Samantha B

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Samantha B.

2021 Pre-Season Track

Goals: Get Faster, Beat Kallia, Get Noticed by Colleges

Week of Feb 22-28

Monday -Warm up (15 sec stride, 1 min jog, 15 sec stride, etc until you have done 4 strides)
-4x10m Very Fast High Knees, 4x10m Very Fast Butt Kicks
-5x20m, 5x30m, 4x40m (full rest between everything, all at 85-90% effort)
-4x10m Sprints at 100% with only 15 seconds rest between

Tuesday -Warm up (15 sec stride, 1 min jog, 15 sec stride, etc until you have done 4 strides)
-4x10m Very Fast High Knees, 4x10m Very Fast Butt Kicks
-9x40 Power Skips on the 3 hills in park (Full Rest between, 3 sets on each of the 3
-2x30m Sprints at 100% with Full Rest between

Wed. -Warm up (15 sec stride, 1 min jog, 15 sec stride, etc until you have done 4 strides)
-4x10m Very Fast High Knees, 4x10m Very Fast Butt Kicks
-2x150m, 1x200m, 1x250m

Thursday-Warm up (15 sec stride, 1 min jog, 15 sec stride, etc until you have done 4 strides)
-4x10m Very Fast High Knees, 4x10m Very Fast Butt Kicks
-9x40 Power Skips on the 3 hills in park (Full Rest between, 3 sets on each of the 3
-2x30m Sprints at 100% with Full Rest between

Friday -Warm up (15 sec stride, 1 min jog, 15 sec stride, etc until you have done 4 strides)
-4x10m Very Fast High Knees, 4x10m Very Fast Butt Kicks
-8x80m where 20m is Very Fast High Knees, 40m is 90% of Sprint Speed, 20m is
Stride (full rest between each 80m)
-4x10m Sprints at 100% with only 15 seconds rest between

Saturday -Warm up (15 sec stride, 1 min jog, 15 sec stride, etc until you have done 4 strides)
-4x10m Very Fast High Knees, 4x10m Very Fast Butt Kicks
- 10x80m Strides

Sunday -Warm up (15 sec stride, 1 min jog, 15 sec stride, etc until you have done 4 strides)
-4x10m Very Fast High Knees, 4x10m Very Fast Butt Kicks
-1x2min on/off run, 2min rest, 1x3min on/off run, 2min rest, 1x4min on/off run,
2min rest, 1x3min on/off run, 2min rest, 1x2min on/off run (On/Off Runs are 10
seconds 95% Sprint, 20 seconds Jog, 10 seconds 95% Sprint, etc.)

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