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CE 6130 : Finite Element Analysis

Assignment 3

1. Construct the weak forms for the following

(a) Beam on elastic foundation:

dx 2 b ddxw2 + kw = f for 0 < x < L
w = b ddxw2 = 0 at x = 0, L
where b = EI and f are functions of x, k is a constant.
(b) Longitudinal deformation of a bar with an end spring
a du

− dx dx
= q for 0 < x < L
u(0) = 0, a dudx
+ ku |x=L = P
a and q are functions of x and k, P are constants.

2. Explain the following

(a) Strong and weak form of governing differential equation of a boundary value problem
(b) Principle of minimum potential energy

3. From first principles, write the weak form for the equilibrium equation (divσ + b = 0) and
derive expression for stiffness matrix [K] and force matrix [F].

4. Bar elements shown in Figure 1 are uniform and have nodes 1 and 2. Let the axial
displacement field have forms defined as follows. In each case, express u in terms of nodal
d.o.f. u1 and u2 . Then determine the strain-displacement matrix and the element stiffness
matrix in terms of A, E, L. What defects do you see in these results, and what is their

(a) (b)

Figure 1

(a) u = a1 + a2 x2

(b) u = a1 x + a2 x2

5. Write the Euler equation for the generalized functional as given below
I(u, v) = Ω
f (x, y, u, v, ux , vx , uy , vy )dxdy)

Write down the Displacement

R L 1and Force boundary terms. Determine the Euler equation
for the functional Πp = 0 2 φ,x − 50φ dx. Then solve the Euler equation with the
essential boundary conditions φ = 0 at x = 0 and φ = 20 at x = L to determine φ as a
function of x and L.

6. Write the total potential energy Π of the system using the Euler lagrange equations for a
beam on elastic foundations shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

7. A certain functional is Π = F dx, in which F = c1 φ2,xx + c2 φ2,x + c3 φ2 + c4 φ + c5 and the
five ci are constants. What is the Euler equation.

8. The potential energy of an isotropic plate that carries lateral pressure q is

(w,xx + w,yy )2 − 2(1 − v) w,xx w,yy − w,xy 2q
RR  2

Πp = 2
− D

where D is flexural rigidity. Show that euler equation is ∇4 w = q/D where ∇4 is bihar-
monic operator.

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