G.R. No. 120988, Aug. 11, 1997: People v. Dela Cruz

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People v.

Dela Cruz •    The attempted phase of a felony is defined as when the offender commences
G.R. No. 120988, Aug. 11, 1997 the commission of a felony, directly by overt acts, and does not perform all the
acts of execution which should produce the felony by reason of some cause or
Topic: Art. 6 accident other than his own spontaneous desistance (Article 6, Revised Penal
Doctrine: Attempted (Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention) •    The overt act must be an external one which has direct connection with the
felony, it being "necessary to prove that said beginning of execution, if carried to
Facts: its complete termination following its natural course without being frustrated by
•    September 27, 1994 11:30 am: Cecilia Caparos, a neighbor of Whiazel external obstacles nor by the voluntary desistance of the offender, will logically
Soriano, was waiting for her two children inside the compound of the Aurora A. and necessarily ripen to a concrete offense"
Quezon Elementary School when she saw Whiazel held on the hand and being led •    already commenced her criminal scheme by taking hold of Whiazel by the
away by Rosemarie de la Cruz.  Knowing that Whiazel was enrolled in the hand and leading her out of the school premises. As mentioned earlier, these do
afternoon class, she went after them and asked de la Cruz where she was going not sufficiently establish that kidnapping had been consummated. However,
with Whiazel.  De la Cruz answred that she was asked by Rowena Soriano, considering other attendant facts and circumstances, it does reveal that accused-
Whiazel’s mother, to bring Whiazel to her.  Then, Caparos asked Whiazel the same appellant had less than noble intentions with the victim. Firstly, the child was led
question, Whiazel said to look for De la Cruz’ child.  During this time, Whiazel to believe that accused-appellant wanted to see the dentist. It is not clear, however,
told De la Cruz that she wanted to go. But De la Cruz refused and held her hand.  that there really was a Dr. Medina employed by the school as dentist. Not even the
The inconsistent answer, scratches on Whiazel’s face and terrified look made her guidance counselor who testified for the defense made any specific mention of the
suspicious so she told De la Cruz to bring Whiazel to the teacher was surprised doctor. Secondly, if accused-appellant wanted to see the dentist, why was she on
and reasoned out but soon agreed.  When they arrived, Whiazel cried. her way out? If it is true she had already gone to the clinic and found no one there
•    When Eufemia Magpantay, guidance teacher, asked De la Cruz what she was and that she then decided to leave, what else was she doing with the child?
doing with Whiazel, De la Cruz told her she was looking for the school dentist.  Thirdly, accused-appellant did not simply ask for directions; she wanted the victim
This was also her answer when they went to the principal. to accompany her. That seems suspicious enough. And of all people, why ask a
•    Gorgonia Nieva, De la Cruz’ mother-in-law: on the day prior to the incident, seven-year old? Fortunately, the further progress and completion of accused-
De la Cruz’ asked her to look for Dr. Luisa Medina, a dentist because her daughter appellant’s felonious design was thwarted by the timely intervention of Cecilia
was sick.  Since Nieva heard that Dr. Luisa Medina may be found at the Aurora A. Caparos, the victim’s neighbor.
Quezon Elementary School, she accompanied De la Cruz there at around 11:00
•    De la Cruz: she asked; guard where the clinic was. The guard gave her
directions, and told her to pass through the same gate on her way out. When she
got to the clinic, no one was there so she left.  On her way out, she saw Whiazel
and who walked with her.  She did not hold, look or even smile at the child.  But,
before she could get out she was seen by Caparos.
•    RTC: kidnapping and serious illegal detention of a minor

ISSUE: W/N there is a consummate crime.

HELD: NO. MODIFIED attempted kidnapping and serious illegal detention

•    the felony committed is kidnapping and serious illegal detention of a minor in
the attempted stage only

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