Magcanta Marjorie - Learning Episode 4

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Magcanta, Marjorie M.

FS 1
Learner Diversity: Community and Home Environment

Activity 4.1 Observing the learner’s community and home environment

Suggested Parent Interview Guide
Name of Learner: Angelo B. Mahinay
Date of Birth: August 30, 2008 Age: 12 years old
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Gender: Male
Number of Siblings: None
Birth Order: Eldest
Mother: Rowena Mahinay Age: 43 Years Old
Occupation: Housewife Educational Attainment: High School Graduate
Father: Raymundo Mahinay Age: 46 Years Old
Occupation: Family Driver Educational Attainment: Vocational

Learner’s Physical Aspect:

1. Mother’s health during pregnancy with the learner:
- Normal
2. Aliments or health problems of the learner as a child:
- None
3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:
- 1 ½ year old
4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:
- Meat, fruits and vegetables
5. Who took care of him/her as a child?
- His mother took care of him as his father has work.
Learner’s Social Aspect:
1. Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner)
- He is friendly and bubbly with his friends.
2. Who were the learner’s playmates?
- His friends and classmates.
3. As a child then, was he/she allowed to play outside?
- Yes, after he already done with his homework’s.
4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?
- Yes
5. Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out?
- Yes
6. What are these rules?
- He needs to finished first all his assignments and required readings.
- He should be asleep at 2:00pm-4:00pm for him to get rest.
- He is allowed to play outside with his friends until 5:30pm.

1. What are your expectations of your child?
- He will finish his homework’s on time.
- He will help doing the dishes.
2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?
- In providing a nurturing environment for my child, we set a good example for him
to follow our path. We are very supportive to his studies and performances at
school. After he finished all his assignments, we allow him to play his favorite
mobile game together with his friends. Also, we gave him reward when he has
new accomplishments.
3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do
you do to meet his/her emotional needs?
- Yes, he is very open to us especially he is our only child, we are cheering him up
if he feels down. We are helping him if he has a problem with his assignments or
4. What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?
- When he is not successful in doing something, we always told him that there’s a
room for improvement and everything happened for a reason. It’s fine if
experienced failure as long as he will used this as a strength to build himself again.

How do you discipline your children?

1. Do you have rules in the house? What are they?
- Yes. He needs to finished first all his assignments. He should help doing the
household chores and not allowed to spend mobile games when its already
evening hours.
2. How do you impose the rules?
– By telling him to follow the rules in order for him to have a reward and to discipline
himself well.
3. What are the consequences of breaking the rules?
- He is not allowed to use gadgets and not allowed to play outside.

Learner’s Cognitive Aspect:

1. What are the child’s interests?
- He is fond of watching vlogs, playing songs of Twice and Blackpink.
- He loves playing online games like Mobile Legends.
2. What is he/she good at in school?
- He is good in English and Science. He is also loves performing on stage.
3. In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?
- He has difficulty in Mathematics.
4. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate
- By personally talking with his adviser to have an update on his performance at
school. And we have our everyday session when I have to teach him with his
homework’s. After studying, I let him play online games for an hour and give him
some sweets or rewards.
5. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?
- Yes.
6. What are these rules? How are they implemented?
- During the afternoon, we have our study session for an hour to teach him all
those lessons that he finds difficult to understand.
- He is allowed to use gadget after he accomplished his activities.


The Learner’s Development Profile

Name of the Learner: Angelo B. Mahinay

School: Batasan Hills National High School
Date of Home Visit: February 19, 2021
Date of Birth: August 30, 2008 Age: 12 Years Old
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Gender: Male

Family Profile
Number of Siblings: None
Birth Order: Eldest/Only child
Mother: Rowena Mahinay Age: 43 Years Old
Occupation: Housewife Educational Attainment: High School Graduate
Father: Raymundo Mahinay Age: 46 Years Old
Occupation: Family Driver Educational Attainment: Vocational


Based from the responses above, the learner has a healthy lifestyle as he loves to eat
meat, fruits and vegetables. He is being guided properly with his both parents by
allowing him to play outside with his friend if he has finished his homework’s. This will
help the child to burn fats in his body. Although there are rules in their house, he still
well-discipline person and always maintained his healthy living.

The learner loves to interact with his friends as he is a cheerful child. He likes to
talk and play with them. It was mentioned that he is playing online games together with
his friends after he accomplished all his tasks and activities. This means that through
playing online games it creates a good influence for him to socialize with other people.
The learner seems to have a good discipline as his parents is guiding him and giving
him advice that will mold himself into a better person. He may not that good in handling
his emotion but his parents are present to remind him that there’s room for improvement
when achieving things accordingly.

This learner is good in English and Science subject but seems to find difficulty in
solving Mathematical equations. But he is willing to improved his cognitive skills with
the help of his parents.

Based from the responses above, this learner loves to socialize with his friends
and seems to be a good son to his parents. As he always followed the rules of his

Therefore, it clearly shows the parenting of the parents towards to their child. They
set a good role model in order for their child not to take the wrong path. With that, the
learner always considered his parents in terms of decision making specifically when it
comes in his studies and performances. He also aware that improving himself will make
him grow into a better person.

Parents should be aware that their parenting styles may affect the development of
their children. It is virtuous to hear that parents set a good example to their child but
have rules to be followed. It is highly recommended that every parent should make a
communication priority in order for them to have a healthy relationship at home. This
will help them to guide their children to surpass all the challenges and struggles they
have experience. This will also mold their child to become consistent with their proper

1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of
parenting experiences by the learner? Explain your answer.
- It appears to me that this only child has an authoritative parent as their rules
needs to be followed all the time, if not their child won’t allowed to go out or
used gadgets on their own.

2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what
family factors do you think contribute to the development and over-all
adjustment of the learner in school?
- Relating with what I have learned from child development, family factors have
a huge impact to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in
school is the proper guidance and support of the parents to him. The more they
guide and support their child on his /her school, then this will surely boost the
confidence and self-control of the child. As they are aware that their family will
always there behind their back.

3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the

learner? If yes, what are these effects?
- Yes, home school communication is a good thing because this will help both
parents and the learner to have a quality time to each other. Their parent will
monitor their performances and teach them all the topics that they find difficult
to understand.

4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the
development and learning of the students? Who are the people or which
institutions can the teacher up to seek advice regarding the development
and learning of students?
- By having a meeting with the parents and teachers so that they can relate with
one another to suffice the learning needs of the learners. They can seek advice
to the community to assist or develop more activities that aligned to the efficacy
of the school and achievements of the students.

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did
you experience? How did it affect you?
- At my young age, I experienced the authoritarian type of parenting. My parents
are very strict with our rules. They want me to follow all their rules and
conditions because if I cannot able to follow that, they immediately scold me. I
immediately face my punishment not just emotionally but physically. Since
then, my parents really have a high expectation when it comes to my academic.
I felt that I need to push myself harder for them not to see me as a
disappointment. Although, they really love and care for me yet sometimes, I felt
so pressured in my life. But it was change when I become older enough to
handle myself and let them understand that I am not their perfect daughter that
they wished for.

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school

collaboration? How can you work well with the parents? How can you help
them? How can they help you?
- As a future teacher, I will need first to ask for the permission of the parents to
get their contact information so that I can able to talk to them when it comes to
the performances of their children. Through this strategy, I will be able to
communicate well with them.


Direction: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. Which are most likely the kind of children raised by authoritarian parents?
I. Fearful
II. Inhibited
III. Hostile
IV. Withdrawn

A. I and II C. II and III

B. I, II and III D. I, II, III, and IV
2. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, how will most likely will he/she
behave in class?
A. Related well to classmates
B. Is suspicious of others
C. Quarrels often with classmates
D. Has low level of independence

3. Which parenting style/s contribute to the development of children who have low
level of responsibility?
A. Authoritarian C. Permissive
B. Authoritative D. Neglecting and permissive

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