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Click on population window+ Right click on population window + Add new and enter all information

Analysis+ click on smooth +

Copy to input

Click on Analysis window and right click

Open Demproj file from folder and check value of Sindh 2017

Open MortPak

Motality + add new for male

Same for female

Copy data in mortality column Mx for male and female both


Put value
Copy and paste on DAPSS Fertility sheet

Motality+add new+ Life expectancy at birth+add all life expectancy record from Demproj file+add all
male and file 4 values
Analysis+sum sign
E0=life expectancy


This is Trend line

Trand Projection you will get error if u r trying to get trend projection from 1950, it’s a software
problem, its already sent complain from UN to US Bureau to remove this error +so we are using the base
year 2017 for projection
Copy to input fitted wali file

Input+Fertility+add new
Same do for all 4 values as like previous step+by add new

Analysis+add sum+

Main value for projection

Add 0.5 in it

Do high
For low

For low TFR=2.879-0.5=2.3729

Govt of Sindh policy 2.1 we will achieve
Medium is trend value

Change into mid year


To remove error
Projection for medium



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