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By K. Fahoum,· Associate Member, ASCE, M. S. Aggour,2 Fellow, ASCE,

and F. Amini,3 Member, ASCE

ABSTRACT: Dynamic properties of three compacted cohesive soils, kaolinite, sodium montmorillonite, and
calcium montmorillonite, which were treated with up to 8% lime, were determined under a wide range of strains
and confining pressures. The soils had plasticity indices ranging from 18 to 514. Lime treatment affected and
improved the dynamic properties of the three soils. For all of the soils, the cyclic secant shear modulus decreased
and the equivalent viscous damping ratio increased with increased strain levels. By increasing the lime content,
the shear modulus of the sodium montmorillonite dramatically increased and the damping ratio decreased. Similar
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behavior was noted for the calcium montmorillonite. The difference in response between the two montmorillonite
soils was attributed to the presence of calcium already in the calcium montmorillonite soil. The response of the
kaolinite soil to lime treatment was moderate. Normalized plots of treated soils with respect to values of untreated
soils are presented. These plots provide a useful guide for the preliminary estimation of lime requirements to
improve the dynamic properties of soils.

INTRODUCTION uate the dynamic properties of various lime-treated (and un-

treated) cohesive soils under a wide range of strain amplitudes
The behavior of soils subjected to various types of dynamic simulating different types of dynamic loading conditions. The
loading (earthquakes, ocean waves, machine vibrations, and confining pressures chosen for this study simulated a relatively
blasts) is being understood more, particularly with recent ad- wide range of depths. Vucetic and Dobry (1991) showed that
vances in analytical and testing procedures. Analysis of an the plasticity index (PI) is the main factor controlling the shear
engineering problem involving dynamic loading of soils and modulus and damping for a wide variety of soils. Three types
soil-structure interaction systems requires the determination of of cohesive soils were chosen to represent a wide range of
two important parameters, the secant shear modulus G and the plasticity indices.
equivalent viscous damping ratio D of the soil. These two As suggested by Eades and Grim (1960), studying the pure
parameters are usually determined either in the laboratory or clay minerals serves as a good indication of behavior of co-
in the field. hesive soils containing those minerals. Thus, three pure, com-
Numerous data about dynamic properties of soils (cohesive mercially available clay minerals were used in this study: ka-
and cohesionless) and static properties of lime-stabilized co- olinite, sodium montmorillonite, and calcium montmorillonite.
hesive soils, both in the laboratory and in the field, are avail- Samples were prepared by compacting soil-lime mixtures at
able in the literature. However, very few studies have been specified water contents. The dynamic properties of the soils
performed on weak cohesive soils stabilized with different were then determined using an automated dynamic triaxial ap-
types of chemicals, such as lime, to improve their dynamic paratus. This device was fully automated and capable of ob-
properties. Such studies, while showing promising results, taining accurate measurements over a wide range of strain lev-
have been confined primarily to very low strain amplitude lev- els.
els and to a specific type of soil (Chae and Chiang 1978; Au The paper presents the results of a comprehensive program
and Chae 1980). To further understand the mechanical char- of testing and evaluation undertaken to determine the dynamic
acteristics of lime-soil mixtures, it is very important to conduct properties of lime-stabilized cohesive soils. It shows the re-
a comprehensive analysis that incorporates various types of sponse of each soil to lime treatment and can thus be used as
soils, which is critical since different soils behave differently a guide to determine whether lime would be an effective ad-
upon lime treatment. For instance, lime treatment of soils con- ditive to improve the dynamic properties of soils.
taining sulfate was found to induce heave instead of reducing
it (Mitchell and Dermatas 1990). This particular problem,
however, can be avoided by adding barium compounds prior SOILS TESTED
to lime treatment (Ferris et al. 1991). A recent workshop spon- Three pure, commercially available soils were chosen: ka-
sored by the National Science Foundation was held in Seattle olinite (Hydrite R), calcium montmorillonite (Panther Creek
under the title, "Soil Improvement and Foundation Remedi- Bentonite), and sodium montmorillonite (Super Gell X). All
ation with Emphasis on Seismic Hazards" (Kramer and Holtz were obtained commercially in powdered form (50 Ibs. per
1991). One outcome of this workshop was an emphasis on the bag) ensuring purity and uniformity. Hydrite R is a kaolinite
need for more research in the area of deep chemical stabili- clay obtained from the Dry Branch Kaolin Company in Dry
zation (including lime) of various soils to improve their seis- Branch, Georgia. The kaolinite mineral is the simplest and best
mic resistance. understood clay mineral. This clay has a relatively low plas-
The main objective of this research, therefore, was to eval- ticity index (PI = 18) and was used as the low end of the
plasticity index range. Panther Creek Bentonite is more than
'Staff Engr., Geotechnol., Inc., St. Louis, MO 63146.
'Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD
90% calcium montmorillonite. This soil was obtained from the
20742. American Colloid Company located in Arlington Heights, Il-
'Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of the District of Columbia, linois. This soil has a medium PI (35) and, therefore, was used
Washington, DC 20008. to simulate medium-plasticity soils. This soil has also been
Note. Discussion open until October I, 1996. To extend the closing used by other researchers (Ho and Handy 1963; Marcuson and
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager Wahls 1978). Super Gell X contains more than 90% sodium
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and montmorillonite. It was also obtained from the American Col-
possible publication on October 14, 1994. This paper is part of the lour-
nal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 122, No.5, May, 1996. ©ASCE, loid Company. The PI of this soil is very high (514), which
ISSN 0733-9410/96/0005-0382-0389/$4.00 + $.50 per page. Paper No. makes it suitable for simulating highly expansive soils and
9450. therefore forms the other extreme soil for this study. This soil

J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:382-389.

has also been used by Ho and Handy (1963) and Au and Chae TABLE 1. Compaction Data for All Solis Tested
(1980). Sodium Calcium
The lime chosen for this research was selected according to Kaolinite Montmorillonite Montmorillonite
ASTM specifications with regard to lime for soil stabilization
Optimum Optimum Optimum
use (ASTM C 977-89). This specification requires the use of
Lime moisture moisture moisture
high calcium hydrated lime Ca(OHb which was obtained
content content "IdmD. content "Idmax content "Idmax
from Chemstone Corporation in Strasburg, Virginia. (%) (%) (KNlm3 ) (%) (KN/m3 ) (%) (KN/m3 )
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
EQUIPMENT 0 31 13.73 30.5 12.12 41 10.81
2 38 12.20 34 11.22 42 9.82
The Automated Triaxial Testing System, developed by C. 11.91 36.8 10.40 44.7 9.48
5 39
K. Chan, was used for the determination of G and D. The 8 40 11.90 32.9 10.30 47 9.40
system is described in detail by Li et al. (1988). This equip-
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ment is capable of performing both static and dynamic testing.

In the automated system, computer-programmed electronic TABLE 2. Mold and Hammer Used In Testing Program
signals for frequency and magnitude of loading are applied to Hammer drop
an electro-pneumatic (e1p) transducer, which then controls Mold volume Hammer weight height
pneumatic amplifiers for the application of the loads. Two con- Mold type (cm3 ) (N) (mm)
trol channels allow independent and synchronized adjustment (1 ) (2) (3) (4)
of the axial load and chamber pressure. The equipment con-
Standard Proctor 944 24.5 304.8
sists of a loading frame, together with a triaxial cell and load- Model mold 715 11.7 298.5
ing piston, volume measuring device with three pressure trans-
ducers, dual pneumatic loading system, signal conditioning
unit, process interface unit, microcomputer, and dot-matrix same manner as the standard Proctor compaction hammer. A
printer. The triaxial cell is built with the latest low-friction similar approach was used previously (Andy 1963; Au and
piston rod seal (Chan 1975). Th~ loading system consists of a Chae 1980; Ford et al. 1982). The dimensions of the mold and
dual-channel electro-pneumatic system to convert the com- hammer were selected so that the ratio between the diameters
mand electronic signal to pneumatic pressure, which in tum of the mold and the hammer in both the standard Proctor pro-
applies axial loads or chamber pressure. A complete descrip- cedure and the model compaction remained constant. Data on
tion of the electro-pneumatic system is given in Chan (1981). the standard Proctor and the model mold and hammer are
The loading system also consists of a load frame and double- given in Table 2. Using the same standard Proctor compaction
acting (push/pull) actuators capable of performing strain as energy (593 kJ/m3 ) and assuming that the compaction was
well as stress-controlled tests. A total of five sensors can be done in five layers, the number of blows per layer was cal-
used in this system: a load cell to monitor the axial load, an culated to be 25. This procedure was tried and found identical
LVDT to measure the vertical displacements, and three pres- to the standard Proctor procedure (Fahoum 1994). The model
sure transducers to detect the chamber pressure, effective pres- mold also had the advantage of rendering 7.1 cm samples that
sure, and volume change. The conditioned output of these sen- could be mounted directly in the triaxial cell without the need
sors are then received by the process interface, which forms for trimming.
the communication link between the computer and the loading At least two duplicates of each sample were prepared to
system. The process interface converts analog signals to digital ensure repeatability of test results. Lime-treated samples were
signals and vice versa. The computer controls the whole sys- cured for 48 h at 48°C and 100% humidity in an oven to
tem; it receives and stores the real-time data in its memory accelerate the curing process (Thompson 1969). This was ac-
and issues control signals to conduct the required tests. The complished by wrapping each sample in two layers of Saran
printer provides hard copies of the results in either tabular or wrap and putting them in a special curing tank developed for
graphic form. this research (Fahoum 1994). The purpose of the curing tank
was to provide 100% humidity while maintaining the required
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE temperature. This procedure minimized any loss of moisture
from the samples during oven curing. After extracting the sam-
Sample Preparation ples from the oven, they were allowed to cool for a period of
2 h in the moisture room before being mounted in the triaxial
Samples were prepared by first mixing a measured amount device. The untreated samples were also cured for 48 h in the
of powdered dry soil with a predetermined amount of water moisture room to maintain similar conditions among all of the
at the optimum moisture content (OMC) as shown in Table 1. samples.
Mixing was done first by hand and then by a mechanical
mixer. For the stabilized soils, the required amount of lime Testing Procedure
(0%, 2%, 5%, and 8%) by dry weight was first mixed with
the dry soil, then the water was added. Mixing continued for Isotropic consolidation was performed on cured samples un-
about 5 min to produce a uniform mix. Compaction was per- der three different confining pressures: 50 KPa, 100 KPa, and
formed immediately for the kaolinite soil. However, a 2 h re- 150 KPa. Bowles (1979) stated that in triaxial consolidation
laxation period was allowed for the other two soils to allow of unsaturated samples, monitoring of the LVDT movement is
for any possible expansion before compaction. a good indication of the progress of the consolidation process.
The standard Proctor compaction method (ASTM D-698) Therefore, the axial strain was monitored throughout the con-
was selected as the compaction procedure by which all sam- solidation process and the consolidation was considered com-
ples were prepared. Since this procedure requires a large plete when the LVDT reading remained constant for 1 h. The
amount of soil for each sample (approximately 2.25 kg), it confining pressure was applied in segments.
was necessary to develop an equivalent procedure that re- Cyclic loading was applied directly after consolidation by
quired less soil, that is, to produce an energy level equivalent simultaneously varying both the vertical and horizontal
to the standard Proctor compaction energy level while using a stresses to simulate a horizontal ground subjected to earth-
smaller mold and a special small hammer that operates in the quake loading conditions (Seed and Silver 1972). The stress

J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:382-389.

t C1d / 2 '"C1d/2
engineering projects. They also suggested a value of 0.5 for
fully-saturated soils and a value of 0.35 for low-saturated soils.


It has also been suggested, for lime-stabilized compacted soils,
C1d/2+ C1 C13~ C1d/2 C1A3+C1d/2
that a value of 0.31 is reasonable ("Lime" 1987). Hicher et
al. (1987) used a value of 0.3 in their dynamic testing using

~~~ 90% saturated cohesive soils. For these reasons a value of 0.3
was selected as Poisson's ratio for all of the tests in this study.
(a) (b) Ji
The axial strain E was converted to shear strain 'Y using the
'" C1d/2 , C1d/2
following equation:
FIG. 1. Stress Condition of Applied Cyclic Loading: (a) Load-
Ing; (b) Unloading 'Y = £ (1 + v) (3)
The damping ratio can be calculated from Fig. 2 using
TABLE 3. Sequence of Applied Cyclic Stress
D =...!.... (Area of the lOOP) (4)
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Confining pressure Stress sequence ad 211" oab + oed

(kPa) (KPa)
(1 ) (2) After all of the calculations were performed, two main sets
50 20 40 60 80 - of plots were obtained, shear modulus versus shear strain and
100 20 40 80 120 180 damping ratio versus shear strain. All of the data were col-
150 40 80 140 200 280 lected at the 10th cycle because it was found that cycles ex-
ceeding 10 have little effect on G and D (Fahoum 1994).
Data Obtained
Two main sets of plots are presented: shear modulus G ver-
sus shear strain ('Y) and the damping ratio D versus the shear

o SM
.. SM+2L
-(J [I SM+5L

100 [I • [I
[I [I
• SM+8L

~ it- q,
Cl.. 0 II ...
6 0
o 0
o •
FIG. 2. Idealized Hysteresis Loop Produced by Cyclic Load-
0 0
,: ..
ing 10 0

conditions produced by this loading are shown in Fig. 1. Cy-

clic loading was conducted using a staged testing procedure
(Silver and Park 1975) in which cyclic stress was applied in
sequences ranging from low to high, as shown in Table 3. A 1 L..-.........~........L.-..........................L . - - ' -................." - -..........................J
.001 .01 ~ 1 10
relaxation period was allowed between successive stressing to
allow for dissipation of pore pressure. The relaxation period y(%)
required to render accurate results was found to be 10 min FIG. 3. Shear Modulus Versus Shear Strain as Function of
(Fahoum 1994). Lime Content (SM Solis, 0'3 150 KPa) =
Data Calculation 20
o SM
A typical stress-strain curve forming a hysteresis loop dur-
ing cyclic loading is shown in Fig. 2. From such a loop, two
parameters can be determined. The first parameter is the com-
pression modulus, or Young's modulus E, and the second pa-
.. SM+2L
[I SM+5L

• SM+8L 0
rameter is the damping ratio D. The Young's modulus E is
calculated from the hysteresis loops using the following equa-
E=-- (1)
£. + ~

where O'd = deviator stress; and £1 and £z are the vertical 5

strains. The shear modulus G is then calculated in terms of E
and Poisson's ratio v using
G = 2(1 + v) (2)

Lambe and Whitman (1969) indicated that v has a relatively FIG. 4. Damping Ratio Versus Shear Strain as Function of
small effect on the resulting prediction of G for most civil Lime Content (SM Solis, 0'3 150 KPa) =

J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:382-389.

strain 'Y. The following abbreviations were used for the three during such loading the strain energy released during unload-
soils under consideration: SM for sodium montmorillonite, ing is less than the strain energy stored during loading. Hence,
CM for the calcium montmorillonite, and K for the kaolinite. at higher strain levels, more slippage and rearrangement occurs
Lime was also abbreviated by the letter L and any soil-lime and, therefore, more damping would be anticipated. This ex-
mixture was expressed by the abbreviation of both materials. plains the increase of D with strain amplitude observed from
For instance SM + 5L means sodium montmorillonite treated Fig. 4. The decrease in D at any strain amplitude, when the
with 5% lime. Figs. 3-8 show these plots at 150 KPa confin- lime content is increased, can be explained by the same ra-
ing pressure as an example of the data obtained. For all of the tionale. Since the treated materials were found to be more rigid
soils, G decreased and D increased with 'Y, which is the ex- than the untreated soil and this rigidity was found to increase
pected behavior of soils during dynamic loading due to the with lime content (Fig. 3), less slippage and particle rearrange-
nonlinear characteristics of soils. ment would be anticipated at comparable stress levels. There-
From Fig. 3 it is evident that G decreases with the increase fore, damping would be less in treated soils than in untreated
in the shear strain for the SM soil. Further, G increases with soils. This is probably the reason behind Dobry's and Vuce-
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added lime at any strain amplitude. For instance, G increased tic's (1987) speculation about the probable decrease of D with
by 240% at 0.1 % strain amplitude with the addition of 8% the cementation of cohesive soils.
lime for the SM material (Fig. 3). This is attributed to the Fig. 5 shows plots of G versus 'Y for the calcium montmo-
cementation effect of lime on the treated soils, which is a rillonite (CM) soil. Similar trends to those of Fig. 3 were ob-
product of pozzolanic reaction ("Lime" 1987; Little 1987). served with regard to the decrease and increase of G with 'Y
The treated soils behaved more rigidly than the untreated soils, and lime, respectively. As shown in Fig. 6, D increased with
which results in higher values of G. the shear strain amplitude and decreased with the addition of
With respect to damping, Fig. 4 shows plots of D versus 'Y. lime.
It is evident that D increases with strain amplitude and de- The kaolinite (K) soil behaved somewhat differently. Spe-
creases with lime content. Damping is a representation of how cifically, G decreased with strain for all soils with varying lime
much energy is dissipated during cyclic loading. As stated in content in which the K + 2L-soil curve is above all the other
"Soil" (1972), as the particles slide upon adjacent particles curves, indicating that maximum response to stabilization oc-

1000 1000
.. CM 0 K
0 CM+2L + K+2L

CM+5L A K+5L
.. • ....... CM+8L •
.. •
• • • N ..
" 100 "'1. ...
.. 1:1
.. . .0
'2 41 ......
l:l.. t ~o
.. Bo ~ OA~~
6 '-'

.. ..
0 O~
10 10 .,.+

l'--"""'- "'--- ~ ...... lL..--'-.....................--'-.........~........_ .........~........."'--.............................J

. 001 .01 .1 1 10 . 001 .01 .1 1 10

1(%) 1(%)

FIG. 5. Shear Modulus Versus Shear Strain as Function of FIG. 7. Shear Modulus Versus Shear Strain as Function of
Lime Content (CM Solis, 0'. = 150 KPa) Lime Content (K Solis, 0'. 150 KPa) =
.. CM+2L
o CM+5L
• CM+8L


0 o'---'-.....................--'o~~ ......._~~~"'-~-'-............J
.01 .1 1 10 . 001 .01 .1 1 10

y(%) 1 (%)
FIG. 6. Damping Ratio Versus Shear Strain as Function of FIG. 8. Damping Ratio Versus Shear Strain as Function of
Lime Content (CM Solis, 0'. = 150 KPa) Lime Content (K Solis, 0'. = 150 KPa)


J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:382-389.

curred at about 2% lime content (see Fig. 7). The curves at values for the SM soil at 150 KPa confining pressure (see Figs.
5% and 8% lime content are located between the K + 2L and 9 and 10). The normalized data are presented as a plot of
the K soils, though much closer to the K-soil curve. Similar lime content versus the normalized shear modulus values,
behavior was observed with regard to damping (Fig. 8). From G (treated)/G (untreated), and lime content versus the normal-
this figure, it is clear that the K + 2L-soil curve is at the ized damping ratio values, D(treated)/D(untreated). The nor-
bottom of the plot and the K-soil curve is at the top. The other malized values will be referred to as GT/G U and DT/D u . From
two curves almost coincide and are located below and much these two figures it appears that the normalized values of the
closer to the K-soil curve. For all of the K soils, D increased shear modulus were slightly affected by the strain amplitude
with "y due to the permanent strain occurring at each strain and the normalized values of the damping ratios were more
amplitude described previously. affected by the strain amplitude. However, for all practical
purposes this effect could be neglected and the data could be
Normalization of Data plotted independently of the strain amplitudes. Similar data
that was independent of strain amplitude was obtained at both
The effect of lime treatment was presented for each soil
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100 KPa and 50 KPa confinement pressures.

separately in the previous section. The following presents a All of the data, regardless of confining pressure, were sub-
comparison of the response of the soils to lime treatment. In jected to a regression analysis. For the SM and eM soils a
order to make this comparison more effective, it was necessary third-degree polynomial provided the best fit, where as for the
to normalize all the shear modulus and damping ratio values K soils a gamma distribution provided the best fit. As shown
for the treated soils with respect to the G and D values of the in Figs. 11 and 12, all data for the SM soils can be represented
untreated soils. This normalization was performed for each soil by one equation with some approximation. Such a plot can be
at each confining pressure and at various strain amplitudes. particularly useful for preliminary design purposes.
For instance, for the SM soils, G values at 0.01%, 0.03%, Normalized plots were also obtained for the other two soils
0.1 %, 0.4%, and 1% strain amplitudes, and D values at 0.07%, (Fahoum 1994). Figs. 13-16 show the normalized plots for
0.2%, and 0.4% strain amplitudes, for the SM + 2L, SM + the calcium montmorillonite and kaolinite. These cuves are
5L, and SM + 8L soils, were divided by their corresponding good representations of the effect of lime on each soil.
For purposes of comparison, all of the data for the soils
• £=0.01% 5
• 0"= 150 KPa
D 0"= 100 KPa
:a- 4 II £=0.4% II 0"= 50 KPa
~ + £=1%
c: til
2- 3 I
-- * ::J

~ 2
~ ~.,
1 C
0 1

0 2 4 6 8 10 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Lime (%) Lime(%)
FIG. 9. Normalized Shear Modulus Plot of SM Solis for Differ-
FIG. 11. Normalized Shear ModUlus Plot for SM Solis for Dif-
ent Strain Levels
ferent Confining Pressures

1.2 1.2
D £=0.07% • 0"= 150 KPa
1.1 + £=0.2% A 0"= 100 KPa

:a- 1.0
• £=0.4%
:a-., 1.0 . 0"= 50 KPa
., D til
~ 0.9 + ~
::J • c:
0' ....... 0.8
--:a-., 0.8

D ~.,
til 0.7 + .,...
~ •
C 0.6 C 0.6
Cl Cl

0.4 o. 4 L--'-_..L-........._..J.....--''---L_'----J..._''---.I
0 2 4 6 8 10 o 2 4 6 8 10
Lime(%) Lime (%)
FIG. 10. Normalized Damping Ratio Plot of SM Solis for Differ- FIG. 12. Normalized Damping Ratio Plot for SM Soils for Dlf·
ent Strain Levels ferent Confining Pressures


J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:382-389.

5 4
• 0= 150 KPa 0 0= 150 KPa
D 0= 100 KPa • 0=100 KPa
4 • 0=50 KPa
D 0=50 KPa
~ • ~

~c:: 3 :>
2- Q 2
,..., ;;;-
4) 2 '<iJ
'<iJ u
0 1
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0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Lime (%)
FIG. 15. Normalized Shear Modulus Plot for K Solis for Dlffer-
FIG. 13. Normalized Shear Modulus Plot for CM SOlis for DIf· ent Confining Pressures
ferent Confining Pressures
• 0= 150 KPa 1.1 •
•.. 0=100 KPa
0=50 KPa ;;;- 1.0
;;;- 1.0 £<II
~ l:! 0.9
~ 0.9 C
c:: ::::l
:> •
e:;;;- 0.8 ~ 0.8

'<iJ 0.7 g~ 0.7

Cl 0.6
Cl 0.6

0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Lirne(%) FIG. 16. Normalized Damping Ratio Plot for K Solis for Differ-
FIG. 14. Normalized Damping Ratio Plot for CM Solis for Dlf· ent Confining Pressures
ferent Confining Pressures
content of 3-4%, then lessened more rapidly than for the SM
were combined into two figures. Fig. 17 shows the normalized soils. Both the SM and CM soils showed a continuous de-
shear modulus versus the lime content for the three soils at all crease in the damping values. Finally, the K soils have a clear
confining pressures, and Fig. 18 shows the plot for the nor- maximum GT/G U value at 1-2% lime content, then GT/G U and
malized damping ratio. These two figures show the trends ob- DT/D u become almost 1. The results also indicate that no max-
served for each soil and serve as a useful tool for comparison imum response for the normalized shear modulus for both the
purposes. Figs. 17 and 18 are also presented in table form to SM and CM soils were noted in the plot. It is expected that a
provide insight into the behavior of the soils when lime is maximum will occur at a lime content larger than the 8% used
added. Table 4 shows the normalized shear modulus as well in this study. However, a lime content of more than 8% is
as the rate of increase (or decrease) of the normalized values seldom used in practice. To determine an optimum lime con-
as a function of the lime content. Table 5 shows the normalized tent (OLC) with regard to the dynamic property similar to that
damping ratio and its rate of decrease (or increase) as a func- associated with the static property, we define the amount of
tion of the lime content. The rate of increase (or decrease) lime at which the maximum rate of increase in the dynamic
used here is the ratio of the change in the normalized shear property occurs as the dynamic optimum lime content
modulus (or damping) over the change in the lime content, (DOLC). For the soils tested, the DOLC is 7 -8% for the SM
that is, the slope of the plot. soils, 3-4% for the CM soils, and 1-2% for the K soils.
These observations are further explained through examina-
Discussion and Interpretation of the Data tion of the literature that deals with the static strength of lime-
treated soils. The literature indicated that the quantity of lime
The results indicate that, first, SM soil responds well to lime required for the development of strength is mineral dependent
treatment. The GT/G U values increased continuously with the (Eades and Grim 1960). Kaolinite minerals, which have strong
addition of lime. However, the rate of increase lessened be- hydrogen bonds between its sheets, are very stable and have
yond a lime content of 7 -8%. Second, CM soils have almost a low plasticity and, therefore, a low cation exchange capacity.
the same response as the SM soil up to 2% lime, after which Conversely, montmorillonite minerals, which have a charge
the increase in GT/G U is not as high as for the SM soils. The deficiency, smaller particles, and high plasticity, have a much
rate of increase for the CM soils was at its maximum at a lime higher cation exchange capacity to satisfy this charge defi-

J. Geotech. Engrg. 1996.122:382-389.

6,----..-...,...-....----..,r--.......-....,....-...--...,--'-..........-, TABLE 4. Normalized Shear Modulus and Its Rate of Increase
as Function of Lime Content
5 Sodium Calcium
Kaolinite Montmorillonite Montmorillonite
Lime Rate of Rate of Rate of
content increase increase increase
(%) Gr/Gu (%) Gr/Gu (%) Gr/Gu (%)
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0 1 0 1 0 1.0 0
1 1.75 75 1.18 18 1.13 13
2 1.52 -23 1.44 26 1.41 28
3 1.36 -16 1.76 32 1.70 29
1 4 1.25 -11 2.11 35 1.98 28
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5 1.17 -8 2.49 38 2.26 28

6 1.12 -5 2.87 38 2.53 27
0'--........- .......- .......--.;..............- ......._.---1_.........---1 7 1.08 -4 3.25 38 2.77 24
o 2 4 6 8 10 8 1.05 -3 3.62 37 3.0 23
9 1.04 -1 3.95 33 3.20 20
Lime(%) 10 1.03 -1 4.25 30 3.35 15
FIG. 17. Normalized Shear Modulus Plot for All Solis
TABLE 5. Normalized Damping Ratio and Its Rate of Decrease
1. 2 ,--..--,.---...,...-.....---,---.---r----, as Function of Lime Content
Sodium Calcium
Kaolinite Montmorillonite Montmorillonite
1.0 Lime Rate of Rate of Rate of
~ content decrease decrease decrease
~ (%) Dr/Du (%) Dr/Du (%) Dr/Du (%)

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
'~ ....
v .~ .... 2 0.84 1 0.85 7 0.87 6
... .....
.~ 3 0.92 -8 0.79 6 0.81 6
60 0.6
CM- -
K 6 1.09 -4 0.63 5 0.67 4
7 1.12 -3 0.59 4 0.63 4
8 1.13 -1 0.56 3 0.59 4
o . 4 ' - - - - - ' - -.......- - ' - - -..............- .......- - ' - -........---1
9 1.14 +1 0.53 3 0.56 3
o 2 4 6 8 10
10 1.14 0 0.51 2 0.54 2
Lime (%)
FIG. 18. Normalized Damping Ratio Plot for All Solis
in stiffness development between the two montmorillonite
soils is mainly attributable to the fact that lime first converts
ciency (Little 1987). The first step in lime-soil reaction is the the sodium montmorillonite to calcium montmorillonite (Ho
cation exchange. Since kaolinite has a low cation exchange and Handy 1963). The CM soil, which already contained some
capacity, it requires much less lime to satisfy this reaction than calcium, needed less lime to become calcium saturated and
does the montmorillonite. Eades and Grim (1960) conducted reach its OLC than did the SM soil. This is supported by the
a comprehensive investigation of the pozzolanic reaction of findings of Eades and Grim (1960), as they observed that so-
kaolinite, montmorillonite, and other clay minerals, and con- dium montmorillonite required more lime to develop strength
cluded that kaolinite, due to its low exchange capacity, reacts than did kaolinite and calcium montmorillonite. The SM soils
easily and fast with lime and the reaction starts with the first benefited the most from lime treatment followed closely by
increments of lime. They also noted that the strength increases the CM soils. The kaolinite did respond to lime treatment, but
as soon as calcium starts attacking the edges of kaolinite. Con- the effect was much less than for the other two soils.
versely, montmorillonite, with its high exchange capacity, was
found to require a certain amount of lime in order for the CONCLUSIONS
strength to start increasing substantially. Ozier and Moore
(1977) concluded that soils of high surface and high exchange Lime treatment affected and improved the dynamic prop-
capacity would develop less strength at low-lime content than erties of the three soils tested. The cyclic secant shear modulus
those with a smaller surface area and lower exchange capacity. G decreased and the equivalent viscous damping ratio D in-
Similar findings were also obtained by Moore and Jones creased with the increase in the shear strain, which is the nor-
(1971) and by Ford et al. (1982). This explains the pronounced mal behavior of soils during dynamic loading.
response of kaolinite at 1-2% lime as compared with the re- By increasing the lime content, the shear modulus of the
sponse of the montmorillonite soils shown in Fig. 17. The sodium montmorillonite dramatically increased and the damp-
decrease of G beyond the DOLe could be attributed to the ing decreased. The amount of lime at which the maximum rate
fact that at higher lime contents (5% or 8%), the maximum of increase of the normalized shear modulus occurred, was
dry density decreases (Table 1), and hence, the stiffness de- defined as the dynamic optimum lime content (DOLC). The
creases (Alexander et al. 1972). DOLC for the SM soils was between 7 and 8%. Similar be-
As seen from Fig. 18, both montmorillonite soils continued havior was also noted for the calcium montmorillonite with
to gain stiffness with lime. However, the CM soils benefited the DOLC between 3 and 4%. The difference in response be-
less from lime treatment than did the SM soils. The difference tween the two montmorillonite soils was attributed to the pres-

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