Background of Study Region8

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Background of Study

The Sambawan Island is incredibly beautiful. It really was one of the most unique and
awe-inspiring islands in the Philippines. But then right before the sun a little bit farther
away from the main tourism beaches and we found TRASH BEACH .One of the beach
coves on the island literally minutes walk from the main tourism area was absolutely full
of garbage. There was plastic and trash everywhere it was disgusting and shocked
everyone of us. We think it could be because of the tides and currents but regardless it
was such a big remind .We all need to do better. I need to do better when it comes to
garbage and plastic. Macorol added that the worst case happened two years ago
around the same time of the year, when we gathered 780 sacks of debris over 2 weeks
of clean up. The location of Sambawan is almost at the center of tidal and current
actions when the easterly wind blows after a short tidal action due to the  Habagat wind,
thus becomes the “natural collector” of debris coming From Samar and Biliran. It’s
always a challenge how to maintain the cleanliness of the Sambawan shoreline during
this time of the year when the Habagat wind is alternating with the easterly winds. Each
place has its unique beauty and problems as well. We’re glad that other eco-tourism
islands don’t have the same problem as Sambawan.

According to Jun Oliva, Biliran Provincial tourism and information officer, This news is
an eye opener for everyone, not only for the Sambawan Dive Camp and Beach Resort
management, but even us, local residents and or tourists. We dont need to resort to the
usual blame game over this, but let this be a point of reflection – if we do our share of
being responsible in taking care of our environment – this would not have happened. I
dont want to speculate, but even in the past trash thrown to the sea would eventually
find its way to our islands, and in the past few weeks we have experienced adverse sea
conditions that could have led to accummulation of drifts/trash.

However, management should have been more aggressive in their clean-up activities.
But it is a cycle of being irresponsible, without people throwing trash to the sea, then our
islands and shores will be pristine as we always wanted them to be. Sambawan
management is in collaboration with Maripipi LGU to observe “basura mo, dala mo”, and
I have personally witnessed this practice in those days I was there. But then again we
need to be keen and consistent. I hope that all may see this in a positive point of view,
and help us and Sambawan in the process.

Statement of the Problem

 Sambawan Island’s Most landfills lack proper on-site waste management thereby
contributing to additional threats to the environment. In the long-term, landfills
leak and pollute ground water and other neighboring environmental habitats
making waste management very difficult.
 The Sambawan Island mismanaged to protect this place.

Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

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Alternative Courses of Action

1.Our Government must take action of this, they are the one who must help and
provide in this matter. They play many roles in our country but they should also
focus on this matter.
2. People must also take action of this because logically speaking we are the
reason why our beaches has full of trash and polluted today. So I must say that
we are the one who must clean and back the old beach that we have.

Cleaning up beaches is very important because it is one of the factors that

could boost our local economies in addition to preserving natural treasures
and animal habitats, researchers say. So here are the some recommendation
that may help to save our beaches.

- Cleaning up
- Don’t use plastic bags
- Use reusable plastic containers
- Help to clean our beaches
- Don’t throw your trash in beaches
- Encourage others to make or join a campaign about cleaning beaches.

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