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Behavior of Buildings in Reinforced Concrete During an Earthquake: Case Study

Article · August 2015

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09408-3_65


1 103

3 authors, including:

Samir Bouhedja Boualem El El Kechebour



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1 University
y of Science and Technologie
g Houari Boumedien,, (USTHB),
( ), Faculty
y of civil engineering,
g g, Bab Ezzouar,, Algiers,
g , Algeria.
Laboratoire Eau,, Environnement,, Geomécanique
q et Ouvrages g ((LEEGO). )

Abstract Damages
g caused by
y the effect of lack of building
g resistance
The Goal of this study is an analysis of the behavior of buildings in reinforced concrete during the Earthquake duration is one of the causes of the damaging effects of strong ground motions on
earthquake of Boumerdes, on May 21th 2003, in the region of Algiers. This earthquake structures The quantification of the effect of the earthquake duration on the structural reliability is a
characterized by a magnitude of 6.8 6 8 on Richter scale and duration of 40 seconds is considered as procedure
d th t combines
that bi th non linear
the li static
t ti and d the
th non-linear
li d
i Ultimate
Ulti t strength
t th andd
very strong for the Algerian seismic historicity.
historicity Until this event,
event the site is not declared as high low-cycle
y structural damageg limit states were appliedpp within a framework in order to estimate the
i i zone. So, S this
hi situation
i i has h been
b the
h cause off great destructions
d i andd damages.
d Th level
The l l off probability of failure for a suite of idealized structures. Linearly elastic structures as well as inelastic
the damagesg induced byy this earthquake q on the structures can be explained
p byy the interaction structures subjected to applied dynamic force or earthquake-induced ground motion are considered
between the soil and the building.
building These collapses are caused by the real behavior between the soil [10] The
[10]. Th phenomenon
h f ti
fatigue off structures
t t d
dependsd off seismic
i i duration.
d ti I this
In thi vision,
ii th seismic
the i i
and the foundations and in others cases,cases they are caused by the lack of ductility of the reinforced replica
li can destroy
d the
h structures because
b the
h original
i i l resistance
i off buildings
b ildi i very reduced
is d d by b the
t frame
f elements.
l t The
Th workk begins
b i by b the
th presentation
t ti off the
th site
it and d the
th analysis
l i off the
th strongg motion. This case has been reported p about the Boumerdes earthquake. q One day y after the
damages sustained by the buildings, then by the study of the seismic risk factors in the region of disaster a replica causes the collapse of many buildings.
disaster, buildings Many studies are engaged in the United
g e s. Thee sstudy
udy finishes
s es by thee recommendations
eco e d o s aboutbou thee co
cep o o of thee sstructural
uc u eelements
e e s States in this field.
field This problematic concerns the probability to exceed the duration of a normative
to reduce the seismic risk and a conclusion on the necessity to consider the behavior of structures seismic
i i peakk [11].
[11] The
Th figures
fi 3 and
3a d 3b illustrate
ill t t the th lack
l k off building
b ildi resistance.
as result of interaction of elements composing a system. system In conclusion,
conclusion this study attests that the
b h i off structures is
behavior i linked
li k d to the
h interaction
i i off system elements
l and
d that
h the h multi-risk
li i k
pp to improve
p the safetyy of urban and cultural heritage
g is required.
y building,
g behavior, system,
y earthquake,
q heritage

Historical earthquakes
q in Algeria

The 21st
Th 21 t May
M 2003 earthquake
th k in i North
N th A1geria
A1 i (Mw~6.8)
(M 6 8) was a very destructive
d t ti eventt whichhi h
killed 2,273 ppeople,
p injured
j more than 8,000 and left over 200,000 homeless, while total economic
impact is estimated to US$65 billion [1]. The causative fault is presumed to be an offshore structure,
trending approximately NE-SW.
NE-SW Seismological data suggest that the length of the fault is around 40
k [2],
km [2] while
hil focal
f l mechanism
h i solutions
l ti showed
h d reverse faulting,
f lti coherent
h t with
ith the
th compression
i which
hi h is
i present along
l this
hi collision
lli i zone [3]. In the
h oldld time,
i Algeria
l i country has
h known
many y seismic disasters [[4].
] The figure
g 1 g
gives the seismic zone in Algeria.
g The seismic fault of
Boumerdes is discovered in 2003.

Fig. 3a. Total destruction of a building of three Fig. 3b. Weakness of the stiffness of columns
floor situated on alluvial site (liquefaction of soil) causing collapse (city of Boumerdes).
in the suburb of Boumerdes.

Damages caused
D d by
b the
th lack
l k off ductility
d tilit off the
th concrete
t and
d the
th bad
b d
setting of rebars
The disproportion of geometric sections between the columns and the beams induces plastic
Fig. 1.
Fi 1 Great
G t earthquakes
th k iin Al
i during
d i the
th last
l t Fig. 2.
Fig 2 Estimation of the disaster cost in the world deformations on the columns earlier, then in the beams and causes the building collapse. The
t [4]
[4]. (Natural catastrophes worldwide 1980-2012:
1980 2012: Source: problem has been recognized during Boumerdes earthquake,
earthquake as reported in figures 4a and 4b.
Munich Re NatCatSERVICE)

R l ti hi b
Relationship between
t di
t and
d Development
D l t

Developments whether technological, economical and / or physical bring with them threats and
risks The disasters siphon the national resources by their effects,
risks. effects and must not become a
necessary andd inevitable
i it bl consequence off ddevelopment.
l t Th
The figure
fi 2 illustrates
ill t t th the estimation
ti ti off th
loss cost generatedd by
b the
h naturall catastrophes
h dduring
i theh last
l years.

Structural Damages
The early studies have determined some basic characteristics of this seism like: the duration of
q and the lack of ductility
y of the concrete.

Discussion about Algerian Code
i b t Al i C d
The Algerian
g code has been release duringg the last yyear of 1999 [[12]] and revised in 2003. After this disaster,, the
code [13] have been reviewed and updated at sever rules in August 2003[14] and in 2008. The important innovation 
important innovation
is the factor of building behavior (R>1) and the factor of reduction of force (V) according this relation: R=
is the factor of building behavior (R>1) and the factor of reduction of force (V) according this relation: R= 
Velastic/Vcalcul The Velastic corresponds to the structure’ss elastic response strength and Vcalcul corresponds to 
Velastic/Vcalcul. The Velastic corresponds to the structure elastic response strength and Vcalcul corresponds to
allowable design strength Many phenomena cannot be explained with rational method as the random collapses of
allowable design strength. Many phenomena cannot be explained with rational method as the random collapses of 
neighbor structures and the site effect. But, the seismic engineering can reduce the damages of the structures and 
i hb t t d th it ff t B t th i i i i d th d f th t t d
mitigate the loss of human live. Globally, the collapse of columns and the plasticization of nodes are the main cause 
h l fh l l b ll h ll f l d h l f d h Fig.
g. 4a.. Lack
c oof duc
y and
d ddiscuntinuity
scu u y oof Fig.
g. 4b.
b. Lack
c oof rebars
eb s in thee column
co u at thee
of the ruin of buildings. the rebars in the node column-beam.
column beam. node.
In order to reduce the effect of earthquake duration on structures, and to enhance the behavior of the structures, 
q , ,
it is necessary: 
‐ To use a procedure that combines order static and non
To use a procedure that combines order static and non‐linear
linear dynamics loads during the design. 
dynamics loads during the design
‐ To implement into the new Algerian concrete standards, some rules to provide sufficient ductility at reinforced 
To implement into the new Algerian concrete standards some rules to provide sufficient ductility at reinforced Conclusion
concrete members
concrete members.  
‐ To increase ductility for concrete structures subjected to bending in order to limit the depth of the compression 
T i d tilit f t t t bj t d t b di i d t li it th d th f th i
zone (x/d). 
( /d) The behavior
Th b h i off structures
t t i linked
is li k d to
t the
th interaction
i t ti off system
t elements
l t and d the
th multirisk
lti i k
‐ To put a sufficient transversal reinforced pins at the node beam‐column.  approach to improve the safety of cultural heritage, with particular regard to historical centers, is
‐ To have the inertia of columns more greater than the inertia of beams.  very
y suitable. The City y of Algiers,
g , Capital
p City,
y, which is near to the Boumerdes City y ((40 km at
‐ To drain the foundations of the site.  west from Boumerdes),
Boumerdes) is very vulnerable.
vulnerable Indeed,
Indeed more than half of national heritage is
‐ To use seismic joint between the neighbor walls.
To use seismic joint between the neighbor walls. concentrated in this site and the elaboration of Codes for the cultural buildings is very required.
As the United States Japan and Europe move towards the implementation of Performance Based on engineering
As the United States, Japan, and Europe move towards the implementation of Performance Based on engineering 
philosophies in seismic design of civil structures The new seismic design requires performing a nonlinear analysis of
philosophies in seismic design of civil structures. The new seismic design requires performing a nonlinear analysis of 
the structures These analyses can take the form of a full nonlinear dynamic analysis or a static nonlinear Pushover
the structures. These analyses can take the form of a full, nonlinear dynamic analysis, or a static nonlinear Pushover 
A l i Th P h
Analysis. The Pushover Analysis is a very attractive method for use in a design office, because the computational 
A l i i tt ti th d f i d i ffi b th t ti l
time required to perform a full, nonlinear dynamic analysis is acceptable. 

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