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It’s Cool to

Be Kind.
Did you know that what you post
online can affect others?
Take the high road!

Treat others as you would like to be treated

online by creating positive impact for others
and disempowering bullying behavior.
Let’s make the internet a kinder place.

Be an internet Upstander. Learn how

to share kindness, block the bullies,
and report troublemakers.
You got this! Now it’s your turn.
For each example we go through, place the
matching scenario on your table sheet with the
group you should best share with.
Practice Round

A classmate is being
bullied. It looks like
they could use some
Practice Round Answer

Spread Block Report

Positivity Troublemakers Troublemakers
Scenario 1

You just failed your

math test, and
everyone is telling
you you’re dumb. 😢
Answer 1

Spread Block Report

Positivity Troublemakers Troublemakers
Scenario 2

I thought my video
was cool, but so
many people are
making fun of me...
Answer 2

Spread Block Report

Positivity Troublemakers Troublemakers
Scenario 3

I sent a message to
someone I like, and
they shared it with
the whole school.
Answer 3

Spread Block Report

Positivity Troublemakers Troublemakers
Scenario 4

After no one liked

my post last week, I
feel like I have no
Answer 4

Spread Block Report

Positivity Troublemakers Troublemakers
Scenario 5

I lost my phone and the

person who found it
posted pictures of me
Answer 5

Spread Block Report

Positivity Troublemakers Troublemakers
Bystanders to
✓ Identify situations of harassment or bullying online.

✓ Evaluate what it means to be a bystander or

upstander online.

✓ Learn specific ways to respond to bullying when you see it.

✓ Know how to behave if you experience harassment.

✓ See that being an upstander is a choice

✓ Learn there are different ways to intervene

✓ Choose how to respond from various options that feel safe and
appropriate to you
Why does kindness
matter? It’s important to remind
ourselves that behind
every username or avatar,
there’s a REAL PERSON!

We should treat them like

how we treat everyone
When bullying or
mean behavior
happens. There are 4
types of people.
When bullying or
mean behavior 1. Aggressor – the bully
happens. There are 4
types of people.
When bullying or
mean behavior 1. Aggressor – the bully
happens. There are 4 2. Target – the one being
types of people. bullied
When bullying or
mean behavior 1. Aggressor – the bully
happens. There are 4 2. Target – the one being
types of people. bullied
3. Bystanders – witnesses
When bullying or
mean behavior 1. Aggressor – the bully
happens. There are 4 2. Target – the one being
types of people. bullied
3. Bystanders – witnesses
4. Upstanders – witnesses
who try to positively
If you are the target,
what are the things - Not respond
you can do? - Block the person
- Report them
Should you be a
bystander or an - Find a way to be kind and
upstander? support the person being
How? targeted
- Call out the mean behavior
in a comment or reply (call
out the behavior, NOT the
- Don’t help the aggressor by
spreading the bullying or
sharing the mean post online
Should you be a
bystander or an - Getting a bunch of
upstander? friends to create a “pile-on
How? of kindness”!

- Spread positivity

- Report the harassment

to higher authorities
Let’s try to become a
Let’s try to become a
Let’s try to become a
Let’s say it,
but Nicely.
✓ Express feelings and opinions in positive, effective

✓ Respond to negativity in constructive and civil ways

- You are always exposed to all kinds of online content,

- A lot of it with negative messages that promote bad

behavior… Right?

- Have you seen someone be negative on the web? How

did that make you feel?
- Have you seen someone be negative on the web? How
did that make you feel?

- Have you ever experienced a random act of kindness

on the web? How did it make you feel?

- What simple actions can we take to turn negative

interactions into positive ones?

1. How could you have made the same or similar points in more
positive and constructive ways?

2. If one of your classmates made comments like these, how

could you respond in a way that would make the conversation
more positive?
You’re an Internet Upstander!
You help spread kindness and
positivity by being brave and
reporting troublemakers!
It’s Cool to
Be Kind.

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