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Activities and Assessments

Activity 1. After reading the key concepts, work on the following:

Self-Reflection and personal answers and ideas.
1. What are the qualifications for a Teacher I to be promoted to Teacher II?

1. Transcript of Records in MA
2. Permit to Study for all Terms enrolled
3. Updated Service record
1. Latest performance rating
2. Curriculum for MA Course
3. Transcript of Records in the Undergraduate level
*All photocopy should be
*Copy of Thesis Book if MA Degree
Teacher II
1. 2O years
2. 20 MA units with at least one year in service
3. Equivalent (for every 3 years in service equivalent to credit units)
Ex. A teacher with 18 MA units and 6 years in service

2. What are the qualifications for a Master Teacher? A Head Teacher?

General Guidelines for Master Teacher Promotion

1. Only those who are actually teaching shall be considered for Master teacher
position. This includes teachers who besides assuming special assignments have
regular teaching loads.
2. Positions for Master Teacher (MT) shall be allotted proportionally on the basis of
number of teachers. The number for the division shall likewise be distributed
proportionally among all districts.
3. An allotment of one (1) MT position per subject area for at least 5-7 teachers
should be the basis in the secondary level (DECS Order No. 70, s. 1998)
4. If there are not enough qualified teachers in the district to fill the number of MT
position allotted to it, the positions may be filled by a qualified teacher from other
districts; provided, however, that such teacher shall serve in the district where the
MT position have been allotted.
Basic Qualifications for Master Teacher I

1. Permanent teacher (with Teacher Eligibility)

2. Bachelor’s degree for teacher or Bachelor’s degree with 18 professional units in
Education, and 18 units for MA in Education or its equivalent
3. At least Very Satisfactory (VS) Performance rating for the last three (3) rating
4. At least three (3) years’ experience as Teacher III.
5. Have at least 25 points in leadership, potential and Accomplishments OR has
been demonstration teacher in the District level plus 15 points earned under
Leadership, Potential and Accomplishment.

Basic Qualification for Master Teacher II

1. Master Teacher I for at least one (1) year.
2. Bachelor’s Degree for teachers or Bachelor’s degree with 18 professional units in
Education; 24 units for Master’s Degree in Education or its equivalent.
3. Very Satisfactory (VS) performance rating as Master Teacher I and/or aggregate
VS rating for the last three (3) rating periods.
4. Have at least 30 points in leadership, Potential and Accomplishment OR has
been a demonstration teacher in the Division Level plus 20 points earned under
leadership, Potential and Accomplishment.

Documents to be submitted by the candidate

1. CSC Form 212 (Revised 2017)
2. Updated Service Record
3. Transcript of Records (TOR)/ Special Order
4. Performance Rating for the last three rating periods
5. Eligibility Rating
6. Copy of latest approved appointment
7. Documents relevant to the position applied for (MEC Order No. 10, s 1979)
8. Copy of the school Program indicating the number of teaching loads.
9. Omnibus Certification of authenticity and veracity signed by the applicant

3. Is it possible for a newly hired teacher to become a Master Teacher or Head Teacher
after 1 year in service? Why or why not?

1. Permanent Teacher

2. Bachelor’s degree for teachers or equivalent as provided in Magna Carta for Teachers
3. Very satisfactory performance rating for the last two years (at least 33 pts.)

4. At least three years experience

5. At least 25 points in leadership and potential

Activity 2. Browse the internet and search for the following:

Try to Fill up the following table,

Position Salary Education Experience Training Eligibility





Activity 2. Study the following cases. Guided by your understanding of the Career path within
the Department of Education, resolve the issue below. Write your answers on the box provided in
each number.

Case 1
Teacher A is a Teacher III in Cainta Elementary School for 5 years. She was able to earn
a master’s degree in educational leadership and management with specialization in
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. Coincidentally, there is one Master Teacher I
(Salary Grade 19) item available in the school and one Senior Education Program
Specialist (SG 19) in the division office. The division office and the school are situated in
the city. Given the situation, if you are Teacher A, which position would you choose?

Read the characteristics of teachers in their respective stages. Write B if you think the
teacher being described is a beginning Teacher; P Proficient; HP for Highly Proficient; and D
for Distinguished Teacher after the number and write it in the blank provided.
1. Seeks advice from experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching practice.
2. Manages learning programs and have strategies that promote learning based on the
learning needs of their students. ___B__
3. Has a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in which they are trained in terms
of content knowledge and pedagogy. __B___
4. Possesses the requisite knowledge, skills, and values that support the teaching and
learning process. ___B__
5. Is professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the teaching and
learning process. __B___
6. Provides focused teaching programs that meet curriculum and assessment
requirements. __P___
7. Displays skills in planning, implementing, and managing learning programs. __P___
8. Actively engages in collaborative learning with the professional community and other
stakeholders for mutual growth and advancement. ___P__
9. Continually seek to develop their professional knowledge and practice by reflecting on
their own needs, and those of their colleagues and students. __P___
10. Create a lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues, students and others. __HP___
Ask yourself and reflect: How do you see yourself 5 - 10 years from now as a public school
teacher, what would be your career path after several years?
"Since the start of my career, I have had my ideal career path in mind, and this institution definitely supports
it. My ideal career is one where my ideas are heard and in which I am making a real impact. I can see myself
further developing my skill set in this role and eventually have more leadership tasks here. I see myself being
even more confident in this field, with more knowledge and experiences. I hope to grow with the institution
and lead others in reaching their own career goals.

Your life today is a result of your thinking yesterday. Therefore, your life tomorrow will be
determined by what you think today.” - John C. Maxwell

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