Group 4 Project (Vivo Pakistan) HRM PDF

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Assignment: Group Project

Course Instructor: Dr. Aamir Ali Chugtai

Course: BUSN350 (HRM)
Section: A

Group No 4 (Members):
Fatima Farhan: (22-10260)
Hamnah Lateef: (221-437046)
Hanya Naeem: (221436066)
Ibran Shahid Shafee: (22-10466)
Muhammad Karim Ansari: (22-10360)
Vivo Pakistan
19 A ،Block C2 Block C 2 Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab 54000
(042) 35771471


Company: Vivo Pakistan

"A young global smartphone brand focusing on introducing perfect sound quality and

ultimate photography with cutting-edge technology, Vivo develops dynamic and stylish

products for passionate young people."

Table of Contents

Introduction (About Vivo): ..................................................................................................... 4

➢ Staff Overview:.............................................................................................................. 4

➢ Working Culture:.......................................................................................................... 4

➢ Vision: ............................................................................................................................ 4

➢ Core Values: .................................................................................................................. 4

HR Manager Interviewed........................................................................................................ 4

➢ Contact: .......................................................................................................................... 4

➢ Education:...................................................................................................................... 4

➢ About the manager: ...................................................................................................... 4

Job Analysis:............................................................................................................................. 5

Strategic Human Resource Management: ............................................................................. 6

HR Planning: ............................................................................................................................ 7

Recruitment: ............................................................................................................................. 9

Selection: ................................................................................................................................. 10

Training and Development: .................................................................................................. 11

Compensation:........................................................................................................................ 12

Suggestions and Recommendations: .................................................................................... 13

References:.............................................................................................................................. 13
Introduction (About Vivo):
Vivo is a global smartphone manufacturer with production facilities and R&D centres in China,

India, Indonesia and the United States. Over the years, vivo has developed smartphone markets,

with presence in China, India and Southeast Asia. In 2017, vivo will further expand to regions

like Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, South Asia as well as the Middle East.

Vivo encourages its employees to innovate and provides them with the necessary space and

resources for their career to grow and develop. Vivo provides highly competitive remuneration

and benefits along with comprehensive training and a career development path for all


➢ Staff Overview:
40,000 total employees’ ●Youngest Director Age 29 ●Youngest Manager Age 23

➢ Working Culture: Vivo is a warm and welcoming big family with young and aspirating

employees. Vivo focuses on actions, not hierarchy. All employees are allowed full

freedom and space to develop themselves.

➢ Vision: To become a healthier, longer-lasting global corporation

➢ Core Values: Integrity, Team Spirit, Superior Quality, Constant Learning, Innovation,

Consumer Orientation

HR Manager Interviewed: Quratulain Malik (Assistant Manager Human Resources)

➢ Contact:

➢ Education: Bachelor’s degree with major in English Literature, shifted to HR after

joining Vivo.

➢ About the manager: She has been working for the organization in HR for 3 years and 4

months now. Joined HR because she felt it was fascinating.

Job Analysis:
As we all are aware of the fact that Job analysis provides information about the knowledge,

skills, abilities and major responsibilities, which are needed to perform the job effectively. At

Vivo relative department is approached regarding specific job needs, type of skill sets that are

required in a particular department.

The HR department at Vivo develops Job Description by listing the essential duties, and

responsibilities which the job requires. All these tasks, duties and responsibilities are

observable actions thus it’s easier to evaluate a person’s performance and capability to perform

the job. For instance, consider a job of Mobile developers they specialise in mobile technology

such as building software apps for Phone platforms. So at vivo, Mobile developers develop or

present on their sills regarding Programming and software development. Job descriptions are

shaped according to the company’s culture and its people requirements.

The manager compares individual performance with the description on the tasks, duties, and

responsibilities that the job description holds.

Job Specification at Vivo is pretty straightforward they specify what kind of proficiency is

required to perform the tasks. Vey importantly technical jobs at Vivo consider knowledge and

experience of the person. Also at behavioural level the capability of the individual to cooperate

with others, or problem solving in critical areas. Personality is also one of the most focused

factors at Vivo which indulge motivation and persistence.

Methods to collect data varies from job to job but mostly the collection is done through

Interviews and Observations. As Vivo is an organization where each individual works with

honesty and commitment, each person therefore gives true remarks about focus areas. Thus

through combination of Structured and Unstructured Interviews important data is collected.

And direct supervisors are always on round at random times each day of work which helps in

sorting out any job related deficiencies. At times questionnaires are also used.

Strategic Human Resource Management:

Strategic Management is a process of analysing a company’s competitive situation, developing

the company’s strategic goals and devising a plan of action and allocation of resources that will

help the company achieve its goals.

Vivo’s strategy formulation revolves around its vision statement which says “To become a

healthier, longer lasting global corporation.’’ The HR manager of Vivo shared that “it fills

the culture gap by training both its foreign and local employees at equal level by giving them

equal opportunities and respecting its diverse workforce.’’ It provides all its employees a

positive work culture where employees from different backgrounds and ethnicities are

encouraged to participate in decision making as its work culture solely depends on innovation

and creativity. The HR department also focuses on making strategies that build up employees’

motivation, makes them more skillful and gains their loyalty and trust. Since the pandemic,

many large organisations laid off some of their employees for cost cutting, but Vivo based on

its strategy, didn’t lay off but instead encouraged their employees to work from home. Vivo is

also said to be one of the few mobile companies that works on the incentives for the employees

too and is said to give bonuses to good performers in the company.

Vivo’s strengths include its focus on research and development as it is an innovation driven

organisation that makes good quality phones and sell them at affordable prices. Vivo’s target

market is also the “people in middle income groups looking for features.” Vivo believes in

implementing expansion and growth strategies as it is already present in 7 overseas markets

and in 350 cities but there are still are some markets that it needs to enter. But Vivo should also

focus on making its product facilities available in more countries. Its USP (unique selling

point) is that it provides high quality phones with innovative features at affordable pricing
since it provides value through its products to customers which gives it a competitive

advantage over its competitors.

Vivo works both on the differentiation and overall cost leadership strategy side by side. As

Vivo stands out for its distinctive product features, creative advertising, and new technology

(since it was the first mobile company to launch a product with Hi-Fi chip) so this way it works

on differentiation strategy but at the same time it manages to provide these high-quality phones

at affordable prices. It is successful in providing large scale facilities in its production areas but

also working on cutting the cost of production at the same time. Both its strategic team and HR

team works on two-way linkage where they also encourage their employees to help with the

strategy implementation by communicating with them the tasks and activities since it is not

following a rigid, hierarchical structure within its headquarters and its stores. However Vivo

still needs to work on its brand awareness and it should also come up with high end

smartphones which compete directly with products of Apple and Samsung.

So, overall, the HR department of Vivo makes sure to align its strategies with the mission and

vision statement by developing a positive work- culture that is driven by innovation, creativity

and quality work with skillful employees.

HR Planning:
“Vivo aims on providing quality products and superior services.” Vivo Company anticipates

demand and supply of employees according to the movement of employees in and out of the

organization and aligning them with demand and supply of solutions (products/services). The

HR planning is mainly aimed towards the planning and management of workforce including

their growth and providing them a healthy and competitive working environment.

“Vivo’s mission is to create and maintain a harmonious respectful work environment and

providing equal cooperative platform to employees with mutual benefits.”

This involves selecting employees for planning of HR, training them to align with the

objectives, orientation, and evaluation including promotions. Whenever they face surplus or

shortage of workforce, manpower is maintained by managing and hiring in a balanced way.

Although Vivo Company has never faced labour shortage up till now because the organization

is against the firing culture so vacancies are usually filled internally through transfers or

promotions or externally through hiring.

During COVID-19 Vivo faced labour surplus but the organization did not practice layoffs

instead pay cuts/pay freeze, discontinuation of annual pay increments were being followed.

Vivo, while encouraging employees to work from home also introduced job sharing policy. It

clearly shows that currently vivo company’s planning objectives are in the direction of

maintaining/retaining employees and hiring new pool of candidates with advance skills of

knowledge and abilities so they can adapt to changing conditions in the business environment

while avoiding employee shortages or surpluses. Vivo Company works with multiple

employees, thus HR planning benefits in their maintenance.

Staffing and labour management are the crucial factors, hiring of employee is not only a

business option. Vivo Company works with the strategy to retain old customers by building

trust and providing them with full customer care. According to Vivo Company through HR

planning, growth opportunity by hiring and recruiting team members within organization can

result in higher customer satisfaction as well as hiring new candidates will help the organization

to gain competitive advantage through their advanced talents and abilities and recruiting

employees from within the company retains their employees as they already know the working

culture of the.

Vivo Company usually uses Ratio Analysis forecasting HR demand. As Vivo has never faced

shortage of human resources (employees) so the ratio analysis technique is the best suitable for
them. As its sales volume is on the rise so it is always in need of more sales staff/labour. Vivo

Company has greater sales volume so its number of units produced and after sale services such

as warranties increase and more production hours (extra shift working policy) are also helpful

for the management to forecast the future (labour/staff) demands. While using Ratio Analysis,

Vivo mobiles also uses Nominal group technique for forecasting HR demand. Its senior

manager and the supervisors discuss all the data of employee, production, sale volumes and

market mechanisms. They also discuss the issues which the organization is facing, take expert

opinion and by voting method their opinions and recommendations are adopted and

implemented in the organization.

“The company’s vision and mission focuses on creating an amiable environment in order to

win the market by investing in people”. The company is more inclined towards to hiring the

employees itself instead of going towards unorthodox means of outsourcing. In order to do so

the HR Department of Vivo Communication Technologies uses external sources of

networking sites like, etc. It also uses universities as an external source of

recruitment focusing majorly on fresh graduates. Vivo is of the ideology that fresh graduates

are most creative, this is the reason the firm invests highly in university recruitment in order

to find suitable new and creative candidates.

The company focuses more on external recruiting as compared to internal recruitment of

referrals as it promotes biasness, personal disputes and may lead to negative politics in the

working environment. Which can seriously damage the credibility of the organization both

internally and externally. Furthermore, the organization invests in the employee’s training and

development so that when the time comes the employee would be ready for succession. Even

though the HR Department supports the ideology of external recruitment as it believes that

internal recruitment leads to less diversity in the work place, but if an employee is an eligible
candidate he or she would be preferred to be promoted. Vivo Technology uses cost per hire to

determine how effective the recruitment source is.

The competitive edge for Vivo Technologies is their pay structure and the benefits they offer

to their employees for working with them. The organization’s HR Manager firmly believes that

the company and the employee grow hand in hand. For attaining the competitive edge Vivo

pays its employees above the market rate and offers benefits like health insurance for the whole

family and gratuity on retirement.

Selection process of Vivo includes the screening of applications submitted by the applicants

the HR Department follows multiple hurdle approach which includes screening the

applications at three different stages in order to do so, 3 interviews are conducted.

• First interview is taken on the phone.

• Second is a basic primary interview.

• And the final interview with filtered applicants is conducted by the executives and the

directors of the company.

In the interview the HR Department focuses more on the confidence and knowledge of the

applicant, this is the reason the HR Manager thought CGPA is of secondary importance.

Furthermore, personality is another key factor for the applicant to be hired. According to the

HR Manger “The organization solely stands on the moto of behaviour over skills”.

After the interviews are conducted a thorough background check of the applicant is conducted

through the personal contact of the HR team with the previous organizations the applicant has

worked with. CVs of the applicants are studied in depth to determine the history of the

employee and how long does he averagely work for in an organization.

The HR department closely measures the reliability and validity of the selection tool by

conducting test-retest for reliability and then they conduct concurrent validity test for old

employees to measure that how much effective their selection tool has been.

Training and Development:

Vivo believes that the training and development of employees is very important. They provide

them with a wide range of training courses, a good career development path and sufficient

space for them to increase skillset.

“Vivo is a company that encourages continuous learning in diverse environment with respect

and commitment”. The HR department systematically identifies problem areas, and

implements specific training that seem to be the need of the employees working in the

organization or for the ones that are recently hired. The systematic procedure involves a HR

manager that sets clear goals for training. Following that manager selects suitable trainers from

within the company who would provide training. Then manager and his team selects training

methods that fit well to train the employees. On this, training is provided and lastly the most

important part, evaluation of training outcomes, which reveal through employee and

organization performance.

The gaps are filled through well-designed and well-planned training initiatives that intend to

build skills and eliminate weak areas. These initiatives increase the morale and confidence level

of the employees which not only makes them achieve their present goals and also future goals.

“Training strengthens their skill set and also prepares them for future accomplishments, thus

training and development goes hand in hand, a continuous learning cycle”

Vivo encourages employees to learn by experiencing the practicality of work. Employees are

provided the environment with required equipment to learn work skills. Simulated and

computer based training is used by the organization to train the employees.

Also when employees are hired they are given brief training about the organizations culture to

fill the culture gap. The department conducts different IQ tests of the new employees monthly

and also conducts culture tests which encourages employees to learn and grow. The HR

department is always in contact with different departments of the organization for developing

and training programs. Workshops and one on one meetings with employees provide inputs

about progress and difficulties. In addition to that employees’ progress indicates the success of

training program thus a post measure with control group assess is usually considered for

accurate evaluation.

The HR department of Vivo sets pay level following Market Lead Strategy because Vivo

requires workforce that is innovative and creative to support their differentiation strategy

therefore, in order to attract and retain high quality employees, Vivo adopts a market lead

policy. Following that the HR department conducts Pay Surveys and analysis to find out

average pay rates in the market, like what employees in other organisations get paid for

performing similar key jobs in the mobile industry. External comparisons are important but

they are also supported by internal comparison through Job Evaluation Tool using Point


HR department uses Pay Policy Line method to establish company’s pay structure because

this method integrates the job evaluation points with the external market pay rates which fully

supports Vivo’s concept.

The HR manager prefers promoting employees from within the organisation if he or she is

eligible, this elevates the motivation and confidence of employees. On the other hand their

training and development builds their skills that helps the organization’s progress as well as

the employee’s progress. In addition to that Health Insurance is also offered for the whole

family of the employee. Vivo strictly follows labour laws. Lastly but importantly, employee
that does any sort of misconduct is right away fired but for minor mistakes and troubles warning

letters and quotes are given to undermine their negatives and enhance their positives.

“Like any other organization Vivo considers its employees its greatest assets, we learn and

grow together, we strengthen this asset through loyalty and teamwork”

Suggestions and Recommendations:

Every foreign vivo branch/ facility participates in the industry pay and benefits market research

to ensure competitive employee benefits. They also set up a performance-oriented bonus

scheme which is open to employees of all capacities. For particularly excellent employees, they

offer a no-cap bonus system and unique training system

The office environment is filled with full range of facilities. From employee cafe with delicious

food and pleasant atmosphere, to spacious basketball court, modern gym, table tennis room

and pool tables, they provide every possible convenience to enrich life at vivo.

All such benefits are being provided in other locations are advance compared to Pakistan’s

Vivo company thus they should update such facilities in Pakistan like they have in foreign

locations. So that the employees of Pakistani Vivo location don’t feel left out and demotivated.

Homepage | vivo Pakistan. (2017). Vivo Pakistan.

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