U3 Communication

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français 1 Nom:______________________

Communication #3: Talk about yourself and your family. Provide information on
personality and physical traits as well as activities (bring a photo).
Performance: In a 3-minute prepared presentation to another classmate during Unit 3.

Performance will be satisfactory when:

Learner selects a photograph with at least 3 people
Learner makes an oral presentation of at least 2 minutes, repeating information only when necessary
Learner describes each of the people in the photograph, providing name, physical characteristics,
personality and favorite activities
Learner describes where they are and what they are doing in the photo
Learner describes typical activities for each person and for self
Learner describes personality traits for each person and for self
Learner describes physical characteristics for each person and for self
Learner uses correct grammar
Learner uses correct vocabulary
Learner uses correct pronunciation
Learner speaks in a realistic manner
Learner helps to keep the conversation going when partner pauses too much

Situation: Bienvenue dans votre famille d’accueil! You are staying with a host family in France for the
summer. You’ve just arrived by train and you are having an afternoon snack with your host brother or sister (aka
your partner) at the dining room table. Since you’ve just met, he/she wants to learn more about you. Listen to
his/her questions and answer them carefully. When she asks about your family and friends, show her the
pictures(s) you’ve brought and talk about who the people are, what they’re like, and what they like to do.
Excellent Acceptable Needs work Unsuccessful
(4) (3) (2) (0)
Level of Brings photo and Uses most elements Most guidelines are Was not prepared, did
Preparation uses all elements of of the guidelines, is not met, student is not participate
the guildelines, has well-prepared, with clearly not well-
clearly prepared and very few gaps and prepared
practiced. pauses
Quantity of Speaks for close to 3 Speaks for closer to Speaks for closer to Doesn’t participate,
Language minutes, with very 2 minutes, some 1 minute, more uses English,
little repetition and pauses, but still more pauses than language incomprehensible
very few pauses language than pauses
Sentence No problems with A few minor errors Errors compromise Statements are
Structure word order. Verb in word order. A meaning of incomprehensible or
forms are all correct. few common verb statements. Listener English was used.
Statements are clear. form mistakes. has a hard time
Vocabulary Wide variety of Good variety overall, Gaps in vocabulary No vocabulary
vocabulary from but some gaps are compromise learned or English
chapter. obvious. meaning. Speaker is used.
too hard to
Pronunciatio Excellent. Very Minor errors or a few Some major errors Incomprehensible.
n clear and easy to patterns of errors. that compromise
understand meaning.


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