Assignment2 AKPSI

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Master of Information Technology Program

Faculty of Computer Science,
Universitas Indonesia

Course Code: AKPSI2020/2021 { A }

Course Name: Requirements Analysis, Design and Implementation of Information Systems
Instructors: Wahyu Catur Wibowo, Farisya Setiadi and Panca O. Hadi Putra

Assessment: Project Plan and Feasibility Analysis

This assignment comprises 10% of the assessment for AKPSI2020. The assessment is to
be completed as a group work. It is due on Tuesday, 22nd October 2020 at 18:00.


The assignment is designed to develop your skills in planning for resources that are needed
in an information system development project. In addition, this assignment is also intended
to develop your skills in performing the project’s feasibility analysis.

Your Task:

After a system request approval, your information system development team has been
selected by the project sponsor to carry out further planning and analysis. For this task, your
team will need to prepare a document consisting of a project plan and feasibility analysis.

Your project plan should at least document an estimation of project effort, a detailed work
breakdown structure, a Gantt chart or PERT chart and a staffing plan. For feasibility
analysis, you need to take into account feasibility issues in three aspects: economic,
technical and organizational. You will need to propose three alternative scenarios of project
feasibility for the project sponsor’s consideration.

In completing the project plan and feasibility analysis, you will need to do the necessary
research. Along with your assignment document, you will need to submit all the instruments
(e.g. questionnaire, interview questions, etc.) and list any other references that you used in
completing the assignment.

Submission Method: Electronically via SCELE, 12-point font size, single space, MS Word
file format ([groupID-groupName].docx).

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