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Psychiatrists Lo) Analyze i Dr. Lowenstein By MAITLAND MeDONAGH {OM THE POMPOUS DR. LEO IMarvin portrayed by Richard Dee fuse Ym "What Abou BOD?” to the ‘ave but murdereue Dr Hannibal Teeter inte Silene of he Lams." pyehiasst on fl suffered trom Sn image probem 8 991. Not he least of the potable actors is Dr. Susan Lowenstein, te Pvehitrist played by Barbra Strtsand in ‘Efe Prince of Tides tn defi bused on Pat Conroy novel, Dr. Lowenstein bocomes omantcaty valved with Tom Wingo (Sick Fatey, 2 Sautherner who comes to New York ster is sister, savannah (Melinda Dion), 3 patent ofthe pryenatrit emp sic Pifere is bow some professionals view Dr Loweasten George Hagman, psychoanalyst and asso. sate member National Paycelopeal Asso Eaton for Psychoanal: ‘Mationd. MeDonagh has writen about ‘im for Entertainment Weebl ‘Barbra Streisand as Dr, Susan Lowenstein, the psychiatrist in “The Prince of Tides"—Is he unsubyle, im “There's po apparent conflict on Lowen- ‘tucton of Tom is condaned and overthy Fomantcied. i also takes place ma qua: {herapeutie relatonship ofthe most simp tNesart not omy oes Tom gett ep With ‘is therapist but the treatment sree! The {ims completely Ignores the erucal ethic roe and redces the a: iy human, abet frtidden, act to’ lating roman leh Dr, Harvey R. Greenberg, clinical profes: sor of pevohtr, Albert Etnsci College of Medicine nthe Brana, and author of "The Movier on Your Mind: Fim Classes on he Couch rom Felli to Frantensttn ‘Ths 1s Hollywood psychiatry, and. De. Lowenstein falls into the nrealisc Dr: Won: Geral stereetype. She doesn't talk about ‘money, and. she seems to have no other Batons so she can devote all her time to Savannah and Toms problems. There's not fdch subilety from a psyentaric pout of ew hee techniques are largely Feassor fnce and ventilation. This move rests large 1y on the dramatic Yourself aba the pas care everything {rom neuro allenatoap*

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