English Task News Item: Written by Name: Sherin Etika Windhi Asih Class: XII MIPA 4 Absent: 26

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Written by
Name : Sherin Etika Windhi Asih
Class : XII MIPA 4
Absent : 26

SMAN 6 Kota Cirebon

Jalan dr. Wahidin Sudirohusudo 79 Kota Cirebon
“ 5.3-magnitude Earthquake Jolts Bengkulu ”


Good days viewers

Welcome to MSN News Today, I am Sherin Etika Widhi Asih, I will accompany you all the hottest
news, around our country, Indonesia and abroad. Allright viewers, Well, let's begin the news
today 5.3-magnitude Earthquake Jolts Bengkulu.

Newsworthy Event

An earthquake measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale hit Bengkulu province on Saturday
(30/1) night at around 17:22 WIB. As a result of the Bengkulu earthquake, residents had
rushed out of the house when they felt the shock of the earthquake

Background Event

Based on information, earthquake vibrations were felt in all districts and cities in
Bengkulu Province.
The Adrian M Yusuf told The tremors were strong enough and felt for a few seconds
until the walls of the house shook.

The Litman said The earthquake occurred at 17.22 WIB and the analysis of the source
mechanism showed that the earthquake had a thrust fault mechanism.
However, until now there have been no reports of damage to residents' houses or
government-owned public facilities due to the shock.

According to Litman, the earthquake had no potential for a tsunami and until 18.30 WIB,
BMKG monitoring results had not shown any aftershocks.

Head of Kepahiang Class III Geophysical Station, BMKG Bengkulu Litman, said the
earthquake that occurred was a type of shallow earthquake due to the subduction
activity of the Indo-Australian Plate.
The litman said "People are advised to remain calm and not be affected. With problems
that cannot be justified,"

Thank you viewers that is the news which I could convey to you today. We and all of crews of
MSN News. “Have a nice day see you, in the next opportunity ”.

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