Corona Protocol

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Information on Hygiene and Behavioral Rules when visiting TR

(to be given to visitors)

10 Golden Hygiene Rules that we ask you to follow. In this way you protect
yourself and others.
Thank you for your understanding.

1. Entering the site and contact to TÜVR employees is not permitted if you have typical
symptoms of COVID19, such as cough, fever, irritation of smell and taste, or runny nose.
2. Entering the site and contact to TÜVR employees is not permitted if you have had direct
contact with a confirmed COVID19 case in the past 14 days.
3. If disinfectant is provided in the entrance area, please use it before entering the building
or the part of the building.
4. At TUVR we do not shake hands. We will not find this to be rude.
5. Always keep a distance from other people (at least > 1.5m, better > 2m). This applies to
offices, meeting and social rooms, smoking areas, corridors, elevators, toilets and kitchens
etc. If this is not possible, reduce the number of people or wear a mouth-and-nose mask.
6. Please wash your hands regularly with soap (> 20 seconds).
7. Please cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing (flexed elbow).
8. Do not stay in a meeting room for more than 2 hours.
9. Ventilate rooms regularly.
10. Please minimize personal contacts to a minimum on the TUVR site.
Guidance for the Preparation
and Conducting of Face to Face
Training (Public or In-House)
Responsible, hygienic – Precisely. Right.
Preparation and Conducting of F2F in Training Rooms
Content of this Guidance

1 Preparation of F2F Training (Public or In-House)

2 Preparation of Training and Use of Training Rooms

3 Closure of Trainings and Leaving the Training Room

2 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Preparation of Trainings (1/5) 1
The following points have to be considered as a Training organizer when preparing your Training!

Sufficient Size of the In large rooms: Select the

Training Room, in order In small rooms with fixed appropriate table settings
Length of Training: tables: The participants
to guarantee a distance of by paying attention to the
Maximum 6-8 hours should sit offset from
at least 2m between the distance or using the "U-
participants. each other Form"

Provision of a Disposal
Container, for used Between each participant
Provision of sufficient
handkerchiefs, disinfectant always two seats should All Participant have
Hand as well as Surface
wipes and used, non- be left empty. awareness of Covid19
recyclable mouth-nose

3 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy Indonesia

Preparation of Trainings (2/5) 1
Possible Training Layout

Or other layout by following all Covd19 protocols

4 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Preparation of Trainings (3/5) 1
For Public Training

All invited Participants were informed that they can only participate in the Training, if…

…the document „External …the document „Health …the document

Visitor Protocol within Certifcation of Visitors „Information on Hygiene
TUV Rheinland“ has to TUV Rheinland“ has and Behavioral Rules
been filled in, signed and been filled in, signed and when visiting TR“ has
sent to the Training sent to the Training been handed out to them
organizer prior to the organizer prior to the and they have taken note
Training. Training. of it.

Die three
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5 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Preparation of Trainings (3/5) 1
For In House Training

Companies / Clients who invite TUV Rheinland to conduct training on their premises ...

Company need to attach their Prevention

…client employee do not System/Protocol
As required on Checklist number 5.
have travel history in
…implemented an 5. Information of Destination Site
recent one month to the
effective Coronavirus The client/supplier/vendor have implemented an effective Coronavirus
listed in WHO as COVID- Prevention system (including emergency response) to control risks. If “Yes”,
Prevention system
19 affected country and Please provide relevant documentation Yes No N/A
(including emergency
no any Corona Virus
response) to control risks The employee in client/supplier/vendor do not have travel history in recent one
symptoms/case month to the listed in WHO as COVID-19 affected country and no any Corona
confirmed Virus symptoms/case confirmed. If “Yes”, Please provide communication record. Yes No N/A
E.g., confirmation email.
Yes No N/A
Any forbidden travel notice from official website on client/supplier/vendor location

6 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Preparation of Trainings (4/5) 1
All Participants must be informed that the following Hygiene Rules must be observed during travel.

When travelling by public

When travelling by public For Coughing and Touching of Public
transport, the Distance
transport Wearing a Sneezing the proper Contact Points should be
Rules should be kept
Mouth-Nose Protector etiquette must be avoided (doorknobs, push
where possible (1.5 – 2
(mask) is mandatory. observed. buttons etc.).

The Use of Lifts should When Arriving in the

In order to guarantee
(and/or must) be avoided, Training room and if it Toilets and Kitchenettes
sufficient hand hygiene
if the necessary distance should still be locked, then may only be used by one
Personal Disinfectant
to other people cannot be also the Distance Rules Person at a time.
should be carried.
guaranteed. must be observed.

7 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Preparation of Trainings (5/5) 1
All invited Participants were visually informed about the hygiene rules to be observed:

Avoid contact with Wear a simple face Dispose of used

Avoid to touch your face
others as well as public Avoid shaking hands mask in public and in handkerchiefs or masks in a
with unwashed hands
Trainings case of distances < 2m disposal container with a lid

Sneeze or cough into

Wash your hands Disinfect surfaces like
the crook of your arm or Carefully wash all fruits
regularly for 20 doorknobs etc.
into a cloth, but never and vegetables
seconds with soap regularly
into your hands

8 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Conducting Trainings and the Use of Training Rooms (1/2) 2
Tasks of the organizer

Friendly greeting of the participants, however, with the correct distance and without shaking hands.

Please pay attention if your participants give a healthy impression, that they do not sneeze or cough. If they do, ask
them to see a doctor immediately.

Please take care that all participantes have been adequately informed about the Hygiene and Behavioral Rules.

At the beginning of the Training a Safety- and Hygiene Training must be presented.

Please take care that all participants have sufficient space. At all times the minimum distance of 2m needs to be

Inform all participants that there is a fixed seating arrangement which will not be changed.

Take care that enough coat hangers are available, so that coats, umbrellas etc. can be hung up without contact to
each other.

9 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Conducting Trainings and the Use of Training Rooms (2/2) 2
Your participants can actively support you, so that

For your confinient, you will receive prior to the Training all presentations, in order to only use your laptop during
the Training for all presentations (Handbook may be requested if needed)

your common Training room is regularly aired by a predetermined person.

fallen objects (remote controls, pens etc.) are disinfected.

when entering or leaving the Training room the door is firmly opened and fixed so that not each participant has to
touch the doorknob.

all participants at all times respect the distance rules and the etiquette for coughing and sneezing.

objects with previous floor contact (computer bags, suitcases etc.) do not touch tables or seats.

switches (for lights, blinds etc.) are – if possible - only used by one predetermined person.

10 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Closing and Leaving the Training 3
After ending the Training please take care together that….

…before leaving the …also when leaving the

Training room all objects …all private and Training room the
…all dishes, glasses and
and contact surfaces professional objects, distance rules are
pieces of cutlery are
(back rests of chairs, light which were brought into respected and that the
either directly taken back
switches, remote controls the Training room were use of lifts is avoided,
to the kitchenette areas
etc.) which were touched again taken out by their please at least wear a
or placed on the service
by the participants are owners when leaving the simple face mask until
wiped clean with a Training room. having left the building
surface disinfectant. entirely.

11 18-May-20 Corona Guidance | Preparation and Conducting of Trainings | BS Academy

Thank you for your support. Together.

Precisely Right. Your TÜV Rheinland.

In case of questions, feel free to contact us:

This document remains the property of TÜV Rheinland. It is supplied in confidence solely for information purposes for the recipient. Neither this
document nor any information or data contained therein may be used for any other purposes, or duplicated or disclosed in whole or in part, to any
third party, without the prior written authorization by TÜV Rheinland. This document is not complete without a verbal explanation (presentation)
of the content.
TÜV Rheinland AG
Information on entry restrictions and quarantine regulations in

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions are in place for entry into Germany from a large
number of countries. Those entering Germany from risk areas must complete a digital entry
registration form, be tested for coronavirus and, depending on the regulations of the Land in
question, self-isolate.

1. Entry restrictions
2. Digital entry registration
3. Test requirement on entry
4. Quarantine regulations
5. How to conduct yourself when in Germany?
6. Where to find more information
7. Additional content

1.1 Entry restrictions

1.1.1 Restrictions on travel from countries with coronavirus variants

A travel ban has been imposed on countries with widespread occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 virus variants
of concern (referred to as “areas of variant of concern”). Transport companies, e.g. air carriers and
railway companies, may not transport any persons from these countries to Germany. There are only a
few, strictly defined exceptions to this travel ban, namely for:
• Persons who are resident in Germany with a current right to reside in the country

• Persons on connecting flights, who do not leave the transit zone of an international airport

• Few other special cases

According to the explanatory memorandum on the law, transport shall not be denied to German citizens
who are not resident in Germany.

All those who qualify for the above-mentioned exceptions are equally required to complete an online
registration form and must present a negative COVD-19 test result prior to entry. Further information is
provided below.

Travellers can find more information about the travel ban on the website of the Federal Ministry of
the Interior. The list of “areas of variant of concern” is published on the website of the Robert Koch

1.1.2 General Entry restrictions

For Germany, travel restrictions apply for entry from a large number of countries. These are issued by
the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community. Please check with the Federal Ministry of
the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) prior to your trip to find out what regulations apply
specifically with regard to the country from which you plan to enter Germany.
In principle, entry is possible from:

• EU member states

• states associated with Schengen: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein

• Other countries, from which entry is possible due to the epidemiological situation assessment by
the EU.
Entry from any other country is only possible in exceptional cases and is conditional on there
being urgent need.
1.2 Digital entry registration
Travellers who have visited a risk area, high incidence area or virus variant area in the last ten days
before entering Germany must register at before arriving in Germany and
carry proof of registration with them upon entry.
This obligation always applies to those entering the country who have previously stayed in virus variant
areas. Certain exceptions apply for previous stays in other risk areas and high incidence areas. In
particular, those who have only passed through a risk area and have not had a stopover there are
exempt. If, in exceptional cases, it is not possible to complete a digital entry registration, travellers must
instead fill out a substitute registration on paper.

1.2.1 Substitute registration for entry to Germany in different languages

Travellers can find more information in a fact sheet as well as on the website of the Federal Ministry
of Health.

1.3 Test requirement on entry

Travellers aged six years or older who have been in a high incidence area or in a virus variant area in
the past ten days prior to entry into Germany must carry proof that they have been tested for infection
with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus with them upon entry and present it to the competent authorities upon
request and, if necessary, to the transport company prior to travelling.
Travellers who have visited any other risk area (neither high incidence area nor virus variant area)
during the ten days prior to entry into Germany must be in possession of a test result no later than
48 hours after entry and present it to the competent authorities upon request.
The lists of high incidence areas, virus variant areas and other risk areas are published on the website
of the Robert Koch Institute.
The test must have been performed no more than 48 hours prior to entry (time of swabbing). Proof of
the test result must be on paper or in an electronic document in English, French or German. Travellers
can find details regarding the test requirements on the website of the Robert Koch Institute. The test
result must be kept for at least ten days after entry.
No exceptions can be made for entry from virus variant areas. Those in transit from high-incidence areas
and other risk areas are exempt from registration, testing and quarantine requirements under certain
circumstances. This includes transit through a risk area without a stopover prior to entering Germany as
well as transit through Germany via the fastest route, e.g. with a confirmed onward flight to a third

Regardless of the test result, there is a quarantine obligation in accordance with the regulations of the
respective Land.

Travellers can find more information on entry regulations and testing requirements on the website of
the Federal Ministry of Health.

1.4 Quarantine regulations

In Germany, the individual Länder are responsible for quarantine regulations. The Länder have put in
place their own regulations on the basis of a specimen regulation.

Because the new specimen regulation contains significant changes, we ask that prior to entering a Land
you read the regulations on quarantine and testing carefully that apply to your specific destination. By
entering the post code of your destination you can find the contact information of your competent local
health office using the following Website:

1.4.1 Quarantine regulations

According to the new specimen regulation, the following applies as a rule:

Upon entry to Germany following a stay in a risk area, high incidence area or virus variant area within
the last ten days, you must

• register at before entering the country and carry proof of having done
so with you,
• be tested for infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus before or immediately after entering the
• proceed directly to your destination following entry and

• self-isolate there for ten days (quarantine).

Travellers can find further information on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health.

1.4.2 Info
A stay in a risk area means a stay in the area concerned at any point within the 10 days prior to entry.
What counts is whether the area was classified as a risk area at the time of entry to Germany (i.e. not
necessarily at the time of the stay).

1.4.3 Exception: transit

The obligation to self-isolate at home does not apply in the case of transit through Germany. In this
case, however, you are obliged to leave Germany immediately. The specific regulations of the Länder

1.4.4 Exception: negative test result after 5 days

The ten-day quarantine can, according to the applicable regulations of the Länder, be terminated at the
earliest after the fifth day following entry with a negative test result for infection with coronavirus SARS-

1.5 How to conduct yourself when in Germany?

Mouth and nose must be covered aboard any public transport, in stores and busy outdoor places, where
the minimum distance to others cannot be kept at all times. Masks must fulfill the requirements of
FFP2, KN95/N95 or surgical masks.

If travellers develop symptoms associated with COVID-19 (coughing, a runny nose, sore throat or fever)
they should get in touch by phone with a doctor or contact the hotline 116 117. Often travel guides or
hotels can also help in such cases. Travellers should keep the contact details of their home country’s
embassy or consulate in Germany in case they need to contact them.

Information by the Federal Ministry of Health in english can be found here.

Extensive information in English and other languages on current regulations is available here.
A short overview on what to do to help protect yourself and others is available here: Coronavirus –
Informationen and practical advice.

1.5.1 Watch out for local regulations

Measures for fighting the spread of COVID-19 are subject to local regulation. This may include
quarantine measures in the case of a confirmed infection.

The international advice on reducing the spread of COVID-19 should be followed. This includes washing
hands regularly and thoroughly with soap for 20-30 seconds, sneezing into the elbow or the quick
disposal of handkerchieves or tissues, keeping a distance from other people and avoiding shaking
hands. Further information and details can be found on the World Health Organization’s Website.
Where possible, travel should be reduced and public transport avoided to further reduce the risk of

1.6 Where to find more information

More information is available from the following institutions:

Information on coronavirus and regulations in English and other languages

Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Transport
The World Health Organization
Robert Koch Institute

Link :

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