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MECH 3700 Principles of Manufacturing Engineering


February 2020

Duration: 1h 20 min. No. of Students: 105

Department Name & Course Number: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering MECH 3700 A

Instructor(s): A. Artemev

Calculators only

Student MUST count the number of pages in this examination question paper before
beginning to write and report any discrepancy immediately to a proctor. This question
paper has 8 pages.

All questions have the same value.

1. A tensile test was performed using a specimen cut from a 1.2 mm thick sheet metal.
The specimen had a gauge section with the initial length of 50 mm and width of 8
mm. The lengths and widths of the gauge section obtained at two different levels of
the applied tensile load are shown in Table 1. (a) Estimate by calculation the UTS of
the metal. (b) Discuss briefly an expected accuracy of the UTS estimate.

Table 1. Deformed gauge section geometry at two load values.

Applied Load (kN) 1.4 1.9

Gauge Section Length (mm) 57 69
Gauge Section Width (mm) 7.62 6.96

Part a. Find engineering stresses at two levels of the applied load:

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MECH 3700 Principles of Manufacturing Engineering

at 1.4 kN:

F 1.4  103 N
S1  1   145.8 MPa
A0 8  1.2 mm 2

at 1.9 kN:

F 1.9  103 N
S2  2   197.9 MPa
A0 8  1.2 mm 2

Find engineering strains at two levels of the applied load:

at 1.4 kN:
l l 57  50
e1  1 0   0.14
l0 50
at 1.9 kN:
l l 69  50
e2  2 0   0.38
l0 50

Find true strains at two levels of the applied load:

1  lne1  1  0.131

 2  lne2  1  0.322

Find true stress values at two levels of the applied load:

 1  S1  e1  1  166.25 MPa

 2  S 2  e2  1  273.125 MPa

Using  1 ,  2 , 1 ,  2 values find the strength hardening exponent and strength constant:

 1  K   1n (1)

 2  K   2n (2)

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MECH 3700 Principles of Manufacturing Engineering

Take logarithm of (1) and (2) and divide one obtained equation by the other to find n as:

 
ln 2 

n   1   0.552
 
ln 2 
 1 
then find K as:

K  1  510 MPa
 1n

At the onset of necking (when the UTS point is reached)  UTS  n . Therefore, the true
stress corresponding to the UTS point on the S(e) diagram can be found as:

 UTS  K  n n  368 MPa

The UTS is the engineering stress value corresponding to  UTS and, therefore, the UTS
can be found as:
UTS   UTS  exp n   212 MPa

Part b. Accuracy discussion.

Both data points used in the calculations have strain values below the strain
corresponding to the onset of necking (below  n  0.552 ). Both data points also should
have strain which is well above the strain at the onset of yielding. The strain at the onset
of yielding is not given and cannot be determined from available data, but even the first
data point has very high strain. Therefore a good accuracy of UTS estimate can be

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MECH 3700 Principles of Manufacturing Engineering

2) Steel is continuously cast into a mould with the length of 1.4 m producing a strand of
50 cm  8 cm. The steel is poured at the temperature of 1600 oC and the mould is
maintained at 20 oC. The material parameters of the steel are: the melting point 1510
C; density 7.9 g / cm 3 ; specific heat 0.77 J / g  C ; latent heat of solidification 270

J / g ; thermal conductivity 63 W / m  C . The heat transfer coefficient between the

metal and the mould is 1400 W/(m2 oC). The solidification diagram for continuous
casting is shown in Fig. 1.
a) Calculate the withdrawal rate which provides for the formation of a 1.2 cm thick
solid skin at the exit from the mould.
b) Estimate the growth rate of the solid phase in the strand at the exit from the
mould. Use the withdrawal rate obtained in part (a).

Fig. 1 Solidification diagram for continuous casting

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MECH 3700 Principles of Manufacturing Engineering

a) The dimensionless solidified thickness is:

h f  1400  0.012
S*    0.267
ks 63

The dimensionless latent heat is (taking into account the difference between the
pouring temperature ( TP ) and the melting temperature ( TM )):

H f  C s  (TP  TM ) 270  0.77  90

H*    0.296
C s  TM  T0  0.77  1490

The dimensionless mould length, Y * , should be taken from the graph

Y *  0.11

h 2f  L
Y* 
u  k s   m  Cs

The unknown value is a speed of withdrawal, u :

h 2f  L 1400 2  1.4
u   0.065 m / s
Y * k s   m  C s 0.11  63  7900  770

b) To estimate the growth rate of the solid skin at the exit from the mould we first
have to estimate the skin thickness at some relatively small distance from the exit
(for example, 20 cm from the exit).

The dimensionless length corresponding to the 1.2 m distance from the entry to the
mold is:
h 2f  L 1400 2  1.2
Y*    0.094
u  k s   m  C s 0.065  63  7900  770

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MECH 3700 Principles of Manufacturing Engineering

The dimensionless solid skin thickness can be found from the solidification graph
S *  0.24

Therefore, the skin thickness is:

S * k s 0.24  63
   0.011
hf 1400

The time required for the strand to move forward by 20 cm is:

L 0.2
t   3.077 s
u 0.065

Therefore, the growth rate is:

 0.012  0.011
v growth    0.0003 m / s
t 3.077

3. 10 marks total for all parts.

(a) What is pig iron? How is it produced?

Pig iron is iron based alloy with more than 2 wt.% of carbon. It is produced in
blast furnace using: iron ore, coke, limestone and hot air blast

(b) Identify the major products of the (i) Bayer process and (ii) Hall-Héroult process.

Alumina and Aluminum

c) Briefly describe the main advantages of the Cosworth - Ford casting process over
the conventional sand casting methods.

Reduced oxidation (no oxides formed)

Reduced hydrogen absorption (no hydrogen porosity)
Higher dimensional accuracy (due to low thermal expansion of zircon sand)
Higher cooling rate - finer microstructure

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MECH 3700 Principles of Manufacturing Engineering

d) List three material characteristics, which produce a strong effect on the castability
of alloys.

Any three of:

Eutectic fraction
Solidification range
Solid phase morphology
Solidification shrinkage
Thermal expansion
Thermal shock resistance

e) What are the two major methods of converting ores into metals? Give an example
of an application of each of these methods.

Chemical reduction (reaction)


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MECH 3700 Principles of Manufacturing Engineering

T  2T 1T km dQ dV
J  k m    th    c H f
x x 2  th t Cm   m dt dt

2   th  t
T  x   Tm  T0  TM   erf   erf x  

 
  exp   2 d

2  x3 x5 x7 x9  T T  T0  x 2 
erf( x)  x     ...  M  exp 
  3  1! 5  2! 7  3! 9  4!  x    th  t  4   th  t 
  

2 TM  T0 v2 p
S k m   m  Cm  t G  k  pg h   const
  c  H f 2 g   g

h 2f  y Hf h f  F l
Y*  H*  S*  a  e
u  ks    Cs C s  Tm  T0  ks A0 l0

F lf  A0  A f
t    ln    E e RA    ln(e  1)  t   a  (e  1)
A  l0  A0

t  K  n
 
u  f      d   tm   f Wi  V  u  

h  dt l

v 1 dA W h1dh
    t  C   m p av  i Wi  C  V   m   C  V   m   f
l A dt t av h0 h

D  G  b  b      RT
p n
  A     e
kT  d   G 

J cal
1 in  25.4 mm 1 J  0.239 cal  0.738 ft lb f 1  2.39  10 4
kg K gK

W cal m
1  2.39  103 g  9.80665 1 N  0.2248 lb f 1 MPa  145 psi
mK cm s K s2

1 kg / mm 2  1422 psi

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