Communication #4: Talk About How Often You Go Certain Places, With Whom You Go There, and What You Do There

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Communication #4: Talk about how often you go certain places,

with whom you go there, and what you do there.
Performance: In a conversation with your instructor and another classmate during Unit 4.

Performance will be satisfactory when:

Learner identifies the place depicted in each picture that the instructor shows him/her
Learner uses the verb ALLER to explain how often he/she goes to that place
Learner uses appropriate adverbs of frequency to explain how often he/she goes there
Learner uses correct prepositions and articles when making sentences
Learner explains what he/she generally does at the place shown in the picture
Learner answers any other questions that the instructor or partner may have
Learner uses correct vocabulary
Learner speaks in a comprehensible manner

Situation: Les photos! You and your new French friend (your partner) are looking at some
pictures and talking about the places—what it is, how often you go there and what you do there.
Keep the conversation going by asking your partner a few questions from time to time.
Excellent Acceptable Needs work Unsuccessful
(7, 8) (4, 5, 6) (2, 3) (0, 1)
Vocabulary Wide variety of Good variety overall, Gaps in vocabulary No vocabulary
vocabulary from but some gaps are compromise learned or English
chapter. obvious. meaning. Speaker is used.
too hard to
Quantity of Speaks for more than Speaks for at least 2 More pauses than Not completed, very
Language 2 minutes, with little minutes, some language, shorter short, only a few
or no repetition. Only pauses, but more than 2 minutes. sentences long and/or
a few pauses. language than Very little language used English.
pauses. to actually grade.
Sentence No problems with A few minor errors Errors compromise Statements are
Structure word order. Verb in word order. A meaning of incomprehensible or
forms are all correct. few common verb statements. Listener English was used.
Statements are clear. form mistakes. has a hard time
Conversation Makes every effort to Has some pauses, but Contributes little Does not participate,
effort keep the contributes a lot and and/or does not uses English.
conversation going, does ask partner encourage partner to
contributes a lot and some questions. talk. More pauses
asks partner Leaner needs to work than language used
questions, fills in on making
pauses conversations more
Pronunciatio Excellent. Very Minor errors or a few Some major errors Incomprehensible.
n clear and easy to patterns of errors. that compromise
understand meaning.


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