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Accident Analysis and Prevention 94 (2016) 73–79

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The influence of pedestrian countdown signals on children’s crossing

behavior at school intersections
Lianning Fu ∗ , Nan Zou
School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, 17923 Jingshi Road, Jinan 250061, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Previous studies have shown that pedestrian countdown signals had different influences on pedestrian
Received 4 March 2016 crossing behavior. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the installation of countdown
Received in revised form 15 April 2016 signals at school intersections on children’s crossing behavior. A comparison analysis was carried out on
Accepted 16 May 2016
the basis of observations at two different school intersections with or without pedestrian countdown
Available online 1 June 2016
signals in the city of Jinan, China. Four types of children’s crossing behavior and child pedestrian-vehicle
conflicts were analyzed in detail. The analysis results showed that using pedestrian countdown timers
during the Red Man phase led to more children’s violation and running behavior. Theses violators created
Child pedestrian
Crossing behavior
more conflicts with vehicles. However, pedestrian countdown signals were effective at helping child
Countdown signals pedestrian to complete crossing before the red light onset, avoid getting caught in the middle of crosswalk.
Comparison No significant difference was found in children who started crossing during Flashing Green Man phase
Road safety between the two types of pedestrian signals. Moreover, analysis results indicated that children who
crossed the road alone had more violation and adventure crossing behavior than those had companions.
Boys were found more likely to run crossing than girls, but there was no significant gender difference
in other crossing behavior. Finally, it’s recommended to remove countdown at the end of the Red Man
phase to improve children’s crossing behavior and reduce the conflicts with vehicles. Meanwhile other
measures are proposed to improve children safety at school intersections.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the beginning of the FLASHING DON’T WALK (FDW) signal phase.
Some studies have confirmed that pedestrian countdown signals
Safe crossing is an important aspect of child pedestrian safety, had generally positive effects on pedestrian behavior, because they
because most of children are likely to cross at the school intersec- showed the time remaining which was helpful for crossing (Harre
tions. To improve children’s crossing safety, various measures are and Wrapson, 2004; Eccles et al., 2004; Markowitz et al., 2006; Kim
implemented in school zones, such as install high-visibility cross- et al., 2002; Xiong et al., 2014). It was precisely because of the
ings, speed humps, pedestrian refuge islands, and so on. Moreover, information showed by countdown signal, late starters increased
considering of children are too young to make correct and safe at the intersections with countdown signals (Hooper et al., 2007;
judgments when crossing, pedestrian signals are usually neces- Wanty and Wilkie, 2010; Cleaver et al., 2011). Other researchers
sary at the school intersections. The main purpose of pedestrian found that the pedestrian countdown signals led to more pedestri-
countdown signals is to increase pedestrian safety, they are gen- ans crossing during the red light (York et al., 2011; Vujanić et al.,
eral considered to install at signalized pedestrian crossing in school 2014). Meanwhile, other types of countdown signal timing were
zones and busy intersections (Lipovac et al., 2013; Lambrianidou also discussed, such as countdown running through the whole
et al., 2013). In recent years, more and more countries are starting walking interval including FDW interval or counted down FDW
trial to install pedestrian countdown signals at the intersections interval only (Arhin and Noel, 2011), countdown terminating at
to improve pedestrian safety. Generally, pedestrian countdown the beginning of yellow or beginning of red (Smith, 2014). But no
signals are used to display the number of remaining seconds at significant differences in pedestrian behavior and crash frequency
were found between different timings. Different from the types
mentioned above, some pedestrian countdown signals installed
in China counted down both during Red Man phase and Flashing
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (L. Fu), (N. Zou).
0001-4575/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
74 L. Fu, N. Zou / Accident Analysis and Prevention 94 (2016) 73–79

Fig. 1. Illustration of pedestrian signals at the two school intersections.

Green Man phase. This type of pedestrian countdown signals will children crossed the road. One school intersection was located at
be discussed in the present study. Heping Road and Dianxindong Road (SI1), Heping Road was a bi-
In addition to the pedestrians’ behavior, the pedestrian-vehicle directional and four lane road, expanding lanes each direction at
conflicts also need to be studied to evaluate pedestrian safety at the the intersection. The other school intersection was located at Wen-
intersections. Because conflicts were considered as good surrogates huadong Road and Yangtouyudonggou Street (SI2). Wenhuadong
for pedestrian collisions, and the conflict analysis provided more Road was also a two-way four-lane road, but without expanding at
information about the causes (Migletz et al., 1985; Garder, 1989). the intersection. Dianxindong Road and Yangtouyudonggou Street
Researchers found that the pedestrian-vehicle conflicts and crashes were both bi-directional road with two lanes. The vehicle flows at
decreased due to the installation of pedestrian countdown signals these two school intersections were similar, 2064 vehicles per hour
(Eccles et al., 2004; Wanty and Wilkie, 2010; Huitema et al., 2014). at SI1 and 2112 vehicles per hour at SI2, respectively. Pedestrian
However, Richmond et al. (2014) found that pedestrian countdown signal cycle length at SI1 was 180 s, the Green Man phase lasted
signals increased the pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions through 31 s, the Flashing Green Man phase was 10 s with counting down
analyzing ten years collision data in Toronto. These indicated that from 9 to 0, the Red Man phase was 139 s. At the last 10 s of the Red
the pedestrian countdown signals might have different effects on Man phase, the countdown timer displayed the remaining seconds
pedestrian-vehicle conflicts and crashes in different sites. Besides, to the Green Man phase. The total pedestrian signal length at SI2
the characteristics of child pedestrian behavior were different from was 120 s, the Green Man phase was 22 s, the Flashing Green Man
adults. Therefore, it was necessary to carry out the conflicts study phase was 5 s and the Red Man phase lasted 93 s. The illustration
to evaluate the effects of pedestrian countdown signals on children of pedestrian signals at the two intersections were shown in Fig. 1.
crossing safety.
Despite some pedestrian countdown signal studies have men-
tioned children and youth (Supernak et al., 2013; Liao et al., 2.2. Procedure
2015), few studies have specifically targeting to the effects of
the countdown signals on children’s behavior and safety at the The observations were carried out in three weekdays under
school intersections. The main purpose of this study is to inves- good weather conditions. Child pedestrians were observed during
tigate the effects of pedestrian countdown signals on children’s their school commute time. The three periods were as followed:
crossing behavior in school zones. Moreover, the conflicts between between 7:00 A.M. and 8:30 A.M. for the morning period, between
child pedestrian and vehicles are also analyzed in this paper. And 11:00 A.M. and 12:30 P.M. for the noon period and between
then put forward some recommendations for improving children’s 3:30 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. for the afternoon period. The cameras were
crossing safety. placed in the building near the intersection to make a better view of
child pedestrians and signal display, meanwhile child pedestrians
2. Method could not notice the camera.
Five types of information were extracted from the video record-
The analysis in this study was based on the data obtained from ings:
video recordings. Two primary schools were selected for inves- Type 1: Whether children starting to cross during the pedestrian
tigation. The intersections in school zones had different types of RM phase.
pedestrian signals, one was with traditional pedestrian signals and Type 2: Whether children starting to cross during the pedestrian
the other one was installed with countdown signals. In China, the FGM phase.
pedestrian signals generally consisted of three symbols, namely the Type 3: Whether children completing crossing during the GM
Green Man (GM), Flashing Green Man (FGM) and Red Man (RM). and FGM phases.
Both of the pedestrian signals in the two sites have these three Type 4: Whether children running to cross.
symbols, the difference lies in the countdown timer. Pedestrian Type 5: The conflicts between child pedestrians and motor vehi-
countdown signals can display the number of seconds remaining cles.
until the end or beginning of the pedestrian green interval. In this study, the conflicts were considered that when either
child pedestrians or motor vehicles took evasive action to prevent
2.1. Sites description collisions. Furthermore, the seconds of pedestrian started to cross
during the RM phase were calculated from the recordings. The gen-
The investigations were conducted in the city of Jinan, China. der of children and other characteristics were also recorded, such
The two intersections were near the schools, where most of the as whether accompanying with classmates or adults.
L. Fu, N. Zou / Accident Analysis and Prevention 94 (2016) 73–79 75

Table 1
Descriptive statistics of the samples.

Description SI1 SI2 Responds

Gender of Children 53.6% (619) 52.4% (574) Male

46.4% (535) 47.6% (522) Female

Companions 31.3% (361) 37.0% (406) Adults

41.4% (478) 37.5% (411) Classmates
27.3% (315) 25.5% (279) Alone

Whether holding hands 60.4% (218) 72.2% (293) Yes

with adults 39.6% (143) 27.8% (113) No

Whether looking left and right 10.0% (115) 2.6% (28) Yes
before crossing 90.0% (1039) 97.4% (1068) No

Table 2
The impact of gender and companions on violation behavior.

Description Categories Cross during RM phase (%) Chi-square statistic Sig.

Gender Male 13.3 3.140 0.076

Female 10.9

Companions Adults 13.3 9.976 0.007

Classmates 9.6
Alone 14.6

2.3. Data analysis

The samples collecting from the two school intersections were

considered as two groups, and it assumed that they were inde-
pendent and random. The descriptive statistics were conducted
firstly, and then the two-tailed z-test at a 95% confidence level
was applied to examine whether there was difference of children’s
crossing behavior at intersections with countdown signals and
without countdown signals. The null hypothesis H0 and alternative
hypothesis H1 were as followed:

H0 : p1 = p2
H1 : p1 =
/ p2

where p1 was proportion of one type of crossing behavior at SI1 as

mentioned above, p2 was proportion of one type of crossing behav-
ior at SI2. Then the value of the test statistic was calculated by the
following formula: Fig. 2. Comparison of child pedestrian violation behavior.

p1 − p2
Z=  1  (2)
pc (1 − pc ) + 1 portion at SI2 was 37.5%. The proportion of children crossing alone
n1 n2
was lower comparing to the other two groups. Among the adults,
where n1 was the total number of pedestrians recorded at SI1, n2 the percentages of mother and grandmother were relatively higher.
was the total number of pedestrians recorded at SI2, pc was the In the group of children accompanied by adults, almost 40% chil-
combined proportion of one type of crossing behavior. dren did not hold hands with adult at SI1, whereas the proportion
at SI2 was lower (27.8%). It was important to look left and right
p1 n1 + p2 n2 before crossing, but few children were observed to have this safety
pc = (3)
n1 + n2 behavior at both sites.
If |z| > z˛/2 (1.96), the null hypothesis H0 would be rejected, it indi-
cated that there was no difference of child pedestrian crossing 3.2. Children start to cross during the RM phase
behavior between the two school intersections.
The number of child pedestrian who started crossing during the
3. Results RM phase were counted. To investigate the effects of countdown
signal timers on child pedestrian violation behavior, the propor-
3.1. Descriptive statistics tion of child pedestrian violations were computed and z-test was
used to compare between the two school intersections (see Fig. 2).
The sample size was 1154 at SI1 and 1096 at SI2 respectively. The At SI1, 20.9% of child pedestrians crossed against the red light, it
results of descriptive statistical analysis were shown in Table 1. It was obviously higher than the proportion at SI2. The z-test result
showed that the percentage of boys was higher than girls both at SI1 showed significant difference of child pedestrian starting to cross
and SI2. Child pedestrians were divided into three groups accord- during the RM phase between the two intersections (Z = 12.958,
ing to the companions: be accompanied by adults, be accompanied p < 0.05).
with classmates, alone. The results indicated that more than 40% Further analyses were conducted to understand whether gen-
of children were accompanied with classmates at SI1, and this pro- der and companions influenced child pedestrian violation crossing
76 L. Fu, N. Zou / Accident Analysis and Prevention 94 (2016) 73–79

Fig. 4. Comparison of completing crossing behavior during GM and FGM phases.

Fig. 3. Comparison of crossing behavior during FGM phase.

3.5. Children run to cross

behavior, the results were shown in Table 2.The violation propor- Many children had running behavior during crossing the road.
tion of boys was higher than girls, but the result was not significant Apart from children were physically active who might be more
at the 0.05 level. Children who crossed with classmates together likely to running, countdown signal timers might also have effects
had lowest proportion of violation. By contrast, children who were on their behavior. Children who ran to cross were recorded during
accompanied by adults or alone to cross had higher proportion of data collections. The analysis results showed that a larger propor-
violation. The differences between different companion groups had tion of children ran to cross at SI1 with countdown timers than SI2
a 0.007 level of significance. without countdown. The z-test results indicated that the difference
was significant at the 0.05 level (Z = 4.009, p < 0.05).
More boys were observed running to cross than girls in this
3.3. Children start to cross during the FGM phase study. The Chi-square test results showed that the difference was
significant (see Table 5). Furthermore, children who crossed alone
Children who started to cross when the pedestrian green man had a significant higher proportion of running behavior than chil-
had been flashing were recorded. The two school intersections dren were accompanied by adults or with classmates (Fig. 5).
in this study had different FGM phase. Countdown timers were
installed at SI1 to display the remaining time to end the green light, 3.6. Time interval distribution of children violations
but no countdown timers at SI2. The results showed that the pro-
portions of child pedestrian crossing during FGM phase at SI1(6.9%) The Red Man phase was divided into different intervals of 5 s
and SI2(6.2%) were similar (see Fig. 3), z-test results also showed with the purpose of studying the distribution of child pedestrian
that there was no significant difference in children starting to cross violations. The time distribution analysis results of children viola-
during the FGM phase between SI1 and SI2 (Z = 0.696, p > 0.05). tors showed that there was a small number peak of child pedestrian
The Chi-square test results showed that there was also no sig- starting to cross at the first 5 s of the RM phase, both at SI1 and SI2.
nificant difference between boys and girls in “adventurer”, those The number of children violations during the initial RM interval at
who starting to cross during the pedestrian FGM phase (Table 3). SI1 was larger than that at SI2. During the intermediate of the RM
But significant differences were found in the case of adventure phase, the number of violations at SI1 was also larger than SI2. Fur-
crossing behavior between different companion groups. Children thermore, the major violations were found in the last 10 s of RM
who crossed with classmates had significant lower proportion of phase at SI1, especially in the last 5 s, the violation number comes
adventure behavior than the other groups.

3.4. Children complete crossing during GM and FGM phases

The safety of crossing would reduce if child pedestrians did not

complete crossing before red light onset. Fig. 4 showed that the
proportion of children not completing crossing during GM and FGM
phases at SI2 (20.3%) was higher than it was at SI1 (14.0%). The z-
test results indicated that there was significant difference of not
completing crossing behavior during GM and FGM phases between
SI1 and SI2 (Z = −3.977, p < 0.05).
The analysis results of different companion categories in Table 4
indicated that there were significant differences in the proportion
of not completing crossing behavior before red light. More chil-
dren crossed with classmates finished their crossings during GM
and FGM phases than children who were accompanied by adults or
alone. However, no significant difference was found in this type of
behavior between boys and girls. Fig. 5. Comparison of running to crossing behavior.
L. Fu, N. Zou / Accident Analysis and Prevention 94 (2016) 73–79 77

Table 3
The impact of gender and companions on starting to cross behavior during FGM phase.

Description Categories Cross during FGM phase (%) Chi-square statistic Sig.

Gender Male 6.0 1.621 0.203

Female 7.3

Companions Adults 8.1 29.647 0.000

Classmates 3.1
Alone 9.8

Table 4
The impact of gender and companions on not completing crossing behavior during GM and FGM phases.

Description Categories Not completing crossing during GM and FGM phases (%) Chi-square statistic Sig.

Gender Male 18.1 2.110 0.146

Female 15.8

Companions Adults 17.2 6.808 0.033

Classmates 14.8
Alone 20.0

Table 5
The impact of gender and companions on running to cross behavior.

Description Categories Cross during RM phase (%) Chi-square statistic Sig.

Gender Male 23.6 5.415 0.020

Female 19.6

Companions Adults 12.6 167.469 0.000

Classmates 17.2
Alone 40.2

Table 6
Conflicts between child pedestrian and straight through vehicles.

The reasons of child pedestrian-vehicle conflicts Straight through vehicles


Child pedestrian crossing against the red light 18 4

Child pedestrian walking out of the crosswalk 9 1
Child pedestrian did not complete crossing before the red light onset 0 3
The vehicles did not leave intersection before the red light onset 0 7

Total 27 15

to the highest peak. By contrast, there is almost no violation during sive left or right turning phases for vehicles was the main reason
the intermediate and final of the RM phase at SI2 (Fig. 6). causing the conflicts between child pedestrian and turning vehicles.

4. Discussion
3.7. Child pedestrian-vehicle conflicts
4.1. Key findings in this study
The child pedestrian-vehicle conflicts were observed and
counted, the conflicts between different vehicles and the conflicts The results of the present analysis have shown that children’s
caused by red-driving vehicles were not included in this study. crossing behavior are affected by the countdown signals. One of
Child pedestrian conflicts between straight through vehicles and the main outcomes is that countdown signals make higher propor-
turning vehicles were recorded separately. The results in Table 6 tion of children violators during RM phase, compared to without
showed that there were more child pedestrian-straight through countdown signals. Further analysis of time distribution of child
vehicle conflicts at SI1 than SI2 overall. At SI1, conflicts between pedestrian violations indicates that the violations at SI1 were
child pedestrian and straight through vehicles were caused by two occurred mainly in the last 5 s of the RM phase. One possible rea-
reasons: one was that children crossed against the red light and son was that there were pedestrian countdown timers at SI1, which
the other one was that children did not walk along the crosswalk. could display the number of seconds remaining to the GM phase.
Two thirds of the pedestrian-straight through vehicle conflicts Children are more impulsive and impatient, therefore, many of chil-
occurred due to children did not comply with signal, crossing dur- dren cannot waiting for the pedestrian green light to start crossing.
ing the Red Man phase. By contrast, less children crossing against In addition, many running children were found during the last
the red light leading to conflicts with straight through vehicles at seconds of RM phase. On the one hand, children know the pedes-
SI2. However, more conflicts occurred at SI2 because vehicles did trian green light was coming through reading the countdown timer.
not leave intersection before red light onset and children did not On the other hand, quickly crossing to avoid vehicles still on the
complete crossing before red light onset. Child pedestrian-turning road was needed once they decided to start crossing during the
vehicle conflicts analysis results indicated that this type of conflicts RM phase. Consequently, the countdown starting at the final of the
occurred frequently too. The number of child pedestrian-turning RM phase have negative effects on children’s crossing behavior. It
vehicles conflicts were 21 at SI1 and 17 at SI2 respectively. No exclu- may cause children’ risky crossing behavior, thereby reducing the
78 L. Fu, N. Zou / Accident Analysis and Prevention 94 (2016) 73–79

Fig. 6. Distribution of child pedestrian violations during the RM phase.

safety of crossing. Previous study has shown that the probability signal which displayed during FGM phase had positive effect on the
of pedestrian accidents is much higher when crossing at the final improvement of children’s crossing safety.
moments before the pedestrian green light is on (Lipovac et al., Besides, gender and companion factors were also examined in
2013). So, countdown display during the RM phase is not suggested this study. The influences of companions were significant on dif-
to be applied at school intersection. Furthermore, the violation pro- ferent children crossing behavior. In summary, children who were
portion of children crossing with classmates is relatively lower than alone crossing the road had more risk-taking crossing behavior
children crossing accompanying by adults or alone. Other studies than children who had companions. Especially children who were
also proved that pedestrians tended to start crossing during the red accompanied with classmates had less risk-taking behavior. This is
light when being alone (Keegan and O’Mahony, 2003; Rosenbloom, probably because they talk to each other when crossing in company
2009; Vujanić et al., 2014). with classmates, they are less likely to break talking to take risky
Another important finding is that comparing to the school behavior such as running. Besides, children who has higher risk per-
intersection without countdown signals (SI2), more child pedes- ception may influence the companions. But this does not mean that
trians can complete crossing during the green light phase at school children crossing the road with classmates is safer. Because they
intersection with countdown signals (SI1). There are two possible will get distracted if they talk to each other when crossing the road,
explanations: one is due to SI1 has countdown timer to display the causing no observation of surrounding traffic conditions. So chil-
remaining seconds till next red light onset, it’s helpful for children dren’s traffic safety consciousness still need to be improved through
to adjust their crossing speeds, avoid getting caught in the middle different intervention measures. The gender difference was not sig-
of crosswalk; on the other hand, the green man flashing time at nificant in this study, only found that boys were more likely to run
SI1 is longer than SI2, five seconds is too short as reminder time to cross the road.
for child pedestrian to complete crossings. Thus, how to design and
optimize the length of time to countdown during the FGM phase
require further study in future. However, the results suggest that 4.2. Recommendations
countdown signals have no significant effect on children starting
to cross during the FGM phase. Based on the results in this study, different countermeasures
The conflicts analysis results showed that the lack of compliance are proposed to improve child pedestrian safety at school inter-
led to more child pedestrians exposed to straight though vehicles sections. On the one hand is the improvement of facilities, such as
and increased the risk at school intersection. More children were the implementation of pedestrian countdown signals. The pedes-
found to start crossing during the last 5 s of the RM phase at SI1 trian countdown signals are only suggested to display during the
due to the countdown started at the end of RM phase, these chil- FGM phase, while not during the RM phase. In addition, it is also
dren might create more conflicts with vehicles. Because there were required to further study on the length of countdown timing dur-
still vehicles passing through the intersection in this period and ing FGM phase. In the aspect of signal timing, a separate pedestrian
even with higher speed. It was proved that more pedestrian-vehicle green phase is recommended to set at school intersections, such as
conflicts were caused by these children violators at SI1. Then the scramble period. During the scramble period pedestrians in all the
safety of crossing was reduced as the increase of conflicts. So, it crosswalks can cross and also diagonally across are allowed. All the
was not a good choice to set the countdown at the end of RM phase. vehicles are stopped by the red signals during this period. It can
There were also many conflicts between children and turning vehi- help to reduce the conflicts between child pedestrians and vehi-
cles because both SI1 and SI2 had no exclusive left or right turning cles. But setting scramble period may increase the delay of vehicles
phases. The results above had shown that more children could not at the intersection. So, different signal timing plans are suggested
finish crossing before the red light displayed at SI2, some conflicts depending on the school commute time in a day. Furthermore, the
were observed between these children and vehicles at this inter- length of pedestrian green phase should be longer during school
section. But no pedestrian-vehicle conflicts occurred on account of commute time, considering that there are many older pedestrians
children not finishing crossing at SI1. In this regard, the countdown who pick up children crossing at school intersections. Besides the
optimization of signalization, better geometry and facility designs
should be practiced at school intersections. For example, diago-
L. Fu, N. Zou / Accident Analysis and Prevention 94 (2016) 73–79 79

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designers and policy makers how to design the pedestrian count- London.
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