It Infrastructure

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The Masketeers
Application server: T2
◦ An application serv er is a serv er specifically designed to
run applications.

◦ The server includes both, the hardware and software

◦ that prov ide an environment for programs to run.

◦ Application serv ers are used for many purposes. Several

examples are listed below:
◦ running web applications
◦ hosting a hyperv isor that manages v irtual machines
◦ distributing and monitoring softw are updates
◦ processing data sent from another server

◦ An application serv er provides the processing power

and memory to run applications in real-time. I t also provides the
env ironment to run specific applications.
Blade servers
◦ "Entire computer that fits on a single, thin card (or
blade) and that is plugged into a single chassis to
save space, power and complexity". (Laudon &
Laudon, pg. 607)

◦ "Blade servers, are computers consisting of a

circuit board with processors, memory, and
network connections that are stored in racks. They
take up less space than traditional box-
based servers. Secondary storage may be
provided by a hard drive in each blade server or
by external mass-storage drives". (Laudon &
Laudon, pg 207)

Some of the benefits of blade servers include:

•Reduced energy costs •Increased storage capacity
•Reduced power and cooling expenses •Reduced data center footprint
•Space savings •Minimum administration
•Reduced cabling •Low total cost of ownership
Cloud computing
◦ Is a mechanism or model for enabling
easy, convenient, on demand
network access to a shared pool of
devices like server, networks, storage
devices, application services and
other advanced computing
devices, (Paul & Ghose, 2012, p. 2224)

- SaaS
- PaaS
- IaaS
Green computing
◦ Also called green technology, is the
environmentally responsible use of
computers and related resources,
(, 2020)

◦ Implementation of energy-efficient
central processing
units (CPU's), Servers and Peripherals,
also a reduced resource
consumption and proper disposal of
electronic waste (e-waste).
◦ Standard Markup language for Web pages, (, 2020)
◦ Programming language and a computer platform.
◦ Its download is free.
◦ It stands out for being a fast and safe tool.
◦ It can be installed on both mobile phones and
◦ Nowadays there are web pages that do not work if you
don´t have Java installed
◦ At their core, mainframes are high-performance computers with large
amounts of memory and processors that process billions of simple
calculations and transactions in real time. The mainframe is critical to
commercial databases, transaction serv ers, and applications that require
high resiliency, security, and agility. IBM
◦ mainframe Largest category of computer, used for major
business processing. (Laudon)
◦ Mainframes continue to be used to reliably and securely handle huge
v olumes of transactions, for analyzing v ery large quantities of data, and
for handling large workloads in cloud computing centers. The mainframe
is still the digital workhorse for banking and telecommunications networks.
Howev er, the number of prov iders has dwindled to one: IBM.
◦ IBM has also repurposed its mainframe systems so they can be used
as giant serv ers for massiv e enterprise networks and corporate Web sites.
A single IBM mainframe can run up to 17,000 instances of Linux or
Windows Serv er software and is capable of replacing thousands of
smaller blade serv ers.


Moore’s Law – priya

Moore's Law refers to Moore's perception that the number of

transistors on a microchip doubles every two years, though the
cost of computers is halved. Moore's Law states that we can
expect the speed and capability of our computers to
increase every couple of years, and we will pay less for them.
Moore's law is an observation and projection of a historical
trend. Rather than a law of physics, it is an empirical relationship
linked to gains from experience in production.
Multitouch Lucía
◦ Multi-Touch technology works with touch screen
interfaces: laptops, smartphones and tablets.
◦ It allows users to interact with their devices in multiple
ways, expanding the number of options.
◦ Instead of just swiping and tapping, Multi-Touch lets
you zoom, pan, select ...
◦ It is designed to provide touchscreens with the same
kind of flexibility and ease of use provided by a
traditional mouse and keyboard,
◦ It is intuitive and it has seamless user experience.
Open source software Lucía

◦ Software whose source code and other rights that

are normally exclusive to copyright holders are
released under an open source license or in the
public domain.
◦ The main advantage is the possibility for users to
use, change and redistribute the software, to
anyone, for any purpose, either in its modified form
or in its original form.
Private cloud - priya
The private cloud is defined as computing
services offered either over the Internet or a
private internal network and only to select users
instead of the general public. Also called an
internal or corporate cloud, private cloud
computing gives businesses many of the benefits
of a public cloud - including self-service,
scalability, and elasticity - with the additional
control and customization available from
dedicated resources over a computing
infrastructure hosted on-premises
SaaS (Software
as a Service)

Software as a service (SaaS) is a software

distribution model in w hich a third-party
prov ider hosts applications and makes
them av ailable to customers over the
I nternet. SaaS is one of three main
categories of cloud computing, alongside
infrastructure as a service and platform as a
serv ice (Iaas and Paas).
SaaS is closely related to the application
serv ice provider (ASP) and on demand
computing softw are delivery models.
The hosted application
management model of SaaS is similar to
ASP, where the provider hosts the
customer’s software and deliv ers it to
approv ed end users over the internet.

It is a software or
hardware device that
accepts and responds a
request over a network,
Storage area
network (SAN)
A Storage Area Network (SAN) is a
specialized, high-speed network that
provides block-level network access
to storage. SANs are typically
composed of hosts, switches, storage
elements, and storage devices that
are interconnected using a variety of
technologies, topologies, and
protocols. SANs may also span
multiple sites.
A SAN presents storage devices to a
host such that the storage appears
to be locally attached. This simplified
presentation of storage to a host is
accomplished through the use of
different types of virtualization.

Total cost of ownership (TCO): T2

◦ The total cost of owning technology resources

includes not only the original cost of acquiring
and installing hardware and software, but it
also includes the ongoing administration costs
for hardware and upgrades, maintenance,
technical support, training, and even utility and
real estate costs for running and housing the
technology. The TCO model can be used to
analyze these direct and indirect costs to help
firms determine the actual cost of specific
technology implementations TCO is a way of
quantifying some of the hidden costs of

Virtualization: T2
– Allows single
physical resource
to act as multiple
resources (i.e., run
Virtualization allows organizations to optimize their use of resources in new
multiple instances ways, and also to take advantage of spare computing power by allowing a
of OS) single resource to act as multiple resources.
– Reduces Benefits of server virtualization include:
• Run more than one operating system at the same time on a single machine.
hardware and • Increase server utilization rates to 70 percent or higher.
power • Reduce hardware expenditures. Higher utilization rates translate into fewer
expenditures computers required to process the same amount of work.
• Mask server resources from server users.
– Facilitates • Reduce power expenditures.
hardware • Run legacy applications on older versions of an operating system on the
centralization same server as newer applications.
• Facilitates centralization of hardware administration.
– Software-defined
storage (SDS)
Web server: T2
◦ A web server: computer program that
processes an application on the server side,
making bidirectional or unidirectional
connections and generating or giving a
response in any language.

◦ The code received by the client is rendered

by a web browser.
Windows 8

Windows 8, code-named Midori, is a v ersion

of Microsoft Windows that w as released on
October 26, 2012. This iteration contains
some of the biggest changes Microsoft has
made to their operating system since
Window s 95. I t features new programming
and technology that makes run faster than
the prev ious versions. It also has a more
streamlined look and feel. Window s 8
includes a tablet interface, called Metro,
which is compatible with touch screen
displays and stills offers access to the
traditional Window s desktop. The image on
the left is an example of the new Windows
8 Start screen, w hich replaced the Start
button and Start menu.

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