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BSBMKG609 Develop a marketing plan

Assessment 1

 Devise strategies and plan marketing

This unit forms part of the following qualification(s):

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business
BSB61315 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication

Task 1 3
Task 2 3
Task 3 3

Assessment 1 - Devise strategies and

plan marketing tactics
In this assessment task, you are required to review and evaluate marketing opportunities for
an organisation and develop marketing activities that reflect strategic directions of the

For the organisation outlined in the case study provided, identify two marketing opportunities
and evaluate each opportunity for risks, strengths, weaknesses and alignment with
organisational objectives. After you have reviewed the opportunities, select the best-fitting
opportunity for the organisation and develop marketing strategies, approaches and activities
to take advantage of the opportunity. You can research other organisations to understand
how they develop and produce a marketing strategy, particularly to assist you in determining
specific goals or objectives. This may assist you in setting specific metrics for your
assessment case study.

You may choose to work on your own business idea. If you choose to do so, you must
present your idea and supporting documentation for approval before starting the task.

Task 1 - Organisational overview

a) Develop an organisational overview that:

 outlines the strategic direction and organisational objectives

 outlines the current size, capabilities and resources of the organisation, including any
notable strengths and weaknesses 
 identifies any gaps between the objectives and the current capabilities and

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

b) Compare your organisation’s current marketing strategies to common marketplace

strategies used by competitor organisations.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

Task 2 - Opportunities

a) Outline potential opportunities to grow the business, including:

 any strategic alliances or cooperative business models

 any new products or services to offer specific market segments
 any opportunities to increase sales or generate greater market penetration using
current products
 any opportunities to take over other organisations, for example, competitors or
smaller start-ups
 any opportunities to grow the business model through franchising or direct selling

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 
b) Identify two marketing opportunities that meet the objectives, and evaluate the risks and
benefits of each opportunity.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

c) Recommend the opportunity that best addresses organisational objectives and:

 develop a marketing mix strategy that fits within the capabilities and resources of the
organisation. Include detail on which strategies you’ll employ, such as:
o direct marketing
o email
o social media
o trade shows
o events
o other relevant strategies

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

 describe how your strategies align with the strategic direction of the organisation, and
give justifications for your selection.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

 Review the marketing strategy performance using an appropriate tool (competitive

analysis, life cycle model, value chain analysis, etc.). Discuss if the  current
marketing strategy is meeting the organisation’s against objectives.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

 include the metrics to be used in measuring marketing performance.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

Task 3 - Tactics

a) Detail the tactics necessary to implement the strategy you have outlined, including: 

 scheduling of activities to enact the strategy

 costing
 accountabilities and responsibilities
 a plan for coordinating and monitoring scheduled activities, including KPIs.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

b) Outline any legal and ethical requirements that impact on the selected tactics.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 
c) Describe how the tactics fit within identified organisational resources and capabilities.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

d) Describe the process to ensure that the marketing strategies align to the organisation’s
objectives, are aligned to legal and ethical requirements and are achievable.

You may choose to submit your evidence via written response, or whiteboard photo. 

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