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A Treatment for an Advert Package

Coca Cola Advert

Green Tower Agency

Prepared by Alfie Walsh


Break down into great detail each element of your Advert Package

VIDEO ADVERT (Beginning, middle & end)

At the start of the advert it will show a Coca Cola can on its own on a table in a kitchen as
the background, then a hand will come in and open the can the hand will be one of the
team members so either Archie, Alfie, Alex or Jake and that will be for every scene not just
this one.

The Coca Cola can will then be passed to the right hand side of the frame which will then cut
to another hand taking the Coca Cola can from the left hand side of the frame to the right
and that will happen multiple times and will be most of the advert.

The backgrounds will be different every time with different lengths of time for each one
depending if we want to create emphasis on a certain background or not. The backgrounds
will be Kitchen, Park, Living Room.

The ending the Coca Cola can gets put on the same kitchen table that it started with, you
can see one of us using hand sanitizers in the background before they drink the Coca Cola.
They also get a text on their phone after that says, “Stay Safe Have A Coke.” Which will be
an over the shoulder shot.
RADIO ADVERT (Explain what will happen in the advert and Include any use of sound effects,
jingles or a catch phrase)

The Radio Advert will start off with some ambient music and the audio from a few news
clips talking about covid and how the world is right now. The audio from the news clippings
will have a reverb effect on it to make it sound more dramatic. Then towards the middle of
the advert one of the team will do a voice over saying “The world needs a break more than
ever” and then a second or 2 on “Its important to keep up spirits anyway we can”. And then
towards the end of the “so why not bring others together while keeping them safe” and
“and we can all have a little fun for everyone”. And then right at the end we will have the
sound of a coca cola can opening and then the last voice over will say “Stay Safe, Have A
Coke” and from then all there will be is a little jingle to end the advert with.

SOCIAL MEDIA (Explain what social media site you plan to use, what you will be posting and

We are using Instagram, our account name is coca_colagta which has been made by Jake
Edwards, we will post our poster, radio advert, TV advert and other things like the logo for
our agency and so on. We will also be posting things like updates for how the project is
going and also show teasers for both radio and TV advert

POSTER (What will feature on the poster)

The poster that we are going to go with is Alfie’s poster which features all the basic things
that a coca cola poster would feature. The red background, the coca cola styled font and the
white swishes that usually appears on their posters. The poster also has to Coca Cola bottles
social distancing, which links well to both adverts because both the radio advert and tv
advert emphasize the situation with Covid and social distancing.

LINKAGE (How will each element above be linked, to keep it all consistent to the

Each element will be linked by our Slogan which is stay safe have a coke, this will be put on
the poster and we also plan to include it in our radio and TV advert.

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