03+G7 Waves

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A vibratory disturbance transmitted through a

material or space.
A vibration that carries energy.
It propagates energy from one point to
another based on their properties.
1. According to movement of the vibration
A. Transverse Wave
Vibration moves perpendicular to the direction of the
movement of waves
1. According to movement of the vibration
A. Transverse Wave
Crest Crest


Trough Wavelength Trough

1. According to movement of the vibration
A. Transverse Wave
Electromagnetic Waves
Water waves
1. According to movement of the vibration
B. Longitudinal Wave
Vibration moves parallel to the direction of the
movement of waves.

Compression Rarefaction
Example in a Slinky
1. According to movement of the vibration
B. Longitudinal Wave
Sound Waves
Sonar (Sound Navigation Resonance)
Example of sound waves
1. According to movement of the vibration
Waves traveling through a solid medium can
either be transverse waves or longitudinal waves.

Waves traveling through the bulk of a fluid

(liquid or gas) are always longitudinal waves.
2. According to nature

What is a Medium?
A material through which a wave travels.
2. According to nature
A. Mechanical Waves
Require the presence of a medium for
2. According to nature
A. Mechanical Waves
Vibration of string Earthquake P-waves
Surface waves Ultrasounds
produced on the Vibrations in gas
surface of a liquid Oscillation on a spring
and a solid
Internal water waves
Sound waves
Tsunami waves Waves in a slinky
2. According to nature
B. Electromagnetic Waves
Do not require the existence of a medium for propagation.
The periodic changes take place in electric and magnetic
2. According to nature
B. Electromagnetic Waves
1. In a vacuum, EM waves travel with light velocity
2. EM waves can be polarized.
3. EM waves are transverse in nature.
4. A medium is not required to propagate EM waves.
5. EM waves have momentum.
2. According to nature
B. Electromagnetic Waves
Radio waves/ Radio signal
Visible Light
Thermal radiation
Gamma ray
Infrared waves
of Waves
1. Frequency
It is how often a wave occurs
The number of crest and troughs per
2. Period (T) – the shortest time that a
point takes to return to the initial position
(one vibration)

Heinrich Hertz – provided discoveries in

the areas of mechanics and
Heinrich Hertz
discoveries in
the areas of
mechanics and
2. Wavelength
The shortest distance between crests or between
troughs from any point on a wave to the next
similar point.
Crest Wavelength Crest

Node Amplitude

Trough Wavelength Trough

Node – stationary point of a wave
Antinode – loop of a wave
Crest – upper loop
Trough – lower loop
Crest Wavelength Crest

Node Amplitude

Trough Wavelength Trough

3. Amplitude
The distance from a crest or a trough
to where the wave is at an equilibrium.
Used to measure the energy transferred
by the wave.
The bigger the distance, the greater the
energy transferred.
Crest Wavelength Crest

Node Amplitude


Trough Wavelength Trough

4. Wave Velocity
To find the wave velocity, the frequency
of a wave and wavelength should be
only affected by the properties of the

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