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Technology Tools

in The ClassRoom

Collaboration and
Project Management
Collaboration and Project Management
Collaboration and Project Management tools allow students to digitally
work with others to make decisions, explore new concepts, solve problems
and create new products. Not only do these tools allow students to connect
with their classmates but can even be used to collaborate with students in
other cities, provinces or even other countries.
In the example provided by Eady & Lockyer (2013), students in Canada’s
north and Australia’s outback collaborated using an online, live-time
platform where the children in both countries worked together in groups to
create slide presentations about their part of the world.
One tool from the Gonzalez (2020) reading is the website Padlet. Padlet is an
online corkboard where students can pin notes, pictures, files and link to
other places. It is a shared space where students can engage in online
discussions with others while sharing resources.

Padlet is used to communicate because students are able to share their

opinions or thoughts. It is used for collaboration because multiple people
can be on a Padlet at once all sharing their thoughts and people can
comment back to each other and create a discussion.
Padlet (Continued)
One reason why Padlet would be useful in my classroom is because it can be
used as a virtual exit ticket where students can answer a question about the
lesson material or reflect on their level of understanding. It helps keep all
the student’s responses in one place without worrying about losing the
paper exit card and works great while virtually teaching.

Furthermore, with Padlet students don’t only have to use it to write text,
there are many different ways that students can use Padlet creatively.

For example, the students could create a timeline on Padlet that would be
useful in many different subject areas and the platform is very easy to use.
Google Docs
One tool from the Eady & Lockyer (2013) is Google Docs which is a virtual
document where students can collaborate in real time with multiple people
who can all make edits and changes simultaneously.
It is a communication tool as students can use it to complete assignments,
while also making comments where they can talk with other group
members about what is being written.
It is a collaboration tool because multiple students can work together on a
document at once and make changes and make suggested edits.

It can also be an evaluative tool because teachers can also make comments
on the document where they can evaluate the students work and leave
comments throughout the document.
Google Docs (Continued)
One of the biggest reasons why this tool would be useful in the classroom is
the ability to collaborate. This makes it so much easier for students to work
on group assignments together especially if they are doing virtual school
and can’t work together on the assignment in person. Moreover, it is very
easy to track changes that have happened in the document so a teacher can
see what each group member contributed.
Connection To The P.I.E. Model
Padlet connects to the practice tip from the P.I.E Model of provide multiple
means of engagement. This practice tip is about providing opportunities for
choice and autonomy, optimize relevance and practicality of course content,
foster collaboration and sharing of expertise and experiences, encourage
self- assessment and reflection activities. This fits with Padlet because this
tool allows students to collaborate together and share ideas. There is also
the option of peer and self-assessment because the notes that are created in
Padlet can be “hearted” and students can comment on each other’s posts.
Google Docs would fit under this practice tip because it allows students to
collaborate with one another and gives them opportunities for peer
assessment because the document can be shared with others who can read
the students work and make comments.

Multimedia Presentations
Multimedia presentations
Multimedia presentations are a great tool to provide students a choice in
how they would like to communicate. When working with multimedia
applications, students learn important skills for adaptability, flexibility and
In the example provided by Eady & Lockyer (2013), the student is using one
of their interests (screen time), to communicate their ideas.
The Skitch app allows students to add to images through drawing and text.
Students can use a device, such as an iPad, to create diagrams and
descriptions directly on an image. The use of Skitch allows the student to
create meaningful content in comparison to if the educator were to dictate
the student uses pencil and paper.
Additionally, by using a multimedia method, unique opportunities are
created for the class to engage. Peers are more likely to be interested in the
student’s presentation, and there are more opportunities for students to
learn collaboratively.
Skitch is an ideal addition to the classroom as it helps students engage in
learning and creates the possibility for peers to collaborate and learn from
one another.
iMovie, StoryBird & Buncee
Some additional applications that may augment students communication
methods would be iMovie, StoryBird and Buncee (Gonzalez, 2020).
Connection To The P.I.E. Model
The PIE model recommends you provide students with multiple means of
action and expression. Multimedia presentations through applications
(such as the Skitch app) fit well with this recommendation as they allow the
student choice in how they will communicate.
By providing students with multiple methods of expression, students have
the opportunity to use their strengths and interests while creating content
that truly represents their abilities. A student’s choice to make use of
multimedia presentations sparks enthusiasm by relating their strengths
and interests, and ultimately leading to more excitement and effort in
creating their final product.

Learning Management SystEms

Learning Management Systems
Learning Management Systems allow for tasks that were once completed by
hand to be completely accessed in a central online location.
An example of a Learning Management System is Google Classroom. This
user-friendly interface allows students, teachers, and parents to interact
and to share files in a seamless manner. It contains a host of applications
that are directly linked to each student’s profile, thus allowing for easier
communication, collaboration, and the storage of files.
Google Classrooms
Google Classroom allows for teachers to have an organized online classroom
on short notice. It is easy to navigate and having access to various apps such
as Docs, Slides, Forms, and Drive permits teachers to set up classes, keep
records, and communicate efficiently with students and parents. As per
Eady & Lockyer, using technology to communicate allows for students to
draw links between what is happening both inside and outside of the
classroom (2013). Google Classroom allows for students to engage in social
communication to facilitate learning in a positive environment in a manner
that integrates various aspect of learning online.
Connection To The P.I.E. Model
Google Classroom allows for inclusion and differentiation. It allows for
content to be included in a variety of formats (e.g.,videos, podcast, pictures,
and writing. According to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), having
an inclusive and accessible online learning is composed of three goals;
engagement, representation, and action/expression. Google Classroom
allows for our learners to interact with the material in a way the is
meaningful for them. Teachers have freedom to generated content that
works best within their classroom. Teachers are also able to add videos,
podcast, and readings while students are also able to demonstrate their
knowledge in an option that works best for them. Student collaboration is
possible as they can build different things together by “sharing” Google
applications in small groups.

In the Gonzalez (2020) reading, the term blog stands for weblog which is a
log or diary maintained online. Blogs are dynamic in that they are
continuously being added to, as opposed to a static website that never

Blogs have a variety of uses, including to inform audiences about specific

topics, write about personal experiences, or participate in a group project.
Therefore, depending on the purpose they are being used for, the intent of
blogs can be both to communicate and to collaborate. For the purpose of this
blog post, I am sharing ways in which students use blogs to communicate.
Journal writing - online blogs
In the Eady & Lockyer (2013) reading, the authors maintain that there are
enormous benefits of journal writing for primary students, which has now
developed into online blog writing. One benefit of online blogs is that they
are an engaging and effective was to promote writing skills.
Furthermore, educators and peers can also provide immediate feedback on
an online blog as opposed to a private handwritten journal. Eady & Lockyer
(2013) ascertain that introducing facilitating students' abilities to transfer
technology skills from one tool to another supports their adaptability,
flexibility, and engagement.
Weebly is an online website and blogging tool suggested in Gonzalez (2020)
reading. Weebly provides an enormous library of ready-made templates for
students to choose from. Their interface and website-building tools are
easier than other blogs and require very little technological knowledge.
Furthermore, Weebly has a free plan which allows students to create a blog
at no cost. Weebly also provides students with a drag-and-drop design tool
that is user-friendly and straightforward.
Connection To The P.I.E. Model
The act of blogging connects back to the P.I.E. Model (Student) and the
constructivism theory. The constructivist theory suggests that, "the goal of
learning is for the learner to instruct their own unique conception of
Additionally, students should reflect and internalize the content through
the creation of learning journals, or blogs. When students have an outlet to
communicate their thoughts and ideas such as an online blog, important
concepts will be better cemented.

Leader: Lindsay Pinch

Group Members: Diana Penuela, Kayla Crupi,

Gina Morphy, Lindsay Pinch, and Maggie Trant

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