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GB Training & Placement Centre

Salesforce Administration

Lesson 01 - Salesforce Overview

• ○ Learning Objectives
• ○ Introduction to Salesforce
• ○ Salesforce Editions
• ○ Home page Customization
• ○ User Management
• ○ Creating and Customizing Tabs
• ○ Creating an App
• ○ Uploading a Company Logo
• ○ Company Information Page
• ○ System Overview Page
• ○ Updating the Fiscal Year
• ○ Case study
Lesson 02 - Salesforce Objects
• ○ Learning Objectives
• ○ Standard Object Components
• ○ Renaming Standard Objects
• ○ Modifying Standard Objects
• ○ Understanding External Objects
• ○ Creating Custom Objects
• ○ Case study

GB Training & Placement Centre

Lesson 03 - Field Types

• ○ Learning Objectives
• ○ Modifying Standard Fields
• ○ Creating Auto-Number Fields
• ○ Creating Formula Fields
• ○ Creating Roll-Up Summary Fields
• ○ Creating Lookup and Master-Detail Fields
• ○ Creating Checkbox Fields
• ○ Creating Currency, Number, and Percent Fields
• ○ Creating Date Fields and Date and Time Fields
• ○ Creating Phone and Email Fields
• ○ Creating Geolocation Fields
• ○ Creating Picklist and Multi-Select Picklist Fields
• ○ Creating Text and Text Area Fields
• ○ Creating Text Area Long and Text Area Rich Fields
• ○ Considerations for Field Type Change
• ○ Field Deleting Implications
• ○ Creating Encrypted Fields
• ○ Creating URL Fields
• ○ Case study

Lesson 04 - Validation Rules

• ○ Learning Objective

• ○ Creating Validation Rules

• ○ Creating Formulas
• ○ Creating Error Messages
• ○ Case study
GB Training & Placement Centre

Lesson 05 - Security Controls

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Viewing Object Security
• ○ Changing Default Record Access
• ○ Sharing Settings
• ○ Field Accessibility
• ○ Password Policies
• ○ Session Settings
• ○ Login Flows
• ○ Network Access
• ○ Activations
• ○ Session Management
• ○ Login Access Policies
• ○ Certificate and Key Management
• ○ Viewing Setup Audit Trail
• ○ Executing Expire All Passwords
• ○ Delegated Administrations
• ○ Remote Site Settings
• ○ Named Credentials
• ○ File Upload and Download Security

Lesson 06 - Profiles

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Overview of Standard Profiles
• ○ Assigning Page Layouts

GB Training & Placement Centre

• ○ Field-Level Security
• ○ Custom App Settings and Access
• ○ Tab Settings
• ○ Record Type Settings
• ○ Administrative Permissions
• ○ General User Permissions
• ○ Standard Object Permissions
• ○ Custom Object Permissions
• ○ Password Policies and Session Timeout
• ○ Login Hours and IP Ranges
• ○ Enabling Apex and Visualforce Access

Lesson 07 - Role Hierarchy

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Viewing Role Hierarchy
• ○ Creating Roles
• ○ Enabling Field History
• ○ Creating Groups
• ○ Creating Permission Sets
• ○ Assigning Roles to Users
• ○ Case Study

Lesson 08 - Workflow Rules

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Creating a Workflow Rule
○ Creating a Workflow Rule Field Update
○ Creating a Workflow Rule Task Assignment
GB Training & Placement Centre

○ Creating a Workflow Rule Email Alert

○ Outbound Message
• ○ Time-Dependent Workflow Action
• ○ Time-Dependent Workflow Action - Considerations
• ○ Overview of Approval Process
• ○ Components of an Approval Process
• ○ Case Study
Lesson 09 - Data Management
• ○ Learning Objective

• ○ Importing Leads
• ○ Data Import Wizard
• ○ Importing Contacts and Accounts
• ○ Using Mass Delete
• ○ Installing Data Loader
• ○ Installing Data Loader
• ○ Importing Records with Data Loader
• ○ Updating Records with Data Loader
• ○ Deleting Records with Data Loader
• ○ Exporting Records with Data Loader
• ○ Adding a Field in the Schema Builder
• ○ Scheduling a Data Export
• ○ Creating and Using Sandbox
• ○ Mass Transferring Records
• ○ Reporting Snapshots
• ○ Working with Tags
• ○ Case Study

GB Training & Placement Centre

Lesson 10 - Reports
• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Understanding Report Formats
• ○ Tabular Reports
• ○ Summary Reports
• ○ Matrix Reports
• ○ Join Reports
• ○ Creating Leads Report
• ○ Creating Contacts and Accounts Report
• ○ Creating an Opportunity Report
• ○ Adding Leads to a Campaign from a Report
• ○ Creating a Report Chart
• ○ Scheduling Reports
• ○ Creating a Campaign Report
• ○ Summarizing Report Data
• ○ Creating a Report Formula
• ○ Exporting Reports to Excel
• ○ Date Filters
• ○ Bucket Fields
• ○ Custom Report Types
• ○ Case Study 1

Lesson 11 - Dashboards
• ○ Learning Objective

• ○ Understanding Dashboard Components

GB Training & Placement Centre

• ○ Creating a Dashboard
• ○ Refreshing a Dashboard
• ○ Modifying Columns on Dashboards
• ○ Adding Filters to a Dashboard
• ○ Managing Access to Reports
• ○ Adding a Report as a Dashboard Component
• ○ Setting Up Dynamic Dashboards
• ○ Enabling Dashboards for iPad
• ○ Modifying Report and Dashboard Interfaces
• ○ Activating the Report Builder on Profiles
• ○ Case Study

Lesson 12 - Chatter
• ○ Learning Objective ○ Chatter Overview
• ○ Enabling Chatter
• ○ Enabling Chatter Feeds on Records
• ○ Configuring Chatter Groups
• ○ Creating Customer Groups
• ○ Creating a Free Customer Chatter User
• ○ Customizing Chatter Email Notifications
• ○ Configuring Salesforce to Salesforce
• ○ Accepting a Salesforce Connection
• ○ Sharing an Account via Salesforce to Salesforce
• ○ Enabling Ideas
• ○ Configuring Idea Themes
• ○ Enabling Social Accounts

GB Training & Placement Centre

• ○ Enabling Libraries and Content

• ○ Customizing Libraries and Content
• ○ Uploading Documents to Libraries and Content
• ○ Configuring Salesforce1
• ○ Case Study ○ Key Takeaways

Lesson 13 - Change Sets and Deployment

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Outbound Change Sets
• ○ Inbound Change Sets
• ○ Deployment Settings
• ○ Deployment Status
• ○ Eclipse IDE
• ○ Case Study

Lesson 14 - Application Lifecycle

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Key Milestones and Considerations
• ○ Using Sandboxes for Development
• ○ Using Change Sets
• ○ Using Unmanaged Packages
• ○ Case Study

GB Training & Placement Centre

Lesson 15 - Visual Workflow, Process Builder, and

Schema Builder
• ○ Learning Objective

• ○ Creating a Visual Flow

• ○ Modifying Existing Flows
• ○ Creating a Process in the Process Builder
• ○ Creating Fields in the Schema Builder
Lesson 16 - Lightning Components
• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Installing Lightning Components
• ○ Lightning Component Capabilities
• ○ Lightning Components vs. Visualforce
• ○ Case Study

Lesson 17 - Creating Buttons, Links, and Actions

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Global Action
• ○ Object Specific Action
• ○ Object Specific Action - Types
• ○ Action Layout in Salesforce1
• ○ Creating New Records with Actions
• ○ Logging a Call with Actions
• ○ Updating a Record with Actions
• ○ Creating Custom Buttons
• ○ Creating Custom Links

GB Training & Placement Centre

• ○ Case Study

Lesson 18 - Sales Cloud

○ Learning Objective
• ○ Leads Home Page
• ○ Creating List Views
• ○ Creating and Converting Leads
• ○ Creating Accounts
• ○ Creating Contacts
• ○ Creating Email Templates
• ○ Four Sales Productivity Features
• ○ Sending Individual Emails
• ○ Sending Mass Emails
• ○ Creating and Managing Price Books
• ○ Creating Products
• ○ Creating Opportunities
• ○ Creating Activities
• ○ Creating a Web-to-Lead Form
• ○ Creating a Lead Assignment Rule
• ○ Creating a Lead Queue
• ○ Creating an Auto-Response Rule
• ○ Creating Campaigns
• ○ Record Types
• ○ Case Study 1

Lesson 19 - Quote Templates

• ○ Learning Objective

GB Training & Placement Centre

• ○ Creating a Quote Record

• ○ Creating a Quote Template
• ○ Generating a Quote PDF
• ○ Emailing a Quote PDF
• ○ Modifying Quote Templates
• ○ Case Study
Lesson 20 - Service Cloud
• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Creating Cases
• ○ Creating Case Assignment Rules
• ○ Creating Case Escalation Rules
• ○ Enabling Solutions
• ○ Creating Solutions
• ○ Attaching Solutions to Cases
• ○ Enabling Knowledge
• ○ Configuring Knowledge
• ○ Creating a Web-to-Case Form
• ○ Create an Email-to-Case Address
• ○ Case Study 1

Lesson 21 - Communities
• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Creating a New Community
• ○ Partner Portal
• ○ Customer Portal
• ○ Communities

GB Training & Placement Centre

• ○ Topic Management
• ○ Recommendations Management
• ○ Reputation Management
• ○ Adding Members
• ○ Managing Tabs and Branding
• ○ Login and Registration
• ○ Community Preferences
• ○ Case Study

Lesson 22 - User Interface

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ User Interface General Options
• ○ User Interface Sidebar Options
• ○ User Interface Calendar Options
• ○ User Interface Name Settings
• ○ User Interface Setup Options
• ○ Case Study

Lesson 23 - Help and Training

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ Using Answers
• ○ Using Ideas
• ○ Searching for a Help Topic
• ○ Contacting Support
• ○ Trust Site
• ○ Known Issues

GB Training & Placement Centre

• ○ Case Study

Lesson 24 - AppExchange

• ○ Learning Objective
• ○ AppExchange Overview
• ○ Finding and Selecting an App
• ○ Finding a Developer
• ○ Finding a Consultant
• ○ Case Study

Lesson 25 - Other Important Concepts

• ○ Many-to-Many Relationship
• ○ Many-to-Many Relationship — Example
• ○ Self Relationship
• ○ Hierarchy Relationship
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