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THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD (Daf' Shubah al-Tashlth bi-Akaffal-Tanzth) by ‘ABD AL-RAHMAN IBN AL-JAWZI AL-MAKTABA AL-AZIARIYYA LT ] AL-TURATH’S INTRODUCTION no fs ct dof yo [© Maar) he Bok it 8 me | see hey a he foto fhe Basket ths a abi fs ese hes iain nt cy wale tha of i ong king sd ond cig sing And not es Meh cng ney Cot Bt hos a fos ee ns "ME n(n 9. use nrLoncs to God who guided ust a raght path dough the 1 void of anchropomorphism and denial (of God's ate ra ycace and blesings be upon ou maser Mulammad &, who the worship of ols and sates. erm of Tb al Jal that» fction—lke those the author ented Gom ws unc nav, They also conceded it from many seo specialize in Arabic works, and they strove © efface #8 name Mfeone oft The spread ofthe books ofthe anropomorphiss mong | Plena manusrit snd pblicsons, and the preoccupation of with calling to anthropomorphism until we present dy— | ree publ ite was also done out of eagenes £0 PrOPHEN: Se aecal rings of Yon abjawat and his enjoyable books of ne Ustid Shaykh Mubammad Zahid al-Kawthast—the guest of v ymented on fe May God eeralize the benef aken fom him 3» AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION eg hem since we [Hana] donot hive single commentny Bic of As Yap eh Commentary he eter lied it iro ues) be xe conn ec fring) He abo mentioned ome ie aloe? Bovecd onc of cr companions dave 2 lon we ahng tothe conmenaris of eli, Aa, Ami and Shas whe hing fom the fn ste of being ec sore 5. Bs commen xt sch aK of mad (Fimparciality About Matters of Disagreement”); Janmat al-Nazar a Fa Carder at Conception and Arr Ags mie) ok DAI Nahr Mel Chance of AI mob Reng ew Al ue Then | deere appropiate rahe ie the commentary (of Cut Aba Vl) by which he acs of tals pst sok and Iced the bas fr that Goud and he pont of cones thet which bas een eoe- I hen composed 2 book shut the (Hank) mali tie eed heats cling a Bela a Mg “dt ‘iMedia ("The Raning Falcon Swoping Down on de Sti [Fei Scho) Tn the sen ofthe branche oF Kxow—yeav GoD, che Exalted, help youthat when 1 put imalihab of ten Ahmad, may God the Exalted have mercy on found him to be of great stature with respect tothe slences. He: in the sudy of the joridial sciences and the views of the p (Sale) to the poine thar nota single mater aries that he doesnot seriptul reference for or some form of remark to. make, He because e adheres tothe approach ofthe Saif he only seote wha ‘cansmited. Therefor: it was only natural ha ound his mada the teary compositions whore kind wae numerous amongst thos ho follow a diferent approach [than him). So, 1 wrote tome ‘eegeses Amongst them are al: Maght [chat exits) in (sve) Wa Zid a-Mas, Taki aA ad others Concerning the sences of had [I weote a mumber of] books them are: Jini" al Masa, aHadsg, No al-Nagh and many regatting arb wt antl (he science of weighing postive and factors for evaluating che rebabity of bad natrtos) | have not ‘he Hanbalis to have 1 single commentary inthe topic of compart except that al-Q§g5 AbO YS sai "I used 0 what sit wth the cates ofthe mada that they mention the variance of those who] ‘opposing views but they do not bother te mention the views of “hs vw dong the view of he ee ju the books 3 Jehovah ine of buh -W Wh ot acs te on sng won Fo et mth thse wh ee ses compe fh Mae views ofA slong oe ws heather a ah Sd ncn ori Spier lo msn on ae "Ab Rott io in sr Se antl ed i out and fk of wh "Abad none ofthe jit Rather ews Bo he Kneis wo were ony of nang myn bon So a agaon of te Fs acc pon hn Then wht Yagi enon Mo oh Ua od De inhi Ra cere [aout ane 7 pope el aly cee spo the eon ong the lng fegey bere Aang ie condos deren poet ore by fers aul pne of lepiy tobe desipion fh com to pote sro rhe lng ig oped When shapes at paseo py deine du come hughout in a er tol sean rth ange my a Prices etan bec we pl ag isd be re, "i Abad kp: compey Ab Yo ashe aro is co ‘yet Mn sbi ek, io Th et Hanh yh ce comsay of ASC ans he hg company ih he tin!" Abad wed pcapy hn wth he ok Mod a wv xcs bos ropona oa hn congo war Tsim a urnison won hos Hee] cepted a Juris of nga SME uring ha ond vito ga er fe ‘Mabamnad fn aan So eau angle pot fh Deg ee fl the cts cps wn oon ears of ah eh fest pra te mnudaoy fe ren agi ings souree nd cng the pono ey ajar el sng thepararplco o ep hat wa re hate eds i ew fn tho fp wo ae beri ns pra i Fo). ‘ited wih Sf fr cape ashing fm hs mw sol You tel 2ueig with ABO Harr ne fds May ad eed 52 te lor ofthe bake of comprare yt fund nope ‘ews of Abad by simpy mensoning te rc the rw ee ele © " 1 wrote Kiah al Mudliib f al Madhhab ("The Giller Re Madhhab"), Mashik l-Dhahab ("Moulded Gold") and al-Bulghe "Means of Subsite”) Inthe fndamental of the religion {wrote ‘Will iv al-Usal ("The Wisy of Reaching Knowledge Religious Fundamental), In tro fir Ihave writen some 350 ggatiopted the hteral meanings ws wae werenn Ste ee rete dean, of which hey ave 0 Be i ew aren Ty ss Se st son on ey come or eno ae ee ' Be ea hy sot cy Se oy ne ed apn 2 a i ict ie a nse te De se a el ee Leh Gos Ores they rcerdingo the gs heyy LE ee edpoe od free se A na etme LN tear ben crn Rah hy a a eh op ed eeiciieaconamnsie wa of ay eld acon 08 ae eS pombe and ese I someting would pre #5 go da caine fs ng one nd eed wen nde, Te oe ses fm ff ing Col et enh We Fr tad en ee Oe esa Heceon a cepieaieeac cy ea hy cn eo mn he ad Fare a ntalwhoded inthe yar 488 According to fe Ath and Aba il Stand themby saying. Companion! Brothers Youare he People ‘reported that AbO Mubammad al- Tanti said concerning hit AbG Ya" ba Bpadhere to the 2xts and follow them. This was ithe example of your Seoeaaltarees orcee soereth oe a be tee SERS tl Set sr St MMe pty ne spn sora a Wow Sn “iti en eg yn i wh ane tome Scone coca ae “Mert ot ko RYO Ba “a ee ee aera ae jc see se Serer a te co et Sorat Ra i aa cl ceed na wy tht snot pope Thee ae desks prods ‘lsh bo En his cil QUE ABO Ws and om Zap compre books by which they hve dagrced che mah They struc of Go to be sect to human understanding and pe ‘They hea! that God, Glorified and Exalted be He, ced Adin image tpn him be lesng and pene On tat bas hy sen Hime animage and «phy form, fice abuse to His cael cyan moh rts cae eth igs fox His ce which ‘loi splendor ew hand ges» pal ide [iy Roger 2 ches igh cw sin, and oro fst [They even Wet “Ae ne oot head any mnon ofthe head” They [hen 8 fox Hi to touch and tobe touched, and to bing the sve co ta being” One of tenn si" He breathes” Then they cal te eo ple ysayng"There sib ate noc ken x commonly ne 1 Me i Shh of the Hutt, AD Ah EH bo Hid split wo dn yore rel in le coms sano a hc tar on ‘Yet ws tsined by him, of at meron Same wiih fsrton Ho ih shor Bt a when nn Abad wt ane! et pine he td he, come hfe Son eda oe ute ea vot Slane, hab Hebe rbd oF a, ds epee wou ving rn of apn Den an emp rey il et Sonn tm Nd woe nn Sn raed theater ond Aen ae 2 - his maa what doesnot belong ini Then, yoo [cree sid sbout Inds [of atrbutes] "We hold them and undersa them according ‘eis apparene meaning” while the apparent meaning of [ths won] fot would be the human imb.Thi the same things what ad believed by the Chisians may God, Ealed be He, distance thers om mercy [or saying such], about Jes, upon him be blesing and peace understand that he is"“God spirit” and that God, Sanctified and Exe Highness an aruba known a pre chat enered ito Many ‘Whoever sy, "He became esablshed with His Divine ewence” made Him, Sanctiied and Exalted i He, subject to teal t we stand it® It should nor be neglected by anyone thatthe principle by wi the Bch i eablished is reason? and ii by way of thie [eatoa) tht ‘ame to know and hold God tobe Eterna without beginning, IFony Ina sai, "We ead the hadith, and [then] keep slenthen no one have objected to [what] you [do]! [But you refuse to abstain fom the texts and undertanding them according to che apparent met and this behavior is absoltely disgusting and repugnant. So, do ce in the madhiab of this righteous Sal" man what does not to it You have made this mada sich 3 shamefl digrace that its ud," Hanball tf undertood chat he someone who likens {0 His creation. You have then made your way to be that of bigotry Intolerance, showing fanatical sypport for Vaid sbn Mui, when vel Know thatthe founder of the mada peemiced cursing him. esbigans tn and hndon rena ose dete the dary ond a i saan, ich noe cen Dept prt path ut een ean in any ny ery eons eh rn roe th pe wi tS hee eh wy nt to ee oho 0 ee nmin inpecion—y an opprtnce—t eh rcs pecans nd he tpn pros ow pang meng Kee fe ere | Py So gym Sn ba oe jar shat MubarmaAbdh at ere tha. tbe Abie Teoma of ot iced ore exons the Qua be lingmg he wold by enenion mesa dar he Que erp of Bert rex, Furderne woul be peru oy hone ee cde ih urn (ich col sh be pido her thn Ga) nen © then xsl expemon tered to God can so be kerf be are sod ang dd ert hn of oy nf ony (Qu Sct no ane sclowwldg ho etn ht an bt ng one old ho at fon Gods cing Col a er stan) tht He a on fe cxesin: ses serena mth on coat eee rer iy inne yt The ty the bebeer wt cing 0 he poon | fe ed bette con jms fo ing apie one} = Ie imerpetation often nox bing cle Cod. ee 0 et yg omg fo hu cnn b er sre And God nom be nn Abad vs Si tn Th merely tan ta eid he cf te ened bl whch ewes impeson it ores an hr Uy or ey pars wb i slr wecny when Ther someone wl py then rye Go Tie ms he wy he pat sd ie doesnt mean ht nm Abra aed ol Sao eed och by he aoe CH Abe Bk 3 A wre i A Gori" fore pe cit nor perma cae hin by agrcme, bce of whit as ees abou te Prope A dv bough ohm 3 umber of me sod oe pen Whae wang wih Ri? May Ga teh How my es est our perce” Then he Prophet "Dene pee af Se at bho he get hn esc afro an is neces ‘Thai sound fade for cong the nomi ne ihe hd Gr permite by wnoimoor cra Rca wat han ee eed the eB) how the Pope: rb id= May God ute et ee he rh hn co (aren 2.161 Whar we nace nh wrth Ant ear him “They mie a are me om he dy fe dee ing ‘ran ng bythe es hi They Sa Ba wl cameo ay af Return od Sin TM wl caret Aba SL "eis mere the rea Cod, Spent, sa Andy Lal ome gs tp nari is) nd hs me ha pe wl coe {Tz Ft fs ben ented aoe Abra i Hata ay Ga yor Lon come” Th [ee] Finis ierpetoion an exoncaion m8 spprac ofthe geen aer oe Sl fr wha uber per Ins Aad sconce what hi precede 8» ons gat 2nd aly ener he mew fin Abd "Tra deco he rh caben buon any nds in sf sting Those who wl Bt Gad ey a Hi ene he Tone "hen emit Oo held ie ore sd sng or ome te "Tamla He be king eles the le dete by oe ch Yat abn wich "Remon soe reveled aoe Soaking cm swe razon wld be ie cotrton wth oe owe And ctw ‘erot eco he anh een carn wth them ope "= Whe soemening [ook ered tine, Una Shy Ma ‘Aish my Gad satin ey in dacs he bah abot he dpe Une ine ss Sry rie ence Ged we ech i ‘phe conan af Ac capri snd leone Lame langage ert computry 0 oly he te aon te ‘three he ee oy be wolf ts hen bere wal Be one wh ‘ed bt he nlp Aropoorpis wha deo gory age “ 45 “And, AbO Mubammad Tamim) used to say aboot one of your ‘hace graced the mada ins ele way ad cleansed until the Day of Reesurrection.” oe 7 ‘sta when e makes mention of he arement abo he ipernity fod Man. if i ‘peli nl Mis be eh er semen (wh 3 {Since tht dileenc of picion dos eat it ese he oe di le comideaon hen 0 Bcd on what bn ot mesoned concern ‘ew oftnim Ahmad one oul once thw thane ie ie Ot SEAaH fom chiming wane penne onde aes, which winded ‘erm (a And Cd knw oe Wave eh Hea ee ‘Sid oe teat oF So thn wee wch deter oo de ‘Sie wh he cm that lo Aad pete cng hemes Be Tb ‘ese an pad Yat fr ha eve A ied eon ofthe Han ‘eal om th ibe "ao Son ens ht he was Ring AM Sn Abd- Wit Ab ‘Aen He ot be wn neal and wokcometed member ‘Bal choo Bagh wow ow Jos aly hel i gh ge or (ea del ce Tat a Hana, 30st Mira, Oey Dh ‘Kn. Sh I a aed ibe oe. Mani ad Ha 2. Sette 4 Mined Cin often Br Lien 2) 9. 6 CHAPTER T ERRORS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED HANBALIS [Bxywanaion, F can be seen that the scholars we have been ered in sven mates ue i tha they called many of the hadith “Information on However, they ate merely posessive forms, while noe every forms an seibute For suey, God, Eeaked in Highness T have nin i fo My pr (Qusn95:29)-And fknow tha) ot have an acibote called "a spt” So he who has called the fom an attibote is guilty innovation > Tecond eror is tat they sid, “These badwhs are amongst che fand) none know [the true meaning) except God, Exalted be atthe same ime they state,"We bear and understand them Wnt Ta ee sng ht ines, eos hin THe on 1 Hiatt ent fom Hi esc, aes o Hit Tee cei Coden pen sou Te een f Cad (QUE 7732 91:0) Sisk ty resign, Coding see o ht En Sie Rhone oss ets eng ued Han by cms Nae Soe os cul be nid ofthe nanan of the Kato he Se! Ne Mantes tn God neste orth Hl perinest oe, penne fo of Cat comeing to Hinsel of honor nd fe fonsion Heh Cor and Naiman Th we woul Caren fo hoe and cr” No one Would sume at the Tne jt xa bebe bln Joh tinned to Jo ds Hone. A js ogg each mater ht the anomie sent of Gol xn he Cur oh Saab "come Pe fen yee "Pe ot “TA Me ee ite God ues mony te te enng bmg ere pee vine meaning enemigos of oven ox oven cere mula hn to bei it God ha sp. ou Thc acd camel owe id nthe ao anne 0 Hs eo VEGAS tke beat of Go ond he Sons Tis i why i aoe have at bc ee” "th sonesed por ae an "ee 00 “any chal ate hve the een ” sc rors that they make it point to iterpre (winsome ees and object to do 30 ater. For example, Inthe hadith Qui, ‘Whac then ae ther meanings oF asin eben) except [_J"Whoever comes to me walking [ata normal pace) wil ome and nl (eseendng) anything but moving For one pace to ano aking {guicky) co which they my,"He suck the smite to The third eroe tht they aired sees Belonging Pavey expres the benevolence He shows to His creatures” but in lina ae noe established by decisive evidence), The atributes of Gd epors hey iss on the eral meaning. ‘Aimighy, Splendid in His Majesty, are only aimed by the de The seventh eror i that they understand the adths according 10 roo, by which the esence i afiemed 3 perception, They sid, "He descends with His esence, relocates ‘The fourth ertor i hat shey do not diferente between eo plce ands but then ely sateBut not we think” whats contained in a well-known report (a Iaith whose nae confse whoever should hear them and they mit the senses and beeen three of four), lke [the Prophets) sying “He, Ex ineligence by holding the badths on meanings according to Highness, descends tothe sky ofthe lower wo” and fFrming ae present ina bath that snot ound, ike his say, “sw ny Lond ‘ot beni fn” Rather, hey armed an atribte sing the f aoe Abad and abo by using the laser bath, which not valid ape Sr this reson that I considered it necenary [to answer the doubts ‘The ith enor isthe they did no make adtinction between by them, and] 0 refste them so that things soch a his could noc sexibred to the Prophet & and a hadth designated w 3 comps ited co Imm Abmad, may God hive mercy on him. Had 1 sucesor+Thus they aim de second bait if Belongs co the sem it would have been sid that these things at likewise 2 Of my creed. (To deve into) a mater 50 serious to people does not me, becase al are expected 0 actin accordance with the evi category the badith mentioned before i fe and Gou hs blexed me with ample proof] ro understand when it esto knowing [the sign and arributer) ofthe dhe One True God, be He. Uncritical imitation ofa scholar without knowing his ce not allowed in that ea. gn Ahmad, may God have mercy on him was once asked abou an and he gave legal verdict garding ic When it wat then si, "Tbn ‘doesnot hold this view" he replied, "Ibn a-Mubirak did not from Heaven" Imim Shift, may God have merey on him, sid, sccording #9 thee tel meanings.” How stonishing! A phrase meaning only God knows fr cern wha ter meaning ani thea 2 Tandon Evidence decie when fame of wanton cond (usu nthe wong fe pena ope sero uh Ta (ods png He of Suen ty of al cr 148 an Ca ‘er te nad (Qae 10) The oem vee a dS 0 be ‘ich hap be elon fr ben Bt he petra Toh ovr ry Mai oie yo eve dot Gea te se sacensy" whe th cond wen os rhig me at eleven God ‘Caton on hd. No ec tec» Min vee tke oa ‘odtrs pa jot oe eet re nt et God Jot el shots one fH ries non to beg come in oy hat roe thatthe tuner might han peed upon he nant of ‘came so ext aio Go tht ol he Erp ee Seton eae ad pk mab se Cte nh oe ‘feta ween ebjers However anon ade by» on fcconor Ee of open fom of th pen dor ot oni 2 eve ure or stare of rather companion ar cen en conde ie (3 and 38a Sth an No. 369. Tali its compuary fo a dao fai he condions of ph ey deo pete er exper el an) The view of | tes mn anproen he ae feed ad ecieay thet te ose racer of Cod In ht rp we fd he stent othbd Ain Mav Le a oe nbc i pon othe nd inion fe btw he wl eee. Andi edb a fb) ite Eamon vn ho Sh "Nane be aoe he ew ht a cece flare excep ie Hanna Ab iain oi. "Only rn oppon the pers of li eal ae). See Pabfaat 2/se abo rele co Rane shor 36, hua 48 of Ara 440d Fan Ra 769-45 8 ° "I atked God to guide me tothe right choice in refiting Imam Mill ‘God have merey on hi."” Since these dhe [Hanbal scholts) wrote cheir book: and Qs “wwt} took ie upon himself to document the (reaive) hades (i ‘book}, have mensoned them according to his rangement and | them with the noble verses that have come in that regard. place of view fiom Us" He placed [the pronoun “Out in the plural because the custom of tie king isto sy, "We commanded and we But, QT [AbO Yl held the view that the eye ian aibute to the exence, while Aba Bakr bn Khuzayma'® preceded him in fate When commensirg about che vere, he (Ibn Khuzayms sai, wd has two eyes by which He sees” Iba Hamid has ao stated.“ leary to believe that He has two cys [understzning isan isnovation for which they hve no evidence! iy hey afirmed the eyes from mere contrast indication" from his W& "tie is not one-eye" But, the only thing intended [in this fs to negate imperfecton from Him, Exalted be He. Furthermore, Tris elished that He does not divide into sections, there i no" or what i imagined to be aebutes. reals mistaken when they ead His Wor, xaled in Highness hat Tad wth My [to] hands (Qu 3875)? The hand lingus- hs the meaning of “3 five" and “good treatment." The #atement Wat is Mentioned in the Glorious Qu'tn ou the Subjec? God, Glorified and Exalted be He, sid And the fi of your Lod wl (Quen 55:7) The exegetes explain [this to mean), "Your Lor remain” Likewise, they sid about His saying, Exaled in Highness ok li fe (Quen 6:3) to men: "They eck Hira” Dabs “Ubayda said feoscerning] Exery thing wll pern except His fe ( 288), to mean, [Everything wil perish] hati except Him” ‘Those we have rated objection to, hold the view thatthe fe auibatechaacteied by a special name added to the exence. What ‘do they have to daim ths, when they hive no point of ference hae they Know taken fom human undersanding anc perception? {ving description and understandings such a these ther fin era hate the sscripton of pars (to God) their understanding were its absolute ending the verse would mean that His entie exence _prish exepe for His ie. fbn Hm s"We do indeed air for Exalted be He,a fice, but itis impermissible wo afirm ahead for hi ‘body shudder a the thought of someone being 40 bod at tome such a thing. As he had already bkened God with His Creation, prevented him fom ikening (everything bu the ead?! ‘Another [eranple of ther approach is their undestanding of ‘Words, Baked be He: Ando hat youl be bong pon My 3039) and Make thea der Our eyes (Quen 11:37. That in wok om te canes mame balling ht woe ois eerie ome treet hin se srk” Rs nye in A Ta whe cng ie Enplong is nll That no cor tae wos en | se apervion‘Te-ace npr ofthe ey othe meres one race wwe eisai iene tt ch wa don wah fe Sethe mee tha ap strren fr hat g Tae expres mae to esse ene of se Mbusnad hyn Khurana Naspd we ein he et 1. He fon ofthe pester bi He oie ida nae Pps hls wo Ebi ir ls fon dng 0. Whe ame Serene elm tcc de ngeoty) ce materi ot nade cme up with ee nlite ierpetors May God prdon i! Ftaninoc Whe meet commando te when» pene the face ting ha cpa then ti andentod the oposite ig epi Son cv wees ht he post of harng oe 0 ae Sones the Pope np th psy 0 Gol beng ote the oppo zo oe wen Sm ht a Heme es Hae ee ace i spp fi No al hs lp oy sh erpraon Feet lth ns oa need densa on het of ene Pana yer the peor of [wo hands exces ae bs en fiona So he wont sone wh te bd beg to oreo tbe the aes Socal with ter henson po ew ad tot he wok oft Si omar your uve de’ Aka tthe pi htt wad 0 he who ds Your uns poe nd our moat ew And ep tht the os M Btrence Bowe ou singh wat you i nh wt Yu 2 TanuoThe pit ht ha a semantic a schol sre sree of evdence oo me fly We edo * am iin Ra "Tho of po a Hn big. Th ie SDA etn wl ace deg Zantke ayn me Ep ene the pce of oan of a wih meus nate # whe being pte ee mening (So whe ‘Soe wit Ou ye I Gol eye th i a crn 1 ae 50 st oes not have cwo hands in this afi” meaning chat, “He has no ein it whatoever”"Linws ibn Hlizim sid, "So, chey sis"May God fur you. By God, we do not have ewo hands in what che ribs have con As for thee saying, “With that [being crested with God's hand) He disnguished Adam from the animals" God, Exaked be He, si [in tion to their cams) He cated for them, hat Our hands have ate (Quin 36:7), and ie id noe indeste the granting of dsinction lle over the reminder af animal 5 God Ered be He uid Arn hy He iad (Quin $47, in thi content mean, "with szength "Then, God sid He blew into fm Hix spirit He did not mean an action dha is vo be taken it- rl om the language or that He formed Adam ftom His Own Being By ao means The meaning [ofthe pasage] x [no more than],"I Blew” the honor ofthe postessive form i enough, since it does not beft Majesty ofthe Creator, Spend is His Majesty fo atribate or under the pasiage on blowing the sir] any other way chan that [men- rsd). Thi is duc tothe fit that He isnot in need of acting through 3 hve no advantage, and nor wold the pronoun My" in "My h dum, nor is He in eed of organs and limbs to eke action or act by have been placed in the dua! [°My ewo hands" God, Exalted be He, is independent and noe in need ofthe Creation ‘We could exphin [the above conclusion} by saying that on by Hi esence conrary chete i such a convention in the language The Arabs ued so [When one understands this then they will know tha) itis not proper He be preoccupied with seeking to glorify [and eletate the rank of) ‘upon him be blesing and peace, while being heedlss of what the naar, Glory be He, stl deserving of in tems of being exoner above having parts, or implements in aetng, for these things are the cipsions of crested and flawed] composite bodics. [ln aditon co this, one ofthe thre echoars ako] believes that God hes, even [raking the preimption} that He touched the chy of | m with a hand, which is part of His esence They didnot fllycon- that amongst ll His creations ae compas bodies chat face other posite bodies that unite with chem and influence thei natu. [And crested bodies ar ako able to perform aesions towards her crestions Fafuence other things without the need to use other devices and means patter ouching tat body directiy] Do you [men then honesty] think Tht God, lorfed and Enalted be He, who has made the at of persons ote Jews: Cod hand is resid (Qur'an 564) may God, Exalted be disunce His mercy fiom these who sid], means, “Held back spending” The hand (ad) ils “strength.” The Arabs sy, "He has His saying Ney Hi [oo] hands oe extended (QB 64) means favce" and "His power" And His ying: [.] 10 what lasted wt ands (Qur'an 38-73) means, "With My power and My fvor” Al-H ‘id, Gof hod ioe thi hands (Quran 4810) means.“His gracious and good eeatment” This is the statement of the scholay that reseuched and examined matter with precision Bur, Qe (ABU aid,"The hands are ewo abuts ofthe ese called jul" This view] [the result of] behaving according to he ‘pinion without an evidence to esablish is authenticity. He (QI ‘Yh farther said, "IF Adam upon him be blessing and peace, did noth an afvanage over the remainder of animals by being created by the hi ian abu, He woul nt hve ext td gid a mentioning it He sid, wih My hans Had] i mean “power” he tet pe tae pe tea tare emcee nen race ere secant te rere ee a Sindy eb euieet anaeeaoaem Benguet eee neces ae reniotnuensiaeti eae Sage barren nema romana al tne eterna eee Socrates tec ce mana ins p wenca noes Sohene corinne Setasitaame ser larasrag asean erp ioe ae teeter nate das cemontemeneerasanmettaca iaisaarineetemmtagiaes Seaton oon a aes wets es 2 2 Atmadssid"The' Anh isthe “Throne and, evry throne of king i an ask." Ths was a common word vied amongst the Arabe during period before Islim and which st continually been wed dt the Islimicpetiod. God, Exalted be He sid And he ied his et on tone (Qu 12:200) 25 well a: Whi of yo wil bring me hr (Qurin 3738), ‘You should know that Linguiscaly establishment” (aint) haa f meanings, one of them being “evennets” One of Band Train Fata the wrongdoct of the tbe andthe wronge.”ThatisThey even Alita abo meant "The competion of something” God, E in Highness. sid: And when i reached ts fll maturity and bane completa ‘saw (Ques 28:14). Alt can also mean, "To form an iacention do something” God, Exalted be He, said: Then, He tured tothe Hs (Quan 2529). This statement means“He formed an intention to it” [Finally] also also means, "To gain mastery ove something | the poet sid, "Whenever he atacks a people he declares thei precinct to be as public property/And by sonrive he has taken cont all they poses” om Abo Khalid al-T3 cated, "‘The Throne i a red sappie fe yap eenonig i ee oe ssc ft x erp reer Ce ay cod tn erin acorn Sree hog and pecpton They sidHetecame te Tae wh Hee ir sin ye oh eee ton the Si Ra tnyndertod seh ser eee io sents ane wh noms ometine dos With ee Paid wi "Toe mong peal cot 2d 29 SEH cate leaning Tos 2 He i And» oun Foe re haa he ew ta God, Baked be He ort He Tr ate fae sd He wi st rhe wh we ane He ho i “The desea to chnge Som ne Tcnngo what eh ete woud alow ha] Gods ence ethan the Thon tes sang then, wie ch» p= tion dither ad se anf os who 1 Sy chart to Gu wi oT Zap He ae tw no ie fe cetng he Throne” He SN fe roochy ceed he wood wh he sro of nme Nes bose teow in lan to Hm When he seb of TART cone othe wo ee being wordy ofthe a= Te ed forthe her” He abo Ard ta bees orcas do nt ene i eens nor 8 ese aie meee fom tem eb Tiere me 9] ath vine Hedin i Fai-The metho guinea vt send. to big the terpenes oe ah se od In Figen: ery aleaedhe Abscryt wht ty acd ee An ‘teed te pot mating Hien om he vf stoke ae Hr tH Then vel exp pO (ran 79) am 9 waco raemms tn 4Thy ‘ener afte Qin. So hone bcm gine wh the pt Cl wal at ndemnding Ha rt fom bok And neh om ae Presa ‘Siew tcome snd wi ce she wa Lnw nl oe hs J tt soot ul Thi spot of dean tng he Fe ol ‘ce of modern i thea one tang he ko hid sh et ‘ab bat yn Ralf ota me ect tn the meer nn. He menond he to wht The aon beer tt God ht Throne wie neing menue Qcevesn fan sd ts cet. Ae fe de a beige gat macro 8 poy teem aught sox ec ‘cee ec] pr Whe ed that le etal ws eit by ate de ot mes tig ay eo ‘hese ae in a tba ne a ‘ont Fy een nay bn cat rh tring'So wen we top or ary oe ca de he 2 en era fe are nd rk an the pot sig Ba ne mary eg et sy pat Doel in hl Ad, "A ve en so he wn of et oa ctor pty be Thome ect we ry Mlbenad Aba rants coment "Ard St et te ewe cargo ted mening a ees nd Gl tee bled on he Te weg ta ences os nev ar bpee See hapaces wie beganng ole nce fe te oe ld) Sak te wc eng Tene yen poe 7 Se 0M moun coins wt ig oS ot ae cue eee hu 0 Sey fre Te on eng se es bce thorn ute So uaa hn inl how np won fe cone Be ee myn ey ext any fh oe mh ee Toc sboar hatte adatom 38 9 HE in His location that bounded Him or moving sway from i. 6 not proper 1 describe Hina in cerms of thing such as motion, 3p joining, or dispersing. Whocver is alongside and touching oF bs become defined by boundates, and when ones existence es defined by a particular mesure, one requires one who gives ftion.*7 Conversely it sould be sid that God is netver inside nor ff the universe, because entering and exiting. art among the le properties of things that tke up space. So these two states are others, such a5] motion stagnation and all the oder coincidental and properties that happen to all physical ebject*® [None of peppy © God, regard tothe statement of thor in question, "He ccated place, fh His exence. So, Hin being detached trom places i cealy sab 8? we would rply "His Holy exence is not susceptible to having ested init nor for anything t take up residence in i [In th) their taking a human understanding and perception ofthe ‘avted them ro liken God wich His Creation whie mixing vat- gs and themes [They continged in this manner) until one of Psi “God made mention chit He mounted the Throne merely iets the closest of al things in exizence to Hin.” But this is also becase "closenesin terms of dstance can only be imagined to 2 composite body So i is very dificult for wo acepe that Saying such statement i eld to bea member of out mada be a sartng point by which the prsition curs. So, when He sai wwe cane to know His exclusive possession of tat direction” He “And His enence must have an end and 2 Himit chat He knows” would comment that this 2 man who does not know what be ssying becauie if God [had determined limst and partion between ‘tion ind Hilf, He has delineated and affemed that He po shape or bodily form. [bn Zighini} also sys in is book,"Surey rot at atom, because the atom is what occupies space” But (ber) cexablihes for Him 3 pce that He occupies. This i indee 2 fal ‘ment stered by him and a clear likening ofthe Crestor to che ex So, tht Shayth did noe know wh x compaleory fr the Crestor, Ea bbe He, and what is impowible in Fis regard. For verily His exit [Exaed be He, isnot ike atoms and composite bodies tht are inne a locaton Indeed the dizetions of under and over only apply to what be faced and run parallel to something ee. A necessity ofthe objec ie eed fortwo be bigger than, smaller or equal to the thing ts me ‘guns. Bu this and the like oaly apply to composite bodes. Every hi that cin be placed pull to composite bodies can [aio] touch th ‘Whatever is subject co [bot] physical contact with compas bodies to ie apt rom then Gite with an origin ince ih een that the poof of the created and non-eternal nacre of atoms i -sacepablity to physical contact and dislodgment So i thre in consid tis posible for Him, they have declared the posit being non-etrmal and created. And they deny the possi of th Him, ere no longer remsins a way for us wo establish dhe at dt are indeed crested. Ie ve then presume one who is independent of place 2nd locaton another thi si need oF leation then wes "Esther they ae ne ‘or alongside one another or they are separate fom one anos! “would be imposible with respect to the Crestor] for very. co (the atribute of being 0 near as tobe touching) and apartnen a ‘the eal charctertc of accupying ace with spec al i Ie tas ako been established that joining and dspesing ce amongst ‘event characteristics of occupying space, and the Cae True G ‘Glorified and Exaled be He, snot be described in tern of being space ar ime, since if He was subject co space, He would et cr: hn aot expiing a when you beg Spek of wee one ior in ein osc, tone Dosey you are ad pe it i thn jet ey cl guy saeent a tow be Go ened sre npg ic cana be ol Be Soc nese mate Ge or dtd Hic nd be i ren ir is Cnn a He oes ote He de oe Rach en oon Ths ype sg” "Dury rch af eer howe ad neces Co I fil Hin set which othe So odin ing deed tet by te ator. Tin twinge pecs cacy Toss more befting yet Gis spc and in ohn God wat ee ce 88 nun A ny Go epee wis or swe ke a of Gdn mang toc neo dating eC i fered oon ten esd af he beer eth Bere rion uoniagune pct whenever pose Tt The ring thar apply ops mate cance applied wo Gd 60 o Some of them ao made an argument that God it above the Tha Hi saying, Erled in Highness Ts Hin th gpd wor ascend And he i fous deal—He cloves it (Que'tn 35:10) 38 well as His saying, Exae He: And He s The Ines ovr is serans(Que'in 6:18) They de hat ca be “a physical overaess” and forget that the pyscal oe {pple ether to compose body or a atm, and that "being ove [ato] be applied to Highness in status” I sid,"So and so (ful) sand so (ful)? Andy jot ae He, Exalted be Hl, sid: [.] over i tons, He alo si, Exaled in Highness: He is with ou. (Quin $74) ‘whoever [of thee three men] undersands this (passage to mean ‘ge his opponent may rigifily]undersnd the esabishment 0 mastery and subi 3° ‘One group held the view that God, Bred be He, is on His having filled its space. This poston [secoring to them) more resembles Him touching the Throne while the Chair (ews) isthe ‘Of His fee | would answer this by saying “Plysical contact only ot between two compose bodies"The ane who would fllow cis post has not left anything [o the imagination in likening God co a h body! GiGi, “Te has been reported in the wo Salis trom the hadith ot ibn Aba. Namir from Anas ibn Malik, may God, Exalted in bbe pleased with him, thit he mentioned the Ascension fj and said concerning #,"He [the Prophet ascended wieh him bar, Exalted in Highest Then he d ssid while he was in His SO Lou! Make it easy on [The way to dismis this an evidence Riis postion is to quote what} Sulymi a-Khayab said,"AS for cis SShiayk was alone in [reporting] it. Others dd not mention i, fe many times alone in porting ejected versions, Place cannot be te God, Exalted be He, Heather the stazement ofthe had 4 cz to the place of the Prophet # and the first place that he was to sand In the hadith i (the staxemen,"[..] The I ased permis om my Lord while He was in His abode!” Ic gives the illusion of 3 Flowever, che meaning is, "[.] in His abode whose homes are for 31 And Qael [Ab Y's] sid in his book, Mu tana, "Srey isnot characterized by place” ther example of verses where they liken God to His Creston i hey lierllyconsrve His Words], Exalted be He: Are pose fom {ein Hemen (.-]? (Quin 6715-16) [thas been esablshed peily tha the vere fot t0 be enderscood nor to be tken tots literal meaning, Beene the word “in” for containment, be One Teve God, Glorified and Exalted be He isnot contained in oy fa Rate Trak ey, “The word i phere hii an sie ore pol ofthe da aear nthe ein oa wee Ipenons of hem pit othe et the oe onthe pone fhe wet {Ensaio wl be ingore see Terr hat up with een ‘rth mold be aw with eb tthe tects Go Eee in| fe bow a epoenrl word ponte by the pect of os) iat tht He nt be ape pace™ 12 a a Ryn A Ta, "Vey he agp meaning Hi uid Highs Ho do io te ro (Qa 19, Be foo rs Qin 0 sk He et ey, «Go and Ea (Quran 80) ngs Hi Big eased on the Throne. Alte 9 fr ge ern te rs ew “Tal Troe wor one ant sly hoe > ner ee ee inert the oe tt pent 9 God Banga even oro fest he “eset tea ced ers sole nepal he ee ‘Pence! na engi bold be aexped ely Covent, oe a ther eaer Gad ier andi para fc tone ne. Ft He ‘Pence by ple ao eves ul be en 3 tps al id ged ih A 9 "A Pie Beis abot the xpocon as vere: oases ene foe ori wa mening ef Mam ial wb wo te ar fn Her Het mc sae hn fc wl ean tnt Cols ake a Highness hing in he Thone And tty he agement the popeo pose” tad and Fak conned with hance the wes: Heo io fro erection, Ore fai whose hing in Heme, lage Fubar ft sep And HesTnoe Hs Sea a te Prac Te nd em iba, comand nd probs cen The x eat fry ed hae anoprorpie bo He wa aber meny an pune’ dnc fon Hon Andie edo clo i recon (Henn) So two hem a secortnce wth hei bee "Ae fen He wm you cn tin Hewer—oe He emcees pace—shat He nh ou by ah arn ving x wth emf pebl” This a tose oft Ariens "Do you ot ea that He who 06 the ei hey fr wn ou when yu ee on conan ei © 6 ny place When human understanding prevenss one fom adopt like ofthis flier] understanding, ll hat is ee for one to do i des the Magaiicent One with what is magniScent. ‘Another [pstage taken by people to sugges literal human-tke {for Goals His Sstement, Exalted be He: O pty me ocr I God side [.] (Quan 39:56,” That s"In His obedience and com since negligence can only occur with respect to. Hit eee. Af the commonly acknowledged “side” of the possesue of limbs, negligence can occu in it regard. But hn Him ai," We bebe God. Glovfed and Exalted be He, has 2 side on the bai of this ve ‘The lack of resson in this regard is unbelievable! IF reghgence ie possible wich respect co [the physial side of) creation, how could Possble regarding an attribute ofthe Crestor, Splendi i Hie Mi ‘Thala sung: © my friend! Stop and remembet God in my sidel™ "in my regard” And, fan example) of them is His saying, Exalted in Highness: Sol erin hin fom Our prt (Quen 3493). The exegee 8, em “fom Our mercy!" The spirit is only aurbuted to Him, because fiom His command Sher ofthe vers that could be misinter i s7).3° That They harm His Friends" This is the same at His Teco be Fe: An, ak th lage (Quran 12:82). Thai "Ask nfs And, he ud, @6""Ubud is 3 mountain. Ie loves us and we Tove y the poee said" have been told chat the Fire js has been jand, the sembly raed at one another upon your pasing, Mote pasge commonly misunderstood ih Do ey bt mt Sr she nap fhe ddr (Quran 3210) That Iiiaowr Av fisunersood by many i the pase] And {Quran sys) Bot, QS [ADO Ys] mentioned at Inn sets roping ow en han ogen rn te peach te vic n aod tering ict mC on ge un Seem nd ea eer ttacrnge eens Head wi Cape hsp) oe ee nt mes Bon et en re hn Pharnng His, Esaled in Highnes,that:"OF che statement ofthe Jews, Chin ad fel nae tem ox Tr Beene er col eo pee ice chat Jie Allih Zamuksat aid i."It is possible for the thing brought © ee oe te en poe Seta ing troy oe aban om 9 Se da way ee Soe ey ae acl af ny Wher nes oe cr coe fon Soe tn ever coe se Le Shaw hw when ome fom whee Gods ee non en a ey eet neg een op Ed Lo sme otc ron rn on Cnt rn 9) a eae Ca nF as co eo epi st Or se Sr SLENE aoe hws eres on yan ite nee Rommean ee Sr ee Sara ee eyo a Sn a ft ore crane wes echo er we cane ae em a en on the co Tech loa set ol aot a sho “And he ol behind menting Hewes to aps od stor ‘Sol ipower at esd He Go th Ha oon Bh Qn rey an objec cnn be nwo irene pcs te ame ie” He lo isco poi fr he eo Hsing Het Hn 2g he ‘apiment of cxying ow the psn who Cali opon hn ke pas? ams my in a ilo [rie word eae 3 rvs wth he se word oe d'oen the ee ffld fol ‘32 Evenly thy He wn neg in i ie They me wih ee ‘Site Beier io you ot et Godin oe denon outa boken pls” Sap Mabon hace Ao Mag Inger ot pnb 0 tow Ut npr wren nod sara Iie se ese Hs egal My ape Mai sore ing th ie (eh hed mening Ua oe ned sy at Sa cong be ‘hereon pons | wal ey pon wh ordi ao Dut ‘tri ean foe a His abuts, dscuson owl kno a ‘hem umninmoly are spon exnersing God form impersion 50 Clo be {hcOae nom nes He wt Aen A Seeing el th {Gurnee rev Cat nine, Themen eae Qh in “That ren wht need ate sew Hs comma wd robbie "Shh Alec An Ov in ae 892) 8 6s -Abmad ibn Hanbal commented on this passage, saying that, “The CHAPTER 2 already clarified it in His saying, Exalted in Highness(...] the ca sel soe ao] A ree ae bles Sew MGS te Sa Stel afr ence fy od a fot oor te ears ae KING MENTION OF THE HADITHS THAT THEY CLASSIFIED “REPORTS OF ATTRIBUTES” jun xNow chat such badiths contain subetis and defets chat xcept the juridical scolar, [These sometime] ocave in their Ta other times in disclosing their meanings, and we wil clarify ‘he Fist Hach jaan Muslim slated inthe two Sabb that Ab Hluraye, may Go Sth him, sid,""The Mesenger of God & at: 'God, Exalted Fe creed Adam, upon him be blesing and peace, on his orm." fas fave ewo diferent postions about this mates. The fis is 0 rinslence aboot its explanation,” and the second ist, "Discus is Phe proponents of the second view differ over the pronoun gudng who ie refers tonto three posible opiniors: fea possi is that it refer to one ofthe children ofAdam That the Prophet pased by a man hing another man vil saying May God disfgure your fice and the face of whoever resembles Mace So he sid "When one of you ses, lec him be wary of the toc srl, God, Exaed in Highnes, created Adam on hisform” Youic special mention of Adam because he isthe one whose facil face started on this foot and was afterwards copied So iti 28 if ering sto the fact that,"You have seviled Adam eventhough ore ofhis children” And hasan exaggerated way of resuking hi. th hey been meno So mu te Smeg Sur) meng te comand ef Go wi ome atid shit tat Sap dnd arn bon indaeng wes a in ons dca he Jo Tf ncn ring Bad oy snes: De hy ha ait wl Cd coe 10 them i es oe Sis eer igen yo 9 eo ner co ol ho ml Ct mast ar ce bs re a medalhgne nari la eo teche sre ‘tse eagle ties oe SRE aint Scanner agi Ata ss" forthe fem what eens by we hag! dt Feed ak snd ial Gceromeneta e ge xhsief0 man, H ny a crac ort ts anbun vo Gov bry His ret ng omen notin nce he son eo pt of Tipe nd ater en my owing tat he as ee pated oy ie a St an of nae shal of Gol! Andra 0a sap ee ns nm yi (QIN 72 “ o therefore, tha] the creation of Adam would be according to His ers, vs-}vé life, knowledge, power, hearing. secing, and will tha, He dssrguished Adam from all other animals He then dis im ffom the anges with the stibute of elevation when He Bhem prostate 0 him. But the form inthis case is non-percepibl, form characterized by lines. (Mubemened on Quiajbat held » repugnant view about thi He sid, "Goe, Exaled be He, has form, not ike [other forms THe crested Adam on it” This makes no sense and is nonsense, {he meaning of his statement that Adam’ form is like che form fOne True God Exalted be He. But, Qe (ABN std," Appling ment the form, ot ike forms is used eo refer to the One True End be He, just as we applied the name, "His exence’” [equally] makes no sense, beeae the “esence” means "a ching” but ia shape heing) ines, and a composition. requires a fahione: And the [iat patt ofthe] watement ofthe one who sys not like other fens” an invalidation ofthe frst pare ofthe on, He has become sla the one] who says,"He ia ost ther bods” For certainly dhe "body" is a physical thing and ing compose So when someone sy,"A body unlike other bois” date what he previously ad ‘Based on this undersanding che “his isan indirect expresion point the person being hit? fe weal be] agro error [if i as wed) eo God, Mighty and Majesi, because ofthe Prophets syn") face of whoever resembles your fice” For certainly ithe arebuted ce G Glory to Him, it would cleuly be likening God t0 His Creston In bndth of Aba Hurayrs, may God Ele be He, be pleted with hit ‘sted by Muslim, the Prophet sid that "When one of you fight et Wold the face. For vel, Go, Exalted be He created Adam on hit ‘The second opinion i that he pronoun] "hi ian inde exp refering to evo dest nour. So it does not ft to be dieeted to G Iaghey and ataesa, due to ue examen of proof that He, ta Hiei not form, Thus che pronoun in che tex eer to Adar Them ing of this hadith is chat Ged, Exalted in Highness, created Adam pletely on his form upon which He created hin, and He didnot him ffom a sperm wo act inthe eate of hit progeny} This the ‘of Aba Suliyman al-Kharab. And, Tab mentioned ein hit Amd ‘The third opinion i hat refers to God, Exalted be He, but wo diferent views regarding chis meaning The fit of them is the form of an angel, snc itis Gods doing and creation, So is to Him is viewed in evo ways, the frst of them i [that i "Ta bento honor through te wee ofa posiesive pronoun” sn Hi ing. Exalted in Highness: And puny My howe for the thee ho go [i (Quran 25125) Te second position stazed i that, "He invent meaning the form of Adam, not according to any model that ¢@ before” The second view is that “form” means "charscerinic” You lin Arabic, "This is he frre of this matter” meaning “its chance ‘The Second Hadith Sl: Rshn iby ‘Ayyish elated that che Prophet & sid "T aw my in the most beautiful form. He sud to me: What the Highet By dixpting bout, © Muanmad? [sid You ae more knowing, Soe placed His palm berween my shoulder blades and 1 fl is between my breast, Then, knew all that i in the Heavens and 2 Ope othe hing tht Ri mesoned sou ie emnion of his port ‘he sim fe ite the ftv way ca cn na fs frm ie har he ad hag dy nl ae noch eal es cet Hee. So the opbei poimedto eae —atd be onc bing ita hen "ey Gk cated Asoo ne? Tha Fl shape wake este mn wits alt no diy Among th nepal pene nt eh yng." Wha Bese be He, ape the wp fv Adan by tng hom the set he [sso nse he commited he eo. God, xed be He dot ph ‘herame nner He pushes Fr hn nen ne et Go Ene be ‘at Hout of Pade Hecate tee sd the poche he psa form But Hed me change As pyc oem Rae Be ‘he erga fino gn ha day opr bi om the a ‘fron mm Abmad sai,"The souce ofthis bith and its chain of narracon iting, k-wos elated fom the badth of AbO Hurayr, who thatthe Mesenger of God & si "A visor came to me in the ates ib Matin eo Qua her fay wa tet topemepac oren fo the wring fhe Ree Beek Heo sed cf (hampong Mirna eg AM), Ha ste slarand oer deel ft be anor He ed me 6 6 de snd fs coldest my rents Then I knew Snake ce ae Taeseteteas aimaran a iy De aoe Saying oc aie has anforned ios beast ane dierent pe teen the One True God, Glory to Him in hi deans in thew Senne I sd te Men fo sw God inthe best of His characteris lke Hi) turning toward me and ape Stic dao a GUiH|Highness, in the form ot 3 Dearwiess yu r Feed to [-] describing Hi £0 you. So ake oy anor a withseing Him Then al of sudden twas if He wa ora tia Veil wa removed from Him, mounted on His Throne Tea is share ie Te has not been repored in sound or in Bete hlccion, So may God, Exalted be He, be fr from is doing! Ibs say when the Quen was being ele] a at Storey] was fee] a ream. So would he then mention this does Ini"! May God, Mighty and Majestic repay them and Te vnc Fell They equate God, Glorified and Exalted be He, 0 rea Mann ht writen ths! And s forthe mension of “cldnes” Hoeveng bai coldness conceal accident nt pose cE Gol, Mighty and Majesc Q5ar [Aba Yas] mentioned Fah Kinyo" sae my Lord in the most bea form” That ost beat place. ‘The Third Had fy the wife of Ubyy etd ha she heard che Mesenge of a pate aw his Lord Mighty and Majestic in dream Sarees orm as 3 glowing young man in green, Cn his fet srins of gold and over his face was a blanket of gol ea cated by Navin Har 'AST si. He wed co Fe pads” Ahmad was ake aboot him], and he torned his Ste) ion in (he kr). He id, "His hath ejected and Sera is on die authorgy of Th ‘Abbis from the Prophet that nay Lord at 2 curty-taired beards: boy wearing 2 gree” ths lated by way of Hamad ibn Salma, and Yh ABO the rye, who] war he stepson of Hama He sted Baan cer i his fteplaters} books chat have neither Been ee ehey good for being used to make an argument Baba V's scaly arsed these serio of coy ait being taervings green vestmens) 2 ateutes for God Exalted bs He Ftc bare bec ese 5 names, but we dont comprehend foe Earth} eablhes [oibues] through deans Sal ge oo el eee cnt eco niece -satement of one who hh sy in eh pl In i Sor pen neces tage ae Se cnt Zameen ep Wie dete cco eta we el andinya narra moran gee See ee ‘Stipe aeneronies ere eee Sec sr ‘ensue Sora re mn fe pe pian Sori SS phalnaae sSachaal i meanings” Wo ot ou onion Tito he Sars Nii hewiei h oii 7 hile the transmissions of chem are noe soundly exablshed? We ‘meaning ofthe shit (Young man) and the anne (ead young by he sys "Ii noc 25 we understand” This is ik someone syn, ‘00d up but he is not sanding” o, "He mt down, but he isnt lnm thn ‘Ail aid, "We ae cern eis hadith i ale The ofthe maratrs avails naughe when the text i imposible to afi is similar to the example #2 group of erseworthy natator inf ‘that the camel of the cloth merchant ha entered the ee ofthe needle. The trustworthy satur of the narrators has no afect while ‘report actualy impomible to air, Tord’ They will sy, "You are our Lol" Then only the Ton them be Besing and peace, wil address im. le wll hen there between you and Hinn a sign tht you know?" They will Shin’ Then He will expote Hissin, and every believer wil ll, keep Hin” ould know tha it & compuhory for every Muslim to believe cet 9 God, Glorified and Exalted be He, that its impossible that which happens tobe a shape and 3 composition applies to God. in al-Kharai suid, "The meaning of then God, Exalted in wil come to them’ that He will remove the veil for them See Him with tel yess ey use oily Hi in he {dough empirical indications’ So seeing Him ater they had not iis analogous with the arrival ofehe visor who has not been Scholars have sid,"He will come to them with the horrors of tion and the forms ofthe angele? But, they were not fail the ike of such a cene] in the word, so dey wil eck refuge that condivion and they will sy, "When our Lord comes we will prize Him.” That is"When He comes to we wil know Him fom Todas” And it sche “fcr” that they zecopnze. Then He wall ret a shin, meaning an sdverscy Ie is as if He will remove hove ible adversities So they wil fl prostrate out of graude. ‘of them sid,“ a form by which He wil text ther, jus as He patch the Ani-Chiist (Dail). Then hey wil ay," We take refge (God, alte in Highnes, fom you!” Also, in dhe hadith elated by [Mastin which the Prophec si, "The peopl wil sy"Veriy, we {Lord that we used to worship in the [sundane} woe” Then, it ibe si, ‘And would you know Him if you ssw Him’ They will 2 BiThen it wil be said, How could you know him and you have not eo Him?" They will sy. Surely there is none that resemble Him! Then Pl remove the veil and they il gaze at God, Mighty and Majic ep they wl ill prosrate” lim fh ‘Ail id, "The ‘orm’ itera ‘The Fourth Hodith ‘Aas rete that "The Messenger of Good & ad, “The nigh dae taken on a journey (a-ln') 1 saeverything ftom ny Lord unl ‘rows immersed in pats” ‘Aba ism Muhammad iba al-Ya' relates ie oom Qisim bn ‘Azhacisiy"l used to sit widh in al-Yas for an hour, and the he say:'l hive recited the entire Qur'n since you sat down. And Q [ibn etn) is insignificant” Imdnyab-Diraquni suid," (AbD Q Mubimmad ibn Al-Yas is alae. May God, Enalted be He, recom him f chi deed” The Fifth Hadith Buk and Musi related in the ewo Salis from AO Huraya ‘atrated that che Prophet &ssd,"God will gather huey, td the “"Whowver wed to worship something, let him follow i! Then, they follow what they used t9 worship, aod this Uma (aation) with i ‘crite: will main Then God, Exalted be He, will come to them ina than te form by which they Know Him and He willy! am your They wil sy"We take refge with God, Exalted be He, fom you We remain ur places until our Lord comes tos. And when our Lod come, we will recognize Him."Then He will ome to them in the that hy know and He wil ya jour Lond "Then they il 2% An! in the two Salis it seated From ABO Sud thatthe Prophet hen the Omnipotent One wil cont to chem ina form other ‘His form spon which chey sw Hin dhe fist cme and then He wal ecm of eh seal ae ring extn oH an ins eli rine ECTS et conning ch penn he ee [iets on hes es ia og. ued be Se nt Cols fe gs fs |] 3) ee cops ef dot cg hs Pt A peed i p 2 [btbade vile deeds. And, there is no person who loves Praise Go Maret econ she won pen” (hath and some men se reng more Joos tan God" Te ents rare to-whar they belive the meaning wo be, [The mention of the ovals Sn copion othe anion The es Ghee nt fom yoo peple—syone more jalos fot berms ar ovayone wm eon ogee He cy hepa vance pane on bea compo Branches serene wih snd fxm i chat of Ton Mas, we ken ceed om Hexen ox Hel any greter an fhe ha’ pa aK Sede Ha dhe ceed fo to Hessen and Hel, eran is abe posible fro be 2 oof the gam Sac dermis wan cnty mendoned a group of Senco when ulated fo he member of tha t= Etsy Eee be Thy haw vo kul fp te foene Grin 57) "Ar fr eloy te els oe ee scp edo owning hr are Ae Shen Gi fn le Sern ened pai ng them he Mesenger of God & chancterzed Hin a slows. applies to lines and shapes. Bur those are some of the chara physical enties.And what diverted ut fom (determining) Him Physical entity or body is His saying, Braled be He: Thee i to Hine (Quran 42°11), Even a rational proof that could be [to support the aforementioned conclsion] i that f God 3 co body. His [posed] Form would be a contirgent property finda éreatednesi. And if God is a bearer ofacidens. what is posible fo ical bodies would be possible in His regaed [le would then fall Gort would need a maker, and if He were 3 composite body wi beginning. ie would ao be posible for ust be withowe begining fi ‘we would be equal to Him, and there no difernce between one ble equa and anther) So the evidence compels us to atsign 3 meaning t0 “for possesive form applying to God would be befsing Him and And that isto demand that it meane the “mate” upon which J linguists used sometimes synonymously with “form” They 59, your form (sate") ike with alin? a wll "fli i m3 form ‘of poverty” So,the state dat dhey diswowed knowledge of [the state of] ne scency, while the one that they acknowledged vas [the tat of ‘Therefore, He wil move adver since change i something that befis His action. As for His essence tis exonented frm change" We refge with God from having the badth taken according to the standing of those that ascribe bodily characeisics to. God, and undersanding| hat the Form’ (i) refers to His being That sto possible for change to befall His aribates In pte of eat, they refer Him as being a "form IF thc i meant lel den ii an impo anit is something [they] wal imagine, then ts undoubtedly not ash ‘would belive, He wil show them something other than Himtelf ‘The Sevens Hadith “Misi slated thatthe Prophee sid, “Verily, God, Exaled be He [Adam fom 2 hand that He grabbed fom the enire Esreh"* ie andl was atibted (to God because he actions ofthe thing pos fb atibuted tothe ovmer. That because Adam was produced The Sith Hath Meng tj Sx mt ne cage of le se ety fs tru nn me ne a et SU Lacie Rar nr ohn on mie © a a ine tp fe ea ee 70 Te mesen Sra invent att np ah a ae eto omen wo Sapa macnn empty eno Sm nena ere eg ws muy eet Hers ae atateleaAl mn sl pee Hey eye ise rsa boi mall in pred os Dyk in Sen, Tab na al nd Th S' “Mastss slate in his Salih thar al-Mughira reported that che Me of God ad, “There is no perion more jelous than God. For Tanto Change doy tit Gd ction, bt i does vt be His exec acoing tothe ert schoo the Ar ac sete nce we ‘Sone nt Hato something roca otc of Foca and wee ‘Bye ented would eat hx th casa eee ou beng Hiuacaion was of Hs ™ 7 not ee his th in the reid hou of the scrd nm” Concerning ‘Ubayd ibn Hye, Fail of him, “Tis baths on the authorey of the People of por sun the bad another weakness namely] hat Sin avn did dosing the caliphate of Umar, Gos, Exalted be peed with hin andUbaya iba Hunayn ded inthe yet pe of event five according tothe statement of Wg. So his {orn Qua Ton s-Natmin would havea broken chain, ns fs" chain of narration wa sound e would b posible chat ge of God rated elm wore ofthe Pepl ofthe Book condemning ther [nce potas te Crenr aan nds crv les ut Cha did rt understand rs condemning her” toch hath in which we ae wold ht al-Zeye hear Prltings bith about the Menenger of God & He itened nt nthe and asked, "You heard th fom the Mesengee of God ren silos” He wd “This andthe kes oft ae of what we poised fom rating abou the Propheed. By my if (00) dhs fom the Menenger of God & on that day However, the ger Got stared with this hath and he eat to 8 con man fom the People ofthe Book He rated iand then you Mee he conciadon ofthe fnt par of the hadith He aso men he man fom the People ofthe Book, but you thoxght hat ws onthe thority ofthe Mewenger of Go & ci hen sy tha this statement mst fiely the allusion inthe ofa Zubr othe hadith of Qaida Indeed the People of te Book fy Gol, Belted be He, when He crested the Hevens and the ruc” So His Words were reveled, Esa be He ind no tive tr (Qurin $0.38), posible ta he Mesenger of God fb abot dem, and Quek id not heat the fist par of he speech fh abRakman ibn Abmad cated in Ki a-Soma, sing, al Hsar placing bis sight foot on cop of his He whl sting om a heap of anda in His saying, Ealed be He: Se (Que3n 4:37). Muhammad ibn Ss'd rested in Kit aT Compendium of Sve") that God, Eualted be He, crete the D then took [mud] fem the surfice of the Earth and created Adam For that reason, the Devic hin wh You cee (Quan 1760), “The Fight Hadi Salman related thatthe Prophet sadVeely, when God le ‘lay [Fom which be was created) and struck him with His good [sul] came oa in His righthand and every foul (soul e is other hand. Then, He shied them, Thereser, He brings d fut of the dead and the dead out ofthe living” This is incompletely eansmited (nus). te has been ako with proof tha dhe One True God, Glorified and Esaled be described as touching anything Ife were sound ie would be take 2 3 simtade to refer to that by which destinies un. QB [A ssid, "The leavening of the clxy and mixing some of it with need t the had by which God crested Adam" [Bu i sho ‘Enown that] this is clear equation berween the Creator and His ‘The Ninth Hadith "Ubayd ib Hunays related, "While I ws siting in dhe morgue, Q ibn a-Nu'man sudéenly came in, sac down, and began to spac "Go wich uso vii¢Aba Sad al-Khuds, or | have been informed has fallen il So we went unl we entered pon Ab Sed and fo Tying down while rating hi right Fot onthe les We greeted hima -Qutida then raed his hand to the foot of ABO Sid al-Khud pinched it exremely hard [In doing so] Aba S2"A siGlory to on of Adum who hut caused me pain!” Qatsd i'l meat (0 since the Mesenget of Goa esi, Verily, God, Exaled be He, ht ‘Completed His cresion, He lied down, and then put one of His ‘the other! He then sidItis nor proper for one of His retin to “Aba Sid ad wil surely not do this ever again’ hoi in iS Hein te ew of a oli one ho Tupper een {Cancer i ae Ben pone hay he BS iis ete we ar ed pect wl yng" eat ao ed Ra ah xg” The Shy Bie So ine Fe Sayin Mu one bh seh er owe pera of eso eo hs pe mer rmx be edt i mone Sen swestnes the ht Ul del ao ret wih Que "Bape he pe aA 9 “TW ‘ah ve ony aed ors chan of ramon. Fal be the atone linge conden of Butt pd Msi od 6 n So I suid:'O AbO Sad! This siting posture is diapproved of? He "May God distance fom His mercy the Jews [who said: God eed seventh day]"Then he read: And Hk hae ested the Hees the ll eee the ns day, and oft woched ws (Queen 5:38 knew what he mean by it So I essed” Tsay that al-Hasan wis nding to what we mentioned about ta Iechas been soundly esablihed about che Mesenger of God &, Abi -and"Umar, may God be plesied with ther, tha [te Jews] wed eo ‘while placing ane foot on another fat, while thats only ded fe who isnot wearing trousers. And God knows bes. Abt 'Ubayd al-Haraw elated that Hasan al-Baset sid, "Al gudam the foot) isa reference to those fom the worst of God creatures been earmarked and designated fr Hell" Abu Manse d- Azhar! (+Qedam are these who have been preorined to reside everast- he Fre And things that have been placed out in font ae sefered 1 34 gadam, wale thing chat have been demolished se called ‘And his & sing, “As forthe Garden, He will erect for it 2 EP suppor ths. ond interpretation i hat all of chose who will arrive 3: Hell i ado. n this ease, gam i the plural of gid. AS fr those who dah withthe word "foot leg" the Arab sy [about locus, "3 Teg of locusts” So the intent would be“ parsy will exer Hell in their abundance, locus. Then they wil fal quickly inc i” [ABO Ves) sid, “The foo i an exiental aibute ofthe Divine] bn Zghi i, "Ie ean be snd that, He put ie fot inthe Fite Infor them th their dos burn. le was 2 if He was sing "Your and I do not burn” But this isan acknowledgment of division feeeence ino pares. Ii amongs che mote deplorable of belie I found that Aod Bakr ibn Khuzsyma composed a book about 1,15 and divided it into chapter Some of his chapter rex per ofthe Afton ofthe Hand," The Chapter of folding ns on His fingers and "The Chapter ofthe Afirmation ofthe spite ofthe Mutates"Then he sid,"God, Exalted be He, sid ave ft by wih they wae? Ordo they hae hand by wich they f'n 7:29). So He has told us that whoever does no: have foot is ke the cae” Th "Aq said,"God is indeed exalted from having an tribute pies places! And che One True God, Exalted be He, is notin need Sections ce part such that He desks with things by them ve cake this lierlly], ae we to believe that His command and 4e caried out in she Fire such that He seeks help *hovgh (of His esence and deals with ic (he Fite) with one of His tlchough He is the one who said to the Fire kindled for Be coos: an peace (Que'sn 21:60)" ‘The Tenth Hadth (Qaer[AbaYs elated aboue Hast ibn ‘Asya that aman fom the polytheins reviled the Mesenger of Gods a man fom the sssatled and hen killed him. Thereafter, che [Mm] man was retribution. So the Mesenger of Goud & sid," Why are you he who supported God, Eat be He, and His Mesenger? He -Bnalted be He, while recining nd chen He sat up for him.” This isa hadith of one ofthe disciple’ ofthe Prophet (bi far from being sound, Ii had any stent ts meaning "Then God, Exalted in Highnes, turned t him and blessed him ‘The Eleventh Hadith ‘Bukhae and Mastin slated inthe ewo Soi that Anas elated Prophet sid, "Hell will sontinve to [have soul] at int and sy Are dere more?” unt the Lord of Might puts is foot ‘oF will Become flded tthe rest of i" In considering thi bith, i our daty to belive that God Mighty and Majestic, does noc divide into pares, place cannot and ie cannot be characterized by change and going fom one "