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1 anyone who saw the writing executed; (b) By evidence of ISSUE:  

Whether a notice of lis pendens amounts to a

Spouses Dailon Vs. CA the genuineness of the handwriting of the maker; or(c) By collateral attack of his title obtained more than 28 years ago
GR 78903 a subscribing witness. Here, people who witnessed the
execution of subject deed positively testified on the authenticity RULING: No, The annotation of lis pendens does not in any
NOT IN PUBLIC DOCUMENT thereof. They categorically stated that it had been executed case amount nor can it ever be considered as equivalent to a
and signed by the signatories thereto. Defendant has collateral attack of the certificate of title for a parcel of land.
FACTS: This is a petition to annul and set aside the decision affirmatively alleged forgery, but he never presented any What cannot be collaterally attacked is the certificate
of the Court of Appeals upholding the validity of the sale of a witness or evidence to prove his claim of forgery. Each party of title and not the title. The certificate referred to is that
parcel of land by petitioner Segundo Dalion in favor of private must prove his own affirmative allegations document issued by the Register of Deeds known as the
respondent Ruperto Sabesaje,Jr. The facts of the case are: On 2. NO. Public document not necessary. The Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT). By title, the law refers to
May 28, 1973, Sabesaje sued to recover ownership of a parcel provision of Art. 1358 on the necessity of a public ownership which is represented by that document.
of land, based on a private document of absolute sale, dated document is only for convenience, not for validity or Ownership is different from a certificate of title. The TCT is
July 1, 1965, allegedly executed by Dalion, who, however enforceability. It is not a requirement for the validity of a only the best proof of ownership of a piece of land.
denied the fact of sale, contending that the document sued contract of sale of a parcel of land that this be embodied Registration is not the equivalent of title, but is only the
upon is fictitious, his signature thereon, a forgery, and that in a public instrument. A contract of sale is a consensual best evidence thereof.
subject land is conjugal property, which he and his wife contract, which means that the sale is perfected by mere
acquired in 1960 from Saturnina Sabesaje as evidenced by the consent. No particular form is required for its validity. 
"Escritura de Venta Absoluta". The spouses denied claims of 1) if the annotation was for the purpose of molesting the
Sabesaje that after executing a deed of sale over the parcel of 2 title of the adverse party, or, (2) when the annotation is not
land, they had pleaded with Sabesaje, their relative, to be Lee Tek Sheng v. Court of Appeals necessary to protect the title of the party who caused it to
allowed to administer the land because Dalion did not have G.R. No. 115402 be recorded.
any means of livelihood. They admitted, however, Martinez, J.
administering since 1958, (5) parcels of land in Sogod, Republic v. CA
Southern Leyte, which belonged to Leonardo Sabesaje, ATTACK COLLATERALLY NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS
G.R. No. L-46627-27, December 27, 1979
grandfather of Sabesaje, who died in 1956. They never Aquino, J.
received their agreed 10% and 15% commission on the sales FACTS: After his mother's death, petitioner filed a complaint
of copra and abaca, respectively. Sabesaje's suit, they against his father, private respondent, to partition the conjugal
properties of his parents. DOCTRINE OF LAW: R.A. No. 26 provides for a special
countered, was intended merely to harass, preempt and procedure for the reconstitution of Torrens certificates of
forestall Dalion's threat to sue for these unpaid commissions. In answer, respondent alleged that four parcels of land
registered in petitioner's name are conjugal properties. They title that are missing and not fictitious titles or titles which
Dalion impugns the validity of the sale on the ground that the are existing. It is a patent absurdity to reconstitute
same is embodied in a private document, and did not thus were only registered in petitioner's name because at the time,
he was the only Filipino citizen in the family. Accordingly, existing certificates of title that are on file and available in
convey title or right to the lot in question since "acts and the registry of deeds.
contracts which have for their object the creation, respondent prayed for dismissal of the partition case and to
transmission, modification or extinction of real rights over reconvey said parcel of lands to him.
immovable property must appear in a public instrument" (Art. In the meantime, respondent caused the annotation of FACTS: This is a petition for review to annul the decision of
1358, par 1, NCC). a notice of lis pendens on the land during pendency of case. the Court of Appeals (CA). Respondents Laborada and
Petitioner moved to cancel the notice of lis pendens but trial Bombast each filed separate petitions for reconstitution
ISSUE: 1. Whether or not the contract of sale is valid  2. court dismissed his motion. Resorting to this Court, petitioner alleging that they were the owners of the lots and titles
Whether there is a necessity to execute a public document for primarily contends that in the resolution of an incidental motion covering it. But these lots were registered under valid and
the transfer of ownership thereto.  for cancellation of the notice of lis pendens (a) it was improper existing Torrens title in the name of the Commonwealth of the
to thresh out the issue of ownership of the disputed lots since Philippines. In the absence of any opposition from the state
RULING: 1. Yes, Sale is valid. The appellate court upheld ownership cannot be passed upon in a partition case,
the validity of the sale on the basis of Secs. 21 and 23 of prosecutor and government lawyers, the lower court granted
otherwise, (b) it would amount to a collateral attack of his title the reconstitution for both cases. The State petitioned for the
Rule 132 of the Revised Rules of Court. SEC. 21. Private obtained more than 28 years ago.
writing, its execution and authenticity, how proved.-Before cancellation and annulment of the reconstituted titles and this
any private writing may be received in evidence, its due was assigned to Judge Salvador, the same judge who had
execution and authenticity must be proved either:(a) By ordered the reconstitution of the titles and to whom the two
cases for cancellation were assigned. He held that the titles, party who had deemed to gain possession and control of the Legarda vs. Saleeby
whose reconstitution he had ordered allegedly in conformity property will have full and complete jurisdiction as provided by GR No. L- 8936
with law, could not be attacked collaterally and, therefore, "the law.  Johnson, J.
reconstituted titles and their derivatives have the same validity,
force and effect as the originals before the reconstitution." The Facts: Maria Del Consuela Felisa Roxas had petitioned with STONE WALL STANDS
State appealed and the CA affirmed Judge Salvador’s the Court of Land Registration for four parcels of land;
judgment holding that when the petitions for annulment and indicated as Parcel A, Parcel B, Parcel C, and Parcel D to be DOCTRINE OF THE LAW: The law guarantees the title of the
cancellation of the reconstituted titles were filed, and that if registered under the Torrens system in Binondo, Manila. The registered owner once it has entered into the Torrens system.
there were irregularities in the reconstitution, then, as between petition had also included the names of the adjoined owners
two innocent parties, the State, as the party that made which included the heirs of Antonio Enriquez and Felisa FACTS: A stone wall stands between the adjoining lot of
possible the reconstitution, should suffer the loss. Roxas. The examiner of the titles had reported and Legarda and Saleeby. The said wall and the strip of land
recommended that the registration was allowed. The clerk had where it stands is registered in the Torrens system under the
even mailed the copy of the said order to the adjoined owners. name of petitioner Legarda in 1906. Six years after the decree
ISSUES: W/N the reconstituted titles are valid given that the The sheriff had also post the notice and published it in the of registration is released in favor of Legarda, respondent
original titles were still existing Manila Times and La Democracia.  Proceeding, Atty Modesto Saleeby applied for registration of his lot under the Torrens
Reyes, in behalf of the city, had pointed out an “error of system in 1912, and the decree issued in favor of the latter
closure” on Parcel A to the court. These errors were on the included the stone wall and the strip of land where it stands.
RULING: NO, petition granted. The reconstitution
measurement of some of the sides of the plan. Unfortunately,
proceedings were simply devices employed by petitioners ISSUE: Whether Legarda should be the owner of a land and
the errors were not fixed. 
for landgrabbing or for usurpation and illegal its improvement which has been registered under the name of
appropriation. The existence of the two titles of the Upon filing this petition, the heirs of Antonio Enriquez had two persons.
Government ipso facto nullified the reconstitution failed to appear at the hearing which resulted to court ordering
proceedings and signified that the evidence in the said RULING: YES. For the issue involved, The Land Registration
absolute property to Roxas. Roxas had eventually sold Parcel Act (Act 496) affords no remedy. However, it can be construed
proceedings as to the alleged ownership of Laborada and A to Masonic Temple Association of Manila. Roxas had
Bombast cannot be given any credence. The two that where two certificates purport to include the same
then requested the court to register the lands to the latter. The registered land, the holder of the earlier one continues to hold
proceedings were sham and deceitful and were filed in heirs of Antonio Enriquez had assailed the registration on the
bad faith. Such humbuggery or imposture cannot be title and will prevail. The real purpose of the Torrens system
ground that they had received no notice of the original of registration, is to quiet title to land; to put a stop forever
countenanced and cannot be the source of legitimate action to confirm the title.
rights and benefits. The reconstitution proceedings are to any question of the legality of the title, except claims
void because they are contrary to Republic Act No. 26 and which were noted at the time of registration, in the
Issue: W/N the court erred in judgment for failure to provide
beyond the purview of that law since the titles certificate, or which may arise subsequent thereto. That
notice to each adjoined owner.
reconstituted are actually subsisting in the registry of being the purpose of the law, once a title is registered the
deeds and do not require reconstitution at all Ruling: No, a personal notice was not a prerequisite for owner may rest secure, without the necessity of waiting in
the court to render the property in favour of Roxas. As the portals of the court, or sitting in the “mirador de su
supported by Section 32, Act No. 496, the petitioner in casa,” to avoid the possibility of losing his land.
registration cases is not by law required to give any notice
Case No. 4
to any person. It is done by the clerk. In order to show that
Felisa Roxas  v Enriquez GR No, L-8539
the absence of receiving notice is tantamount to unjust taking
Johnson, J.:
of property, he must show that within a period of one year after
the decree of registration and grant of certificate that the he
was deprived land or real estate by fraud as mentioned in
Doctrine of Law:
Section 38, Act No, 496. Through record, the petitioner had
At the start of publication, posting of summons, and providing
shown no signs of committing fraud for she had named all the
notice to the interest parties; the court would have full and
interested parties for the registration of the land in the original
complete jurisdiction towards the plaintiff, subject property and
interested parties upon the interest or lien of said property who
would then receive possession and control of the property. The 5
ISSUE: WON the plantiff can claim the title of the land extended to them by the TRB. The loan became due and
registered under Torrens system. having remained unpaid, TRB instituted an extra-judicial
foreclosure proceeding. To prevent foreclosure, Spouses
RULING: NO. they allowed a period of 43 years before they Capay filed a petition for prohibition with preliminary injunction
6. woke up to invoke what they now claim to be erroneous before the CFI, alleging that the mortgage was void since they
TIBURCIO V. PHHC G.R NO. L-13479 when the court decreed in 1914 the registration of the land did not receive the proceeds of the loan. Petition was
in the name of defendants' predecessor-in-interest. granted. The Capays caused to be filed in the Register of
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: Evidently, this cannot be done for under our law and Deeds a notice of lis pendens over the disputed property.
jurisprudence, a decree of registration can only be set aside Subsequently, the injunction issued by the trial court was lifted,
43 years possession within one year after entry on the ground of fraud and the property was sold to TRB, title of Capay was
provided no innocent purchaser for value has acquired cancelled. The notice of lis pendens was not carried over in
the property. the certificate of title of TRB. Capays filed with the CFI a
Our law is clear that upon the expiration of the one-year period supplemental complaint for recovery of the property. CFI
within which to review the decree of registration, the decree as declared the mortgage void for want of consideration. The
DOCTRINE OF LAW: "A person dealing with registered land is
well as the title issued in pursuance thereof becomes CFI cancelled the title of TRB and issue new title to Capay
not required to go behind the register to determine the
incontrovertible. The purpose of the law in limiting to one year spouses. TRB appealed to the CA. While the case was
condition of the property. He is only charged with notice of the
the period within which the decree may be reviewed is to put a pending, TRB sold the land to Santiago who was given a
burdens on the property which are noted on the face of the
limit to the time within which a claimant may ask for its new certificate of title but no notice of lis pendens.
register or the certificate of title. To require him to do more is
revocation. If after title to property is decreed an action Santiago in turn divided the land into 6 lots and sold these to
to defeat one of the primary objects of the Torrens system"
may be instituted beyond the one-year period to set aside three other person who became co-owners thereof. Co-
FACTS: This is an action for reconveyance of a parcel of land the decree, the object of the Torrens system which is to owners developed the property and thereafter sold the 6 lots
located in Quezon City containing an area of about 430 guarantee the indefeasibility of the Title would be to separate buyers with separate titles, again, bearing no
hectares. defeated. notice of lis pendens. The trial court issued a writ of
execution directing the Register of Deeds to cancel the title of
On October 11, 1957, plaintiffs filed an action before the "A person dealing with registered land is not required to go TRB, and to issue a new one in the name of Capay spouses. 
Court of First Instance of Quezon City alleging that for many behind the register to determine the condition of the property.
years prior to March 25, 1877 and up to the present they He is only charged with notice of the burdens on the property In the second case, because the writ could not be
and their ancestors have been in actual, adverse, open, which are noted on the face of the register or the certificate of implemented due to the successive subsequent transfers of
public, exclusive and continuous possession as owners of title. To require him to do more is to defeat one of the primary the subdivided property to buyers who obtained separate titles
the land in litigation; that they have been cultivating the objects of the Torrens System." thereto. Thus, a complaint for recovery of possession
land and enjoying its fruits exclusively; that from time ownership was filed before the RTC by petitioner Capay,
immemorial up to the year 1955, they have been paying the 7 her children and counsel against TRB and the subsequent
land taxes thereon; that in 1955 defendant People's G.R. No. 114299-TRADERS ROYAL BANK v. CA and transferees of the property, the non-bank respondents in
Homesite & Housing Corporation began asserting title CAPAY et al. GR118862 who bought the land. This petition is granted by
thereto claiming that its Transfer Certificate of Title No. 1356 G.R. No. 118862 – PATRIA et al v. SPS. SANTOS, et al RTC. TRB and the non-bank respondents appealed to the CA.
embraces practically all of plaintiffs' property, while the other In a Decision promulgated, the appellate court affirmed the
defendant University of the Philippines began also (SOLD TO MANY OWNERS decision of the trial court in toto. Meanwhile, the non-bank
asserting title thereto claiming that its Transfer of Certificate of NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS NOT ON TRB TITLE) respondents moved for a reconsideration of the CA' decision.
Title No. 9462 covers the remaining portion; that CA granted the motion for reconsideration. The certificate of
defendants are not innocent purchasers for value, having had DOCTRINE OF THE LAW:  Between two innocent persons, titles originally issued to them in their individual names is
full notice of plaintiffs' actual possession and claim of the one who made it possible for the wrong to be done should restored and duly respected. The Capays thus filed with this
ownership thereof; and that the inclusion of plaintiffs' property be the one to bear the resulting loss. Court a petition for review to set aside the resolution of CA.
within the technical boundaries set out in defendants' titles was
a clear mistake and that at no time had defendants' FACTS: These are consolidated cases of GR No. 114299 GR ISSUE: WON Capay has a better right than those non-bank
predecessors-in-interest exercised dominical rights over No. 118862. In the first case, Spouses Capay executed a respondent buyers.
plaintiffs' property. mortgage which is a parcel of land pursuant to the loan
RULING: No. First, when TRB purchased the property at admit against his own interest but that of his legal spouse as
the foreclosure sale, the notice of lis pendens that the Facts: well, who may also be lawfully entitled co-ownership over the
Capays caused to be annotated on their certificate of title During Betty Lacbayan and Bayani Samoy’s illicit relationship, said properties.
was not carried to the new one issued to TRB. Neither did they, together with three
the certificate of title of Santiago, who purchased the more incorporators, were able to establish a manpower Respondent is not allowed by law to waive whatever share his
property from TRB, contain any such notice. When services company, by which they acquired 5 parcels of lawful spouse may have on the disputed properties. Petitioner
Santiago caused the property to be divided, 6 new land, registered in their names, ostensibly as husband and herself admitted that she did not assent to the Partition
certificates of title were issued, none of which contained wife. Having parted ways eventually, both of them agreed to Agreement after seeing the need to amend the same to
any notice of lis pendens, therefore, non-bank respondent divide the said properties and terminate their business include other matters. Petitioner does not have any right to
could not have been aware that the property in question partnership by executing a Partition Agreement. Initially, insist on the contents of an agreement she intentionally
was the subject of litigation when they acquired their Samoy agreed to Lacbayan's proposal that the properties in refused to sign.
respective portions of said property. Second, the foregoing Malvar St. and Don Enrique Heights be assigned to the latter,
rule notwithstanding, the non-bank respondents nevertheless while the ownership over the three other properties will go to 9
physically inspected the properties and inquired from the Samoy. However, when Lacbayan wanted additional Lu v. Manipon
register of Deeds to ascertain the absence of any defect in demands, Samoy refused.Thus, Lacbayan filed a complaint for G.R. No. 147072. May 7, 2002
the title of the property they were purchasing — an judicial partition of the said properties before the Quezon City Panganiban, J.
exercise of diligence above that required by law. Third, RTC. In his Answer, however, Samoy denied Lacbayan's claim
between two innocent persons, the one who made it of cohabitation and said that the properties were acquired out
possible for the wrong to be done should be the one to of his own personal funds without any contribution from her. DOCTRINE OF LAW: The registration of a sale of real
bear the resulting loss. The Capays filed the notice of lis estate will not protect a buyer in bad faith, for the law
pendens  but the same was not TRB's title. The Capays Issue: cannot be used as a shield for fraud. On the other hand,
and their counsel knew of the extra-judicial foreclosure sale of Does an action for partition preclude a settlement on the issue the preferential right of a first registrant in a double sale is
the property to TRB and the consolidation of title in the bank's of ownership? always qualified by good faith.
name following the lapse of the one-year period of redemption.
But, they did not bother to find out the status of their title or FACTS: On May 9, 1981, Juan Peralta executed a [D]eed of
Collateral attacked.
whether the liens noted on the original certificate of title were [S]ale by installment in favor of spouses Orlando and Rosita
still existing considering that the property had already been Manipon. Therein, Juan Peralta agreed to sell by installment to
foreclosed. In the meantime, the subject property had the said spouses 350 square meters of the 2,078 square-meter
No. While it is true that the complaint involved here is one for
undergone a series of transfers to buyers in good and for lot he owned, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No.
partition, the same is premised on the existence or non-
value. It was not until after the land was subdivided and 137911 and located at Barrio Dilan, Urdaneta, Pangasinan.
existence of co-ownership between the parties. Petitioner
developed with the buyers building their houses on the other The said [D]eed was not registered with the Registry of
insists she is a co-owner pro indiviso of the five real estate
lots when the Capays suddenly appeared and questioned the Deeds.
properties based on the TCTs covering the subject properties.
occupants' titles. At the very least, the Capays are guilty of Respondent maintains otherwise. Indubitably, therefore, until
laches. On June 10, 1981, Juan Peralta mortgaged the aforesaid lot
and unless this issue of co-ownership is definitely and finally to Thrift Savings and Loan Association, Inc. (TSLAI). He
resolved, it would be premature to effect a partition of the however failed to pay the loan he obtained for which the
The court Affirmed the decision of CA. In addition, because disputed properties. More importantly, the complaint will not
the mortgage in favor of TRB had been declared null and void mortgage was constituted and so the same was judicially
even lie if the claimant, or petitioner in this case, does not even foreclosed and sold to TSLAI. The latter in turn sold the same
for want of consideration, TRB is ordered to pay the Capays have any rightful interest over the subject properties.
the fair market value of the property at the time it was sold to on July 15, 1988 in the amount of P80,000.00 to the
Santiago. [petitioner]. Thereafter, on August 30, 1989, [petitioner] caused
A careful perusal of the contents of the so-called Partition the subdivision of the said lot into five (5) lots, one of which is
Agreement indicates that the Lot 5582-B-7-D, which was earlier sold by installment to
8. document involves matters which necessitate prior settlement [respondents]. The said lot is now covered by TCT No.
G.R. No. 165427. March 21, 2011 of questions of law, basic of which is a determination as to 171497.
Lacbayan v. Samoy whether the parties have the right to freely divide among
(illicit relationship) themselves the subject properties. Moreover, to follow On January 22, 1990, petitioner through counsel wrote the
petitioner's argument would be to allow respondent not only to [respondents] regarding the presence of the latter's house,
which was also being occupied by them, on the lot in question. Registration is not the equivalent of title. Under the ruled in favor of Petitioner, but set aside by SC. It was
Hence, on February 26, 1990, [petitioner] filed the present Torrens system, registration only gives validity to the remanded to the CFI for further trial which rendered a decision
action alleging therein that he is the owner of the lot in transfer or creates a Lien upon the land. It was not dismissing petitioner’s complaint and ordered to execute a
question including that which was being occupied by established as a means of acquiring title to private land deed conveying the lot to respondent-province. 
respondents. Petitioner further claims that his ownership was because it merely confirms, but does not confer,
confirmed by the Regional Trial Court of Urdaneta, ownership. ISSUE: W/N defendant-province acquired the lot in the
Pangasinan, Branch 49, in Civil Case No. U-4399. expropriation proceeding
RULING: NO. Petition granted. Decision is reversed. Lot 378
In the Answer filed by [respondents], they claim that [petitioner]
was not part of the expropriation. Defendant-Province was not
is a buyer in bad faith because even before he bought the
able to sufficiently prove that they have acquired the legal title
2,078 square-meter lot, he knew for a fact that they already
over the Lot. Several circumstances indicate that the
bought Lot 5582-B-7-D from the original owner of the said
expropriation had not been consummated. First, there, the
lot and have been residing therein since 1981.
entries in the docket pertaining to the expropriation case
[Respondents] also asserted that [petitioner] had knowledge of
refer only to its filing and the publication in the newspaper
their claim over the said property because when the whole lot
10 of the notices. Second, there was an absence of a deed of
was foreclosed they shared the same problem as
Capitol Subdivision vs Province of Negros Oriental assignment and of a TCT in favour of the Province as
[petitioner] also bought a lot with the 2,078 square-meter
G.R. No. L-16257 regards to the Lot. Third, the property was mortgaged to
lot of Juan Peralta. The trial court ruled that petitioner was not
Concepcion, J. Bacolod-Murcia Milling Co. Lot 378 could not have been
a buyer in good faith despite the fact that he was able to
expropriated without the intervention of the Milling Co.
register his ownership of the disputed lot. The CA affirmed the DOCTRINE OF LAW: The main purpose of the Torrens And yet, the latter was not made a party in the expropriation
Decision of the trial court. The appellate court said that System is to avoid possible conflicts of title in and to real proceedings. And fourth, a second mortgage was
petitioner knew that Lot 5582-B-7-D had already been sold by estate, and to facilitate transactions relative thereto giving constituted in favour of the Back, which would not have
Juan Peralta to respondents before the mother lot was the public the right to rely upon the face of Torrens accepted the mortgage had Lot 378 not belonged to the
mortgaged, foreclosed and eventually purchased. He bought certificate of title and to dispense with the of inquiring mortgagor. Neither could said lot have been expropriated
the entire property from the foreclosing bank, because he further, except when the party concerned has actual without the Bank’s knowledge and participation. Furthermore,
feared that he might lose what he had earlier bought in 1981 -- knowledge of facts and circumstances that should impel a in the deed executed by the Bank promising to sell the
a 350 square meter lot which also formed part of the mother reasonably cautious man to make such further inquiry.   Hacienda to Benares and Petitioner-Corporation, it was
FACTS: Petitioner Capitol Subdivision, Inc., seeks to recover explicitly stated that some particular lots had been
ISSUE: W/N petitioner was in bad faith in the acquisition of the from defendant, the Province of Negros Occidental, a 22,000 expropriated by the Provincial Government of Negros
lot in question. sqrmtr lot (Lot 378) in Bacolod with compensation for the use Occidental, thus indicating, by necessary implication, that
and occupation therewith. The Lot was part of a Hacienda. Lot 378 had not been expropriated. Petitioner is entitled to
RULING: Yes. In estoppel, a person who by deed or conduct Benares (then owner) secured a loan which was recover from the defendant the fair and full equivalent to Lot
induces another to act in a particular manner is barred from mortgaged to milling co and to and later foreclosed by 378, as of the time when possession thereof was actually
adopting an inconsistent position, attitude or course of conduct PNB which became the owner at the foreclosure sale. taken by the defendant, plus consequential damages
that thereby causes loss or injury to another. This equitable Later PNB sold the hacienda to Petitioner-Subdivision  
principle will not apply to respondents, because they exercised which contained a “caveat emptor” stipulation. Upon Cheng v. Genato and Spouses Da Jose
dominion over the property by occupying and building their execution of the deed of absolute sale, the Petitioner took G.R. No. 129760 [December 29, 1998]
house on it. On the other hand, it was petitioner who, steps to take possession the Hacienda, it was discovered Martinez, J.
despite having knowledge of the existence of that in the Lot stood the Provincial Hospital of Negros  
respondents' house on the disputed portion, bought the Occidental. 
whole lot. Before acquiring the mother lot from the bank,
Petitioner made representations with the proper officials to DOCTRINE: “Registration” means any entry made in the
he knew of respondents' claim of ownership and
clarify the status of said occupation and, not being satisfied books of the registry, including both registration in its
occupation. He cannot now pretend to be an innocent
with the explanations given by said officials, it brought the ordinary and strict sense, and cancellation, annotation,
buyer in good faith.
present action. Defendant maintained that it had acquired and even marginal notes. In its strict acceptation, it is the
the Lot through an earlier expropriation proceedings. CFI
entry made in the registry which records solemnly and After having received the letter of Genato, Cheng, returned the of facts which should have put him upon such inquiry and
permanently the right of ownership and other real rights. said check to the former. Cheng instituted a complaint for investigation as might be necessary to acquaint him with
specific performance to compel Genato to execute a deed the defects in the title of his vendor.
FACTS: This petition for review on certiorari seeks to annul of sale to him of the subject properties and prayer for
and set aside the Decision of the Court of Appeals. preliminary attachment. In his complaint, Cheng averred that 12
Respondent Genato is the owner of two parcels of land. the check he gave was a partial payment to the total agreed People vs. Benjamin Guerrero
Genato entered into an agreement with respondent- purchase price of the subject properties and considered GR. No. 133168
spouses Da Jose spouses over the two parcels of land. The as an earnest money for which Genato acceded. Thus, their Garcia, J.
agreement culminated in the execution of a contract to sell. contract was already perfected. In Answer, thereto, Genato
The contract was in a public instrument and was duly alleged that the agreement was only a simple receipt of an DOCTRINE OF LAW: It is a settled rule that a certificate of
annotated at the back of the two certificates of title on the option-bid deposit, and never stated that it was a partial title issued pursuant to any grant or patent involving
same day. The contract states that the spouses shall pay the payment, nor is it an earnest money and that it was subject public lands is as conclusive and indefeasible as any
down payment and 30 days after verifying the authenticity to the condition that the prior contract with the Da Jose other certificate of title issued upon private lands in
of the documents, they shall pay the remaining purchase spouses be first cancelled. The Da Jose spouses, in their ordinary or cadastral registration proceedings. The effect
price. The Da Jose spouses, not having finished verifying the Answer in Intervention, asserted that they have a superior right of registration of a homestead or any other similar patent
titles, asked an extension of another 30 days which was to the property as first buyers. They alleged that the unilateral and the issuance of a certificate of title to the patentee is
granted. Pending the effectivity of the aforesaid extension cancellation of the Contract to Sell was without effect and to vest in him an incontestable title to the land, in the
period, and without due notice to the Da Jose spouses, void. They also cited Cheng’s bad faith as a buyer being duly same manner as if ownership had been determined by
Genato executed an Affidavit to Annul the Contract to Sell, for informed by Genato. The RTC ruled in favor of Cheng  which final decree of the court, and the title so issued is
the vendee has committed a breach of contract. the CA set aside and reversed a ruling. Hence, this petition. absolutely conclusive and indisputable.

Petitioner Cheng expressed interest in buying the subject ISSUE: W/N there is perfected sale over the parcels of land FACTS: This is a petition for review on certiorari of the
properties. Genato showed to Ricardo Cheng copies of his between Genato and Cheng such that it gives rise to obligatory decision of the Court of Appeals. Respondent Guerrero filed
transfer certificates of title and the annotations at the back force. with the Bureau of Lands (now Lands Management Bureau) a
thereof of his contract to sell with the Da Jose spouses. Miscellaneous Sales Application covering a parcel of land
Genato also showed him the aforementioned Affidavit to Annul RULING: NO. Petition denied. We have ruled before that when situated at Quezon City, consisting of 256sqm. Guerrero’s
the Contract to Sell which has not been annotated at the back a Deed of Sale is inscribed in the registry of property on the application was approved and Miscellaneous Sales Patent
of the titles. Despite these, Cheng went ahead and issued a original document itself, what was done with respect to said No. 8991 was issued in favor of him as well as the Original
check for P50,000.00 upon the assurance by Genato that entries or annotations and marginal notes amounted to a Certificate of Title No. 0-28. Angelina Bustamante filed a
the previous contract with the Da Jose spouses will be registration of the sale. In this light, we see no reason why we protest claiming that respondent obtained the sales patent
annulled. Genato caused the registration of the Affidavit to should not give priority in right the annotation made by the Da through fraud and/or omission of material facts
Annul the Contract to Sell in the Registry of Deeds. While the Jose spouses with respect to their Contract to Sell. Moreover, considering that 174 sqm awarded to respondent covered
Da Jose spouses were at the Office of the Registry of Deeds, registration alone in such cases without good faith is not the land where her house is situated and where she has
processing the registration as well, they met Genato by sufficient. Good faith must concur with registration for such been residing since 1961. The Director of Lands dismissed
coincidence and discovered about the affidavit to annul their prior right to be enforceable. In the instant case, the annotation the protest of Bustamante, affirmed by the Minister of Natural
contract. Da Joses were protested against the rescission of made by the Da Jose spouses on the titles of Genato of their Resources and Office of the President. Bustamante filed a MR.
their contract. The Da Jose spouses assured Genato that they "Contract To Sell" more than satisfies this requirement. The President then ordered that the case be remanded to the
are willing and able to pay the balance of the agreed down Whereas in the case of Genato's agreement with Cheng such DENR to conduct an ocular investigation. It was found that 83
payment, later on in the day, Genato decided to continue the is unavailing. For even before the receipt issued to Cheng sqm of the titled property of Guerrero is under actual
Contract he had with them. The agreement to continue with information of such pre-existing agreement has been brought physical possession of Marcelo Bustamante (husband of
their contract was formalized in a conforme letter. Genato to his knowledge which did not deter him from pursuing his Angelina), thus, only 91 sqm is under the physical
advised Cheng of his decision to continue his contract with the agreement with Genato. Additionally, the Court held that one possession of Guerrero. Pursuant to the directive of the
Da Jose spouses and completely returned to Cheng the who purchases real estate with knowledge of a defect of President, the Director of Lands instituted the instant action
checks for their payments. title in his vendor cannot claim that he has acquired title (Petition for Amendment of Plan and Technical Description of
thereto in good faith as against an interest therein; and OCT No. 0-28 in the name of Benjamin Guerrero). Guerrero
the same rule must be applied to one who has knowledge filed a motion to dismiss the petition alleging that the RTC
of Quezon City was without jurisdiction over the petition which have been fraudulently granted to private ISSUE: What is the nature of the duty of a Register of Deeds
and that it was defective in form and substance, inasmuch individuals. However, this remedy of reversion can only be to annotate or annul a notice of lis pendens in a torrens
as it failed to name who holds a certificate of title over the availed of in cases of fraudulent or unlawful inclusion. In certificate of title?
properties subject of the petition. The lower court denied the present case, petitioner cannot successfully invoke
the motion due to lack of merit. The RTC ruled that the original this defense for it was never proven that respondent’s RULING: Section 10 of Presidential Decree No. 1529 states
certificate of title in the name of respondent acquired the patent and title were obtained through fraud. that: “It shall be the duty of the register of deeds to
characteristics of indefeasibility after the expiration of one 13 immediately register an instrument presented for
year from the entry of the decree of registration. CA Baranda vs. Hon. Gustilo registration dealing with real or personal property which
affirmed. Petitioner then moved for a reconsideration but the G.R. No. 81163 complies with all the requisites for registration. If the
same was denied. Hence, this recourse. Gutierrez, J. instrument is not registrable, he shall forthwith deny
registration thereof and inform the presentor of such denial in
ISSUE: W/N the certificate of title issued pursuant to any grant DOCTRINE OF LAW: The function of the Register of Deeds writing, stating the ground or reasons therefore, and advising
or patent involving public lands is conclusive and indefeasible with reference to the registration of deeds, encumbrances, him of his right to appeal by consulta in accordance with
despite the fact that respondent’s title was procured through instrument and the like is ministerial in nature. Section 117 of this Decree.” 
fraud and misrepresentation.
FACTS: A petition for reconstitution of title was filed with the In the case at bar, Judge Gustilo abused his discretion in
RULING: YES. Petition denied. It must be pointed out that the CFI of Iloilo involving a parcel of land in the name of Romana sustaining the Acting Register of Deed’s stand that the notice
essential issue raised in this Petition ― the presence of fraud Hitalia. Eventually, the same was issued in the names of of lis pendens cannot be cancelled on the ground of pendency
― is factual. As a general rule, this Court does not review petitioners Alfonso Hitalia and Eduardo Baranda. The Court of the case in the CA. The function of the Register of Deeds
factual matters, as only questions of law may be raised in issued a writ of possession, which respondents Gregorio with reference to the registration of deeds, encumbrances,
a petition for review on certiorari filed with this Court. And Perez, Maria Gotera and Susana Silao refused to honor on instrument and the like is ministerial in nature . The Acting
as the Court has consistently held, factual findings of trial the ground that they also own the same lot by virtue of a Register of Deeds did not have any legal standing to file a
courts, when adopted and confirmed by the CA, are final and TCT. The Court later discovered that the said TCT was motion for reconsideration of the judge’s order directing him to
conclusive on this Court. It bears to stress that the property in fraudulently acquired by respondents and ordered that the writ cancel the notice of lis pendens. He may not validly refuse to
question, while once part of the lands of the public domain and of possession be carried out. Thereafter, a writ of demolition register a deed of sale presented to him for registration.
disposed of via a miscellaneous sales arrangement, is now was issued. Petitions were filed by respondents in opposition Whether a document is valid or not is NOT for the Register
covered by a Torrens certificate. Grants of public land were of the orders issued by the Court but the same were denied. In of Deeds to determine; this function belongs properly to a
brought under the operation of the Torrens system by Act No. compliance with the RTC orders, respondent Acting Register court of competent jurisdiction. 
496, or the Land Registration Act of 1903. Under the Torrens of Deeds Avito Saclauso annotated the order declaring
system of registration, the government is required to respondents’ TCT as null and void, cancelled the same and TEODORO ALMIROL vs. THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF
issue an official certificate of title to attest to the fact that issued new certificates of titles in the name of petitioners.  AGUSAN
the person named is the owner of the property described G.R. No. L-22486 March 20, 1968
therein. The Torrens system aims to obviate possible However, by reason of a separate case that was still pending
conflicts of title by giving the public the right to rely upon in the CA, a notice of lis pendis was annotated in the new DOCTRINE:   The purpose of registration is merely to give
the face of the Torrens certificate and to give him certificate of title. This prompted petitioners to file a motion notice, then questions regarding the effect or invalidity of
complete peace of mind that he would be secured in his directing the Acting Register of Deeds to cancel the said instruments are expected to be decided after, not before,
ownership as long as he has not voluntarily disposed of notice of lis pendens. Judge Gustilo granted the motion registration. It must follow as a necessary consequence
any right over the covered land. Petitioner fails to and directed the Acting Register of Deeds to cancel. that registration must first be allowed, and validity or
convince the Court that the facts relied upon constitutes However, the Acting Register of Deeds filed a motion of effect litigated afterwards.
fraud. Fraud cannot be presumed, and the failure of reconsideration contending that since the case is still pending
petitioner to prove it defeats its own cause. Petitioner argues with the CA, it is the CA that can order the cancellation of the FACTS: Teodoro Almirol purchased from Arcenio Abalo a
that the right of the State for the reversion of unlawfully notice of lis pendens, and not this Court in a mere cadastral parcel of land. Sometime in May, 1962 Almirol went to the
acquired property is not barred by prescription. True, proceeding. Judge Gustilo granted the Acting Register of office of the Register of Deeds of Agusan in Butuan City to
prescription, basically, does not run against the State and Deeds’ motion. Hence, this petition.  register the deed of sale and to secure in his name a transfer
the latter may still bring an action, even after the lapse of certificate of title. Registration was refused by the Register of
one year, for the reversion to the public domain of lands Deeds upon the following grounds: 1. That Original
Certificate of Title No. P-1237 is registered in the name of and Liquidation of Property. While the case was ongoing She opposed by Bayaua, Reyes, and the Philippine Cacao and
Arcenio Abalo, married to Nicolasa M. Abalo, and by legal learned that Rogelio intends to sell the subject property. Farm Products.
presumption, is considered conjugal property; 2. That in Shirley then advised the interested buyers one of whom is the
the sale of a conjugal property acquired after the petitioner Josefina V. Nobleza their neighbor of the existence The case went on until on 1981, 20 years after, the Heirs of
effectivity of the New Civil Code it is necessary that both of the cases and cautioned them against buying the property Sandoval, Heirs of Bayaua, and the Bureau of Lands and
spouses sign the document; but 3. Since, as in this case, until the cases are closed and terminated. Nonetheless, under Bureau of Forest Development entered a compromise
the wife has already died when the sale was made, the a Deed of Absolute Sale, Rogelio sold the subject property to agreement, which effectively distributed parts of lot 7454
surviving husband cannot dispose of the whole property petitioner without Shirley’s consent. The court ordered the among the aforesaid parties and the counsel of the Heirs
without first liquidating and transferring in the name of the petitioner to reconvey the property to Shirley, hence, this of Sandoval as attorney's fees. The compromise
surviving spouse and the heirs of the deceased wife by petition. Petitioner claims she is a buyer in good faith as agreement was approved by the court and confirmed the
means of extrajudicial settlement or partition and that the the TCT of the subject property states that its sole owner title and ownership of the parties in accordance with its
consent of such other heir or heirs must be procured by is the seller Rogelio himself who was therein also terms.
means of another document ratifying this sale executed described as "single.
by their father.  In view of such refusal, Almirol went to the Having knowledge of the incident, the Solicitor General filed a
Court of First Instance of Agusan on a petition for mandamus ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner is a purchaser in good complaint before the court to annul the decision rendered by
to compel the Register of Deeds to register the deed of sale faith.  the court a quo for being void and made in excess of
and to issue to him the corresponding transfer certificate of title jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion. The Solicitor
RULING: No, the petitioner is not a buyer in good faith.  A General contended that the Heirs of Sandoval et. al. did
ISSUE: Whether or not the Court can compel the Registry of buyer cannot claim to be an innocent purchaser for value by not present any evidence to support their claims of
Deeds to register the deed of sale in question. merely relying on the TCT of the seller while ignoring all the ownership or registration, nor did the government
other surrounding circumstances relevant to the sale. Had agencies involve have a y authority to enter into the
RULING: Yes. Whether a document is valid or not, is not petitioner been more prudent as a buyer, she could have
for the register of deeds to determine; this function compromise agreement, and finally, that he was not
easily checked if Rogelio had the capacity to dispose of notified of the proceedings and so had not opportunity to
belongs properly to a court of competent jurisdiction. The the subject property. Had petitioner been more vigilant,
register of deeds is entirely precluded by section 4 of take part therein.
she could have inquired with such facility - considering
Republic Act 1151 from exercising his personal judgment that her sister lived in the same Ladislao Diwa Village
and discretion when confronted with the problem of As for the Heirs of Sandoval's contention, they
where the property is located - if there was any person asseverate that the land is not a public land as the possessory
whether to register a deed or instrument on the ground other than Rogelio who had any right or interest in the
that it is invalid. information title in their name and of their predecessors in-
subject property. In the Deed of Absolute Sale, the civil interest, the pre-war certification appearing in the Bureau
SABTALUH status of Rogelio as seller was not stated, while petitioner as of Archives, and the fact that the proceeding of the
NOBLEZA V. NUEGA buyer was indicated as "single," It puzzles the Court that while registration was brought under the Torrens act which
G.R. NO. 193038 petitioner has repeatedly claimed that Rogelio is "single" under presupposes an existing title to be confirmed, are all
VILLARAMA, JR., J. TCT No. 171963 and Tax Declaration Nos. D-012-04723 and evidences that the land is a private land.
D-012-04724, his civil status as seller was not stated in the
DOCTRINE OF LAW: A buyer cannot claim to be an Deed of Absolute Sale - further creating a cloud on the ISSUE: W/N the respondent's evidences can be considered as
innocent purchaser for value by merely relying on the TCT claim of petitioner that she is an innocent purchaser for proof that the lot 7454 is
of the seller while ignoring all the other surrounding value. a private land.
circumstances relevant to the sale.
Republic v. Sayo RULING: NO. Under the Regalian Doctrine all lands not
FACTS: Shirley B. Nuega and OFW was married to Rogelio GR No. L-60413 otherwise appearing to be clearly within private ownership are
Nuega. She sent Rogelio money for the purchase of a Narvasa, J. presumed to belong to the State. Hence it is that all applicants
residential lot. Upon her arrival she settled the balance for the in land registration proceedings have the burden of
equity over the subject property and paid for the succeeding FACTS: The case at bar started at 1961 whe the spouses overcoming the presumption that the land thus sought to be
monthly amortizations. While overseas she learned that Casiano and Luz Sandoval filed an application for a parcel of registered forms part of the public domain.  Unless the
Rogelio had brought home another woman and had been land, Lot 7454 originally party of Santiago but had since then applicant succeeds in showing by clear and convincing
introducing her as his wife. She then filed for Legal Separation been transferred to Nueva Vizcaya. The registration was evidence that the property involved was acquired by him or his
ancestors either by composition title from the Spanish the Court for approval. It is, after all, the Solicitor General, who remedy. The SC held that though their possession of the land
Government or by possessory information title, or any other is the principal counsel of the Government; this is the reason to that of their predecessors-in-interest as a result of which
means for the proper for our holding that "Court orders and decisions sent to the they now have more than thirty (30) years' possession of the
acquisition of public lands, the property must be held to be part fiscal, acting as agent of the Solicitor General in land same, the fact remains that the subject land has not yet been
of the public domain. The applicant must present competent registration cases, are not binding until they are actually released from its classification as part of the military
and persuasive proof to substantiate his claim; he may not rely received by the Solicitor General."  reservation zone and still has to be reclassified as alienable
on general statements, or mere conclusions of law other than public land. 
factual evidence of possession and title. 
Republic vs. IAC, Mendoza, and Pasahol The SC also states that they are mindful that the private
In the proceeding at bar, it appears that the principal document (G.R. No. 71285) respondents who have in good faith possessed and occupied
relied upon and presented by the applicants for registration, to the disputed land for more than (30) years. That is why if what
prove the private character of the large tract of land subject of DOCTRRINE OF THE LAW: To have the right to possess is needed is only the formal release of the property from its
their application, was a photocopy of a certification of the the title of a military reservation zone, it must be first classification as a military reservation and its reclassification to
National Library. But, as this Court has already had occasion reclassified as alienable public land. disposable agricultural land, the respondent should, for
to rule, that Spanish document cannot be considered a title equitable reasons, take the necessary steps towards the
to property, it not being one of the grants made during the FACTS: Petition for review by Certiorari. A petition was filed by declassification of the same.
Spanish regime, and obviously not constituting primary Esteban Mendoza and Leon Pasahol alleging ownership of the 18
evidence of ownership. It is an inefficacious document on land in question (Lot 444) by purchase from its original owners. Cariño vs. Insular Government
which to base any finding of the private character of the Evidence of ownership and possession show that (1) G.R. No. L-2746
land in question. Mendoza and Pasahol bought the land from Feliciano
Ignacio as shown by the deed of sale; (2) they had FACTS: In 1903, Mateo Cariño, through his attorney in fact,
It thus appears that the decision of the Registration Court a possessed the land peacefully, openly and continuously Metcalf Clarke, filed a petition in the Court of Land Registration
quo is based solely on the compromise agreement of the under claim of ownership, as had their predecessors-in- asking that he be inscribed as the owner of a parcel of land in
parties. But that compromise agreement included private interest before them; (3) that before the purchase of the Baguio, Benguet, containing 146 hectares. He presented no
persons who had not adduced any competent evidence of their land, it had been declared for taxation purposes in the evidence except possessory information by provisions of
ownership over the land subject of the registration proceeding. name of Maria Nunez since 1932. the Mortgage Law. This only produced those effects which
Portions of the land in controversy were assigned to persons the laws give to mere possession. His main contention was his
or entities who had presented nothing whatever to prove their Solicitor General alleges that (1) petitioners' possession began use and occupation of the land since time immemorial. This
ownership of any part of the land. The assent of the Directors only in 1957, they could not tack their possession to their would lead to his award of a grant due to the prevailing
of Lands and Forest Development to the compromise predecessors-in-interest because of the failure of the latter to jurisprudence at the time. The State opposed the petition by
agreement did not and could not supply the absence of lay claim to the property in question ; (2) it is claimed that arguing that the land is part of the military reservation of the
evidence of title required of the private respondents. registration is not possible as said land is actually already US government. He countered by stating that the land is
forest land and/or part of a military reservation. agricultural and the government did not possess any titles of
As to the informacion posesoria invoked by the private ownership, thus the State is barred by the statute of limitations.
respondents, it should be pointed out that under the Spanish The IAC (CA) ruled in favor of the respondents sstating that The Court of First Instance dismissed his petition. 
Mortgage Law, it was considered a mode of acquiring title to the land may have been a military reservation in the past, but
no longer; because it had already been "delimited and ISSUE: (1) Whether Cariño is the rightful owner due to his use
public lands, subject to two (2) conditions: first, the inscription and occupation?
thereof in the Registry of Property, and second, actual, public, classified by our bureau (Forestry) as alienable and disposable
adverse, and uninterrupted possession of the land for twenty block under the Proposed Land Classification. Hence this   (2) Whether prescription runs against the
(20) years (later reduced to ten [10] years); but where, as here, petition. government?
proof of fulfillment of these conditions is absent, the
informacion posesoria cannot be considered as anything more ISSUE: W/N Mendoza and Pasahol should be given the title of RULING: (1) NO. The possession of the land has not been of
than prima facie evidence of possession.  the land. such a character as to require the presumption of a grant. No
one has lived upon it for many years. It was never used for
Finally, it was error to disregard the Solicitor General in the RULING: NO. PETITION GRANTED, without prejudice to anything but pasturage of animals, except insignificant portions
execution of the compromise agreement and its submission to the respondent’s recourse to the proper administrative thereof, and since the insurrection against Spain it has

apparently not been used by the petitioner for any purpose. the Undersecretary of Agricultural and Natural The Court of First Instance adjudicated 117,956 square meters
While the State has always recognized the right of the Resources issued a Miscellaneous Sales Patent and to Emeterio Bereber and the rest of the land containing
occupant to a deed if he proves a possession for a sufficient an OCT was issued by the Register of Deeds of Naga 527,747 square meters was adjudicated in the proportion of
length of time, yet it has always insisted that he must make City in favor of the respondent. 5/6 share to Angel Alpasan and 1/6 share to Melquiades Borre.
that proof before the proper administrative officers, and obtain Only the Heirs of Jose Amunategui and the Director of Forestry
from them his deed, and until he did the State remained the filed their respective appeals with the Court of Appeals. The
absolute owner. ISSUE: Whether or not the conveyance of land to Heirs of Jose Amunategui maintain that Lot No. 885 cannot
David is valid? be classified as forest land because it is not thickly
(2) NO. It is well settled in the US that prescription forested but is a "mangrove swamp.  Furthermore, they
does not run against the government as to its public land. RULING: YES. The property conveyed to defendant David
was part of the property owned by the state and therefore contend that Lot 885, even if it is a mangrove swamp, is still
In other words, if a person desires to obtain title to the public subject to land registration proceedings because the property
lands of the US situated within the boundaries of the States, the conveyance was valid. The only party with legal
standing to question the validity of such is the had been in actual possession of private persons for many
he must do so in the way pointed out by the law. It is not years, and therefore, said land was already "private land" 
understood that a person in possession of unsurveyed public government and that the period to contest and claim
lands in the State of Minnesota, for example, whose ancestors otherwise is within 1 year only. The transaction followed ISSUE: W/N Lot No. 885 is public forest land which not
had occupied that the land for forty years, could maintain in all the rules and procedures for patent sale to prosper and capable of registration in the names of the private applicants.
court a claim that he was the legal owner of the lands by no fraud was done as the auction sale and the document
granted the land to his ancestors. The same is true of the processing were all made in public. RULING: YES. A forested area classified as forest land of the
public lands of Spain in the Philippine Islands. public domain does not lose such classification simply because
loggers or settlers may have stripped it of its forest cover. The
Lee Hong Kok v. David classification is descriptive of its legal nature or status and
G.R. No. L-30389 20 does not have to be descriptive of what the land actually looks
Fernando, J. Heirs of Amunategui Vs. Director of forestry like. Unless and until the land classified as "forest" is released
GR 27873 in an official proclamation to that effect so that it may form part
DOCTRINE OF LAW: The land which is considered to be of the disposable agricultural lands of the public domain, the
Public Domain belongs to the Crown or State. Any FACTS: These two petitions have their genesis in an rules on confirmation of imperfect title do not apply.
conveyance by the state to a Private Individual through application for confirmation of imperfect title and its
sale is valid and may only be questioned by the registration. The parcel of land sought to be registered is In confirmation of imperfect title cases, the applicant shoulders
Government for nullity. The period of 1 year is given in the known as Lot No. 885 of the Cadastral Survey of Pilar, Capiz, the burden of proving that he meets the requirements of
case the conveyed property by the state is a private and has an area of 645,703 square meters. Roque Borre, Section 48, Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended by
property wherein the rights of the private owners are petitioner in G.R. No, L-30035, and Melquiades Borre, filed the Republic Act No. 1942. He must overcome the presumption
violated. Imperium is the authority by the state embraced application for registration. In due time, the heirs of Jose that the land he is applying for is part of the public domain but
ibn the concept of sovereignty and dominion is the power Amunategui, petitioners in G.R. No. L-27873 filed an that he has an interest or that he has had continuous, open,
to own and acquire properties. opposition to the application of Roque and Melquiades Borre. and notorious possession and occupation of agricultural lands
At the same time, they prayed that the title to a portion of Lot of the public domain under a bona fide claim of acquisition of
FACTS:  Petitioners Lee Hong Hok et al. claim that the No. 885 of Pilar Cadastre containing 527,747 square meters ownership for at least thirty (30) years preceding the filing of
Torrens Title of Respondent David over the disputed be confirmed and registered in the names of said Heirs of Jose his application. The possession of public land however long
land (which is part of the Naga Cadastre) should be Amunategui. The Director of Forestry, filed an opposition to the the period thereof may have extended, never confers title
declared null and void. The CA found no legal application for registration of title claiming that the land was thereto upon the possessor because the statute of limitations
justification for nullifying the right of David over the mangrove swamp which was still classified as forest land and with regard to public land does not operate against the State,
disputed land arising from the grant made in his favor part of the public domain.Another oppositor, Emeterio Bereber unless the occupant can prove possession and occupation of
by appropriate public officials.  filed his opposition insofar as a portion of Lot No. 885 was the same under claim of ownership for the required number of
concerned and prayed that title to said portion be confirmed years to constitute a grant from the State.
David had acquired lawful title over said land. The and registered in his name. During the progress of the trial,
Director of Lands awarded him an order for issuance applicant-petitioner Roque Borre sold whatever rights and
of a sales patent pursuant to his miscellaneous sales interests he may have on Lot No. 885 to Angel Alpasan.
application. Subsequently, on the basis of such order,

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