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français 1


Communication #6: Tell a story in the past about you, your friends, or your French
teacher (the story can be invented).
Performance: In a 2- to 3-minute oral presentation at the end of Unit 6.

Performance will be satisfactory when:

Learner chooses an event or invents a story that happened in the past and involved at least two people
Learner creates a collage in comic strip/story board format
Learner makes an oral presentation of at least 2 minutes with other classmates
Learner uses passé composé to list what people did, what happened
Learner uses appropriate time expressions and adverbs to tell when they did it
Learner uses at least 2 weather expressions in the passé composé that apply to this one particular
occasion in the past
Learner uses at least 4 verbs with “être” (from your list of 17 verbs that take être in the p.c.)
Learner uses at least 4 verbs in the passé composé that are in the NEGATIVE (ne…pas)
Learner uses a variety of verbs
Learner uses correct grammar
Learner uses correct vocabulary
Learner uses correct pronunciation
Learner speaks in a realistic manner according to guidelines

Situation: La Routine! Your very young host brother and sister are finding it hard to get to sleep since you,
their new guest, just arrived by train. They want you to tell them a bedtime story and show them pictures while
telling it.
Excellent Acceptable Needs work Unsuccessful
(4) (3) (2) (0)
Preparation Includes all elements Some elements of Very few of the Elements are not
of the guidelines, the guidelines are elements of the used, guidelines were
clearly worked hard omitted or guidelines are used. not followed, student
to prepare an incorrectly used. Learner clearly spent was not prepared
interesting story Could have been little time preparing
better prepared
Quantity of Speaks for more than Speaks for at least 2 More pauses than Not completed, very
Language 2 minutes, with little minutes, some language, shorter short, only a few
or no repetition. Only pauses, but more than 2 minutes. sentences long and/or
a few pauses. language than Very little language used English.
pauses. to actually grade.
Sentence No problems with A few minor errors Errors compromise Statements are
Structure word order. Verb in word order. A meaning of incomprehensible or
forms are all correct. few common verb statements. Listener English was used.
Statements are clear. form mistakes. has a hard time
Vocabulary Wide variety of Good variety overall, Gaps in vocabulary No vocabulary
vocabulary from but some gaps are compromise learned or English
chapter. obvious. meaning. Speaker is used.
too hard to
Pronunciatio Excellent. Very Minor errors or a few Some major errors Incomprehensible.
n clear and easy to patterns of errors. that compromise

understand meaning.


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