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Science can be viewed as containing Human efforts to systematize

knowledge for describing and understanding nature for the task of convenience
science is subdivided into various disciplines such as chemistry, physics, biology,
geology etc. The laboratory Centered instruction project utilizes inquiry
laboratory projects designed to engage students in scientific methods of
investigation. These projects require data gathering and analysis. Hypothesis
formation and testing concepts introduced through laboratory activities are then
brought to the class room for discussion and application this new approach is a
significant change from standard practice is which the laboratory is used to
conform. The validity of the concepts introduced in lecture. The instructor is no
longer and authority figure who cuts of the sole source of information but a
facilitator who assists the students in discovering the concepts for themselves.





The hypothesis formulated at the beginning of the study have been

examined in the light of the data gathered the following are the main finding of
the study.

1. The Gender Higher Secondary School students do differ significantly

with respect to their problems in Zoology Laboratory.

2. The Higher Secondary School students studying in the type of schools
do differ significantly with respect to their problems in Zoology


Kelly Hill-Peabody journal of education (April 2007). In postwar

Bosnia-Herzegovina, segregation along ethno-nationalistic lines and divergent
pedagogies within the education system have presented challenges to social
cohesion and the long-term stability of a society that is still struggling to rebuild,
reconcile, and regain trust (Janice, 2008). This article examines the current state
of the education system within (a) leadership, (b) primary and secondary
schooling (i.e., segregation, language of instruction, textbooks, and curriculum),
(c) school-community relations (parent-teacher associations and international
organizations), and (d) higher education. Within each of the four aspects, the
article explores the challenges and possibilities for social cohesion presented with
schools and through education at the large societal level in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Yao Amberli; John World Economic (April 2011) Source; educational

transformation; Tertiary; higher secondary education; education system.
This paper discusses the major transformation of higher education that has been
under way in China since 1999 and evaluates its potential global implications.
Reflecting China’s commitment to continued high growth, this transformation
focuses on major new resource commitments to tertiary education and significant
changes in organizational form. All of these changes have already had large
impacts on China’s higher educational system and are beginning to be felt by the
global educational structure. This focus on tertiary education differentiates the
Chinese case from other countries who earlier at similar stages of development
instead stressed primary and secondary education.

M. Rajesh-Regional director Ignon (April 2008) Regional center, India,
students Retention; Globalization manpower. India is a land of many
contradictions. On the one hand, it houses the second largest scientific manpower
in the world, while on the other it is home to the largest poor population for a
single country. The country is the 7th largest economy in the world, but ranks in
the 130’s in any Human Development indicator. It we take the measures of
poverty and hunger in the country, we can see that 37% of the population falls
under BPL while 46% of the children are underweight (Verna, 2010). Gender
parity is to the tunbe of .94 in primary education and .82 in secondary. Under less
than 5 mortality is still high at 75 per 1000 births while maternal mortality is 254
per 100000 live births (Verna, 2010). Safe drinking water is not available to 18%
of the population while 51% of the population goes without toilets (Verna, 2010).
In this scenario, the retention of learners already enrolled in higher Distance
Education assumes great significance.

University of Groninge. The Netherlands source – British educational

research – (Sep-2000). Few students (Particularly few girls) currently choose to
take their Final School Examination (FSE) in advanced mathematics, chemistry
and physics, a combination of subjects that is the best preparation for a science-
oriented study in higher education. Are these subjects attainable by more students
than is currently the case? This study examined 6033 students in upper secondary
education, including 720 students who took their FSE in Advanced mathematics,
chemistry and physics. The results show that the latter group (and in particular the
girls in that group) had higher scores on math ability than students who chose
other examination subjects. Regression analyses demonstrated the relative
importance of math ability and achieve event motivation for attainment in these
science subjects. However, an expected positive effect of homework time as well
as possible mediating and moderating effects of the predictors could not be

Kenneth D-strong APPC International market research long island in
USA (JUNE 2011). University graduate level science courses (over four different
semesters) were investigated to measure how knowledge articulation dialog (in
discussion forums) improved essay and case study scores. The knowledge
articulation teaching methodology was integrated form the educational
psychology and knowledge management literature while Socratic questioning was
drawn from the education community of practice. A quasi experiment (with strong
degree of control) was configured, with teaching method (knowledge articulation
versus questioning) being the treatment factor. Descriptive statistics, correlation
analysis, ANOVA, MANOVA and MANCOVA teachniques were utilized to test
the hypothesis.

Dr. Solomon A. Berson (1929-1972) and Dr.Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

(1921) Co-invented the radio immunoassay (RIA) in 1959. The
radioimmunoassay is a method of chemically analyzing human blood and tissue
and is used diagnose illness (like diabetes). RIA revolutionized diagnoses because
it uses only a tony sample of blood or tissue and is a relatively inexpensive and
simple test to perform. Blood banks use RIA to screen blood; RIA is used to
detect drug use, high blood pressure, infertility, and many other condition and
diseases. For inventing RIA, yalow won the Nobal prize in Medicine in 1977.
Yalow and Berson did not patent the RI; instead they allowed the common use of
RIA to benefit human health.


1. There is a no significant difference between gender students in their

problems of zoology laboratory among higher secondary school
2. There is no significant difference between locality school students
in their problems of zoology laboratory.
3. There is no significant difference between type of family students in
their problems of zoology laboratory.
4. There is no significant difference between type of school students
in their problems of zoology laboratory.
5. There is no significant difference between religion school students
in their problems of zoology laboratory.
6. There is no significant difference between father’s occupation
students in their problems of zoology laboratory.


In order to reline the objectives of the study “Normative survey method”

was employed. The term Normative implies the determination of typical
conditions (or) practices. The term survey suggests the gathering of evidence
related to prevailing conditions (or) practices.


Sampling may defined as the selected of an aggregate (or) totality of on the

basis of which a judgment (or) inference about the aggregate (or) totality is made.
The sample consists of 320 students studying in higher secondary schools of 5
taken from Thittakudi Taluk.
1. The study involves only 320 higher secondary school students of
Thittakudi Taluk.
2. Based on the biological nature of the individual, two variables namely
male and female for the present study.
3. The study is restricted only to government and private and government
aided higher secondary school.


The tool was constructed by Dr. R. BABU (2010) problems of Zoology

laboratory questionnaire. Also the validity and Reliability of the tool has
mentioned under below.

After the data was collected and classified it was subject to statistical tests
of significance using SPSS package for using the hypotheses formulated by the
The following methods of analysis were used
 Mean
 Median
 Standard Deviation
 ‘t’-test


In the present study, the investigator analysis the data by using the
following statistical techniques.
1. Descriptive analysis and
2. Differential analysis

Descriptive Analysis

It includes comparison of measures of central tendency such as the mean

and measure of variability such as standard deviation. The calculated values are
used to describe the properties of the difference sub-samples.

Differential Analysis

It contain the determines of the statistical significance of the difference

between group with reference to selected variables (ie. “t” test). The “t” test is a
numerical procedure that taken into accounts the difference between means of the
two sub groups. The size of the sample in each group. The size of the sample in
each group and amount of variation of spread present in scores. Thus the “t” test
is a technique to find out whether the difference of mean performance, of the two
groups in significant.

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