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1.What was Levittown? When was it formed? Why was it created?

Levittown was created in the United States by William J Levitt and is seven large suburban housing
developments. Levittown was built for returning veterans and their families after World War II,
offering alternative attractions to cramped city apartments.

2. How did the role of women in America during WWII change?

The role of American woman in World War II were significant and important both at home and in
uniform. Around 350,000 American women served in uniform, volunteering for organisations such as
Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAACs), the Navy Women’s Reserve (WAVES), the Maine Corps
Women’s Reserve, the Coast Guard Women’s Reserve (SPARS), the Women Airforce Service Pilots
(WASPS), the Army Nurses Cops, and the Navy Nurse Corps. Women took office and clerical jobs in
the armed forces in order to help the men fight and even when the war ended majority of women
wanted to keep their jobs but many were forced out by men returning home.

3. After WWII, did women return to their stereotypical roles? Why/why not?

Yes, once the war was over, even though women wanted to keep their manufacturing and office
jobs, which was encouraged as long as the war was on, federal and civilian policies replaced women
workers with men which led to the baby boom.

4. Research the McCarthy era. What is this time period known for in US history?

A period of time in American history create a series of investigations and hearings to expose
communist infiltration of various areas of the U.S government in the 1950’s, saw Wisconsin Senator
Joseph McCarthy.

5. What were the HUAC hearings? What happened during these hearings?

HUAC which is the House Un-American Activities Committee, is a committee of the U.S House of
Representatives, who investigated communist claims during the Cold War (195-1991).

6. How many reality shows do you watch in your day-to-day life?

Only occasionally I will watch a reality tv show if it is on the tv, but I am not very interested in them

7. Are you interested in reality TV? Why/ why not?

Not usually as nowadays they are still lying and not truly reality. Reality tv in this age is more to
entertain than show real life

8. Can you see any dangers with our obsession with reality TV and social media?

Yes, as it is not always real and can mislead the eye in any situation or topic. It I made to entertain
and be exaggerated which is not always the reality

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