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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

11 Z est forP rogress

Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 2- Module 1:

Various Communication Strategies

(Part 1)

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________

Name of School: ___________________________

What I Need to Know

Learning Competency
• The learners employ various communicative strategies in different
situations. (No Code in the MELCs)

This module has been designed and written with you in mind. As you have learned
from the nature of communication, it is not always a smooth process. There are
noises or barriers that may interrupt the flow of our communication with another
person. Thus, knowing that there are things within and beyond our control when we
communicate, we have to deliberately ensure that we can put our message across
to another person. We can achieve this by being flexible and active in the process.
This lesson will give you an overview of the different communication strategies
that will help you with this goal.

Learning Objectives
After going through this module, the learner is expected to:
• define communication strategy;
• identify the different types of communication strategies;
• explain the nature of nomination, restriction and control in conversation;
• determine the different factors used in the said communication strategies,
and; • use nomination and restriction and control in a communication

What’s In
Activity 1- Read Me
Identify the type of speech act presented in each item below.

1. “Doh!”
2. Go do your homework!
3. Texting while driving kills-you, your loved ones, other people.
4. What a heck?
5. Stay at home.

What’s New

Activity 2: “Tell Something About Me”

Directions: Describe each of the pictures below. Write your
response(s) on a separate sheet of paper.

Guide Questions:

1. What do the pictures tell us?

2. What can you say about the pictures inside the box?
What is It

According to Devito (2007), a communication strategy is a plan of action or a

technique that a communicator uses in order to help make the communication process
successful. There are many different communication strategies, among which are
the following:

Nomination. This involves the selection of participants who can contribute to the
Restriction. This involves limiting participants from contributing to the conversation
or discussion.
Turn-taking. This refers to the process in which a participant stops speaking
and yields the floor to another participant so that he or she can speak.
Topic control. This occurs when the main or assigned speaker manipulates the
discussion in order to maintain its flow without moving away from or changing
the topic.
Topic shifting. This occurs when one intentionally or unintentionally changes the
direction of the flow of ideas in a conversation.
Repair. This refers to the act of fixing the violations in a communication
Termination. This refers to the act of ending a conversation.

Factors to consider for nomination and restriction: social relationships and


a. Social relationships determine the specific role of the participants, which is

a factor for whether they can nominate or restrict other speakers from
joining the conversation.
➢ Higher authorities refer to those who are assigned to control the flow of
the conversation. Their role is to ask questions that will maintain the quality
and productivity of communication. For example, teachers are considered
as a higher authority since they facilitate the discussion during class.
➢ Lower authorities refer to the participants who start as listeners and are
then nominated to be speakers when called on by the higher authorities.
They are usually called using their names. They may also use nonverbal
cues to indicate that they want to join the conversation or contribute to the
b. Environment refers to the setting of the conversation. It also determines
the roles of the speakers. For example, in a classroom discussion, teachers
nominate or restrict the participants. However, if the setting is a seminar led
by students, there will be a segment for entertaining questions or comments
from the teachers. They may nominate the teachers who will join the
discussion and restrict others.
➢ One-on-one communication – This refers to communication situations in
which there are only two participants. Interviews and tutorials are common
settings for nomination and restriction. For example, in a tutorial, the tutor
may start the discussion by asking the student questions regarding his or
her lessons and what he or she needs help with. Once the tutor is done
asking the question, the student is nominated to answer. In one-on-one
communication situations, the speaker does not need to mention the other
participant’s name in order to nominate him or her.
➢ Group communication – This refers to communication situations in which
there are more than two participants. Some examples of group
communication that involve nomination and restriction are debates, panel
discussions, class discussions, and forums. In a panel discussion, for
example, there is a moderator who is tasked with facilitating the discussion
and nominating and restricting participants.

What are the different communication strategies? Why should we

make a deliberate effort to communicate clearly with others?

What’s More
Activity 3: “Complete Me”
Complete the bubbles by applying the seven communicative strategies.

Activity 4: Flow Chart-“Fill out the chart and give examples”
2 Factors to consider for Nomination and

Activity 5. “Say It!”

What do you do whenever:
1. a person keeps on talking and you want to contribute to the discussion as well?
2. a person talks about a topic that does not interest everyone in the group?
3. a person keeps on talking but you need to end the conversation because you
have to leave already?
4. a person keeps on talking but you want another person who has not contributed
yet to the discussion to express his or her opinion as well?
5. a person talks about a sensitive topic and you sense that the other members of
the group are not comfortable with talking about it?

Activity 6: “Pair and Match”

Match the communication strategies in Column A with their definitions in Column
Column A Column B
1. Nomination A. This occurs when the main or assigned speaker
manipulates the discussion in order to maintain its flow
without moving away from or changing the topic.

2. Restriction B. This refers to the process in which a participant

stops speaking and yields the floor to another
participant so that he or she could begin to speak.
3. Turn-taking C. This refers to the act of fixing the
violations in a communication situation.
4. Topic control D. This involves limiting participants from
contributing to the conversation or discussion.
5. Topic shifting E. This occurs when one intentionally or unintentionally
changes the direction of the flow of ideas in a
F. This involves the selection of participants who can
contribute to the conversation.

Activity 7. “Find Me”

DIRECTIONS: Identify whether the situation is One-on-one or Group

Communication. Write the letter of your answer on the blank before the number.
_______________1. Interview
_______________2. Panel discussion
_______________3. Dialogue
_______________4. Forum
_______________5. Debate
_______________6. Class discussion
_______________7. Tutorial
_______________8. Symposium
_______________9. Counselling
_______________10. Roundtable discussion

What I Have Learned

Activity 8. “Fill Me In”
What I Can Do
Activity 8: “Let us Act”
Applying the Nomination and Restriction

Direction: Call students to have a dialogue. Read first the given situation. The rest
of the class are observing while having the dialogue.

The class of Ms. Sanchez has just finished reading a story in which the main
character had to struggle with poverty. Ms. Sanchez wants to know her students’
thoughts regarding the story and the issue it tackles.

Ms. Sanchez: What are your thoughts about Pedro and how he dealt with his
family’s financial problems? I’d like to hear your insights, Claire.

Claire: I think it was very brave of Pedro to stay optimistic about matters, even
though they did not have much money. However, what really struck me was that
part wherein Pedro’s daughter asked him if they were ever going to have a better
Ms. Sanchez: All right. That’s an important part of the story. What else can be said
about that? Yes, Fran.

Fran: That scene, I believe, goes to show that even though Pedro is optimistic and
always shows a happy face to his kids, his daughter is still aware that they are not
financially okay. She feels the hardship, and she dreams of a better life for their
family. She also has this sense of uncertainty, because a part of her
thinks their life might not ever improve.
(The students in the class then begin chatting to express their
agreement, and some even speak up to share their thoughts on the

Ms. Sanchez: Class, kindly keep quiet. Yes, Robert?

In the given example, Ms. Sanchez is the higher authority. She nominates the ones
who are invited to join the discussion, and she does so by calling their names. The
environment is that of a group communication, specifically a class discussion, so Ms.
Sanchez’s role is important in controlling the flow of the discussion. When students
started to talk simultaneously, she restricted them by asking them to keep quiet and
by nominating another speaker.

Test I. Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer
and write it in the blank before the number.
____1. Which refers to communication strategy?
A. It is a plan of action or a technique that a communicator uses in order to
help make the communication process successful.
B. It is flow of conversation to make the communication effective?
C. It is a time where participants portray their skills on stage. D. It is a
showcase of talents
____2. Which of the statements best described turn taking?
A. There is a typhoon today as forecasted?
B. May I have the floor, sir?
C. Stop the car
D. I have ordered Colonel to look into this matter.
____3. Which refers to the selection of participants who can contribute to the
A. Turn taking C. Nomination
B. Topic Control D. Repair
____4. When introducing a new topic followed by a continuation of that topic,
what communication strategies is used?
A. Repair C. Topic Control
B. Topic shifting D. Terminal
____5. Which of the following communicative strategy on Restriction refers?
A. She nominates Claire to be the speaker during the forum.
B. She gives the floor to the other speakers.
C. She reprimands the students by asking them to keep quiet while
nominating another speaker.
D. She shifts other story when her crush came in.
____6. Based on the sample dialogue of nomination, who controls the flow of
the conversation?
A. teacher B. students C. President of the class D. parents ____7.
What is the main topic of the dialogue?
A. COVID 19 B. Famine C. Financial problem D. marital problem ____8.
What is the characteristic of Pedro shown in the dialogue?
A. pessimistic B. optimistic C. brave D. hopeless
____9. What verbal cues is shown when a participant has the desire to speak
in the discussion?
a. “May I be allowed to speak?
b. “Questions or comments will be entertained after the presentation”
c. ”Let me finish first and then I’ll get back to your question”
d. “Any clarifications about our agenda?”
____10. When nominating someone to participate in the discussion, the proper
way of nominating is

a. to join the discussion c. to restrict them to keep
b. to call by their names d. to raise her hand


Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

The members The members The members
Language Use uttered more uttered one to had flawless
than three three grammar and 18
grammatical grammatical had sophisticated
mistakes and had mistakes and word choice.
poor word had
choice. somewhat
word choice.
Organization of than one There was one The host and
Discussion instance wherein instance wherein guests made
the discussion the discussion sure that the
went off-tangent. went off-tangent. flow of
was structured
and smooth.
Content and Three to four One to two One to two
Depth of members did not members did not members did not
Discussion contribute contribute contribute
meaningful and meaningful and meaningful and
insightful ideas insightful ideas insightful ideas
to the to the to the
discussion. discussion. discussion.
Use of Three to five members One or two All members used
Communication did members did effective
Strategies not use effective not use effective communication
communication communication strategies that
strategies that strategies that helped the group
helped the group helped the group achieve
achieve the achieve the communication
communication the communication objective.
objective. objective.

Total Score


a. DEpEd K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Senior High School Core

b. Brown, Gillian, and George Yule. 1983. Discourse Analysis . United
Kingdom: University Press Cambridge.
c. Dalton-Puffer, Christiane. 2007. Discourse in Content and Language
Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins
Publishing Company.

d. Devito, Joseph A. 2012. 50 Communication Strategies. Bloomington, IN: I
Universe, Inc.
e. Padilla, Mely, Ligaya C. Bicomong, Hilaria P. Dato-on, Ma. Anniedith B.
Rosario, and Leticia L. Sabornido. 2003. Speech for Effective
Communication. Meycauayan, Bulacan: Trinitas Publishing, Inc.
f. Sidnell, Jack, and Tanya Stivers, eds. 2013. The Handbook of Conversation
Analysis. Malden, MA:Wiley-Blackwell

Development Team

Writer: Maribel T. Cuadra, Master Teacher II

Diplahan Senior High School
Editor/QA: Maricel Garcia-Bael, Ph. D., Master Teacher II

Reviewer: Evelyn F. Importante

Layout Artist: Management

Raymond M. Salvador
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Jerry C. Bokingkito
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Dr. Jeanelyn A. Aleman, CESE

OIC-Schools Division Superintendent

Gladly now I go to give thee this faded life's best,

My Final Farewell And were it brighter, fresher, or more blest
Farewell, dear Fatherland, clime of the sun Still would I give it thee, nor count the cost.
caress'd Pearl of the Orient seas, our Eden lost!,

On the field of battle, 'mid the frenzy of fight,
Others have given their lives, without doubt or Then will oblivion bring to me no
heed; The place matters not-cypress or laurel or care As over thy vales and plains I
lily white, Scaffold or open plain, combat or sweep;
martyrdom's plight, T is ever the same, to serve Throbbing and cleansed in thy space and air
our home and country's need. With color and light, with song and lament I
fare, Ever repeating the faith that I keep.
I die just when I see the dawn break, Through
the gloom of night, to herald the day; And if My Fatherland ador'd, that sadness to my sorrow
color is lacking my blood thou shalt take, lends
Pour'd out at need for thy dear sake Beloved Filipinas, hear now my last good-by!
To dye with its crimson the waking ray. I give thee all: parents and kindred and friends
For I go where no slave before the oppressor
My dreams, when life first opened to me, bends, Where faith can never kill, and God reigns
My dreams, when the hopes of youth beat high, e'er on high!
Were to see thy lov'd face, O gem of the Orient
sea From gloom and grief, from care and sorrow Farewell to you all, from my soul torn away,
free; No blush on thy brow, no tear in thine eye. Friends of my childhood in the home
dispossessed ! Give thanks that I rest from the
Dream of my life, my living and burning wearisome day !
desire, All hail ! cries the soul that is now to Farewell to thee, too, sweet friend that lightened
take flight; All hail ! And sweet it is for thee to my way;
expire ; Beloved creatures all, farewell! In death there is
To die for thy sake, that thou mayst rest!
aspire; And sleep in thy bosom eternity's
long night.

If over my grave some day thou seest grow, In

the grassy sod, a humble flower, Draw it to thy
lips and kiss my soul so, While I may feel on my
brow in the cold tomb below The touch of thy
tenderness, thy breath's warm power.

Let the moon beam over me soft and

serene, Let the dawn shed over me its
radiant flashes, Let the wind with sad
lament over me keen ; And if on my cross a
bird should be seen, Let it trill there its hymn
of peace to my ashes. Let the sun draw the
vapors up to the sky, (This is the 1911 translation by Charles Derbyshire
And heavenward in purity bear my tardy protest of the Spanish original of José Rizal's
Let some kind soul o 'er my untimely fate sigh, poem, Mi Ultimo Adiós)
And in the still evening a prayer be lifted on high
From thee, 0 my country, that in God I may rest.

Pray for all those that hapless have died,

For all who have suffered the unmeasur'd pain;
For our mothers that bitterly their woes have
For widows and orphans, for captives by torture
tried And then for thyself that redemption thou
mayst gain.

And when the dark night wraps the graveyard

around With only the dead in their vigil to see
Break not my repose or the mystery profound And
perchance thou mayst hear a sad hymn resound
'T is I, O my country, raising a song unto thee.

And even my grave is remembered no more

Unmark'd by never a cross nor a stone
Let the plow sweep through it, the spade turn it
o'er That my ashes may carpet earthly floor,
Before into nothingness at last they are blown.

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