Rev - Writing Task 2 Test 3 Cambridge 4

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Beautiful art is coming up from brilliant artist.

A statement said that artist should to pull out

their idea freely to show their creavity without consider boundary and rules. I think it is not
true false. I disagree withabout that statement because being an artist, they should to
delicateattent some points.
First, Aartists create artworks (words, pictures, music, or film) to be enjoyed by others, and it
is not for themir selves. Because of it, they should to pay attention toabout thewhat are trends
in the society. If the artist stays to use their idea without thinking about what is in the interest
of the society, they solely have a small number of fans. Also, it impacts onto their income.
Artist gets profvit from their creativity. A writer, for example, must be have the targeted
people for selling their novel. For example, targeted people of writer are teenagers so the
writer will use juvenile’s issues for increasinge the purchasing book such as love story,
friendship, etc. So, writer cannot’t ignore avoid people’s demanding.
Second, besides due to the urge to fulfil society demand, artist must be follow the custom’s
rules where they intend to initiate their carreer. For instance, in 2013, Lady Ggaga’s concert
in Indonesia was cancelled becausedue her style when concert wasis not suitable for
Indonesia’s society normscustoms. She might continue her concert as long as she followed
the rules. However, yet she chose to be absent. We ccouldan see that customs is highly
embracedtighter in society rather than the arts.
In conclusion, aAn artists perhaps are allowed to expresses what he/she really wants as long
as they keep it for their own. If they want to show it to the public, they should to respect
people’s values and what are the viral or booming trend around the society.

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