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Claudia Metzler-Baddeley
(The Research Institute for the Care of the Elderly, St. Martin’s Hospital, Bath, UK)


Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) has recently been identified as a separate disease but diagnosis can be difficult, in
particular the differentiation from related dementias of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease with dementia
(PDD). Careful cognitive assessment may aid differential diagnosis between these different types of dementia and can
provide theoretical insight into the nature of the underlying impairments. Recent reviews on DLB have primarily dealt with
medical issues of clinical diagnostic criteria, pathology, epidemiology and treatment (Ballard, 2004; Barber et al., 2001;
Cercy and Bylsma, 1997; Cummings, 2004; Kaufer, 2004; McKeith, 2002; McKeith et al., 2004a; Rampello et al., 2004)
and only a few papers have reviewed cognitive impairments in DLB (Collerton et al., 2003; Lambon-Ralph et al., 2001;
Simard et al., 2000). The present paper is more specifically targeted to a neuropsychological audience. It provides an up-
to-date, detailed and comprehensive review of the available evidence regarding visual and olfactory perception, attention,
cognitive fluctuation, frontal-executive functions, working memory, episodic memory, and semantic memory in DLB
relative to AD and PDD. In addition, an attempt is made to relate available data to current theoretical frameworks of
cognition. Implications for future research and clinical issues such as the problem of differential diagnosis, and the relation
between cognitive impairments and clinical features of visual hallucinations and cognitive fluctuation will be discussed.

Key words: Lewy body disease, Alzheimer’s disease, perception, attention-executive function, memory

INTRODUCTION observed in other dementias too. The clinical

manifestation of DLB and AD for instance can be
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) (Cummings, very similar (for neuropathological features see
2004; McKeith et al., 1996) has recently been Ballard et al., 2004; Harrington et al., 1994;
recognised as a separate disease (McKeith et al., McKeith et al., 1996; Merdes et al., 2003; Lippa
1996; for review see also Ballard, 2004; Barber et and McKeith, 2003). In both conditions, patients
al., 2001; Cercy and Bylsma, 1997; McKeith et al., may initially present with progressive cognitive
2004a). Pathologically, DLB is characterised by the decline without any other neurological
formation of abnormal protein inclusions called abnormalities. Memory impairments are frequently,
Lewy bodies (LBs) in the cerebral cortex, in brain but in DLB not necessarily, the earliest and most
stem nuclei and parts of the basal forebrain prominent feature. With time, cognitive deficits
cholinergic system. The three core clinical become more widespread and patients progress to
diagnostic features of DLB are: cognitive severe dementia (Salmon et al., 1996).
fluctuation, i.e. marked variations in attention and Recent clinico-pathological evidence (e.g.,
alertness which may occur over periods that range Aarsland et al., 2004; Ballard et al., 2002;
from minutes to weeks; mild and spontaneous Colosimo et al., 2003; Horimoto et al., 2003;
Parkinsonism, typically bradykinesia and rigidity; McKeith and Mosimann, 2004; Tsuboi and
and visual hallucinations, such as imagining seeing Dickson, 2005) also indicates that DLB and PDD
a family member or pet (Cummings, 2004; may reflect diseases of the same underlying LB
McKeith et al., 1996). Supporting diagnostic spectrum. The majority of PDD patients exhibit the
features for DLB include sensitivity to neuroleptic core clinical diagnostic features of DLB (McKeith
drugs, frequent falls, and rapid eye movement sleep and Mosimann, 2004) and there are few or no
behaviour disorders (RBD) (Cummings, 2004; pathological differences between DLB and PDD
McKeith et al., 1996). (Tsuboi and Dickson, 2005). It has been suggested
Clinical diagnosis of DLB can be difficult that the two diseases only differ in the chronology
because of the variability and the overlap of of symptom progression, i.e. in DLB, dementia
symptoms between DLB and other related develops before Parkinsonism and in PDD,
dementias, notably Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinsonism develops before dementia
Parkinson disease with dementia (PDD). It is also (Cummings, 2003, 2004; Horimoto et al., 2003;
the case that all of the symptoms associated with Tsuboi and Dickson, 2005). Current reviews also
DLB are not specific to the disease but may be acknowledge the close link between DLB and

Cortex, (2007) 43, 583-600

584 Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

another LB related disease, RBD (Boeve et al., care strategies. Furthermore, comparing the profile
1998, 2004; Ferman et al., 1999, 2002; Petit et al., of cognitive impairment between patient groups
2004), and recommend the inclusion of RBD as allows the investigation of theoretical questions
supporting feature (Cummings, 2004). about the normal organisation of cognitive
DLB diagnosis tends to have high specificity functions. For instance, patients with AD
but sensitivity varies and was reported to be very demonstrate disproportional impairments in some
low in some studies (McKeith et al., 2004a). That attentional components such as selective attention
means, cases that are clinically diagnosed as DLB but not in others such as sustained attention,
are usually pathologically confirmed, whereas some suggesting that central executive functions can be
pathologically post-mortem diagnosed cases were fractionated (Baddeley et al., 2001; Perry and
missed clinically and were often misdiagnosed as Hodges, 1999). This raises the question of whether
AD. One of the reasons for misdiagnosis of DLB is patients with DLB also exhibit disproportionate
the difficulty to characterise and measure the core impairments, which might have implications for
diagnostic features of visual hallucinations and understanding the process underlying executive
cognitive fluctuations with the latter proving to be control (Baddeley, 1992).
the most difficult to capture (Ballard, 2004). In contrast to the majority of other recent
Early and accurate diagnosis of DLB, however, review papers on DLB (Ballard, 2004; Barber et
is imperative to optimize treatment and care for al., 2001; Cercy and Bylsma, 1997; Cummings,
these patients. There is preliminary evidence from 2004; Kaufer, 2004; McKeith, 2002; McKeith et
only one placebo-controlled trial (McKeith et al., al., 2004a; Rampello et al., 2004), the present
2000b) and a few studies based on small patient paper will therefore focus on the
numbers (Holm, 2004; Lebert et al., 1998; Samuel neuropsychological deficits associated with DLB.
et al., 2000; Wilcock and Scott, 1994) that There are only a few earlier review papers that
cholinesterase inhibiting (ChEI) medication has have focused on cognitive impairments in DLB.
beneficial effects on attention and disturbances of Collerton et al. (2003) carried out a meta-analysis
consciousness in DLB. Patients with DLB are on studies published until May 2002, and Lambon-
known to develop marked cholinergic depletion Ralph et al. (2001) and Simard et al. (2000) have
(Perry et al., 1994; Samuel et al., 1997) and may published earlier qualitative reviews. The present
therefore especially benefit from this class of drugs paper provides an up-to-date and systematic review
(McKeith et al., 2000b). On the other hand, DLB of current evidence on impairments in perception,
patients can exhibit life-threatening adverse effects attention, executive function and memory. The
and exacerbations of parkinsonian symptoms in review is based primarily on studies that have not
response to typical and atypical antipsychotic been included in previous qualitative reviews and
drugs, which may be prescribed for the treatment aims to provide a basis to identify areas which
of hallucinations and delusions or agitation in AD. require further investigation in the future. Given
Misdiagnosis of DLB as AD is therefore potentially the clinical and theoretical significance of
extremely dangerous for these patients. In addition, understanding the neuropsychology of DLB and
drugs prescribed for the parkinsonian motor related diseases, the review will focus on studies
impairments in DLB might exacerbate psychotic that have compared cognitive functions in DLB
symptoms such as visual hallucinations. with those in AD and/or PDD.
Furthermore, although there is broad agreement on Studies included in the present review have
the existence and general symptoms found in DLB, been identified in the electronic databases PubMed
the evidence is not yet sufficient to be accepted by and PsychINFO and in the reference sections of
the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration as a other review papers. The present review focuses on
separate diagnosis. This situation makes it difficult studies that have been published in English from
to develop and evaluate specific drug treatments 2000 onward since earlier work has been reviewed
and psychological interventions for DLB patients. before (see Collerton et al., 2003; Lambon-Ralph et
Thus, to ensure that DLB patients have access al., 2001; Simard et al., 2000). The final search for
to appropriate treatment and interventions in the this review was carried out in May 2005. The
future, it is important to extend our current keywords used for searching were dementia with
knowledge about the disease. Understanding the Lewy bodies combined with each of the following
nature of cognitive impairments in DLB is thereby terms: cognition, attention, executive function,
important for several reasons. Identifying frontal, perception, construction, visual, auditory,
similarities and differences between DLB and AD olfactory, tactile, hallucinations, cognitive
as well as DLB and PDD, is the first step in fluctuations, memory, working memory, episodic
developing tests that are differentially sensitive to memory, semantic memory, procedural memory,
the different conditions, thus providing suitable explicit memory, implicit memory, priming, motor
screening tests to aid clinical diagnosis. skills, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease
Understanding the quality of impairments also with dementia. These searches together generated a
provides valuable information for patients and total number of 1,457 articles. Out of these, only
carers, helping them to develop better coping and studies that reported data on performance in
Cognitive deficits in Lewy body dementia 585

cognitive tasks by a group of patients with DLB Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R) or the
compared to at least one other group of patients Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG)
with dementia, such as patients with AD, patients (see Collerton et al., 2003; Lambon-Ralph, 2001;
with PDD, or another subgroup of DLB patients, Simard et al., 2000). Most of these studies found
were included. In addition, patients also had to be DLB patients equally or more impaired than AD
diagnosed according to accepted consensus patients.
guidelines for clinical and/or pathological diagnosis Studies that have looked at DLB and AD
and had to be matched minimally on variables of patients’ copying performance in tasks such as
age and cognitive impairment. Table I summarises clock, cube, or cross copying or the Pentagon
some relevant methodological features of the copying subtest of the Mini Mental State
studies that were selected as basis to review Examination (MMSE) (Ala et al., 2001, 2002;
cognitive impairments. Any studies that did not Cahn-Weiner et al., 2003; Cormack et al., 2004a;
involve cognitive testing or did not fulfil any of the Noe et al., 2004; for earlier studies see Collerton et
other selection criteria, such as studies or reviews al., 2003; Lambon-Ralph et al., 2001; Simard et al.,
on clinical issues of epidemiology, diagnosis, 2000) found DLB patients usually more impaired
pathology, physiology, treatment, medication, in copying, whereas both groups tend to be equally
imaging and single-cases were not included in impaired in drawing from memory. This pattern
Table I (total number discarded: 1,367). However, indicates a primary memory problem in AD and a
such studies, if relevant, are mentioned in sections primary visual-perceptual problem in DLB.
discussing possible underlying impairments of Consistent with this interpretation, Cormack et
cognitive deficits. al. (2004a) reported that in DLB patients, deficits
in copying of the MMSE Pentagon figure was only
linked to deficits in perception and praxia whereas
COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS IN DEMENTIA in AD patients, deficits were linked to more global
WITH LEWY BODIES cognitive impairment. Cormack et al. (2004a) also
included PDD patients in their study and found a
Most studies that have investigated cognitive similar pattern for DLB and PDD with both groups
impairments in DLB have primarily used standard performing significantly worse than the AD
neuropsychological tests to outline DLB patients’ patients. Similarly, Noe et al. (2004) reported equal
cognitive profile. The overall pattern emerging impairments in DLB and PDD patients in matching
indicates that DLB patients tend to develop earlier of the Benton Visual Retention task and on the
and more severe visuoperceptual, attentional and Rosen Drawing Test, whereas AD patients
frontal-executive impairments than AD patients, performed significantly better. Cahn-Weiner et al.
whereas AD patients tend to be earlier and more (2003) did not detect a difference between DLB,
impaired in memory tasks (Collerton et al., 2003; AD, and PD patients with cognitive impairment in
Dalrymple-Alford, 2001; Noe et al., 2004). Patients overall clock drawing performance but reported
with DLB and PDD tend to show a similar DLB patients to produce more conceptual errors
neuropsychological pattern (Aarsland et al., 2003; than AD and PD patients. DLB and PD patients
Noe et al., 2004). also made more planning errors than patients with
In a recent study by Mosimann et al. (2004),
PERCEPTION DLB, PDD, and AD patients as well as matched
healthy controls were compared in visual
The study of perception encompasses discrimination tasks (length, size, angle), object
investigation of sensory processes i.e. the simple and form perception tasks, and space motion tasks
conscious experience associated with physical (dot position, motion perception, visual counting).
aspects of a stimulus such as brightness, loudness DLB and PDD patients were more impaired in all
etc. (sensation), as well as the conscious experience tasks than the AD patients and performed worse on
of objects and object relationships (perception) i.e. object perception than space motion perception.
how we form a conscious representation of the These results are consistent with previous studies
outside world. Work on perceptual functions in that have used the Visual Object and Space
DLB has been almost exclusively carried out in the Perception Test (VOSP) and found DLB patients to
visual domain, although there are a few studies that be impaired in object and space perception
have investigated olfactory functions. For an including early perception as assessed with
overview of studies of perception see Table II. fragmented letters, whereas AD patients performed
normally (Calderon et al., 2001; Lambon-Ralph et
Visual Perception and Visual Construction al., 2001).
Finally, Cormack et al. (2004b), tested DLB
Earlier studies, comparing DLB and AD and AD patients in a visual search task under a
patients, used relatively complex subtests from parallel search condition measuring automatic
standard neuropsychological tests such as Wechsler visual search (pop-out effect) and a serial search
586 Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

Methodological features of studies included in review

Mean age of Mean MMSE N of DLB N of DLB Other Matching N of DLB Neuroimaging/EEG/other
DLB patients (or other) of patients patients ChE groups of dementia diagnoses correlates
DLB patients medicated groups for pathology
Author (year)
Aarsland et 73 (mild) 24 (mild) 60 (9 mild, n/a AD cog. imp. yes no
al. (2003) 74 (severe) 18 (severe) 51 severe) PDD adjusted for
PSP age and
Ala et al. 75 22 17 n/a AD age, yes no
(2001, 2002) education,
cog. imp.
Ballard et al. 79 18 15 no AD age, sex, no no
(2001) NC cog. imp.
Ballard et al. 77 16 50 n/a AD age, cog. no no
(2002) PDD imp.
Cahn-Weiner 74 112 (DRS) 20 2 AD age, no no
et al. (2003) PDD education,
cog. imp.
Calderon et 73 20 10 n/a AD age, no no
al. (2001) NC education,
cog. imp.
Cormack et 78 17 50 n/a AD age, cog. no no
al. (2004a) PDD imp.
Cormack et n/a 57 (CAMCOG) 20 no AD age, cog. no no
al. (2004b) PD imp.
Doubleday 68 15 41 n/a AD age, sex, 4 SPECT
et al. (2002) education,
cog. imp.,
Gilbert et al. 76 23 12 n/a AD age, sex, yes no
(2004) NC education,
cog. imp.
Hamilton et 74 23 24 n/a AD age, yes no
al. (2004) NC education,
cog. imp.
Lambon-Ralph 76 19 10 n/a AD age, cog. no no
et al. (2001) NC imp.
McKeith 74 17 71 35 DLB non- age, cog. no no
et al. (2004b) (hallucinators) hallucinators imp.
McShane et 76 15 65 n/a AD age, cog. yes no
al. (2001) NC imp.
Mori et al. 74 19 24 n/a AD age, sex, no MRI for diagnosis
(2000) education,
cog. imp.
Mosimann et 78 19 20 12 AD age, sex, no no
al. (2004) PDD education,
PD cog. imp.
Noe et al. 73 36 (m-MMSE) 16 2 AD age, cog. 1 CT, MRI for diagnosis
(2004) PDD imp.,
Perriol et al. 71 122 (DRS) 10 6 AD age, no EEG
(2005) PDD education,
NC cog. imp.
Simard et al. 77 100 (DRS) 14 n/a AD age, no no
(2002) NC education,
cog. imp.
Simard et al. 74 105 (DRS) 8 n/a AD age, no no
(2003) education.
cog. imp.
Walker et al. n/a n/a 37 n/a AD age, sex, no EEG
(2000b) VD cog. imp.
Westervelt et 77 23 9 n/a AD age, sex, no no
al. (2003) cog. imp.
Note. PSP = progressive supranuclear palsy; NC = normal controls; VD = vascular dementia; cog. imp. = cognitive impairment; CT = computer tomography;
EEG = electroencephalogram; SPECT = single photon emission computed tomography.
Cognitive deficits in Lewy body dementia 587

Overview of neuropsychological findings for perception

Ala et al. Cahn- Calderon Cormack Cormack Lambon- McShane Mosimann Mori Noe Simard Westervelt
(2001, Weiner et et al. et al. et al. Ralph et et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al.
2002) al. (2003) (2001) (2004a) (2004b) al. (2001) (2001) (2004) (2000) (2004) (2003) (2003)
Visual perception
MMSE: Pentagon DLB < – – DLB = PDD – – – – – – – –
copying AD < AD < PD
Clock drawing – DLB = – – – – – – – – – –
Rosen drawing test – – – – – – – – – DLB = – –
Parallel search – – – – DLB < AD – – – – – – –
= PD
Visual – – – – – – – DLB = PDD – – – –
discrimination < AD
(length, size, angle)
Space-motion – – – – – – – DLB = PDD – – – –
(motion, visual < AD
Object-form - – – – – – – – DLB = PDD – – – –
perception < AD
VOSP: cubes – – DLB < AD – – – – – – – – –
= NC
VOSP: letters – – DLB < AD – – DLB < AD – – – – – –
= NC = NC
VOSP: object – – DLB < AD – – DLB = AD – – – – – –
decision = NC = NC
VOSP: shape – – DLB = AD – – DLB < AD – – – – – –
detection = NC = NC
VOSP: silhouettes – – DLB = AD – – – – – – – – –
< NC
Object size – – – – – – – – DLB < – – –
discrimination AD
Form – – – – – – – – DLB < – – –
discrimination AD
Overlapping – – – – – – – – DLB < – – –
figures AD
Visual counting – – – – – – – – DLB < – – –
Benton Judgement – – – – – – – – – – DLB < –
Line Orientation AD
Benton Visual – – – – – – – – – DLB = – –
Retention Task PDD <
(matching) AD

Olfactory perception
Identification – – – – – – DLB < AD – – – – –
of 1 odour = NC
Cross Cultural – – – – – – – – – – – DLB < AD
Identification Test

condition measuring attentional controlled search. with visual hallucinations showed larger benefits in
DLB patients were impaired in both conditions and simple and choice reaction time tasks from
performed significantly worse than AD patients in rivastigmine, a ChEI drug, than DLB patients
the parallel search condition. These results indicate without hallucinations. Other studies suggest a
that patients with DLB exhibit an early, pre- possible link between visual perceptual
attentive deficit in visual processing. impairments and the clinical feature of visual
hallucinations. For instance, Mosimann et al.
Relation between Visual Impairments (2004) found PDD and DLB patients with visual
and Visual Hallucinations hallucinations to be significantly more impaired in
visual perception than patients without
One of the main diagnostic criteria for DLB is hallucinations. Mori et al. (2000) found that DLB
visual hallucination, which is observed in up to patients with visual hallucinations performed worse
80% of patients and usually co-exists with in an overlapping figures task relative to those
perceptual difficulties (McKeith et al., 2000a). without hallucinations. Similarly, Simard et al.
McKeith et al. (2004b) found that DLB patients (2003) reported that DLB patients with
588 Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

predominant psychosis (e.g., hallucinations) were (e.g., cube analysis), they appear to suffer from
making more perceptual errors in Benton’s disrupted processing in both streams. There is also
Judgement Line Orientation Test in comparison to evidence that performance in parallel search tasks,
DLB patients with predominant Parkinsonism who such as the one employed in Cormack et al.’s
made more attentional errors. (2004b) study can be disrupted by lesions in parts
of the occipito-temporal cortex (Humphreys et al.,
Possible Underlying Pathology of Visual-Perceptual 1992), whereas occipito-parietal lesions affect
Impairments serial search (Atkinson and Bradrick, 1989).
Cormack et al.’s (2004b) findings therefore also
The neuropsychological findings summarised suggest that DLB patients are affected in occipito-
above indicate early and pronounced visual- parietal and occipito-temporal areas with a
perceptual impairments affecting object and space particular impairment in the latter region.
perception in DLB. Matched patients with PDD It is generally thought that a number of
tend to demonstrate similar deficits whereas hierarchical intermediate processing steps are
matched patients with AD tend to perform involved between the processing of visual
normally on these tasks. Findings of impaired information in the eye and the formation of object
visuo-perception are consistent with results from representations mediated in cortical areas (e.g.,
imaging studies reporting reduced glucose Humphreys and Riddoch, 1993). As a very first
metabolism and blood flow in the occipital lobes, crude approximation, light is individually spatially
including primary visual cortex and visual band pass filtered in retinal ganglion cells, and is
association cortex in DLB patients compared to AD then processed by orientation selective cells in V1
patients (Colloby et al., 2002; Gilman et al; 2005; (Hubel and Wiesel, 1959, 1960). These orientation
Imamura et al., 1997; Ishi et al., 1998, 1999). selective cells interact by horizontal connections
Walker et al. (1997) also reported significant and after some intermediate processing the results
reduction in striatal uptake of a ligand for the of this process are used to form object
presynaptic dopamine transporter site in DLB but representations in the inferior temporal cortex. The
not in AD. It has been suggested that reduced evidence so far indicates that DLB patients suffer
activity in occipital regions might be linked to from early visual-perceptual deficits, affecting
spongiform changes in the white matter of DLB object and space perception due to lesions in
patients which primarily affect occipital regions occipital and surrounding regions. However, it has
(Higuchi et al., 2000). Reduced activity however not been systematically investigated yet which
also may be linked to the marked cholinergic visual processing stages are specifically affected, or
deficit in DLB that is known to affect occipital and if all of them are impaired in DLB.
temporal regions (Perry et al., 1994). Cholinergic Furthermore it is unclear how visual perceptual
and possibly dopaminergic dysfunctions in the deficits are linked to the clinical feature of visual
cerebral cortex has also been associated with the hallucinations. Related evidence from PD research
occurrence of visual hallucinations (Court et al., demonstrated that PD patients with visual
2001; McKeith et al., 2004b; Perry et al., 1990). hallucinations show greater deficits in visual object
Furthermore, post-mortem pathological studies perception, recognition, and recollection of the
found LB pathology in the temporal lobes encoding episode than PD patients without
associated with visual hallucinations (Harding et hallucinations (Barnes et al., 2003). However,
al., 2002) whereas AD pathology such as tangles, visual imagery and spatial perception did not differ
tended to be less related (Merdes et al., 2003). between both groups, suggesting that a
Calderon et al. (2001) interpreted their findings combination of faulty perceptual processes other
of visual-perceptual deficits in the VOSP within than image generation and less detailed recollection
Ungerleider and Mishkin’s (1982) framework of of episodes might underlie visual hallucinations
two streams of visual analysis. Both ventral and (Barnes et al., 2003).
dorsal streams start in the striate cortex, but begin
to diverge in the extrastriate cortex. The ventral Olfactory Perception
pathway projects downwards from primary visual
to visual association areas in the inferior temporal There is evidence that deficits in olfactory
region. The ventral stream mediates object perception may be linked to LB pathology (for a
recognition by relating visual information to stored review see Katzenschlager and Lees, 2004). Odour
semantic knowledge about the perceived object, i.e. identification deficits are well established in PD,
recognises what an object is. The dorsal pathway and have also been reported in AD and a few
projects upwards into the posterior parietal cortex studies have recently investigated odour
and mediates complex visual-spatial analysis such identification in DLB. Westervelt et al. (2003)
as identifying the location of an object in space, found DLB patients to perform significantly worse
i.e. recognises where the object is located. Since than AD patients in an odour identification task
DLB patients have been found to be impaired both (the Cross-Cultural Small Identification Test).
in ventral (e.g., fragmented letters) and dorsal tasks McShane et al. (2001) tested single odour
Cognitive deficits in Lewy body dementia 589

identification in DLB patients and healthy elderly been found to be affected in imaging studies. There
controls. Post mortem neuropathological also seems some preliminary evidence that visual-
examination revealed that anosmia in life was only perceptual deficits and the occurrence of visual
associated with LB, but not with AD pathology. In hallucinations are related.
addition, the overall cortical LB scores and LB Finally, patients with DLB exhibit difficulties in
density in the cingulate were higher in anosmic odour identification and recognition, similar to
cases. Gilbert et al. (2004) recently tested patients with PD. However, the precise nature and
recognition and remote memory for olfactory and locus of visual and olfactory impairments, as well
visual stimuli in DLB and AD patients. Both as the link to clinical features such as
groups performed significantly worse than control hallucinations, requires further investigation with
participants with DLB patients’ remote memory for more theoretically driven tests such as those used
odours being more impaired than AD patients’ by Cormack et al. (2004b). More research is also
odour memory, and visual memory being equally required to evaluate the potential clinical value of
affected. It has therefore been suggested that odour these and other laboratory-based tasks to aid
identification and memory tasks (Gilbert et al., differential diagnosis of DLB.
2004; Katzenschlager and Lees, 2004) could be
used to aid differential diagnosis of diseases with

Possible Underlying Pathology Attention is a multi-dimensional concept that

of Olfactory-Perception Impairments describes different aspects of processing and
responding to information including automatic
The underlying pathology of anosmia is not processes such as visual orienting and higher-level
well understood yet. It has been suggested that LB processes of attentional control. Executive function
pathology in the olfactory nucleus and the is a loosely defined term referring to control
amygdale is involved in olfactory dysfunction (see aspects of attention. Norman and Shallice (1986)
Katzenschlager and Lees, 2004). There is recent distinguished between automatic, habitual control
evidence that dopamine levels were elevated in the of behaviour and an attentional, supervisory control
olfactory bulb in PD patients (Huisman et al., system (the supervisory activating system – SAS)
2004) which may suppress the transmission that can intervene if routine control does not meet
between olfactory receptors and mitral cells in the situational demands. The SAS is very closely
olfactory glomeruli (Duchamp-Viret et al., 1997). related to the central executive component of
Baddeley and Hitches’ (1974) working memory
Summary of Perception model (see below). There is evidence that SAS or
central executive can be fractionated in a number
Overall, the evidence so far indicates that DLB of functions such as focusing attention, dividing
patients are more impaired in visual-perceptual and attention, switching attention, and inhibition of
visual-constructive tasks than AD patients. The irrelevant information, which are all associated in
results of some of the earlier studies are difficult to humans with frontal lobe processing (Knight and
interpret, since the tests used were complex and Stuss, 2002; Shallice, 1988). Table III gives an
visual-perception was confounded with other overview of studies that have investigated attention
functions such as attentional, executive and and executive functions in DLB (see also Collerton
memory functions. However, the observation that et al., 2003; Lambon-Ralph et al., 2001; Simard et
copying is impaired in DLB but not in AD whereas al., 2000).
both groups are impaired in drawing from memory Calderon et al. (2001) tested DLB patients on
suggests that DLB patients perform badly on both the Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) and
tests due to visual perceptual deficits (and possibly demonstrated deficits in selective, sustained, and
additional memory problems) whereas AD patients divided attention that exceeded those found in AD
perform poorly due to a memory deficit. patients on some, though not all components. In
Furthermore, findings of impaired object and space this study, tests involving visual attention appeared
perception (Calderon et al., 2001; Lambon-Ralph et to be most vulnerable to DLB. As mentioned
al., 2001; Mosimann et al., 2004; Noe et al., 2004), above, Cormack et al. (2004b) have found DLB
and poor parallel search (Cormack et al., 2004b) patients more impaired in visual tasks measuring
indicate a more pronounced and earlier visual- attentional controlled serial search than AD
perceptual deficit than in AD. In contrast, patients patients. Noe et al. (2004) compared DLB, PDD,
with PDD exhibit similar visuo-perceptual and and AD patients’ performance in two cancellation
visuo-constructive impairments as DLB patients tasks involving the detection of a shape or a
(Cormack et al., 2004a; Mosimann et al., 2004; consonant trigram from a sequence of shapes or
Noe et al., 2004). Perceptual deficits in DLB are phonemic distractors. These tasks measured the
probably linked to lesions in occipital-temporal and ability to suppress distraction within the visual
occipito-parietal areas. These structures have also field. DLB patients performed significantly slower
590 Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

Overview of neuropsychological findings for attention and executive functions

Aarsland Ala et al. Ballard Ballard Calderon Cormack Doubleday McKeith Noe Perriol Walker
et al. (2001, et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. et al.
(2003) 2002) (2001) (2002) (2001) (2004b) (2002) (2004b) (2004) (2005) (2000b)
MMSE: attention – DLB < – – – – – – – – –
DRS: initiation DLB = – – – – – – – – – –
DRS: perseveration DLB = – – – – – – – – – –
General attention – – – – – – DLB < AD – – – –
Visual distraction – – – – – – DLB > AD – – – –
Auditory distraction – – – – – – DLB = AD – – – –
Set establishment – – – – – – DLB < AD – – – –
Set shifting – – – – – – DLB < AD – – – –
Incoherence – – – – – – DLB > AD – – – –
Confabulation – – – – – – DLB > AD – – – –
Perseveration – – – – – – DLB > AD – – – –
Intrusions – – – – – – DLB > AD – – – –
Serial search – – – – – DLB = AD – – – – –
< PD
CDR: Simple RT – - DLB > DLB = – – – DLB - - -
(SD) AD > NC PDD > AD (hallucinators)
= PD > NC > DLB (non-
on ChE
CDR: Choice RT – – DLB > DLB = – – – DLB – – DLB >
(SD) AD > NC PDD > AD (hallucinators) VD > AD
= PD > NC > DLB (non-
on ChE
CDR: Digit – – DLB > – – – – – – – DLB >
vigilance RT (SD) AD > NC VD > AD
TEA: sustained – – – – DLB < – – – – – –
attention AD = NC
TEA: auditory – – – – DLB = – – – – – –
selective attention AD < NC
TEA: visual – – – – DLB < – – – – – –
selective attention AD < NC
Shape cancellation – – – – – – – – DLB = – –
Consonant – – – – – – – – DLB = – –
cancellation PDD <
Stroop – – – – DLB < – – – – – –
Nelson’s card – – – – DLB < – – – – – –
sorting AD < NC
Letter fluency – – – – DLB < – – – – – –
PPI of auditory – – – – – – – – – DLB < -
evoked potentials PDD <

than AD patients in both tasks and showed a reflect the ability to filter out irrelevant sensory
greater number of errors in the shape cancellation and cognitive information, thus DLB patients, and
task. In contrast, no difference between DLB and to a lesser degree, PDD patients, appear to have a
PDD patients was found. All of these studies deficit in the inhibitory component of attentional
indicate a disruption of attention in the visual control. Perriol et al.’s (2005) study also indicates
modality in DLB. that DLB patients suffer from attentional
However, a recent EEG study by Perriol et al. dysfunction independent of their visual-perceptual
(2005) demonstrated that prepulse inhibition (PPI) impairments, although it is plausible that perceptual
of N1/P2 of auditory evoked potentials was impairments exacerbate difficulties in visually
severely disrupted in DLB patients and moderately based attention tasks. Non-visual attentional
disrupted in PDD patients in comparison to AD deficits have also been reported in standard tests
patients and healthy controls. PPI is thought to such as the MMSE in which DLB patients have
Cognitive deficits in Lewy body dementia 591

been found to perform more poorly in counting and suppression. Furthermore, as mentioned above, LB
spelling backwards than AD patients (Ala et al., pathology can affect occipito-parietal and occipito-
2002). temporal regions and is therefore likely to affect
A number of earlier studies (see Collerton et al., automatic aspects of attention mediated by
2003; Lambon-Ralph et al., 2001; Simard et al., posterior regions such as visual orienting and
2000) have shown that DLB patients are severely engaging/disengaging of attention.
impaired in more complex “frontal-executive” tests,
such as Stroop, letter fluency, card sorting, and trail Cognitive Fluctuation
making tests. Some studies found more severe
impairment in DLB (e.g., Calderon et al., 2001) Attentional impairments in DLB manifest
than AD whereas other studies report similar themselves in everyday life as cognitive
impairments (e.g., Noe et al., 2004). Differences fluctuations, one of the core diagnostic features of
between studies can most likely be accounted for DLB. Clinical tools to measure cognitive
by different task demands and by variation in fluctuations are based on semi-structured interviews
dementia severity between the patient groups. with patients’ carers who rate the presence,
Further evidence for frontal-executive frequency, severity and quality of cognitive
impairment in DLB, however, comes from a study fluctuations during the month prior to the
by Doubleday et al. (2002) who compared assessment (e.g., Clinician Assessment of
qualitative performance characteristics during Fluctuation; Walker et al., 2000a) or a
neuropsychological testing of patients with DLB questionnaire querying symptoms of fluctuations
and AD. DLB patients were less able to maintain and delirium (Fluctuations Composite Scale;
vigilance and attention, were more easily distracted Ferman et al., 2004). Bradshaw et al. (2004)
by visual stimuli, had problems with initially investigated quantitative and qualitative
engaging in tests and shifting mental set between characteristics of cognitive fluctuations in DLB and
tests. They showed more incoherent lines of AD using the Clinician’s Assessment of Fluctuation
thought, more confabulation, and perseveration and Scale. They found that 77% of DLB patients in
produced environmentally cued intrusions, all comparison to none of the AD patients exhibited
characteristic features of dysexecutive impairment. clinically significant fluctuations. Whereas
These observations are consistent with Aarsland et fluctuation in AD were primarily memory related
al.’s (2003) study who found patients with DLB deficits such as confusion, forgetfulness, and
and PDD to score lower in the initiation and repetitiveness in situations that were demanding on
perseveration subtests of the Dementia Rating memory, DLB patients’ fluctuations tended to be
Scale (DRS) than patients with AD. However in lapses in awareness and attention (i.e., ‘going
the same study, DLB patients with mild to blank’), which were more short-lived, occurred
moderate dementia were reported to score spontaneously and were unrelated to situational
significantly lower in the DRS conceptualisation demands. Similarly, Ferman et al. (2004) on the
subtest than matched patients with AD and PDD. basis of the Fluctuations Composite Scale reported
that DLB relative to AD patients’ fluctuations were
Possible Pathology of Attentional more characterised by daytime drowsiness,
and Executive Impairments lethargy, and sleeping, as well as staring into space
and episodes of disorganised speech.
Different attentional functions can be Recent studies have explored the nature of
functionally and anatomically separated and it has cognitive fluctuations by investigating short-lived
been therefore suggested that attention is carried fluctuations in attentional tasks, which may reflect
out by a network of anterior and posterior an experimental equivalent to the more long-term
anatomical areas (Posner and Petersen, 1990). One clinical fluctuations. Ballard et al. (2001, 2002) and
of the regions involved in the modulation of Walker et al. (2000b) used simple and choice
attention is the basal forebrain cholinergic system reaction time (RT) tasks and vigilance tasks from
(BFCS) that provides the major cholinergic the Cognitive Drug Research Test battery (CDR)
innervations to the cortex and other regions such as and measured attentional fluctuations through
the thalamus, the prefrontal cortex, and the parietal variation of reaction times within and between
lobes (Lawrence and Sahakian, 1998). DLB testing sessions. Walker et al. (2000b) compared
patients suffer from a pronounced cholinergic attentional fluctuation in DLB patients with
disruption, involving the BFCS (Lemstra et al., patients with AD and vascular dementia. Although
2003) and there is some evidence that ChEI all groups demonstrated fluctuations, DLB patients
medication may have beneficial effects on attention showed the greatest variability, with the differences
and disturbances of consciousness in DLB. DLB being most marked in the shortest 90 seconds task.
patients also demonstrate LB pathology in frontal Ballard et al. (2001) replicated this finding and
and cingulate areas that are classically related to demonstrated that DLB patients’ short-term
executive aspects of attention such as focused fluctuations in attention tasks correlated
attention, attention switching and distractor significantly with clinical fluctuations, as measured
592 Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

by the Clinician’s Assessment of Fluctuation Scale. action or motor skill). The following sections will
Finally, in a third study, Ballard et al. (2002) discuss studies that have investigated working
extended their findings to PD and PDD patients memory, episodic and semantic memory in DLB
and demonstrated that DLB and PDD patients (see Table IV), whereas, to the best of the author’s
show a very similar pattern of attentional knowledge, no evidence on procedural memory in
fluctuation which differs significantly from that DLB is available.
found with AD and PD patients.
Working Memory
Summary of Attention and Executive Functions
The revised working memory model by
DLB and AD patients are both impaired in Baddeley (2003) consists of four components: 1)
attentional and executive tasks, but in DLB the The phonological loop, which is a phonological
deficits appear to be more generalised and more store that can hold information for a few seconds
pronounced to the extent that patients cannot before they fade. The phonological loop mediates
perform some of the tasks at all (e.g., Calderon et articulatory rehearsal analogous to subvocal speech
al., 2001). DLB patients tend to be more impaired and is limited in capacity. The capacity of the
in visual attentional tasks (Calderon et al., 2001), phonological loop is usually assessed with the digit
probably due to their pronounced visual-perceptual span task. 2) The visuo-spatial sketchpad represents
deficits. However, as Perriol et al.’s (2005) study the visuo-spatial equivalent of the phonological
demonstrates, attentional deficits are not restricted loop. The capacity of the visuo-spatial sketchpad is
to one domain and therefore cannot solely be usually assessed with the Corsi block span task. 3)
explained in terms of perceptual impairments. Up The central executive, which represents the overall
to now, the nature, the extent, and the underlying attentional control systems. Different aspect of the
neural correlate of attentional deficits in DLB are central executive task can be measured with various
not well understood and more theoretically-driven, tasks, as listed in the previous section, but the
experimental work is required to answer these ability to carry out two tasks simultaneously is often
questions. used as a measure for executive functioning. 4) The
There is evidence that DLB patients’ most recent addition to the model is the episodic
performance in cognitive tasks fluctuates more buffer, which provides an interface between the
severely than AD patients’ performance and this is different components of working memory and
particularly the case in attentional tasks in which it different systems of long-term memory.
has been found to continuously vary on a second to As summarised above, DLB patients’ suffer
second basis (Ballard et al., 2001, 2002; Walker et from extensive attentional and executive
al., 2000b). More research is required to investigate impairments. It is therefore not surprising that they
the link between such short-term fluctuations and have been reported to perform poorly in some
the more long-term clinical cognitive fluctuations working memory tasks, although the evidence
and to assess the potential clinical value of brief remains mixed. A number of studies have compared
experimental tasks for differential diagnosis. DLB and AD patients in verbal and spatial span
and found DLB patients to be equally, or possibly
more severely impaired than AD patients (see
MEMORY Collerton et al., 2003; Lambon-Ralph et al., 2001;
Simard et al., 2000). Calderon et al. (2001) tested
Memory can be divided into different systems DLB and AD patients on a dual performance task
that can be functionally and anatomically separated that involves individual and simultaneous
(Aggleton and Brown, 1999). The broadest assessment of digit span and visual tracking. Both
memory dichotomy is between short-term or groups performed normally in the span task and the
working memory and long-term memory (Atkinson AD patients performed better than the DLB patients
and Shiffrin, 1968). Working memory (Baddeley in the box cancellation task. However, DLB
and Hitch, 1974) generally refers to the act of patients exhibited less decrement in performance
being aware of the present, the ability to bring due to the dual task than the AD patients. In
information stored in memory back to our contrast, Simard et al. (2002) reported DLB patients
consciousness, and to manipulate this information. to perform more poorly in the span/tracking dual
Long-term memory refers to information stored in task than AD patients, whereas AD patients were
memory that requires varying degrees of effort to more impaired in a spatial dual task which involved
be retrieved. Tulving (1983) introduced the walking and talking at the same time.
distinction between episodic memory (memory for
discrete personal events), semantic memory Possible Underlying Pathology of Working Memory
(concerned with language and our general Impairment
knowledge about the world), and procedural
memory (any form of memory that is difficult to There is evidence from lesion and imaging
explain with language and is usually expressed as studies that relate the phonological loop to the left
Cognitive deficits in Lewy body dementia 593

Overview of neuropsychological findings for memory

Aarsland Ala et al. Calderon Gilbert Hamilton Lambon-Ralph Noe Simard

et al. (2003) (2002) et al. (2001) et al. (2004) et al. (2004) et al. (2001) et al. (2004) et al. (2002)
Working memory
Dual task: Digit span – – DLB > AD – – – – DLB < AD
and visual tracking
Dual task: walking – – – – – – – DLB > AD
and talking

Episodic memory
DRS: memory AD < DLB = – – – – – – –
MMSE: memory – DLB = AD – – – – – –
CVLT: immediate – – – – DLB = AD – – AD < DLB
free recall < NC < NC
CVLT: immediate – – – – – – – AD < DLB
cued recall < NC
CVLT: delayed – – – – DLB = AD – – AD < DLB
free recall < NC < NC
CVLT: delayed – – – – – – – AD < DLB
cued recall < NC
CVLT: recognition – – – – AD < DLB – – –
< NC
BSRT: total recall – – – – – – AD < DLB –
BSRT: delayed recall – – – – – – AD < DLB –
BSRT: delayed – – – – – – AD < DLB –
recognition = PDD
WMS-R: LM – – AD < DLB – DLB = AD – – –
immediate recall < NC < NC
WMS-R: LM – – AD < DLB – DLB = AD – – –
delayed recall < NC < NC
RMT: words – – DLB = AD – – DLB = AD – –
< NC < NC
RMT: faces – – DLB = AD – – DLB = AD – –
< NC < NC
Benton visual – – – – – – DLB = PDD –
retention tests < AD
Odour recognition – – – DLB = AD – – – –
< NC
Faces recognition – – – DLB = AD – – – –
< NC
Symbol recognition – – – DLB = AD – – – –
< NC
Odour remote – – – DLB < AD – – – –
memory < NC
Faces remote memory – – – DLB = AD – – – –
= NC
Symbol remote – – – DLB = AD – – – –
memory = NC

Semantic memory
Graded Naming Test – – – – – DLB < AD – –
< NC
Picture naming – – – – – DLB = AD – –
< NC
Spoken word to – – – – – DLB < AD – –
picture matching = NC
CCT: pictures – – – – – DLB < AD – –
< NC
CCT: words – – – – – DLB < AD – –
< NC
Category sorting – – – – – DLB < AD – –
pictures = NC
Category sorting – – – – – DLB < AD – –
words = NC
Category fluency – – – – – DLB = AD – –
< NC
Note. CCT = Camel and Cactus Test.
594 Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

temporo-parietal region (for a review see Baddeley, WMS-R or the CAMCOG visual memory test (see
2003). More specifically, area BA 40 has been Collerton et al., 2003; Lambon-Ralph et al., 2001;
associated with the storage component of the loop Simard et al., 2000), DLB patients were found to
and Broca’s area with the rehearsal component. In be as impaired as AD patients. The comparison
contrast, visuo-spatial working memory is primarily between visual and verbal recall in DLB suggests
located on the right hemisphere, in particular the that visual-perceptual problems might contribute to
right inferior parietal cortex, right premotor cortex, poor performance in visually based memory task.
the right inferior frontal cortex, and the anterior However, the contribution of perceptual and
extrastriate occipital cortex. Various executive memory effects on performance in recall task has
functions, such as task switching or response not been separated yet. Thus it is not known to
suppression have been found to be associated, what extent poor recall in DLB reflects impaired
though not exclusively, with a number of regions memory processing.
within the prefrontal cortex, such as dorsolateral, Hamilton et al.’s (2004) suggested that DLB
inferior, and medial regions including the anterior patients’ poor memory might primarily be a result
cingulate. from impaired encoding rather than from defective
There are no studies that have attempted to consolidation. DLB and AD patients tested on the
tease apart the different working memory CVLT and the WMS-R Logical Memory Test were
components in DLB and link them to the pathology both impaired on immediate and delayed recall.
associated with the disease. LB pathology in DLB However, DLB patients showed significantly better
is known to be concentrated in frontal, temporal, saving scores in both tests and also performed
and parietal regions as well as in subcortical better on the CVLT recognition tests, indicating
structures including brain stem nuclei and that once DLB patients had learned the information
components of the BFCS. Thus, as a very crude it could be retained relatively well (see also
speculation, given the widespread pathology, one Salmon et al., 1996).
might expect all aspects of working memory to be Recognition memory is known to rely to
impaired. However, Calderon et al. (2001) and varying degrees on episodic retrieval and on
Simard et al. (2002) studies suggest that DLB judgments regarding the familiarity of an item
patients may perform under certain dual task (Mandler, 1980). There are mixed results regarding
conditions better than AD patients. Thus, it remains recognition memory in DLB relative to AD.
to be clarified if DLB affects some components of Calderon et al. (2001) and Lambon-Ralph et al.
working memory more than others, and how such (2001) found both AD and DLB patients perform
impairments are related to perceptual and significantly worse than healthy control participants
attentional deficits and to the pathology associated in the Recognition Memory Test (RMT) for faces
with DLB. and words (see also Shimomura et al., 1998).
Hamilton et al. (2004) however reported DLB
Episodic Memory patients to perform better than AD patients in the
recognition tests of the CVLT whereas in Noe et
Episodic memory is usually assessed with al.’s (2004) study, DLB and PDD patients
immediate and delayed free or cued recall and to performed worse in visual recognition than patients
varying degrees with recognition tasks (Mandler, with AD.
1980). DLB patients suffer from episodic memory Finally, Gilbert et al. (2004) found DLB and
impairment, however, their mnestic problems tend AD patients significantly impaired in recognition
to be less severe than the amnesia observed in AD. memory for olfactory and visual stimuli (faces and
In general, DLB patients perform better than AD symbols), with DLB patients being in particular
patients in verbal recall tasks such as Logical impaired for odours. The same study investigated
Memory from the WMS-R (Calderon et al., 2001), remote memory for visual and olfactory stimuli,
the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) measured as familiarity ratings. There was no
(Simard et al., 2002), the Buschke Selective difference between DLB, AD and healthy control
Reminding Test (BSRT; Noe et al., 2004) and for visual material. However, DLB and AD patients
various recall subtest in tests of general cognitive relative to controls were significantly impaired in
impairment (e.g., MMSE, DRS) (Aarsland et al., remote memory for odours and DLB patients
2003; Ala et al., 2002; see Collerton et al., 2003; performed significantly worse than AD patients in
Lambon-Ralph et al., 2001; Simard et al., 2000). this task.
This is in particular the case for delayed verbal In the case of recognition memory, it is not
recall, although some studies have reported clear if DLB patients are as impaired as AD
superior immediate recall too. Furthermore, patients due to an episodic memory problem and/or
Aarsland et al. (2003) and Noe et al. (2004) report a problem in familiarity judgement. Gilbert et al.’s
no difference in verbal recall between DLB and (2004) study suggests that familiarity judgement
PDD patients. can be preserved in DLB for some material.
However, in tests requiring the recall of visual Furthermore, it is not known to what extent
material such as the visual reproduction tests in the additional cognitive impairments in particular
Cognitive deficits in Lewy body dementia 595

perceptual and attentional deficits contribute to consolidation processes mediated within the
poor recognition performance in DLB. Gilbert et hippocampus and surrounding areas might be less
al.’s (2004) findings suggest that DLB patients affected in DLB than AD. Thus, until more light
have a particular problem with olfactory stimuli has been shed on the underlying neuropsychology
that may exceed the one for visual material. of memory impairment in DLB it remains difficult
to speculate on relevant pathological changes.
Possible Underlying Pathology of Episodic Memory
Impairment Semantic Memory

Memory functions are known to be mediated by DLB and AD patients tend to be equally
a network of cortical regions within the temporal impaired in category fluency, in naming tasks such
and frontal lobes and subcortical areas including as the Graded Naming Test or the Boston Naming
the hippocampus, thalamic nuclei, and the Test, and in WAIS-R subtests that rely on semantic
mamillary bodies of the hypothalamus (Aggleton knowledge (see Collerton et al., 2003; Lambon-
and Brown, 1999; Aggleton and Pearce, 2001). Ralph et al., 2001; Simard et al., 2000). For
Aggleton and Brown (1999) proposed that an instance, in Noe et al.’s (2004) study no difference
“extended hippocampal system” comprising the in verbal fluency was found between DLB, AD,
hippocampus, the fornix, the mamillary bodies of and PDD patients. Lambon-Ralph et al. (2001)
the hypothalamus, and the anterior thalamic nuclei, found DLB patients equally impaired in category
are crucial for encoding and storage, and hence and letter fluency whereas AD patients performed
subsequent recall of episodic memory. In contrast significantly better with letters than categories. The
recognition memory based on familiarity authors interpreted this pattern as reflecting a
judgements was suggested to depend on the semantic retrieval problem in AD that primarily
perirhinal cortex of the temporal lobe and the affects category fluency and an attentional
medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus. When both executive impairment in DLB that affects fluency
systems are affected, as it is the case in regardless of the generated material. The same
anterograde amnesia, the result is a severe deficit study also identified a possible contribution of
in both recall and recognition. visual-perceptual deficits since DLB patients
In patients with AD, pathological changes affect performed worse for pictures than words whereas
preferentially medial-temporal structures such as control participants and AD patients showed no
entorhinal cortex and the surrounding neorcortical picture-word differences. DLB patients also
association areas, thus resulting in severe episodic performed worse than AD in a spoken word to
memory impairment. Magnetic resonance imaging picture matching task and a category sorting task
(MRI) studies have found a relative preservation of (Lambon-Ralph et al., 2001).
hippocampal, medial temporal lobe and orbito-
frontal structures in DLB compared to AD Possible Underlying Pathology of Semantic Memory
(Ballmaier et al., 2004; Barber et al., 1999, 2000; Impairment
Hashimoto et al., 1998). In addition, Burton et al.
(2004) reported AD patients to show more Neuroimaging studies indicate (see for review
significant volumetric loss in the temporal lobes Thompson-Schill, 2003) that semantic memory
and the hippocampus than patients with DLB and is mediated by a large, distributed network
PDD, who demonstrated a similar picture of including areas in the prefrontal cortex in particular
cerebral atrophy involving occipital, temporal, right the left inferior frontal gyrus, the premotor cortex,
frontal and left parietal regions. An MRI study by anterior, ventral and lateral regions of the temporal
Tam et al. (2005) reported medial temporal atrophy cortex, and the parietal cortex. All of these
in PDD, DLB and AD patients. Patients with AD, neocortical areas can be affected in patients
and, to a lesser extent, patients with DLB showed with DLB. However, there is only limited evidence
most pronounced atrophy. The extent of atrophy so far regarding which aspects of semantic
correlated with CAMCOG and memory scores in processing are impaired in DLB, and how these
the DLB group but not in the other groups. These relate to perceptual and attention-executive
findings indicate that brain structures mediating impairments.
episodic memory are affected in DLB, to a lesser
degree than in AD, but to a larger degree than in Summary of Memory
At present it is not known, if impairments in Most studies on working memory found DLB
recall and recognition in DLB reflect underlying patients equally or more impaired than AD
problems in episodic memory and/or familiarity patients. Both groups are also impaired on episodic
judgement, or are caused by additional perceptual and semantic memory tests, although DLB patients
and attention/executive problems. There is also usually perform better in verbal recall in particular
only preliminary evidence from one study after a delay. A problem in interpreting present
(Hamilton et al., 2004) suggesting that evidence on memory impairments in DLB is the
596 Claudia Metzler-Baddeley

difficulty in teasing apart the contribution of impairments. Further progress will require the use
perceptual deficits and attentional-executive of more specific, theoretically motivated tests, a
impairments to the memory performance. DLB process which is just beginning (e.g., Cormack et
patients’ extensive perceptual deficits may have a al., 2004b). Such tests would allow better
detrimental effect on performance in visual and understanding of the nature of cognitive
olfactory memory tasks. In addition, attentional- impairments in DLB and would allow the
executive problems appear to interfere with the evaluation of neuropsychological data within
encoding of information which in turn can lead to current frameworks of cognition. Carefully
poor memory performance (Hamilton et al., 2004). designed cognitive tests may also allow the
Further investigation is required to tease apart the investigation of theoretical questions about the
effects of perceptual and attentional impairments normal organisation of cognitive functions. In
on memory performance to identify the extent and addition, better understanding of cognitive
the nature of possible mnestic impairments in impairments associated with DLB may provide
DLB. A starting point may be to test DLB patients valuable information for patients and carers and
in matched memory tests for different modalities may lead to the development of suitable screening
such as the Doors and People Test (Baddeley et al., tests to aid clinical diagnosis.
1994), that provides separate measures for recall Sensitivity of DLB diagnosis still remains poor
and recognition in the visual and verbal domain. because of the variability and overlap of symptoms
Furthermore, it remains to be clarified which between different diseases, but also because it has
aspects of memory processing, such as encoding, been proven difficult to characterise and assess the
storage, retrieval, and familiarity judgements may core clinical features of cognitive fluctuations and
be impaired in DLB. visual hallucinations. More work is required to
investigate the nature of fluctuations and
hallucinations, for instance, by clarifying the
GENERAL DISCUSSION relation between clinical features and cognitive
measures of perceptual and attentional function
At the moment, research concerned with (Ballard et al., 2001, 2002; Walker et al., 2000b).
cognitive, clinical, pathophysiological or imaging There is some preliminary evidence that within-
aspects of DLB has been carried out more at the trial variability in attentional tasks and everyday
empirical than at the theoretical level. Given that cognitive fluctuations as assessed by clinical
DLB is a relatively new disease concept, most of measures may be related to each other (Ballard et
the work so far has been concerned with the first al., 2001) and it has been suggested that such brief
step of characterisation and description of DLB as experimental tasks might be of value for
a separate disease. Most of the studies suggest, that differential clinical diagnosis (Ballard et al., 2001,
in the early stages of the disease, DLB patients 2002; Walker et al., 2000b). Similarly, some studies
tend to exhibit pronounced visual-perceptual, have reported a link between visual-perceptual
attentional and frontal executive impairments impairments and visual hallucinations (e.g.,
whereas memory functions are generally less Mosimann et al., 2004; Simard et al., 2003) and it
impaired than in AD (Collerton et al., 2003; has been suggested that the combination of
Dalrymple-Alford, 2001; Noe et al., 2004). degraded vision and fluctuating attention might
However, given the overlap and variability of lead to visual hallucinations (Calderon et al.,
symptoms, the neuropsychological profile of DLB 2001). However, the investigation of such
has not yet been clearly distinguished from that of hypotheses requires the recruitment of sufficiently
AD (Knopman et al., 2001). Furthermore, DLB and large patient groups that are monitored over a
PDD patients demonstrate similar cognitive substantial period of time. Given the relative rarity
impairments in comparison to patients with AD of DLB and the difficulties with diagnosis this is
(Aarsland et al., 2003, 2004; Ballard et al., 2002; not an easy task and consequently most of the
Noe et al., 2004). studies so far have investigated relative small
Studies so far have primarily used standard groups of patients (see Table I). In the future, more
neuropsychological tests, which initially are multi-centred studies need to be set up that co-
appropriate to outline DLB patients’ cognitive ordinate the recruitment and testing between
profile but have the drawback that they are often different clinics and allow the recruitment of large
difficult to interpret theoretically. For instance, tests enough patient samples to evaluate the clinical
of visual perception may also rely on attentional- value of different tests in aiding diagnosis.
executive and semantic memory functions. Memory The interpretation of the data so far, however, is
tests may, in turn depend on perceptual, attentional not only hampered by small sample sizes. In the
and executive functions, making it difficult to majority of studies, patients have been selected on
separate and analyse any further memory problems. the basis of their clinical diagnoses, including
Thus although the broad cognitive profile in DLB patients with “possible” diagnoses, which have not
has now been well described, little is known in been confirmed pathologically (see Table I). Given
detail about the precise nature of these the difficulties with clinical diagnosis of DLB, this
Cognitive deficits in Lewy body dementia 597

opens the problem that some patients will have Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Alan D.
been misdiagnosed and will therefore blur any Baddeley and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful
comments on this manuscript.
differences between the patients groups. There is
also an inherent conundrum in using clinical
diagnostic criteria to distinguish different patient REFERENCES
groups, and then use cognitive tests to re- AARSLAND D, BALLARD CG and HALLIDAY G. Are Parkinson’s
discriminate them. This is the case because clinical disease with dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies the
diagnoses are implicitly or explicitly based on the same entity? Journal of Geriatry, Psychiatry, and Neurology,
17: 137-145, 2004.
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(Received 17 March 2005; reviewed 19 April 2005; accepted 1 July 2005; Action Editor Jordan Grafman)

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