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Marjorie M.

Magcanta CED-02-301A
The Teaching Profession November 15, 2019

Research Connection

Research on rationalism, reconstructionism and pragmatism.

Problem Research Methodology

This study sought to investigate the The study used descriptive survey
relevance of secondary school research design. Best and Kahn (1998)
describes a descriptive survey research
learning opportunities in promoting
design as the research that deals with
national cohesion among students in variables that have already occurred and
Machakos Town Sub-County. The hence cannot be deliberately manipulated
study was based on the ideals and through researcher’s invention.
Descriptive survey research design was
principles of a school curriculum as
adopted for the study .
A sample size of four
advocated by Brameld Theodore on
reconstructionism philosophy. hundred and nine (409)
Mwanzia, Ruth Mutunge, and
Questionnaires and
Simon Nyagah Mwangi. interview schedule were
"Reconstructionist Analysis on the
Relevance of Secondary School used for data collection.
Learning Opportunities in
Promoting National Cohesion
Findings among Students in Machakos Conclusions
Town Sub-County,
Kenya." Journal of Education and The researcher concluded
Practice 7.32 (2016): 216-222.
that; the learning
Based on the ideal’s reconstructionism
under dramatization, role playing and
philosophy the findings of this study debates did not promote national
suggest that there was no relevance of cohesion. The curriculum is perceived not
learning opportunities in promoting to adequately capture learner related
national cohesion among secondary peculiarities such as aptitude, interests
school students in Machakos Town Sub- and regional diversities. For learning
County. opportunities to promote national
cohesion, the school curriculum should
focus on greater participation of
individuals, critical thinking, problem
solving and non-authoritarian teaching
1. Read Section 5 of RA 10533, The Enhanced Basic Education Basic Act of 2013
in Appendix G on which philosophies of education is the K to 12 curriculum

The philosophies of education anchored in the K to 12 curriculum are

constructivism, progressivism, essentialism and perennialism. Whereas,
constructivism approach helps the student to construct his or her knowledge in
order to response in the discussion. This is contextualized means that it based
on the content. This is also a progressivism which the progressivist believes that
the learners need a relevant curriculum this was mentioned in this section. Same
as goes for essentialism, where it ensures on the mastery of knowledge of the
teacher and have a collaborative ore responsive classroom discussion with the
learners. Lastly, the perennialism which means it gives importance to the culture
of everyone. No one must stereotype someone.

2. Read experts from RA 8980 IN Appendix H on which philosophies of education is

ECCD anchored?

ECCD anchored the existentialism philosophy of education. This gives

emphasis to the existence and needs of an individual. This entire section shows
how an individual needs to foster his existence as a human being in the society.

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