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Melika T.

Spring 2012


Big Design – Customer Service

Instructional Model: Preface
My modifications or redesign for the current course content will include improvements for the
slide presentation through applying the principles of multimedia learning, and implementing
21-century technology and learning principles in the course design.

Learning problem\Issue:
This course serves as a foundation for setting the standards and expectations for providing
excellent customer service. It has been acknowledged that both internal and external customer
service needs improvement. This course seeks to address employees who assume that
customer service only applies when working with individuals external to the organization. This
course also seeks to improve knowledge and skills for employees through providing information
and strategies to better serve our members and each other.


 The ultimate goal of this course is to increase internal and external customer
 Ensure that all employees have competed customer service training.
 Highly emphasize the impact and importance of providing excellent customer service.

Course Objectives
The objective of this course is to explore the topic of customer service so that employees are
able to distinguish the difference between customer service and excellent customer service.
The standards for customer service are reviewed to establish a foundation for the basic level of
customer service expectations d for employees to achieve and exceed. This course also seeks to
provide employees with and understanding of customer service so that they are able to employ
strategies and practices to achieve excellent customer service.

Remembering: Define customer service

Analyzing: Differentiate between customer service and excellent customer service
Understanding: Identify customer service standards
Understanding: Identify the needs and wants of every customer
Applying: Demonstrate strategies and practices to achieve excellent customer service

Existing Knowledge Level

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012

It is assumed that everyone has a basic level of customer service knowledge. However, the
existing customer service level of the employee is varied because the audience for this course
consists of new and experienced employees who work on the front line and back office.

Learning Environment
The learning environment will consist of a training classroom that has a projector, laptop, and
ceiling speakers, podium, whiteboard and flipchart. The setup will be in a classroom style with
two computer stations per row facing the front of the room. Two tables will be placed in the
center of the aisle area to help accommodate group interaction.

Environment Layout: This course will be conducted in a computer training room, which has a
layout of two PC stations per desk. This course is not conducive to group discussions because of
the computer monitors that create a communication barrier for participant discussion and
activities. The preferred layout for this course would be PODs.

Location: The location of the course will be at one of our central branch locations. This is a
constraint for the employees because they have to make accommodations to travel from their
current location to the central training location, which could be a distance of thirty or more

Non-mandatory: Because this course is not mandatory for all employees, it will be difficult to
enforce customer service standards and accountability. This may also poses a perception that
customer service training is not vital for the performance of the organization. The level of
expectations that this course seeks to achieve are challenged due to this constraint.

Delivery Options
The customer service training will be conducted in a face-to-face manner. The training is
offered as an annual training. Part of my re-design will include integrating the training to an e-
learning environment through the website. This option will be implemented
based on employee behavior and available resources as it relates to technology and physical

1 ½ hours approximately
Introduction – 10 Minutes
Lesson One: What is Customer Service? - 35 Minutes
Lesson Two: Customer Service Standards – 15 Minutes
Break – 10 Minutes
Lesson Three: The importance of Providing Good Customer Service - 10 Minutes
Lesson Four: Strategies and Practices to Achieve Excellent Customer Service – 15 Minutes

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012

Learning Objectives (Behavioral)

The overall learning objectives are to achieve behaviors that represent excellent customer
service through providing knowledge and skills through the following:

Remembering: Define customer service

Analyzing: Differentiate between customer service and excellent customer service
Understanding: Identify customer service standards
Understanding: Identify the needs and wants of every customer
Applying: Demonstrate strategies and practices to achieve excellent customer service

Knowledge Domains:

Knowledge: Remembering: Define customer service

Knowledge: Understanding: Identify customer service standards
Knowledge: Understanding: Identify the needs and wants of every customer
Analysis: Analyzing: Differentiate between customer service and excellent customer service
Application: Applying: Demonstrate strategies and practices to achieve excellent customer

Targeted learning processes: Cognitive Information Processing:

The training will consist of presenting information in three of the four learning architectures,
receptive, guided discovery, and exploratory. To address the adult learner the environment will
be non-threating and comfortable. As an icebreaker, activity participants will work in groups to
list their learning expectations for the course. Their responses will also allow them to set their
own objectives so that they are involved and have input in the learning process. As part of
guided discovery, employees will be able to evaluate their own learning from the training
through reviewing the case studies and selecting the best course of action that aligns with
providing excellent customer service. They will be allowed to share their own experiences and
situations as they relate to providing and receiving customer service to encourage engagement.
Individuals will review and engage in exploratory learning to distinguish good and bad customer
service behaviors. The participants will watch video clip examples of good and bad customer
service to invoke engagement through group discussions. These activities will allow the
employee to understand the relevance and importance of providing excellent customer service
through connecting the content with their daily tasks. They will also address their approach to
use strategies to provide excellent customer service it relates to the job.

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012


Learning Theories & Principles (Traditional & Contemporary)

Redesign Recommendations (Development)

21st Century learner: One of the major improvements for this course is to implement 21 st
century learning strategies listed below.

Online Collaborative Learning:

Learning Environment: My recommendation is to upload the slides to for
participants to follow along during the course. In addition, to serve as a point of reference after
the course is completed.

Blog Review: (Idea Generating) This activity requires the participants to search blog sites on
customer service. The objective of this activity is to engage the learner in online learning
activities to generate ideas on different perspectives of customer service from the opinions of
the blogger. The participants will complete this activity in groups of two, use their flip charts to
summarize their experience and report to everyone their findings and discuss the blog and how
it relates to providing excellent customer service.

Sample Blog sites for customer service:

Online Assessment:
Customer Service Forum Participation: (Intellectual Convergence)
The participants will be required to select and review a customer service topic of interest and
respond to the forum postings with their opinions and input. The participant will then report
their experience back to the group on their contribution to the posting.

Customer service forum site:

Principles of Interactive Engagement: Activating Prior Knowledge Principle

Online Customer Service Test: (Optional)
This test can be used as an assessment tool to identify areas of improvement for customer
service. The test can be part of the lesson introduction as an initial assessment. After the
assessment, the participants can complete the flip chart exercise to list their expectations for
the course.

Customer service test: (Are you a good fit to work in Customer Service?)

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012


Stories and Example Cases: (Cognitive Flexibility)

At the end of the course, several case studies will be reviewed as an assessment to gage
comprehension and to reflect on the learning experiences of the course content as it relates to
customer service.

Example Case:
Case Study

Kelly Sloan recently applied for a mortgage loan and wanted to inquire about the status of the
loan. She calls the credit union’s main number and is greeted by Imogene, the credit union’s
switchboard operator. Ms. Sloan introduces herself and informs the switchboard operator why
she is calling. Imogene tells Ms. Sloan she must speak with someone in mortgage and will be
transferred. Unfortunately, Ms. Sloan is not transferred to the mortgage department, but is
instead transferred to Marissa, a loan processor in Auto Direct. Ms. Sloan once again introduces
herself to Marissa and tells her the nature of her call. Marissa informs Ms. Sloan that
unfortunately, she cannot assist her because she does not work in mortgage. Marissa asks Ms.
Sloan if she may place her on hold while she locates the number for mortgage.

Marissa locates the number. As she attempts to transfer the call to mortgage, Ms. Sloan is

A. Each employee did a great job in assisting Ms. Sloan. It was unfortunate that she was
disconnected during the last call.
B. Imogene should have made sure the number she was transferring Ms. Sloan to was
correct and she should have spoken to someone and explained Ms. Sloan’s situation
before transferring.

How would you rate each employee’s customer service?

The Customer Service Report Card

A Created a memorable experience – one that “WOWs”
the customer.
B Exceeded customer expectations.
C Met customer expectations.
D Failed the customer but gave options (rather than by
directly answering their questions, solving their
problem, meeting their need, etc.)
F Failed the customer by offering no options.

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012


Graphic Design: Principles of multimedia learning will be added to the slides to prevent
cognitive overload for the employees. The following learning, multimedia, and cognitive load
management principles will be used to improve learning:

Learning Principles

 Multiple Examples

 Stories and Example Cases

 Feedback Effects

Principles of multimedia learning

 Multimedia Principle - Adding graphics and symbols to words

 Contiguity Principle – Placing text near graphics

 Modality Principle - Explanation of graphics with audio

 Personalization Principle – conversational tone

Principles of Interactive engagement

 Initial Learner Motivation Principle

 Problem-solving Principle

 Demonstrations and Practice

 Mental Models Principles

 Metacognitive Principle

 Activation of prior knowledge

 Dual code multimedia affect

Universal Design for Learning: Present and deliver content in different ways.

Recognition networks

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012

This course will consist of the following recognition networks to present information on
providing excellent customer service.

 Audio (Sound)

 Visual (Slides, Video clips, flip charts)

 Written (Handouts i.e. interactive course book )

Strategic Networks: Differentiate ways that students can express what they know
Affective Networks: How learners engage and stay motivated.

The course will include group activities, discussions, role-plays, and complete a customer
service quiz so that knowledge of customer service can be expressed in various ways. Learners
will stay motivated throughout the course through their interactive involvement of the

User Interface: The user interface will consist of visual aids including handouts, media
presentation, flip charts, and videos. The training will also include videos and role-play
situations, case studies, and small group discussion.

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012



Coherence Principle: less is more. Elimination of unnecessary wording and consolidated the
two course objective slides to one slide.

Concrete: text and illustrations are presented in ways that allow for easy visualization.

Multimedia Principle - Adding graphics and symbols to words

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012


Coherence Principle: less is more. Elimination of unnecessary wording.

Modality: best use of visual and auditory channels. I added a youtube video with scenarios of
internal customer service within a department and its effects on the team members.

Principle: Video or diagram of far-transfer tasks being performed. Examples of providing

internal customer service. The outer circles of the model emphasizes the center circles and
provides a visual of how each ring of circles contributes to the central theme of internal
customer service.

Multimedia Principle - Adding graphics and symbols to words

Dual Code & Multimedia Effects: Information is delivered via auditory and visual.

Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012


Spatial Contiguity: best placement of words and pictures. I placed the arrow pointing outwards
towards the words “External Customer Service” to add a visual of external customer service.
Also emphasized “You” as being the central source of customer service.

Personalization Principle: Use conversational tone and pedagogical agents to increase learning.
The emphasis is placed on “You” as the learner and taking responsibility for customer service

Multimedia Principle: Adding graphics and symbols to words

Coherence: Less is more: I removed some of the excessive wordiness of the sentences and
shortened them to the four points on each arrow.

Generalization: Describe the main idea and supporting details. I added standards is the focal
point of this slide and supporting details are the smaller circles.

Codable: Key Terms used in the text and key features are used to make them more memorable.
I used an acronym to represent each of the service standards to make them more memorable

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Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012


Note: I actually needed to make a correction to this slide to read “six” instead of “five”/

Concise: Extraneous descriptions are minimized in the text.

Concentrated: The key ideas are highlighted in the text.

Practice: Included a link to complete an online virtual simulation module to practice customer
service skills.

Concrete: The text and illustrations are presented in ways that allow for easy visualization.

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Melika T. Anderson
Spring 2012


Enumeration: Present a list of items. Presented ten best practices

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