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NHA XUAT BAN BAI HOC QUGC GIA HA NOI A. PHONETICS Givp hee sinh luyén tp xy dyng kinh nghiém lam bai, thyc hanh phat am, ném chdc cdc quy tac phat am va trong am co ban, tang vén tv vyng. C, READING Cing 6 va phat trién ki nang doc hiéu, rén luyén thic day ki nang doc lust va dgc fim kiém thong tin, hoc them nhtng cdu tric ngi phdp va cach ding ti day Gn y trong nhong bai doc kho. B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Dang bai tap dodn ti qua hinh anh, dién tu, fim ts dat sai van canh. Hoc nhing tu vung mdi théng qua ng@ canh thyc 16 trong tiéng Anh, lng ghép cac tu mdi vao cde don vi kién thc ngo phap. D. SPEAKING Tang cuéng ki nang xay dyng doan hoi thogi vai cdc bai tap lam vige theo nhém kam huéng dan. Gitp hoe sinh ty tin luyén tap ndi bam sat tung chu dé. oe | ek F. WRITING: Rén luyén nhong cdu true viét cau da dang, déc dao. Nang cao trinh dé st dung tu vung co ban va nang cao, cach phat trién y tudng trong tung chi diém. E. LISTENING Sach kém file nghe QR Code riéng biét ting bai, giip hoc sinh dé dang luyén tap nghe hang ngay cdc bai ing Anh phi hgp trinh do. Ren luyén phat am chudn tiéng Anh, Luyén ki nang. nghe co ban : Nghe nd y chinh, doan nghia tir mdi. TTT TTT AT AT AY, S00 Up ago. Bd sach Big 4 - B6 dé Ty kiém tra 4 ky nang NGHE - NOI - DOC - VIET dugc bién sogn nham gidp cdc em hoc sinh Trung hoc co sé duge cing cé va phat trién toan dign cac ky néing nghe, ni, doc, viét tiéng Anh. Déi ngé tac gid cla Megabook da bién soan bo 8 cuén sach ti lép 6 dén lép 9 theo chudin khung chuong trinh mdi cia Bo Gido dyc va Dao tao thich hgp véi cdc em hoc sinh muén trav doi tng hop kién thuc tiéng Anh. Noi dung cia bo sdch gm hé théng bai tap luyén 4 ky nang co ban gitp cdc em 6n tap kién thic trén Iép va bai tp mo rong nang cao dé cdc em ren luyén va lam quen vdi cdc ki kiém tra danh gia Bo sach Big 4 - Bo dé Ty kiém tra 4 ky nang NGHE - NOl- DOC ~ VIET duge danh gid la ngudn tu ligu hou ich cho gido vién, phy huynh va cdc em hgc sinh bén canh bé sach gido khoa co ban. Mot diém dac biét cla bé sach do la tinh hién dai va sy tién dung khi cdc ‘em khéng can st dung CD dé cé duge biti nghe. Bo sch duge tich hgp ma QR va ma Code gitip cdc em dé dang co dugc file nghe chi vai 1 chiéc smartphone. Cac em hoc sinh sé cam thdy ty tin vai kha nang ngén ngv cla minh khi 6n luyén tiéng Anh bdi cdc bai tap vé 4 ky nang duge lien két vdi nhau theo logic bai hoc. Bo sach la sy dau tu ky luang cia doi gt tac gia va bién tap cla MegaBook nh&ém nang cao 4 ky nang nghe, néi, dec, vi kha nang tiéng Anh céa ban than. lam tang thém sy ty tin cla cac em hoe sinh vdi SHHOHOHUGHH™ | | Z | | | | | q | | y j Z | | J {SHH HHH ypypygo09 HH an MY NEW SCHOOL WeleOnde # BEB Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1.A.activity B, compass C. thank D. have 2.A.come B, someone C. brother D. volleyball 3.A.lunch B. computer C. calculator D. uniform 4,A funny B. lunch C. sun D. computer B. teaching C. chess D. chalk [EE® Put the words which the underlined part in the box into two groups. rose menth meney photo post come brother homework judo lunch Big 4 - 86 G6 ty Mdm tra aky nang Nghe nel doc - vt Héng Anh (Coban ve NANG ca0) 6p 61GDT YB a -” VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR oO Oren VOveeesceececreceeee : 6 Y 894-86 a8 tym ta nghe -nél- doe - vidi dng Anh (6a ban wa ndng cao) Wp 616m 1 tio Put one of these words in each blank, Make changes tothe verbs if necessary. | plays does has. | play do have I Play hide ~ and ~ seek at break time. a judo everyday, so he is healthy. 3. My father .sccccssessee breakfast at 6.30. 4. Nam often ..... sssuseeseees football with his friend after finishing class. 5. My sister and | .....s:csssesesseesesseeee OUF homework in the evening. 6. Lessee ss. English and Maths today. 7. Thao usually .. the guitar in her free time. 8. Does Mrs Lam . lunch with her friends? 9. They are healthy. They ... asses Morning exercises in the morning. 10, My father often . the gardening at weekend. © What are the things? Write the words in the space. 1. It’s a long seat for two or more students to sitin the class... eoorrereerrresrrery 2. They are of different colors. You draw and color with them. 3. Ithas two wheels. Many students ride it to school. 4, It has many letters and words. You use it to look up new words. 5. Ihis a small book of blank papers for writing notes in 6. They are 32 pieces used in the game of chess. You use them to play chess 7. Ws a room at your school where there are books, newspapers, etc. for you to read, study, or borrow. You can read books or study there. seen 8. It isa large picture printed on paper and you put it on the wall as decoration. Big 4 BG dé ty Kiém tra 4 ky nang nghe - ndl- doc - vi6t tiéng Anh (eo ban va nding cao) po tgp 1 7 [GHD Write the present simple in third person singular and present continuous forms of these following verbs. 0. fly flies flying watch play write leave dance ee coon do pe ereersrereeearad ceeiseensueteneneeeee come study SC PNOBR YON sit 10. give [SED Choose the best answer. 1, She... .. from England. A. come B. comes C. don't come D. goes rhe seasuotneencee sonFrench? A.Do/ speaks —B. Does / speaks C. Does / speak _D.. Is / speak 3. She from America: A. don't comes B. doesn’t come C. doesn‘tcomes _D. does comes. 4.1 ..a bath now. Wait me a minute A. have B. am have C. am having D. is having 5. He. .a glass of lemonade before breakfast. Ais B. have C. has D. does 6. eee whe seoee eee three children? B. Does / has C. Do / have D. Is / have 8 Vig 4-86 8 Iu Kidm trad ly nang Nghe -nél- doc - wi ng Anh (9 bain vei nang C00) I6p 616m | 7. HO cess television at the moment. A. watch B. watches. C. is watching D. is watch 8. Huong 10 years old? A. is B. are D. does 9. My classmates .. on picnic every month. ‘A. went B. goes C. going D. go 10. “ssssuseusteasnssnse do you travel to school?” - "By bus.” A. How B. What C. Why D. Where vi 1. John are cleaning the room atthe moment. seeseeeeee A B Cc D ind the mistakes and correct. 2.1 swim usually atthe weekend, aaeeseeeeee A B Cc D k to school everyday. D 4. Are you siting on the bed now? A BOC D 5. My mom don’t usually go to work on Saturday. A B Cc D fig 4-86 dB ty ibm 10.4 Ky RONG Aghe -ndI- doc - di eng Anh (ES ban va Nang cao) Kp 6KaDT YO In England, when the school children come to school, they first (1)... the cloakroom. They take(2)............... their coats and raincoats, their caps and hats, and then go to (3) ..........+....classrooms. Some of the students go to the laboratories and workshops where they (4) .... . physics, chemistry and art, When a student is (5)... duty, he comes to (6) ...... ... very early. He has to open (Zescevsseee .. the windows, water the flowers and clean the blackboard so everything is ready for the first lesson. At seven thirty the teacher comes into the room and the lesson (8). a Read the conversations and answer the questions. Mrs Hoa: What's your new school like? Is it big? Minh: Well, i’s very big. ‘Mrs Hoa: How many classrooms are there in your school? Minh: Let me see. There are ...twenty ... twenty four. Mrs Hoa: How many students are there in your classroom? Minh: There are forty. All of my classmates are new to me. Mrs Hoa: Are they friendly to you? Minh: Yeah. And my teachers are nice to me. Mrs Hoa:Good. Where is your classroom? Minh: Well, is on the second floor. Mrs Hoa:Do you enjoy your lessons today? nnn Minh: Oh, yes. They are very interesting. 10. Y big 4-86 a8 ty kiém tra 4 Ky nding Nghe - Ndi- dgc - viét tléng Anh (ed ban va nang cao) Isp 6 tap 1 Big 4 - BO 06 ty kiém tro 4 kY nding Nghe - né- doc - wit ting Ann (eo ban vai ndng cao) 16p 614 1 Y 11 CQL. D Work in pairs and do a role-play. One student is Anna, the other is Dave. Take turns fo ask and answer about your schools, based on the information given in the cards below. Student A: Anna School name: May school _ Address: Brighton, England Number of classes: 30 Number of students: 600 Special rooms: Laboratory, computer room, arts gallery, dancing room © Teachers: strict, fair ® Tell your partner about your new school. Schoolmates: hard:working, serious Student B: Dave School name: Sunrise Address: Dallas, USA Number of classes: 25 Number of students: 375 Special Laboratory, computer room, swimming pool and gym rooms: Teachers: friendly, humorous Schoolmates: lovely, friendly. - You should tell about the information as in the task XI. {school name, location, number of classes, number of teachers and students, special rooms, teachers and schoolmates, etc.) = You can also tell about: “What do you like most in your school” Or “How do you wish your school to be?” adm No.4 KY nGng_ Nghe -N6i- doc - vid Eng Anh (ca ban va nang cao) 186 top E. LISTENING és YQuét ma 4 GR dé nghe You are going to hear John talking about his school activities. First, look at the pictures below. Which activities are there in your school? Now match the pictures with the names of the school activities. 1. Playing cricket 2. Dancing 3. Going camping 4, Singing 5, Playing football 6. Arranging flowers Big 4-86 dm fra 4 ky nding nghe -ndl- doc - vi6ttiéng Anh (ca ban var nang a0) 16 611 13, 1. Now listen to John, and decide which activities are mentioned. Put a tick next fo it. 1. Playing cricket 2. Dancing 3. Going camping 4, Singing 5. Playing football 6. Arranging flowers 2. Listen again and decide if the statements below are true (I) or false (F}. 1. Students play football every Thursday afternoon. 2. The headmaster hates songs. 3. There is a singing contest each month. 4, Only girls join in flower arranging competition. 14 Y 8g 4-185 ob yim ira aig ng Nghe - nel doe - vt Hing Anh (Coban va nang cao) pS Tap 1 F. WRITING » Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 1 and/ classrooms/nice/ very/ our/ are/ new. .at/ te RG: are/ playing/ we/ schoolyard/ in/ the/ now. wo: sometimes/weekends/ we/ the/ go/ at/ camping. Bi: a: . it/ very/ to/ is/ interesting/ join/ school/in/ my/ chess/ the/ club/ Kv Write a letter to Sam (80-100 words) and tell him about your school and the school activity that you like most. You can base on some suggestions below: - About your school: school name, location, number of classes, number of teachers and students, special rooms, teachers and schoolmates, etc - About your favorite school activity: what is it? How often do you join if? Who do you join with? Why do you like it most? Dear Sam, Love, Big 4-86 48 ty kim tra-4 ky nang nghe -néi- doc Vib éng Anh (co ban va nang cao)lap 616 TY 15 BBD Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. mothers B. centres C. aunts, D. cousins 2. A. cities B. watches" C. dishes D. houses 3. A. grandparents B. brothers C. uncles D. fathers 4. A. fridge B. light C. picture D. living 5. A. television B. toilet C. bed D. basket HELD Put the words into the THREE groups (/s /, / z / and / iz /). books, doors, windows, boards, clocks, bags, pencils, desks, schools, classrooms, students, teachers, couches, benches, glasses, brushes, maps, sinks, beds, calculators, villas, lamps + fiz/ -/s/: -/2f © 16 Y Big 4-86 a8 whim ira akg \Ghe - nd doc - ist tiéng Anh (co ban vaindng cao) 1p 6 160 1 Big 4B dB ty kidm ira 4 kV nang Nghe -nél- doc - vit Hing Anh (co ban var nng cao) lop 6181 Y 17 Put these things in the most suitable room in your house. vegetable, cupboard, knife, light, fan, saucepan, stove, wash basin, shower, toilet, mirror, picture, stereo, shelf, lock, telephone, lamp, cooker, sink, washing machine, wardrobe, chest of drawers, bed, bath, sofa, television, armchair, | hairs, curtain, frid i Living room Dining room Put the words/phrases in the correct columns (some words have more than one answers). the hall the fridge the floor Spain my bedroom school the wall my desk home your bag aparty — the room in at on 18% Big 4-86 a8 ty Kiém tra 4 ky nang nghe -ndl- doe - vis! fiéng Anh (66 ban va nding cao) Sp 6 18D 1 BBD Fill in the blanks with the given prepositions by referring to the picture. on beside | behind under 1, There are some toys................ the bed. There are some SOCKS...........1+60++.the drawer, The computer i8.......s0se00e08 the table. 2. 3. ; 4, The radio i suthe computer. 5 6 The TV is. cesessseathe poster, The toy car is .. secsedhe drawer. 7. The boy is jumping.....+.+:++:ssss....uthe bed 8. Some cards are kept............00:::000-.the drawer. 9. The pillow i8......c:ssessseessssuthe bed. 10. The books ae..........+0-+uthe shelf. BBD circle the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1. There. ss... @ big table and some chairs athe right ...........the bed A. isonin B. are-on-of C. arein-on D. isto-of 2. There are many books and things on the floor. It's really ..... A. clean B. messy C. interesting D. tidy "Big 4-86 a8 ty kiém tra 4 Ky nang Nahe - Ndi - doc - vid! Héng Anh (ca bAn va ndng cao) 6p 6 tap 1 Y 19 3. There aren't any pillows sessnthe bed. A.on B. in C. behind D. in front of 4. Are there ............... pictures in your bedroom, David? A. some B. three C. the D. any 5. John . ... his mother cook dinner at 6 p.m. A. usually help -B. usually helps —C. help usually ——_D. helps usually 6. Hue lives ... .. an apartment ... ... her uncle and aunt. A. inon-at B. atin-with C. ind D. atatnear 7. There is a big photo of her family _ her room’s wall A.on C. between D. among 8. It’s called the Riverside Hotel... it is near Red River. A. because B. but C. so D. like 9. Do you often. ............ Your bicycle to school? A. drive B. rides C. drives D. ride 10... «your favorite subject at school? A. What B. What's C. What're D. Who's 2 ti Underline the mistake and then correct it. . Where is the flowers? There are « park near Tuan’s house. The television is between the telephone in the lamp. The mountains are to the left in the house. 2. 3. 4 5. Where is there behind the house? 6. 7. 8. 9. My school have a big yard. Lan watchs TV everyday. What time do she get up? Mr.Quyen teach Engish at Yen Nhan secondary school. 10. The students is in the classroom. 20 ig 4- 86 G8 wkidra ta a ky nang Nghe -AO!- doe - v6 Héng Anh (60 ban varnéng ca0) lap 6 13p 1 C. READING | @ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following conversation. (a Mum: Mi: Mi: Mum: Mi: Mum: 1.A. hate 2.A. sell 3.A. ot 4.A. aren‘t 5. A. near 6. A. next to We are moving to the new apartment next month. Do you want to have a new bed? No, I don’t, Mum. | ......(1)... my old bed. It’s so comfortable. But can | ......(2)...... a new poster? You have three posters already. You can put them ......(3)...... the wall in your new room. Yes, Mum. | want fo have a family photo on my desk. There ......(4)...... only a lamp on it now. That's a good idea. Oh, where do you want to put your desk? «{8)...1: fo my bed, Mum. | also want a small plant in my room That's fine. It can go ......(6)...... the bookshelf and the desk. B. love C. dislike D. want B. buy C. give D. take B.on C. near D. in B. are C. isn’t D. is B. behind C. next D. on B. between C. in front of D. to Big 4 86 d8 ty Kern tha 4 Ky ndng AGhe -ndl- doc - vi Héng Anh (ca ban va nang Ca0);dp 6 top 1 Se 2 gE Read the passage, decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F), then answer the questions below. live in a house in Melaka. It isn’t old or modern. It’s a normal Malaysian house. We can say it is near the sea. It takes about 10 minutes to go to the seaside on foot. We have two bedrooms, one living room, and a dining room. Naturally, we also have akitchen and a bathroom. We don’t have a garage. | live with my parents. In addifion, cour house has a small garden; my parents spend their time there to grow vegetables and fruit, Lo Write T (True) or F (False) ~~ 1. The house is very new 2. Ittakes 10 minutes to go to the sea by bike. 3. The house has a small garden to grow vegetables and fruit ) 4. She lives in the house with her mom and dad. 5, The house has a garage f (3B. Answer the questions 1. Where is the house? 2. What's the type of the house? 3. What's the house next to® 4. Does the house have dinning room? 22. V Big 4-89 dé ty idm ta dig nGNg Nghe -n6i- doc - vi8t Eng Anh (cd ban va néng Cao) 6p 6 tp 1 A 1. What type is your house? go Match one question in column A with one suitable answer in column B. A. Itis about 75m?, 2. Where is your house? 3, How large is your house? A. How many rooms are there in your| 5. How many bathrooms are there in your! house? 6. Is there a big TV in the living room? 7. Do you plant some trees in front of your| house? ___apark? _|__street. B. My house has 5 rooms. C. 1 don’t have free time to watch TV, so | jhaveno TV. D. My house is on the 15* floor, so I can’t __plant anything. E. Itis an apartment flat. F. Yes, they are very close to my house: G. There is only one bathroom. ED Work in pairs and do a role-play. Student A wants to rent student B’s house. © Student A asks questions to know about the house. (based on the questions in XI.1) Student B answers the questions based on the information given below. Then decide to rent the house or not. House type: Flat How large: 55m? Furniture: TV, air-condi Close to: two drugstore: Address: 16 Hoang Van Thu street Rooms: 4 (1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom and 1 bedroom) itioner, sofa and chairs s, a school and a cinema. Now, change the roles. Student B asks, student A answers. Big 4-06 a8 Khim Had KP nang AGE -nd- doc vid iéng Anh (60 ban v8 nding 690) Bp 6 tao 1 Y 23 “a S\que me BBY AR dé nghe @ You are going to hear about different kinds of houses in the world, First, look at the pictures below and match them with their names. Big 4 BO G8 ty kiém fra 4 kj nang nghe -nél - doe - vis? fléng Anh (e0 ban va ndng C00) lap 619p 7 “2 t Now match the pictures with the house types 1. Apartment flat 2. Hut 3. Castle 4. Oak tree house 5. Caravan house 6. Terraced house 7. Boathouse 8. Cottage 9. Detached house 1. Now listen. Which types of houses are described by the four speakers? Put a tick in the correct column. "House types Apartment flat Speaker 1 | Speaker 2 Speaker 3 | Speaker 4 Hut Terraced house Boathouse Cottage Detached house Speaker 1: | have a (1)...sesesess everywhere. Caravan house Speaker 2: | have a (3) (SJersesee Speaker 3: My house is built on a big (6)... ... And it’s also a quiet place for me to do my favorite things. during the (7)..... Speaker 4; | wish to live in a house build for (8)... peli )ai(2) ee house. It is on (4}...... ses everyday. My friends visit me very often because they like my house. 2. Now listen again. Fill in the gap with the missing words. .. and | can drive my house .. Lean go . It is great to live in this house It would be fantastic. Big 4 - 86 d8 1y klém fra. 4 ky néng Nghe -ndi- doc - vit tiéng Anh (cd ban va ning cao) lap 6p 1 Y 25 F. WRITING xv] Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. My house has a living room, a kitchen and three bedrooms. There sarees . There is a beautiful piano in my sister's room. My sister’s room «ss... The table is to the left of the bed and to the Ps of the window. S 2. - 3. > The table — 4, There is a big tree in front of my house. > My house sssotenasstenseees 5. Inher house, the dining room is close to the he living room. = In her house, the dining room is.........++ Which type of the house are you living in now? Write a paragraph (80 - 100 words) © to describe it. You should base on the suggestions below: - Which type of the house is it? - What does it look like on the outside? - What does it look like on the inside? - How many rooms are there in the house? - What are there in each room? - Which room{s} do you like most? Why? 26 Y Big 4-6 d8 tyiém ra aky RNG AGhe -NdI- d9e-vIBt TIéng Anh (60 ban va nding cao) Wp 6 Fp 1 Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1 2 3, 4 5. A. best B. part A. copy B. happy A. book B. beautiful A. job B. tab A. airport B. speak C.pie D. pen C. beast D. pull C. butterfly D. professional C. pen D. neighbor C. notebook D. spoon Find the word which the stress pattern pronounced differently from others. 1 oR ON . Ac reliable B. helpful A. curious B. confident . A. volunteer B, basketball A. hard-working B. wonderful . A. generous B. patient C. active D. friendly C. competitive D. talkative C. sensitive D. magazine C. unfriendly D. intelligent C. attractive D. curious 27 1g Anh (ea ban va ning: ) chest nose hand _ Write the adjective for personality that is suitable with the expression. 1. Your feeling that you are certain about something 2. Thinking about what you are doing and giving a lot of attention to details ... 3. Acting as a friend 4. Ann likes baseball, football, and volleyball. He's so 5. Feeling nervous about meeting others 28 Big 4-86 a6 ty Kim tra 4 ky nding Nghe - Ndl- doc - WE Eng Anh (Go ban var nang 6G) (6p 6 tap 1 9 Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to each space. 1. Mary is always................. She studies hours a day and never misses her homework. A. smart B. studious C. active D. confident 2. Her brother can do all difficult exercises. He is a(n)............00+ student. A. intelligent B. careful C. free D. blonde 3. John can wait hours for his friends without getting angry. He is a A. talkative B. lovely C. friendly D. patient S The baby next fo me is Very......:tsss He talks all the time, which really annoys me. A. talkative B. silent C. lovely D. cute 5. Our new classmate is a... .. girl. The color of her hair is so beautiful. A. wavy B. straight C. blonde D. curly 6. The part between the head and the body is the.... A. fingers. B. teeth C. neck D. hip 7. Everyone has 10....... sees 10.cccce cece ‘A hands - feet B.fingers-toes _C, arms —legs D. hands legs 8. Thoir............i8 very good, They were close friends when they were students A. friend B. friendly C. friendship D. unfriendly 9. He isn’t communicative. He isn’ public. A. kind B. reserved C. generous D. sociable TO. veseeeeeseeseesseeens the fireman arrived in time to save the boy out of the flame. A. unluckily B. lucky C. unluckily D. luckily & Find the mistake and correct it. 1. She is short hair and big eyes. A B cD iend and helpful A B Cc D 2. My new friend, Zoe, is very. 3. Tomorrow, John and | is playing basketball with our team, AB Cc D 8g 4-8 a6 tykiém ta 4 kV nag Nghe -n6l- ago -ViEt Eng Anh (Gd ban wannéng Gao) 160 614m 1Y 29 A. This student are very smart, studious and well-behaved. A B Cc D 5. My mother have an oval face and lovely smile. AB c D > Arrange the adjectives in the blanks in the correct order. 1. He has (long/ grey/ a) beard. 2. They are {small/ beautiful/ red) flowers. 3. That car is (big/ a/ modern/ black}. 4. She has (long/ blonde) hair. 5. My uncle lives in (modern/ big/ brick/ a) house. Supply the correct form of the word. ° 1. Ms Huong is @ ....s.cessesseseee--cteacher. {humor} 2. He will be very lonely unless yOU....sccsseseeee him. (friend) 3. I hate being around Mary Lou, she is....... = (friend) 4, When you drive to work, you have to be extremely ..csscssssevee (care) 5. Attisscsssssessstessssee 18 @ home for children whose parents are dead. (orphan) 30 Y Big 4 Bp a8 Ikddm ta dy ning Nghe - AGI - doc - et Eng Anh (Ga ban varndng G00) lap 6 1p 1 o Among my friends, | cherish the most is Hong. She is @ good student of my i 4 | | | (1)... sessssee she lives with her mother in a small house near my house. She has short black (2) struck me about her was the smile. She looks so lovely when she smiles. She is a form of friends that | can share (3)........c:s-0000 She always helps me in every situations. She is gentle and endearing all friends. She likes Literature, reading, listening to music. Hong and | have a lot in common with each other, so we have been good friends over the past 5 (4)... are trying to keep this (5) ., an oval face and brown eyes. What particularly Although time has passed long in any case, Hong and | § $ } Read the passage, decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) then answer the questions. ~~ A friend is a gift you give to yourself. Friends are those people in your life with whom you do not have any blood relation. It's a relation of love and affection towards other people. Your friend is someone with whom you feel comfortable and can easily share your thoughts and feelings. You do not have to think twice when you are with your § friends. A true friend loves you unconditionally, understands you, but never judges you and always tries to support you and give you good advice. A true friend is one will always be there when you need someone. He will leave $ all his important works but will never leave you alone, especially in your difficult times. That is why it is said “a friend in need is a friend indeed’. Difficult times are the best time to realize who your true friends are. Blessed are the souls who have true friends. It does not matter how many friends you have, what matters is how many true friends you have. Friends show us how to live a life in a different way; they are the ones who can change our viewpoints for good. There is no growth of the person without any friend. i's ; essential to have a friend to understand life. Big 4- BO dB tu kiém ta 4 ky nding Nghe -ndil- doe - wist Hing Anh (ed ban varnang cao) ap 6 tap 1” ST 3. Your friends will never leave you alone in difficult time. saeseeeeeenee 4. You need to have as many friends as possible. 5. Your friends can’t change your viewpoints. A. True / False statements ~~~~~~~~ 1. Your friends do not have any blood relation with you. 2. You can’t easily share your thoughts and feelings with your friends 3. What is the meaning of the phrase “a friend in need is a friend indeed”? b B. Answer the questions ; ; 1. What is the relation of friends? ‘ 2. What makes a true friend? | , : 4. When is the best time to realize the true friend? 5, How many friends do you have? Do they have same or different characters? 82 YBa 4-8 dB Ky Kiém fra 4 KV ndn@ Nahe -nél- gc -vIBHiéng Anh (co ban va ng Ca0) Top 6 rap T EBD Read the short description of Mary about her best friend. Then fill in the bank with the “® suitable words given below. “slim ~~ hardworking —=~Ssilue Sig eng blonde humorous pretty My best friend is Jenny. She is 12 years old. She is a (1). .. girl with (2)... sessoees hair, and (3)...... ceva eyes. She is tall and (4} She likes we wearing dresses, and she looks really (5)...... sesessseee in them, Jenny is a (6)... . student. She always does homework before class, cand my teacher loves her so much, Because she i friendly and (7).s.scsssesssesseesee) her classmates love her, too. Both Jenny and | like drawing and painting. We spend a lot of time studying and playing together. It's great to have a friend like Jenny. {xr) Now tell about your best friend. o You should base on some suggestions below: - What does he/she look like? - What kind of person is he/she? - What are his/her hobbies? - Why do you like him/her best? 81g 4-89 8 ty hidm a4 Ky nang Nghe -n6- dgc - it ng Anh (co ban va ndng cao) op 6 tap TY 33 Vauet ma QR dé nghe BRED) Look at the questions below. Are you doing the following things next week? Write YES or NO next to the questions. 1. Are you doing Maths next Monday? 2. Are you doing Literature next Tuesday? 3. Are you going to your English extra class next Friday? A. Are you joining in a party next Saturday evening? 5. Are you visiting your grandparents next Sunday? 1. Listen to Dave talking about his plan for the next week. What is he doing each day next week? Put a tick in the correct column. Activities | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thurs | Fri ['s Having Piano closes Going swimming Joining in | Henry's party | 2. Listen again and decide if the statements below are True (1) or False (F). 1, Dave doesn’t have any class at school next week. 2. Dave's piano class starts at 7 pm. 3. His piano teacher comes from Australia 4. Dave is going swimming with his friend. 5, Dave is going to Henry’s party with his brother. 34. V big 4-86 a8 nyledm trad ky nang Nghe -n6l- doe - vt Héng AnH (64 ban wo nang EGO) lop 6 19m 1 F. WRITING . wy Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 1. eyes/ sister/ my/ is/she/ younger/ and/ short/ has/ round. DP seeeeseeseenseeesenaeeeesteessestesessseeseesseneresererseersntererrieeettteeeeaeeeseneeen 2. hard dovorking/ Lam/is/ student/ class/ ineligent/ in/ an/ hy) and 3. her/ Jane/ Paris/ is/ next/ mother/ to/ travelling/ with/ ths 4, National Cinema/ we/ sehedy/ are/ t0/ the/ acing/ this. > 5. camping/ is/ next/ my/ class/ in/ weekend/Cuc Phuong forest/ going Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about what you are doing next week. You should base on some suggestions below: - What are you doing on the weekdays and at the weekend? - Who are you doing those things with? - Why are you doing those things? hiBm tra 4 ky nang Nghe -n6i- doc - vi ing Anh (ea ban va;nang cao) Kop 61p 1 35) Review 1. A. cool 2. A. houses 3. A. oven 4. A. hands 5. A. Monday B. wardrobe B. toothbrushes B. brother B. legs B. another BED Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined, C. poem D. rosy C. stores D. glasses C. stove D. roses C. lips D. ears C. month D. judo HEE Find the word which the stress pattern pronounced differently from others. 1.A. teacher 2.A. diploma 3.A. apartment 4. A. brunette 5. A. generous © B. student B. folder B. wardrobe B. curly B. pretty C. lecture D. engineer C. backpack D. sharpener C. kitchen D. bungalow C. redhead D. ugly C. attractive D. scruffy ©36 Y big 4-86 48 Kem tad Ky néng Nghe -nél- doc - wi iéng Anh (ca ban va nang cad) 1p 6 Tp 1 O. Personality 1. Hair style: 2. Body build: 3. Hair color: 4, Body part: 5. House room: > _/VOCABULARY AND G MAR * E49 Write four more words for each category. shy friendly open reliable kind selfish short curly ce canteens fat welkbuilt ee cesses blonde — black eeseeee cesses eeeeee senseeeeee neck MOS seeteeeeee ceseeeees 0 ceeeeeeeee treeeeteee bedroom kitchen ww... @ Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form. 1. We (visit) 2. They {not go)... 3 4. 5. 6. 7. Bob {not like)......... 8. Hoang (live) 9. The team (play)... 10. Ms Huong (leach)......sssessssee 1. John A. live 2. We might have smart phones A. surf . Mr. Ninh (not work). seve our grandparents now. to work on Saturdays and Sundays. the office tomorrow. «Mary (have)....... short hair? y uncle and aunt everyday. dinner with Mr.Bean tonight? sutlo listen to rock music. in a small house in the centre of the village. «ssssss+sef0otball on Saturdays. svuthe class maths now. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences. in a house in the countryside. B. lives C. living D. to live soe the Internet. B. surfing C. to surf D. surfed Big 485 8 iy Kiém ra a ky ning Nghe -ndl- doc - vi king Anh (ca ban wanang eae) Gp 6tOp)Y O7 3. Robot will help us do the housework such as cleaning the floor, .... ....meals and soon. A. cooking B. to cook C. go D. going LAMP We v.cceccee. Waste paper, we will save a lot of trees. A. repeat B. recycle C. review D. remark 5. If we plant more trees in the school yard, the school will be a A. darker B. dirtier C. greener D. more polluted 6. ecccsceesee your house have an attic? =... itdoes. A. Do/Yes B. Do/No C. Does/Yes D. Does/No 7. Where are you, Hai? — I'm downstairs. | .... eto music. A. listen B. to listen C. am listening D. listening 8. My close friend is ready ................ things with her classmates. A. share B. to share C. shares D. sharing 9. This Saturday, we .........-.... fo the Art Museum A.go B. going C. is going D. are going 10. My best friend, Hanh, is .... She talks all the time. A. talkative B. kind C. confident D. creative 11. How often do you watch TV2 -...... seen? A. Twice B.Oneaweek —_C. Five days D. Every day 12, Maggie was born under the .........:..1 OF Virgo, she is very careful and hard-working. A. story B. sight C. sign D. signal 13. ssssssdoes Lam go to school? - By school bus. A. How B. Why C. What D. By what 14, What does your cousin Anh look like? CHE vscssseseesens Very tall, and he ..........+-s big eyes with a pair of glasses. A. isn't have B. is - have C. isn’t- has D. don’t— has 15. Jane's colors are red, white and gold. A. love B, lovely C. likes D. favorite BBY Big 4-86 8 ty Em Wa a Ky nONg NONE -Ndi- dos - vi6tTiéng Anh (60 ban vai dng co0) 6p 6 Kp T BED Find a mistake and correct it. } 1. The cat is among the lamp and the bed. AB c D 2. There are a cupboard, a dishwasher and a table in the kitchen ..........seeeee AB c D 3. |s there a television front of the microwave? A B c oD 4, There are two bookshelf in my sister’s bedroom. A B G D 5. | can see that there is a vase behind of the light. A B ie D Supply the correct form of the word. 1, My neighbor has vast ........... . of past events. (know) 2. The weatherman says there is a strong... Of rain today. (possible) FS Aihens|is)esseeeeeeeansneee for its ancient buildings. (fame) 4. His picture is very..... (create) 5, The news ish't Very sessssssssssssseeseeee (cheer) Big 4 BO dB ty kiém fra 4 Ky Nong Nghe -ndl - doc - vidi HEng Anh (co ban va nang cao) ip 6tap1Y 39 Read the conversation then fill in the missing words to complete the sentences. Mi; Mum, are you home? Mum: Yes, honey. I'm in the kitchen. I’ve bought these new dishes . Mi: They're beautiful, Mum .Where did you buy them? Mum: — In the department store near our house. There are a lot of interesting things for the home there. Mi: We need some pictures for the living room, Mum, Do they have pictures in the store ? Mum: No, they don’t. But there are some ceiling lights. We are buying two for the new apartment this week. Mi: We also need two new vases, Mum. Mum: That's true. Let’s go to the store this weekend 1. Mi’s Mum is in the .. 2. ThE oe eceseee 3. Mi: Oh, dear. | forgot my pencil sharpener. 5 } ; \ } 3. The department store doesn’t have any .i.csssassessee . ; { 4, Her Mum is buying Wo ...s.cssescesnsenenetnsitnteneenfOF their new apartment } $5. They Will. .scssicneneeeedo the department store this weekend { Complete the sentences. 1. Mi serreeeen you turn on the lights ? ; ; Duy: OK. I'll do it right away. 2. James : Would you like to come to my party tomorrow evening 2. Phuc: I would. sseseeed0,. but I'm visiting my grandma ; ; 3 Vy: That's OK. You 40 ig 4-86 48 tylabm had 7nGng nghe -n6/- doo” viding Anh (es BB we ndng a0) WHS Tp pee Se 4. Phuc: Would you like to have a barbecue with us on Sunday ? | Nhung: .... sseetesseeesee « H'm not doing anything on Sunday. 5. Huy: What are you going to do this weekend? Huong: This weekend visit my grandparents in Ninh Binh city. She was a maths teacher at a secondary school. She likes getting up early and watering the flowers in our garden. She usually helps me with my homework. In the evening, she tells me interesting stories. She also listens to me when I’m sad. | love my grandma very much What about you? Who's your best friend? Please write to me soon. Read the email. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D and write. To: Subject: My best friend Hi Nick , It’s great to hear from you. | want to tell you about my best friend. ; My grandma is my best friend. She's 68 years old. She lives with our family. Bye bye, An 1, The e-mail is about .... A. An's best friend at school B. An's grandma C. An's math teacher D. An's mom 2. sesssessseeis his grandma's hobby. A. helping An do his homework B. watering flowers C. telling stories D. listen to music 3. An usually listens to his grandma's stories in the .. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. at noon 4. An likes his grandma best because .... A. she lives with his family, B. she gets up early every morning. C. she always listens to him when he's sad. D. she is a Maths teacher. 81g 4- BO 48 ty kiém tra 4 kV nding Nghe -nél- doc - vigtténa Anh (ea ban va nng cac)l6p6 tee 1 Y 41 Look at the picture below. Describe the things in the room. You should base on some suggestions below: - What furniture is there in the room from the left/right to the right/left? - How does the furniture look like? B.$49 Look at the picture again. Now describe what people in the room are doing. You should use the Present Continuous tense. ng Anh (60 ban va nang €a0) lap 6 1p “42. ¥ big 4- 86 a8 tyebm tre 19 nghe -ndl- doc aust ms QR dé nghe You are going to hear Linh describing his new house. Listen and decide if the statements below are true (1) or false (F). (U2}Lérihiis) house) | srricl -eeeeeee teeter ste sti te sees tearere tt aIEesttesesensesereaIEEEIEr oeersreseas 2. Her house has more than four rooms. 3. Her room is far from the living room. 4. Linh’s sister’s room is between Linh’s room and her parents’ room 5. Linh’s room is next to her parents’ room. Listen again and complete the sentences below. 1. In Linh’s room, the desk is near the. 2. In Linh’s room, the computer is on the 3. Linh’s parents don’t have a . cose in their room. Wl do. - vid ng Anh (C9 ban va nang 6a9) 16 6tap 1 43; Big 4-86 8 tykiém tra 4 ky nGNg Nghe yp Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 1. / classroom/ map/ and/ has/ my/ o/ projector/. 2. Sue/ going/ school/ is/ to/ by / tomorrow/ bus. 3. the/ in/ bookshelf/ room/ is/ my/ next/ the/ to/ window. 4. difficul/ friends are talking/ my/ about/ a/exercise/ now. 5. Lien/ house/ is/ live/ my/ and/ classmate/ near/ I/ her/ too. a Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. Mary's hair is short and her face is round > Mary has 2. My house is next to a big super-market. — There is 3. There are some trees in front of my school —» Some trees are ....... 4, My school is far from my house. > My school is not ........-se+ 5. Dave is cleaning the floor. His brother is not doing anything, Sees seessesseeseeeseesneeeneessecsseesiey DUP ces eeeeeeseee 4d big 4-86 a8 ia kim fad Ky nang AGhe -ndl- doe - i6tHéNg Anh (e0 Bn va: nng cao) 1ap 6196 | » Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe the room that you like most in your school. You should base on some suggestions below. - What room is it? (classroom, laboratory, computer room, etc.) - What are there in this room? - What are the things in the room like? - Why do you like this room most? Big 4-86 a ty kd tra 4 ky nang Ah -néi- des - VGH tiéng Anh (6a bEn va nGng co) Op 6G 1 Y AB Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. writes B. drives 2. A. funny B. lunch 3. A. breakfast B. eating 4.4. couches B. boxes 5. A. know B. close C. takes C. sun C. teacher C. houses C. town Find the word which the stress different from others. 1. A. piano B. blanket 2. A. borrow B. agree 3. A. paper B. police 4.4. confident B. talkative 5.A. handsome B. obese C. pillow C. await C. people C. friendly C. overweight D. D. D. D. D. 9990909 makes computer reading tables sofa towel prepare purpose creative moustache 46 Big 4-86 8 ty kidm trad k¥ nNg Nghe - Ndi Age - iBT Tiéng ANH (69 ban ve nang Go0) LP 6 top 1 oaononnwnuuon VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 2 {U9 Write four more words for each category. 0. Personality shy friendly open reliable kind selfish 1. Furniture: wardrobe sofa 2. House types townhouse villa 3, School subject: Math English | 4, Age: inher early 30s old | 5. Face’ oval re , | 4 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form. 1. He (come)... eeeesces from Da Nang. 2. Do you study English? No, | (do not) B. (dO) cescessccsseesseeneeee my homework after school. 4. MrVo {teach} ..sccccccceesssecsssseese physics. 5. Phong often (play)... at the weekend. 6. We (Visit)... sssses+-s-0Ur grandparents now, 7. They (NOt go).......eessssseieseeesssteesessssssentO work on Saturdays and Sundays 8. Mr. Ninh (not work)........c.cessesssesesseseseessin the office tomorrow. 9. seseeseee Mary (have)...ssscccsssssseeeceeee veceesshort hair. 10. She (walk)......-ssessssssessessnto school with her friends everyday Lv Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences. ® 1. My sister will give last year’s clothes to the ..... instead of throwing them away. i A. char B. sho} C. people D. survey ty Pp Pe 2. Don’t throw rubbish into the river because you will make it ...........00ss000+ : A. greener 8. dirtier C. fresher D . cleaner Big 4-86 a8 tylddm trad ky RNG Nghe -ndi Wi6t ting Anh (ca bén va nang ea) 6p 6 tap 1-47 3. With a smart watch, you will ......... your friends in other countries. A. talk B. take C. surf D. contact 4. In the future, we won't go on holiday to the beach but We .........:cccccseesceee go on holiday to the moon. A. must B. can't C. might D. won't 5, There are many chairs in the kitchen, «.......:0.1..« there are no chairs in my bedroom. A. and B. because C. but D.or 6. Mark usually goes to the art club to draw pictures and paint them. His friends like his pictures a lot. Mark is very .... A. creative B. talkative C. hard-working D. sociable 7. My mum and dad on Saturdays and Sundays. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. isn't D. aren't 8. Trang always gets up early so she is usually early .......... school. Aon B. for Cat D. to 9. "Can you pass me the soda, please?” A. Sorry? B.No, thank you —_C. Yes, why? D. Here you are 10. We wc ++, to the cinema to see the film “Beauty and the Beast” tonight. A. are going B. go C. goes D. going 11. Tam is very pretty with her A. brown long hair B. hair long brown C. long brown hair D. brown hair long 12, John isn’t fat. caus he is very strong, A, but B. so C. because D. and 13, Mai is chatting .... vs her classmates ......... their Science exercises. A. on=to B. to - about C. with - about D. to-on 14, There is a bank he supermarket. A. next B. between C. on the left D. near 15. My friend................... a round face and short hair. A. have B. is C.are D. has © 48 Big 4-86 GB hyd a 4 Ky Neng AGHA -nal- ge - vit Héng Anh (oa ban vei nang cao) 6p 6 te | | @ Find a mistake and correct it is there in your school? 1. How mdny classe: A BOC D 2. Nam stydys the past and present events in Vietnam and_around the world. A BOC D 3. There are a banana and five oranges on the table A B Cc D A, Linh has a beautiful girl with blonde hair and a fit body A B c D 5. Turn left, you can see that the post office is opposite of my house. is A B c oD | @ Supply the correct form of the word. 1. She was very .....:s0e1sss0021 » She writes poetry and paints. {create} De WS $0 cccsscccsssesssses OUt here in the country. (peace) 3. She tried to clean his watch, but only. .. in breaking it. (success) 4, Trinh Cong Son is a highly .................«. musician (talent) 5. She wants to .. her knowledge of history. (wide) "Big 4-86 dB Wyle aa kV nONG AGHe -nél- dee vd! Héng Anh (GO ban va nang coo)lep 6 1a 1 Y 49 too. There is a small yard (2)........:::11:1..0f my house. There are tall trees behind my house. (3) .. sessessess the fall trees, there are mountains. To the (4) of my house, there is a well. To the left of my house, there is a big garden. There () E flowers in the garden. 1. A. next B. near C. under D.on 3. A. opposite to —_B. front C. behind D. next 4. A. front B. left C. near D. right S.A B. are C. have D. has ; ; 2. A. in front B. opposite C. in opposite D. front | Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. My name is Phong. | am 11 years old and | am in grade 6. | live in a house (Tesscssssesssesu lake in the countryside. There is a rice paddy opposite my house, ; ; ; ; 2 { Read the following passage and answer the questions below. Linda is my classmate and she lives in the city with her family. On her street, there i are two bookshops, a bakery, a restaurant and a police station. Her house is next toa $ bookshop. The bakery is between the bookshop and the restaurant. The police station is { to the right of the restaurant. In the neighborhood, there is a company, a cinema, a museum and a temple. Linda's parents work in the company. Her brother works in the museum. 1. Who does Linda live with? 2, Where is the bakery? 50 Y Big 4-86 d8 tu kiém tra 4 ky nding nghe -ndi- doc - vist Tiéng Anh (cobain vei néng cao) Ke Sta 3. Where is the police station? 4. Is there a bookstore in her neighborhood? 5. Where does her mother work? Reorder the conversation. | . a. Hello, it’s Vy speaking. sessuss b. In the New City Park on Rosery Street. Do you know it? ... ¢. | do. Are we going in the morning? d. Hi, Vy. It's me, Sam. Would you like to go on a picnic with my family this weekend? e. OK. See you a f. Sure. We're going to have lunch at the park. My mom is preparing sandwiches and sausages. g. Sounds great. I’d love to join. Where are we going? h. Bye, Vy! i. [know, Vy. Let’s meet at 8 o'clock at the park. Don’t be late! k. Great. | can’t wait until weekend, Sam. Big 4B} a8 tu Kiem Tra 4 Ky nang AGhe -ndl- doe - vist Héng Anh (co ban va nang cao) ap 6 tgp 1Y ST ————— D. SPEAKING What activities does your school have? Tell your friend about them. You should base on some suggestions below: - What are they? -When and where are they organized? - What are they for? - Who join in those activities? Do you join? - Are they good for students? Why? [) Now, among those above activities, which one do you like most and why? Tell your © friend. You should base on some suggestions below: - What is the activity? - What is it for? - What do people do when they join in it? - Why do you like it most? vii iding Anh (69 Ban va nang a0) 6D 6 Tp 1 \Qu6t me QR dé nghe 1. Sam has more than 4 best friends 2. Tom is tall, but Henry is short. 3. Henry doesn’t help Sam study. 4. Lars is talkative. | 5. Daisy sings well. Listen again and fill in the gap with the missing word. 1. Tom is funny because he can tell good ....sess:s 2. Henry looks like a 3. Daisy is a winner of the school’s. ..........:.:::::-+++++++ Competition, pT’ 53 ndl-doe - vist liéng Anh (60 ban vei nang 60) 15P 6 Toy SF WRIING wy Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 5 1. large/ a/ Huong/ has/ with/ decorations/ lot/ a/ beautiful/on/ room/the/ of/ walls. / 10/ the/ but/ far/bathroom/ from/ the. ESD rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. > 1. My father’s working room has a desk, an armchair, two computers and a printer. > There . 2. Jane is intelligent, kind-hearted and helpful. Many people in my class love her. > Because ....... 3. Huong is sitting to the left of Nam in the classroom at the moment. > Nam is ..scscssesssesereeeeeesseeessessees 4. His computer is on the table. + On 5. Ihave a plan to visit my grandparents next weekend. PLM eects 54 V Big 4-06 a ty hdr tra 4 6 You are going camping in Tam Dao with your teachers and classmates next Saturday and Sunday. Write a letter to your pen-friend (80-100 words) to tell him/her what you are planning to do for the camping. You should use the Present Continuous tense and base on some suggestions below: ~ How are you getting there? - What are you taking along with you? - What are you doing there on Sunday/on Saturday? - Who are you doing these activities with? Dear........., love, (Your signature} Big 4 BG dB tu Kim fra 4 kj nang Aghe -néi- doc - vi6t tiéng Anh (ed ban va nng cao) \6p 61091 55 .SINH.KHAT! Complete University Guide via cong bé bang xép hang cac truéng Dai hoc 6 Anh. DH danh tiéng Cambridge dung dau tién v8 danh gid chung, dong thdi cing la truéng 6 ché dé tuyén sinh khat khe nhat. 1. Bgi hoc Cambridge khéng chi dung dau trong danh sach cac trying cé tiéu chi tuyén sinh cao nhat 6 Anh, ma cdn dude danh gid t6t nhdt. Phin lén ca nganh cia trudng yéu cau thi sinh dat it nhat hai diém A* va mot diém A trong chuong trinh Alevel (chuong trinh ti tai Anh) hoac mét diém A* cing hai diém A trong cdc khéa hoc nghé thuat. 2. Dai hoc Oxford la mét trong nhing truéng tét nhét thé gidi. Thanh lap nam 1096, Oxford cung la truéng lau dai nhdt tai cde nude ndi tiéng Anh. Trudng di dau trong linh yc nghién ciu va xudt ban cdc tac phém hoc thuat. 3. Imperial College London cing la dai hoc duge danh gia hang dau thé gidi. Ngoi trudng 107 tudi nay da phat hién penicillin, phat trién ky thuat chyp anh giao thoa laser, dat co s6 cho sy ra d&i cba cap s¢i quang. 4. Dai hoc Durham dao tao hon 140 nganh. 90% sinh vién hai long véi chuong trinh giang day cia trang. 5. Thanh lgp nam 1413, St Andrews la dai hoc lau dai nhét 6 Scotland, dong thai la truéng lau doi thy ba 6 cdc nudc néi tiéng Anh. St Andrews cing nam trong danh sach nhing truang hang dau tai Anh va chat lugng giang dey. Parr mr pee We te ere eRe 1D Final the word which has o different sound in the part underlined. | 1.A. biscuit B. busy C. beach D. women i 2. A. eleven B. village C. luggage D. beach 3.A. these B. valley C. field D. sea | 4. A. meet B. pretty C. seen D. sheep | 5.A. hill B. dream C. king D. six | NEED Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. interesting —_B. surprising C. amusing D. successful 2.A. understand —_B. engineer C. benefit D. Vietnamese 3. A. comfortable —_B, employment C. important D. surprising 4. A. beautiful B. effective C. favorite D. popular 5. A. capital B. tradition C. different D. opera 8g 4-86 GB ty Bm fra 4 ky nding Nghe -ndi- doo - vit ng Anh (6a ban va néng cao) lop 618 1Y 57 0. A place where we go to walk, play and relax 1. A place where we watch film 2. A place where we buy stamps or send mails 3. A place where we can look at paintings ‘VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR [TD What are these places? Write the words in the spaces. park 4. A place where they sell medicines, soap and make up 5, Aplace where we borrow books _ Fill in the blank with the correct comparative forms. 0. big bigger 1. fast 2. thin B.large assests 4. tired 5. good 6. clever 7. short 8. early 9. happy 10. carefully 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 17 18. 19, 20. attractive noisy old interesting wide independent setveeteeseeeeae dry polluted occntetsenea long ecceseteeee cheap @ Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition. 1. The bank is 2. How far is ite..seseeeseeeeee 3. The museum is. the post office and my school Hanoi to Ninh Binh? the right, . the bookstore. 58 Y Big 4-86 d8 ty kiém tra a ky nding nghe - Ndi - doe - vid Eng Anh (co ban va nang cao) lap 6 tap 1 pnp 4, Turn right........ your left 5. There is a supermarket...... .++.:Nguyen Viet Xuan street. 6. My house is... «1.20 Nguyen Ngoc Nai street. 7. Mom isn't........0e0s00.-.shome now. She is... 8. Ittakes about 2 hours to get.......-..-s:1..-Pleiku by plane. 9, front of the movie theater. . The police station is ........ the bank. 10. There is a hospital next @ Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. John is more.......ss0sthan Alex, A. intelligent B. intelligent than —_C. intelligently D. inteligenter 2. Mai plays the viol A. gooder C. less D. more good 3. The pink pen the blue one. A. beautifuller B. more beautiful C. beautiful D. more beautifuler 4. lam. than my sister. A. heavy B, more heavy C. heavier D. more heavier 5. She is coming....... «than |. A. earlier B, more early C. early than D. more earlier 6. My headache is..................than it was last week. A. good B. worse C. worst D. more better | 7. My television is.................. his television | A. modern B. more modern C. moderner than _D.more modern than 8. The weather today i8....1.....-+:0snit was yesterday. A. bad than B. bader than C. worse than D. worst than 9. John is........seeseseeeeethan David. A. cleverer B. more cleverer C. clever than D. cleverer than 10. Class ZAT has ....:-+.sse+e+s++++-Students than class 7A2. A. much B. many C.alot D. more 4 So Big 4-8 a8 tye tra 4 kV nang Nghe -nOI-dge -vi6iéng Anh (Ca ban va nang cod) iep 6tap TY BY BED choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting and correct it. o 1. There are a cat and a dog near the table. A B c D 2. The bank is between the hotel with the museum. AB i% D 3. There is two drug stores in that street. A B c oD 4. Is there a photocopy store to the left your house? A B c oD 5. The food here is more delicious as that in my hometown. A B Cc D Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjectives in the box. bad cool important dangerous good 1, The weather is .. in the north of Viet Nam than in the south. 2.15 0 snake oo. sesesssseesseesseeseedhan @ dog? 3. Doing our homework is . than reading a novel 4. She's not very happy. Her exam results are . .uthan her sister's. 5. Let's go to Da Lat. The weather's there is...... . than that in Hanoi. 60 Y big 4-86 a8 tyKidm tra 4Ky nding Nahe -nél- doc vi iéng Anh (Cd ban va ng cae) lép 6tap 1 and they are also honest and well-behaved. | have got a nextdoor neighbor. He is y | live in a city. | have many neighbors. All of them are very co-operative, help | about 40 (1)... ss..0ld, His name is Md. Murad. He is a reputed lecturer of Bangladesh Isami University. He is @ lecturer of English (2)... » He is welleducated, wellbehaved ond welldressed. His wife is a lecturer of Ramgong Government College. They have a sweet (3) i Q Her name is Ruma. She { is my best friend. | pass my leisure with her. They are also good teachers for mine. In | ¢ ' } ; their leisure time they teach me. When | face any problem, | go to their flat to solve my (4)... essa My neighbor enjoys peace and happiness in life. A social life | cannot 1 be successful and profitable without a good next door (5)... Read the passage, decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F), then answer the questions below. important and it does definitely have an impact on what we are and how and where we live in. | live in @ great and wonderful neighborhood. It is very pleasant and has many facilities. With a good park nearby, making it the main attraction, our neighborhood also has many other added bonuses. The grocery store is nearby which makes it easy for all residents to make an immediate purchase, we have a bus stop close by, so that people do not have to travel long for means of transportation, The park is what makes it alot more beautiful as it is well maintained and makes it a gathering place for all my | We all live in a society and are all bound to a neighborhood. Neighborhood is very neighbors in the evening for chit chatting and playing for kids. There is good air and we enjoy the evenings while we are at this park. Big 4 - BO d8 tu kidm tra 4 KY nna Nghe -néi- doc - vi6t éng Anh (eo ban va nong cao) lap stop 1 Y OT A. True/ False statements. ~~~ 1. Neighborhood plays an important role in humans life __ 2. The grocery store is for from his house 3. He needs to travel a long distance if he wants to go to the bus stop sens 4. People often chat and play at the park nearby { 5. He really enjoys the evenings in the park B, Answer the questions 1. How is the neighborhood? 2. What is the main attraction of the neighborhood? 3. What can people do at the grocery store? 4, Which place can gather the neighbors in the neighborhoods? q ; 4 ; ; ; } } | 5, |s there anything interesting in the evenings? What is it? | 2 Y big 4 BO a8 iy km Wad ky Neng Nghe -ndi- doe - Vist Eng Anh (60 bn ve nang ca0) Tp 6 1G 1 Where do you live now? What are there in that area? How Choose from the fable what your neighborhood has and how is it there. Circle the words. Then add more words about your neighborhood that are not listed in the table in the given place. Places and things Description so ang 7 1 = eee pagoda charity shop lamppost | exciting safe fresh temple dress shop pedestrian interesting | unsafe polluted town gift shop barbers boring noisy modern square cinema beauty salon convenient quiet historic subway supermarket. —_chemist’s. peaceful bakery high street green-grocers museum petrol station | sports-shop store police station health center antique-shop \ Now tell your partner more details about your neighborhood. You should base on some suggestions below: - Where is it? - How is it like? - What are the special places in that area? - What can people do/play/see/enjoy there? - What do you like most in your area? - |s it easy to get there? How? 6 E. LISTENING 60 /su8.. a aust ma QR dé nghe You are going to hear the directions to some places. First, look at the pictures below cand match them with the phrases given in the box. A B Cc D E a: t 4 = F G H ! J = ) 1. Turn left ceva 6. Go past 2. Take the second left ........ 7. Roundabout | 3. Turn right . 8. Traffic lights | 4. Take the second right ....... 9. Next fo | 5. Go straight on — 10. Opposite L © 64 Y big 4-86 48 ty eben tro ing Anh (CO Ban va nding €40) 16P 6 t6p | 1, Now look at the map below. Listen to 4 speakers. Write the place that the speaker gives direction to. Kings Road King’s Road le ; a Graon Streot j Groen Strect me 8 8 amma % (© _Youanetere } 1. Speaker A gives directions to the 2. Speaker B gives directions to the ....... 3. Speaker C gives directions to the 4. Speaker D gives directions to the .. 2. Listen again and fill the gaps with the correct word to complete the directions. straight Qo eceeeeeeeseeseessspast the traffic lights. 3. It's the building next to the library ................ the left. 4, .. the roundabout, turn left. the first left on to Green Street. the traffic lights and take the . fight on to King’s Road. Big 4 BO dB ty Km fra 4 kj nng Nghe -ndl- doc - vidi HEng Anh (ed ban vai nang cao) poten 1Y 65 mp Write comparative sentences using the given words. 1. Da Nang/ green/ Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. 2. Hang Bong street/ clean/ Hang Ga street, 3. The way to the sports shop/ far/ the way to the department store. Seen : 4. My neighborhood/have/many interesting places/his neighborhood. 5. The weather in Sapa/ fresh/ cool/ the weather in Hanoi. 3. Write an email to your friend (80-100 words) and describe your favorite place in © Vietnam. You should base on the suggestions below: What is your favorite place in Vietnam? - Where is it? - How the people are? - How the streets are? - How the weather is? - Why is it special to you? - How to get there? 66. Big 4-86 48 Ky kiém ra 4 Ky Neng Nghe = néi- doc - vidtHiéng Anh (cO ban va nding cao) lop 6 tap 1 Love, ..{Your signature) = : — Big 4-89 dB tyKdém tro 4 ky nGng nghe -ndl- doe - vii tiéng Anh (eo ban vai néng cao) Kip 614m 1 Y 67 Unit ) NATURAL WONDERS OF THE -mmozoen iA Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. forest B. bench C. lend D. chest 2. A. bake B. take C. cake D. natural 3. A. plant B. hat C. map D. cap 4. A. nest B. question C. coast D. first 5. A. biggest B. island C. August D. cost Find the word which has the different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. backpack ——_B. cuisine C. diverse D. essential 2. A. forest B. island C. mountain D. convenient 3. A. valley B. thrilling C. fantastic D. waterfall 4. A. plaster B. appearance C. wonder D. modern 5. A. champion B. castle C. river D. polluted WORLD 68 Big 4- B6.aB ts kid tra 47 nang AGH -nél- age -vdtténg Anh (ea bn ve nang cao) Tem 6 TOT Ba = VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Find the odd one out. 1. A. spring B. building C. autumn D. winter 2. A. amazing B. interesting C. doing D. boring 3. A. mountain B. lake C. river D. pond 4. A. long B. tall C. waterfall D. deep 5. A. stronger B. biggest C. largest D. smallest 6. A. wet B. hot C. season D. dry 7... Sahara B. Mekong River C. Fansipan D. London 8. A. street B. dangerous C. crowded D. narrow @ Put the correct form of the word in the following sentences. 1.Great Wall is one of the.........0.....+00+.wonders of the world, (nature) 2. My parents are proud of me because I'm a ......::-+++ssinger. (fame) 3.Itisan...... --selandmark of the world. (amaze] 4. This river is so ... (length) 5. They are going to . ....a new bridge near here. (building) 6. like the ... of the romantic river. (beautiful) Give the name of the following pictures use the given word in the box. scissors compass plaster sleeping bag forest waterfall — cave desert Big 4- 85 d8 ty kiém tra 4 ky nang Aghe -ndi- doc - vit iéng Anh (od ban varnang cao) ip btn 1 69 dry heavy bright bad SC ONOAaAR WN 10. early smaller the smallest "FO Y Big 4-86 48 19am ta 4 KF nding Nghe -ndl- Goo - Wi Tiéng Anh (Cd ban vaniing cae) (Op 6180 1 Put the following words into comparatives or superlatives. 1. That building is «sss in the neighbourhood. (high) 2. Aunt Janet is .........cessess+-than all women here. (old) 3. My bicycle is «02.0... sessethings | own. {nice) 4, The Komodo dragon is «.........++++++++-lizard in the world. (large) 5. Mt. Denali is . mountain peak in North America. (high) 6. The panther is ssethan the giraffe (fast) 7. Butterflies are . insect. (light) 8. The Nile River is . .athan Red River. (long) 9. Russia is .. in the world. (big) 10. Sahara is the world’s ...............desert, (hot) Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to complete the sentences. 1. The cave is very dark, you should bring the ...... with you. A. torch, B. compass C. sleeping bag D. hat 2. Mount Everest is the highest mountain the world. A.on B. in C. at D. of 3. She is going to introduce some .... ..wonders of the world tomorrow. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. unnaturally A. Ba Be lake is .............:0:0+4-.lake in Viet Nam. A. the larger B. the largest C. larger D. largest 5. Travelling on mountains is really dangerous, so you ....... go alone. A. should B. can C. must D. mustn't 6. YOU ssevesssssssseseeseepick up flowers in the school garden. A. must B. mustn't C. can’t D. should 7. \fyou wantto protect your skin from the sunlight, you should use some... A. scissors B. ice-creams C. sun cream D. pain killers 8. Sam Son is cheaper, but | think Nha Trang beach is interesting A. more B. most C. the most D. the more 9. The trip to Thailand Was .........:.sessse+s1e++sexperience in my life. A. the better B. the good C. the best D. best 10. We use «+, fo cut papers or something A. scissors B. valley C. plaster D. compass Big 4- B6 8 ty kiém tra 4 ky nang Nghe -ndi- doc - vi tiéng Anh (co bn vé nang cao) kép 6 tgp 1 Y 71 ¢. READING Read the passage carefully and fill in the blank with one suitable word to complete the passage. Then circle T (True) or F (False). | am going (1) Hoi An for this summer vacation. People say that the weather in Hoi An is very nice. The people there are really kind (2) friendly. The ancient town of Hoi An is on the t river ar Tho Bon, more than 30 kilometres to the south of Da Nang ; | Hoi An is famous (3)........ old temples, pagodas, tiled-roof houses and narrow streets. Tourists he relics of Sa Huynh and Cham civilization They can also (4)..... «+. the beautiful scenery of the river Thu Bon, Cua Dai beach, etc. In recent years, Hoi An has become a very popular tourist destination in Viet Nam. Hoi An was known (5)........ a world heritage site in 1999 : B, Circle T (True) or F (False) ~—~~.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 1. The writer is going to Hue for this summer vacation. 1/F 2. Hoi An is the ancient town, T/F 3. Itis famous for high building. VF ; 4. Tourists can visit old temples, pagodas and tiled-roof houses here. T/ F } 5. Hoi An was recognized as a world Heritage site in 1999 VF j Read about Da Nang City and answer the questions. Da Nang has a population of nearly 800,000 people. The Han River flows through the city. The city part on the east bank is the newest and more spacious. The city part on the west bank is more crowded. There are five bridges across the river. The Han River Bridge is the newest one now. The cost of living in Da Nang is the lowest in Central Viet Nam. Da Nang has many beaches. Among them, Non Nuoc Beach is one of the beautiful beaches in the world. But walking in the street on a summer afternoon is not a good idea in Da Nang. There are not many trees so there are not many shadows. It is often very hot at noon. 1. What is the population of Da Nang? 2. Which part of the city is more spacious? 3. Which part of the city is more crowed? 4. Which bridge is the newest? 5. What is Non Nuoc Beach like? ‘Big 4-86 a tv Kibm trad ky nang Hane -nél- doc vid léng Anh (ea ban waning cas) lop 610m 1 Y 73 D. SPEAKING Work in pairs and do a role-play. One is student A, the other is student B. Tell your partner about the natural wonder based on the information given in the card. Student A: i The Amazon Forest - largestforest in the world about 5.5 million km2 = 200 species of mammals, = 1,800 species of birds, and more than 3 thousand of plants. - humid and rainy weather = take day hikes and canoe trips - visit jungle wildlife Student B: ‘ The Sahara Desert - largest and hottest desert in the world - about 9.4 ion km2 - very few plants and animals - very windy, sand storms, only a little rain ride camels - see desert landscape You should base on some suggestions below: Now tell your partner what travel items he/she should prepare for the trip to the © Amazon Forest/ The Sahara Desert. plaster, walking boots, painkillers, sun cream, scissors, sleeping bag, compass, rain coat, umbrella, coat, jacket, etc. 74 Y big 4-86 6 WVhidm Waa ky nang Nahe -AGI-doc - Vit Héng Anh (Ca ban va nding ca0) ep 6 Top T UNS _E. LISTENING ¢) ‘aver ma QR dé nghe You are going to hear a travel agent introducing two places in Vietnam. First, match the pictures below with the names of the places. ——— ——— 1. Mount Fansipan . Tam Dao Nation Park Phu Quoc Island Cuc Phuong National Park Co To Island onR ON Son Doong Cave Do you know where the places are in Vietnam? 1, Now listen and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1, Itis 85km from Tam Dao to Hanoi center. 2.YoucangotoTamDaobyairplane, staan 3. There is no church in Tam Dao. 4. Hill chicken is a special dish of Tam Dao. 5. The trip to Tam Dao is cheap. 2. Listen again and fill the blank with a missing word. Tam Dao is 85km far from Hanoi center. It takes (1).. .-hours to get there. You can go by motorbikes, cars, (2)..................., or taxies, Getting there, you can visit Tam Dao National Park, ancient church, Van (3)... Silver Waterfall, Sky Gate. 76 Y Big 4-86 a8 iwkidm nad KY nang Nghe -n6l- doo -viél Héng Anh (cd ban ve nang Gao) 1p 6 tap 1 i Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. The Amazon rainforest is larger than any other rainforests in the word. — The Amazon rainforest 2. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the greatest pyramid in the world. — The Great Pyramid of Giza 3. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. > The Nile .. 4. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world — No mountain ... 5. Ha Long bay is nicer than any other bays in Vietnam = Halong eee Write an email (80-100 words) to your friend, to tell him/her about Son Doong Cave in Vietnam. You should base on some suggestions below: - The largest cave of the world - In the heart of Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province - About 3 million years old - Open to public in 2013 - 5 km long, 200m tall, 150 m wide -Go trekking, camping Big 4-86 a8 ty kiém tra 4 ky nang nghe -ndl- doc - vidi ng Anh (ca ban va nang cao) 6p 61am 1 Y 77 love, {Your signature) 78 Y big 4-66 48 ty kiém tra 4 ky nang Nghe -ndi- doc - vist tiéng Anh (eo ban va nang cao) 16 4 16p 1 i lion a R TET HOLIDAY BED Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. A. decorate . A. December . A. travel . A. pagoda OoRon . A. follow B. celebrate century B. B. lantern B. comb B. mother C. market D. telephone C. cook D. cinema C. candle D. party C. sofo D. chose C. lovely D. come Find the word which has the different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. blossom 2. A. decorate 3. A. apricot 4. A. furniture 5. |. A. flower © B. calendar B. gathering B, pagoda B. relative B. celebration C. celebrate D. Korean C. historic D. rooster C. festival D. onion C. apricot D. tradition C. family D. lucky Big 4-86 dB ty kd ea 4KV Nang Agho -néi - doc - vidt iéng Anh (6d Bn va nGng eso) lep 6 191 Y 79 “ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Put the following words about Tet into these columns. jews egg.SSt*~*~ti@iS*«i quatre ~—~—~rother | candy flower market blossoms pagoda | grandparents Chungcake —_relatives lucky money fruits | balloon Red envelope envelope —ihometown cousin Things Places Food People Y Match the following verbs with the suitable words. give a. the kumquat tree 2. make b. special food 3. decorate c. lucky money 4, receive d. Chung cakes 5. drink e. relatives 6. plant f. juice 7. visit g. the house 8. enjoy h. postcards. 1 ze 3 Aoccscsesssssssseeeees 5 6. 7, 8 BOY ig 486 G8 ty wm tad KV nang Nghe - AGI doc - vib dng Anh (69 bain v8: ning G00) l6p 6 18 1 @ Find and correct the mistakes. 1. It is raining heavily outside. You shouldn't bring your raincoat. A B Cc D 2.She always give presents to her parents on Tet holiday A BC D 3. She will helps her mother decorate the house before Tet. A B Cc D BR . don't think that lucky money can bring us good and bad luck. A B Cc D 5. . The New Year Festival in Thailand is on April. Itis very hot. A B cD ll in the blanks with the correct form of words. 1. They (buy)... ....some twinkle lights to decorate the house tomorrow. 2. He (visit)............ sesseher uncle last year. 3. Look! The boys (Watch)...........0605 fireworks. 4, He can (put)... this peach tree. 5. I hope all your dreams (become)......::...:s:sssessees0edte, 6. In Korea, people (wear). Hanbok on their New Year's Day. 7. My mother (clean).... sand (decorate)... sathe house on Tet holiday. 2 . Vietnamese people shouldn't (break)... 9. We (celebrate}.......... 10. The first footer (be). cece things at Tet. ...0 big festival last year. ..the person who brings good or bad luck. BIg 4-86 8 tw hm Tradiky nang Nghe -ndl- dos vii héng Anh (Ga ban ve nang cao) 6p 61a” BT BBD Look at the pictures then write sentences with should or shouldn’t. F deopallday raise your hand in class clean the house | study hard eat too much candy make your bed 4 i. _ You > You . _ cs cM > Hb i. You 82 Y big 4-86 a8 1ykiém tra 4 Ky nding Nghe - nd - doc - vist ting Ann (co ban va nang cao) lop 6 tp 1 Choose the best answer. 1. The American exchange a midnight kiss ....someone they love. B. with C.on D. of 2. A lot of people don’t eat shrimps .......+:eesseeeee New Year's Day. A.on B. at C. in D. from ..ducks on New Year's Eve. 3. Vietnamese people never. A. eats B. has C. eat D. grow 4. A midnight kiss can lot of money. A. brings B. bringing C. to bring D. bring 5. Children shouldn't lie to .. parents. A. them B. their C. his D. her 6. At Tet people wish each other a .... Nd veeesceee life. A. long / unhealthy B, short/ healthy C. long/ healthy D. big/ bad 7. January 1st is a day when people in Europe and America .... new year. A. see B. remember C. celebrate D. spend 8. Children in Viet Nam always ........ relatives on New Year's Day. .lucky money from their parents or A. get B. take C. bring D. give Big 480 dB hy Km a4 Ky nang Nahe -néi- doo - wi dng Anh (eoiban v8 nding cao)l6p 6 tap 1 Y 83 _C. READING Read the passage and do the tasks below. Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a festival which happens in late January or early February. Before Tet, people usually clean and decorate their homes. They go to the market to buy candy, jams or dried water melon seeds. They also wear new beautiful clothes at Tet. They often buy peach blossoms and marigolds which are traditional flowers on Tet holiday . Tet is a time for family members to gather and have some special meals with special food such as sticky rice cakes. People often visit relatives and close friends on the second day of the holiday. 3 4 2 4 4 : } ‘ ‘A. Answer the questions ~~~ 1. What do people do before Tet? 3. What do they often buy on Tet holiday? 4. Who do they visit on the second day of the holiday? ; ' : 2. Do they buy any candy and jams? 848g 4-86 48 ty hid fra A ky nang Nghe -A6- dae - vbH ing Anh (Gd ban va nang cad) 6p ta 1 {3 B. Decide if the statements below are true (T] or false (F)| ~~~. 1 Tet is the most important celebration in Vietnam. 2.Tet happens in early January. 2 3.People often visit relatives and close friends on the first Boece day of New Year 3 4.Vietnamese people wear new clothes at Tet. Ln e Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in the blank. «festival in Viet Nam. It is occasion for Tet is a national and (1) . every Vietnamese to be reunited to think (2) .... «heir past activities and hope for good luck in the year fo come. Before Tet all houses are white washed and (3) .. .-..With yellow apricot flowers and colorful lanterns. Everybody is looking forward to a more favorable life. On the New Year's Eve, children are smartly dressed. They are hoping to (4)...... they are wishing longevity (5)... . their grandparents and parents. } } ; : ‘ ; money put in small red envelopes as | ; 1.A. traditional B. modern C. music D. summer B. after C. about D. for 3. A. decorate B. decorates C. decorating D. decorated 4. A, buy B. receive C. sell D. make 5. A. for B. to C. with D. from Big 4 BO a8 tu kiém tra 4 ky nding nghe -ndl- doc - vidi Hing Anh (co ban ve ndng cao)lep 61a 1Y 86 CLM”) } Work in pairs and do a role-play. One is student A, the other is student B, Based on the information given in the cards, tell each other about what you do during Tet holiday. Student A: © Before Tet: =, - Clean the house ° - Go to the supermarket with mother to buy food and drink | © During Tet = Go to pagoda - Visit grandparents and relatives - Visit teachers and close friends Studen * Before Tet: -Tidy my room a - Go to Nhat Tan village with father to buy a Kumquat tree * During Tet - Go to HoanKiem lake to see fireworks -Go to hometown. Now tell your partner about what you and your friends should or shouldn't do during Tet. You should base on some suggestions below: - What should/ shouldn't you do before Tet? - What should/ shouldn't you do during Tet? © 86 Y 8g 4-66 a Ay kiém ra 4 KY RaING Ah -neI- doc - vid 1g Anh (60 ban va nang 200) lap 6 tap T E. LISTENING 4) Bw a eee . Gud ma i QR dé ngho You are going to hear Nam talking about what he and his brother will do to prepare for Tet holiday. First, make a guess about what Nam will do and what his brother will do. Write in the space given below. a. sweep the floor b. clean the floor c. clean the sofa d. wash clothes e. hang up clothes £. plant some small trees g. plant some flowers 2 Nam: Nam’s brother: ... 1. Now listen and decide what Nam will do, what her brother will do, and what both of them will do. = [ Nam's brother Sweep the floor Clean the floor Clean the sofa Wash clothes Hang up clothes Plant some flowers and trees 2. Listen again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) 1. Nam ‘s brother likes to clean the floor. 2. Nam's brother will wash clothes by hands. 3. Their house has a big garden. Big 4 BO dB ly kiém iad kV nding Nghe -ndI- doc - vist Hing Anh (Gd bén vei néng 600) 0p 6 to 1 Y 87 F. WRITING ~/ i Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. During Tet holiday, Hanoi is much colder than Ho Chi Minh city. ~+ During Tet holiday, Ho Chi Minh city is 2. No one is happier than children when Tet holiday comes, > Children are oo... cece eeeee 3. Itis good for adults to give lucky money to children at Tet. fo, Aciulis) should perseressrerrenrrenersmeeres 4. Itis not good for people to stay overnight outdoors during Tet. — People should not. 5. Men shouldn't drink a lot of wine and beer during Tet. S ltis.... ip Write a letter to your friend (80-100 words) and tell him/her what you will do this Tet holiday, You should base on some suggestions below. - Before the Tet? + What will you do? + Where will you go? + Who will you do it/go with? - During the Tet? +What will you do on the 1, 2%! and the 3 day of the Tet? +Where will you go on the 1°, 24 and the 3" day of the Tet? +Who will you do it/go with? 88 Y Big 4-85 a8 tyadm tro 4 KY nGNG Nghe -néi- dgc - vt éng Anh (ed ban va nang caG) Ns ap T love, (Your signature} Big 4-89 dB ty hid tra 4 Kj nding Nghe -n6l- doc - vi6t ng Anh (Gd ban va néng coo) Idp 6161 69 se SY i ra =I (Units 4, 5, 6) 3 5, 1 2 3 4 5 Lo “90 A. equipment 2. A. centimeter A. burst 4. A. celebrate A.chance A. pedestrian A. cathedral A. fireworks A. exciting A. incredible B. experiment C. excellent B. corn C. city B. coast C. question B. federation C. market B. chocolate C. chin i Choose the word with the different stress pattern. B. subway C. drugstore B. police C. antique B. festival C. dancer B. polluted C. noisy B. suburb C. backyard ib Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 1. D. expensive D. central D. suggest D. fed D. backache D. bakery D. noisy D. convenient D. expensive D. difficult Big 4-8 dB ty kibm tra 4 k¥ nang Nghe -ndi~ Gg - vi6t én Anh (eo Ban va ndng coo) lap 6 1G 7 Lt Match the definition in column A with the phrase in column B. A B 1. A person who lives next door. a. Relatives 2. Itis a place where we buy stamps, envelopes or send letters. b. Neighbor 3. A person who travels around the world and visit interesting c. Fireworks places. 4. You visit them on Tet holiday. d, Post office 5. Something you see in the sky at night in festivals. e. Tourist Tae 2a) Soe 4 QR Put the following words into the correct comparison. 1. Isa tiger... sethan a rabbit? (dangerous) 2. We went to Da Nang for holiday because the weather there Was... ssseseethan that in Hai Phong city. (wonderful) 3. In my opinion, life in a city ig .....s..++++s-seethan that in the (noisy) countryside. 4. He is .....sssseeees.student in his class. (good) 5, Fansipan is ............+++++mountain in Viet Nam (high) ” Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1.The streets are very busy and noise every day because sess A B Cc there are many shops. D Tig 4-86 dB 1VKiém fra 4k nag Nghe -nél- doc - vd" Hkéng Anh (eo ban va néng Cao) Kip 6 1G 1 Y 91 2.He must makes his bed after he wakes up every day. A B Cc D 3.My new school is most modern than my old one. A B Cc D 4.You must walk on grass when you see the sign “No walking” A B Cup 5.We travelled to Singapore with our family next week. A B c D @ Choose the best answer A,B,C, or D. 1. Which country is ......... , Viet Nam or Japan? A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest 2. You should bring a . you may lose your way. - with you when you walk into a forest because A. camera B. torch C. phone D. compass 3. You can buy fruits and vegetables ina .......... A. cinema B. post office C. hospital D. grocery sto the nearest hotel? A. tell/ road B. show/ way C. tell/ street D. show/ road. 5. Life in the city is more. A, Could you vassessssseennste the .. .than that in the countryside. A. convenient B. b C. quitter D. boring 6. There are a lot of amusement parks .... .our neighborhood. A. on B. in D. in front of 7. You can improve your health by doing ... . activities, A.indoor B. outdoor C. outside D. inside 8. There is a theatre . Nguyen Du Street. First go straight, then fone left. A. in/ take B. on/ turn C. at/ turn D. by/ take "92 Y Big 4-86 a8 ty bm trod Ky nOng Nahe =n) gc - vB ng Anh (Ga ben ve nang 650) 15D 61D 1 c 9. Ayres Rock is not the... =.mountain ... the world. A. higher/ in B. highest / in C. higher/ on D. highest/ on 10. When New Year comes, people in different countries always wear their clothes. A. tradition B. normal C. ordinary D. traditional Dp Choose the suitable word to put into each blank. {- wonders “art gollery neighborhood aly contre waterfall . It's the most marvelous .. . ean see a lot of shopping centres in my Hanging Garden of Babylon is one of the most famous .... An... in the world. is a place where we can look at so many paintings. OnRon = The new railway station is inconvenient for us because it’s very far from the ig 4-89 a8 tu kiém tra 4 kV nding nghe -néi- doc - vit dng Anh (Ca ban vndng 600) Kp 61m 1 93 Read the passage and do the tasks. My name is Ben and | come from Australia, | am 24 years old and | live in a small town near Sydney called Branton, | don’t have a job now, but normally | work as a delivery man . | live with my very beautiful wife , Maria, in a nice house in Branton. We don’t have any child...maybe next year. My wife is an actress, but she isn’t very famous. She acts in a small theatre in our town. At the weekend, we like to {go swimming in a big lake near our house. | normally get up at eight o'clock, but on { Thursday | get up at six o'clock because that is the day when | go running in the park. i 1. Ben lives in Sydney, Australia. 2. He is 25 years next year. 3.His normal job is cleaning the window. 4, Ben is single. | _5.He doesn! ‘have any child é SB. Answer the question. ~~ 1, Where does his wife work? 2.What is his wife ‘s name? 3.When do they go swimming ? 4, What time does Ben usually get up? 5. Does he get up late on Thursday? ie a 90 Y big 4-8 G8 Wyld trad kV nBNG NGhe -ndI-doo - wid téng Anh (eo ban va nang coo) lap 6 Top 1 B Choose the best replies for the questions. 1.What shall we do this afternoon? a. Let's play football 2.It's your bicycle, isn’t it? b. No, let’s take the bus. It’s coming 3.They'll go abroad next year, won't they? c. No, it isn’t, Mine is over there. 4.Shall we walk there? d, Certainly. Go straight, then turn left: 5.Can you tell me the way to the library e. They're playing football outside. 3 please. f. Yes, they will. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer NOISY NEIGHBORS Do you sometimes have problems with your neighbor such as noise or littering? | Well, the people of Filton Somerset, England have such problems every summer. For three or four days every year, the village is full of people of all ages who come here { for the annual Glastonbury pop music festival. They usually stay in tents, caravans and { motorhomes. They leave drink cans and papers all over the street. The music plays $ until the early hours of the morning, and you can hear people talking and singing all } } night. The quiet country village becomes a nightmare to live in and some villagers } } are even thinking of moving to another village. A villager said that last year; “I don’t want to stop the Glastonbury Festival. | just want the fans to enjoy the festival without disturbing normal village life” 1. What happen in Pilton Somerset every summer? A. The neighbors are noisy. B. There are many villagers. C. There is a pop music festival. D. the villagers litter the street. 2. Visitors litter the street with........ es $A tents B. caravans C. motorhomes _D. cans and papers { 3. How long is the pop music festival every year? A. one night B. The whole summer C. Three or four days D. The whole year } 4, What is Pilton like during the rest of the year? } A. Anoisy place B. Aquietvillage — C. Anightmare D. A music concert { 5. The villagers just Want f0 esos see } A. have a normal life as usual B. stop the fans enjoy the festival : C. move far away D. put an end to the festival Big 4-89 8 ty kiérn tra 4 ky nang Nghe -ndl- dgc - Vi dng Anh (ca ban vainang cao) ep 6tep 1 Y 95 SPEAKING ~~ Lc In the space given below, draw a map of the way to your home from school. | | | / | | | i | i | i i Dp Work in pairs and do a role-play. Use your map and give your friends directions © from school to your house. Then, change the roles and listen to your friend telling about how to get to his/her house from school. 96 Vg 4-86 a8 ty Kem tra 4 Ky nGng AGhe -ndl «dg vt iBng Anh (Gdban va nang 60) op Stop 1 a E. LISTENING () aust ma QR dé nghe You are going to hear a travel agent talking about the activities that you can do on Phong Nha Ke Bang four. Listen and put the following events in the correct order. a. Return to Farmstay ) b. Relax with some drinks and music c. Explore Phong Nha cave d. Have dinner e. Take a walk in the jungle Listen again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1, People will explore Phong Nha Ke Bang by bus. sessssseeesee 2. There is a Botanic garden in Phong Nha Ke Bang 3, They have live music 3 times a day. sevsseenseee fig 4-86 d8 ly idm tra 4 ky nang Nghe -n6l- do - viding Anh (ca bin veindng cacy lop tap 1. 97 ad Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 1. supermarket/ will/ my /10/ there/next/ be/ o/ house. 4. at/ become/ nosier/ streets/weekends. 5. is/ the/ year/ hottest/ summer/ the/ season/ in. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. ° 1. The Nile is longer than any other rivers in the world ~ The Nile. 2. Itis good for people to exchange New Year's wishes at Tet. > People... 3. Leeds castle is the loveliest castle in the world. ~ No castle ..... 4. Itis good for us to keep our places clean. > We should .. 5. Bluesky is the tallest building in my area. + No building ... bt iiém ia 4ky nang Nghe -Ael- dgc dh WSng Anh (Gabon we néng Gao) Wp 1H 98 VB04- 65 Write an email (80 - 100words) to your friend and tell him/ her about at least three things that you like most in your living area. Dear... Love, ...-.(Your signature) Big 4-86 d8 ty kim tra 4 Ky nding nghe -ndi- doc - vit tiéng Anh (co ban va ndng cao) lép 6 tap 1” 99 Review 1. A. reason 2. A. island 3. A. great 4. A. celebration 5.A. price 1. A. cathedral 2. A. reliable 3. A. fantastic 4. A. equipment 5. A. January ® B. opposite C. season B, silent C. decide B. team C. tea B. condition C. question B. century C. celebrate FEB choose the word with the different stress pattern. B. neighborhood —_C. office B, serious C. curious B. historic C. polluted B. advice C. badminton B. October C. july rs) Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined port, 9 i) sensitive poster season competition calculator hospital ser e peaceful environment myself 100 Y 89g 4-66.48 17kibm tak? ning nghe - nl - doc wd iéng Ann (ca ban va rng Goo) 1p 616m 1 a 3 4. 5. _& VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR ‘BLD Match the definition with the suitable phrase. 1. A large thick bag for sleeping in, especially when you are a. desert camping. 2. A feeling when you live in a modern house with modern b. sleeping bag appliances. 3. A place which is dry and camels live there. c. forest A, People come there to worship for better things. d. cathedral 5. A place where there are a lot of green trees and wild . convenient animals. 2. 3... 5. @ Find the odd one out. 1. A. peaceful B. important C. success D. necessary 2. A. Sahara B. New York C.Halong Bay —_D. Big Ben 3. A. rooster B. baker C. runner D. writer 4. A. post office B. hospital C. grocery D. place 5. A. Korea B. Holland C. Scottish D. Australia @ Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences. 1. Are there some art galleries in your neighborhood? == i. A B Cc D 2. Life in the countryside is so boring because there aren't senes A B c many things doing there. D Be 4-86 a8 ty idm trad ky nding nghe -n6i- doe - iting Anh (co ban Va nang Can) lep eTOpTY TOT 3.The people in my neighborhood are incredibly friendly and kindly A BOC D 4.Today is the last day, so | mustn't give my teacher the mini project. A BoC D 5.What is the more convenient time of the year to visit Hoi An? A BOC D @ Put the following verbs into the correct tense. 1. We (travel).....sseees 2. The children and their mother (visit) ......... famous landscapes in Hoi An at the moment. «1: fo NhaTrang next month. se 3.How welll you (knOW)...-sssssssssssseeee about England? 4.You should (be)... live here. .amore friendly when you 5.The policeman (show). railway station. . me the way to the @ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. 1. We... the New Year at a different time each year, A. take B. celebrate C. propose D. give 2. | can’t go to your party now. I................after | finish my housework. A. come B. could come C. am coming D. will come 3. When the New Year comes, people always wear traditional Korean dress and wish each other do... eelife. A. health B. unhealthy C. healthy D. unhappy 4. Your father should .....................smoking because it is harmful to his health A. give out B. give up C. give to D. give on 5. On the occasion of New Year, | wish you a ...... life aNd ........essee0. health, A. long- best B. big: good C. long -good D. bad- good 102 V Big 4- 86 48 ty kid ra a kV nang Nghe -ndi- do - vid héng Anh (ed ban va ndng cao) ISp 6 rp 1 6. IF you don’t want to get lost, you should bring @ ..........- A. torch B. camera C. compass 7.. The islands in Ha Long Bay are named «.....sesssessseeeeeee Ain B. at C.on 8. London, the capital city of England, is a .. and beautiful parks. A. biggest B. bigger C. historic 9. Peach blossoms and apricot blossoms are my favorite .... A. food B. flowers C. fruits 10. This type of machine is ... A, much B. more C. most vecseawith you D. plaster things around us. D. after «++city with many old buildings D. history D. trees ..-economical than that one. D. the most Big 4-85 dB ty kiém tra 4 ky nang Nghe - Ndi - doc - vist Tiéng Anh (od ban va nang cao) [Gp 6 tp 1 Y 103. C. READING i Read the passage and choose T (true) or F (false). My name is Linh, Today | will tell you something about Tet, our traditional | festival. It is an occasion for every Vietnamese to have a good time. At Tet, people organize spring fairs. They also decorate streets, houses, and all shops brightly. At home, everything is tidy and clean. My mother offen cooks special food for family My father buys a kumauat tree. Children can get a lot of lucky money wrapped in a red tiny envelope. Tet is also a time for peace and love. During Tet, children offen behave well and friends, relatives and neighbors give each other best wishes for the new year, 1. Tet is a national festival in Viet Nam VF 2. Vietnamese people decorate their gardens brightly. /F 3. Her mother doesn’t cook anything special on Tet holiday, /F 4. Children can get lucky money wrapped in a black tiny envelope. T/F 5. Children behave well on Tet holiday. T/F GOOD NEIGHBOURS Neighbors (1)..........:s++-people who live near us and | never have any problems with them . They always make me feel comfortable, They never (2)... oe noise and play loud music (3)............. night. One of the (4) friendly to each other. We are always willing to help others. Help each others con form a friendly and harmonious relationship among the neighbors. We sometimes celebrate @ small and happy party together (5)... nme. Weekends. | must say important things is that they have a good living habit and are ; that | have very good neighbors. : 104 Vbiga ém fra 4 Ky nang nghe - n6l- dgc - vig iéng Anh (eo ban va ndng 6a0) lap 6 top T Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text. OAK CITY Oak City is a great city. There's so (1).. .....t0 do! There are cinemas, park and discos. I's got some great clothes and music shops (2). Oak City is very modern and beautiful. There aren’t any (3)... buildings and there's some beautiful scenery around the city. Is there any pollution in the Oak City? There isn’t much pollution (4)... there isn’t much traffic, Everyone travels (5)... bike and walks, so there aren’t many accidents. No one works, so everyone has got a lot of free time. Are there any unfriendly people in Oak City? No ~ so come and spend a litle ime herel 1. A. much B. many C. some D. any 2. A. neither B. either C. too D. so 3. A. beautiful B. ugly C. pretty D. unpleasant 4. A. 30 B. because C. although D. if 5. A.on B. in C. with D. by [ee Big 4~ BG dB Wy Kidm fra 4kV nding nghe -ndl- dc - vi fiéng Anh (eo ban wa ndng cao) Kip 6 tap 1 Y 105 D. SPEAKING we Look at the pictures below. Match them with their names. Tell your friend what countries/ regions are they in? A Cc E F Picture Name Country/ Region TajMahal ceseeseteenessene Great Wall ae The Colosseum Sora etiereey The Sahara Desert Mount Everest Winsor Castle 106 Y Gig 4-66 8 iy km ta 4K nang Nghe -ndl- apc -ViEHTng Anh (eo ban va n’ng Gos) Wop ISD 1 Now tell your friend about The Great Wall of China. You should base on some suggestions below: - the longest wall in the world - in Northern China - more than 2,300 years - 21,196.18 km long - Made of: stone, soil, brick, wood and other materials, = Made by: soldiers, peasants, rebels - to prevent invasion & to protect Silk Road trade - attract 70,000 visitors a day Big 486 a fy Hm ro AF ng” nghe Ndi doc - vii Hing Anh (C9 Bin wa nding a0) lap 6401 Y 107 E. LISTENING ¢) aust ma a TISEBER OR 48 ngho You are going to hear a man talking about the Great Pyramid of Giza and The Sahara desert. Listen and decide if the statements are true {T) or false (F). The Great Pyramid of Giza is near Cairo. Itis mostly made of brick. Its stones are only in small size. The Sahara Desert covers the North of Africa, = eR on The Sahara Desert has few plants but many animals, listen again and fill in the blank with missing information. 1. The Great Pyramid is about .............. sorsseeeeemetres high, 2. The Great Pyramid has a base of about «..........ccesssseee--.metres 3. The Sahara Desert is about «..........cccsece-.s.mnillion square kilometers. QL "TO8 Y big 4-86.48 tyiddm ta 447 nang Aghe -ndl- dpc vi ing Anh (ea bin vb nGng oon) Wp 6 eT yy F. WRITING . ip Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 1. the/ bigger/ my/ is/ much/ near/ the/ house/ than/ store/ department/ my/ house/ near/ one/ friend's, 2. dance/ like/ do/ to/ what/Tet/ dragon/ I/ watching/ at/ most/ is/. 3. shouldn't/ much/ we/ too/ buy/ and/ Tet/ drink/ food/ for. 4. friends/ holiday/ will/ 1/ and/ travelling/ visit/ Tet/ instead/ relatives/ of / grandparents/ my/ during. 5. from/ way/ farther/ house/ way/ the/is/ than/ the/ the/ to/ park/ to/ the/ my/ drugstore. i Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words, 1. No stadium in Vietnam is larger than My Dinh stadium > My Dinh stadium ... 2. The Nile river is slightly longer than the Amazon river. — The Amazon river . 3. Watching Kitchen God is more interesting than watching music shows. > Itis better to... 4. The town square in my city is much larger than the one in my friend's city. > The town square in my friend’s city . 5. My city has some historic places. His city has more. — His city has Big 4 BG 6 ty kiém tra 4 ky nding nghe = ndi- doc - vit ng Anh (ed ban va nding Gao) ap 6 ep 1 Y 109 Write an email (80-100 words) to your friend and tell him/her about at least three “things that you like to do most during Tet and explain why. love, esssessse{Your signature) 1S e eal Uo ming foe Voasoi bl i BASIC Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. from B. post office C. volleyball D. open 2. A. umbrella B. cut C. put D. funny 3. A. parents B. tables C. chairs D. boys 4. A. ideal B. different C. creative D. kick 5. A. close B. house C. dance D. sensitive Find the word which has the stress pattern pronounced differently from others. 1. A. decorate B. celebrate C. fascinate D. unfortunate 2. A. Chinese B. Scottish C. English D. Spanish 3. A-delicious B. exciting C. beautiful D. reliable 4. A. eraser B. neighborhood C. religion C. apartment 5. A. furniture B. relative C. apricot D. tradition fig 4-86 08 ty kim tra.4 ky nang nghe -nél- doc - vit tléng Anh (eo ban va nang cao) 16p 61601 111 LED Match the question in column A with the answer in column B. A B 1.What does your mother look like? «a. She has an expensive car. 2. Would you like a chocolate ice-cream? b. I can see two wardrobes. 3. What does your sister have? ¢. She has an oval face and long, 4. Are there any wardrobes in your brown hair apartment? d. Yes, sure. 5. What can you see in this photo? e. No, there aren't. 6. Can you pass me the salt, please. £. No, thanks. 2... 3... 5... 6... p Put the correct form of the following words. 1. | like the atmosphere in the countryside. It is so (peace) 2. John's ......00..0++.44-nimproved at his new school. (behave) 3. Hreally ........41+...t0 see my best friend come back (hopeful) from Hue. 4. Different colours are good for ........... rooms in (difference) your house 5. My mother always . our house when (decoration) the New Year comes every year. 112. ig 4-0 o tym a a7 GN Nghe -nl-aGC - vl Heg Anh (Ga bin nang Goo) Whe Teor Choose the best answer. 1. “What would you like to eat now?” = ......... A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Noodles, please D. Milk, please 2. your teacher®- Yes, she is very beautiful A.Do you like B.Do you want C. Would you like. How is 3. How... kilos of beef does she want? A.many B. much C. often D. about 4. Ineed some tea. Please give me a................., of tea. A bottle C. tube D. packet 5. How do they want ..... to work@- By minibus A. to go B. to travel C. to walk D. Both A and B 6. «.tonight?- Nothing A. What are you doing B. What are you going to do C. What do you do D. Both A and B 7. My brother and sister are coming home for Tet. We... -a great time. A. will have B. will to have C. don’t have D. are have 8. Itis raining heavily outside, so you ...go out for dinner. A. aren't B. should C. shouldn't D. will 9. Whatis.... ..-fegion in Viet Nam? A. the driest B. most dry C. the most dry D. drier 10. Ninh Binh is cheaper but | think Da Nang is...................interesting, A. the most b, the more C. more D. most i Look at the picture and choose one suitable word in the box to fi bridge island waterfalls “grandparent 1.The children in Korea bow to their. eee and elders to wish them a long and healthy life. Big 4-89 a8 ty kiém fra 4 ky nding Nghe -n6l- doe - vii iéng Anh (co ben var nang cao) Kip 6 Kee TY 113 2.TuanChau is the most beautiful in Viet Nam. B.they are building @ MeW vesssscesseeunear my neighbourhood 4. Angle is one of the most famous ........... in the world, Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 3 1. [like watching TV. There are a good film on TV tonight, A B Cc D 2. How many childs does your mother have? A BoC D 3. We have Geography every Wednesdays. AB c D 4, Ifyou climb the mountain, you will sees a lot of flowers. A BoC D 5. There are five bridge across Han River in Da Nang. A Boo D 114 Y Gig 4-06 a8 ty to 4k7 nang Nghe -néi- doc - vit tiéng Anh (Go ban va nang 00) 1p 6 tép 1 va a eee pres Leos Sy vssss Smith's room. You can see, his room is not very large. | are two chairs, a table, a bed, a wardrobe and a bookshelf in his room. The table is near (3) ........ window. There is an ink- pot, some books and an English- Vietnamese dictionary on the table. The bed is on the right. There are also some books and newspapers on the bed. The wardrobe is opposite the bed. Smith has many clothes. Those clothes are all in the wardrobe. The bookshelf is (4)..ceceseeseseeeseee the wall. There are many (5)... OM it ‘ ; ; ; ; 5 ; } ; ; 5 ; ; ; ) 2) B Read the passage and answer the questions. ° Hien and Hoa are students. They live in Viet Nam. There are four seasons in a year in their country. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. In the spring, the weather is usually warm. Sometimes it is cold, but not very cold. There are many flowers in this season. After spring, it is the summer. In the summer, the days are long and the nights are short, They offen go on vacation in the summer. Fall is nice season, The weather is often cool. In the winter, it is usually very cold. The days are short and the nights are long. They always wear warm clothes in the winter. eee Big 4 BO dB ty kiém ra 4 k¥ nang nahe -ndi- doc - vi6t ng Anh (co ban ve nGng ea0) Kop 6 tao TY 115; 1. How many seasons are there in their country? What are they? 2. What is the weather like in the spring? 3. What do they often do in the summer? 4. Are the days long or short in the winter? 5. What do they always wear in the winter? Read the passage and circle the best option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences. ° f There are four people in Minh’s family, his parents, his sister and him, Minh’s father is an engineer. Everyday he goes to work at 7 o'clock. Minh’s mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital in the town. She { goes to work at 6.30. Minh’s sister is a student at Hanoi {National University. She is twenty years old. Minh is [me twelve. He is a student at t Quang Trung School. 1. There are .. people in Minh’s family. A. three B. four C. five D. seven 2. His father is a(n) ... A. worker B. driver C. engineer D. teacher 3. His mother goes to work at... A. 6.30 B. 6.45 C.6.50 D.7 4. Minh’ sister is ... years old. A.12 C.22 D.21 5. Minh studies at A. Tran Phu School B. Le Duan School C. QuangTrung School D. Hanoi National University 116 V 8g 4-86 a8 iy idm roa RF rang ngne =n gow 1iéng Anh (eo ban vainéng cao) lap 6 tp 1 CZ”) Tell your friend about what you usually do on the 1* day of the New Year? You can base on some suggestions below: - What do you do in the morning/ afternoon/ evening? - Who do you do those things with? - What do you like to do most on the 1* of the New Year? Why? wD Now tell your friend what you think you will do to make the next Tet better than the ® oldone. You should base on some suggestions below: - What are unhappy things to you in the last Tet? - What will you do to avoid them? or to improve them? "Et Ting Anh (Ca ban va ning cacy lp 6 top 1 Y 117 S\ aut a QR dé nghe You are going to hear about a very special friend. Listen and decide which statement is true (1) or false (F}. 1. Daisy has one broken leg 2. Daisy uses her wheelchair to go to school. 3. Daisy is very hard-working. 4. Daisy is afraid of exams 5. Daisy is in the top 5 of the class { : _ - EB ten again and complete the sentences below with missing information. 1. Every day she goes to school by herself on a wheelchair. It takes her nearly +++ f0 get to school. 2. We do the test in 60 minutes, but she needs only .........eee--+- to finish it. 118 Y Big 4-86 a8 ty kiém tra 4 Ky nding, Nghe -néi- doc - viding Anh (ca bain va ndng cao) lOp6 Teo 1 ) aoe F. WRITING Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. 1. store/ take/ department/ to/ bus/ you/ should/a/ get/ to/ the. 3. will/ surprised/ when/ they/ people/ be/know/ Soon Dong/ about/ cave iD Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1, Each classroom in my school has one projector and one computer. = There is 2. We have a plan to visit him on Tuesday next week. > We are... seeneeaseaseenesenenesnsseanssensssseastesneessensssssssssenocees 3. Mary usually gets 8 for her Maths tests. Dave usually gets 10 for his Maths tests > Dave is . ooo Pe See 4. No pyramid in the world is greater than the Great Pyramid of Giza. + The Great Pyramid of Giza...... 5. Itwould be a good idea if we learn in groups to help each other. — Students should.........ccceeees Big 4- BO dB 1uKiém fra 4 kV Nang Nahe -AGI- doc - wid KEng Anh (co Ban wa nang G00) 1p 6 top 1 Y 119 aD Write an email (80-100 words) to your friend to describe your neighborhood. You should base on some suggestions below. - Where is it? - How is it like? - What are the special places in that area? - What can people do/play/see/enjoy there? - What do you like most in your area? - Is it easy to get there? How? Dear sssssey (Your signature} "120 Y big 4-86 a8 tyiidm tra 4 RNG Nghe -néi- doe - vid Tiéng Anh (co ban va nang Coo) 1Op6 tap T Noe em m ADVANCED BED Find the word which has a different sound in the part underline. 1. A.chimpanzee _B. school C. schedule D. stomach 2. A. phones B. students C. gardens D. bedrooms 3. A. shoulders B. couches C. buses. D. houses A. A. celebrate B. cities C. candidate D. centre 5. A. chemistry B. chin C. church D. check IEDD Find the word which has the stress pattern differently from others. 1, A. expensive B. talkative C. dependent D. creative 2. A. elbow B. patient C. advice D. picnic 3. A. tomato B. kumquat C. onion D. autumn 4. A. pagoda B. chimney C. cellar D. curtain 5. A. cushion B. playground C. station D. department ® a Big 4-06 8 Kv hiém fa 4Ky ning Nghe -nl- dgc -idl NEng Arh (co ban va nana Gao) Top 6D YY 121 — things _B. school things C. sports D. scissors & erasers O-2. A. bathroom B. living room C. bedroom D. toilet O--3. A. Korea B. Malaysia C. Singapore D. England O-4. A. building B. waterfall an C. cathedral D. skyscraper ‘Match the definition with the suitable phrase. lt has many letter and words. You use it to look up new words. a. neighbours 2.ltis a room in your school where you can see and borrow books. . friends 3.They are people who learn with you at school. c. pagoda 4.The people who live next to you. d. dictionary 5.You can visit and admire them on your holiday. e. library 6.You go there to worship for better things. F. landmarks leone Ae eects 5. . 6. 1p 6 top IED Put the following verbs into the correct tenses. 1. Ob, nol It (rain).......seesessssseee « ttalways (rain)... «0 lot in April 2. What csc your son usually (have) ..ufor breakfast? - Milk and bread. 3. They (visit)... s-utheir relatives on Tet holiday. 4. She (drink)... . My mother (give)......... ....Some apple juice yesterday. a .. me a new dictionary next week. @ Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences. Vy is really excited with her first day at school. A BC D 2. There are a living room, three bedrooms, a bathroom A B and two toilets in my house. Cc D 3. I'm going to HoanKiem Lake watching fireworks tonight. A BOC D 4. Tomis ag talkative student. He never talks in class. AB c D 5. There are many good restaurant and amusement parks A B Cc in.our neighborhood. D Big 4-89 a8 ty kiém tra 4 ky nding: nahe -ndl- doc - ist Héng Anh (od ban va nding cao) lop 6 op 1Y 123. i Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete these sentences. 1. My mother is ..... «the house with many bright lights. A. cleaning B. tidying C. decorating D. putting 2! He doesn't understand English. He should... English more. A. studies B. study C. studying D. to study 3. Peter is the... sseseessesStudent in his class. A. better B. best C. good D. bad 4, People believe that ........:.....:money in the New Year will be very lucky. A. receive B. received C. receiving D. to receiving 5. I'm angry because our neighbor plays music .every nights, A. loud B. heavy C. high D. big 6. ltoften rains in May. bring an umbrella with you. A. because B. but C. and D. so 7. Nha Trang beach is the .......... ..beach in Khanh Hoa. A. largest B. larger C. more large D. most large 8. Which city is...........14......beautiful, Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh? A. most B. the most C. more D. the more 9. The map ........:++:+++that the post office is in front of the art gallery. A. speaks B. says C. talks D. asks 10. Mary is d.......+1+1+0++8tudent. She can make a lot of toys with papers for her friends. A. talkative B. creative C. shy D. bossy 124 Y big 4-86 a8 Iker fa @V NGng Nghe -AGl- doc - vist Héng Anh (ea ban va nding Gao) lp 6p 1 el wold house, about 100 years old and it’s very small. There are two bed rooms upstairs but no bathroom. The bathroom is down stairs next to the kitchen and there (2)......-....:.... @ living room where there is a lovely old fire place. There is a garden in the house. The garden (3). -+.down to the beach and in spring and summer there are flowers everywhere. | like being alone (4).....c..:ce-e my dog, I live in a house near the sea. Itis (1)... Rack, but we have a lot of visitors. My city friends often stay with me. | love my house for (5) the garden, the flowers in summer, but the best thing is pS the view from my bedroom window. lLAa B.on D. the ‘ 2. Ais B. are C. be D. aren't \ 3. A. goes B. going C.go D. in goes ; 4. A. with B. of C. for D. out 3 1. He has lived in the house for 100 years. ve 3 2. There isn’t a bathroom in the house. 1/F | 3. The house has two gardens. ve} 4, His dog’s name is Rack. T/F i 5. The best thing he loves his house is the view from his bedroom window. VF ig 4-86 G6 ty kibm fra 4 KY néng nghe -ndi- doc - vi6ttiéna Anh (cd ban vei néng cao) K6p 6 Ke 1 125 Use the given words in the box to complete the following passage. There is ONE word you don't need to use: po different some watch sporty go | | listening do play chatting | (1). in (3). football, table tennis or badminton. Others (5)... .. students in my school are very (2)eo--see.-+- .. They take part activities after school. Some students usually (4)..... ng ig 8 .. swimming or jogging in 5 the park. Some students don’t like sports. They often go home and (6)... television. Sometimes, they like (7)... Internet. .. 0 music or (8}..... A football match Ilike football very much. Nowadays, itbecomes one of the most (1). games in the world, Football originated in China, which appeared about 2 or 3rd century BC. Peope need only a ball and 2 goals in a pitch to play a match, d : A football match often has (2) halves (parts). It lasts 9Ominutes. | Each part is 45 minutes. The first part is the first half. The second part is the second c half. There is a fifteen - minute break between the two halves. Football isa (3)....... «. Sport . There are two teams in a football match, each has 11 players, including a goal ~ keeper. There are 3 referees (1 main referee and 2 assistant referees) in a football match. Players pass the ball to each other by (4). . or heading it. The players on the ground try to kick the ball into the other's 's goal. The | team which scores more goals (5)....... sesesrseseee the match. 126 V tig 4-86 6 ty idm ira 4 KF nang Nghe -n6l- doe - id Sng Anh (co ban va nang Gao) 1p 6 Kop T

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