Reg No 190 2010 Financial Administration Regulation

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&o~lrl\ .

, ;J~T ;JtLtlJ
l/.. f1f:(H'>;' '1,,,,,1,
<VI M'I ...... ~".r)ç •
...., l'lir
M .:li'A'j' U./..J\'t' P"'f"h/.-(U"'I! 6Till\.h ". Yoar No!iS
AODI$ABAOA Octobo:, 4-, 1010
!',)oHl "-o,,N", 9"1)(: ~+ ~·,.(·f"(i~ l'W"l

n'lro-""l CONTENIS
.f.')·n ""1'(." (li"l'li'i,l1 Regr./rlllO/1 No. /90 /Zola
'.}'....·)fl 1,{J,,·J;i!.C 1''''I.~.tI·) ·(:·1·· 1"'11(; I\, l· f.'HI. . ~,n'l("li.Il AUmmlJ/rlllion elluneil ofMmul~r$ RegulullQn
'/Il ( .. i'i.?;.~ :t!' Puge H9J

"'I.l.11.). e')" l'°IIC I\. .)- l. ') 11 ""1' cJ.llI"(i'l!: COU1lCIL 01' MOUSttRS REGULATION No. J9OI1(IIU

Mt.J'"I.·tI "")'11-"')' ri-.r."·~1'1 M'b«C "{II"I COUNCLL OF ML"1ISTERS ttF.GUL " TION TO
\''''/.'I.fllr.'i· \"'IIC n.-)- .f.'HI PROVIDE FOR THE FINANelAL
~.tfl·l·t:':r· ynllC 1\..). f'h..'l·r-*·y ~F..t·,,'r.
'l"1U:·I\J''1~ é-T11ft.." MlLl\"1. ),','l'l'" ~"Affj',(; Th" ReguLatH)n is ~ by tbe eouncil or Mmistcrs
pUr$uam IO Artide 5 or the Dcfinllion or POWCr$ ~nd
111/: fI''''mtn om"I!I~ ),'P:( '''-rC !I..'(!oli ' "n:l:"
" '"!.~ ..
Dutic:s or the Exeçuli~c Organs of me Federa! DemO(:r~tlc
'}f.·'·'ffiflf ),.,,,.,,. t, ),'; 1'h.'l·f'A-f l.y.~.&\ ",,"'1
.,. 1''1·,e<nl'l 1,1'l"'P,Y,C ),,..~ 1f..,.C :imt7ili
Republic of Emiopia Proclamaflon No. 47112005 I~
amendedi and ArtIde 1S of tbe Federa! Govemment or
i-l'll ii'(; '''''''l'} M' f:Hl MJI...,.:tA::
Ethlopia Final1ç]31 Admmlsmllion Proclamation No.
tn:&\ ), 1.t" 64812009,
m:t:!l;!l; PART OHE
à~·C. c.t.'!ll QENERAL
'.11 r.·Hl ..r ..·f.'.. 'W M+P.r.C 1''''1. ~.fl'}C"f 1. Short Tltle
This Regllialion may be Clted as Ihe "Finantial
l'''t,r: n·}· r:HI ·I>'I'C lir'l/rrtr" ,,-111\0 ","-M
Adrrunisflllflon Couneil or Mlllislcrs Resu lation

I '}:':1<>t
Y.:MA:: No. 190120 IO"
2. Definlt10ns
l',-I'fl· M'Hl M h;-I''I'' j''''U'l'lmro- nfl'I&\I.1'~ In th!s RcgulatlOn unlcss the wntexI requires
f:t.1'l nU.lI f.'Hl ,n'I'l..,.: . othenl,ise:
t f HAdY!ll1a mcaos Jl3)'menl far WhlCh thcre is no
· t'·l'f."'''I.... l''''.r" ~'" -l. V'f' :1

J'A ./. r.t". '/II'}' ,. ''''''' II~ Ir-I'mrH 1.'~ n:\'l c:>.change or \'3Iuc and lhal 1$ IO be nccou nl~d far

1''''l..I''''~.f: r.m· I,~ :.f' ,tI"} ",.t\ .~ """'l'}' by me re"pH.:nl nt some lalcr datc IInd doc:s nOI

I Il'''/1':1.''1 Ilm·fI· \··/·....'fI!r·'·/U· "'IJ'~:r· !r''''ffi ,"cludc il prQgres.~ pJ.ymenl madc 011 accoun l or.

" .,.." Clt.·l· 11I·r.t".~d'· \''''f.I.I. ·....1 h<t:.r bUI bcfo,c 1I11: complc llon or D COfIlrncl;
)"."'-1.9'"/:1"' 1 ;v "CaplLll brendnurc" mcans'

W "l''n::'''' "'w: ~"fI·l-; ·

).,t·}· .:J t~"'1 7·."/of! ·ir1i.?1

~. 'fIl,,,.
7.75 Ne 'am tia~eta l' 80.001
a) Ih~
açqui1ilion, reclamallon. enhanccmenl or
\JI -11y;:r-1 1 ;h1~"':f ', "'".,. II.II-':f "1'1
laymg OUI of land t~clusiI'~ of roads, bUllding,s
:N'·:Y.1 fI .e. w.V"C -t,·l·1 """.1111 flDl\(>
1I-.r1l ' "..,?f7f1l <li,..,. Il'''''L',l!:-l'1 or o!her s:tNClun::s;
(b) ,he acqllis ilion. cunsrruction. preparalion.
1\1 '''' ''1Y,:Y' ') ' ,1"'1IJ")""} "'y.V" II.II.:Y· .,')'.
.+,.':f1 1I-.r1l' Il .....l .t.+ , Il,,,",,l!:+ 1
u enhancemcnt or replactrnml of ruads,
"'.e.,. /\ "7?f7fIl 1 buil dings and othcr slfUclures;
,hl ·"1-tfl.:t'·., "',.r r"1y.1-t'.,<#,!\- 1',\H'l'-1 1 (c) lhc acqui51!ion. msra1Lation (Il' rcplaccmenl of
-,.,....1'''1·1 r ""1111'P'l-') mo~ab lc or 'mmovab1c pianI, mac hincl')' and
·,·i1hctJU' 1-1 1 -Chtl':f'l ' apparatus. ~ehklcs :md v~ls. 811erafts ;md
,l,0>-~T'I'i'1-1 },.,. r_"1 M-l'" r'\o'DJ"1I I oth er similar goods;
11-·1-1111 ....f.r Il'''''f4rl- 1 (d) Iht.> mBing of advance$, gnnls 01' other
- / 1'111.1/ 10-1'1 ,1,14'1) hl./.t. ·h!· ( O) Mh fin3ncial aSSISlance IO any person lOW3rds
(.h) r·/'IU.II"'+1
Il''''LfW'' wx,'l'" u pendit.ue incum:d or IO be: incum:d by
r1\.'J1in-l·-1+ l'''~'''f' II-Yll M·~".1
wx,r Il'''tY.''.''I (IlLU. h'M,O>-II
/\",O;":'l»"r 01»- r"t"'t..f tri!.f M:~:I"
h.imlhn on lhe
mancrs menlioncd
parag.rnphs (a) IO (c) of Ihl5 sub-articlc
or In
"'x,<r 11.'\ 'teH' 1'1',,,-0 1:.")"': -Om·lo l Ihc acquisirlon of inveslmcnls;
w l rih"1 oln-H' O" '/'rn,'J'1»" f'J"11: J:-c:f-f·:r- (e) Ihc acquisition of share capirai 01 loan Capi lal
m-/'r"f' 1',1,111'1..1"'') 1:c'If '1'/:.+11 u>J'.r in any body corponIte;
r1'l1:c '1'1:;1'11 Ollllll.·h+ /\'100 111 1 (O com 10CUrred for study and re~arch;
/.1 Il''f'''-+0; rcrr: r (g) eapacity buildlflg training cos\s; or
N Il''+?- "1'11;1' l'''lImo; l (I)J!.r
(h) aIly a~oclalud consultane)' cosl$ of me abovc:
Til OllU ',0-1'1 h"'M h'lu M.e. 1"'·II(.lI~-l' :IC
1I-1'J'.fn rrhC ,1,111"1 .... + r-tU. 1 ID&».
31 ~DebI Assignrnen l
m= lhe transfer of me

'w , res pons lb il iry for a debt rrom a lle person,

fl -"~1 """"''1110;:" ...",+ M'l r-hLII organiurion or country IO 1ll10\hcr, Il ma)' refer IO
;)'Il,~'1'1 hh1.t' 0iU"1 1:c1:'·lo (Ilf.'i" h1C a IilImfcr !'rom one dcblor IO another or one
UlY.II.'I ..,1l-1''IM: "-11'1 nIlIlM,.'f "'.e'i" çredllor IO another;
n1l1l1111fl:f -'IIIA f"'i.1.".1m-·, "Y1'I1''\1I"t: 41 "fees and Chargcs" means a pa)'mC1l1 made by
f"t-lIh-l- 11..11'1 J'.~A I
u~e .. IO public bodics for r!le supply of goods,
fil "rl'l.+r, fh1A-/II··1o 'f,," "'1/1·1· M ....
rt:ndcring of serviccs ami use of facilillCS; ami
M'cM' ! "1A"1.... + /1""'-';')- M ' 1'1-1
A 1.'J"'f /I ""m+I'" ·'·m....
"'I.P':r- /l'''''''II-'' '}- docs 1101 in e1 ude fi nes and peoa lue,.
- l ' ' '(. }' n• .,.:r-
'''t.l'f.C''/-·)- h~, "-In 5: RM3('ro-Economic and Fi$Cal Frarmwoflc." means
-+oot1 ,l,y.w,rcr ! an nu a!!}' adju5tab!e proj eclion or publ iç rev~lluc
El 4< r""" ~· 1\.ll.,·"'tr, "N'A "711+q... "7/\ .l-
and cxpc:ndll~ of Ihree years based on macro·
r-1.,1"'·}· u1'1+ 1'1 ....."11/\:;" 1/''''') 1'1"1:
,,·)x........:.,,·f"t-.r.rlnt·r 't"":"'e nl!:·l- economie iL5Sumpl.ions, ",!lith pl'o vides lite ba!;is
,-t ..." .") r..,IJ~·h.I,ç'..,. h..,flL"r '..,.., :/(: ofbudgcl eeili ng IO be fixcd in arder IO facili lal~
f"'''I''/'''' h ').'l.ln "'...,.t'... ", /\"'i. .....0 ·. rol!:·l- Ihc mallagemt'lll of public fn!IWl;e withill \hl'
nu, f -~1f l'In O..,'lr.·1\.I • .,-"'I. :J·flo."l-
framcI\ork Oflllld· term pi an and make sure Ihal
'If. r-,·-,.,(.·/, nr"''''·'' 1'''1.0·,·1,1111. l'C
""""l- f''''')''1I'''~' 1ft·; "'rW.. "1l1""l' "-11''l ' annual Ippropria(ion 15 geam:l lO\\'3fds CI\SUOlIg
f"1.I"/' I1·'}-·' ,t..Al.9" t·A :· macro-economit stabilily alld ,nc ludes:
01 01" , .,"'~ r"1/ C ""Il""-f jI"'''/~, la) !.IX fcvcnuc forecastS al CIlISllng 1'81~ 01
,,.. ...... -l. f,.(In('i'lA '''''11\" f:J 'nnm" ~ taxallon •
•'-1"1"·} ;l'W'I
AI l'T IU'l 1\In- "f'
11A1'· ~ (. 1n ·l·
(b) forccaSi or nan·rax reveoues (Sl1l1llus of
pubJic cnlcrpriscs, fces. ~~r charges. ecc,)
W·Y."'''.. r111. """ ~ :1-1111 based 011 revenuc proJtl:lions app!icablc In 3
f''''')'','' ~' 1Q.I"'·,f- nr""')"Ir' ·l· 1'11."'1 .1-
!.CIIIIII! whcre Ihcrc t5 no changc io pahq',
1"'''' , y:c:t:·f-'f fn"'m .l-r:~:'
IIIJ'':'!' '')". ' h-"m.+ ""..P'l- h"'l.rll1n1'1 '1'.:1
tJll11'/ J'.l'InrlllA -t1111- r ..Jol'ln,II' ·~ 10.'
m' It'ic ,n l'''HIC l''''''~, O-"'A' ...,·nl' C, e~:maII01l 01 a.,l,J,u"MI 1.:1>. rnelllln "h,,'h
l''H/l: rC1"" n-nc:.·l· CfI,r.1'" n"l11': ftId) be mublllfcd b) hl~h .. r Il.\ rlll ..... a
)0(1'1,"11 (,11: r·l·ltll"' '".1';1''' ,'MI·h'lT..; ,J,frerenl la~ Mruclurr. or Insiilullonal ... nd
.... .,.~. : ..,1f1f,
11".,.(0(_"1 O·,·IJ.I....,(.~·l'
"dmiru'lroh'" rdonm In I~~ tolle,lIun.
n.I'Orlil 1'''1. :fno"') l' :"lIn 1f1. "I11"'-}"
hl) I:Shmatioo r"" ~,Jd.hon,1 ,"com.. r.. ~ulllnl

11111 n-·...'I"-}- r(.·

l'A'''-}' r:cl':-r·~ 1,0m changcs III Ihe policy rTJmc\\orl. r...r
rrl\.f\ ...,,,.,...:, n-."II"'l· 11';:.'1 ~I""'''I'_ public CnlCrp~l. puhh~ $O:Clor pncl"1!
l''I':J .} .."..,. rl\J\" fl"'1lMl.:.<e ~'IA"In··H·
puhcy d.arges In tht '\01:,31 $tC'ors.
'''':J'''~ ' .l'. "tlt"1'
O-f.(.1- nn/·l'
lc) e'lim~tl:S of rC!oQ<m:es .~·ailablc frum
,r..r.A ·... -111\- M.:NII""". tma,I, 1fl'
",' h)o'IC ..l-n1' h'" 1/0""1" )o1C j/""... ~ domcsllc and e~lcmll botTo\o ing amI'.
1I-1Ir.'C M' "hOI:" 1\.11 l'.:fllA ''''ilA- {O pro)e(:lIonl of recunenl and cap.~1
""',:'-nlllll-') 111.' c'penditlln'.
1./ r-,_oJ;< hr, ft,T:J-t\ -Ul') ..,,..,}-.
(II tsl!!ro! .. ti .",~.~,di"IIft o( ......;py SUbsl,J)
fii MI.I........ or. "All'I: -')"1#,:,.+ r-'tl'...._'JCD'
made availablclo Ttglonll Slales. and
'r~A roJ!:'}- f:::><i: "'w., "'9".}-I,,<i'
11/ l'I.r.I.-A ..... ·'''1l u .}.·' 1'01.-1' ·I·f.·,,·l· hr, (hl pmjecuon or budget delicit and dclic!!
l'n)';'} ",,,,,, '1' "1l'i·".1 "/Y"'l':: linancing oflhc Federol ao~~mlllcni

'iJ "r"""""M: rn,,·n (I~.(o "'71\'1' Ol.t:·' 6· "N.. gOliahle Securily" mcans a finan'!al

"'l'.1I"' f"U:'" h)o').t:' òm- "'" 1\." 0- 11I.51rurncnt whlch IS traII.5lèn1hle from 0I!e pcson
. . ",,1- ,..h')f·l- n.,."nLn+ (I.". l'flnfl·h·l· 'o A!ll)tber- b)' belna; dehvned "ith or \\llboul
~m 50 WU mk IO 1M
-il·l- r-tfn't1 n')IIil .nr: ~ I

1M passt'S

-,.,n·l-r, -,v- ..,n·l-:-
II/ '.h"" fil,.. If<;"-
11 'Sccurity Deposi," mean
(al a bili of .. 'Cchang.. c
"'·U.Il1:.ç. '''1.IILAI hr,
il thalispayahlelothcMlnlSII)',
ii O;J''''''' fnHil .,.lt,.. r"'(.;.I1m "'I.'"
n) llIai is cel1ilicd by In Ippro~cd rmlncial
":Jo<,04'111- rnHil .,·lt,.. 11/,..('). (w..
instituuoo or dt1lwn hy In appm\-cd
1inam:131 InSlilO\lon Oli ilSel(
nI n~"1....·l· 'f'l')o}<i l'''''1'ImI1'l- 11').('1 Ulr.r
(b) a govcmmenl gU:ll1l11lced band; or
,hl 0-"·""':" - ...,1.' fl·l· ',·+fly.l·} 1\.-:
I.ID' f"Y.:fA ,.... fM,itH...ç. f'II~'" M (c) such othet S«utlt)' IIS may be deemed

.t--'MJ'. 'f'it'K. \061- appropriale by thc j)\Iblic body and çproved

.h "~ .,/\-l. fl..F..I.-t\ _')'7P'T 1'4·1. by Ihe Mmistty;

'j')(l M·t-.v.C M'~ .'1'(: P':;;f/f1t1l S· 'Proclamation~ meII\S lbe redcral Governmwl
~11)o I of Ethiopi3 finanelal Admlllistrailon Procia-
I . ""'111'11" ",n+ on~.f: mJ>.'r Il>..n..1l n.nuon No. 64812009:
:'·r.~.Ilfi ur. "...,tl':~"'· ""l,J'1/
""(.lI' )u.. , 9/ .'IùxutI'. 1IlCIIIIi!lll)' inli.rmation in hard or 9:ltt ~
I (1M'):!: 'l'c1-?" f-M"''J'-1It' " .. 1111.11 Y.')11 10' c\ber temu used in thb RcguLalioo shaU nave
"fI'r '}'+\/" "J'. f.,.,.. .•
'I-t.... ,""'_'IT tbc r.. speai~~ m...amnl ascn~d \O lhem 11\ tbc
nM'~ r.,.n",=r=m-') -tC1-\/" J!..f.III\-::

~l\, IJ.A+

, ""'"
/I f'1I.. ')'? ...... -l- n'-·}· n,.,~.r.· 'II'. ,•. /.,,., ..., .•/. 3. PrincipIo::

""1/") ~tltl·}:: II Eludget of Ihe go~'emment shaJl hav .... IO be

~ ,·,"'·,..,.....·1· nl·} f'<'Y)I;Jl">- f"1t1'.'-h.1 .. ~"1.~.. founded O" pian
,'ofJllIA -M-I"":1 ''''!pI.·l· W"II:I.~I JW""A:: 2J Budget of the governmcOl sl'latl be prepared 111
i' "".,t,hll:;' Il''''') f'A"1'}' ,.,o}-t; n-l'? ......·l· aceordarn:e ""Ih macro-e<:on()m;c am! fisca'
-l''~I n,.,·:f f'n'ly. ~'1".9':y. ,,,," •.,I-1· framc""ork
,.'N:n:'·A:: J. Mid-tcrm developmcnl pian ,l'Iall be pr~ by
" f1fl >. .... f(D'I.!. nl'} '?r·... f'''tlf ..,lo>-
I~ hcads or~5pOn,iblc publit bodie$.
,\"I-II:Joi~ rn1:+ -In >./lfI·}·::
41 Budget csnmalCS or e~peoditurell IllId l'l:venucs
li ~""''fllJ'r t*tT..+A UltU., n"""C'.>..!";"",.
shaJl be prtpared for th~ upçoming lisca] year
)or, nM1IJA "lM'i: IIJ'n1' Aflllj:/I
h.1"~''''.1IJ' h-t'''''/lh'Nn- "M)' n'II. 11..11")
51 No capila] c:orpendilure sllatl cxeeed Ihe celling
),J'."f·Ar:: SCI '" rcspe<:1 or cacll sectOt by llle maero -

'/.1 nln;;N\ oY.·l· 11>-111' 1II1~:11 ),.1";"1.9'~· cwrwmie and filea] rramework.
f'''Y.tlmm- +~r·h·l· r"y'roMr.r>- n"'llu:', 61 The prioriuu Ulabli,lIed in !he maem-
),.)''i'''t. h'i n'(.fllJt\ "'tM''i: f·t--I\h.,.nt- ·, economie am! fiseal f'ramework Sl'lBU delermine
.,..r.v-.]·)'l· - .........l- n..,I:L,,/ JW"''' :: !he flliornil!$ IO be given for sec:lors in the capilal
i n·/rt.nt- ""/Il.,.r A1-\':fl'o '-t'L""./I·} budgcl.
1''''''1'?1''+ - ......"f IL+ rt.'ic' r,u, 7/ Whc-re 11 publH: body t, pc:rmilled \O l'l:\ and
'SJ~H, 111. (1- ..........,. (1,,,, n-t'","''-:'II>- f'1Q
e~pc:nd 115 revenllC.'$. 5UCI'I revenues shall be
>. ·))I.IJ-r f'1Il-W. n~·l- t;rr; IIJ-fl1' .... 111 meluded III both Iis revenuc and expmditun,
:1'(11\ J'/ir:O:rAllf'ir'" t'i'(I/&o '/.'., aprroprialion lotals: ho"'·ever. no IlCning is
il') ...,,,,.]. M'.L+t:r::
i. rill:}: lMJ!ò:" ),S' h+f..t.:(1
Prepaq,tiOD aDe!, 8ubmi.. lon or Budget
f;, rn1.·1· "1r·l· '''tU.'Jy'1IJ- n"".tl'l.l'c~' 4_
Il Budget eSllmaleS shaJl be prepared in accordance
II"llf: IL·l· n"1.8.r.·~'tl>- r"'llf:·-),.I'''~'''I.'1
Wllh Ihe finaneial lim,lS and formals prescribed
.c./VIA "'''''''',: -)\'f ·"u.n·H· O'l'''';'·'f.n>·
tal.]' 'T' .... J'."'-'l1L '''y'.I'fl:l·IIJ-+O'·l "M~ by Ihe Mmllilry in!he annua.1 budget call1cttcrs
"". rnl·}· ),+ ...~{;-fl l''C'·... - ..·{;·l· on !hl' basi! of Ihe macro-eeonomie :md 6scal
n..., l: L '?Y.If'ì A:: mllne .... ork IO be approved by the Coum:il or
r f''''l.ft'i'" (D'P.. rnl·l· "1r·l- fu-"" MmiSlen,
r-1..-.... /fI>-1 "1"'17S ~-l- n7.-l- 'lll.rr. 'li BudgC1 es\un31tS orlttWTC11t eltpcndnures 1hall
.....,-c-l· >. ·M.IJ-r .l'/I'''1IJ'1 l'n1..)- ,-+ 1Ix:ludc. repor1orprehmllw)' resulls ofme firsl
halr or tlle eurrelll )eat and pn:vious }'eaJ
~L'I"Y" ,·'t/IIl'+AA /\.lfl "'1I"A;:
fl r-M'i'" >.'i ,111::.1-11. Ul~ nl·l- '?Y"-f:Y' performance
n.....')'?I"·... _ ...... (..1' (l·l· ,n'l,E. ;)'1of.9':y. 31 Budget eslimatell or recW'Il:nt IIlld capitai
"~LI.Y" ~/\'l'faJ-: : e~pcndllure shall be signcd by heads of pubhc
10 ;''),l'l ~h 1111'''' f111. V"',,"'f r·'t"clt'lllu>- I>odics
'Ul o~:·l· ,,/r·l· n"'I).M;"- r"V"'ljé -I I Budget estlmales or la~ revenue shall be
.f;I"i,,:: prCparl-d by!he MinUII)'_
t' :Nln tlAIf)' '1f1. r1,-:r- r"1.·/'.IJ- 51 Budget esum:ues or re~C11ue !rom non !al(
f1Q 01:·1' "11"-1' ;)IILH, n·/·nm"" !.OtHces sha" be preparcd by the head of lhe
r .....l'?r·l· -"""(..1' IL.]' rov, :VI"- mpons.bic pubhc body and submined IO II1e
... /l'''.tn-t''-
,,?~.,. an~'.il 1<./I/I-l-', Mlmstry,
rIIT:J-l'o" r ua y.lI11 (!lUI.. l'of.·l- "Ir')' 6, Budget ntlmalc.!l or capitai and m:urrent
1\"""""" ML'I1. n"tlno-} 1J1V- >''''.1'1 npcndllurc or l'ubhc bodje~ shall be pre$ented
>.1'·....1·,. /l''1r:I.''1 A'ì /l'''tn.'''/l1 ...... 1"""" lo Ihe Mlnimy rClt c"Blu3tion, any necess.ary
/l''o.fl-t-r,· •....... /.il ~I\o·l·:: r<!v",on~ and consolidation
li f'flT. ,} ,,}'I"" ·1· Ilul"'L~ "1 C f "t1101"" 'fU':C 7/("jmjgcl cSlimalCS shalJ io~ ludc tSllmal(:S of forelgn
,,")~,t)-I"" "'<;'1'Ol"lI" r-·J"1.1... + -.1"(.J' R.'l- 10M 8S ,",,'di IIS ali tud, In casll and In kind Ihat a
/H'II;"Y. fn,.:·), <WD+ 01'&. ,'''f 1I~' O'I.l', ~ ·l~ public body cxpecto. to rtte,ve In tlle IIpcommg
M~ I'I IJ- 1ll1- f"tm ll ...m- ") 1.r. ~:'· W/ 9"".}- I
liscal )'ellr lJlCllldlllg full dttails or Ihe nature or tbe
0'Jy. ~ ·}- f'''t 11 at-") " r.~ :J' 'J', ~ .)'I O'")U11
aid·in·kind lInd ns e$limalrd monetary VJ1ue.
YlfltllA " ' 111\. "'",1-1'111''' .,.~I It"'''lll
S. Appr ovaI or Budget Ettimatn
'IIC'Il C ."JC .. ..,..1'."11 _II'"'
hflO 'l'::
I. Upon compl~uoll or evaluallOPs I\l1d an)''
[alx ,rt1 M?tU
A fII!:'" "1l1"')' M" /OD,_ 1.<; M~.'\1. re~lsi011S and di~lIsslons ... ith the hcMls or public
fl"/lD- ...,fll.H · h'l' hC;(lI~ " '),j(,lJor h""" bodl~. IlIe MlPisttT sh.all prescnt tlle compiled
"1p'·l· ''''.l''(.J' rH·:y.. fOli f. ;)i\'('P' :y.. ;lC budget estimations or recum:nl and cnpital
f" l/.t.11D- 0)-1·f.·)· h"'ffi 'ì+of' 11"),11
rxpt'nd ltures IO the COllnel1 of Mlnislers for rcvir ...
"n.n·H· "·I·II\."'lIfIO," fUD/. fI~ 1.'ì 1'1([
;l' tI, O" Ll.. " 1:')' "11"" .), ;/:'f··" 1.')"l'I: I';: and recommrndation.
Il'''l.~.M·c "f j/"IIC R.·l· Y+CfJtI, ;: 2J The budgel C$lilllllle5 rec:ommended by l!lt COllnei1
Il n"U.lItf"!" "f rhr. R.-l' [.,.1:.1LIII" 1'01...,. or Ministen shall be submnted IO the Ho~ or
"W"-} l'I.-...1f11 .t-mf"."f lI"hr. n+ Y.+01A::
Peoplu' Rcpresenlalives.
rl "'I.'LfI·h~· n;h1lofl '''Olllf'""f lI"I1C n.-l. 31 The Minimr shall notify tlle beads or public
1'01."''''''') 01.') ' r-.,..,. . . ·} -P'L.," n ·r'"f bt.KIies the budget appruvrd by Ihe House of
..,III,t. ~IIL","f "H./"'" . J'1. C.7t1 :: peoples' Rep~nt3Ij~es
6 , Budcet Calendar
mgx "" M.='
..,.~. o ·}","- l'n1.-l· 1'1.n. I\I'I.~l l'''!wo") - -L.' The Minslcr sh.J.1I lSSlM: a directive fening the
,rotlIA :: budgel calcndar.
è,f!: .....è"IJ 7. DJlJCretJon
"';'fID-j/" l'DDl..,.....,·} -.-(.j' "ttfl'}"'"-
/l.'}' I r a pubi ic body faUs tO submil ils budgtl est imalcs
nlUl 1..,11 hl+~ i -'''lot n"tOlM ItI- l'1..tL ,n accordance with Artide 6 of ws Rtlulalion OlI
,.. I\,A t'01.·"., '7r:'t- IM+ t. O ··U.ot{. f'U\-l sclleduk or tbc budget calendar 5Ct by tbc Minisler,
AI( P ' A"O o-m+r no)!", '7r:'t- 01'01' 11"" me Mmister shall lise ils dìsc:retion ICI decide what
-".,.",. "")1;"t1 f la>- Y.IPO~·A :: shall be includcd in llIe budget estimates.
wlx lI(1t"ID-C 8. B udcet Transfer
lil "ttflTt- 1191;+ 1'-""'-+ -.-t..f' (LX Il The Minister may grDIll tnnsfer from rec:urrent IO
r'\r.d~1.x l'IIt1-1' rh')J") ro1-"- capItaI appropTÌalions whcn peceui tDled by m
1'1-.,.,. . .+ 'JIt..,,,"f .,11 -t;t.fl MLII1.. appro\cd reorganiUlion or public body, or where
If'l tl.J'1''im- IW"I.n'1 {III; ~1::"A 01.+ II be demoPsrralcd thal il is clcarl)' bene fici aI
11"1"111"1: "'').'U'..I."1 Il.L~1.· 1-"fIlA:: IO thc achicvcrnent or &ovemmcnt objecli~es.
Il IIl\fIo"f "".i'..I1~ roau ""f IIl "', ro1. I._ID'II I 21 Transrer from olbcr reCllrrc:nl e:o:pendilure-$ lo
l'I'''~.1'~ tD1."thLA 1''\"1"'C 1..IL f'}.Allt- s.alaries. wages ;lIld allowanas shall be :fubjcct IO
m,.r l'h1A,?,...X ";l fJJ1-"- IDI. ,\IlA the approvai of the MinislC"f.
fll1.-l· 111lHP"C fLt./.'7 f"'l."fl'l m- Il'''1.'{.
31 Thc MiPislcr 511111 Introduce a budgel
+Cl ' i\.~"'.(" f.1J"ìtl ::
imp1emcptation monilonn& mechani srn ip order to
r. ,,·t.(' YotI·'''1.1''-1- 'IOP'/.f 1l.-1- 1··"~. +.i'..1I·1·"
el\llble il c!Tecl ttanSfer IO mother publk body
Il~ t- r..,,e.mof'rn·l· V..• 0"'l.1'f1l·}- 1.11.
budgel appfOpnaled IO a certain public body wMch
fflf.f\.Il r"".,"1.1....·}- ""/"(,., 1l.-1- "'I1l'f'lUC
),'M.;FtI "'l. 'Ln ·}·~. fn~+ "L10r1 ....II;I··"l\ f.lils to use t~ budget. The MiPiSier shall issue a
''''I.,n'i:t\ .l"Cq+ f.ll t .7l\ 1 1Iarar~· dirrclivc eSlablishing Ihe proce~ by .... hicll such
f...,.~, o"-n-l·" tr'l.;J· fD"j.ron·) otI(1O(.1' ITlInsfer may be effecled.
, "U.rl-l'''' 01\'1';(. .\.. +'" 1tlt ""''Im'"'' n)l>1- 4' 11le Miniscn- mv in wllole or In part de-Ie-gate IO
'-'/1'1''''(; "uAflr} n-I\- IDY•.,. fllI,c."
,,-,-,.--'1- -1"'6)' 11.'r-T l'n",,, :,II,U"':f
heads of public bodics lhe budget trnnsfer power
vcslcd in il b)' Anide 24 orme Proclamalion. Tlle
mode or implcmcnialion ofmis delegation sh~l1 be
.e.u n'1"'::
• toH·
1'-1"7""'+ -'-M' 11..,.:y. fO<l,t ;YILS'":r·
Pl'C$Cribetl b)' I dlretuve.
9. B\.\41etary Control
h'·U.r'l·l·~· 0''7, -j'''flLtIJo (JD_t)' un,,,/.-l· 1/ Subjetl lO direclives ofme Mmisler, me Ileads of
"".1").1110'1. 1'0':+ CM' 1tJo.t'\ CMI "'ì public bodics shaJl malntaio a reglslCr of
"),YH14. f1rr.:I'A 1r.-T.h+ ''''L+.r.''''' appropnllions, authorized InID:sfers IUld
11iD"Ol'C 1I'j' '-:A1:A M.P'" '"l·l· -"II1-i1
.1l0tmenl3 for each budgcl.lry head and 5ub-head
" .. fll hfl/l'flll-::
Il '-'''1-'''1' ""P'l.y (\..,.:y. fOIlt. ;)"I".jPT
and for each capitai projcci.
2J SUbJCCllO dirtclivcs oflhe MinislCT, tbc bcads or
o"'n.n-l-ç. O"'t.1-"'I\i: --61 -"'1.+
--,..,........l- nnJ':-l- Il'' O.,6h'1<r.'I+ "'TTC public bodics shall pmvide infonnation tO cnable
"'t1:{."7 MJfI~ -fA U8f"Itn+ M'ff'~:: Ihe govemmenl IO mainlain neecssary cenlral
!. t'A."" ono controls over budgctary fuods.
l/ l'Nn''M 01:·}' T)'4I "~f.1'1 ML'I'l 1ft{' lO. Sypplemenya AppropriatlgD
1\.1'f 'l'.1,,/D" "t'l..n-l-ç. M.J'to n f(D"1 - - Il Whcn thc need for supp!cmentary iippl"".",,,,,,ialion
I..' -'''{.'l- 0"'.(-(,,"7 ","-,~.f n-t"l..fl+«.. arises, proposals for such IpPropriallOll $hall be
j'."'Ct'lA:: $ubmitted IO Ihe Mmisler in accordance whh tbc
Il '''I.'I.n,)..;. Ol'l'f'lf. N.,.,ll-') rn)!-}- directivC$ IO be issucd by me Minister.
.,1101:. -t.. ..,"111.)
l'"C't'l- -th-l·,... -tQ""" 21 The Minisler sha!l cause supplcmentary bladgCf
nJ!r1 Ihll.t";l\ J 1"(.. 1Ij'. ,,'M.aH'\. 11. IO be approved and bccome clTcajyC in
M:cordan« W1tb Ihc budget Bpproval Md
nOlification procedure c$labl ished by mc
!i. l'alt l1(J):a):C bL'89"
"7<;:f/p"r fol -}- 11(00(/)-(7 !"'trii".) Olj'.'"
11. PrOCCdUH grBud.get Traurer
fH'f'lffi(J): _,-"1.+
at-hA'ì llaHIl-f.' f"1.Lé.,. An)' public body ~ucstlllg budget Il'lwfer or
,....,"1....+ -1"6)' 11.+ '"ç. Il''tllll''f'''' clftcling such tnnsfer in ac:<:ordan<:e with the power
--6)' -"'I.-l- fol·l- ""mrt,·.. -~:4'K dclcgated IO il shall complele tbe nccessary number
-lo/t.:f1 tlflt. :rK., - ......,+ "'fin:":: of copies or the budget requcst Md aulhorization
rom In accordanee with tI\e<::livc to be issucd by
the Ministn-.
~ ,..11+
'-ne'T 11!f11 MI PARTTHREE
Il. h!òl M' lOal
r-1'7 ..... ·1· '1""-1 1J'i:1' t\.~!l.r
1'I.}'.t.'7 r"tl"fI"'" ri'L+~ 01.·1· n. 'te ili" ~ID-:: 12. I>i!bUl'!!meot a04 Parmeot
Ir. r_"ci llU1J lIIal -In' Di$bum:mtTll5 or paymenl3 ma)' be madc uni)' ir ""II"f 'I"."""
~'i'f/J}'r r""'}"1r'}
Ihc)' are approprielcd.
PaymeDt Voucben
11u11 Il'0' t\.~/J?'" m"r Il)''l t\.Y.(,"1 ),j'.
':fAr:: hfllfW'" r ....1"1.-·1· - ..... /.1 (l.f·l· No payment shall be madc unleu Il is adequalcly
fI"1..r~e1--l· Il'''l (}oh- h"n.n·l·"" o...,.m"IaI- vouched; and public bodles sha!l complete
paymenl vouçhcrs for ali JlIlyments in accordante
.... _", -"'I.·l· ~".lf ..........,·l· ",,,ll'I:/J}'::
wilb Ihe dìrtCli~es IO be issucd b)' the Minister_
n. à(l1·o,.,flD- ot'f ]lç]lç
1•. Liau or AutboJ'Ù:e4 Pertou
li! "'r}~")~ r-·.'? .....+ "......,,1' n,.} ro.,j'.
I/11le head or c~r}' public body slutll e!iUlblish
;Yt":. f'lrlu ~'Hl r'l--nlH-~}1 (lM'f ~""I":. and mamlalM • hSI or empIO)'ee!l whom Ile or
c - D>1JA',' r·"Y'ff'aY) ;YW.1''f." , ..t... I·~:f she hu 8ulltonz.ed IO Slgn tbc documcols
rrr lIClIC ""'I.,,'f.·H· MO'}:: rcferrcd to in t1l1S Rcgulallon
, . 1.1Jl.U y/uU. l' n \'" '/11:11(7 11 -1"41' Il'l,
, Su,h Ibis shall W CllcuI31~'tl (O tbc financc head
'f.'·N ' ;'1... .(" 11<11-1'1 1' "Po.·l· :)... ".1 1.'j' and Ihe head of mlerml audI! oflru. pubhc bod),
Md IO Ihe \-lmiSII)
fI "l,~.n· 'I~· " " "'''''',: ',fin} :, 15, C.ah Management
/';. f'f't. 1'>1111 M·t~~C
• 1/ Cash managemenl shall be hand lcd in $uch ~
" 1'1' 1,. n/N I hn·" .o:r.(: 1',,·,·' ..' ....·1· - ..» 4}' manner as IO enable Ihe m3lnlammg or aeeOUI1I~
IU 'T 1',., (,.. Tr:..'U,.."'1 :r=<D'l fI'"7 nLrJi"" al m'MImI/m balall« bascd 011 1M- cash
f·' ·'''''.n., 'f1ll-1 1'1IlW, 111.·1· "'~ .,.r, reqUtre~nl publoc bod,cs IO na:Ule Ihe or
Il '''I't'A 1''''t.':'I,.'I'm-., 1'1't. , ·)t111 -i:",."]- e'pendllu~ budgCl appropnaled IO I~ir .... orl.

1I'i f ''''' "'/ .. u ~ "'/\"'~ 1l·1-·, r ·I·t. "'"11

programs and Ihe ca,h nO" ofille IreMul)'
<;: ,\,1, "" " .(..}. n~7 .t"('·, 1""... <11 "'l.or, 2' l'or Ille purpol.<' of )ub l,Miele (I) Dr Ihis I\Mi(lc.
Pllblie bodie!i sh:!l1 be rcqUlr~d lO appl)' a t ash
/l 'II,H 'l1 ""ml " ·M " II,!'. "1Y; (../
managemcm approach base<! on 7.cro ba lance
/l'''I.,l'n:r'A ".'I.:J' •.... ,"'/..·1· .e..~r: n;h:\ "
f /I /I.LI h·' ·,. ~ l().fI " .,.,. ~ (li) ""·.....fIIl<I·lJJ"l
....t. .,y. ..,.,.A l. VC.;r:A r""'l"J p··l- ., ' Head, or pubhc boo.IlCS shall have IO subml! IO
""""/''' fL .... f n""l:' "'t.W' ... .e 1'., ........'( . ... tbc ' 1m'Slcr pl;m or Ihe qual1erly cash
r 'rt. , '11111 '''''l'I·.v. r. p ' t :'}'l ' " ')Jl.h"·fI· n:qui~D1<.>fIIS or Ihe rc~pect;~e p!.Ibhc bod)" for
"'.I.:'A:: whlch !hcy are n:spoII5,blc. by bn:a kmg Il do ..... n
C' l'' ... l·'....' ·} ODrl'.1' o.·,·l- rn.,.e ;'I.,,,.,,:r. inlOparts ~llI\g th.' lr ITIOIlthly reqwn:mcnts.
Ih"n·l· mc ""1'11' 1'''1.';'1..:':11>''' 1'1' 1..
41 In !he evcm of failure b)" pubhc bod ies IO sullo,,!
''11111 '1:11'1,1, /I+-Y: IIfll'{. n.... M·LA
!heir cash requllcmenl$ In accordance ""Ih wb
fI "t tO:t·.ç.. ""+-(,11 hflll'flll'::
gl 011.11 h''''' o n'l()'o 1'0 .,.,.~ (f) n"'1fllJfDo amcle (3) ofth.5 AMIde and the drrcctl~es IO be
" .. "'o .n·&;{. n"tr,/l<fllll- "'"....(.J' - "'(o.}- issocd by thc \l,nister, lhe Minisler shaH fix !hl'
,,'IP'I~/I" .'f· - .....t. ! Il·r·l ·
l'T I.. '11111 ~I 00 dle basis ofinf~ion 3"a,lablc IO il
O+-r.- Ijllof' (.O· "n. M: ~· IlflttI' ""I:~ Il.e SI A cash requir~mem pian shall indicale Ih~
0"''''''",(. ·1' ""m',." .f,m(l .... " :: amounl of mon!hl)' cxpend itu rc and when the
/';1 l' T /.. 'Dllil iI+-r.- l'r<l)~o ', rwW,. .mm1 eash is needcd.
A1 .... o.\'" nllfl· l' ''U.n''J0·}1 V~ 1'''''-.1'1\,.
6/ Wilhoul prcjudicc IO Ille provis ion or sub arl!clc
-11''1 hIlO'}- ::
(5) or this Ar1l(:lc, ptJblie bodic5 collccllng
" IIILI} 10\' 1+" O·)(l·n ".,+~ (?i) r·"'.'rn"Io re" erlue 5h.1ll be requ .rcd IO wbm il to tlle
Al ~ "'t1l0+ 11' ..- 111. flill\n. r-"l"'/r.'f·
Mm,ster lhI.'T pian and pcrfQnnanc~ ~poI1 of
-"'/.! fl .... l ·· fl'<I'{. "l f,n. li!+- y; r;
rl' vellue collcellon or each upcorn' ng and
.1'11,(.""" wC 'Il A.(.'tI\/" Il''U.Il-l-.ç.. "1.:t-
(.11 hll<l:':tu°" OUlgo ing mun lh .

I. ,....,.,d11ltH1 Meehl b5 tDql rYOtC'J 16. Dilbun;ement and Payment ofPubIic Money
li ' 1""'1"J....·-}· '111111 )'~ J' f ',,/:LU-m- ca,.\", I Dlsb~menl or p.:tymcnl ofpublic mone}' 5ha1l be
"'Q.l. r"tr. 1:10>- "I1fl.l ))fì iD,."7. effeclcd by deposinng che IOOI\C)' lnlo 1M- bank
L'I9"II+ r-1., ......1· " ........t.I fL.'f· ID,.r accounl oflhl. p!.Iblie body or e~ilor lo whom Ihe
1IlQ.l. /U~"1.r.I:"JfI.'f· Ilfl-l1 '} f1l1" '1./'111 money iSlTansferrcd
0"71l·.·.,1\'i! .1'. , . . /:\:: 2J Not",i!h5Iand i n~ Ihc provision Dr sub artlc le ( Ilo r
Il OrtlJ h1"'~ nW·1l A'I'''~ (l'i) r ·' ·""IIII·/·p,. Ihis Ar1 icle. thl' condillons in which payment ma)'
fI ...· C?" "'''-l. Il't'I, ' Ih'\.·/'(: .,\'i: 11/..;1\.:1" be effccted ti)' check. Icucr or credit or lo cash
ID!.'''' fl'1'.'.. 111111 1'''1 Lflrn·l· 11-'1. 0

shall be prcscri1x:d by a dira:tive to be i5.'lucd by

"1.t.Il-l:{' O''''.J''''''/<I>' - - I:.f !-I1JO'''A :; the Ministcr
t;1 1'-1"'/1"+ nlfl1 1)(;: ' f"'tLO-.... )- l>isbuT'SCment shali be effcclcd in accordante "ilh
f .... ')"J,.··}- _ ..u/. f fL ''' ~ O"t.1'4'r.o..'f·
Ihe financial limll5 to be: establishtd b)' lhc
f1'(~ .,.,1111 h+Y.- ..... ·,lf '"! ~. n 1;~.
Mm,slry On tlle bitslS ur ~ash req uin:ment plans
11 ·",.u>n~"" "MI ,,,,,,,(.·1, f.lf";A ::
$ubmincd by pub lic bodies
11 "11"11 l'l(f h.f M"1."'T t-17 ....t 17. S&fety or MoDe\' ln tbe CU!tDdy or Catbie ...
""11 &ul)t 'fhe Mmislcr shall!lSt an Insuranec sc~me IO hedge
·'Y.~.fl·1·,," nnUil J'y'f ,.;l:' r"7."'-rna>- l'OD'~ agarnsl risk or Ioss.. under an)' eircumslance. or
-'r·1' n'NIyr \/"'nY'l' O"tm'-tJ·l· 1)L
govemmcm mone} rn the cuslml)' or ca,hicf'll.
""10·') ....... o1·t-,·l· ''''1.J'n:f·A 1""'.1::., 'l'n'} ','
'''V.1'1f1·1·,) ,...r.~-l- J'-:F:FA:: PARTFOUR
h~A .tI.H-
18. Principi"
rO;!5 l'MA'''''':}: '2
I~. ~ Ali pubhc bodie~ shall cons ider Ill e followi ng
1'-"-'.....1· -,->(.j' fL.f'f r(j ..p~· 1'1'1111,"11\-·1· pnneiples rn establislling und mamminrng r~'Cs and
"'.'l AI) n" 't.Uln'r-n·1· l.It f"?,h·/· ...··1··' -ctr,,:f
lr1j1"'·}· a>-tH· ..,n'J'l-l' , ...·O.'f'f"A :·
i l "'''I1'r. M,t!. 'HIL'NI1' ":+11'1': "''''''If') l' Ihe pramollon or fllmt5S IO la ... pa)'tf'll by
1'."'1"/,->·1· _,->(..1' Il-I','f "'''Y,J'+cn-·}- Jhifting me COSI or • panicu hlr aClivity (rom
1'I1A"IlI-'1- f"~.j'n"'A1f1t' l'lDat ""l'i 01'lm
7'11'- l'''Io1'C Iti·~ 'lflL'Nl1l 'I~ h"Y,Yc,,: I&Ilpil)m al large IO ,Ile s~i fic usl'n wllo
~A-l- l'h1A''Ii\-o1: +1'01'>;" "'rn7"'t nLf~ bcnefi, mos, directl y frorn IlIal aClivlty; andlor
f'\ofj(,-NI1' t~:A 'IJ'. l''"'I.yc<j!n-l-·, -')1.r.-
...."' ... ."
V 11M: promol1on or a mOri! effielen, a1lnel, ioo or
Il YiJ:?"l-o; f1'l1A"/II.-r·';f M'C(I'l' 1'1fl)' ......c rl:SOW'CCS by introouc illg a markel on l'oled
l''C'T') h'}Jlh+A n..,,r.-(•., ''fil·l- 1'Im
discipline 011 thl' dl'ma nd for the supply o r goods
7+\/"1 1l."'-l' .,,, t. "I ::
Ii. l'c)?'ì rblA, ..... t bit(!:}:, nn"T'ìT ani! services.
1'-"'1...,,)- " .. ,' n.-r-';f l'o1·ltlt-n·}'., 1'I'f":t: 19. Suryey or Actiyitiu
_u'(. -l- n..,~(."1 1t....,.ytr'im-5::fG>' " '''I r't.'}· S ubjte' IO the f'roclamalion ",h ie h esublished them,
!V'O'!' h·trn.4'..",,'f l''':?'i 1'1'I1A'lI--l, ",;1 . . - ali public bodr es sllall tondU CI surve)' of a li mel<
flirt f"Y.iJ'èfl'f!V'., .........r '} nh .,~n."'/V·iJ' i\Ct;vrllH In ordtr lO dctemlme those for whr ch ,lIey
ma)' juslifiably subjec' lllei r e lienl$ or uscrs IO a ree
:r:fIt' 'IJ'. ..... ·l· ~",\I..r:- 10.11"'1'11>' ::
or ch arge.
t. ,ab' th'Jl\"tbo=l: bff1'TJ Ah ....-.005' -....,6"t''f 20. Criteria [or DetulIliulng Leyel or Feu
, .....,'/.. ·1· ""1"(..1' rH·l- l'fI:'''ì 1'1'I1è"lI'l--1' 'l',") and Cbarcel
Ah Il''V,rnf'l'MI'} 1.1~ 1'''Y!I-f·II··l·., h"lr ''''' Il>-n1' In detenmnrng llle le vel or fees and clllll'ges. ali

.,tI,...·l' 1o.r'lfl'f/J)':· pub lic bodies sha ll taL:e ;nlo cOll.'iidCTluion the
AI l'fI:J-.,· fh1A"ItI-·} lDat ! followmg l'mena:
Il r{J:I'~.. 1'1'I1A' .... ·l- "',;1 1Q n.,- ')w,·l- Il 'Ile cOSt Or !~ ac, ivity in ques,ion;
(. 1.t:' filO)-') 1o.W 10."-".1"11" "',;1 fl"'f.ll 21 3n in ,lia1 assessmc nl of the revcnue po'l'Oliai of
U\n-l' "')~t1 :"tI. h'i f1l1.tI-'fr r-·,.,,...,,}· 'hl' lI:!e and ils mmificallous on !hi" sCl ivily alld
o1·"IfJ ('··}- 'IJ'. 1'''t'''I. ID' '~ ID-m.-l'! Olhcr ac,ivillcJ ofl lle goyemm em;
ti ·'·rnj""1."1~ hiJ71D' '1lJ'.\/" Ilh1A'I'I--I, 31 tlte will ingneM Md ahilit)' or users !O pii)' in the
... (.,.1- 1o.'i h'f",")/I>- .tI.,~c I\-"LA Y'l:r:ao-')
hght or !he quali!y and valuc or lite good s or
L :J'.r,"~·l · M' 1'I+~ 1 1.<;
setVien; aud
Il. -l'I11,''' ''?.,,l- "j):",..:r. h" "1'I1A"1i\-·y·:r·
4 !he appan:m le_cl of uscr ~;llrsfaction on !lte
W I··1· 1. 'ì .,.:. l.'r ; 'Il (l/V"'".,. .1''1'1,,,,,.,
q\J~lily Ilnd value of llle goods or SCTVICC$
, .,"t 21. ApprovaI
i> f-·'"I .... :t· - ....6Y t\.,.:f ro"J\. ;VI"."l-
l' HCilds of pubhc bodi~ )hal! be ....'qu'red ID
A.I\.II./'I ''',:>'1 A 'J.I\.IH'" n~l1c Il'':''9':'' '1,f.
iubmil for appro\'al ID Ine eounCiI of Mlni.lers.
1"'Y,y'I.·n n""" JI"'l.''''lIh·l· .l''1rn.. ·}
flmposals on ne\l lee$ or charges or on
f"""fl, ",HI n"'1.Hl"l·~ ntl·A n uy.~.n·h~:r·
varialions lO ell\S\ing fce~ or eharges Inrough the
tI"he Il'}' M'CUID' ~wlflr.·} Y.'ì'coH:·I'f.\;:
f' fltlU ""'~lI.' ')0.1'1 """'K" ai) 1' ·' ·~~l·W ..
'<ot"ithslandln& !he pro~lsion ofsub ar1lc1c ( I)
1'''''')./1'+ dOP'I.,!' 11..r.:r- tI'HI
l.i·fII)· f"'l,'of'Cn·"'· lt;-'i f"1JlIn·-}- "'À ofrhl~ Antck.!be MlnlSler $hJII ha~c Ihc power
"r'r-T 1I_.t.01'1-), f"1.h'im') t-,.,un ffl,t'.SJ" IO appro~e proposals of f.:es or thar~s of goods
nh'+(lJ' ),,; n""À'1r'r-1: f"' N ",m 3nd serviccs. lf sueh r,ooch ami scrvic~ an: of il
t>. "';J h'lie 9 ('/rr'l -OC:) r,",MA'" htr~ llnd !hal il pubhc body don oot $upply or render
\'hfj:fn .. ÀII n"'n,M'{- t\.tI.e-ol- j',.~·""A" IO !be pubhe OlI rcgular baslS or !he uniI pnce of
I. OO=t101t
w!lich dues nOI ellceed fifly (SO) RITT.
f""'J"1I"'} ''''l''(.J' 11.-r.";f.
f"~"'i" "h1A"lI,",}' '1';19':1- n~IIC 22. PublicatioD
'l';J9'';'f. 'Ii'. r-t·Y.1. 1·'; rtlr.4r ",/l'f'ri,I'J"l'" ,.t; Ali public bodies snall pubhsb the delnlls of ali new
111. 1t"Y,tI't-(l ·} .,.., ·,"V"e fltJlll.·NU1· ...,0')"'+ appro,ed fees or chargcs and any appro~ed

hlll1'1'(IO':: cnangu to ellisling fces and cnarges togellier \l ith

~. __c_c
lneir effcctl\'e da!es
r-.,,,I'''}· ""1"/.1' 11.-f-";f. O"7.:~.n+{. 0"7,'" 23. Review
",ot- _""tj' 0"".010,) f1.I&. A'~''''' 1'6'+<;-
fA'A"I ...... ·} '1';1 -m') n+. M-II'''' "1'-''''
Ali pub lir: bodies mali reVlCW lne adequacy o f lheir
ftts or charge!l al inlervals statcd in d,rectl\es issued
..,t-" h.1:" hll'1fnt-::
b), the Minister,
'~A h,-/'I+
r-"eT 11ull -011011<; 10 .,t" PART FIVE
I. e-l,e'X 11«11 -011011
24. CoUectioD or Publlç MQDCV
r"",)"lI""'l' '')/111 fI,jDrll1t1il n.l,"I "l'.. :' '
r1""'IIJI 'l'
rO'l,f. :>'l''.
f"J'1.1\·'~ f".. '"1.... ·1·
Il''''.,'' ..... ·} 1')Ull hMtHl -#,'1'Ir.
-p.t., 11.·1' The bea.:! of every publi<: body mali ensure thal there
is an adcquale and effl:l;t, vc ullemal COfIlrQl syslem
f.,....,,'1'i 1l7·}1 J'lIot- fat-O ... .,. ......e ......1.,...,. far the collecrion functiollS "'Ithm the public body so
-<;{.') "". r-.,"....·} ,'),H') O"t11l IhJ' JII public I11()ttey. .... hieh tM pubhc body IS
-n'lIn0-1 "i.."'" hlln+:: legally obligcd IO collce!, i5 collected efficientJy,
~. r - n e t ""11 nn_tOA 25. Reeelpt or Publle MODey
fJ 0~ ·1·"1\-J' I..J'...t.'1'P. -')"1.... ",. nV" I) or every sum of moncy colleeled on behalf "fthe
Il''''.l'Inn-r1 ""'i'f'I.II-V" 1')1111 ·"h;":,",!'. ", ...C Federai Go~emment of Ethlopia, B seriJl1y
"\ti,, n"U./'I ·l·(. m,e:ro O"'l.'l.M·(. n"'(1I1l numbered, officlal rcceipl or the Minislry or or
entitie!l Buthori7.ed by the Mioi~ter sha!! be
(lI·hA..,.. ut>tJlL')' 1'-/'11;11. .1..''1: '.(.0'5 •.... tlm
·lo Mn-1' ::
2) For every remmance reeel~ed, including cash
Il Il...,<;:(00''11'' "'''''1\'11 1')11 ....11 O... to 1')11-(/'
lransfen from the Mlnlstry or other public
n'fII , n'/'Hl '/lat-at-c h"·t{. dI,.r
bodics, ",lIether tllcy are in ,hl: form "f cash.
111'1.'1 t"""'~"""T - .....t'.f 11.+ " '/"''fI'''(.1I>" dreque or bmk n-ansfCl'. an offie ial reeerpt shal!
11/1il ",".,..1.' "'+'111- ,l,.''P. ~LO"{ ""'flrll'l' be: iuucd IO the reminer by the receiver
hM'}': 3) NOf\Olth~WKling the provisions or sU&-ilnlcle {Il
r, n",11 1I'+1t '),J.O 1IH'lt fli) 1\<; a') and (21 of Inis Al'1lCle Il snaJ l be sufflClcnt to
f", l, ~111I>' n. 'ier (1 ,"' ')''1 .......:,. f InII '1."'11 produce bank depo~it shp in respecl or mane)'
·Ift 1\·,·r.(,1 1'I/Iil f(nl, f.t.n'1" 04; l'-Ir','I\:: deposne<1 In tne lIanJ.. B,counts or Ihe
~. fMt- OH',?" r<1DY"l( nrH! 26. Monev Kept in Trust or &s Securlty
!II h<t:f.'.t:" ct·l ,"f.9" hal'lil l'II"" t'_,u/,w.} l/ Public bodie~ may rcceivc. kecp 8nd admmister
<l''r'é..!' a·} n"y/l'r ·h'Jtfll= 11.t:t:~·Fi- Wf.'f'" any SUrn of rnoncy on behalf of organ"'~ations Or
./l1l'I)1:0,'. ;)(: CI"'Lf'J'.l;'}-·)· 1'l?"'J"~.). m.f'..r ""'?1r individuals for temporary cuslody in trust or as
M.'lfl'J~ 11"'1;n\':r· 'pn·).c,· ""'''t.'} f"'...... ' ....·} 5ccurily \.\"hen they are ordcrcd b>' couns or
''''l''(.J' Il·n·· Cl.f.'(;.i~Fr· /JJpj" cnN\(l:r IW"
appropriate public bodie., or in accordMee with
agrccmc!l1s thcy conclude with organizations or
fhf.t.· IDr,)/" \'ODJ'"lr THtn Il'l.ILf'e',.)· 'H 'ilA""
irrli\."dm; ti" & pcr a requiullfl1l !nb a ~
IIdy<\It'·l· rof.9 u Il'''ltH·.I\.rf. y:·r..,I\-;:
lXl1raCI. IO mnn a pcrlUmance beni
l i l''''',"!,...,·} ''''l''(..t' Cl·Ff· nh.r.(.. m!:',9U 2, Public bodies shall cntcr receipls of m01\cy IO be
Il''''.I' -W y.j·of>nll··l··, nllil Y."f11 Yl.fut·A kepl in IruSI or as seturity separalcly u1\der a
''''·Id'''.....!' 1·n·)· hrnm' nrr11 IIr.·,·m- O'/'M code of accounl difleTcnl from Ihal of recelplS of
1'1.""11 ''''.l'. il nD,to"lI'Hl 1.111]'1:(1":: mone} belonging IO lhc Federai Govcmrnenl
~. o'fin oo."lOOc'1ll null 27. Collection in Cheques
nh.·)·f'A·.t' w,{)1' 1],11 f"'I.J'«I"lu" '':11
.rn Cheques drawn 01\ a bank wilhin Elhiopia may be
lI«1f.,{.·l· 1]11 'l', f'·yJlo(.A hr'l'IA""" h'i tH'''''1\~ acceplcd in payment. subjecl to dirC\:tivc~ issued by
f"'..,.../ ... ·+
""/-,,(,.1' n-l- h·}.'lht.A f)'utl Mlun lne Minislry provided thcy are nOI post-datcd and are
1':t.r'l "'1..~.{).I;<.
O"?.rWnlm- ""<lbtY " .. ",,:-1, made payable lO Ihe publk body IO whieh thcy are
IIh~.r -H"lr_ ~''''' n.<;"l:o" f.:r·"U\:: ·r·.,.I].e~-l·-J
lendercd. lf lncy are acccpled. such cheques Shall be
J'11 '];b \, ,,,,'Julrol' ""p'(.y (w'" n.-I:'
immedialcly endorsed rcmktivdy as follows: "FOT
l''''l:/t\() ,,11-I·/II';-nnll>· /..,1': ""n1' 10.
no,Y:t,al il;1'" Il''"'l_t\ [)1.~1 hm.;-.,."·..·) Deposil Only lo Ihe Consolidaled Fund (name of
f'T/y:-n 9"Alr-} n f.t.'1I1·} f.1(IA:' receivlng body):'
28. Collection or Income from Publlc Property
1I't. h_net JilGt fDJ 11 10
k! 0'<;-'(-(1""'" t""'Y'II"+ " ..1....(.)' Cl·l· 11 Pub1ic bodlcs may colleel incorne from public
,..-'ulr,·l· ·HIl.-)· 10. f"UrtlMl/.l" "1.~.n-)-ç· proper1y in auordance Wilh Ihe dirulive of lhe
O"?.J'UI<·!<J" - ",,(.)' """'I:.}' ''''lf"J Mn-}::
ili 'Xll1'"·' .rNrn- Y......r'!".,.+ """.,.,f..r 11.-'1' 0111.'1>- 2J Unles~ a public body gcneraling income from
""m'~:1'" I)A·'·/"of>.r.n-l- n.,.r.
n--t'1I~} public propeny is aUlhoTizcd IO use ilS incorne
·Hlt.-} (]<m1A1A Y""'J ""......YJ ,11d' d ircctly. any incorne derived by Ihal public body
11"1{)t.J"rY: y.,.1'i "'Yo''f0l"1'' 111. O·hn.;-M.... from Ihe use or sell of public propcny shall be
,{.,y: tI>1l1' 111. ''''f.t.ftl MO'}:: deposilcd inlO Ihe cOll5Olidaled Fund.
~fì. III all~.&:':l 29. Deposit
f!' '''I <;- ,,:.... :1'" hnllil IHFlIl IO .e:1'" h"'1',' 11 Evct}' pcrs.on who colleclS or rcceivcs public
monC}o from J COIiCCIOr or from M}' olber per&On
'J:~9"' M n"" l'-·)''.!!''·} nllll f"urn
w.t'S· shall deposil il dail)' or in accordante wilh lbe
0<1 «IJ',)/" t"? ",/IA ,~
exceptions oomained in tnc directivcs lo be
o"Y.~.n·}~ O"'l.W"111'" <lDOD(.f /l''Y.
issued by the Minisler.
uDII!t·,·m· Af- h"'(..t; un .... ynn tlO"", {.+ 21 Ali such money forms pan orthe revenue budget
1111il 1ft "y.r.'I:"! 1.110·1·::
1./ 10. f"V'.t."! 11ull 1M· tO;>;'}- 1t1. n.ln and shall be deposited cimer in the bank accoum
of Ihc pnblic body ",hich collccts il or in Ihc
11u/l., ntrllnOm· \''''''''''1',.)- '/D I"(.j' fL'l'
YW))) 1."/11 rJ>f.'I" 01....1-r-*".r ·1j,/~t·'P. 1]11) bank account of Ihe MinisU)' witl! Ihe Nalional
,o.e:1" fil,h.('·,!! I],b Il''y.n.e~?'I:(D- 'nll~ l:Iank of Elhiopia or wilh banks delegalcd by Ihe
Il'''1;11/''' l'''y.~.rr·l;~ fW)), 'I."NI Il}ofl1' Nalional Bank.
1ft <lDf.t."! ht\II'}-:: )/ Cr.equcs nOI made payablc IO lnC consolidalcd
l'I t\h,'}"f'A'P tlJ• .tJJ'e ""'1"11'''1, m.e9 'Tllfl. 'lIl H
fund ofthe Federai Govemlllcni of Elhiop;a or lo
t\"lf.t. "/n-} t'm'Y'I",·l· OD I ....(..r il'} f'hn rhe public body IO ",hich Iney are lendered. bills
';-1\1\ /"')Y: h '~fl.U\ .rA;}·1I1I 'J.:h' IVP'I tr't.r.' of exchange and prom issory nOles are nOI
M' !'-1M· tlH': 'lIl Il.Y.t.'7 h1?-""'A'I":: aeceplablc for deposil

" """ lil III1.V f:HI

?iii ~<;-
?if. """'t.'}
f"Y.h<;- !II~D"
30. Recordlng
1/ Ali recording ofreceipl5 under Article 24 and 25
of Ihis Regulalion shall be done in accordance
uY).n·}~ 0"1.)''''''/11'" "''''''(..f """'t.·l-
wiln dire<:lives ofthc Minisler.<;·A: :
.\1' re~t'i'1~u! p~;'11\; ITkI1tC~ _t\_"PI t,or !d<ll\<U
t nh"'~ hH'ò ..I" h·t""l"Ih'Hn. \'+"''''171 ot C',~rlIltlurc a, ",u"Je'" UII"'c"\" A<l,d. ;q u'-
tnf,M. nIH"": '''''il tl~\I"" "1"11.1'\11. l',,..', I !ne I·mdam~hon. ~\1 be' !"C'corrl.,:·d 3~ '~h'TIU~
'7r-)' n1HI n'In)')' """,qrHl Min')' l\. !l,CI'fll,n
__ UFf Ihc \lnHste,!han \"Ut a "',rt\.\\\' r«'4r1h,ni tlle
.JC(a,led l'W''tdur~ 11'1' the t<l'It,I1\Jf1 ,nd di:~n
1'..... ,.11-...). r...,.oncHHI·l-"} 'h', 11t
i'''~. r.I. ..,n.l··) 'lIf:'UC; 1"1:'1')' r"~.rII(I'J ",,,,,'/..r
ofpll\>1i' ",,,,tiC)

n"'I).n·"<. y."''''A'- PAR'f SIX

h,.::1\ nJtn+ 32. Advance. lor!
rtt"" h$"'X \, WhC'n~.,;at) l''' mai.e purch",,-,). t~
",.,'fr "'k=t~f nn.,Om rt M ' M'''f ad\ilrKc, ma} br mJJt tu JI1 eml'lo~« of il
li '1"fr I\''''L''\I''" hn..c.'l1. .,.,. 1\: 1'5 1\'....)
puhho; bod~ ,,~itll rnll"" be: loC'ttkd .. ,mm
'1oP'.). _/N/.' fL·1; "'lr 1'r,: f ... (~ 11U11
r~t: ..1..I' ti,,:! fL'.I. ~' y.:r·'1A· ,,·/,-·I·lj'II" ..nen "ol1;.m, da)~ iner piI)nlC'nt I~ r..--.:C'\\eÙ

"1-'1.11 11\ .... ' r~.t"..,..r 11<1:, r-I"/.1 unle.s olheno ,>-(' aUlh,mted 1'r) Ihe hc;od of Iht
IL'I, rn'l,e :~'1~. l,AL"'''. n(H · ... r; It<i:'''~ public body"lm.... n(ll).", , r/.· .......... ""n... 21 Tltc ma'limurn amounlS ohuch ad"lIKe~ ~lIall
..,m/.·I."· hl\(I·1-:: be eSlabll.ncd by III C' he3d of Ihe pu\lhc boli}
f l""'.,.,,,....). """"·{.1 IL')' ro'l,e ;YI~. ,py.\I""
or b~ an officer aulhon7.M m "'Tllmll by lk
:YI..c ..... O"..h·~: 1',"111\0>- "'/...,.1;< 1''''1:''7.Y
IIcad of Ihe sanle pubh~ body lite crueria for
IM:l'\)o" II~:'I'~ ""/11') y.,"n'''I\ :: 1'.}1:"7.1
1"':11 It<i:-f·r,< _(111 1\-1P(l1 \1""1 Y"1 de!~nmning tht 1ImUUIII of $IKI! adV1ll1c-e!i shal1
1J.~:I,,.:f _-;t'I')' h·plfl'I,.: .... "nn·)·(. 11<: dt'tc:nmno:d \II òh:tOfd.iocc .. ,eh Ihc-
n"'.1tnn'lII" __ /.1 ,.<fJt'KA - d, reçtives ,o 11<:
b)" .1Ie M1I'IuJ.:r 15S~d

r. MJtr MM""""""" M=!LL? HM' me

33. Ad'P?,?, or fu Diem ant1 Tn:m ~
~ nh"1: \'0'+ 'l_o}- m-fl'f fI-I'h;l';"" II l'o ~r dicm ~h~11 be pJld for more Ihan )
!l'l'il')' mr:
11<\', \'fll·ft- MIA Il'i:J' .... ~.1I1'"' consccUII~C mOllms .. \II! in a 1i5l:31 ~C'ar
M~,"ftlr " Ir<;,r h_"}"Iro}' _1"1" CLo}· Hu ...~vcr, Ihe M1I'I1~lfT ma> Hu!honlc pa)mcnl
l'n<\~. ;'H'\.!, "N.flm· 'l't-/: nn'l: 11"'1'1".). orpcr diem btyond Ihe lime hmi! Siatro .. herc
\'1-1:1~. ~tD· 1'lIt- (U'I'"'" •.,.).fl-l..ç. \'/11'1'\- he 's s.~"s fied lhal .Ile app\io;a!IOn ror ,Ile
MA II+m·Mm· ·/.IL n<\,e. "vl.IlIt.A ulros,OIl or ,ne: 1l1ne limil $ubuuncd b~ ,hc
l'\.L~f: K,:f<\tI :: t~~d ur. puh\i<.: bud)' "just\l1cd
l ' ftI"i\- NlA~' 1'''''7'''r NlA "~"-fJ' Ift:I 21 Advanecs o r per d,em aoo lra~ el -anccs .,Io ..
hL'WliI'" ...,:tfHo(. fl"'V1II"'~ - / . , -1.+ .hall be made m actOl'dlllKc ",m 1M
yJJ,."'tl\. :: din:Ch~es IO be' i~sued b).1le- MlmSlfT
.. rtt." M;, 11:,i! 34. J{ntrlctioll iII Advancu
1' .. ,.·...,.1
Il'':.r r"'I'IIII'\)o t'un·}"1!"..)- "./. ..•. r,< l'o ad~"3.It(c or an~ kmù ma)' be .0 an
M.LI\"/n.l-1 ,".t-"t.r Il..:, '1."111 cmplo~'CC or 1 l',,bhc buJ> un~ss 1l1li un,i! .11
~1'I11'I(lI(,.I.r. w,e:r' hn'IA"'!] 1:I.n V"W" c'ustmg 3dvafICn are IKtOUnled for or fC!umcd b)
'I.Mo}· ,':}o1:'''I'. ' "":.r
h.l".Illllllt-Y" : lite cmplo)cc IO "hom Ihcy " C'~ Issucd
tH'", t hi'ff'fJ oo..,n_iI.O 35. Rc_coverv or Outttapdlng Advances
li r"'t'i" :""Y" ''''1~/I·''1' .,.."..,t-! (l·l· " 'I.. 1/ Wherc 3ny C'mplo)«, ur a l'uhho; bod} f.ils IO
.,.:;< lIu.u '.111 ,,,,,,,/.,1' {''\' l'IIIIIIO''' j'.1-1.' ,epa~ or ao;tount fO!" ~II adv~nc:c or any portlon
It~.r n_/\· ",y.Y" nh..c.A fiI. 1t't:1\ or an 1tdV3IKC madc to hlm or MI in IKcorcbnce
a.,.or <\.1'.11/..(:1: n.+c .rA+'tLI\ .... ",ilh Ih,s Regul"IOI1. Ihc OtII\l;md,nl! amounl or
r:tr:..,.,r 11'1:1 t..,11 hm·I.;'· hOl\. thc ;od\an<:C' mi} be' n:c:O\ crN l'\HTI an~ I"m or
nn.H-C {'h,)-f' A'Y 1..'.(..'1'" _1"1 l "')' mone) pa~ablc to hlm O!" ileI M- ,Ile go\cmmcn'
I\ ..'I... ,.~II.. lt"tlt'l:l\W' ~f;":~.,.. 11111' e~tc-pt l'" pc:n\\On m..'IIC)
'Il'. " .... ~n "".'/'" ":/'" .r.:'ì·~A


, ''''/"''1'..1' 2J "he"':II! 3.chanee or an) pomOl1 Or an 3.rh;rnce

"'I..-,.:;' UtI.lI m~d~ IO an)' cmplo)cc or a Pl'bht bod~ unde.
""""'''1..1' Il',:.1' (1'"""" tIl,t1l" mt,l.A \his Resulaw>rI rcml.n5 out,standing Or
'1,r.ul..CY: IIIf.\/'" 'H·.'.... An Il''''')'' unaccounted for DI lhe ,ime uf hi~ dealh. Ihc
,l' A ·r· ""/Ir)<l~ 1"}f.·"1"r ",.,:! 'I,"HI IlfIl·I.:'·
uUlSlandmg amount m~)' ili: r~cuI'~red from an)'
MA 0'''''1"'11'' ·1' "'/""';:' :I~ "'r:t:
" 'ì some of mone)' pa)'lble by the go~cmmcnl IO
n·I· ':~·l1tr~ """,(,,1- 1""""-//,,,1,
"'I. ·-"It'
thc hcll"l; or I~ cmplo)·tt. ueepl for pe/lSIOn
n"Y.'I"·l-lI·l· 1)1. flfl.-h\(I· 1r"1.h.t.A "",.11
mone)" and mo~y payl1ble IO \he ramll.,. or any
(l(H-'N: ,'1\,:l-I'"*"' "'-,. /..<\'f. ""')"11"'-1-
emplo}ee ofa publlC bod) m lite eleni ofdeath
""'/'·i -;;' '''" mt:.jf"f ""1.!,r,:l\tI," -"'o''f''''9''
'1')""1 'l' ' II..-t~n my.r tI,1" 1 y.:r-'1t'.::
m accordance
.....lIh the C iv il Scrvanls

"''''1'(11-\1'' f"""·'r·l· _/"1..1' IL-l'

" '!I\·HM.tI· 1'.)J':'''1..r h<;:YS"l' '1.t. ... n~.'11. 3/ Ali public bodiu $hall n:VleW ali advance-s
M : jI")!" (I,mlll"(lf: }."')JI.;J'A nhr).'l')}\· t"r: OUlSland ing ~I tbe end or every month as Ih c
"".:u,(.lI' .l'A-,'IIL(I· f'."J>f.·'''i,)' 1}" :,t'Jw,):')
bas;s for l:tking thc nceessal)' aetioo IO dear

, IH\· -'''II.,-} "'tlfI.}-: :

ovcrdue advnncc
Evt:l)' publlc body $hall ellSure \hai ali 01 its
nt.·II'1'm- .t.:t>r: ... "/..'f~') 1''''1,11''' 01IY.'I"
m·1. :1- f"'I.<TI/II- ....t-.,. 'l" l · f''''''w./.1fm-., cmployees wh.o ""ign or ""in! elrar adval1Ces

1.1L ''''''"'1' h~.I' Il'''I''f5:,' 'f:0I" .. ,,,.'l' beforl" \hc) rteeive thell lIut payment of!HIlaJ).
fUl" .... ·l· ,'t.r.:..,...f' Il't:! "......111'1-1 5/ In me month rollowmg 11M: end or each fiscal
,... " ".."'1'
~'I''':':'''''r r ..... ").,.....:r _ ...,,/,.1' 0. ,1, ru,.:·).
year. each publie bod)' 5hall preparc a complete
anal)'sis or ali OlltSlanding adv~nc~. Th.s
<l''''''' ItI'''' "'1'(1- Ill\lIl- ,11(; 1"/''''.'1
J'A·"'r~.1\ 1,·)0.1:'''1..1' Ir'i:Y 'rrt: 11t: "MI(I""I.
analy,is sha ll isolate nll Ihose QU1&tandlnl:

.rtl:'):!'A:: ,t'.I) llt:lI(; """1I\"l fI.""I\(I. 3dvances ..... hich are considcled lO be
r".,J'.'f·I\· fA·I'II,,-I\· r.:t-Y.:"lf tl'i:.1'1'~···1 irrccovcrablc and Sh311 be 5Upponed by Il brief
n""/'Il"l' A.""l'u'l· fAif/l·n·l·') rll">J' -1- indlcation of ",h)' Ihis delermmation was made
1I"".J""y. "'~r: OD"1I\'"'i .')(; ,,,,·)0(.'11
A eopy orthlJ analyJIJ 5hall be ror.....arMd IO tlle
}'/ln·l- (ltf.,! .:t-Jf ID' m1.·)- '1_ '" fll\+
Minislf) \\lIhm IWO monlhs or Ihe end or each
01].1\·1- ,II':.,}, m-i1'1' l\"U.fl·'.<;. " ..... 1)
"'I\O'}- :: fl.iC31 ycar.

!!II. -'1'11-1' 36. Record.

~.I'·)WI"'.. r"'<')~II"'}- ·'''l''(.Y n.·l' \")o;':"'l.J' Evcf) publi. body shall maintall! appropriate and
Ir" :,1' 'l."I·ln ""'.''''I\II-}' ·/·10.... l'· r·~ ,,, l'~.'''~ I cumplele r~,ord. or ali advances madc b) thc
""ll1·n ""J'll 1.1\0·1, :: puhlic body
~ . /,1'(;1- OO?ttll 37. Reporting
'''l'irlll'r r,,,,.,"uu·l 00/-,,(.' o..}' "Y.~.fI·l-<;·
Subjecl IO dln!Cli\"~ LSs~d b) Ihe "hnbl<'T.
U"1. ,"oIl"I'''' ""''''(.y " ....·(.·l O"',VI');'\. n1. ·l·
public bodlfS shall tepori aJ] ad_M.C.
oUl5lanJing BI tbe end of nCI) fi§cal }~lU" li! mc
r·... f.'''1..1· 11~: .i'J'·1· ('7't:.)- 11'1·<1\.-;·.. ·.·<1 .. o}'>l'
pubhc accuunlS (or Ille fiscal year jUil cndcd
'},,"·l· '/'"/11 (.;,.t:.)- :It: ..... ·r /.~1 "'tln·}·

i't'liVt!l 't""lflf-11 "1F.;r1'-:r-"} .. r,l'..1l1:;"l\ WRlTE-OrrS or RECErvABLES.

T.N;?,""} 11_"111 OlI_wL" OBLIGATIONS
1:. 11_11111 r_WL" ...... At!!"}
~I f,m')'U"'}' 6O,1y4, 11. •.,. ril'IY. :~f),(.
38. . Power to Write . O(f
"',,\/'" ;)f),(.m""} O""tJJIIA Y'·tl"l·A ;~'l,(.'JJo
fl,·;I\f. ),"llI·n t-rtlO/"" r ......,.:·
n<t:l\ II The head of a pub!ic body or Ihe deputy henrl on
n"!<f'I: 1Ifl'}' MH.. yf'·.,. """'I. '}" tl11e behalf of Ihe head 5h311 l.ave the po\l'er IO wr;lc-
),rc TI. f·"'/.i'.OAT nll1l r .l'liti"'" )'J") ofr upon Ihe rccommcndation of I!le 1"I'1c\"3nt
;I\"};I\.'" O~.t- Il'''''11111 1'''''''"1."11 ...... A"n dcpartmcnl of Ihm Pllblic body. dcbt up to an
l'''Ulm(l''' I\.ln ntlll 'i,e~ ..l- Il'''''11111 amoum of BifT ten tholisand in each t3,e
l'uY."'I.II"'" Y"/l1 o),"}..r: 1'01.·} 'i,ID.}"
provided th31 Ihe 10lal amounl IO b<' so wrilt~n
m"il'!' h·ne Y'/""I ?'i.. tI.IlAT ),,e:""i-A'r:'
ofr in 3 fisca l yeM shall not c.xceed l3ifT fifty
Il un.f1"}".ç.. tl"""}u/,1"'} ,n>""'t:J' [L.} l'Uf),e
;}f),(. ".;" I-tflO>- 1""n.f1·I;~ . 1''''''1..
),"1'Hl Ihousand.
I)'l:A ll Y.·I'C1111·'"
u ),(1'1·,1'·1" " ..... '1.-1 . 2/ The MiniSler ~hall have the pow~r !O \l'n te "fr
!t'llc ),re n.
Of),!'. Mh ilC h')1: "'l.ttJ~', upon recommcndation of tllc hcad of the Pllblic
nll11 (',l'II(Jl-') ),..l'"};I\1;1\.'') n~..r: 1I·,m·rt11"1 l30dy and thc rclevanl dcparlmem "f Ihe
l'''''nLll rl\"n 1""''1mO>- I\.lf"}1 OII.U M1flistry. debl in th~ amo uni ranging rrom B'T!"
'lY.~.}. 116011111 l'''Y.. n/.llo/"" Y,"I"II O),"}I: tcn Ihousand IO l3irr one million in each case
f'Or. .l- ·l''....l- (Jl-n'!' !l'Ilr. hre '''l.I'\.,W) providcd (hat the total amoun! tn be so wriucn
1l,0A'!' ),,e':)"A\/"':: olT in a r'scal )'car shall not e.xcce<J len millinn
ti ),YVn.... l.'};I\.. nLll M·I .. yf ..l- Nt.Oo ..l· Birr.
'1."1'0 1"1I(Jl- nUl1 11·0r. h 'H': "'l.ft.r-') 31 Where a dcbl in !"t'speCI of which wrile oFr il
l'''Y.. OAT I\.U'"}1 O"?. ~ . n·h!':r- Y"hr. fl,·l· recommcnded c.xcecds BiT!" one million. Ih~
o'""'n, 1.1.'\ 0·1·0 ..l- Il'''1.''''1111'''0>' maner sha1l be refcrrcd IO tho Council of
f'6O"}ul .......l- '''''l''I.Y IL ..l . 1'0f),e ~f),c. "".. Minislers logclhcr with Ihe rccommendations of
Il''n n,},,· ),l'H',rf"}' ), 1"',11·'r Il'9"<'1''' the hcad ofthe public body and Ihc Ministcr and
al) other relcvam infortTImioli noccssary to make
),(1"11' ),n,,-f)1. 111.1':" 60/."PifP':)·· :J(:
,r."'·IIM.A:: a dccision .
lì. , ....-.,+11"1' b'ì' r+tY" ,,"1~+1I""";f. t'M 11/.01 39.. Employees and rormer Employees
M Mvl-f'R'Y ..c..r..":''''f. OD')"lr"l' Il,,,,,:··,'"1':f
h""'ul(l/"" o,,}'.. h·,·II,(.fI ~""ID11 m,e'r II No reccivablcs. obligations or clalms resulting
11~1'C .'JC /l.l' Y 'II),/lA 'rln.l'+ I>DU.
from the (>wrpaymem by Ihe govcmmcm 01'
finI uy .... ":rr,..Y" '1-1'111<'10. 'l"f·n ulJ'•.+ '"f,\/'''
1'1'-'1']<;'A 'r 3'4: !ll,lW" t'lUI· 11',:A n"l~ . salarics or cmplo}mcnl re latcd 8110W311C1:5. or
(l'}'{' 11A"~1' Iln'H'C Il''''11''!! fI,l\I:1l an)' pari of [nem shall nOi be written off wllno"l
h,e:fA'I" ;:
prior approvai oflhe Min ister.
MI IllI,u iI'H'u ( ')
21 NotwithSlanding thc provb ion (lf sub artide {l)

1I..1I"-'l'J'0>· 1''''1..'1'1 ''1",,'0>-1'''' 11<t:! !H"~, of Ihis Anide. thc pnnciplc of ,,"rite ofr shall
Il'''' n:'\" h1'..r:'I" ... ,.: ..,.....' :)"". oh:1'1'"~'y
apply IO ",ceivable.~. obl igalions or elai ms OWlllg
,,-.r.I.·"·I~ ,m')""",}" P"'l. ~, ~7'i:l:
to Ihc govcrnmcnt by ils fonm'r employ~cs tha!
,,"'W" ·'·('Hlfln. Y."111 -JJ~_:'" mJ';.V"
PJ',1'1:;-'A 1',1'4; nU'!''''''fl!I'} !1""111'!l are discovcred aner Ineir employment ha.1 ~eased

r,,,·r'tI:1I m'(:11 ,,·,c.7"'l. J';.II"'A ;: alld alllx:netits payablc to tllcm have becn pa,d
40. Duty to Report
• 1.,.-11\'1.'\. ..,... .,.,..... ',} . ""r'~Y IL.) • 1lI''''~ 1I AI Ihe end or e;>o;h mumh C\O:I) pubh~ ~
-w.t:)f -"()'fI'lQ 'l'.,."If·')I ,,'.:1-)1' :f','" sh.all prep;lfc compk' .. al\;ll)~I~ 001 JU
rr."':;''' . .,."1'., /1"", -1\1,,)-

....·111..,. ~111:)j':·1· ",; '·U.IJ~· -"VI"l"


I .op~ 01 'I lu Ihc \1ml.U)

,lIId da,m. Md
I\"'O.I\-&;«" " .."tI 1.1'\11·1· '.!lV· -'7i1'" 1fl.
1\,11'" '·~". ~··1\ ··1··1 "'/Hlflll 'f."ffl)".! an;Il~,is ~h3n uolau,' ;011 11It....... ~cO:I\~hfn,

,?,.:",,";f M' 1",..7111;'" 1'J'-t,,:r- n/'.f. obligallQ/l\ and ,,11 •• I1;orC' cOllMdered IO
r ...,.... ·,.r.... Inl,ll (U-I\~. 'I". Il''''r:I. n be ul1Qlllttublc and \lIali t>e .uppont'd b) a
"-/']'1'111,1-" 9"ln )"1' n"'IJII. Ilr. h"l"r. bn .. r Slalrmenl or "b~ IhlS Iklcnnmau.," "as
""·HI ..... r ,,· r:r~. ''''l,f'I 11/111'1- madc
( fth'f')! ),H' IIo' I; /I·N'IIII l " A"tI """'1, ,1,
2/ Subjttl IO Aniclr ~ or Illc Proclamalion, ali
r'''','''''III~') " ••" ..,.! n-I"" A 1'-')"1;, "')-
"''l''M' IL·r·l· nl'tJI~. ''''i.l.L/.'If tI,,"·w)r,:,:jU. public bodlC~ shall (CpOlt ali f((tIVabb,
'''..,.:'·fn.. ') ,,'(1'11'10. '1."1-11 ' ·,,,',,:1' ),S obhgauon. and clalms .... h,ch ~ oulslandmg
t'.t':J'If1A 'rJ'-Il ""Y. ~.rH;~. r.;."(:.l· 1'''11':1,''/
al the end or~very monlh IO Ihe M,nblry ~I\d
1.11:.... \1'" 111"1-'" ''''I.U.(.1i' " ,,,,,/,,,,''1'0''
$hall ~pon ali recel\lIblt" obligal ioM aoo
l'''~.:J·I'!II'' ·I 'N'lii-Hl 'I."HI "H'.:'- "",'
j'j".'JfIs;'A 'f'," Oo/·m·.. .,..,.".. 1"111.·1- 't-.l- c!aim, ... hi<:h al'\' oulStalld mi al II\(, <:lId or
l· .....·)., .... ,,·} '/.",." u"n'1' t;.o'I;·l· r"'f;I'."1 CHI)' rear III Ihe pubhe accounl for Ihc
"1r..:J. "fI'I'fIP'::
rtS<:al )~r ju5t cndcd
lur,lI n",. " "'1/1110" U"' w,",-; """'fll"?"
3/ In addihOll, ali pubtic bodlU shall n:pon ali
" r-'l"1I'''l' -, IL ·l · " ''''l"i'
f·,.... I'./fIl1'·,
f J', ,..,>;,
"'nil"lll 't.",il l
t\ Tf< Ilflll~. /l '''(~.n·l.:';'
"" .:"M'T'lh.' recclvablo. obhphOns and d'"m \\TIUCII off
cach momh IO Ille Mmislty IlId shal! rcpofl ali
n-,t'(."1 "')0\.1"'''' lN'm<;"'''''''' ror.·}o fet\';vablcs, obhpnons and cbllms "TInCII off
'l''''·l· I, ""'-lIlil 1" "0(.11 11"" 1 '011"10. '1.,.,-1) 1
"1r..;J' IJJ)',V" f}'.,..I~A '1'''',* n,l'.... -,-.}-
In Ih .. fiKal year just cndcd accordll\' IO
fI/J',V" 'I/lf.·l · 'i"":J"l' r 'I·.t.II- ' .... In.. l "hc1hcr Illese wnlc..offs perlalMd IO
n-M.]' '-;7' C')' '71:(•.., "/In.]· rcceivables, obligations:md orlhal )ear
i i, --?ft'r or or prior ynrs,
"'fI1l"1Q 't.''tfl:y·') , ..".:",.:r-') M,.V" rl','fll'1t\
41. Dlreetlvn
.,. )'e .l'':t,') '" j'.~ rMII,V'J. h":t\ 11-11"'1 r-n
The "TIlc-off ora n:cclvable. obligallOll or dalm or
(.". h""1W" f"'l._/'.tI,. o"'O.n·l·ç. U",.m"jP"
pan or I n:cell'able, obhgallOll or clalm shall be
" .. _.-;)' ,,..,,.(..). j'. 'f"·t\:;
dOlle In IlCcordance wl\h din:cll'es lO be Is~ued by
.hc Mmisler
r-ne'X llg-c "'" '-n .....x1 PUSLlC PESI AND IUE IHYESIMENT or
11"11 b 10M" no.,t'7 PUBLlC MONEX
:11, rilg-c bOt,llt' n·N,·d' 42 . Debt Management Stratea
i> ..,.~.t'I ·l·~· .,."''' ....... , '11""' "" m') O·'-'Wl",.
V~ r''''Uy.I;·, "'/11:"")" ',,,., """'1'.,).
Il Debl Jnafliliemcnl Slr1lI~leJ shall be tk_elg.pcd
by (Ile MlIIlSIcr ba!.cd on Ihe o.eratl ubjcCll\e of
)'J'.(.1 M ' Plal,' -.,.~n') ".,.(..:;>;> -w.
borrowing appropJial~ amounts Il approrn91c
.'JC 'l''''IIU~ /l''''V''.-;.·l· 1I ·1~.IW"
li ~ and m a "ay Ibal balance mi nlmltallOn or
il~ r: rj\~ ....... l''~.:''' "...
f''''ll'''t\ ... ~V"l COSI "ilh tOSI SUt>ilil) aod lakllli !MIO
-"'1'..). ' 11;1'.1 "~l:\' -lP'n~ f"tJ'n:f.t\ Qlnsideralit)ll tlle Ie:~el or dtbt .nd thoc ablhly IO
fill:l : ... f'I+~t.(: f'I.}o.-; ••l;ìI'. "'I1l.'1J<i· r~·pa~
Mo·l ·

I I 11~C OU'f.u'M'.·Il·} 1.11. 11<11/1": lI>"Ll. r1T~. 2/ Borrù"'1I1g shall 1a~C imo acçoum non-int~resl
f','/I.rf- hll.(:ç ;>C \"".1'.1'11' <IIm.JI>)"·) COMS. such as lhe diffcrenl markeling co'ts
h-w',}' U>-(']'I' "7/\1'1'1' ),/10+:: fll,U 'H'.H-'(: whieh are incidental lO borrowing. These
<II'Ll,jI':-"· [·I·/I.ri! l,d?,?!"-)"'} T h'i":J'''·:y.·)
include lhc various eOl1lmissions. fces and
r..:.i((,]·l-.:.t:·:f'} 1,<,- f'i . .e"·!I'l ,ull/l·:Y··)
lllhcr adl1linistralivc COSIS 01' rcg,iSlrars dlld
f ),(']·,...:f,(; <IIw.JI> ;1· .eUJ.9" 1.-/1.::
l'I 1l~r: O),m::I>'1f. ),J"~u'f_ '1.e ),(I.;J',!! [lf~ fiseal agcnlS.
tl>-1T\.·l· f"1..,nh·l·(I· o·/·tI.e\'''· II'nu·1l ?·tI.n, 31 Borrowing shal1 be managed In such a manner
rIlf.'1'" Oh":J' ·"I.W) '1.e rUY.LmC as IO prcvl'm any negallve imparls on Ihe
),tI-t.;):)·l··) r""'MtI· lJ.'J,.:'·Y'f'} u"ll~IIA
generai l'conom)', such as crealing. instabilil)'
0"1. .I'l'l1·A ""')'11: ""·/'I\f.C .e'iCfl;J'A::
!il f),<l'C VI. 1ll:C oo·)a/ ..... ·l- (lini","::)'· 1.'ì in monetary poliey ur balanee of paymenls
OAlINII''I' 111.1' 1. '}~n7r'1. m-(']'I' .,(ltl>-'} 4/ Shon-tcrm borrowing shall be based upon
f'f. ''111 ".,_~'} 1.1.'\.1J-9" l'1ft 1.'ì ftJJ€ll. reliable currenl informatio" on mc govcrn-
ol': ·l·'} "1S"")- O"1.oo(lh·} )'1'I·I'''y~"l l'In mcnts balane\' lf1 the banking syslcm,
"''-''.+'e ""t_it"l """'I.'} fl~Y~t."'I '''''''"l''' exehange markC1 activity, and budgel estim -
),(lfl1':: ale. of fiSCHI inflows and oUlflows.
t. -ne'T f"lItlOJ;CD- :fig=c: 43. Borrowing by the Government
"'O.l'l·l'... r(lJ'..<I'm-"} '1-;"'1: f'i . .i'-'ì"}l'l (l~.(­ The Minislcr shall, in accordanee Wilh lhe approvcd
" ...... t_·l· fl"'1l:t."1 1.. -"}"1 .....l-·) f'i ..f',~")f1 ":'1'11'
liscal pIan, submil for approvai or lhe Council or
f"U'''l.'1 t"I>-,,~ '1''1,0 Ofl'l.t:'l'l·l 'u ~_
Minislcrs semi armually proposals lO meel lh<,
1'I"'l.'t.(']-h:-:f ?"'he fl1' ),-l'Cfl jflnl: .4'.<\:: OU.lI
'M,~·l· f"". +COm- ra>-<'I~, . '1''111 0<1"1' ;,. O_fH',r. goverrunent's tinancial requirements The>e
1.'ì! W,i'.?'" l''f'n,lo'ì M'.)"') ..."I>-"I·l'~· -i'i1") proposais shall conlain mfomlatiol1 on how lhe
O""<'IM· ,,'.!l'f· f"t(lUflil (/UlI'.,..~ fflY.1AO' mOney shall be roised such as by loans andlor by
Obl.;fp':-,:'} -.1'11 l.tlO'1-:: Ihe issue or sale ofseçurilies.
,l!, 1"'1) 0+5- f ....fllJmC e'A".!' 44, Regulatory Power or tbc MinJster
"'1,).01->... fon'}'? ......} rA"'1·1· f:C~.f:y. M- The MiniSlcr .hall havc thc power to regulale lhe
.,-!!;'"".). ra>-"1~ ),lC 11f:r: manner in which public enlerprises and financial
f"'uoM.O·}'·) "' ... ;.1. )''ì 1',01: ... ., ),~.1fJr agencies obtain foreign loans and the ex~ution of
f..4''''lmtrA:: such loans.
,~ . .,.Ot5 45, Guarantee
fii "u.n·l'1, /I~/~:"JI>:f )'L~fJ?'" '1'fl1 ' ~' n,fl'l' 11 The Mmistcr ma)' issuc guaranlce for lhe
f,)'-I\Ct :: 'f'll-)-·'..m-·' tJotoflm·f; (\,!.~1· \''''IJ~I'/\+') pcrfomlance of obligalions with due
consideration being given lO the following
Il-'I.:J-p>'f 1l"'I:Jl1 "'1")0'-.+ Mo·l·:-
condilions beforc issulflg guarnntcc
III 'f'n-l",ro' yflLtl11l·1··j ?"'h"}J"} )''ì (a) the rcason why lhe guarantee is necessary
It'f'n'}','a>- 1''''',11'0>-'' 1'79'" and Ihc bencflls to be gained from il;
fii n'J'n'l'~'(\}' """'I.·lo "11n)'" f<"'<11""lo (b) Ihe probability and consequence. or lhe
guaranlee being cxcrcised.
l"~:" r"'f.,c,IIlr: MI,m,n· f"'iS·>o.,
21 Thc Minisler may Issue a guaralllcc for Ihe
,,/jr"1' ),~' f"?,.rnh·lotlo>-, o>-m.'lo::
perfonnance or an obligalion lO repay pursuanl
" nt1.lJ hHK" ·w·n )'"H~' (ti) ","wl'} to sub article (1) ofmis "nicle, provided thal
"'I.'~flh· Il..,'''';.I'?,:-''· l.~,~tl?'" 'f'M·" flfl'l' the procecds of the l<>an in respeci or which
f"Y, :fl'lro'! 'f'h :"'i \"1'101'.,.0:" il~'r. f;" llil guarantee is sought are used lO linance lhe
·,.rotJr-:f 9"hC fU' Il'''1..I'O.t'-t'm' re\"'I·l· implcmcnlalion of projcets to which priority is
glven in lhe developmenl pian ofthc govcmmcnl
6;r~ -l'.\'; "'1..1' n'''I'1''l'r",' T/:'J':h,Y·:): "'Ifl~,
approvcd by lhe House of Peoples" Reprc-
Il'''l,}' \''''l. m·t'! 1\.1f') ~m·::
;' '''I.~.f'I.).(. fI'''I.flftlf!t- ""d,'; 'l'I1\,"'''~ l'IJ'~ 31 1h~ party bcnefLtmg from Ihe guarnnl} ,hall
NItI 'f'hl'ìlO-"' ~Itl' "l'u'H"(. )'I(Itl'ku-1 h..:!", Ille oblopllOll ID reunNrK An)" C\pell":
"'7Y.'o~·~ (Ul.Ll,. r,,.,.t-1rl· '1)'..:'- Nln~" III'urrcd h~ tlle "htllltry IO 5IIl1lfy 11M: gua'anlcc
bliiot-,T 46. Inve.tmcDt
/H·m .... /"II\<U- ~:,y.: m-t'l'f' 1'""1.11 .,..... n","i.-C Mor\e\ m lire c,.n\OhdalC'd fulld thal , nOI
1,11, ""OT 1\t~1' ,."j'.LfI'7 11tHI .,.,11-)'<; "tnnallJlely requ ....:d fl>T payTl1cnts. slI,1I onl~ be
M',"" 'II'. h,liil'l·'" f\u."I Ml-M"' -O.n-H- J!lJ tn~"eSfed tn sccuritlC"l .. hm l11e MlilUn \S 'Iòlh,flCd

• 'ntH1 1tM:'"P'r fl)1"i:1 .....,J'~'1 .h';~ T)fM1 1113/ il l5 trul)' !lUrplu:s IO reqUlrcmcnl1 Md cann," bo:
....n.l 1,',' '<1'1\'/\ ffr fI"1J'fI1'J M'" pul IO benn ~ in sonw OI.hcr IIIU or pubh~ de'bi
,......,..,,-.)- Nn r"'1I\-f"JIfJ: -''"'1',1: 1I1"llD'A mana~cment.

..,~~., M)'.'f-A -.,.,. rU'(.:n-r 'AT"iA' 47, 8lnkiD' t'uzul •

fTtj· LJt Il Sin],;m& fund, mB)' be establishcd fUI re
" ntlfrr "1.11. " "~hU\ l' 'hnM:,
fI.t'l: p.l)lI'ICnl of long 1ttlT11oaNl, for ft'placemcnt of
n_I,,(.I:'\! o'I-t"'. 111l·r:f· _Nlf I/J/·r
fi~cd afoScb or fOI an} omer purpose Ihal thc
f"l.'lll')'C:f 9"IIr. IL+ 1\",.mn·Vt'f,&
fl.fto'!f '1'~I'"'f \'..,.m..tI l''r(.+ .t1t: Councll or Mlni~ten ma) dctermllIC
/"I.ltlt'!I" ,.l"·""·, 21 Sinking fllnd~ ~hall normalI)' onl), be
(1'1'(;.... L'a: tI,.,ltv- M.'f-tlllI" establlshro wh.- Il is cOllsidered economkall)'
l'''n.n·h~l- rllC: IL·l- h,l";"Y. .r'p. m sollnd b), tht Coundl of MiniSlers Sin],;m&
<1'...,,;1- IO"" -">-1 l\.rr10·)· il":
J'.I",'/:\;: 1"1'1;:'-/:\ ·J111.·,.:r·., I\""'I'I~,
funds fOT eapit31 n:p1:ICcmen15 shall onl) be
1'''tn>-I\tII- ''rt.-}- L ,1: Il.r''' ,.,.l-ntlto teserve'd for tbc JlII1PCKe mlemicd
I\:J·~f.,,·l· -I·w/I'e h·M.tI~A 11;1 lUI':: 31 The crcatiOl1 or • sinJ.; Ing fune! shall be
l' M:tt,- .,..,'1e n.nn 11 H.
f''1'(.-)- L 11: ~pportcd, U I mmimum. b)' , thorolIgh busi·
''1.t- h1+n?fI. Il'''''' -!J=1\o1 114.)'.'>1'" ness case. lInkcd IO tbc fiseal pian and tbc
ò+.\.'l h-.,." .. ·l- rA.,t 1J!t1': :1(;
n..."".." f'Ll4- -!t't,.. M,n'f'iato1 developmml pian of SO\'a1IlIImt. sI\O"'l0& .... h)'
TW 0"1.""1,t'. ·l-1.:t"'I. -~1'j: "'/\Or:: Il is beneflCa..1 IO esllbUsh sur:h , rund Thls
.r.11 ".,t: :,.,,:..'1, rrll.ç..:,." buslllCS!i case: slUli ,Iso stio.. tbc in~wnml
rh.1iin:t·.,...,:t· ""'u""-'f ),,'i r,'·<M".1»" OptlORS considered I!ld 11M: le3S00 .... h)' Ihe Qnc
IIIJ.fI·r '+~II t\."" r!fllo:""
rln/·l· f'7.,fI,. Mn+:; -'r1 cho$en is best-
il 'T(.+,."t: M+A~C ~, O!fll 1"("'Hl 4/ l1Ie managemenl or , funti shllI be
.....·c'}·l· "...,. "f'(..l- "1~ 1 supponed by , sySlem of n:corcb and periodic:
+1...,. n.A h+,.O~ (.Tc·l· rcpot15 IO Ihc Council or Mtnisters OlI llIe
n:\ll N·r:.l.'JdI-1 III""" 'h'i rt: ..+f.tI+ 1ft progress of lhe sinklng (und. 811)' changes mllde
Il,*,, , ...:I.'r" .,-111\0 r'7.'JO"·'-(lt-') .,.?
smcc the pw.'1OIIli repor1 • .nel projecuons of ils
IM..M". 0+aIr'\'I 11~ 0I-f'IT 1I··U.fI-1-r.'f rtlf':
1\·1· 11''''+1:11 ,.....c+ ,....J".'l"i: MO·l·" expecled V"dlue by 115 plannnl dale ofmawrt1y
!tI. O!' no..,O+Mç 48. As,i(Dmca\ Dr Debb
li' n"u.n·l·.ç.. M· flf~ "h.·l·
r-k,., -1.,. . ·:t·
IIC"" r·'·(..?1tn
n!l"V"):" 1)0'111 nn·l·ore
~7'i'l'lD"r f"1-·L" "0.'1(, rh.·l·r-A'r) .....,..,
II No usignmenl or d~b15
or the li:ovcmmcnt of
Ethiop~ IO a durd part)' ~IIaU be madc b) •
fOlelgl! kndcr .... ,lhoUI a formai ag.recmcm ofthe
,.··1' 0.4 I\t'n·t-~ 1011 tI..,n+/ltlç "J'.=t~ go'iU"llffiCnt. or I:.dUClpl1 evl(lc:nced b), !Ile
tlV":, ··U,r)·l·(. ru,u 'J,t.H,' ,U,(o h'.... ". slgnalurc: or Ihe Mml~ter fkforc "gmng, tbe
t._ nol.·l- o.o?ll1- f1"I\IILBI" 11'f't;'1D" Y·fll:'r.
'.'1"1"10' mUSI estabhsh thal tbc DSignmenl ,~
nV"r)·l- :>C ."-...,...,,. nlT'" Ol/.!I" 0+/1"1\- undtr tbc 'IaITle or beUe1 Icmu and CondlllOf1S for
rm-A .... /I-:r- "... 1).'1,:""l- -".,.~. the ",,,,cmmcnl or Ethlopia tllan thc ongmal
...." ... , "'''',;'"M' "110·1' dcbl: arr.l!lf'Cment

, "~J.fI·N.

l' l'I1r.
nr'li"+C rY'/l-'"';'"
IIV' rH -1;<
21 No assignmtnl or thc dOffil'slie dcb~ or thirtl
parties or the righI ID col1«1 thf d0me5lic debts
of thm! parl1ts shall be made IO the govemmcnt
""1!-}' ti1\. -H'w.r ""''''''11''.} "'In·,''\I\'f: withouL the approva. or the Mmister. Sudi
I\,..;1'M'''':: CIu,ll 'H',~·} r"t."'·"'"~ M as:ngnmcnt mUSI have thc slgncd
"''''fU:)-}' 111 ""11'). fl"!).I'l·H· u ;..., acknow'edgcm~nl of the asSlgnmen! hy Ihe
""(..,"'1' l'II\IH' :: "'I).n-}~ r~1n·I·'\t\4··) Minisler. Bcfone. acknow'edginli\ the assignmcnl.
-/-"1' 1(; h-.,.nl\.· fiL'} O-/'1QU>- ''''')11;' thc Minis!cr 5hall be provided wilh tbc propc:rly
fo! '(• •" m .l,;>'f. m.e- fI...l:CMI- ,l';1'IA:: authenlicaled legal cIocumenll.
:!7j. r_"/,,,+ ,,,li li,... ri..e'ilQ "'b A
il "·u.n·H .. '''' ..M'1fl 6~'(:" h'ì
h'f'1."f f"t-)Ulo-l-l 1'-')'"11"+1 1'1')/,", 1/. Tbc MimsICT slulll mstrua Ihc Nauonal Bank of
~'1,..,.l- n...,.-nh·} I\ ..... +,./I;-.f' 1M"t..'t EthiopLl 01'1 the govemmenl's requlremcnts

lJ'nl --t'.f J.'.(I"Il\ :: illÌsing From tI'Ie flleal p'an and borrowing
II "u.M· ~ rh,: },.l\-y 1l,1~","'f. /1')11 prodama!ions
0-')'1... + t'1 ..e'l'·)n (lIh,AH- M'.I.'!»- 2/ Tbe Mmisler 5nal1 moOLtor the pc:rfonnance of
"1.:)-(')71'1. UlC'I'f. {.;n:+ 11 ').'\.,.,.r.o(1l\,l· thc Nallona' Banl!: of Elhiopia by rcquinng Il IO
I1m·mr.}o frJ'H1-1 1..'(""11" -h:.H"A provide monLhly reporu 01'1 ill acl"'ilies as the

,. 1\1\0:)-:: govemmcnl's flSCallgcnL

-11][!::f. b.S:: :t.::4!':f
"'O.n:H- OM')f. h1+7Ic }I
MI hfl,,..II.l:Cl r"t.-flh-l- r-1I11'1 M" fY•.,l1
-... /.-}- '-1"11"+
50. Booo .Dd Record,
1be Minislcr shall caus.e IO be mamumed the s)'SIern
of books and recortls on iu public debt IIWl3.gcmenl
hfJ'1J ,"c'H' h'M,-fll.o}- y$'.. C;JA'; ,.tW" in accordanec with Anide 52 or the Proclamalion.
......c')·}· r"'i,II-,·tkl"., f"t.f.1/ ID)'..\/" f'"l.fll/. This sySlem shal1 show orconlllin!he follnwing:
.f.11''i" A:' (a) ali money autltorized by Ihe eounci] of
Il/ n"·o.nh:-l· i"' !H; fl~ nil.!:'C "·M.,lInl: Mini slCI'$ IO be borrowed;
(b) a dcscriplion of and record of ali moncy so
"1'.'."'1.0"" ",,.:f,,..,)r 1""ill
fii nil.t'r: Y'/'UlO"'(!I<1 ", .. '1'11"111" 11'11'
• (c) ali princlpa' inlerest and other chargcs plIld in
f"'l.'''j'.. ,,.,.7n .... ,
rClOpeet or ali money borrowcd;
,h/ nil.t'C !H·<IIn.r.OJ< 1111i' I&n,. y·,·!tLfl0,." (d) a description of and record or ali money
'fKi .....p <II".t' wt.r'- h~}'9':f 1 in\cstcd;
- / 1'1"-')iin-l· -1 ·1· '"1'1' ' ' ' .,<,·",.... .,.r nllil (e) 11.11 incorne eamed from money invwed, a$

- ....1'1""1; , "cJ/ as amoun~ paid for Ihe acquisilion.

admllllstralion ami ~cmpllon of thcse
"'/ h,,-iin'}''''H' f+11at-') 1fI. "1"lU-II"
"~'UI') ,,-,i"in''''''''1+'f 1'1_,,,1 1'1 -71'1 '" lI)
a dcscriplion Md record of ali guarun!ecs
JoI)'. r: "'i 1'I~1nl'l"'~ r·H",.r'I.IJ"') nn'(I , authoTÌ?cds:
1./ r ·...'.</-JoI. 'l'n ·}'ì''~··') f"t.}"te """II'1""l. ! (O alt paymcnts OUI of Ihc consolidatcd fund
fii 'l'n·1-'. n·I"·,I'n·)- -/)'. ;1- IH·m.f'l'If11l" L 1.t' agòllnst soch guarantces, IIIcluding mc
f ·N.tI,,.,(lI-·J h'j:y h"'fm-.,. -LIW" reasons "hy such paymenls were DCcesary
}'nLI'I1fl·l·" rh'.}'·} "i-rc, "'i (h)
a <kscnpuon and record or aliloans granled
lil l'lIIAA .,...,-,....:H· f-Hltn- il.l':"C'~··., M../"'IJ'.
IO rcgional $Ial~.


'Ii. rHS10 tTe.): btu,:() ....'H " SI. Flnançjal Reporting Systems
il .'IiAA OD")",":"'} "1.,.';'11'1 (,;--c'l'
Il t'h~ IinanCial Icpurhn~ 5)!il.emS or ~!.II':

''''1j.fl ·h~:r·
h .... ..:·(:-II ......r.'}.'f.

I,.c.,J'Mt·A """)"11-0} :1(":
(L·l- 10").'1.':7. ... ''''Y.III
I~ral govcm!Mnt
21 Tlle finaoct:l!
sh~U ~om::spond

wnh thal 01 th.:

n:quirerntnts or file
K-""'~ "~.K-'ilfl t.;rt;·l· ""'t·(.11 ...... C'l·}·
COllllci! of Vllnl,fCrs shaU [x, o/)se ..... cd by the
federa! and Stai.: govcmment~
""n·l·: : li l1lc Mmister ~hall pm~idc .hc neceSS3~
l' "IIAt\ gUldanee and suppon IO stale govcmmcnl> tu
rIlA,...1-1 "".,,S'HI "11'·)·,·"f- Il''''''''''"1'': "",abl.. lhem ~Iahh\h ami malntain !iIlOlllClal
r"UO:r'A r~ ..e'i"1fl "TC'l- " .... t.(.l1 reponrng ~y!il.em tha. '" 111 facllit:ue ft<.krnl SIale
l''c'''l' 1I"7**Y" 10',' Il "" .1'""11 h ·M. ";fII·
linancial rdallun-
"H.n·I:';· ·,.'n..... ., f.':J~: }'.t'I"It\:: 41 't'he SUlle 1I0\Cmmonl sha!! pr()~idc quarteliy.
fjf !'IIt\t\ ,.... .,·/1..:'..1· l''',.~.o·l·r.··f Y"hr.
semi·annual ami annu~1 finllllcia) rcport$ IO 'he
rl,-)· r·"!.m,e. .... u.., n~ ... -l· h<; "n.n·l·o;.
MmislCf \Il lI«ordance ",ilh Ihf Rquiremcnts or
J''''''I/1J"'' I.:CY" n'I<>II'''A Oro;.l1 '}ODi>
O"~/"'·II '}......., h'j nI''I-'" r'i.,e.'ì1f1 tlle Couneil of Mim! and tht- (ormaI
I.T(:·}· Il'''7.).''·}0;. , ... r.'III·:; t.1J'I'" tT dn.Jopcd by Ihc MIIIISICf Th~ rcpons stull!
r..}' rllt\fl.f-l 1fl.l"l·.... w",-I"f- 09"1 show details or Illelr n.'cclplS and disbul'llCmenlS
"",Ii:u~'; M,"Nl ''''II' -lt'1'(~:r. n-lIl'-1' by re~cnue 8nd e~penditure source codcs 3f1d
)· ... '/;'0-1 "J''- 111HII .fA·,·II~.IIII/<·1 MI thcir cash hal~nces Md leve!5 or oulStanding
,.... (11.,'.. fl"'(" hL'f""7'f'1J"1 r"'P.'''.e debl
""tfl hIlO+::
5/ The MmiJta shall ~pare consolidalecl
f; ...,.~.n·N, O/lU ""ofo'" 10-11 fil ""4>'"
''''".,.;.} l'hAll. " ..'l..,....:...} ..l'4',,;0.-}·1 quarterly, sani ... nllual ;md annual !inaneil1

·Ht:'Ur. Il''''h-''A .....·tn:t'1I11 f'i·-II '}OD.}. I ,~-port5 for 51a!e iovcmmcnu, m ItCcordance "'.th
r"/"1'/i 'l'/D·l·<;, '1"":"'" fhAII-l' 1'4...1'.... ·'0 Ihe details 5ubmlll~d by those ]!,o~emmc,.,ts :tS

'-;;I"r.·1· n~YII;J1:-1· Il''n.o-h:':r· 9"'he (l·l· dcscribed in suh ~ntclc (4) or thl$ Artide and
,ofoeI IA:: submi. lhe .s;Jme IO the Council of Minislcrs.
). '.,. ).O,}·o;. OIlt\I\o:y.'i O,(J./..t\ ""1"7/"+
6/ l'Ire Mml~lcr $h111 mlintain complele rceOl'd on
' .... 'lhA 1'-1",(,1- f4·,e.<• .,0 ,"·,~n.+n.I"T1
r...,.,,,.f.. l'.t-?. ... -1111/ ,e.Y-'IA::
~ financill .n.nsac.ions between the fedCfllll
and state govemmenlS

!I OIMÌ fi,t!iJO rM""i tlbMif MJ\T 1ltC 52. Sourc:e or fin.nçe . nd Lo.n to
fii 1'llt\A ''''1''11'':,,,1' l'of.y.':10 9"'1"1' Il''-'. be Gnnted to State Cio'!!!'DJDentl
Il Thc scuTte or finance or .he state govemmcnls
(,.1:\ ''''1·11,,·1· fl",.r."~A 1'/11:+ .r.-;.>'i:
shall eonsist ofthc re~enuc lhey gencnlle and lhe
,"',' h(,.,,'fto' fl""""I'l 10. Il'. )"-"'(.:"1\:: budgclllr)' sub§idy pnled IO tllem by Ihc
!f ···o.n·H· 1'11"'1\ "".,." .....",..). 1'1'11111 lovcnuncnl.
2/ Where Siate go~em!Mnts experimce budj:e!
~'I'l·)· rl"'U'71....,;(yl~ 'llL ItI'It:J~ " ... + shonf.ll IO aIIy r~al rear. thc go~·em~nt mi)
r~',:J'i: n1.:I-'I'm- "l, .1"1..... 71" r·...,.tf"l 111:[." givc them loan m lhe fonn or advance IO be
1\.0'1' .e )"."t\:; charged lo IhclT budgctary subsidy or .Ile
fol1uwmg ~ear
r.;t=hn ID-ut,t 53. T_ 8!U'DlOftb,UOD
61 O'<"'.<'I·A ~'ì t1IlAA ,...,.,.., ..... ':,.=t. ,.{.~ 1/ COMu1tat1ùn~ bct"'ccn tht federai :md sta!1:
"''1'''-1'1 :,·nfl';f o"'l."IfI·n-'l· IlJy.-r ~lJr; go\'cmmenlS shall talo.e phKe 011 .11 ne'" IK
;J'''I'I";f. n"1.tllIlm-o·}- 1.11. 1';,"111'1 ".",1..'" changed t/l.xes al bolh It:vels of govemmcnu lO
.t--<,\'Iy. M' r-t-'f"J:. - ..,.,. ., tI.,.t:;J1'1' emure mal tU la..: bascs are- harmollrztd and
O~'.""A<;" OIlAA _·.-.r ......,··1· ""',irA slalldardizcd,
rllhc -y'I."1 "'II0'}-:: 2/ The MinrslC'1" ~II providc, required, R'~h


",.~.n:'·ç.. rhAA -""'1":1-·1' r"t't'II·-1· ilnd admmistfiH'VC suppor1 to $Iale governmems

;1,111'1 -"'l.-I: r,j'.b-A -.,.., .....}- h"t'l'1I1D" IO facrillate t!ll: Ilannon,ntion ano:!
.?c -"-<'\>'1.1'. 1.'ì 1'-1''1''1.1'. ~".li.lfl Il'''1Y:t:''/ siandardizalion of their lax base,; with Ihosc of
r ......:,- ~ ... f1ln-t-Jlf.C .(-~ y.n"IA:: the federaI govtmmenl

wlt t")$ A'i flD""i" 11""'" 54. Subsldy aDd ForclCQ CuueDcy
il f'J!..~·A -.,.., ....-1: fl1AI\ -"-II~:"+ 1lJ: Il The f!!detlll go\cmmenl shall advice tho state
;1':':81". 1l1.ll Il''7/1.:>1':·1· 1.").II.';fIl· j"'tr'l
govrmmenu or thfir booge1 subsid) ceilinp 11\
1l1'l:rJl-") r.t" .:>~ ol -}- "'M' 11m"""
time for thcm IO prcpare thetr budgets.
j'<,\II'":t'A ::
Il fl1AA .... .,.,1'..;-+ flD-"i" 2/ SUlle go~ernmcn1~ shall $Ubm,' Utelf forergn

~"'J;.t.:r:o:u-', Il'''O.I'I·r,,- ,,\m-.+II·:: cUJm\Cy requiremcnlS to tho Minister,

"ilE n IL 1&11 55. Formata aDd DeadUDes
··u.n·}-ç.. fl1AA -'''''l''';1--}- f11l '7r;l·'r'm-." The Minister ~Il issue • d,rCCIIYc ro e5lablish thc
fllY:C ~'ì flP"~" r"~? ~"'Jo-;J-:flD-") f"T..f'''' tlcadJinc$ and procedure or subrnJSsion by state
cfl-fI·l·" olo.x"fl l'VL 1Y.i' .,.,.,. llCllC 1Il.'O--·} &OVernmenIS of lheir revcnue foreGaS!', borro\\'ing
1'''tl.Dn., _ ....,,/ .f'1/;.IJI'A::
.nd foreig.n currency n:quirernents.
l'-n,...t li "'t'O ,Tex
56. Publlc ACCO\!Dta
6! f-""I-"o1' '1...,11 ?TC-'" n'J'.t-A'" nhl\A
l/ The public accounlS shall conlain details of tbc
-1"'/"'.-1"'" ""'lhA f1·r.t:1--l-., l'i-,. ....,O
linaneial Irtn!oilcllom bc:lween fedt-ral and state
~.,-l>n:t'r'L,."f- ~'i f'J'.'.-A'" fllAA
govemmellts and liscal ye3/" end reporto; on the
"".,..,....:'··}-1 .... .1'.... .,1'1 .... ~:,. '''''.J''\,l'.
fO';:" ,_."., '-Ql.I."II" /-TcT O+m finaneial stntus of the federai and Slale

:t'M'" 0+)191.. -AI~ M,l'.l1 -tr., &oYert\men15 llIl a consolidaled and eOIl.lparalivc

JJ "n.n·l:"- fhAA -1'1....;.t··}-1 ri·,l'.<;1n 2! The Mini~ler $hall mler inlO 11 perl"omu.nce

~·'olon7(L,..l- O·/·/\,l'.\1'" Il.(..1'.<'1·1\ --'''/1',,1' agrecmem w,th the ~Me Ilovemmtllls, reqUlfing
r-r..n",'1''''''' Af!. .t".?<;: ,"tJ''I.I'. 1''f.'I11 _"'.J!" rhem lo sUl"Ply Ilmcly 'lItbrmation 0/1 lheir
1.11.(11-" t1l·n,~m- ~·'-'I.J'-f"r.n· "'IK:I.-/ 1"''1••' optrluion III gcnerttl, and on the u~ of
n'fA "1IL'IfW'" (II'·\I"')-l· hllAA -""1/~;I-+ Ihc budgttlU"}' subsidy granted IO thcm by thc
,:lC .l'.L{.·.... "'IA:: GoYCmmenl In particular
57. h=udlt
rl..~t·A '/'<;"(1)- )o,~.·N: ''''l''t-.f' (L-l· ~"),. ~1j!' Ibc Federai Audilor GeneraI. alo pari of ID r'l:gular
-f.oli'" 1')0,-'\..·1' TC''1M'" rlJ.(.-A _1"'11 ·l· u
aud'l program. shal! audil the federa! govemmenl',
hhAt\ -")'11";1-·1' .?r. J'1.l.1/D"·) ri-ys'Jf'\
fl:çords of ilS filllll\Cill Ir.lI1iaCliOll5 ""th ~tale
1I1'Hl.+(L r...,.""tlh." (1D~"7'fI'}-1 r--t:rt..A::

tJ<i:A hl"'C PART TE"
r-ne"t XII1! pYBLlC ACCOUNT8

t-net 1111 bt""l1

58. SubmlasloD of Publle Aeçoupt
nh ..~ h1+1t '1'\[, -"',... ·1· (l'·U.(I·}-f!'':f
lI"l!r. n,,)- ""'1':"
1'm/. ''''If~ 1'.....,.., ....+
61 ,ub aMlCIo: O) of tbc
PnKlamluon. publ~ bod,o ... 11I~h iI/'e nOI direcll)'
,,"/U(.' fl ·r-'f 1''1.''11 lI",: .....". (,.n:;"'fa",
1r,"/~ hL'"lI" (,rc'l- .'lC n"'<f'r,l!+ Il,hll1l
.,.,nlll"'f 1I"11f': IL·l· f'''l..f.,.r.I1-·)- "'m(, nln,
"l'fili' r"T.~.II-tc -/-"t.f I\f-l- h..,I,'l·}-
\100 111tnt, 10 ","ich llIe) ilA' au:ountable
".1'''-''': 59. Clo.lln or Publlc Accoupt.
'II , ..,,,....+ 11111 M-:X2+
PubÙ(' hodRll w d",", Md IUbrnil Ittelf KCOWlI IO
r_'.'u"-l· _p't.1 Il-f'·)- l'n,+ ........
Uw:: AudllOf <.oc1lCn/ WUIIlIl Ihree montl'Is rrom lne
IHm',....... uv'ili' mC 'l.IL aro'!' 'l.t\fJfw-'
O..... ro- M.+C ~H."l-C "'''l.'fi aId ofthe fi~sl)'CSf

~A .'1.....-.. h1.l-
'tll-ttr M+
g, ,m-OX MI'" ....."''21
60. Powor or IptURlI Audlt.
1'-''''1'''+ ""'U"'.f n. ... ':f
,m-/'rf' "' ...+'f ...,.,-'f 11I1erJQ1 .ud'b of public bodltS slull b.ive Wllimued
'0-19" r'''',.-",! I\;J''fOt-1 f4-.t.r"," "iU.,}-t; po",er or IlIld,' O'li:f the whole mille of linafK'e,
, ....". A'''II;+n. "'...... Il..,r: ...., IA.,.'''O ~ and ":U'II)' ofthe:1t pubht body
'U"'''1l h'l'f"':' 61. lM!ea 'M ~1'IffM1!!{" of 'rrten:.I Audit
ZI. r..nx M t +'1t)çS" ~L\+ Intemal.u,hb of pubhc bodlCl stllili'
l c:any OUI fmancw md,l rnclulbll& ateountS of
'-1"',-+ - ......"" I\"''f ,ID-II1' "'....,.':f:.
b "-,..'" I\;.t-'fm-l roC4;:t-1 i1r:c..- grIIIIU. Ioans
and internai revenue, and
,II>-n1' 'Hll M..w.,.,r. ,<f.,.. . ,tK' ,'t.-\. pnfonnanc:e sudn or tbc ... rnpectlVe pubhc
M. ·l· ,Y.C;J1't- 1 badi";
r ...,.Il;'·!'l nl!-l' ....+ l'M.'" ........ iJ".l- l submn for _ppro'lIl lO ihe htad of !hl: publie
(1''''',,,,,,, I\:J.:(>m- rn'l.t. ;)'l'':. h"r.ntll- body, Wl$' ",ori; pian of _udiI of tbc following
year mlCI communicate tbc same lO the Mlnis!c.;
!,.r: :1>11.1 re1. <f'm-1J'" .H-.r: A"U,II-t{.
,t"... .'I"1\o I • 3' repon lo tbe bead or lht public body, lht !eSulI
f' 11~w"'o}1 'M.'} ID-m.+ M-....'" or audil lhty utried 0Ul, DOIify lhe WIle IO lht
R.;t-'f" m'I" ;)'l'':' ,,;rc+ Iof'CfJI\-;: MinlMer b) lo copy or !be ~pon. follow up !be
n"'''''la.:Irll'' Il..,.~.n-t{. ,,,,,,.:1>1\-:: nt;rr.i: unpIaDmwlOft or mtasurcs pre5tribed by lht

nof'lollm- "'''il - . . lo·l- "U.fl+{. ,nmd" Mini.ster 011 tbe basi.s of tbCII' reeommendalion in
-r.. ,,...,v...,. - '-/:1-1 IJt:~-: rb++fI..".. !:be audn ~ and eornmvrucall' tbe result 10
Ul-i1~·1· ('l- II-!"'" n..... 1'I'JII,t. :'J'I4..... me Mtni$ler and lht head oftbe pubhc body.
A"'.V»~ ,tffl~
M:A Ae.-.. !M+
r-n ........ n!li15 '1"+ M-X+.J: lcOssf§ or PtlBLIC MO!fE)' MQ pYBLIC

tII,t.V- nt\-'l-1.II· nr+!f"..,.,.. "'",It- nof'lonm- lK>",e~ef mey ~ ~P<lrted. mju,re complete

/'7'C'}- 'I~ r-'''''''T -,.../.r n."" in'~If-.on ",tth full <"OOprflllOl'l or .11 tile
"'/~·I·~l· _fl· '}'il1l1: ';"C 1''''''1'1 ,.C-t. cmpJo>~" ofthe pubhc bOIIy
- ,.... .., htlfl-l·
r fm,."", ·t-mC' h"'1,e.I.Q."'~· M/H'r,: Il,... ~. 2/ wul! (ne c~eCplJQn of eCl'Ulrn mUlor emplOyment
."l: f"'f fU' 'l'i··'·:y. on·/·+c f""'}~,"'l' rdatecl m~ideoLS "hi~h do noI In~olve enminal
..·t··t"l1'"f ·'·mC ...U; rtt ... o·} t-hO; (II')}':"" a~lrv,I)', Iosses in .... hich emplo)'ce~ ~ SUS!!<,CI
fin -ri,-l' 1'I,I!'I" W'1.1'f0+ 1.11, M_y.t·A shall be rcponed to Ihe Federai l31hics alld Anli·
,"', Y''''JfJCo; III. . -no; l'''t'i!') '::7"c·l· CllmIplion Commission, ir socI! I~ consti·
''''I!.I.-' ",no,}:: tute an offenu orcorrupllon
fl Otl.1l 10.')4'1; ')o-n ','4'!\, (In r"'-nIH'D'" 31 Wn!toul pn::Judrce IO sub anide (2) or Ihi.
},,).l'.·'''nll ... If't O_').."u.} --,....::)' 0.·1· An..:lc. cnmmal acu .... hlth do nOI COMhlUle
....,,'1' r-l-LII<I"'Oo 'l'i-'} r-n'. (II',1.A offensc or cllmIption shal1 be n::poncd IO the
IIA"~ 1·-'lf. 111-'1.''''·... 117·l\..n tr/;·"!· potrce 'mmedialely.
-.l',l.''' J!.<tCO:"A:: 41 Any pn-limuwy CJ\am,n.alIOn undrnaken by a
§ o-')..,,.,·} ·,..,...t, 0.+ f"7."Y..I'.o>- public body sball be limiled lo ascel'Ulining
""",:e;""tf F.lJf II"C""'4- h-')..,,...+ 1")/111 \\hclhcr any allegalion of an ofTcnçe associated
Wl""" 1111.-)' -",-.], ;lC t·t"'1 1"'-'}' ""ltl! a 1055 or pub!ic mo~y OT" property is \\ell
-N.. !\'-;t'" Il'''''''} r"'"n'f", ,-11'),,'1'- foundcd,
""'i'~,') 0..,1.;111' 1\.1'. f·twrn .l'.I/'i''':: 63. RePOrtlDC
st. trci- OtI:ytl.ll Il E\'cry emplo),ce .... ho disco~ct$ or suspcctS lhal a
AI "7'ì'f0>-9"' f-·,..,,.. -1- "·t·,,,~ 'l'<I,'} -1.11 1055 occurred sha1l repon il immediall:ly IO
_') ,U'.cnn·l· WJ!.9"' tlml.'I'C ..... Jt ,m-~ the head or hrs or her departmcnl.Thc Lauer is
I\t~A tTC·l- "7J::l.'" ... nn-1- ::
;)I\LI9- responsiblc for cn:;urmS Ihal 'III 1oSSC!i ""hich lIIl:

;'>''\1,0'' fol>l.on·l· {'Tc-l· 111"1.1(1)· ... n... n1· rcponed to hrm or her are promplly rcponed in
"II.C ~I\ La>- 01;\1·0;: t;t·C -1' .... ~(:J.1 wrinng IO the !lead or admlnlstrahOn departmcnl
}',)J.l,II-r r-P'ty 0.1: fm" }''ì t',,"1.+ or Ihe public body wrth copIe! oflhe rtpon to its
"1AfJ"1~ fl!.t. ... ":/1I' legai and intcrnal audil depilrlmenLS, In addition,
-,,).') t'''7(••?'!''r H' "'n n-l'" !hl' head or Ihe administnlion departmenl shall
t'M·I·~.I'.C ;>'1,t,19- forward a copy or !hi, rcport III Ihe head or Ihe
?'1".'i" n"1.~. r'I,N. public body and !he MllIiSler
J'.AI)",:: 2/ AH public bodu:s mUSI ensUl'e tl!al aH thcir
Il "7'ì'fiV"1/" f""'.-II-"-l- -,...{.!' 0.-1, '1'<1.-1' cmployecs are a"'<uc of Ihel{ l'tsponsiblhty IO
_LfI'.... ') tl)'lII'4t (.TC·l- f"'l~l.'7 :>n,-H' report ali IOSSC$ or ... hrch thcy have know1edgc.
IM'fUl- ""11'),') Il ...t·1·1l''r' ..,... mt "'nn+:: 64. C!viI ActioQ
~j,!. f'çXcbll .... C bcrl II Aelion mUSI be mken in accordanCl: wilh
III ""'ì'fIP-')1I" t'11//11" ")111.+ 1-~n·l- n""il direcli~'cs IO be issucd by tbc Ministry or Justicc
-M '''tril'fA t'.l," loC9"'~ , ..:·l-th IO f«over alll0S5C5 orpublie moncy or property.
"'f).il-I;C n",..f'w"/IV" --'::1' 00''-'1.-1- 21 When an employec is accounlable for il 105$ or
""'1111'11: ",no·l·:: mone)' or p-roperty, !hc Io:u musI be n::covcrtd
(. "t~.o'l·{- nM':( .... ,. ... 1; li: .......1.+ r-') frum !hai crnployc~ unlcss !he MiniSlet has
'7''''l- " •• ,...(., o.'} 110-', "1.1\.1'4111" n-t'nJ!. sptcifically aUlhorized !hl' Pllblic body IO waivc
I,"'L"''' nn·t<f'c t',... ').,,...,.l- ,,·t·.,.~ i'm rc<:overy 111 accordance \\"Ih Artrclc Il or Ihe
,.... f'U'~n·}') .f'l1.nll"') 111t.·l- w!.<r Proc:lama\lon.
ntHl "''''''"n h"n-1-:: 65. Disciplina" AetioD
S~. 'A OTO l berli Il Disciplmary action slu!U be taken in accord.:lOce
li' r-1'1,...·1· _,u(,)' 0.-1- rn'lJ!. :>1\,(, n+. wilh Ihe dircell~e i51Ucd by Ihl' federaI Civil
~1ll .....7{ ""''-F' n. N ..''7'!'
1. ').1'." '1'11lH' nl. Service Commission or by il dircclivc issued by
'~t·A rl\n.", ilcii,il .... 1.')r'l --tJ'''Of thc pub1ic bod) pursuanl to thc po .... ct$ vl:$led rn
"'J'.9"' <lo,...t, 0.'1: 0,1,,,, 0-""11111>' ,uA"" il by cnablrng, Icgulatlon as appropriale, againsl
'11D"lrI~ """"'::' """'I.-}- 1-~tH, n"'l..... tbc employee (s) i!lYlllvcd IO tl!e loss ... here ,hoc
1\11+/11' f' ......,." ... -} ,.,(.. -tl;' '1J'. 1'.I\.tl'/)\,') hcad of a pubhc bod~'cOlISldm; Ihal Ihe"~ ...... lIn.l\I\:: cir~lIm>lances wamlnt slIch aellOO
, nlUl h')~11 rnM'I ".}.rlt ( II ) -"'1.0}'
" ." d'~lplllw)o Mt,on l11al be ta~tn h~
f""1~II' ''l-
f,ll.l\ 'UI,')
1Ir.rll" "''1llil
n. ·l·
1'''1.'"11.1',111''' ...,'.-'l'O>-\J"' M

. ~
"""" In .K~"rd.t ..... ~ .... 11h ~u,," ~rt,,,lc (Il ili lh>s
ArtIde ~hall "ot II~t :lnY otner me:l~u~ tIMI ma) hco
t:tk<'l1 b) the appropTlJlc auloofllle,
Jo..I'n.,.r:v''', 66. Relmbursement
~1. M_t'!'}: 'ihunJ~e DI l'a..h rt'<ultrn, from h,,~ oC m'mc)'
f'''' ')'''II"' -}' nlHl Il''''''''i.'', rtn,l'·l· .,.~...,/. ",bI<:li nlh t',r .wdll,nnal dl,burs~m~nl In
h't!,n 1"'Y,mf.o} rn,HI ".t:-fli- Il.'';'"'''' tl:.mhrm.o: .J\all t>.: ~halgcd hl Lhc :lrprop,,"lion of
f""" '''J' Il ,,, l'n'Il'. :~"ll. tfJy.r n~."''''·
~ rdilt(d JW\U) o\l1er ,'pr'ù,:!1 b) lllt 11o:4J 01
f·'·-r.O .... 1\.1\ "·,,.·I·1j' r'lJ't1T:+- 1'\-1'" .... ,,"1,..
,t''1fl(: ),'.1\..,,1-1\ h ·' ·L ... ,.,... n)!·} 'l'' Il..~.r thc Pllbhc
bnd~ .., ~lI\:h

be dn .."..Id m "'nll~ b~ hlm~r

uther KnOU, cmplo~", ~~

"'}JI,LII1" '''/Ill'':'' 11.,0+

g:J r-17r'}: !:J1f5,.! 67. Publlc sare:.
I> f'.... '''1I· ..}· - r / . f 0..)- 11"-1' f'li" LI In ~ I:'ocnl 1lllllUlulIroorued a~n,e. tk."n or
J'n/...:"f; rt+CI ''-'l'',}. '11"9" ~"'.:" t\.Y"I ,rtapaçu} or I UMllcr ot ~ PI,blr~ body. th~ ~3fe
','u""" fu"!",")' IL'I,') 'i.'."'')1'1 n"7._t../tI' \hall be stated by the he~d~ or !inante and
;~'1". h'. \'/II-fl'l' ,.~.·l·') n"',""/.·a>- :..... '" 'nlemaj .udll 0\ LhC pl/blle body
f..:"'/i."JJ\, :: ~I The ht'ad 01 Lhe puhhc body ~hal1 ,mmcd''''.::1y
ti 1""'1"1.1"'-1' ,,.,",,, n.·l· l'Il'''' ;')'1". nlilblrsh 11 tOmrn,l1ee in a"ordante "',Lh
(l'·u.n ·l·~ __(,.y -"-I.·lo n',lI"'"" m-i)'r di~\'eS IO be ,\~ued b) lh" MlI1Lstcr lO

1''''.1'1/0"') 1'\-(1)(11 ..' 1fC1l~1 t\.."...,l ·} delrtnlIlle tbe COllI col) 01 llIe ~I~ aru:I prcparc li
rJlA.!"'''' ,."t't .r~.""A:: IISloflhem
l'''t,t'''" flrnhl'!'T L+ 'n'. . . n- IIL+ 11 lbe commlltec m..11 conduCI the 'MpeCl,on by
" "',tflo'f'<,
- ...(,.}

opcnlJl!: the saf( lI'Ic pl'C)CntC of '" lUlC'Sses ami
reporl Illi findll1!; in accordanee ... ith dlreCuves
'''·m·l· 1:7'1':"" "'1:(.~ '-I\n-1- :: issued by thc Mmislrl
H. 't.N,.}·" a'et OII.,t'., 68, Reporting o(Lone.
/il "",':r:tI~1I" """'1- n.... .,~P'·l· '1."111 /p"fl'f' Il Ali losses mUSI be reported In Lhc public
(.7'c,l· -'.1.'" ",nn:h: lIC<:OUDlli.

Il "'m*"~ rnllil 1-~":" IML"'l 1\"" 21 llu! gro:s.s amounl of 11 losl (e~limaled when
~'I"'I:')/ "''ì'f~1r 1"-"71 ... ,r.m.rr.
101:M, n·,.LII ..... n·l- ml!: -1- 1-<-T V...,il
D«nsM}) e~dusj\'e or f«o~ene5, is lo be
reponed m !hl: pubhc KCotIl'Il for the fiwll yeat
t7'c+ m,r.1I" 101:"'" nmt." ... .r.:J-"""
tI.+r. " ''''1'lt·? t\.""
fl"T.':fM+ 1-<-.l- m ",hu:h tbc lon OC\;1IITl'd
noI diKO'~ in lime. 111 1M
01'. . . he-n Ihc 10S$ is
fi~1 publre
n-1"P'·1· '(''til t7'c+ ~fl,. tTCT
.r.~.'- ;u.. :: accounl5 IO ",hrch ,1'5 pracllcablt lo do 50
fl "'J':,H·";f '''-''1r f\f.I:1- "U(\. n1' -Mn+ 3/ Rtt1JHT1CS aga'MI 10!''Ie~ a~ IO be rcponcd in
rn)':·l· '1'''''1- r''''.,.,,,,·}· '1."1'11 I:rc·l- Ihe publi" 1Ieeounlj for the fi'iCal )'ear 10 whrch
""1'..1:./ "'lIn·h: III<: amoun! b reco~en:d

h~A """6- 1'f'lt


31/ _".,11+ Mf,M' Nn. 11:11 69. Time Ltmlt o( RetaiDln& Record..
iii "''''1',0-9'" r......,~P'+ -'''tI (l-}'
I. .\11 pubhc botb~ ~lull relam .n finall<
(l'''''''/.T IL." 1O'.r II/p"·l~"':f
mr'>rm..llioo and n:(or.4 fUI a len~th nr lime
".,t;:ftl~,. 1:~~ n-I::II'~·l· f ",.,,11 LA"
radcqulte lù rm' ,dc ali re'lu,rc,J Id~rcn.:n IO
'}1 t'4.)'.... .," -1,'}{Yl<; """1'111'}- n ...
Ihal mfurmallon Il}' Ille jluhl" bOO) 'l~tf or
,un ' .11. ...,.JII'·l' Mn"" nltrnal ~ud\!" ....
1)1; ~nIç 1..1./,-tI L,.-;t ;>11."1 .-re _'Ii ...f1hL!I'" /t§ ru '1.!I"'. Fttkral Ncgaril G:uela No S5 Octob<:, ~ .. 2010 P'I:" 5615

II f'llLU n·~·f>t) n1O-ll J-..~.,.)I; 1& r1--t\I1100(!}< rt r;c.Y" 2! Notwilhstanding sllb-articl., (I) of lhis Artide.
..,... :r~ f'f..e...··H! ""<.lf9'l.... ''''''l''ll1 ·l-'l ali financial infonnalion and ",cords shall be
fI},p>(; 'l<"';l- -4-f.l- MfFfw-:: retained for a minimum often yeaJ"S.
il. -"rt IM'fa>- r-~·HJt 9tlf]' 70. Type of Record. to be Retained
IlllU .f.111 J-.1-#'"JI\ ;>iji """ .....} ""~f·l- .rM'f'u" Financial infommlion and records IO be relalncd in
r<f·.e~··~l'I ''''<.lfY'";f<; -'!""il'} IUlU n:J-I'
accordane., with ArtICle 69 ofthi$ Regulalion shall
r·I·""lIh·p-'t··, J'..~?" &-1'1.:.
include !h., following:
IH r"~~.n·l·r.'";f ?"11C. fl.ol· I.SI"'J'..'r "?).n-H·
1'M. .I'0.(· -"''1'(1)- N"t:CJ. "'I<;":tr>-Y" "1-Af":-;'! Il subrnissions for approvai [O the Council of
li l.c?":I!" '''''''111'1.1 f"'l..J'f1(.A. "7<;'fID-Y" Ministers amI/or me Minisler;
"7nt.;l!".r'f: 21 documcnts Ihal infonn of decislOns being tak.en:
[I f4.J'..'i1t'l 1JW-";f"J M'-IIt"r-r r1"u." _~~C:-;'l
31 correspondences thal relate IO financial mallcrs;
21 ~,<;'ftr>-r llCllC r'i·J'..'i"1() 1.14'l'I-"'r'LY':-;"'·
41 details of financial transaetions and sllpporting
F..:U., (lV.";f I
(;I r'!'of.. 1')1111<; r.r.(./l'ì":r· ,.... ~ .... 11·l·1 r-"IM· documcnts;
...,<;":tr>-Y" -"'''':J''f. r4-J'.. ..·')n -~""I11+:: 51 basic financial records such as cash books and
(:"j. Gl..A h:}:C\ h Hg,P>X Ol!-mtr rccords ofreceipts.
"·U.l'I·)~ flJ-.'l'!t<; OIW r.111 r·,.,u.;>tr>- 1. Usini Electronic Methods
r''''1''1''''-}' r'i.J'..<;11'1 J-.fH·AJ:C l''C'}-} .enA'!' To enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Ihe
4'tl n l'i. ),'i"" at-m.;I'" ),1A.1f1 Il...,1; ....... f '''lJ' public finanee adminislr1ltion syslcm introduced by
nl·fI· r)"AI1-}·C'~.11 Il.r.9''f nM.·} "'+?" 'lJ'.. the Proclamation and Ihis Rcgulation, Ihe Minister
h Vt ClI-fl· .r fX ;>1'.:: shali rcomote Ihe ClttenSive use of electr(rlic mc:th<xk
ttI. r-j1.?1u t121 2. Tnnsltory ProvisioDS
l/ The termination of long [cnn loan made
til o"u.n·h:-I· ?"1Ir. o..-}' r'l.J'..'i"1f1 Mi·"U'.C
available lo civil servams in accOr<Jance with
Y.111 <fI're IllIiitit!i "14'11: :-ti _1Vt:.} Artiele 41 of Ihe Council of Minislers Financial
fI_'l-"",.n_"" ,. . &-1"'7'";f f"7.lIma>- ft:'1rr 1.r~ Administration Regulation No_ 17/1997 shall be
l11;C 1"L.,...,)·l· J'..U f.111 ....&- 'l'. effective two fiscal years after the date of cntry
h'/'Mol' 4o') ,,·)fI·r· 1J"~"'mc rUoll·l· ro:n· lnto force of this Regulation.
,,"'+ 1.1~ n:\'l j'.!(>(.nIA:: 2J Finlll1cial transactions beginning prior lO Ihe
enlr)" into force of this Regulslion shall be
II J'..tI .r.111 P'&- 'lJ'.. h-'l'fI. /I-'.:}: f·tJ:-~
completed in accordance with [he Council of
ri·.I'... 'l-fI h 1+n7r'L?,"f Im.tI +f.'r np'~.
Ministcrs Financial Administration Regulalion
'lJ'.. (l~(l",(lf" r"!~.n-}·I:,"";f 'rllC n..} ",pealed by this Regulalion.
ri ..I'."'1f1 .1'..111 ""', .... (.-}. <;:,"" J'1t;'f\.:: 3. Method ••Dd Length or ,T ime or RetenUOD
(tI:. r'"!frt "'-t'l The Minisler shall issue a directive [O prescribe the
·"O.fl-}~ fIfIi.J'..'ì·)fI OD ... JI"?'"f~· ""~"Iil.,.";f method of relention of financial information and
''.l'.r1l~' ;o,1r.m~ fJUCK- 1·f.I' r"'."'.I'.II·}1 'U~
rrcords and tbe length of time of ret:.ming such
iDfonnation and records.
r"t(Dfl1 ltCllC """"1..1 .1",nIA::
74. Repealed Laws
(t9. tt'l[oç. oh'Jo]'
The Council of Minislers Financial Administralion
r"U.l'I-h:-";f ?"'hC n.-}' ri.f.'>1f1 M+-'lf.C
Regulalion No_171l997 is hereby rel*aled and
.r.111 <fI'1'C Il/IiUil'ji ·VaC /l1I.1l .1'..'111
replaced by thl! Rcgulation.
75. EffeeUve Date
(tli. &lO: r"lllS'oi= 1~
Thls Regulatior, srul1l emer in IO forcc up on thc date of
.1'.11 .1'..111 n~"",~.A ~;.>t·l- ;'>11."1 ;1-+'1" publicalion in!he Fed~ral Negaril Gazcrt3_
11<11"/0']- 4-'1- Y.rc 1'1;1<; ~L1'i,,:: Dune ar Addis Abllblllhi~ '" day 01 Oc-rober 2010.

A.{h ;'flff _hM,. li!"" PU: ,.r. MELES ZENA Wl

-1M ,,~
f'A.-1-"'*f .(J:.~!, .(1"bUt.J'f!
t11'.f1t1.11 m,,"'I.e. "'N;

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