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(€967) Joe McDonald, Christopher Wale Shirley Ross, Kevin Hart Di- . Graveyard of Horrors * (1971) Jona Clark, Titania Clement, Beatriz Lacy, Ell Curran. 105 main. Dubbed in Eng- Tish, IMA. 49995 Avalable now. ‘VIEWERS GUIDE: Unrated; mild violence and sexual suggestion ‘Michael Sherrington (Bill Curran) returns to his ancestral home to find his pregnant wife has died in his absence. His mother and sisters- indaw are sullen and secretive, a sinister doctor has the run of the house, and his brother has vanished mysteriously. A complicated tale of family turmoil and weird science emerges. Dubbed dialogue substi- tutes for action, entire scenes are replayed as a dream sequence to fill up time, the monster makeup is silly instead of scary, and the film- totape transfer quality is terrible. (2970) Yukiko Nakamori, Shinichi Takashi Direeted by Inoshiro Honda. 105 min. TMA. ‘$4995. Available now. ‘VIEWERS GUIDE: Unrated; nothing objec: tlonable. Aliens steal a space probe and pilot it back to Earth, landing in the sea. Entrepreneurs hoping to build a re- sort on a nearby tropical island run into some unexpected trouble. The aliens, hoping to dominate Earth, mutate local life forms — an octo- pus, a crab, a turtle and some bats — into giant monsters who attack and kill. Natives try to placate them with ceremonial dances, but sterner measures are called for. Clumsy Japanese science fiction - might amuse youngsters. ‘ ‘Cameron Mitchell, Eva Bartok Dic ae eno ava 90min Medi $5255 ns GUIDE: Unrated vlece i of Christian ‘At the fashion salon. oe fand the other killer-horror movies that followed, this is an elegant and inventive mu fest full of eerie thriller.

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