Ges100.1: Communication Skills in English Selected Questions & Answers

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1. Language can be define as (a) a system of signs, symbol and system of
communication (b)a code, a skill, a conviction, a representation of ideas about
the world (c) man ‘s inmate ability and capacity to acquire and use speech
faulty for communication (d) all of the above
2. The four skills to be employed in language are (a)listening, speaking, reading
and writing (b)skimming, scanning, speaking and writing (c)all of the above
(d)none of the above
3. Listening, speaking ,writing and reading are known as (a)language styles
(b)language arts (c)language skills (d)all of the above
4. Language as a tool has (a)forms & function (b) the ability to be transferred (c)
the capacity to change situation (d) none of the above
5. Communication is (a)a process of transmitting information from one person to
another (b)a social process that uses signs, symbols and language and other
such means to bring about inter-change of thought (c)all of the above (d)none of
the above
6. The element of communication include the following except (a)message
(b)encoder (c)channel (d)decoder & feedback (e)all of the above
7. Why is communication possible (a)it is because words have conventional
meaning in a given language (b)because it was designed by God (c)because of
the application of language (d)all of the above
8. Listening and speaking are basic to (a)written communication (b)oral
communication (c)external communication
9. The ability to use language that is both grammatical and appreciate in the
context of use is called (a)a communication (b)ineffective (c)communication
(d)effective communication
10. Typologically language has four namely (a) spoken, written, sign &body
(b)listening, sign, reading and sentence (c)words, phrases, clauses and sentence
11. Structurally forms of language deal with (a)external grammatical arrangement
of words (b)the internal grammatical arrangement of words (c)words, phrases,
clauses, spoken and written English
12. Language function refer to (a) the purpose for which speech or writing is
being used (b)tasks or purpose for which languages uses to communicate (c)all
of the above (d)none of the above
13. According to Jacobson (1960) the function o f language include (a)context and
addresser (b)addressee and context between addresser and addressee
(c)common code and a message (d)all of the above.
14. The function of language include (a)referential & expressive functions (b) the
conative & poetic functions (c)phatic & multilingual functions (d) all of the
15. Competence in language presupposes that one is to (a)listen (b)spell (c)speak
and write (d)listen ,spell, speak and write
16. The first language skill acquired by man is (a)speaking (b)writing (c)listening
(d)spelling skill
17. Hearing and listening stands for the same thing (a)true (b)false (c)none of the
above (d)all of the option
18. The second part of a book is usually referred to as____(a)the main book
(b)preliminary (c)subsidiary (d)none of the above
19. ___and ___are publications which deal with particular subject of professional
activity (a)journals (b)periodicals and journals (c)periodicals and encyclopedia
(d)none of the above
20. During academic writing, you should always depend on academic sources
because (a) there are authoritative (b)peer-reviewed (c)objective and written
for academics (d)all of the above
21. Reading is a receptive skill that involved the (a)brain and the eyes only
(b)optive nerves and the eyes only (c)the eyes, optive nerves and the brain
(d)none of the above
22. Which of the following is not a reading comprehension strategic (a)SQ3R
(b)OK4R (c)353R (d)P3RU (e)none of the above
23. Vowels are grouped into (a)front, back and central vowels (b)dipthongs and
pure vowels (c)front and middle vowels (d)none of the above
24. The criteria for classifying consonant sound are (a)place of articulation,
manner of articulation and state of the glottis (b)places of articulation, manners
of articulation (c)nature of articulation, position of the tongue and teeth (d)all
of the above
25. English vowels sounds are classified into(a)pure and impure vowels
(b)dipthongs and monothongs (c)A&B (d)none of the above
26. Which of the following does not represent a dictionary (a) a reference book
about words (b)it contains information about the form of proper pronunciation
of the word (c)a reference book that contains a lot of words arranged in
alphabetical order with their meaning explained (d)none of the above
27. The library serves as (a)a depository for all material that their copy right has
been give (b)it is usually established by government bodies (c)it provides
adequate collection of fiction as well as non-fiction material at different levels
(d)all of the above
28. ____is a practice of recording information captured from oral discussion such
as lectures (a)note-making (b)note-taking (c)summary (d)comprehension
29. ____deals with the internal grammatical arrangement of words (a)structural
forms of language (b)internal forms of language (c)forms of language (d)none
of the above
30. Which of the following is not a function of language (a)referential and
expressive functions (b)conatative and poetic functions (c)phatic and
metalingual functions (d)none of the above


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.E 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.D 16.C
17.TRUE 18.A 19.B 20.D 21.C 22.D 23.A 24.A 25.C 26.D 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.D



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