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Are your eyes wide open?

Have you seen it?

The cries that touched their cheeks,

The hands that are preventing them to seek,

Those heartbeats "dum-dum" that are unable to speak,

Are you seeing it?

The birds who can't seem to reach the life's peak.

A poem of privilege, standard, the knowledge for mathematics, language, literature, technology, unity,
acceptance, love, and freedom.

I chose to shut my eyes.

Tired of hearing their awful lies

and slowly feeling how my culture dies

I am also part of the nation,

but you judged me by my ability of addition

my knowledge about fraction,

the difference between rational and inverse relation.

If my knowledge and culture is the line of my limitation,

Then I beg you for liberation.

And finally, we've learned

the word that creates the balance-


I’ve learned those mathematical equation's importance

and you've learned the awful things about your ignorance

for that, thank you, for our transcendence.


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