Magcanta, Marjorie - Learning Episode 3

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Magcanta, Marjorie M.


FS 1
Learning Episode 3

Focus on Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests, Experiences, Language, Race

Culture, Religion, Socio-economic Status, Difficult Circumstances
and Indigenous Peoples


During class:
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students
interact with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact
more with the teacher than others.

- Last March 5, 2020, we went to Eulogio Rodriguez Integrated School at

Mandaluyong City. We observed the class of Prof. Mary Ann Jacobson. She
handles Grade 10 students section James. There were interactions happened
during the class discussion between the teacher and the students. The students
were very attentive in their lecture specifically the boys. I can see that they have a
good atmosphere in the classroom. Although there were some students who were
not participated or well engage to the teacher.

2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do
they behave and interact differently?

- The learners seated at the back were not participating in the class discussion, they
were just talking with one another as if their teacher was not delivering the lessons
in front. Unlike to those pupils seated in front, they were more motivated and
willingly to answer the question of their teacher.

3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with
or compete against each other?
- These kinds of students have a healthy relationship as I noticed that during their
activity, they were helping one another to accomplish the task that was given to

4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most
- The male students who participate actively in the class and those students seated
in front during the class discussion of their teacher. They were raising their hands
to answer. On the other hand, some female students were not well motivated
especially some of them were seated at the back.

5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the
classmates try to help him? Or do they raise their hands, so that the teacher
will call them instead?
- When a student cannot answer the teacher’s question, his or her classmates were
murmuring words to catch the attention of this student. Afterwards, they start
raising their hands.

Outside class:
1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogeneously, by
age? by gender? by racial or ethnic groups? By their interests? Or are the
students in mixed social groupings? If so, describe the groupings.
- After the class, the students will go to their respective groups. Most of them
gather together by their age and gender. Yet, some of them are in mixed social
groupings. These students more like to enjoy when they are in group.

2. Notice students who are alone and those who are not interacting. Describe
their behavior.
- The behavior of those students who refer to be alone appears to have an introvert
personality as they don’t want to negotiate with other people’s business. While
those students who are not interacting, they just felt lack of motivation to do such

Interview the teachers and ask about their experience about learners in difficult
circumstances. Request them to describe these circumstances and how it has
affected the learners. Ask about the strategies they use to help these learners
Ask the teachers about strategies they apply to address the needs of diverse
students due to the following factors:
• Gender, including LGBT
• Language and cultural differences
• Differences in religion
• Socio-economic status

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions
in the classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears
to be the leader, a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a
- Upon observing this type of students, it is clear that the student who were
announcing in front was the leader, she was telling her classmates to remain
silence. The group of boys who were laughing and made a bit noise during
discussion were the joker or some of them wanted an attention. Also, those
students who were seated at the back and won’t participate were the students full
of doubts.

What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their
- I feel that they don’t want to disappoint their teacher and classmates as they’ve
seen them as the way they present themselves inside the classroom. Such as the
student who have the leadership skills should act as a leader. Those students who
have a sense a humor will have a great joke to enlighten the mood of the
classmates. And to those students who wanted an attention but full of doubts their
minds were full questions yet lack of determination to speak out.

2. Is there anyone you observed who appear left out? Are students who
appear “different”? Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or
rejected by the others? How is this shown?
- Yes, there were these two female students who appear left out during class
discussion as they were not participating but they chit-chatting with one another
as if their presents were not there in the class.

What does the teacher do to address issues like this?

- The teacher called these two students time to time but still no response coming
from them.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the
individual differences of the students?
- She influenced them by putting those students seated at the back in front so that
they will surely listen during the class discussion. She mixed their groupings like
there should have male student and female student in one group. There should
have a balance in each group for some students not to feel that they were not
part on the group.

4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity
in the classroom? How does the teacher leverage diversity?
- Her strategy on roaming around the classroom when the students were occupied
in doing their activity. She even mixed the groupings of the students like the active
participant will interact to the distant student so that they can build a smooth
communication in delivering their ideas.

1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness
or unity among the learners and between the teacher and the learner?
- When I observed this class, there’s a sense of unity among the learners as they
were helping one another to accomplish their presentations and their teacher was
also there to guide them. It really appears to me that they have a good atmosphere
and healthy relationship to each other. Same goes to their teacher who was there
to guide her students in setting a clear objective.

ACTIVITY 3.2 Observing differences among learners with disabilities,

giftedness, and talents

1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher?
- Yes, as she informed us before the observation was held, that these learners have
different capabilities. Upon observing them, it was evident that male students were
an active participant in the class discussion they even raising their hands to answer
the mathematical equation written on the board meanwhile those students seated
at the back were just remained silent.

2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What
practices or strategies are done or should be done to differentiate
instruction to meet the needs of the learners?
- The differences between the ability of those students who were participating well
and those who are not is that they were not in the same level of motivation and
will. This was the reason why the teacher adopted some strategies on how to
negotiate her lessons to her students. He even gave them a set of mathematical
equation to be answered.
3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the student’s
differences in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher? Did the
teacher use differentiated instruction? If yes, describe how.
- The teacher used some methods in handling the student’s differences such as
giving different directions to the students who cannot easily understand the lesson.
He gave some examples on how to answer a mathematical equation and taught
them the steps on how to solve it. After that, the students can now able to answer
on their own.

1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high
and low achieves in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences
in abilities? Was your teacher effective?
- During my high school, our math teacher offered remedial classes to those low
achievers in our class for them to understand the lesson well. But the high
achievers were allowed to go home immediately. The idea of remedial classes was
an effective strategy to help my classmates pursue the subject that they find
difficult to do.

2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the
needs of the learners?
- The dispositions and traits that I need to meet the needs of the learners is being
compassionate to my profession, have patient and understanding to my students
as I know that they have their own uniqueness to indulge all the topics or tasks
that will be given to them.

ACTIVITY 3.3 Observing the school experiences of learners who belong to

Indigenous groups

1. Before you observe, read about the specific IP group in the school you will visit.
Know their norms and customary greetings. This will help you blend in the school
community and interact with respect.
2. Observe and note the different parts or areas of the school environment.
How are learning spaces arranged?
- Tarukan Elementary School is located at Sitio Tarukan, Sta. Juliana, Capas Tarlac.
Sitio Tarukan is situated on a hill. It is a community of Indigenous People better
known as the Aeta Mag-Antsi who came from the low-lying slope of Mount
Pinatubo. The school has a simple classroom for the learners, there are some kubo
shown in the documentary. Also, this school has an open space in which the
learners are present there to study and perform some activities.

3. What activities do they do in these different areas of the school?

- The activities that they do in these different areas like in the open area, the
teachers are having their story time so that the students are well engage and
entertain the lessons. They are also doing native dances as part of their culture.

4. Who are the people who manage the school? Who are involved in teaching
the learners?
- The people who manage the school are the teachers and the head of school
whom Edmon S. Navarro. The teachers are the one involved in teaching the

5. Observe how the teaching-learning process happen. Describe the learning

activities they have and the teaching strategies that the teacher uses.
- The teaching-learning process is quite interactive as it was shown in the
documentary that the relationship between the teacher and the learners is very
smooth and not too strict. The teachers even smiling to their students same as
goes to the students who are very attentive in their discussion.

6. Describe the interaction that is taking place between the teacher and
learners, among the teachers, and the school in general.
- There is a good interaction between the teacher and the learners as they know
how to handle these students very well. They are complimenting these children for
them to participate in class. Also, the teachers have a good foundation in building
a harmonious relationship with one another because they are not competing to
each other. They even ask permission in the school.

7. What instructional materials and learning resources are they using?

- They are using traditional materials such as presenting a big picture book in story
telling so that the students can imagine the pictures that being presented in the

8. Interview the teacher or principal about the curriculum. Find out the curriculum
goals. You can use the questions found on the Analysis part of this activity.
Curriculum Design, Competencies, Answer each question based on your
and Content observation and interview data.
1. Does the school foster a sense of Yes, it fosters a sense of belonging to
belonging to one’s ancestral one’s ancestral domain with a deep
domain, a deep understanding of understanding of the community beliefs
the community’s beliefs and since they are indigenous people who still
practices? Cite examples practices their beliefs such as performing
native dances as part of their school
2. Does the school show respect of Yes, they show respect as the school is
the community’s expression of fully aware of the discipline of this
spirituality? How? community. They even have their time for
rituals and native dances.
3. Does the school foster in the Yes, this documentary shows that they
indigenous learners a deep deeply understand the culture and
appreciation of their identity? appreciate the identity of the learners that
How? is responsive to their culture.
4. Does the curriculum teach skills Yes, the curriculum more focuses to
and competencies in the protect and promote the right of every
indigenous learners that will help learners to have an equitable, culture-
them develop and protect their based and complete education with a
ancestral domain and culture? gender-sensitive and motivating
5. Does the curriculum link new Based on the documentary, the curriculum
concepts and competencies to the needs to develop new concepts to have
life experience of the community? more life experience of the community.
6. Do the teaching strategies help The teaching strategies will be more
strengthen, enrich, and efficient if all there will be more teachers
complement the community’s teaching there and have a background
indigenous teaching-process? about indigenous teaching-process.
7. Does the curriculum maximize the No, the curriculum is still not enough to
use of the ancestral domain and facilitate the use of ancestral domain and
activities of the community as activities as not all of the teachers and
relevant settings for learning in schools are exposed in this area. There’s
combination with classroom-based a lack of facilities and development to
seasons? Cite examples. deliver the learning needs of the students.
8. Is cultural sensitivity to uphold No, because their instructional materials
culture, beliefs and practices, and learning resources are not enough to
observed and applied in the sustain the needs of the students. They
development and use of are not yet exposed on some of the
instructional materials and learning modern technologies that will be surely
resources? How? helpful for them.
(For example, Culture bearers of
the indigenous peoples are
9. Do assessment practices consider Yes, as they really gave importance to
community values and culture? their community values and culture just
How? such as they believed on "Nothing is
politically Right which is Morally Wrong".
10. Do assessment processes include It was not shown nor mentioned in the
application of higher order thinking documentary.

What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the indigenous
people’s knowledge systems and practices and rights in schools?
- There should have more teachers teaching these indigenous learners with a
proper training and a background. The government should have a program on how
to renovate the classrooms and have some developed facilities that will be used
for the teachers and the learners.
Reflect based on your actual visit or videos that you watched.
1. What new things did you learn about the indigenous peoples?
- The new things that I learn about the indigenous people is that they are very
appreciative on the small things that they have. They value so much their culture
and practices despite of living away in the city.

2. What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school
with indigenous learners? Why?
- I appreciate the contentment that are drawn within their faces, on how they never
forget to smile when someone approach them. Most of all, I really appreciate their
willingness to learn something so that they can achieve their goals someday. As
some people right now does not prioritize their education and cannot satisfy
themselves on simple things.

3. For indigenous learners, as a future teacher, I promise these three things:

3.1 Be open to and respect indigenous peoples by having a cultural sensitivity on
their culture and rituals.
3.2 Uphold and celebrate their culture, beliefs and practices by promoting and
protecting the rights of indigenous people.
3.3 Advocate for indigenous people’s education by addressing the learning
needs of the learners through social platforms for them to be notify the real
situation of their education.
Name of the School Observed: Eulogio Rodriguez Integrated School
School Address: 670 Cavo F. Sanchez, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila:
Date of Visit: March 5, 2020

Observation in the class of Prof. Mary Ann Jabson

Name of the School Observed: Tarukan Elementary School
School Address: Sitio Tarukan, Sta. Juliana, Capas Tarlac.
Date of Visit/Watch: February 17, 2021

CTAP Philippines (2019) CTAP 1st Mission: EducAETA 2019 "Hatid Ko, Tulong sa Pag-
aaral Mo. Watched from "

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