Whisper of The Heart

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Whisper of the heart

Was it I- who dreamt it more,

or was it you- who cared the less?

Last night I had a dream that felt like a memory. A glimpse of what could have been.
Where instead of all this, I had more. Where life was exquisitely simple, and we were
desperately happy.

It was the mood of a lifetime, the feeling of forever. The sense that we could live and
die by our scenery and never regret a thing. We walked past a tender aisle, humming
the tunes of love, riding the hymns of birds and doves, slowly taking inches of our
breath away. It was what life we all dreamed about. It wasn't the first time this big
muscle skipped a beat, but today was unlike any of them.

How I wish time could reverse its way back when Eutopia snatched its way to my
confused mind. How lovely could it be- to see kids being foster with care- to see birds
soaring the endless blue skies, without limitations, with unknown reasons- to see
fishes dive in the depths of uncertainty, grow with endless possibilities- to see trees
grow with love and fidelity- the world where we can hide from our realities.

Was it I- who deserved this all,

or was it you- who thinks it’s not that simple?

We kept each other while the sun hides at night, while the wolf cries for the moon's
light. We kept each other in the depths of our hearts; from secrets to lies until in our
deepest desires. We wanted to see the wonders, unfold the hidden covers. Dive deep
down and under, fight the ranging thunders. We dreamt of sailing, hoping and
discovering-things that are unknown and stories that are blown. I shared my story;
you lend your ears. I shared my strengths; you showed your fears.
And that day you made me realize that a perfect world wouldn’t be as fun as it would
be if it isn’t for the mysteries that are waiting to be solved. Problems that are made to
be learned. Fights for the goal of peace and hatred to teach us how to be loved.

Was it I- who fantasized it more,

And it was you- who hindered my galore

When my life felt like it wasn't mine, and I knew I wasn’t running out of time; I
should've known it best that this was the life I’ve only dreamt. You warned me of the
illusions and fantasies, the countless possibilities of being trapped in the world where
problems are nowhere to be found, where growth isn’t an option, where life was
miserably perfect.

And now I want to wake up.

Being stuck from what we’ve fantasized will certainly destroy you from your veins to
your heart, your dreams to your life. Fantasies were angels sent by heaven, another
life lend by God, a book that has been borrowed and a wave in a shore's dock.
Fantasies were completely different from all of them but one thing is for sure, they
share the same luck. An angel will soon come back to God’s side, so as the life given
with due time. A book should not be kept, and the waves will soon flow afar without
being held. Fantasies are a glimpse of what could have been, glimpse of happiness.

“For you to be able to fantasized, be ready to wake up.” She said.

And now I want to share, what she taught me about a perfect world. A world far from
a dream. It is the world where she thinks is perfect the way it is; a world where people
strive their best to be the change; a world where fantasies becomes reality through
hard work.

Was it you- who made it more,

or was it I- who made it less?

“Why dream of another wonderful world when you can make our own world
wonderful?” she said while writing about her assignment. It hit me; she was half right
although our world as of now is miserable. However, her eyes started to shine,
boosting her energy up to answer a simple question “What is a wonderful world for
me?” She made her intro, she bought people into her world, into her understanding
leaving people to think about what a wonderful world should really look like. She
raised a few questions such as what sense would it be to live when we can’t grow,
learn and foster with circumstances, and thus making them realize that our world is
what she thinks is “a wonderful world.”

A world where people held hands to surpass circumstances. A world where people
cheers each other whenever they fell down. A world where everybody unites
whenever a problem arises. A world with endless possibilities of growth and wisdom.
A world who knows no bound and limitations. A world who made mistakes. A word
where people strives hard to be the change, to be better, to be the best. And that
world is the world we live in.

She made me realize that I shouldn’t think and dream of my “own built wonderful
world” instead I should be moving to make my own world wonderful.

Was it she- who beats for my mind,

or was it I- who beats for her heart?

To end my story, I want to introduce her to you. Her (you) is a part of me. I was
prisoned in my own thought of “wonderful world” that all I cared about are perfect
situations. However, Her (half of my mind) thinks that instead of making or requesting
for another world, I should be thankful. Thankful because I was made and I’ve lived in
this world. Thankful because I have privileges that many couldn’t have. Thankful
because I’m learning to survive with the cruelty of the world. Thankful for everything
that this world taught me. Although I have much more thoughts about my own
wonderful world, I’m contented with what I have. Her and I agree that the world we
live in is what we can say “Our own wonderful world.” It may not what our minds have
decided however our heart whispers the same thing.

Whisper of the heart

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