,ahioa- · Ergonovine malcate
(r~nsU,{~t~<f~irt'· ;i.1\~~ _4-gc forms C,.H:?JN10:. C.H4 0 4 = 441,S'
m)'an lntriv~A1iisj · J~ fot::•r.~ipn (\1ibr.t-
b.rands or_c;apsii!e. ,
!10n>· in hcalih'y.· .
•n absorpti~n,ri i~:ix:t ...
,~lf'.f'l,.~ tu.~p~ the ln n:,c .·
00 ,~ 0 h?dc;a1e Ofli suspen-
il ;~i~~~nt difference
Ergometrine T~rtrate (CANM. rlNNMl
,C11H1.,N,O!b,C~H,0,=800.9 ' - . . ~,c):
but_not bctv,~~:\hf 9.:. ihe 0., . .tlte _o_nil suspcn·sfon C'~◄S-60-79 -7 (crgomctrinc); 129-SI-I (ergornc:tnne mil(
fU,kTH.~k l~i;j:i~l'4Alt~ 1:r '((f1}'~'rluit1<>n. . l • 9 • 50-0 (crgometrinc tartratc)
v:ulab1ltty (rom 6 m• rkc:i. ·pr~j,a~~ -'~ !1!'0 ~c~sc-and bioa.
· • ~ns.(soft Pbannaco~ i•I statll$
· · and h•rd ge · 1aun
SP (crgomctrinc malcatc): USP (crgonovinc malc:ttc:I

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